Search for biologically active points by humidity. A device for searching biologically active points on the human body

The invention relates to medicine, namely to reflexology, and can be used in searching for biologically active points. The essence of the invention: determine the frequency response electromagnetic radiation in the area where the desired point is located, the area with the maximum frequency is recorded, this area is exposed to electromagnetic radiation with the identified maximum frequency, the frequency characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation are re-determined, and while maintaining the value of the measured parameter, this area is classified as a biologically active point. 4 tables

The invention relates to medicine, namely to reflexology. V. A. Presnov’s known method for determining the localization of acupuncture points (a.s. N 1569014, Bull. N 21, 1990), which consists in installing a sensor on the surface of the skin in the area of ​​a biologically active point (BAP) mechanical vibrations, and moving it in the area of ​​the intended BAP, measure the maximum amplitude of mechanical vibrations within 165050 Hz. The disadvantage of this method is a significant change frequency characteristics when the mechanical pressure of the sensor on the BAP changes, and there is a large variability of readings when the sensor is displaced even by 1 mm from the center of the BAP, which makes it difficult to find the point. The closest in essence and result achieved when using it is the method of measuring the electrical conductivity of BAP (or electrodermal resistance of BAP) by indicating the readings taken by the deflection of the arrow measuring instrument(microammeter) or light indication of a probe electrode of devices specially mounted for this purpose for electropuncture diagnostics and therapy (D.M. Tabeeva. “Guide to acupuncture.” M. Medicine, 1980, pp. 147-164; F.G. Portnov "Electropuncture reflexology". Riga, Zinatne, 1988, pp. 86-132). The disadvantage of this method is the “interfering” influence of various transient factors, such as: skin moisture, changes in the pressure of the probe electrode on the BAP, an increase in ambient temperature, differences in the readings of microammeters of equipment installed differently according to block diagrams (“Reflex”, “PEG” , "ELITE", etc.), the location of the "indifferent" electrode not in the middle part of the body, but in one of the palms, the presence of polarization and breakdown of BAP, which even after 5-10 minutes does not lead to relaxation of acupuncture points and makes it difficult to accurately repeated measurements. In addition, the physiological effects of constant electric shock, causing polarization (F.G. Portnov. “Electropuncture reflexology.” Riga, Zinatne, 1988, pp. 100-132). The essence of the method is that initially a zone of electromagnetic radiation with a maximum frequency is found on the surface of the body, then it is exposed to EMF in the same frequency range, after which the frequency characteristics of the EMF emitted by this zone are again determined; if the frequency characteristics are stable, the found zone is referred to as BAP. The proposed method excludes the influence of mechanical, chemical and electrical influences on the BAP, and only measures the electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by the BAP, created as a result of physiological processes by any formations of a living excitable system (V.I. Bankov. “The property of a living organism to form a response-signal, spectral density the power of which corresponds to its functional state and morphological characteristics. two unpaired meridians (channels) of the body find the zone with the maximum level of EMF frequency, then this zone is affected for 1-3 s; electromagnetic vibrations found frequency and record the readings again. If the measurements are stable, the zone is classified as BAP. In the course of 50 preliminary studies in 5 healthy people (aged 18-20 years), differences were found in the maximum values ​​of the frequency characteristics of BAP. So, for example, for the 11th point of the large intestine meridian (Qui-chi) they were 143 Hz, the 5th point of the lung meridian (Chi-tse) 212 Hz, the 36th point of the stomach meridian (Jiu-san-li) - 164 Hz, 17th point of the bladder meridian (Ge-shu) -283 Hz, 6th point of the pericardial meridian (Nei-guan) 142 Hz, 4th point of the large intestine meridian (Wan-gu) 322 Hz. The last BAP (helper point) was used for further studies on 20 patients aged 18-22 years. The research results in comparison with the traditional prototype method are shown in Table 1. As follows from Table 1, with the traditional method of finding BAP using the properties of electrical conductivity, the latter changes significantly after the first study (polarization and breakdown of the point) and remains significantly increased during studies within 1-3 s after exposure (P<0,05). Что же касается заявляемого способа, частотные показатели точки Вань-гу практически остаются неизменными (P>0.05), which confirms the lack of influence external factors(electric current and EMF on the physiological state of this BAP). Measurements of frequency characteristics were carried out after studying electrical conductivity). Additionally, electrical conductivity measurements and frequency characteristics were taken both at the center of the BAP (Wan-Gu) and at a distance of 1, 5 and 10 mm from this center. The data is shown in Table 2. As is clear from the data in Table 2, the polarization and breakdown of the BAP by direct electric current, as well as the pressure of the locating probe when using the prototype method, significantly change original condition electrical conductivity, which increases and remains in this state even 5 minutes after the first study (the relaxation period is absent or delayed, P<0,05). Подобное явление наблюдается на любом расстоянии (1-10 мм) от центра БАТ, имея максимальные значения в центре точки (P<0,05). При съеме частотных параметров ЭМП БАТ они практически остаются неизменными как при первом, так и при повторном исследовании (P>0.05), decreasing with distance from the BAP center (P<0,01). В табл.2 знаменатель съем информации через 5 мин после первого исследования; числитель первое исследование). Учитывая, что при исполнении способа-прототипа характеристика БАТ может меняться от величины давления щупом, были проведены сравнительные исследования с переменным давлением, а именно: датчик и локационный щуп нагружали стандартными грузиками массой 50, 100 и 200 г. Замеры проводились до (прикосновение датчика и щупа к коже в области точки БАТ) и после статической нагрузки через 3 с. Сравнительные данные приведены в табл.3. Таким образом, согласно полученным данным, при увеличении статического давления на БАТ происходит значительно повышение ее электропроводности (P<0,05), чего практически не отмечается при замере частот ЭМП этой точки. Поскольку известно, что влажность кожи и окружающая температура также являются преходящими факторами, изменяющими значение электропроводности, нами были проведены дополнительные исследования, результаты которых отражены в табл.4. Оценивая полученные результаты, можно отметить, что смачивание кожи исследуемой БАТ значительно увеличивает ее электропроводность (P<0,05), в то время как частота ЭМП той же точки имеет недостоверную тенденцию к снижению ввиду поглощения, по-видимому, части энергии ЭМП водной средой, нанесенной извне (В.Д.Григорьева. "Микроволновая терапия". В кн. Курортология и физиотерапия, М. Медицина, 1985, т.1, с. 452-468). Что же касается температуры воздуха, то она в большей степени и достоверно изменяет показания электропроводности (P<0,05), нежели частотных характеристик, имеющих тенденцию к стабильности (P0,05). Таким образом, преимуществом предложенного способа определения местонахождения БАТ является повышения точности нахождения БАТ без нарушения ее продуктивной деятельности, а также возможность точного определения независимого от внешних факторов показателя частотных характеристик ее электромагнитного излучения. Особенностью способа является также пассивный съем информации без превходящих воздействий (давление, электрический ток и др.). Пример. Ж-ов В.И. 21 год. Соматически здоров. При нахождении точки Вань-гу заявленным способом частота ЭМРП составила 28 29 32 Гц (соответственно на расстоянии 5 и 1 мм от центра БАТ); последняя цифра частоты была принята за центр БАТ. Далее на найденную точку воздействовали частотой 32 Гц. Через 1 с показания не изменились и составили 32 Гц. При применении традиционного способа-прототипа показания электропроводности в центре БАТ составили 68,6 мкА, а через 1 с 78,8 мкА.

