PC in my life. The role of computers in the modern world

Technological progress is confidently advancing across the planet. The influence of the computer on human life is becoming stronger every year. Just think, 50 years ago in Russian villages not every house had electricity, but now it is very rare to find a schoolchild without a mobile phone in his pocket. Nowadays, all life comes to a standstill if the electricity goes out due to weather disasters. After all, all household appliances run on electricity either constantly or are charged from an electrical outlet for battery life.

Now it is very difficult to imagine how our grandparents could teach lessons by the light of a kerosene lamp. After all, electricity was not installed in one day, so the following statements could be heard from village residents: “Why do I need this light? I’ll buy myself a ten-line kerosene lamp, and my room will be light!”

Then they stopped refusing when they compared their lives under electric lighting and under a kerosene lamp. Now we take electricity for granted, but the first light bulb, the first day of radio operation, was a real holiday for the Soviet people.

Technological progress does not stand still. You can be convinced of this if you compare the first televisions, refrigerators, mobile phones, and computers with modern ones. Has also increased. 30 years ago people stood in line in stores to buy a refrigerator, TV or car; they only saw computers in movies, and they couldn’t even dream of a dishwasher.

At the end of the 80s of the last century, when the study of computer science was included in the school curriculum, there were textbooks, but there were no computers. Now in every city there are several stores selling computers and other household appliances, therefore, each person has the opportunity, based on price, quality and necessary functions.

The benefits of computers in human life

After all, no one buys a computer for themselves just like this: “The neighbor has one, let me have one too!” Everyone wants to somehow use the purchased computer. After all, this is not just an object of modern everyday life. It's powerful and multifunctional tool. Why does a person need it?

  • Search for information. Without leaving your home, you can go online and get an answer to any question in a few seconds or. It's very fast and convenient.
  • Communication. Nobody writes paper letters anymore. You can communicate with friends and relatives via Skype or Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. With the current lifestyle mobile phone and computer are popular means of communication.

  • Job. Now you can work without leaving home. You can choose an Internet profession for yourself and collaborate with the whole world.
  • Entertainment. Computer games, watching movies, listening to music. All this can be found on the Internet.
  • Education. Distance learning opens up enormous opportunities for a person to gain new knowledge.

Harm of a computer in a person’s life

Let us now consider the harmful effects of computers on human health. I remember the famous expression “Children of Asphalt” – city children who rarely spend time in nature.” This can be called all the people who sit at the computer, both in the city and in the countryside.

Today, almost every family member has a computer. Children and adults spend most of their free time at the computer and replace live communication with virtual communication.

Here the problem of “bad habits” arises, as well as gradation – which is more harmful. Some parents are even happy if teenagers sit at the computer or watch TV rather than wandering aimlessly through the streets, reading a book on the sofa rather than going to a nightclub. If a person is sick with alcoholism or drug addiction, relatives knock on all doors and try to cure the patient. But no one complains to others that their son or daughter sits in front of the TV or at the computer more than necessary.

The uncontrolled influence of the virtual environment has a very significant impact on the fragile psyche of a child. Many adults are unable to tear themselves away from computer games and social networks, and what can we say about children. Violent games make a child aggressive, cruel and indifferent towards others. He immerses himself in his virtual world and becomes withdrawn. Lack of movement and prolonged sitting at the computer also lead to physical illness.

Since we cannot give up modern technological devices: computers, tablets, smartphones, we must remember the simple truth: “Everything is good only in moderation.” Modern electronics are useful things. But if used thoughtlessly, the harm can be greater than the benefit.

PS: Interesting facts influence information technology for a person's life

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Subject research work- "Characteristics of a personal computer."

This work is very relevant because today computers are the cheapest and in a reliable way storing information, computers are also good for exchanging information between users. Equipping a personal computer is the most important part of choosing a computer for use, both for games and for working with documents.

I once asked myself this question: by what criteria can I assemble or select a PC for work? And this question interested me. The kind of PC we buy depends on the work behind it, and our feelings on the work done.

Also, my interest in this research work is that I am a 10th grade student and at the end of 11th grade I will go to study at a higher education institution, and I have a choice: which computer to choose for everyday study. And during this research work, I will try to tell all the characteristics of the PC. Based on this, we can highlight the purpose of my work.

Purpose of the work: choosing the optimal computer configuration for performing various types of work.

The theoretical part of the work is devoted to the consideration of PC components. In the practical part of the work, I will try to determine which computer is most popular among users.

Thus, in the process of writing this work, the following stages of work can be distinguished:

Consideration of literary sources and Internet sources devoted to the topic of this work;

Review of modern PC components, their capabilities and operating features;

Assessing the economic feasibility of using the optimal PC design for text layout;

Preparation of conclusions and suggestions regarding use specific program PC components.

