Where to sell goods online. What is better to sell in an online store? Basic rules for selling things: how to quickly sell online

There are many places on the Internet where you can sell your product. However, nowadays, choosing one of these places for trading is not an easy task. But on the other hand, it is possible to select a place for trading depending on your needs. You can choose a place to sell depending on what do you want to sell. AND whether depending on how much time are you willing to spend on this matter.

In the first case, it depends on the product that you want to sell. Let's say your product is old (second-hand) or new, handmade or factory-made. Or do you produce pieces yourself, i.e. hand made or you have a small production. Or, you generally make exceptional things to order - branded (exclusive).

In the second case, it depends on how much time you are willing to spend trading per day. Because you study or work and you just want to earn extra money. Or, you are free and would like a full-time income, and are ready to spend enough time on it. Or, you have seriously and for a long time decided to start an Internet business, and would like to build your own trading business.

In general, in order to make the right choice, we will first write where you can sell. And then we will find out how much strength and effort is required for this in each individual case. And then we can understand where it’s better to sell depending on your intentions.

Today on the Internet there is several trading methods:

  1. Notice boards
  2. Social media
  3. Auctions-trading platforms
  4. Hosting sites (Boxed) - linked
  5. Self-hosted websites (open source) – free

Which of these suits us best?

Let's look at the characteristics of these sites
can influence the choice of where to sell?

First of all , This what sites are intended for what?.

Notice boards are mainly used locally, since the fact of buying and selling mainly takes place in person.
Social media mainly serve for communication and in the process of this communication you can sell or buy something.
Auctions-trading platforms and with IT stores are intended specifically for trading.

The second factor, influencing choice is quick start option, availability of potential buyers And ease of doing business.

These criteria are met boards advertisements And auctions. On them, a page with the product is quickly created. There are enough tools for trading and these resources already have sufficient traffic, and therefore potential buyers.

While own website, from the beginning you need to create. Then connect the necessary services to run your business. And then advertise all the time, otherwise there will be no visitors and, accordingly, potential buyers. However, it must be added here that hosting store sites, are created relatively quickly. And such sites already have all the necessary attributes for doing business. And above all, these companies themselves are seriously engaged in promoting their project on the Internet, and advertise it everywhere. Therefore, along with this, your store will be advertised accordingly.

The third important factor , influencing choice is price.

On bulletin boards And social networks, You can exhibit for free. You can also exhibit a certain amount of goods for free at some auctions. For example, on Ebay you can list 50 items for free with a total value of up to $5,000. But the sales commission is calculated if the product is sold.
Exhibit at auctions in general, it can be much cheaper than own website and vice versa. It depends on the price and quantity of the product you are going to sell.

Comparison of trading methods

Now, let's compare the two main trading methods to understand even better where to sell and what suits us best, using a specific example.

Because the main trading methods are:

Auctions-trading platforms ,they were specifically created for trade.

Websites ,they can also be specially created for trading, i.e. create online stores.

These two methods have the largest turnover; it is through them that most transactions for the purchase and sale of goods are carried out. Therefore, we will compare them.

WITH Auctions-trading platforms, let's take Etsy.
Etsy is today one of the most popular and fastest growing trading platforms in the world.

And select a site on the hosting platform Shopify .
Shopify , This is the world's first most popular platform made specifically for online trading.

Comparison of the trading platform and the website.
Etsy and Shopify


This is a commercial platform specially created for online trading, it is the most convenient to use. Shopify gives you the opportunity to quickly start and ease of doing business. There are no potential buyers, but the company is actively advertising its platform. This is a separate site and therefore provides an opportunity to popularize your brand.
For a store on this platform, you have to pay depending on the chosen tariff plan:

Basic Shopify-$29,
Advanced Shopify $299

Plus commission on each sale (2%, 1%, 0.5%) in accordance with the selected tariff plan, if you have an external payment system. But, if you chose Shopify’s own payment system “Shopify Payments”, then there is no commission. For detailed Shopify pricing plan, see this link: shopify/pricing, data may change.


This is a trading platform created for the sale of handmade goods. But, on it, you can also sell raw materials and tools for handicraft, as well as old things and much more.
And, based on our own experience, we can say that there is really, very good demand there. And most importantly, unlike Ebay or Amazon, where there is very strong competition, quite high prices. You can make good money. Etsy gives you the opportunity to get started quickly. There are potential buyers and ease of doing business.

