What do home region numbers mean in a megaphone. Additional optimization of travel expenses

The MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan from MegaFon allows subscribers to get unlimited access to the Internet in their home region and almost anywhere in Russia with the exception of some regions. The tariff will be of interest primarily to active Internet users in 3G/4G format on smartphones and tablets.

Description of the MegaFon Unlimited tariff

The tariff provides for a monthly subscription fee, the amount of which varies depending on the region. For example, subscribers from Moscow and the region will pay 20 rubles daily, and from the Krasnodar Territory - only 11 rubles for the same period. On the official MegaFon website you can get information about the amount of the subscription fee for a particular region.
  • Subscription fee - 20 rubles per day

When connecting to MegaFon Unlimited for the first time or switching from another tariff, the amount for the first 7 days of service is debited from the subscriber’s account. In this case, the subscriber gets access to Internet traffic in the amount of 7/30 of the monthly volume. Starting from the 8th day of using the tariff and on subsequent days, subscription fee charged daily.

Minimum advance payment upon connection – 160 rubles, the connection itself is free.

Package of services within tariff plan MegaFon Unlimited includes:

  1. 250 minutes of calls to MegaFon numbers and other operators in your home region. You can use the package of free minutes both in the region where the tariff is connected and outside of it in the Russian Federation.
  2. 200 SMS to numbers of all operators in your home region, including MegaFon. You can send free SMS in your region and while traveling around Russia.
  3. Unlimited mobile internet.
  4. Unlimited on-net calls.

Not included in the service package

If the tariff package limits have expired

If the package of free calls and SMS is exhausted, the subscriber will pay 1.6 rubles per minute for calls to mobile and landline numbers in the home region and 2.9 rubles for calls to landlines and mobile numbers other regions of Russia. Calls to MegaFon numbers remain free if the subscriber talks for no more than 1440 minutes daily. It is difficult to exceed this figure, since 1440 minutes are equal to 24 hours.

Features of the MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan

The benefits of unlimited Internet traffic can be enjoyed in various regions of Russia. The exceptions are several republics, cities and regions:

  • the cities of Sevastopol and Norilsk;
  • the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Crimea;
  • Magadan and Sakhalin regions;
  • Kamchatka region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The cost of 1 MB of traffic in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation is 9.9 rubles.

SIM card with current tariff MegaFon Unlimited is used only on tablets and smartphones. There is no provision for installing a SIM card on a router or modem and distributing free internet via Wi-Fi via Bluetooth and USB. In addition, the operator has set speed limits when using file-sharing networks (torrents).

How to activate the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

To connect to the MegaFon Unlimited tariff, you can use the following methods:

  1. Contact any MegaFon salon.
  2. Go to “Personal Account” on the official website, select the “Tariffs” tab and act according to the instructions.
  3. Call the number hotline MegaFon and follow the operator's instructions.
A prerequisite for connecting to the tariff is the presence of sufficient funds in the subscriber’s account. Currently, the tariff plan is archived, so it cannot be activated.

How to disable the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

The tariff is switched off automatically when you change the tariff plan. MegaFon Unlimited is most suitable for fans virtual communication. If the subscriber only occasionally accesses the Internet, but plans to make more calls, he should consider other offers from MegaFon’s tariff line.

Do you want to communicate while traveling around Russia at the prices of your home region? Service from Megafon " Home region"just for you!

The home region is the territory where the subscriber number was registered. Within its limits you can get the most favorable conditions for communication. At the same time, if you are leaving for another region, you can activate a special service when the cost of calls remains the same as in your home region.

If you decide to travel, first make sure that the service is available to you. You can activate the option for most MegaFon tariffs.

More detailed information can be obtained from the official portal. MegaFon's Home Region is an undeniably convenient service for active people, which allows you to significantly save on communications.

How much does the option cost?

Of course, a certain fee is charged for the option, but it is so small that it is completely unnoticeable for the budget. When adding a service, the amount of 25 rubles is debited from the account. This will be charged for each addition.