It is difficult to imagine an enterprise that does not have computers in its production. Over time, computers at these same enterprises are updated and improved, as are operating systems.

The role of the computer in human life

Every day the computer is entering our modern life with big steps. You probably won’t be able to find a field of science that doesn’t use computers. The purpose of the very first computer was to solve complex mathematical problems using a set of specific algorithms. An algorithm is a set of rules that are capable of solving a specific type of problem.

Because of this, they were called computers - electronic computers. After some time, people realized that a computer is a universal tool that is capable of storing, processing and searching for various information.

Calculate a flight path, send a satellite into the sky, design a building, solve a complex mathematical problem, conduct complex operations in medicine, and much more can be done using a computer. Bright, colorful animated films are made on the computer. The computer will help you learn foreign language, prepare for the Unified State Exam, teach you how to correctly calculate your family budget.

These smart machines are capable of many things. Why cars? Yes, because they are not endowed with analytical thinking, compared to humans.

Nowadays, the computer plays a huge role. They are found almost everywhere from industrial plants to hospitals, from classrooms to research laboratories. And of course, now there are computers in almost every home.

A modern PC is a powerful and high-quality machine that can be easily used thanks to its convenient and beautiful interface.

Narmonskaya comprehensive school with in-depth study of individual subjects in the Laishevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Computers in our lives

Kuznetsova Yulia Vasilievna,
11th grade student

Ozhmekova Yulia Gennadievna,
computer science teacher

Narmonka – 2006

    Introduction……………………... ……………………………....... 3
    History of the development of computer technology ………………… 5
    Computer generations……………………………………………………………….. 5
    The use of computers in everyday life ……………………………. 7
    Use of computers at the Nuclear Power Plant…………. 8
    Application of computers in production……………………………. 8
    Application of computers in agriculture…………………….. 11
    Application of computers in trade……………………………………. 12
    Computers are guarding the law ………………………………………… 14
    The use of computers in art……………………………….... 16
    Application of computers in teaching……………………………………. 18
    Application of computers in medicine………………………………….. 18
    Conclusion ………………………………………………………. 22
    List of references…………………………….. 23

The computer quickly entered our lives. Just a few years ago it was rare to see any kind of personal computer - they existed, but they were very expensive, and not even every company could have a computer in their office. And now? Now every third home has a computer, which has already become deeply embedded in a person’s life.
Modern computers represent one of the most significant achievements of human thought, the influence of which on the development of scientific and technological progress can hardly be overestimated. The areas of application of computers are constantly expanding.
This topic really touched me. I thought about how, and with what acceleration, computers are “merging” into our lives. It is difficult to imagine modern society without computers. The computer is the main assistant, the right hand of a person in the 21st century.
Recently, on March 9, the world's largest exhibition in the field of information technology and telecommunications CeBIT’2006 was held in Hannover, Germany. More than 6.5 thousand stands of companies, including world industry leaders, were presented at this IT forum. The number of visitors, according to the organizers, reached half a million people. The Russian delegation was represented by about 70 companies, among which more than 15 companies came to Hannover from St. Petersburg. Various interesting models from other countries were presented there. For example: they presented: a coffee maker, a TV, about which they said that in the future it would be possible to access the Internet with their help. A prosthetic hand was also presented, which works under the control of the human brain. It was clear to the naked eye that the direction of security developments was greatly influenced by terrorist attacks. At the CeBIT exhibition, many solutions were presented to ensure the security of public buildings, for example, airports.
Russia has become a leader in the development of ideas. Among the presented models of information and communication technologies, people from Russia presented wonderful ideas. A representative of Kaspersky Lab said that programmers from Russia are ready to turn into reality the craziest ideas that programmers from other countries cannot do. Having seen it in the news, as well as on the Internet on the website of the newspaper “Business Petersburg” (http://www.dp.ru), I became even more interested in the development of this topic. This topic, in my opinion, is the most relevant in our time, because working in any field, every person is faced with computer technology. I think we should know everything about her!

History of the development of computer technology
Since ancient times, attempts have been made to create devices that facilitate calculations.
Subsequently, the history of computer technology was conventionally divided into stages IV.
Stage I - V century. BC e. - The ABAC computer was invented in Egypt.
Stage II - In 1624, the French scientist Blaise Pascal invented the Pascal wheel, which could perform 2 operations “addition and subtraction”. In 1673, the German scientist Wilhelm Leibniz improved the Pascal wheel and added two more operations “multiplication and division”.
Stage III – Machines using electromechanical relays appeared.
Stage IV - In 1874, the Russian scientist V. Odner invented an adding machine for cartographic calculations.