On Etsy you have to pay for listing and selling:

For each item displayed, 20 cents are paid.
lot is offered for 4 months
commission on each sale - 3.5%

If you select the “Shopify” tariff plan on Shopify -$79 and the payment system “Shopify Payments”, which approximately corresponds to the capabilities of Etsy. Then we can see what happens in a month when selling 150 units of goods, at an average price of $10 per product.

What happens?

Shopify works out: $79 for the platform and everything
Etsy turns out: 150pcs. x $0.20 = $30 (for display) and 150 pcs. x $10 = $1500 x 3.5% = $52.5 (sales commission). It turns out: $30 + $52.5 = 82,5$

And besides, we can say it turns out approximately the same. However, if you sell approximately 150-200 items per month, then trading on Etsy is much more profitable. Because Etsy already has 30 million active users who are your potential buyers, unlike Shopify.


Etsy is better suited for beginners.

If you plan to sell more, then Etsy is more expensive than Shopify.

Shopify is more suitable for small and medium businesses .

In addition, those who have big and ambitious plans can integrate their products from their Shopify store with other auction marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. This can be done using nChannel Connector for Shopify, follow this link nchannel.com

However, you can choose a different platform for your site, depending on your specific preferences. On which platform to build your website, see this link: .

What is the best answer to the question:
Where to sell?

Now that we can say we’ve sorted out the topic, choosing a platform for trading depending on your intentions should become much easier. In our opinion, first of all, it looks like this:

First of all, if you just want to sell something you don’t need and earn a little extra money without spending too much time on it, then in this case it will be easier to do this through message boards.

Global e-commerce market revenue in 2017 was $1.468 trillion. At the same time, the leader in the e-commerce market is China with an income of $496.8 billion. The second and third places are occupied by the USA ($421.1 billion) and Japan ($96.7 billion). And only then come European countries: Great Britain ($95.1 billion) and Germany ($63.4 billion). In Russia, this figure amounted to 1 trillion Russian rubles, which is equivalent to $16.59 billion.

According to the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade (MART), In Belarus, income from online trading is $568 million, but in the total retail volume this is only 2,8% . For comparison, in neighboring Ukraine 3% of all goods are purchased online, in Russia – 4%. And in China, the share of online purchases already exceeds 19%.

According to MART estimates, at the beginning of 2018 44% of Belarusians buy goods in online stores. At the same time, 21% of buyers order goods from China, 11% from Russia. The remaining 68% of buyers purchase goods only in Belarusian online stores and marketplaces. 83% of consumers choose foreign online stores because they are cheaper; 39% - because there are goods there that are not in Belarus; 17% - because they trust foreign stores more than Belarusian ones.

According to experts, in 2017, turnover in e-commerce in Belarus increased by 25% compared to the previous year. According to experts, in 2018 the e-commerce market will grow by 20% and by the end of the year will exceed 1.3 billion rubles or $681 million, provided that no new legislative restrictions are imposed on the online trading industry this year.


These studies show that, despite economic crises and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, the e-commerce market is growing both in Belarus and throughout the world.

Moreover, the growth of the e-commerce market in Belarus (25%) exceeds the growth rate of e-commerce in China (24%), and even more so in developed countries: the USA (13%), Japan (10%), Great Britain (10%) and Germany (11%). And this indicates great prospects for the development of e-commerce in Belarus and the need for offline retailers, manufacturers, local businesses, artisans and aspiring entrepreneurs to go online.

If you want to have a profitable business in the field of trade or production, then, in the current reality, it will be very difficult to achieve this without online sales. There are many reasons for this.

  1. The number of Internet users is constantly growing and will soon approach its limit in all developed countries of the world. Already, as of the beginning of 2018, according to statistics, there are more than 95% of Internet users in Germany, the UK and the USA. In Belarus, currently 67.4% of the country's population are Internet users.
  2. The penetration of mobile devices into our lives has influenced the growth of “shopping on the go” from anywhere in the world. People value their time more and more and do not want to waste it waiting in lines at the cash register. They manage to buy necessary things online in a traffic jam, during a lunch break, or in their free time before bed, when all offline sales points have long been closed.

By the way, this is why all modern Internet sites must have a mobile version of the site or a mobile application that provides ease of shopping. In addition, already 10% of Americans buy goods using a voice assistant!