The subscription fee is charged in the amount of 2 rubles per day. This is a very convenient option, since you don’t have to spend extra money when you are in another area.

How to connect “Home Region”?

A client who has traveled outside of his home country home network, can add the option just before entering another region. To do this, you can use one of three methods:

  • Dial a simple combination *437*55#
  • Use the Service Guide system. It works via request *105# . Follow the on-screen instructions to connect successfully
  • Contact your operator. To do this, call 0500 and when the auto-informer answers you, press 0

It is worth saying that when using the latter option, you can consult about the connection for the desired region. To check if the service works for you, dial *437*55*0# .

How to delete a service?

It makes sense to disable the option after leaving the region. There are two options for this:

  • Call the operator at the number 0050
  • Use a combination *437*55*2# . This method works faster and is much more convenient.

Be sure to check that there are enough funds in your account. It is also worth clarifying that the option is enabled and disabled in time.

When studying the service offerings of different mobile operators in Russia, you will definitely come across the concept of home region. It is basic for almost all mobile communication companies operating throughout the country. The amount of payment for calls, mobile messages and other services provided often depends on it.

The introduction of the concept of home region is associated with the vast territory of the country, for which dense coverage must be provided mobile communications much more difficult than for regions with high population density.

What does "home region" mean?

As you know, the territory of Russia is divided into administrative regions, which are separate subjects of the Federation and have the right of relative self-government. Mobile operators open their branches in each region, and the branches have very broad independence, including setting their own prices for communication services. Of course, the cost of some service in this case may differ from the cost of the same service in a neighboring region in one direction or another.

When setting prices and tariffs, marketers take into account a number of factors to ensure that communication services within the region are accessible to the population living there and competitive. At the same time, low intraregional rates are usually compensated by more substantial charges for calls made to other regions of the country. If a subscriber travels outside of his home region for some time, the intra-Russian roaming mode with its own pricing policy is activated for him.

From the point of view of an ordinary subscriber "home region" is considered to be the one in which his SIM card was purchased and the intraregional tariff connected to it is valid.

What is a home region in MTS?

The concept of home region works in MTS as follows: this is the region in which you bought your MTS SIM card and use the intraregional favorable tariff. At the same time, you can call other regions without any additional settings.

To make calls to other regions more accessible, you can add an option to your tariff called "Profitable intercity", which will make it possible to call throughout Russia for only 3 rubles per minute with a monthly fee of 40 rubles per month. If your tariff includes a package of prepaid calls to other regions, the option will begin to operate only after the package minutes have been used up. “Favorable intercity” is connected as follows:

  • V "Personal account";
  • via command *111*903# from your phone;
  • by sending SMS to a short number 111 , where in the text field it is written 903 – for connection "Profitable intercity", 9030 – to disable the option.

What is Beeline's home region?

If you permanently live in one of the regions of Russia - for example, in the Moscow region - and bought a SIM card there, MO becomes Beeline’s home region for you. Within this region, according to your tariff, calls and SMS are cheaper than calls outside your home region. At the same time, you can make communication more accessible and profitable for yourself, for example, in which a large package of prepaid call minutes with other cities will be reserved.

Beeline has many offers for its subscribers that will make communication less expensive if you often have to call other regions or travel outside your home region and talk while roaming.

What is Megafon's home region?

Megafon was one of the first to introduce the concept of home region into use. Today, this operator in all regions has uniform rules and tariffs for those who find themselves outside their home region or call a person located in another region. For those who love to travel, or those who often need to travel around the country for business reasons, Megafon offers a number of advantageous options:

  • "Make yourself at home"— calls in roaming at “home” rates with a monthly fee of 15 rubles per day, to connect, dial *570*1#
  • "All Russia"— any conversation outside the home region is charged at 3 rubles per minute, connection by command *548*1#
  • “Moscow feels like home” for those who often travel to Moscow from their region, the tariffs for calls to Moscow Region are the same as in your home region, with a daily subscription fee of 7 rubles, connected by the command *105*353#
  • "Trave without worries"— by paying 39 rubles per day, you get 30 minutes of calls to any phones in Russia, connection by command *186#
  • "Crimea"— with a monthly fee of 15 rubles per day, a minute of a call from Crimea will cost 5 rubles, connection by command *105*1037*1# from your phone.

