Peekaboo is hotter. Pikabu - Pikapu information and entertainment portal and a unique RuNet community with a multi-million audience

About who owns the popular entertainment sites Pikabu, and Ya Plakal..

The owner and editor-in-chief of Pikabu, writes Meduza, is 27-year-old entrepreneur Maxim Khryashchev. The site collects 62.9 million visits per month (according to the analytical company SimilarWeb), and its main audience, according to Khryashchev, are students.

Now the development of the site, created in 2009 by Khryashchev and his friend the developer, is carried out by a team of 12 people; 12 million rubles a year are spent on supporting the resource. Half of these funds, Meduza notes, are used to rent servers, the rest of the money goes to employee salaries.

At the same time, the team is not involved in writing or promoting content - these functions lie entirely with Pikabu users. The community earns 1.2–1.3 million rubles a month from advertising, says the founder of the project.

Khryashchev assures that all profits are invested in development, and he himself earns about the same as other employees - less than 100 thousand rubles per month. The entrepreneur says that what warms his soul is the fact that the brand he created is very expensive. According to Khryashchev, more than $2 million.

The traffic of the entertainment website “Ya Plakal”, opened in 2004, is 32.1 million visits per month - almost two times less than Pikabu. According to Meduza's sources, the project is led by entrepreneur Konstantin Shumov, founder of the company Viboom, which creates and promotes videos on social networks. According to the publication, three developers took part in the creation of the site.

The creator of the website “” (traffic is 49.2 million visits per month), Alexander Rybak, sold the project to RBC structures for $800 thousand in 2006, after which he moved to Germany and became a co-owner of Konstantin Shumov’s company Viboom, writes Meduza. Now the site is owned by entrepreneur Mikhail Gurevich, who has led Chips since 2006. After the website was sold to third-party investors in 2008, Gurevich bought it back as an independent investor. This happened in 2013.

The head strives to make the site “a Russian Buzzfeed without politics.” Content creation for the main page of the site is not done by users, but by the editors. Gurevich plans to recoup his investments in the project by the end of 2016.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. My name is and today we will talk about one of the most popular domestic information and entertainment portals - Pikabu.

He also has official groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , Twitter And Classmates And mobile applications for IOS and Android.

Pikabu is interesting because most of the posts existing on it (news, pictures, etc. added by users) were created by the users of the portal themselves, who call themselves “pikabushniks”, and unlike other social networks, posts can be assessed not only with “likes” , or as here “pros”, but also giving a post and comments a negative rating is “cons”. Based on user ratings, posts and comments are sorted and moved to the top of the feed. But first things first.

A little history

The site itself was created on April 4, 2009 by a certain Maxim. The name Pikabu was coined from "Peek-a-boo", the name of a children's game. Initially, the portal was simply reposts () from third-party social networks, such as , and others, since there were no users who make posts, and there was no audience itself, as such. But already in 2010 the site had 5,000 users. Now more than 1,600,000 people are subscribed to Pikabu on social networks, 800 thousand people per day and 12.2 million people per month visit Pikabu.

Audience Pikabu ru

Now let's figure out who actually creates and evaluates all the portal content. If we look geographically, then the bulk of pick-up people, namely about 30%, live in Moscow, then St. Petersburg (~10%), as well as Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk, just below 5%.

You can also study the graphs that are freely available on the site itself in the “Advertising” section and draw some conclusions.

The bulk of pikabushniks are men, mostly students.

Where to start getting acquainted with Pikabu?

So, we are on the main page of Pikabu. To begin with, it is better to immediately familiarize yourself with the rules of the site and register, this will give us the opportunity to:

  1. Add news.
  2. Chat in the comments.
  3. Save posts.
  4. Vote for news and comments. In addition, all posts that you have liked will be displayed on a separate page.
  5. View posts 16+ (to do this, you need to enable the display of “strawberries” in your account settings).
  6. Filter posts by tags you don't like.
  7. Filter posts by authors you don't like.
  8. Make notes about users that will only be visible to you.

