How to check the connection to the mobile banking service. How to find out if mobile banking is connected to a Sberbank card

Sberbank is constantly expanding the range of services it provides. The Mobile Bank service is now available to customers. Moreover, it is worth noting that the service is often connected automatically, without notifying the client. In this regard, many people wonder how to find out whether mobile bank.

At all this service provides users with the opportunity to be aware of all transactions using a plastic card from Sberbank, using only a mobile phone. This is a very useful feature.

How to find out if mobile banking is connected? There are several options available to clarify this information. The easiest one is to use the Sberbank SMS service.

  1. Economical. The service is absolutely free, the client must send an SMS himself to check necessary information
  2. Full. Here, by default, SMS notification is provided, and for any actions with the card, the user will receive an SMS that will inform him about the actions with the card. Tariff is paid

Sberbank provides the ability to switch between these tariffs. To switch from economical to full, you need to send the SMS “Full XXXX” to number 900, where the last 4 characters are the last 4 digits of the card. Otherwise, you need to send SMS “Economy XXXX”.

Disabling the service

If you want to temporarily block a service, you must send an SMS with the text “BLOCKING SERVICES » on single number Sberbank 900. However, it is worth noting that if the Full tariff is activated, the subscription fee will still be charged during temporary blocking. With an economical tariff, no funds will be withdrawn; the opportunity to use this service will simply disappear.

If you want to permanently disable the service, you need to visit a bank branch and write an application. The staff will help you write it. You must have a passport and a plastic card with you.

Non-cash payment method has become firmly established in the lives of many people. Payment by card eliminates the need to carry large sums with you, and the Sberbank mobile bank allows you to fully control all card transactions, quickly transfer the necessary amounts from your card to another, or block a lost card in a short time.

How to find out if the mobile banking service is activated

SMS banking, or mobile banking from Sberbank, combines a whole complex useful functions and makes it possible to manage accounts anytime and anywhere. It is worth noting that this function is not included in the service package by default, but is connected at the request of users. Clients often have a question about how to find out if a mobile bank from Sberbank is connected:

  1. You can find out whether the SMS banking service is active at any bank branch. Bank specialists will advise and, if necessary, help activate the service.
  2. By sending a command SMS message to bank number 900 with the text “HELP”, “INFO” or “INFO”. In the response message, the user is given the choice of the following command; the SMS text will look like this:
  3. Sender: 900
  4. Message text: To receive detailed information about the service, send to number 900:
    • "1" - balance request
    • "2" - payments
    • "3" - translations
    • “4” – auto payment
    • “5” - list of cards and connection status

The service allows you to quickly obtain information of various types; to find out whether the mobile banking service is activated, you need to send a command message with the text “5” to toll free number 900, the response will be an SMS message in the following format:

  • Sender: 900
  • Message text: ESMS 0000 (on)
    • ECMS 0001 (off)
    • ESMS 0002 (non-payment)

The message contains a list of user cards. The numbers “0000”, “0001”, “0002” are the last four digits of the card; the service connection status for each specific card is indicated in brackets: on, off or non-payment. Accordingly, if the status is “non-payment”, then the mobile bank is connected, but there are no funds on the card to pay for the current month. After making the payment, the status will change to “on”.

SMS banking: a range of advantages for a modern person

The SMS banking service significantly saves the time of its customers. Just a few years ago, managing accounts via SMS seemed to be the limit of technological progress, but nowadays such a function has become quite commonplace.

The owner of one or more cards is always aware of all movements on the account, whether withdrawing or depositing cash, paying for purchases in a store or online. In addition, if an attacker decides to take possession of funds and transfer them to his account, the user will promptly identify illegal actions. The service also allows you to quickly block your card in case of theft or loss.

SMS banking makes it possible to transfer funds from your card to any other by sending an SMS message, which will significantly save time, or pay for cellular communications.

Mobile bank – special service, designed for operational control of movements cash on the Sberbank account for which the plastic card was issued. It also provides the opportunity to transfer money to operators cellular communications, to other subscribers, to other plastic cards of Sberbank and making auto payments. Where and how to find out if mobile banking is connected?