What is a home region in Tele2?

Today, Tele2 branches do not exist in all regions of Russia. If you come to such a region, you use the Beeline, MTS and Win mobile networks for calls. Roaming numbers, i.e. outside the home region, calls are dialed using the numbers +7 and 8.

If you often travel around the country, activate the service "Zero everywhere", and all conversations, without taking into account the territorial location of your interlocutor, within Russia will cost you 2 rubles per minute. The service is activated by the command *143*21# and is available on all tariffs except “Orange”, subject to payment of 3 rubles monthly fee per day.

Reading the description of tariff plans and services, we often come across the concept “Home Region”. In this article we will analyze this term, what it includes and what to do with the knowledge gained.

Let's start with the fact that Megafon was one of the first to introduce this concept. The operator has several branches in Russia, which are completely independent of each other and can set their own prices for communication services. When setting prices, marketers take into account both the solvency of the population and competition in the market. Here are all these branches:

  • Megafon-Moscow;
  • Megafon-Center;
  • Megafon North-West;
  • Megafon-Volga region;
  • Megafon-Caucasus;
  • Megafon-Far East;
  • Megafon-Ural;
  • Megafon-Siberia.

Anyone who is familiar with the geography of their native country can independently divide administrative units into branches.

The question arises: is the home region just the connection area or the entire branch. We ask them also because for a long time The entire macrogion was considered the home region. For example, residents of the Kirov region could go to the Komi Republic and there would be no roaming. Megafon was the only operator who had such generosity.

Home region is a subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the subscriber has concluded an agreement for the provision of communication services.

From this we conclude that at the moment home region is only the region or region where the SIM card was purchased. If you travel outside your region, then this is already intranet roaming and prices will be appropriate.

Why might we need this knowledge? First of all, this is useful for those who often travel around the country, because roaming prices are not at all the same as at home and you can get a huge bill from a vacation or business trip without knowing the boundaries of your home region. Let's consider special cases when knowledge about the home region will not hurt. Rarely, but we have encountered the fact that people living on the borders of regions are intercepted base station your region, then the base station of the neighboring region. For the operator, they constantly find themselves in roaming, although they have never actually left the apartment. Another special case is MNP. One of the rules of the transition is that portation is carried out only with SIM cards of the home region, so before writing an application, it would be a good idea to check the connection location. This can be done on the Megafon website https://moscow.megafon.ru/mnp/ or on the Roskomnadzor website.

How to save money

As we have already said, the main problem associated with the concept of “Home Region” is roaming, because when you travel outside the connection region, you pay more. Now we will tell you how you can save money while traveling. You can find more detailed information about services in our other articles; here we will collect only basic information.

Pay attention to the tariff plans of the “Turn on!” line. Many of them operate throughout Russia. By activating such a tariff, you will receive a package of SMS, minutes, gigabytes, unlimited messengers and social media , and also unlimited traffic, channels and films. Moreover, you can call throughout Russia. The concept of intercity, as well as roaming, will cease to exist. In our opinion, a very convenient solution. The only drawback is the fairly high subscription fee. It will be justified only if you take advantage of all the benefits of the tariff plan, and not just make a couple of calls a day. The following varieties of “Turn On!” are currently available. with the territory covered by all of Russia:

Mobile phones allow users to stay connected and use all popular services from anywhere in the world. However, when leaving the territory of his district, the subscriber, as a rule, is forced to overpay for the services provided by the operator. All cellular companies have such a thing as a home region, and MTS is no exception, outside of which tariffs will change.

What is Home Region

Many subscribers are wondering what the home region of MTS or another mobile operator, and when this concept is applicable. This is the customary name for the district or region in whose territory an agreement has been concluded between the subscriber and the company for the provision of communications, and within which standard tariffs apply.

