6 sense lamps without background. Mod sixth sense, change the lamp and glow time

In the community, this skill, or perk, from English. perquisite, “benefit”, “privilege” - also called “light bulb” because of the characteristic visualization of a light bulb lighting up on the screen. It is recommended for absolutely everyone and is considered extremely useful.

The “sixth sense” is available only to commanders and works as follows: the indicator light comes on after your tank has entered the enemy’s line of sight - it has been “exposed”, and automatically goes out after a couple of seconds. If you come out of the light and then get into it again, the light will light up again.

Essentially, this is the intuition of your crew commander, allowing him to feel that the tank has been spotted by the enemy. In such situations, when you are standing in a position hidden, for example, by bushes and consider yourself invisible, while the enemy is approaching you from the other side, it is difficult to overestimate the usefulness of the light bulb. For tanks with weak armor, this skill significantly increases their chances in battle. Players coordinating the battle voice communication, be sure to inform the team that they have hit the enemy: this information helps to form a more complete picture of what is happening on the screen, predict the enemy’s maneuvers, choose the right strategy and simply come to the aid of a comrade in time.

Some nuances of the “light bulb”

Do not forget that, like other skills, the “sixth sense” does not work until it is pumped to 100%. As soon as the light comes on, you urgently need to change the location: remember that three seconds have already passed since the light was illuminated, and the enemy artillery is not asleep. Do not knock down trees and buildings while retreating: the artillery sight is already focused on you and nothing prevents the enemy from calculating your location based on the trace - that is, based on the trail of the projectile you fired.

Appearance of the light bulb and beep, which accompanies it, can be changed at will. To do this, you just need to select and install the mod. Mods of this kind - changing the light bulb, voice acting of the crew, the sight - do not actually affect the game itself, therefore they are allowed. Lists of mods prohibited for installation can be found on the official website of the game.

There are known cases when, after updates to the game client were released, the light stopped working. If this happens to you, don’t be lazy to record several battles until you catch this bug on video, and be sure to send it to “World of tanks” technical support. For such a large-scale project feedback with users is an important component of the process of improving the game.

Not everyone is happy standard lamp the “sixth sense” perk, some people simply don’t like it, while others want to install a lamp that would distinguish them from millions. It would also be a good idea to extend the lamp's glow time. How to do this, read in this article.

Why increase the lamp glow time??? The answer is simple - the longer it glows, the longer you will stay behind cover fearing dense enemy fire, the less likely you are to be destroyed and the greater the probability of crawling out from around the corner like a “jack in the box” and inflicting decisive damage on the enemy’s herd. As you can see, there are solid advantages, especially if you play on a tank destroyer, where it is very important to know when the vehicle was illuminated and how long you were behind cover in order to disappear from the enemy’s exposure. Let's get started:

mod sixth sense, change the lamp and glow time

Let's start by replacing the lamp. The lamp file is called SixthSense.png The picture of the “sixth sense” lamp is part of the XVM mod (eXtended Visualization Mod) and is located along the path: your computer:\your drive\WorldOfTanks\res_mods\xvm\res This is the image format itself .png with dimensions 194x210 and file name SixthSense. In other words, you can insert any other image instead of this one, with the same parameters as the original file, including the name. Photoshop will help you here or similar programs for image editing. But in my opinion, it’s better and faster to download a picture from the Internet. Or download a collection of 34 pictures for the “sixth sense mod” from Yandex disk.

And voila. Enjoying the Sixth Sense fashion lamp we replaced with our own hands.

The sixth sense mod changes the lamp glow time:

We follow the path:
your computer:\your disk\WorldOfTanks\res_mods\current client version\gui\
and open the file gui_settings.xml our favorite notepad Notepad++. What?! You still don't have Notepad++??? You are already almost a super coder (growing modder) if you read these articles! Well, okay, let's download, for example from here or from the official website, or from Yandex disk.
Have you downloaded it? Have you opened it? Great! We see large file configuration in 230 lines of code. But don't panic! We will not change all of it. We are looking for the line:


In my config this is Line 85. Yours may have another one. And the code may differ, for example it could be like this:


Keyword here sixthSenseDuration, we are looking for it in notepad++.
We change the numbers there to 10000.
In my case it's like this:

sixthSenseDuration//name of the function that displays the sixth sense lamp int 10000 //function value (time) in ms (milliseconds). 1000 ms - 1 sec

Accordingly, the lamp will glow for 10,000 milliseconds, that’s 10 seconds. This time is enough to hide somewhere and sit out until you completely disappear from enemy sight.

That's all. Now you can insert any lamp into the sixth sense mod, and also edit the glow time of the lamp.
Good luck in your battles!!!

How does the sixth sense light bulb mod work? World of Tanks 0.9.* ? During the battle, if you are illuminated by the enemy, a small red glowing sixth sense lamp will appear in the middle of the screen, thereby you will immediately understand that the tank is in the enemy’s sights. A standard picture is not always striking, so experienced modders have created a large number of different options for the 6th sense mod for WoT: skulls, eyes, signs and much more. There is also a voice notification or bell for the light bulb. With the new patch there are more and more sixth sense mods, they are popular among tankers!

Download Light Bulbs 6 Sense

The sixth sense mod is liked by many tankers. And in the standard, of course, it is presented at a minimum. But on the other hand, why do something that everyone has different tastes for? Download and install the 6 sense light bulb mod from our website. We check the files for viruses and make it easier for you to download.

The presented mod offers players to change the usual 6th sense light bulb. The archive contains a wide variety of icons, so choosing the most suitable one will not be difficult. Choose your preferred lighting bulb, install it and go into battle.

The modification, in particular, includes the following pictures: red triangles, more beautiful light bulbs, the eye of Sauron in different options, “Tank detected” icons and others. The mod will not conflict with XVM and sixth sense sound modifications, so you can safely install it.

Light bulbs of the sixth sense download

In total, the authors collected 16 different pictures. Like many others, this one is quite in demand among gamers, since the standard light bulb has long become boring. This modification first appeared a couple of years ago and has since been in great demand.

To install sixth sense bulbs, you will need to select the desired option, and then place the gui folder in this path: /WoT/res_mods/[update folder], agreeing to the replacement. Now you can start the simulator and enjoy the new light bulb.

How does the sixth sense light bulb mod work? World of Tanks 0.9.* ? During the battle, if you are illuminated by the enemy, a small red glowing sixth sense lamp will appear in the middle of the screen, thereby you will immediately understand that the tank is in the enemy’s sights. A standard picture is not always striking, so experienced modders have created a large number of different options for the 6th sense mod for WoT: skulls, eyes, signs and much more. There is also a voice notification or bell for the light bulb. With the new patch there are more and more sixth sense mods, they are popular among tankers!

Download Light Bulbs 6 Sense

The sixth sense mod is liked by many tankers. And in the standard, of course, it is presented at a minimum. But on the other hand, why do something that everyone has different tastes for? Download and install the 6 sense light bulb mod from our website. We check the files for viruses and make it easier for you to download.