This is very easy to do - there is a special window on the right, shown in the screenshot below. Click on the “registration” tab, fill out all the fields and click the “create account” button.

Congratulations, you are now a full-fledged pikabushnik and have all the above privileges! Now let's figure out how to use them.
First, let's study the site interface. If you have logged into the site under your new profile, then in the upper right corner, instead of the login and registration window, a window will appear with your data and mysterious tabs.

At the very top there will be an exit icon. There will be a switch under the avatar; it is responsible for turning on and off 16+ material; if it is inactive, it will not be present in your feed. Your Rating will be displayed directly under your nickname (login) and number of subscribers.

If a Pikabu user is interested in the material you post, he will subscribe to you (become your subscriber) and will see all your posts in the “Feed” tab. As you noticed, you have one too, you can also subscribe to news from pick-up specialists that interest you.

Now about rating. It is based on all ratings for your comments and posts you have added (note that rating your comment changes your rating by +/- 0.5, and the rating of a post by +/- 1). Naturally, the rating was given for a reason. It brings new opportunities, as well as hardships for its owner. Let's take a closer look:

  1. -200 Your account is automatically blocked
  2. -25 You cannot add comments
  3. 0 Your rating upon registration
  4. +10 You can attach a picture to a comment
  5. +150 you can add a video
  6. +1000 you can add a link and edit the post (with a rating below 1000, you will not be able to edit the post after it is published, or attach a link to it)
  7. +10000 you can combine tags (certain words or phrases that the user prescribes when adding a post according to the meaning/format, this is convenient for everyone, since by tags you can find posts that are interesting to you, and also place unwanted tags in a ban, thus, posts with banned tags will not appear to you to the feed (I will explain how to do this later). Accordingly, an “Elite” that has scored 10,000 or more ratings has the ability to combine tags (adjust them for convenience))
  1. 200 and below 1 post
  2. 200-500 2 posts
  3. 500-1000 3 posts
  4. 1000—3000 4 posts
  5. 3000 and more than 5 posts

There are 3 tabs at the top: Settings, Ignore list And Notes. Above we talked about the ability to ban unwanted tags; it is in the “ignore list” tab that will display a list of users you have banned (yes, they can also be banned) and tags. Your notes will be stored in the “my notes” tab; you can create them, for example, if you have an idea for a post, but you are not ready to make it.

Now let's deal with settings:

  1. Here you can change your current email address, avatar, change gender :) It is also possible to select the loading mode for your feed (with loading or page by page). This is relevant, for example, if you have limited Internet traffic, so that Pikabu does not eat it, you can endlessly view posts page by page.
  2. If you want to see only posts that are “worth it,” move the slider lower until you set the minimum rating for the news that lands on your feed.
  3. Also adjust the number of posts on your page.
  4. Next, you are asked if you need to “disclose the news.” Any news can be hidden, for example, if it is not interesting to you or takes a long time to load. If this switch is active, then all news will initially be hidden.
  5. Also, if you want GIF animations not to work constantly in posts or comments, activate the corresponding “checkboxes”.
  6. You can also prevent Pikab from shocking you with posts tagged “hard” or showing posts with 16+ materials.
  7. At the very bottom you can change your password and log out of all devices where you are logged in.

Now you have adjusted all the settings to suit you and know what you can change if something happens.

Let's return to the main page and continue to look at our window in the upper right corner.

  1. About the tab "Ribbon" I have already partially mentioned, in it we will see all the news from our favorite picabush authors and tags that are interesting to us.
  2. IN "Posts" we may or may not find the news we added. By the way, you can add them by clicking on that inviting green button below.
  3. "Messages". Here you can see all mentions of you, replies to your posts and comments.
  4. You can admire your own witty comments in the appropriately named tab below.
  5. You can view all the posts you have rated with a “+” sign in the tab "Ratings".
  6. AND last tab "Saved". You can save the posts you like and always have access to them through this wonderful tab.
  7. And finally, the “green button!”, which I wrote about earlier, yes, yes "Add post". Click on it and go to the page for adding a post.