  1. Online sales are constantly growing. The growth is due to the creation of new businesses, the access to the Internet of offline players in the b2c and b2b segments, who are also actively starting to sell their goods wholesale and retail via the Internet.
  2. Online stores are driving customers away from offline points of sale, gradually winning a share of the income of all retail. With the improvement of service quality, simplification of legislation for online stores and the development of delivery services, this share will actively grow.
  3. Different categories of buyers (b2b, b2c and c2c) it is becoming increasingly convenient to search for information about goods and services online. This is due to the growing number of Internet users and the entry of a large number of sellers into the field of e-commerce.
  4. Globalization means that distances and languages ​​are no longer barriers to international trade. Online translators and language versions of online stores localize a website page in a second, translating texts, units of measurement and monetary currencies into those familiar to the user, so that it is convenient for a buyer from anywhere in the world to place an order.
  5. Today, almost any product can be delivered to any country in the world. The availability of various types of delivery from postal and courier to self-pickup from parcel terminals provides the buyer with a choice of a convenient method of delivering goods. Pickup from parcel terminals is becoming increasingly popular, as it does not force the buyer to communicate with the seller or stand in line at the post office.

Parcel machines arrived in Belarus a little over a year ago. In February 2017, postal machines of RUE Belpochta began operating for independent receipt of registered postal items, and in May 2017, a network of self-pickup points for orders from PickPoint Russian online stores with their own parcel terminals opened in Belarus.

  1. The Internet provides sellers with a huge number of tools to attract, retain and stimulate potential buyers to sell. inaccessible to offline channels. This includes retargeting, instant messengers, blogging platforms and social networks, sites with coupons, bonus programs, mobile applications and many other mechanisms that ensure continuous contact with potential buyers.

  1. For modern shoppers, the ability to order goods online is increasingly the deciding factor when making a purchase. The presence of a brand on the Internet inspires user confidence in the company and helps them make a choice in favor of a particular seller.
  2. Having an online presence allows a business to remain competitive in today's market. If you don't have an online presence, your competitors are stealing potential consumers of your products and services.
  3. Increasingly, online payments and electronic money are used to pay in online stores. If you cannot provide an online payment option, you are losing a customer, especially for payments from abroad.

Therefore, it is legally established that the website of an online store must have at least one online payment method protected by a secure data transfer algorithm.

  1. The profitability of offline points of sale decreases if they do not have an online presence. This could be an online storefront or an account on the marketplace. Moreover, it is important that all points online and offline are connected with each other by a single database of customers and warehouse stocks to ensure coordinated work and quality service.


Thus, having an online presence will give your business:

  1. The opportunity to be found by a huge audience of potential buyers located all over the world.
  2. New tools for promoting business, manufactured goods, services and interaction with clients, new sales.

3. Select and buy a domain name

To trade in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the website of the online store must be located on Belarusian hosting and be in the domain zone .by or .bel.

4. Create an online store or online storefront

The site itself can be rented or developed on the basis.

The legislation of Belarus obliges all entrepreneurs selling goods on the Internet to have an online store website or an online storefront for legitimate online trading. Unlike online store, which is not required to have an offline retail outlet, and can perform all transactions online, on the website online storefronts you can view products available offline, but It is impossible to add items to the cart, checkout and pay online. As a rule, on online storefront sites, instead of a shopping cart, there is a feedback form that allows you to submit a request for a subsequent offline retail or wholesale purchase of the product of interest. You can read more about creating an online store website.

5. Register an online store

According to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, online stores must be registered in the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus and the State Register of Information Networks, Systems and Resources. In order for an online store not to be denied registration, you need to comply with everything.

It is not necessary to register online storefronts in the Trade Register.

6. Create a product catalog

Based on the chosen niche and the range of products from the found suppliers, you need to create a product catalog for your online store. You will find a guide on our blog.

7. Promote the products offered on marketplaces

To obtain a wider reach of buyers, it is recommended to place goods and services not only on your website, but also on third-party resources: (marketplaces).

8. Set up contextual advertising

9. Engage in search engine promotion of the site and create content useful for potential buyers

High positions in search engines will bring you targeted buyers from search engines, and high-quality content will inspire confidence in the resource and a desire to buy from you.

10. Promote your business, products and services on social networks

Selling your products through social networks is allowed if you have an offline point or online store. Social networks provide online stores with commercial accounts, through which they allow business owners to more easily track visits and orders from social network pages.