When moving to another city, the client is recommended to contact a communication salon and change the region. And for those who are interested in more favorable offers for frequent travel or business trips, the operator gives the opportunity to use special services, which reduce the cost of both calls and messages with the Internet

Internet while traveling is like home

The standard cost of traffic in roaming is quite expensive for users, so when traveling around Russia and foreign countries, subscribers are encouraged to use the Internet by connecting to a special package on preferential terms.

"SuperBit" for use in Russia. For 350 rub. 3 GB of traffic is available to the user per month for the same period.

“BIT abroad” the fee for use is from 450 rubles. per day, unlimited traffic in popular countries is available as part of the offer.

Those users who use tariff plans with packaged gigabytes of traffic, when connecting to the services listed below, will have access to the Internet within the package as at home.

Saving options for traveling around Russia

Due to the fact that the country's territory is quite large, operators have to use the capabilities of other companies in different regions of the country to provide high-quality communications to subscribers. Due to the involvement of third parties, the cost of supplied options outside the region of registration increases, and standard tariffs also differ in different areas.

At the same time, taking care of retaining their customers, suppliers cellular communications They offer more and more package or special options, with full payment of which the user receives more favorable rates when moving around the country.

All Russia "Smart"

Some owners of MTS SIM cards can take advantage of a service that, when connected, allows them to use the phone at the tariffs of their home region throughout the country, where there is coverage directly from Mobile Telesystems.

Important! In those regions where partner companies operate, by default tariffing occurs in accordance with the cost of the mobile operator with which MTS cooperates. You can change the tariff by manually selecting the settings of the desired provider.

Main parameters of the “All Russia Smart” offer in MTS:

Everywhere is like home Smart

For subscribers connected to Smart mini, Smart and Smart + contracts of different validity periods, a service similar to the previous option is available, which allows you to use home tariffs when moving to other regions.

The price for connection and monthly use is 100 rubles; after the end of the package volumes of services or in the event of a service disconnection, the operator’s standard tariffs apply. Benefit package sizes:

Subscription fee Package of minutes Gigabyte package Unlimited services
600 rub. 500 min
OptionSmart miniSmartSmart+
102016 022016 112015 022015 102014 112013 102014 052013 102014 For a year
Internet, GB.1 0,5 1 0,5 3 1,5 5
Minutes to home networks and MTS Russia350 250 200 1000 400 400 1000
— according to MTS home, rub.0 2 0
— other home operators and MTS Russia2 2/5
Incoming calls0
SMS in package according to home region350 250 50 1000
Cost over package, rub.:
-home networks2 1,5 2 1
— other regions2,8 3,8

You can activate/deactivate the package using the command *111*1021# and the “Call” key.

Everywhere feels like home

Clients of a mobile operator who use other tariff plans not described above can activate the “Everywhere at Home” service on MTS, which has a preferential tariff. Prices for options supplied as part of the service, rub.:

  • Incoming calls, regardless of region and operator, are free;
  • Calls to numbers in your region - 3 per minute;
  • To any phones in other regions of Russia - 3 per minute;
  • SMS messages – free 100 pcs. per day;
  • Service activation – 30;
  • Daily write-off – 7;
  • Disconnection is not charged.

You can connect:

  • through USSD request*111*3333# call;
  • SMS to number 111 with the text 3333;
  • Through personal account services.

You can check the status of the service by sending any message to short number 8111. To disable the same methods apply as for activating only SMS text should look like 33330.

The option is applicable only for subscribers connected in Moscow and the Moscow region.

SMS packages

For those users who often use SMS for communication, special offers have been developed for traveling around Russia, containing 50 and 100 free messages. This means that the first outgoing SMS within the package will not be charged.

Activating the service for 50 outgoing SMS costs the subscriber 135 rubles, activated using the command *111*124# call, or SMS to number 111 with the text of the service code 124.

For 100 messages throughout the country, a fee of 180 rubles will be charged, tariff code 125, both for activation through a request and through a message.

Packages are available for 30 days from the moment of connection, unused SMS are canceled, and charging occurs at the base cost. The service does not operate within the city of Moscow and the region.