Computer generations

Over the 4 periods of computer development, great changes have occurred in the structure, improvement of the machine, and the areas of application have become more extensive.
1948-1958 - The first computers like MESM BESM-1, Strela, Minsk-1, Situn, Hrazdan.
The element base was based on electric lamps (diodes and triodes). Performance 2-3 operations per second. Designed to solve medium-sized, simple problems.
1959-1967 - M-20, M-220, Mir-1, Ruta-100, IBM.
The element base consisted of semiconductor devices. Performance is 20-30 operations per second. Used to solve labor-intensive problems and control technological processes.

1968-1973 – Dnepr-2, ES-106, Mir, ES-1050, IBM.
The element base consisted of an integrated circuit MIS. Performance of 2 million operations per second. Used more widely in science and technology.

1944-1982 - Elbrus, Iskra, Servers.
The element base is large integrated circuits. Performance of 10 million operations per second. The applications of these computers are extensive in all areas of science and technology, everyday life, healthcare, etc.

During the short history of its development, computer technology has undergone a great evolution not only in the sense of changing its structure, but also in the sense of expanding its areas of application and nature of use.

The use of computers in everyday life

In order to make difficult household work easier, numerous devices and devices have been invented - irons, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, refrigerators, microwave and microwave ovens, etc.
These devices cannot operate without human control, but they replace manual and boring work. Thus, a person greatly facilitates his work.
A computer is used in a hairdressing salon. A person, having come to the salon, without any difficulties or physical experiments, can choose a hairstyle for himself, just by placing his image in the computer, he can easily determine the style of hairstyle, makeup, choose hair color and much more.

Use of computers at a nuclear power plant

A computer at a nuclear power plant performs an auxiliary function - it collects information, processes it, and presents it to a human operator who controls the operation of the nuclear power plant. Of course, the nuclear reactor is automated, like everything around it, but the automation is analog, not using what we used to call a computer. Now systems are being created in which control computer systems will not only supply the operator with information and give him advice and tips, but also directly influence the control bodies of the units.

Application of computers in production

A computer (microprocessor) is built into various devices: watches, cameras, refrigerators, sewing machines, etc. What can a computer give to a designer and technologist in modern production? First of all, it can make working with drawings easier. With the help of a computer, a new drawing can be prepared several times faster than on a conventional drawing board. The most common fragments of drawings are; individual blocks and nodes can be stored in computer memory and used when creating new drawings. The use of such a library of drawings makes it possible to increase the productivity of an engineer behind an “electronic drawing board.”

Design and production – One cycle.
Having calculated the required part on a computer, and having machines with numerical control, you can combine design and production into a single cycle. Having the required shape of the part in the computer memory, you can use the same computer to calculate how the machine cutter should move in order to produce this part. Knowing the trajectory of the cutter, you can calculate the processing speed and coolant supply.
Have you ever wondered how much time and effort it takes to design a large and complex project, such as an airplane, ship, building or bridge? These types of projects tend to be some of the most time-consuming types of work. A team of designers and engineers spends months on calculations, drawings and examination of complex projects.
Today, in the computer age, designers have the opportunity to devote their time entirely to the design process, since the machine “takes over” the calculations and preparation of drawings. What types of projects is a computer used for? Let's give two examples.
A car designer uses a computer to study how body shape affects a car's performance. Using devices such as an electronic pen and tablet, the designer can quickly and easily make any changes to the project and immediately see the result on the display screen. The computer can present some part of the drawing on an enlarged scale or from different viewing angles. This technique makes it possible to test a large number of design capacities without creating an experimental prototype each time. As a result, time and money are saved.
Engineers and architects use computers to design official institutions, shopping centers and other large buildings. First, they create a detailed visual model, then use a computer to determine the shape, calculate dimensions, weight, etc. and, based on the data obtained, make appropriate changes to the original project. Let us assume that, according to the design, the weight of the building requires a foundation made of particularly high-strength material. In this case, the authors of the project refine their model and again conduct the necessary research. They repeat this process until they get a result that is satisfactory from all points of view.
Computers are used in a wide range of industrial tasks. For example, a dispatcher at a large plant has at his disposal an automated control system that ensures the uninterrupted operation of various units. Computers are also used to control temperature and pressure during various manufacturing processes. When the increase or decrease in temperature or pressure exceeds the permissible norm, the computer immediately sends a signal to the control device, which automatically restores the required conditions. The robot is also controlled by a computer.
A robot is a mechanical device controlled by a computer. Unlike the robots you see in stores or in movies, industrial robots are generally not human-like. Moreover, often these are just large metal boxes with long arms mechanically actuated.
Various jobs in factories, such as car assembly lines, involve repetitive tasks such as tightening bolts or painting body parts. Works perform repetitive operations without a hint of displeasure or signs of fatigue. Computers never lose attention to the production process and do not need lunch breaks.
Robots can also perform jobs that are too difficult or even impossible for humans, such as in extreme heat or freezing cold. They can prepare dangerous chemicals, work in highly polluted air and complete darkness. Often, one robot can replace two workers in a factory. In general, the use of robots helps to increase labor productivity and reduce production costs.
Use of computers in agriculture