There are several options available to do this.

  • Detect the availability of the service during a face-to-face visit to a Sberbank branch. If the connection has not been established, it can be established immediately on the spot. This will require the physical presence of the owner of the plastic card, a passport, the card itself and a cell phone that is linked to cash transactions. An unlimited number of cards and accounts can be attached to one mobile phone number. You must have access to phone number, but are not required to be its owner.
  • Check personal account Sberbank Online system. In the “Mobile Bank” item in the “Connection Details” option, select the required card whose owner you are registered with. The “Service status: active” parameter means that the service is connected. The same can be done in the official Sberbank application on a smartphone.
  • Send with cell phone, to which the card is attached, an SMS command to the conditional number 900. As the message itself, you must specify one of three words: “INFO”, “HELP” or “INFO”. In response, you will receive an SMS message containing a list of the holder’s number cards with a note indicating which of them have the service activated.

These are all ways that can answer where and how to find out whether a mobile bank is connected or not. You can use any of them to obtain reliable information.

Mobile bank

The mobile service starts working 3 days after the service is activated. How to check the mobile bank? Let's list the simplest methods.

  • The presence of SMS messages from the short number 900 means that the service is working.
  • Send an SMS message to a special number 900 containing the amount to top up your cell phone (for example, “150”).

Transferring money using this scheme takes a few minutes: the telecom operator must inform you that the balance has been replenished.

If errors occur or SMS is delayed, you must contact Sberbank's 24-hour customer support service at 8800-555-5550. The bank has a financial interest in maximum quantity customers have used the service, so you are guaranteed to get a reaction. The question of how to check whether Sberbank’s mobile bank is connected refers to typical technical support requests: the operator’s response (including the wait) is 5-10 minutes.

Another way to quickly check whether a mobile bank is connected or not is to perform a transaction at self-service terminals.

What is the tariff for using the mobile banking service?

The direct connection itself is carried out at a Sberbank branch and is a free procedure. There is a test period for 60 days from the date of application: there is no fee for using the service. Further rates depend on the type and payment system of the card. For debit cards:

  • with the Gold prefix – the service is provided free of charge;
  • with Classic and Standard prefixes – the cost is 60 rubles/month;
  • with the prefix Sberbank - the cost is 30 rubles / month.

For credit cards Sberbank itself provides the service free of charge and connects automatically.

The service can be disabled free of charge at any time. When a bank account is closed or a plastic card is blocked, the service is canceled without additional application from the holder.

Payment mobile banking carried out according to an advance scheme. This means that the subscription fee is charged at the beginning of the month and requires the availability of funds on the card. If there are not enough funds, the service is automatically suspended. Payment for SMS messages is carried out according to standard tariffs of the cellular operator. SMS will be sent even if your number suddenly has a negative balance.

Answering simple questions about whether Sberbank’s mobile bank is connected and what is needed to check whether the mobile bank is connected or not will not take you much time and effort: just follow the step-by-step algorithms given in the article.

For the convenience of its clients, Sberbank constantly provides updated options. To obtain up-to-date information about the movement of funds in the account and confidence in the safety of your assets, we offer mobile banking service. In some cases, the question arises: how to find out if a mobile bank is connected? Full information can be obtained from bank employees or on the official website of Sberbank.

What is mobile banking?

The mobile banking service is a modern option for notifying users of banking products about updates to bank services and account balances. It is tied to a plastic card and implemented via cellular communications.

Using this option, the client is able to perform the following operations:

  • make payments for various services and goods;
  • monitor balance changes and check account balance;
  • disable and connect the service;
  • block the card if necessary.

There are several ways to connect your mobile bank

Mobile banking greatly simplifies the process of monitoring client assets, but sometimes when opening an account or issuing a plastic card, bank employees connect it automatically. In this case, it is not always clear whether the service is available. How to find out if Sberbank's mobile bank is connected? By following simple instructions, you can quickly check this.