  1. Picture
  2. Text
  3. Video
  4. Link

Also note that the site may already have what you want to publish - Pikabu may detect similar posts.

How? Very simple. On the same page for adding a post, there is a built-in so-called "bayanometer"(from the word “bayan”, which means an old picture or anecdote on the Internet), which will look for a similar link, picture, text published sometime (in my screenshot opposite the picture there is a green checkmark and the inscription “no similar posts found”). In your case, there may be a whole list of similar posts with the percentage of similarity and a link to them. Carefully review this list before publishing a post; if your post turns out to be a “bayan”, it will be deleted.

Opposite the gray add button there is a function "preview". This way you can find out what your post will look like after publication. For example, this is what my post from the screenshot above would look like.

And if, for example, you want to make a post consisting of many pictures and text (in pikabu this is called "long post"), then this is very easy to do, even the site itself gives you links to the necessary resources. At the very bottom of any pikabu page there is a link “Make a long post”. These are two resources with which you can easily make a long post, with links to them in the caption.

But this is all theory, let's see how in practice to add tags, ban them, hide posts, save, sort and much more.

Search, keyboard controls, Trophies and more

Before we look at the post separately, I’ll show you a couple more handy tricks.

For example, I found it very convenient "Keyboard Control". With it, you don’t have to use your mouse to put + or – on posts, scroll the feed or open comments, or hide posts.

It is much more convenient to do everything using the keyboard keys; all these “hot keys”, by the way, are drawn in the right column of Pikabu. Under the add news button there will be "Comment of the Day", which received the most upvotes per day, you can also go to the post to which this comment is addressed and see TOP 50 comments.

Let's go down below, there will be a peekaboo on Facebook, then "Your discussions", which displays all the posts you've ever commented on. This is useful, for example, if you are wondering what comments have appeared there since you left the post.

And, finally, the long-awaited hotkey scheme, and below it most popular tags per day.

Here is a visual diagram:

There is also useful feature search for tags and users. The search bar is located at the very top of the page on the right.

You can find any posts by tags(one or more) and sort them, as well as pikabu users.

To add a tag to your ignore list or subscribe to it, just click on the “down arrow” next to it, as shown in the screenshot below.

On some users’ pages you can also find various figurines on gold stands - these are prizes.

There are regular prizes that every pick-up guy can receive for the achievements listed below.

And there are also individual prizes that are given to pick-up workers by name for special merits. Such prizes are absolutely unique and can only be owned by one person. I will show you examples of such awards in the screenshots below.

Posts, comments. Hot, Best and Fresh at Pikabu

Under the website logo, at the very top of the page, we can find three tabs:

  1. Hot
  2. The best
  3. Fresh

These are three main feeds that sort content in their own way.

Fresh- these are the newest posts. The first of them are not rated at all and you have a chance to decide for yourself what will be higher and what lower. It is the people sitting in the fresh, more than anyone else, who influence what ends up in the hot seat, because just 10 minuses can decide the fate of a post.

Hot- these are recent posts that are rated mostly positive.

The best— this is the Top posts that received the highest ratings per day.

It is also possible to view these three tapes for the entire existence of Pikabu. You can do this by clicking on the link with the date of your feed, as shown in the screenshot. A small calendar will appear, with which you can easily select the desired day. With this feature, not a single post will be hidden from your eyes.

Now let's use the example of a separate post to see how everything works here.

Here we see the author of the post, how long ago the post was published and tags. To give a negative or positive rating, just click on the up or down arrow, respectively (or press the up/down arrow on your keyboard).

A positive rating on a peekaboo is called "plus", negative "minus". By the way, there are “plus”, “minus” and “collapse” buttons at the very end of the post, only of a much more modest size. Under the title of the post there is a link to comments, to the left of the inscription there is a camera icon, by clicking on which you can hide the post. Let's go to the comments of the post to continue exploring the resource (you can do this by clicking on the picture of the post).