Imagine that a farmer is deciding which of his existing bulls should be kept for breeding and which should be sold. Using a microcomputer, he enters various data on the physical condition of the animals and immediately receives a list of the best producers of his herd. Although computers in agriculture are the exception rather than the rule, many farmers nevertheless recognize them as a necessary tool. Having a computer, a farmer can quickly and easily calculate the required number of seeds for sowing and the amount of fertilizer. Computer systems can plan crop rotation and calculate the irrigation schedule for agricultural crops. The computer also helps the farmer plan his budget and keep records of livestock.
Some farms use sophisticated electronic systems to control the flow of feed to livestock. Based on the information received from them, the farmer can conclude that some animal is sick because it has “lost its appetite”: the portion of food given to it has remained untouched. This frees up material and human resources and significantly improves a person’s standard of living.

Application of computers in trade
In the organization of computer services for commercial enterprises, the bar code (bar code) has become widespread. Customers place their purchases on the counter, and you pass each of them through an optical scanning device, which reads the universal code printed on the purchase. The universal code is a series of dots and numbers by which the computer determines which product the buyer has; the price of this item is stored in the computer's memory and displayed on a small screen so that the buyer can see the cost of his purchase. Once all selected items have passed through the optical scanning device, the computer immediately displays the total value of the items purchased. In this case, the final payment to customers occurs much faster than when using a cash register.
The use of a computer not only allows you to significantly speed up settlements with customers, but also makes it possible to keep under control at all times the quantity of goods sold and available.
It is obvious that in the near future, computers will play an even greater role in the lives of department stores and their customers. In Japan, there are already supermarkets where modern technology is used to perform most of the tasks that have always been performed by people. Calculators are built into grocery carts so that the buyer can quickly figure out how much food he has selected. The computer regulates the lighting and air conditioning in the supermarket premises. An optical scanning device speeds up settlements with the buyer and keeps records of goods sold and remaining in stock. The supermarket also has a room where kids can watch videos while their parents shop.
Another of the most important components of informatization is the transition to the monetary and financial sphere - to electronic money.

The main focus is:
Trade without cash (payment by credit card). The cashless POS trading system (Points of Sale System is a cash register system) performs the following functions:

      verification of credit cards (their authenticity)
      withdrawing money from the buyer's account
      transfer of money to the seller's account.
POS is a mass and demonstrative electronic money system. It is capable of detecting the slightest theft of cash and goods. Each card has a built-in magnetic card-data carrier. The following are pre-registered:
        personal account number
        client's solvency category
        loan size
        bank name
Electronic money is an inevitable result of scientific and technological progress in the monetary sphere!

Computers are on guard of the law

Here is news that will not please the criminal: the “long arms of the law” are now equipped with computer technology. The “intellectual” power and high speed of the computer, its ability to process huge amounts of information, are now being put to the service of law enforcement agencies to increase work efficiency.
The ability of computers to store large amounts of information is used by law enforcement agencies to create a file of criminal activity. Electronic data banks with relevant information are easily accessible to state and regional investigative agencies throughout the country. Such banks can store:

      the names of the criminals and information about the reasons for the arrest;
      information about wanted and missing people;
      information about cars (including their state registration numbers), watercraft and firearms;
      information about stolen items.
Thus, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintains a national data bank, which is known as the National Crime Information Center.
With the help of a computer, through small crimes it is possible to “exit” large ones. So, one day the driver of one car was stopped for violating traffic rules. When his car's license plate number was checked using a computer, it turned out that the car had been stolen in a nearby region, and in addition, thanks to the computer, it was revealed that the driver was wanted in connection with a bank robbery. He was immediately arrested.
Computers are used by law enforcement agencies not only in computer information networks, but also in the process of investigative work. For example, in forensic laboratories I use computers to help analyze substances found at crime scenes. The conclusions of a computer expert often prove decisive in the evidence in a pending case.
Computers are often used to compile the “geography” of crimes. Data on crimes committed in different regions of the country are entered into a computer, which notes geographical map points where crimes were committed. Based on such data, law enforcement agencies take measures to prevent crimes in areas adjacent to the marked points.
According to the website www.evening-kazan.ru of the newspaper “Evening Kazan” No. 21 (3172) dated February 14, 2006, I learned that an American company from Ohio implanted silicone chips in two of its employees. According to the Financial Times, this is the first time in the United States that a person's personal information is recorded inside an implantable device. Private security company City Watcher.com, which specializes in video surveillance, is testing technology that can limit access to a room where classified information is stored.