11. Set up targeted advertising and retargeting

Social networks and search engines provide marketers with comprehensive information about users, which can be used to find their potential audience and target advertising only to them, so as not to waste their advertising budget.

12. Post information about products on private classifieds websites

Bulletin boards and online auctions on the Internet are extremely popular and can also become a constant and inexpensive source of sales.

13. Build and optimize business processes

And determining whether they will be needed at the very beginning of business development is also very important. After all, no one wants to hire a courier and pay him for downtime in the first month of an online store’s operation.

What do you need to consider when starting to sell online?

The main mistake of beginners in the field of e-commerce is that they spend all resources not on content, advertising and service, but on the expensive development of the design and functionality of the site.

There is no point in investing in a fancy website when:

  • No market knowledge;
  • There is no sense of niche;
  • No experience with online advertising tools;
  • No experience or analytics of online sales;
  • No skills in working with online audiences;
  • There is no understanding of the needs and pains of the target audience.
  • Business processes are not built.

With this approach, you will most likely end up wasting time, money and disappointment.

Therefore, at the start you need to invest money and time in studying:

  • Presence format and promotion strategy of current and potential competitors;
  • Possible options for creating online representations of your business (Internet sites) that are optimally suited to achieving your goals;
  • Available tools for online advertising, promotion and online sales that provide quick results and feedback: context in search engines, targeting in social networks, placement on trading platforms;
  • Established behavioral stereotypes of potential b2b and b2c buyers;
  • The needs of your target audience;
  • Planning and building a sales and service scheme;
  • Online and offline channels that users use to search for information and order online.


Useful content solving the problems of the target audience, and quality of service at all stages of interaction in your business - here are the main drivers for attracting customers and successful sales.

If you have high-quality photos, live videos, useful texts and real reviews on your website, then your product will be bought even at an inflated price.

But whether they will return for a second order will depend on the service: the ordering process, communication with the manager, the availability of payment and delivery options, contact with the courier, the condition of the packaging and the quality of the product itself. If you safely guide the buyer through all stages of the purchase, then the grateful buyer will return to you more than once and bring more of his friends.

Useful and necessary information for starting sales has already been collected in groups on social networks.

Explore, open online storefronts or online stores and sell more!

Today we will learn how to sell online. In addition, you will have to understand this whole difficult process in general. For example, how to organize sales correctly, where to go to implement your own ideas, and so on. In general, business on the Internet occurs more and more every day. But if you don’t know the basic principles of work, your business will simply fail. There is huge competition here, so it is not always easy to start your own sales. So what to sell online and how to do it?


Let's start with ideas for your business. The Internet is a place where you can sell whatever your heart desires. The main thing is to know how to present the product and to which audience to present it. The most popular at the moment is online business, which allows you to promote the so-called handmade products.

What is it? Everything you do with your own hands. Typically, this term refers to handmade items - crafts, jewelry, jewelry. A very profitable activity, especially if you know how to create something special. Handmade was and is highly valued in the world. So it's worth a try. You can, for example, sell beaded goods that you made yourself: keychains, jewelry, costume jewelry, and so on. Quite a good option. Thus, if you know how to create something with your own hands, turn it into profit!


What to sell online? Another very good option is selling food. More precisely, a variety of dishes. Unlike handmade goods, this kind of goods is much less common. Yes, and this arrangement is not suitable for everyone. Mostly women on maternity leave prepare food to order.

In principle, the option is very profitable. Sometimes homemade food sells at a tremendous rate. Can you cook? Full of free time, energy and strength? Then you can try to engage in these sales. Confectionery and baked goods are especially popular. But other dishes are also not inferior in sales.


Let's move on. Many people are interested in how to sell things via the Internet, and in general, what exactly is best to promote using the Internet. There are a lot of options, as already mentioned, any of your desires can come true here. Very often people sell clothes online.

This applies to both used and new products. For example, some sew suits and other clothes to order. Quite a profitable business, especially if it is related to the so-called cosplay. Online clothing sales business has huge demand among buyers. Sometimes you don’t really want to look for something in stores; it’s easier to order everything online. Many people use this. Thus, any clothing, new or not, can be sold online. We’ll talk about how best to bring the idea to life a little later. First, it’s worth considering a few more options for sales.


For example, services are a very non-standard product. That is, you have every right to promote your skills on the Internet and provide assistance to those who ask for it on a paid basis.