Here we see the same post, but also new elements. For example, the ability to rate this post on third-party social networks. On the right there is a stripe consisting of green and orange. This is the ratio of the pros and cons of a post; specific numbers can be seen if you move the cursor to the bar; to the right of it there is an icon indicating whether the accordion meter has found duplicates of this post. It is also possible to sort comments by rating and date.

What about comments on Pikabu? If you want a specific user to see your comment in their messages, then you must either reply to their comment or address the comment to them. This is very easy to do, just write @() username, your message.

You can also call privileged users by @Admin and @Moderator.

Administrator You can call it a peek-a-boo if someone, for example, has proposed what you think is a very successful innovation in a peek-a-boo. This way you ask him to review it, or if one of the users drew a beautiful “cookie” and you want the admin to add it (more on cookies a little later).

Moderator you can call if you are not happy with the actions of the commentator or the creator of the post (naturally, violating the rules of the site), this could be flood (), offensive behavior, adult content, or button accordion (in the case of a post). Accordingly, when contacting the moderator, indicate the reason and do not violate these rules yourself.


And now, as a bonus, I’ll tell you about the peekaboo cookies that I briefly mentioned earlier. Those who are especially attentive may have already noticed that on the post page, under the comments, in the lower right corner there is a . With each page update the cookie changes.

If you click on her, we will be taken to a post with her sketch. It was drawn by a picabushnik. It's something of a tradition. From time to time, some craftsmen add their own cookies to the site, and if the administrator approves of it, then it will be in its place at the bottom of the post, as well as at the bottom of each pikabu page.


You have learned almost everything there is to know about Pikabu, and now you can safely express yourself on this portal, learn new things, have fun, communicate and create. All the best and see you soon.

If you have any questions, write in the comments. I'll be glad to help.

P.S. This post was written not by me, but by my son. His name is Roman and he is 17 years old. I myself am not yet familiar with Pikabu, but after reading the review I became interested :) I'll figure it out with you...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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A long time ago, namely until 2009, the Runet was gray and boring. Well, not really, perhaps –, Yaplakal and other projects were actively working in the field of entertainment for Internet users. But something was clearly missing. Apparently, it was precisely this reasoning that guided the mysterious Maxim N, who created in the spring of 2009 website,

Which, in fact, copied all the features and ideas of its predecessor competitors: the site as such is a platform, the content of which is filled by Internet users who have registered on it. Those. the same Reddit, only in Russian. Well, there is no point in reproaching the developers of the Pikabu website for plagiarism - many good projects began with this. And is precisely an example of a good and interesting information and entertainment site. Although, of course, more entertainment than information.

The reader might have a question in connection with such an unusual name of the site: a What does Peekaboo mean??

On the pages of the entertainment community Peekaboo is given a rather interesting and cute explanation. Probably everyone knows this way of playing with a small child: having established visual contact with the child (for example, bending over the “baby”), the person covers his face with his hands. After a moment, the hands are removed and “Ku-ku” is said, to which the child usually reacts joyfully: he smiles, laughs. So, not everyone says “ku-ku”; in English-speaking countries this “phrase” is pronounced as Pee-ka-boo. Here is the answer to what “Peekaboo” means: it’s just “Peek-a-boo” and positive emotions :)

At the same time, Pikabu “is closed” is often presented on the positive side: it was thanks to her that Pikabu developed on the website. Another positive property is the age of the user audience: a significant part of the “picabushniks” are college age and older, which means garbage information and humor level primary school there will be no support here.

Entertainment community Pikabu: detailed review

Having described the Pikabu project in three words, let’s move on to a more detailed consideration of all its features. Let's start the review from the point of view of the “regular visitor”, i.e. without affecting the registration process. On home page The first thing the user encounters is a banner with advertising. This is typical for many entertainment resources. What is unusual in the case of the Pikabu site is that this banner with advertising, in fact, is the lion’s share of the advertising content that the visitor will have to “consume”. And this characterizes on the positive side: it is obvious that the portal seeks to win the sympathy of people, and not to “grab more cache.”

  • Hot;
  • The best;
  • Fresh.