Computers in art

Recently, more and more professional writers are using word processors to improve the quality and speed up their work. But not only novelists like King and Straub, but also journalists, technical writers, screenwriters, textbook authors, and many others use computers when working with texts. A word processor makes editing and collating texts much easier. In addition, it eliminates the need to retype texts and thereby saves time. Finally, the use of special programs helps to identify and eliminate spelling errors and syntax errors.
Writers with microcomputers can also connect to the corresponding data banks. Of course, this additionally saves time when you need to do some research during the process. Writers' microcomputers store their notes, relieve them of paperwork, and send invoices for payment of works accepted for publication.
In the hands of an artist, a computer becomes a drawing tool. Illustrators, designers, cartoonists, and filmmakers believe that computer technology provides them with new opportunities in their creative activities. Using tools such as a plotter, graphics tablet, and light pen, artists create multi-color drawings, graphs, maps, and diagrams.
But why are computers still popular among professional artists? You probably already guessed it? The computer gives the artist the ability to easily and quickly make changes and corrections to his drawings and diagrams. Do you want the boy in the drawing to be wearing a red shirt and not a blue one? Or for the car to have a convertible top rather than a hard top? Please! No problem. Electronic editing takes much less time than manual editing. Likewise, multiple variations of complex images can be created in minutes without having to start over again each time.
Don't you find that there are similarities between writers and artists when they start working with computers? Despite the fact that some create texts, while others create images, both of them, thanks to computers, bring acceleration, flexibility and convenience to their creativity.
Music theorists were interested in the computer primarily as a modeling and information retrieval device. The greatest resonance then was caused by “computer compositions”, which, strictly speaking, are not works of artistic creativity in the full sense of the word. They should be considered as quasi-musical phenomena. A method of composing music based on an algorithmic basis was tested solving problem technology.
The program was developed in BASIC. It involves the possibility of limiting the amount of material that will be included in the work. When certain keys are pressed, the machine reproduces selected tones, octaves, and first sounds through the speaker. The next input of sounds outputs subsequent music. In this way, composers create their works without spending much effort. With the help of a computer, even a novice musician can professionally create music in any genre.

Computer in training
In modern society, the computer plays a big role in learning. A modern technologies allow you to create electronic boards connected to a computer, so that when you draw on their surface with a special marker, the image immediately goes to the PC and can then be processed by recognition programs handwriting input and saved in a file and printed in the required quantity. The Limio kit includes 4 colored markers and a special eraser, as well as the Limio Mous pointer, which replaces a computer mouse. While such a board has not gone on sale on Russian market, but American manufacturers promised that it would soon appear in some American schools.

Computer in medicine
Computers are widely used not only in institutions and industrial enterprises, but also in medicine. Doctors, nurses, as well as pharmacists and representatives of other medical specialties consider the computer as an integral tool in their work. Doctors use it for many important purposes.
How often do you get sick? You probably had a cold, chickenpox, or a stomach ache? If in these cases you went to the doctor, most likely he performed the examination quickly and quite effectively. However, medicine is a very complex science. There are many diseases, each of which has only its own symptoms. In addition, there are dozens of diseases with the same and even completely identical symptoms. In such cases, it can be difficult for a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. And here the computer comes to his aid. Currently, many doctors use a computer as an assistant in making a diagnosis, i.e. to clarify what exactly is hurting the patient. To do this, the patient is thoroughly examined, and the results of the examination are reported to the computer. After a few minutes, the computer reports which of the tests performed gave an abnormal result. At the same time, he can name a possible diagnosis. He can also conduct examinations and preventive examinations.
The computer is also used for other purposes:

      Computed tomography.
The computer helps the doctor quickly and efficiently conduct preventive examinations. For example, a device called a “cat scanner” provides an accurate image of a person’s internal organs. By the way, such a “cat” has nothing in common with a domestic animal on four legs. This is an abbreviation for “computer-aided tomography”, and tomography is a type of x-ray examination.
      Ultrasound diagnostics allows the doctor to painlessly see on the computer screen the organs that need treatment on the computer screen. To do this, the doctor only moves a special device over the human body, and the scanning device enters all the data into the computer’s memory, and the computer, in turn, issues messages about the diseased organ.
      Heart rate monitor
Imagine for a moment a person who has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. He is feeling well now, but is still in the intensive care unit. Here he is “connected” to a computer that monitors the number of heartbeats: if it suddenly decreases to a dangerous level, the computer will immediately notify the doctor or nurse.
      Breathing and anesthesia devices
      Radiation therapy
      Devices for the diagnosis and localization of kidney and iron stones.
British scientists have invented an “echo sounder” that “hears” how stones are destroyed when crushed. The device picks up the echo produced when stones are broken by a sound wave. By its tone, you can judge how successful the procedure was. According to the researchers, this device will, if not avoid, then at least reduce the number of X-ray studies that are now used to monitor the effectiveness of the procedure.
      Treatment and prosthetics using a computer
      Microcomputer controlled system for intensive patient monitoring
There are also many other ways that computers can be used for these purposes in hospitals, clinics and laboratories. Here are some of them:
    Computers play an important role in medical research. They make it possible to establish how air pollution affects the incidence of disease in the population of a given area. In addition, they can be used to study the effects of impacts on various parts of the body, in particular the consequences of an impact in a car accident on the human skull and spine.
    Medical data banks allow doctors to keep abreast of the latest scientific and practical advances.
    Computer networks are used to send messages about donor organs needed by patients awaiting transplant surgery.
    Computing technology is used to teach practical skills to healthcare workers. This time the computer acts as a patient who needs immediate help. Based on the symptoms generated by the computer, the student must determine the course of treatment. If he makes a mistake, the computer immediately shows it.
    Computers are used to create maps showing how quickly epidemics spread.
    Computers store patient medical histories in their memory, which frees doctors from time-consuming paperwork and allows them to spend more time with the patients themselves.
The use of computers takes medicine to a higher level and further improves the quality of life.


The areas of application of computers today are very diverse: scientific, engineering and economic calculations, modeling of processes and phenomena, design and construction of buildings, structures and products; issuance of reference information on any occasion and on any topic, control and management of technical devices and objects, sale of goods and services, fine and musical arts, training, games, i.e. Computers can be used wherever a person deals with information in any form form. A review of all areas of real-life application of computers and available software developed in the world can form a multi-volume reference book. The main trend in the development of commercial software released for sale is to increase the volume of functions, expand the service for consumption, while simultaneously simplifying and improving the user interface. Concern about expanding the circle of consumers by facilitating the procedure for using computers is a powerful incentive for foreign software manufacturers.
The expansion of the scope of application of computers occurs not only due to an increase in the number of devices to which the computer is connected, but also due to the growth of the “integral capabilities” of computers. This is how information retrieval systems and databases develop into knowledge bases.

List of used literature:

    A.G. Gein, V.G. Zhitomirsky Tutorial“Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science.”
    Medical news. Health magazine, February 2005.
    Medical news. Health magazine May 2005.
    Popkov A.I. "Introduction to practical computer science»
    Sokol I., Ship S. Computer assistant in music teaching. Odessa
    Semakin I., Zalogova L, Rusakov S., Shestokova Basic course 7-9 grade M.: BINOM, 2004
    Ugrinovich N. Computer science and information technology, grades 10-11 M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge. 2002.
    What can a computer do? INFO Magazine (Informatics and Education). M.: “Pedagogy” 1990 No. 2 March-April.
    What can a computer do? INFO Magazine (Informatics and Education). M.: “Pedagogy” 1988 No. 3 May-June
    What can a computer do? INFO Magazine (Informatics and Education). M.: “Pedagogy” 1987 No. 5 September-October
    What can a computer do? INFO Magazine (Informatics and Education). M.: “Pedagogy” 1991 No. 2 March-April
    Shautsukova A, Z. Informatics grades 10-11 M.: Education, 2000.
    Yagunova E. Diagnosis according to Voll. Health magazine June 2005.
    http://pok-ibm.narod.ru./Izobp rosh.htm.
    WWW.evening-kazan.ru (social and political newspaper “Evening Kazan”.

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Today, the most popular piece of equipment for home and office use is the personal computer.

It can be used for both relaxation and work. With it you can watch videos, work with documents, process photos and video files, play games and use it as an entertainment center. But this is not even the main advantage of technology.

In our time, when every minute counts, technology of this kind significantly expands horizons.

Equipped network card to access the Internet, personal equipment of this type allows access to any information. With its help you can transfer or receive within a few seconds cash, find the right person, talk via video with friends or arrange a video conference in the office. Working with a computer also has its disadvantages, especially at school age.

Using a PC you can also arrange workplace at home, which many workers use quite successfully. In any case, having a PC is always prestigious, convenient, and many simply cannot do without it. And there is no need to talk about the importance of computers in production, in the scientific industry and in everyday life.

Whatever we encounter in everyday life, everything works on a PC basis. Banking systems, retail chains, education, science and technology development, medicine, industry, and any other area that in one way or another concerns our lives uses a computer to ensure its functionality.