Here your imagination is not limited by anything. You can offer absolutely any services: from plumbing to programming. The main thing is that your actions are interesting to the audience. In fact, this is not a sale, but employment, the provision of certain services. A very profitable business, which is most often used by those who know computers well. Demand is usually for web programming (and regular programming too), processing graphics files, configuring and repairing software and computers in general. So this is a pretty good option. Only after contacting you will you have to work hard. After all, in fact, you offer services via the Internet.


Our list doesn't end there. The best-selling items on the Internet are, of course, those that cannot be purchased in principle. For example, antiques, as well as some collections. Perhaps, if you have any of these, you can organize some pretty profitable sales. Until the auction.

What exactly is being sold? Honestly, that's it. From stamps to coins, from luxury items to any antique fixtures. Even furniture and appliances from old times. It is enough to find a collector who is ready to buy this or that item from you. True, this option is not suitable for everyone, because not everyone has antiques and some collections. Therefore, in principle, sales of these take place, but they are not so common among ordinary users. Only special people have the opportunity to make good money using this method.


Basically, if you're wondering how to sell things online, it's not that hard to figure out. But once it comes to figuring out the product options, there is too much choice. It has already been said that you have the right to sell anything online.

For example, a good option for those who know video editors and photo editors is to directly sell graphics. People eagerly buy copyrighted photos and videos for one purpose or another. Many photographers and freelancers use this approach to make money. A very good option if you take a lot of photographs and work with graphic editors. The main thing is to know how to sell this or that product via the Internet. More on this a little later. However, many do not believe in the profitability of this business, which does not allow them to consider the option as such.


Knowledge has always been valued in the world. And on the Internet too. So this is a very good option for sales. Everyone is able to sell their knowledge! What exactly are we talking about?

It's no secret that for a long time users have been doing a variety of dissertations and coursework, solving quizzes and tests via the Internet. This is an excellent option for those who have knowledge in a particular field of science.

By the way, you shouldn’t think that selling knowledge on the Internet is a stupid thing. Not at all. This is where many people are able to earn big money without any problems. Of course, coursework and diplomas are extremely popular. They pay well, and there are orders all the time. Great idea for an online business! Especially when it comes to mathematics and other exact sciences. Try it, you won't regret it!


What other ideas can you find for business and sales on the Internet? Clothes and things are, of course, good. - Same. And selling your own knowledge via the Internet is not so difficult. But there is one more area worthy of attention.

What are we talking about? For a long time now, there has been such a thing as “freelancing” on the Internet. This is the so-called remote work. Many people associate it primarily with the sale of texts. This includes copyright and rewriting. Users write unique texts, which they then sell for further use on websites and pages on the Internet. A very profitable business, especially if you can write well and competently on a variety of topics.

The Internet is one of the main directions of modern online business. So don’t neglect this option. It is very profitable, in some cases it can replace the main job and bring in a lot of money. The main thing is to constantly improve your writing skills.


How to sell certain things online? This isn't really such a problem. The question is: what exactly can be put up for sale? Often, among the products on the Internet (in addition to all of the above), users are able to find cosmetics. And household goods. In general - anything, but this arrangement occurs quite often.

Typically, various companies use online sales to increase profits. Users are very happy to buy this product directly on the Internet. For new organizations, this option of doing business is not particularly suitable. As a rule, it arouses a lot of suspicion among users: what if we are being deceived? So it is better to sell cosmetics and household chemicals online only after promoting your product on the market, when people know and hear about you.

Start of sales

Now directly about the organization of the process. Where can I sell online? Honestly, everywhere. But there are generally accepted rules and algorithms that will help you run your own business on the Internet.

The first option that can be recommended is the use of virtual bulletin boards. Sales happen here every day, and it doesn’t matter what exactly you offer. Find a board (you can even use a free one, for example, “Avito”), place your ad there and wait for the results. True, this arrangement is usually suitable for one-time transactions. Not entirely suitable as a permanent business. Perhaps to additionally attract buyers.

Social media

How to sell your product online? Or more precisely, where exactly to do this? A modern solution to this problem is the use of social networks. Here you can use a variety of thematic groups or even create a separate page. Or make a community for this purpose.

A very popular solution to the problem. On social networks lately, a lot of sales are happening day after day. So take a closer look. All you have to do is simply create an ad that will attract users. Of course, as with all online sales, prepare in advance a bank account (or better yet, an e-wallet) where funds for the goods will be transferred to you.