Upon entering the main page, the user immediately finds himself in the “Hot” section: publications for the current day that have already received a positive rating from other users are aggregated here. There are 2 types of sorting in “Hot”:

  • By relevance (posts with the highest ratings are higher than others) and by time.

“Hot” sorting options
  • If you use the second part of the filter (activated by clicking on the word “today”) and select any of the past dates, the site will “throw” the user into the “Best” section, where it will display the top posts for the selected day.

Selecting “hot” by date

There is also a “random date” selection option: by clicking on this item, the user allows the site to independently decide which day during the existence of Pikabu should be displayed (again, “Best” will be shown).

If, while on the main page, the user clicks on “Best”, he will see the highest-rated publications for the current day.

What could be better?

In “Fresh,” everything is dumped together, and it is sorted in order of “age on the site”: the newly added post will be displayed first. As the developers of the Pikabu website themselves write: “This is an endless feed with more than a million posts.”

A little to the right, under the main banner, there are a number of more links.

Modestly hidden under advertising

By clicking on the “list of tags”, the user will be taken to a page where these same tags are listed along with the frequency of their appearance on the site:

So many different things!

To understand: each news on the Pikabu website is assigned tags - keywords that reveal the content of the publication. Each publication is assigned a minimum of 2 tags.

Thus, by selecting the “Game of Thrones” tag, a site visitor will go to a list of posts related directly to this topic.

You can use the “Tag Search” (located at the top of the page with a list of tags) if you don’t want to analyze all the options presented: you need to enter a word or phrase and press “Enter”:

The first thing that came to mind

Well, the results of issuing publications will look something like this:

Abyrvalg, and that’s it

Clicking on “Discussed” will take you to a page with posts under which the hottest discussions have flared up, in other words, to the most commented news.

Well, the very best

The [My] link, located to the right of “Discussed”, redirects to the publications page with the “my” filter - obviously, this implies the authorship of those directly publishing, and not borrowing material from other network resources.

Article Pikabu website is an information and entertainment portal with a warm lamp atmosphere was modified: December 4th, 2016 by Netobserver

Good day!

On the website Pikabu I have been registered for 6 months 1 week 5 days! And during this time I realized that all sites, from Odnoklassniki to VKontakte public pages, “steal” posts from Pikabu. Therefore, if you do not want to waste your time on button accordions, then welcome to this site!

Post (from English to post - send, send [message]) - a single message, an entry on a website.

What advantages does Pikabu have?

1. Lack of button accordions.

Bayan (boyan, bayan, etc.) - a designation for a re-published joke or information.

On Pikabu, each post is strictly checked using a bayanometer. “Hot” (the best posts of the last 24 hours) includes only the latest jokes, pictures, and news. I noticed that as soon as a post gets into Hot, literally after a couple of minutes it immediately appears in most VKontakte public pages.

2. The presence of tags, the ability to filter posts.

Tag - keyword, describing the content of the news.

Tags allow you to see posts on the topic you want. For example, I want to watch funny jokes about cats, I select this tag and watch only cats.

You can also add any tag to "ignore list" and you will not see news with this tag. Very convenient if you are not a fan of cats and don’t want to see posts about them.

3. User comments are sometimes funnier than the post itself., this is also a definite plus. Each comment can be given a plus or minus rating. But only registered users can do this.

4. A huge, endless stream of posts. Easy to load on Pikabu huge amount information!

5. The ability to add posts yourself and gain ratings. You can post anything on Pikabu, the main thing is that it is not a bayan. The following advantage of Pikabu follows from this:

6. Diversified information. If you think that only humorous content is published on Pikabu, then you are mistaken. On Pikabu you can find recipes, life hacks, paintings by artists, master classes and much more.

Pikabu is a great site, but it also has its drawbacks:

1. Presence of profanity both in some posts and in comments can spoil the impression of the site.

2. Some jokes can only be understood by long-registered users. That is, users within the team came up with their own jokes, code words that newcomers may not immediately understand.

Honestly, I didn’t find any more cons for myself.