Thanks to computer systems humanity has gained the opportunity to automate most processes and has made a big leap forward. Therefore, the importance that computers have in our lives cannot be underestimated.

computer electronic automation

The most important thing is to choose the right PC, taking into account your wishes and needs. Many companies offer not only the sale of such equipment, but also provide a whole service for warranty service goods purchased from them.

Modern manufacturers offer consumers complete equipment, or, if desired, you can individually select a PC, equipping it with components that will be most suitable for performing the tasks assigned to them. And the design of the equipment is also very diverse. At the same time, newer and more productive components regularly appear on the world market. And this is great, because progress does not stand still, which means that soon new, more advanced models will appear, with the help of which it will be possible to perform many more operations and the role of the PC in our lives will increase!

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    The twentieth century gave many “technical miracles”, including the computer with its numerous capabilities, including the world information network Internet. One can argue endlessly about the benefits and harms of these inventions, because every phenomenon or event has its supporters and opponents. Undoubtedly, the computer of the younger generation, sometimes even replacing friends, parents, school for teenagers...

    Issues of computerization and the impact of computers on human health are one of the important problems of our time. Although the computer makes a person’s life easier, it can at the same time cause serious addiction. When immersed in the virtual world, a person seems to isolate himself from reality and ceases to be interested in his surroundings. And especially vulnerable in this regard are children and adolescents who have not yet formed as individuals and are easily susceptible to harmful influence. And so I decided to study the dependence of school students on the computer, the influence of the computer on the health of the student and what changes in the body this influence can lead to.

    The purpose of my work is:

    determining the influence of a computer on the life and health of class students.

    To achieve my goal, I set the following tasks:

    1. Studying the available literature on a given issue.

    2. Conducting a survey to identify schoolchildren’s dependence on the computer.

    Research methodology:

    1. Analysis of literature on the research topic.

    2. Questioning, mathematical data processing, diagramming.

    Issues of computerization and the impact of computers on human health are one of the important problems of our time. I raise this problem in my work.

    Theoretical part

    The main harmful factors affecting a person using a computer

    The main harmful factors affecting a person using a computer:

    Sitting for long periods of time;

    Overload of the joints of the hands;

    Stress due to loss of information.

    The influence of the computer on the psyche

    The effect of the computer on memory

    Let's consider each factor separately and its impact on human health.

    Sitting for long periods of time.

    It would seem that a person sits in a relaxed position at the computer, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, hence osteochondrosis, and in children - scoliosis. For those who sit a lot, a heat compress forms between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result - prostatitis and hemorrhoids, diseases the treatment of which is a long and unpleasant process. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity.

    Effects on vision

    The eyes register the smallest vibration of a text or picture, and even more so the flickering of the screen. Overload of the eyes leads to loss of visual acuity. Poor selection of colors, fonts, window layout in the programs you use, and incorrect screen placement have a bad effect on your vision.

    Overload of the joints of the hands

    The nerve endings of the fingertips seem to be broken from constant hitting the keys, numbness, weakness occur, and goosebumps run through the pads. This can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future hand diseases can become chronic.

    Stress when losing information

    Not all users regularly do backups your information. But viruses never sleep, and neither do hard drives. the best companies, sometimes they break down, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes press the wrong button... As a result of such stress, heart attacks have also occurred.

    The influence of the computer on the psyche

    As for the human psyche, here more virtual things come to the fore, namely, excessive passion for computer games or the Internet. As a rule, it is these factors that can cause a kind of addiction, which in some cases is associated with the inability to break away from one’s hobby, causing a kind of manic addiction to the Internet or games. In such cases, a person is simply unable to imagine his existence without the subject of his already unhealthy interest, placing more and more on its altar. more of your time and health.

    The influence of the computer on memory.

    Too frequent access to all kinds of gadgets is already beginning to affect the functioning of our brain, and more precisely, the process of memorizing information.

    Basic rules of visual hygiene:

    Comfortable workplace.

    It should be sufficiently illuminated, the light field should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the working space, the light rays should not fall directly into the eyes. Complete your computer good monitor, configure it correctly, use high-quality programs.

    Special nutrition for the eyes.

    People with impaired vision need to eat foods that strengthen the blood vessels of the retina: blueberries, black currants, carrots. The diet of myopic people should include cod liver, greens: parsley, lettuce, dill, green onions. Rosehip (infusion, decoction) and cranberry help with retinal dystrophy.

    Gymnastics for the eyes.

    There are computer programs, imitating rest for the eyes. It's hard to say how effective they are. It’s probably better to really relax for the same 10 minutes than to look at a screen simulating relaxation.