Options when traveling abroad

Just like for trips within the country, for clients traveling abroad, preferential service packages and tariffs are provided that help save cash in roaming.

To use the services, the subscriber must check before leaving whether roaming is activated; if it is disabled, you should contact the operator and activate the service.


As part of the connected package, the user has access to free incoming calls when traveling abroad for a total duration of no more than 100 minutes per day, outgoing calls and the Internet within the package valid for the subscriber’s tariff plan. Applies to trips to popular countries.

In other countries, incoming calls will cost the client, starting from 10 minutes, 25 rubles. each subsequent one. Outgoing calls are charged at the roaming rate for the 1st and 6th minutes with all subsequent minutes, intermediate calls cost 25 rubles. Internet within the provided quota is free; volumes can be viewed on the company’s website or checked with the hotline employees.

You can find out whether the option is available for a specific tariff plan before your trip from the provider’s staff.

To use the service, you can switch to the special tariff “Smart Zabugorishte” command *111*1025# call, but if changing the plan is not suitable, then using a request from your mobile phone *111*771*1# call you can activate the “Zabugorishche” service.

The cost of use in popular countries is 290 rubles/day, in others 390. You can disable it using the combination *111*771#, but this action is not necessary; upon returning to Russian territory, the functionality will be disabled automatically.

Zero without limits

Allows subscribers to use discounts and preferential conditions for receiving incoming and outgoing calls abroad. General information:

  • Monthly fee per day 95 rubles;
  • Inboxes from 1 to 10 minutes are free, then 25;
  • Outgoing to all phones in the Russian Federation from 2 to 5 minutes - 25, others according to roaming tariffs;
  • Connect regardless of location *111*4444# call, in Russia *444# ;
  • When returning to the country, the service must be disabled manually via personal account or using the command *111*4444#, if this is not done, the daily commission will continue to be debited.

The cost is indicated in rubles including VAT.

Free travel

To travel to popular countries, the provider’s clients can activate the “Free Travel” service. The service includes 60 free minutes per day for incoming and outgoing calls; in addition to the package, each subsequent one is paid at a rate of 10 rubles.

The subscription fee for using the offer per day will be 190 rubles.

Service management:

  • Connect/disconnect *111*943# and select the appropriate item;
  • Check remaining packets *100*1#
  • Using SMS to 111, activate text 943, deactivate 9430;
  • All functionality is available in your personal account.

After the trip, you need to disable the service yourself so that the subscription fee will no longer be charged.

Cheap calls

No connection special tariffs and services you can call numbers Russian operators and landline phones, as well as by country of residence at a discount.

Being in any country of the CIS, Europe, as well as in Abkhazia, Georgia, the Emirates, Cuba, China, Israel, South Korea, Egypt, Tunisia and Thailand when dialing a subscriber from additional code*137* to the called phone the call will be charged at 19.9 rubles per minute of conversation. In areas covered by Thuraya satellites, the cost is 79 rubles. Other countries are charged according to standard roaming conditions.

SMS packages

For active SMS users, the operator has developed several packages with free services, which will allow the subscriber to save money on sending short messages.

OptionApplication areaService activation cost, rub.ActivationFind out the balance
USSD command to be dialedText for message to number 111
50 SMSEurope250 *111*1104# 1104 *100*2#
100 SMSEurope350 *111*1103# 1103
50 SMSWorld500 *111*1102# 1102
100 SMSWorld700 *111*1101# 1101

* Popular countries: UAE, USA, Malta, Canada, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Taiwan, Israel, Abkhazia, Turkey, Switzerland, Australia, Egypt, South Korea, UK, India, France, Thailand, Spain, Romania, Hungary, Greece and Armenia .

In order to use these travel services to your advantage, you must activate them while still on the territory of the state. Connecting services while roaming may be subject to additional charges. You can find out which service is suitable for a particular tariff plan by contacting the OJSC employees Mobile Telesystems companies in a communication salon or by calling a hotline.