“I’m quitting,” I told my husband.
He nervously twitched his eye, but prevailed and nodded.
It all started when a few months ago the new director hired a new deputy for me. The former one went to a related department for a position with more hemorrhoids, but also more money (I was called there, but that’s better than going bare-ass into a hive - and for some it’s a dream job), so good luck to him and peace to his ashes. The new deputy (let it be Albert), a man slightly older than me, turned out to be a pleasant, competent person, but only on his own mind. You describe the tasks for the project - he nods, leaves... and does not complete it by the appointed deadline. You have to either remind ten times about deadlines that are still missed, or finish it yourself so as not to get stuck and not let customers down.
After one day at a planning meeting, director Sergei especially praised Albert for good job, and he was modestly silent, I told the director one on one: “I did a third of this work, because Alik said that he was too busy and did not have time.” “It’s very good that you help each other,” Sergei answered. “It means you are a team.” Why are we a team if one constantly covers the other, and this system doesn’t work in return, the director didn’t explain. He referred to the fact that the new employee was still getting used to work. So the employee has not yet received the full volume of the download. It is clear that he needs to get used to it. For three months the situation has not changed, on the contrary, Albert got involved in blaming deficiencies on me: they say, he asked me to help, I promised and don’t help (and I stopped promising and helping, because my workload becomes larger if the deputy lazy). Director Sergei began to personally ask me to take on part of the deputy’s work - they say, you are so smart, without you we would all be lost. If you swear, you will.
Realizing that they were riding me dashingly and just didn’t hang bells under my bow, for the time being I didn’t rebel much. But a month ago, quite by accident, I found out that my deputy’s salary was higher than mine - due to bonuses and other additional payments (for tension, for complexity, etc. - although what a place he strained, not even achieving standard indicators, unclear). And then it hit me. But the conversation with the director again did not work out. His argument was perfect:
- He is a man, he has a wife with a second child on maternity leave, he needs to support his family.
I set the status “Looking for a job” on social networks, received a couple of more or less suitable offers and wrote an application of my own. I had a version that Sergei and Albert just wanted to get rid of me, they were freeing up the place, but it was not confirmed (although who the hell knows), because they both started persuading me. Albert called me for a cup of coffee and told me for a long time that he doesn’t want to be the head of the department, that he works great with me, and if he can do something to make me stay, he will do it... I have no doubt that he doesn’t want to: do half the job and getting paid more than your immediate superior is some kind of holiday. But working for your boss with a full workload for the same money is a gray, dull everyday life.
Sergei, in turn, asked under what conditions I was ready to stay. Naturally, I recalled the unfair calculation of salaries. Sergei admitted that it was impossible to give both of us the maximum bonus for tension and complexity: they say, centralized accounting will not miss such an accrual, and only one person can receive the maximum for excellent hard work - either the boss or the deputy. He suggested varying it: a month is the maximum for the deputy, as usual for me, a month is the opposite. Or divide the maximum allowance between two. “I hope Albert will agree,” the director added. If it weren’t for this remark, I would have thought about it again, so as not to cut from the shoulder. After all, a job that combines salary, interest and flexibility is not that common. Usually some component is missing. And usually salaries. But since the director needs Alik’s blessing, thank you, advice and love.
Realizing that I would leave in two weeks anyway, the director began to ask me to submit at least one of the three projects that I am currently leading ahead of schedule. But this is of no interest to me: for the successful completion of a commercial project, a percentage is due, and before the customer transfers the funds, I will not receive the money, that is, I will not receive it at all, since at the time of delivery I will no longer work here. And the other two projects are on government orders, for which both Alik and I receive a salary. And there is no need to upset the state with violations of discipline. Timing is everything to us.
It was harder to explain to my favorite designers and copywriters, with whom we actually have a team. But here my argument was accepted with understanding. We remembered how in April I lost consciousness at work, and the ambulance that arrived said unequivocally: overwork. That's when everyone got scared. So my farewell was over, songs were sung, pizzas were eaten, pens and moleskins were distributed.
And from today Dobby is free. A very strange feeling.