    Gymnastics for the eyes brings the greatest benefit for prevention and in the first stages of weakened vision. It is advisable to perform an “eye” set of exercises both for those who work at a computer and for those whose eyes are prone to overwork. Gymnastics for the eyes usually takes no more than five minutes.

    Practical part

    Analysis of results

    The survey was conducted among 7th grade students, a total of 40 people were interviewed. The survey questions are divided into 4 groups:

    Computer time.

    Analysis of the results obtained for this block showed that 100% (40 people) of students have a computer at home; 22% of students began working on a computer from an early age - 4 years; 40% - from 7 years old; from 8 - 9 years old - all the rest.

    I found that 36% responded that they have a constant desire to play games. These students are probably prone to gambling addiction. 64% answered that they have no craving for computer games.

    I gave the kids a choice: a computer or a ski trip - 76% chose a computer, and 24% chose a ski trip.

    Communication by email or chatting with a friend in reality - 64% chose communication by email, and 36% chatting with a friend in reality

    When asked what interests them most: a computer, reading books, or solving logical problems, 72% of students chose a computer, 20% of respondents chose reading books, 8% solving logical problems.

    Psychological symptoms

    During the survey, I tried to find out whether schoolchildren are in a bad, irritable mood if the computer is broken?

    79% of children are in an irritable mood and cannot do anything, 21% do not pay attention to it.

    When asked, did you conflict with your parents, threaten them, blackmail them in response to the ban on sitting at the computer?

    8% answered that they did not conflict or threaten, and 92% answered that they entered into conflict situations with their parents because of the ban on “communication” with the computer.

    Health-saving technologies when working with a computer

    To the question, do you know what threat a computer poses to your health? 64% answered that they know, 36% answered no.

    Eyes get tired when working with a computer 44% of respondents answered yes, 32% do not get tired eyes, and 24% do not attach any importance to this.

    The influence of the computer on the development of intelligence

    On asked question: which ones computer games do you prefer to play? 44% answered that they prefer to play action games, 36% prefer war games, 20% prefer logic games.

    In the course of my work, I compared the increase in the number of computers among students at our school with changes in their health.

    According to medical examination data, in comparison over 2 academic years, among 7th grade students of our school, there is a tendency to increase the incidence of diseases of the organ of vision and the musculoskeletal system.

    The most popular types of activities in the leisure structure of schoolchildren (%)

    From the data presented in the table it can be seen that, depending on the age group, there is a tendency towards a significant decrease in the percentage of schoolchildren who prefer reading books and communicating with friends in their free time. At the same time, it is characteristic that the proportion of those who indicate watching television programs has practically remained the same. As for the computer, the proportion of schoolchildren who mark “communication” with it as their favorite leisure activity has increased sharply.



    While researching the literature on the impact of a computer on a schoolchild’s health, I came to the conclusion that although a computer makes a person’s life easier, it can at the same time cause serious addiction. When immersed in the virtual world, a person seems to isolate himself from reality and ceases to be interested in his surroundings. And especially vulnerable in this regard are children and adolescents who have not yet formed as individuals and are easily susceptible to harmful influence. In relation to some games, adolescents develop a drug-like addiction. Many computer games evoke an aggressive attitude, but there are also those that develop positive qualities.

    The development of new teaching technologies at school requires good knowledge personal computer. It is quite difficult to learn how to work in many programs on your own. You need to have a strong enough motivation to comprehend the “unknown” alone. But still, it is better to make the computer not a means of entertainment, but a tool for learning; the school will help schoolchildren with this.

    According to statistics, there is an increase in the number of personal computers in students’ homes, which may affect the health of schoolchildren. I propose that schoolchildren follow the rules for working on a computer at home, and that schools pay great attention to health-saving technologies. The attitude of teachers towards the appearance of personal computers for schoolchildren is almost unambiguous: the machine was created not for entertainment, but for work. Children should, first of all, replenish their knowledge, and not play. Of course, there are games that develop memory and thinking, but modern teenagers more often prefer various “strategies, etc.” This does not have a positive effect on their psyche and performance.

    Scientists draw a parallel between frequent computer use and a sharp deterioration in vision in adolescents. Monotonous and long work with a computer leads to excessive eye strain and problems focusing. Symptoms manifest themselves in the form of headaches, discomfort in the eyes, blurred images. But, strange as it may sound, children adapt quickly and, most likely, simply do not pay attention to the symptoms that appear.

    In my research, I found that 74% of those surveyed have similar symptoms, but they either don’t pay attention to it or take some rest. According to medical examination data, school students have observed a slight increase in the incidence of diseases of the visual organs and the musculoskeletal system. I can assume that this is due to the fact that:

    Students know and follow the rules for working with a computer;

    The school pays great attention to health-saving technologies.


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