Online store

Have you decided to open your own online business? Then it’s time to think about where to sell your product online. A good approach is to create a personal website or online store. Especially if you are actually going to open (or have already opened) a store.

This option is used by many. There are plenty of online stores, as well as regular ones, but with the ability to order goods via the Internet. And it's all very profitable. Especially when it comes to something that suits everyone: jewelry, toys, furniture. The virtual store inspires great trust among users. But creating and maintaining it is not a very simple task.

Sites and groups

There are various sales services on the Internet. They are somewhat reminiscent of bulletin boards. Here you can easily promote any product you want. For example, pay attention to the various services from the “buy and sell on the Internet” series.

The principle of operation is simple: place an ad (preferably with a photo) and wait. Through the proposed systems you can not only sell, but also buy any product. True, this is also not the best approach for a permanent business. In this situation, the use of social networks is more popular.


How to sell anything online? The answer is simple: we find a sales service, place an ad and wait. This applies to goods, services, and knowledge. But if we are talking about texts or any other freelance activity, we can recommend certain exchanges. These services are common and are called freelancer (copywriter) exchanges.

How to sell here? You can either take orders and write texts on certain topics, or post your texts and just wait for people to buy them from you. Find an exchange, register, specify a virtual wallet (optional, it will come in handy later), place it - and that’s it. A very good option. By the way, if you don’t want to think for a long time about how to sell texts on the Internet, you can immediately join the Advego, TextSale and eTXT exchanges. They are in great demand on the Internet.


By the way, virtual business needs the right approach. To avoid problems in the future, you should properly prepare for the online sales process. What will it take? Here are a few points that will help you in the future:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs (mandatory for business, one-time sales do not require this);
  • opening a bank account (card);
  • registration of a virtual wallet (preferably "WebMoney" and "PayPal");
  • registration on freelance exchanges and message boards (in your city).

In principle, after this you can take photographs of the product you are selling and promote it on the Internet. Don't forget to keep in touch with buyers. As you can see, you can sell anything. Moreover, wherever you can place an appropriate ad. Sometimes users engage in sales using thematic forums. This is also a good option for the development of events.

Any successful business starts with a good idea. Therefore, if you decide to open an online store, first of all you need to think about the range of products for sale. This is the main question that every aspiring entrepreneur faces. If you can’t decide on a line of business, check out the most popular ideas for what to sell in an online store, collected in this article.

Where to start?

So, you have decided to open your own online store, what to sell? This question arises for every novice entrepreneur who wants to start trading online. To find out which product is profitable to sell on the Internet, just test the niche you have chosen using a special service. With its help, you can determine how often buyers show interest in a particular product by making queries in search engines. If the result is low, the product will not be in demand, and accordingly, you will not be able to make a good profit from its sale. If hundreds, or even thousands of online users search for a product every day, this means that you have made the right choice.

Before you make a final decision on what to sell through an online store, decide how much you are willing to invest in starting your own business, draw up a competent business plan and get to work. It is also advisable to hire a specialist who can give advice and attract buyers to him.

Book trading

Do you want to know what is best to sell in an online store? Pay attention to the books. This is the most popular product on the Internet, with which many successful entrepreneurs started trading.

Its main advantages:

  • Low purchase price;
  • Inexpensive, convenient delivery;
  • Absence of any warranty obligations;
  • Simple storage conditions;
  • High demand.

Collectible editions sell especially well online.

An online book store is a great option. Since books are a fairly in-demand product, all initial investments pay off in the shortest possible time. Such products are usually marked up by 50–70%. The disadvantages of business include the high level of competition in this area and a large number of pirated copies of popular publications. Despite this, many experienced experts believe that books are the best option for a beginner than selling in an online store.

Inexpensive electronics and gadgets

Nowadays, such products are in great demand. Its range is constantly updated, so this market segment has the highest level of competition. This is a great idea for 2019, what to sell in an online store, but in order to promote such a business, it will take a lot of time, as well as the help of professionals. In addition, you will need large financial investments, but they will pay off in the shortest possible time.

To attract customers, offer them affordable prices, free shipping, various discounts and promotions. The main disadvantages of the business are the possibility of damage to goods during delivery and returns of equipment with manufacturing defects. The markup on such goods ranges from 15–45%. Electronics rank high on the list of best-selling goods on the Internet, so trading in such goods will in any case bring good profits.