Ways to check service connection

There are several ways to check connected services on a Sberbank card:

  1. On the official website of Sberbank The request is sent in a special form feedback. After processing it, the response to the client is sent to email or by SMS message. You can also send a similar request in your personal account of the Sberbank Online service.
  2. At a Sberbank branch. After presenting to the bank employee a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a plastic card, the client will receive full information about all services connected to his accounts.
  3. By numbers hotline Sberbank 8800-555-55-50 or +7495-500-55-50. The operator will need to provide the required information, after which he will inform whether the option is connected or not.
  4. Via phone via SMS request to short number 900. To check the availability of mobile banking, you need to send text message with the word “Help” to number 900. In response, you will receive a message with a complete list of services connected to the client’s plastic card.

If a bank client is the holder of several cards (debit, salary and credit), then the response letter to the request will contain information on each of them. The list will reflect the type of card (Mastercard, Visa, MIR) and the last four digits of its number. Next, the service status will be indicated: ON (active), OFF (inactive) or NEOPLATA (inactive due to late payment).

As a rule, when issuing a plastic card, the client by default is connected to the free mobile banking service of the “Economy” package. It allows you to check the card balance and does not inform you about the movement of funds. To switch to the paid “Full” package, just send an SMS to the short number 900 with the text “Full ****”, where **** is the last four digits of the plastic card number.

Sberbank mobile banking functionality

Connecting to a mobile bank makes it possible to use a whole range of services. By sending messages to technical number 900, you can receive information about the status of your account. The text of the message must contain the name of the team and the last four digits of the card number (see **** in the examples below).

You can find out the status of the mobile banking service by calling 900

List of services available to mobile banking users:

  • checking the account balance – “Balance ****”;
  • information about recent transactions according to the account – “History ****”;
  • service blocking mobile service for all cards – “Blocking services”;
  • blocking a mobile service for a specific card – “Blocking **** X”, where X is the reason for blocking (0 – loss of a card or phone, 1 – theft of a card or phone, 2 – leaving a card at an ATM, 3 – another reason);
  • Unblocking mobile services using an account – “Unblocking services ****”;
  • clarification of the availability of mobile banking services - “Help”;
  • replenishment of balance mobile number phone – you need to send the amount that needs to be credited to your phone account;
  • replenishing the balance of someone else’s mobile phone number – “Payment”, and, separated by a space, first indicate the number of the phone being replenished (without the number 8), then the amount by which you need to top up the specified number;
  • top up your Sberbank card using your phone number – “Transfer”, then indicate the recipient’s phone number and the top-up amount;
  • clarification of the number of bonuses under the “Thank you” program - “Thank you ****”;
  • connecting the auto payment service to your phone number – “Auto X”, where X is the auto payment amount;
  • connecting the auto payment service to someone else’s phone number – “Auto”, indicate the phone number and the auto payment amount separated by a space.

Sberbank hotline operators can also advise the client on how to find out if Sberbank is connected online. This service allows you to monitor the status of your accounts and control their security. After logging into your personal account, you should go to the “Connection Details” tab and get information about which phone number or plastic card the mobile banking service is linked to.

One Sberbank client may have several plastic cards at once various categories. After all, these payment and financial instruments complement each other perfectly.

For example, situations often occur when a person receives wages on one card, carries out all expense transactions with the second, and the third serves solely to accrue income on the balance of his own funds on it. And there are a lot of similar options for their competent use.

Of course, over time, confusion may arise as to which card products are connected to certain services or additional options. This may result in unwanted payment subscription fee for products and services that the client no longer needs to use.

So that holders of Sberbank plastic cards can save their time and money, in this article we will describe in detail how to find out which cards are connected to the mobile bank.

What SMS should you send to find out information about linked cards?

All the necessary information can be found out using one SMS message sent as part of the mobile banking service. The client will need to send the word HELP to the short number 900. Instead of HELP you can also use: INFO, INFO, SPRAVKA, 06, INFORMATION.

A few seconds later you will receive an SMS from Sberbank with a list of all client cards connected to the mobile bank.

The message will indicate the main details of plastic products: payment system, last 4 digits of the number, ON/OFF (service is connected or not) and more.