Children's products

If you are looking for something profitable to sell in an online store, pay attention to children's products and toys. You can make a good markup on this type of product (more than 100%) and, accordingly, receive a decent income. Loving parents pamper their babies, so sales of children's products are constantly growing. Before that, carefully study the offers of competitors and select a popular product.

The best option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are starting from scratch is offline, and some of the things that will be brought in for commission are put up for sale in an online store. Thanks to this, you can make a profit from sales without investing money in purchasing goods.

Pet products

People who have pets are willing to pay any money for the comfort of their pets. If you can’t decide what to sell in an online store, try offering customers:
  • Food for cats and dogs;
  • Clothes for animals;
  • Furniture and accessories.

Such products are low cost and are always in good demand. In addition, pet products are difficult to find in small towns, so residents of small towns mostly buy them online.

If you are not attracted to pet products, you might want to ask. This idea is perfect for fishing lovers. Advertise your resource on thematic forums and websites for men. When the business begins to develop, you can add hunting and outdoor products to the range.

Intimate goods

Can't find an interesting idea for what you can sell in an online store? Recently, many sites have appeared on the Internet that offer erotic products. This is a specific product, but it has its consumers. Many people are embarrassed to buy such goods in specialized stores, so they order them online. If you have not yet decided what is the best way to trade in an online store, pay special attention to this profitable idea. There will be no problems with the delivery of such goods, and you can earn a solid income from its sale.

Auto parts

This is a great idea that you can sell in an online store during a crisis. If you want to open a business with a small investment, you can initially sell spare parts for a specific brand of car. When choosing a specialization, keep in mind that during a crisis they often buy parts for domestically produced cars.

Most popular product:

  • Filters;
  • Racks;
  • Headlights;
  • Mirrors;
  • All kinds of accessories.

Before you open an online spare parts store from scratch, you need to decide which customers your products will be designed for. You must clearly understand in which direction you want to move. According to experts, the profitability of such a business reaches 50-70%.


Recently, many citizens of our country who want to improve their financial situation often ask the question,? If you are creative, you can make some products at home and sell them online. Handmade crafts are very popular, so this activity can bring a good, stable profit. Let's figure it out, shall we?

It could be:

  1. Exclusive clothing;
  2. Various souvenirs;
  3. Handmade soap;
  4. Decorative candles;
  5. Jewelry and accessories;
  6. Products made from wicker;
  7. Ceramics and more.

Products from China

According to experts, it is guaranteed to bring decent profits. During a crisis, many consumers prefer inexpensive, high-quality products, so they often visit online stores that offer cheap goods from China.

If you decide to get into this business, first of all you need to choose what to trade.

The most popular Chinese-made products:

  • Clothing and footwear;
  • Car gadgets;
  • Tablets, laptops and mobile phones;
  • Accessories.

After you select the assortment, you need to start looking for a reliable intermediary who will supply you with goods on favorable terms. Some Chinese online stores offer free shipping, which means you can order goods directly from China from the manufacturer and resell them on their website. If you want to make a good profit, enter into cooperation agreements with retailers and supply them with products in small quantities. The more partners you can attract to your business, the higher your earnings will be.

How much can you earn?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the profit of online stores depends on many factors:

  • Business scale. A small online store with an assortment of 20 items will not be able to generate much profit;
  • Initial investment. If you invest a lot of money in your business, there is a big risk that you won't get it back. At the same time, if you start with a small capital, trading will bring a penny profit;
  • Promotion costs. If you do not invest money in website promotion, it will begin to generate income in 2–3 years, and then in the best case;
  • Attendance. According to statistics, in the West, out of 100 customers who visit an online store, only 1 person makes a purchase. In our country, people do not have much confidence in online trading, so 1 out of 500 people decide to make a purchase.

Some resources bring in only 5–6 thousand rubles per month, while others at the same time allow you to earn up to 5 million rubles. To develop your store to such a high level, you will need about 10 years of intensive work and substantial investment.

In addition, I would like to note that earnings and profits of online stores are two different things. Today, there are many enterprises operating online with a huge turnover, but they receive little profit. Almost all the money earned has to be spent on maintaining and developing the business. They have been working in the market for several years and have already passed the break-even point, but despite this, entrepreneurs have to literally “survive” in a difficult economic situation. But there are also resources that bring huge income. It all depends on the choice of product and your attitude to the matter.