Formula of invention

A method of searching for biologically active points by measuring the physical parameters of the skin, characterized in that the maximum values ​​of the frequency of electromagnetic radiation of the skin zones of the projection of a biologically active point are recorded, then this zone is exposed to the same frequency of electromagnetic radiation and, with completely preserved values ​​of the measured parameter, this zone is classified as biologically active active point.

This simple electrical stimulator allows you to search for biologically active points on the human body (shiatsu or zhenjiu therapy) and automatically stimulate them with a weak current of a special form, which will have the same effect as the well-known acupuncture procedure. This method can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases at home after consultation with a doctor and all his recommendations!

The work of the stimulator is based on the effect that in the place where the active point is located close to the surface of the skin, the resistance of the human body decreases sharply. This can be easily checked even with a regular tester turned on to measure maximum resistance (usually 2 MOhm), if you hold one of its probes in your hand and touch different parts of the body with the other. The resistance of different sections will vary quite noticeably. Thus, the operation of the device is based on the effect of changing the resistance of different parts of the body.

In many different sources, including on the Internet, you can find maps of the location of biologically active points on the human body, however, the exact position of each point may differ slightly for different people, and it can be determined accurately using the simple device proposed here.

Several drawings of maps of acupuncture points on the body

Schematic diagram of the stimulator

The circuit is a simple pulse generator, the frequency of which is determined by an RC circuit. Here R is the resistance at this specific point of the human body. Since the resistance at different points is different, the generation frequency will also be noticeably different. The lower the resistance of the skin area, the higher the frequency. Therefore, the procedure for finding a biologically active point (BAP) consists of searching for a pinpoint area of ​​the skin where the frequency of LED flashing and the sound of the piezo emitter will be the highest. In this case, one of the electrodes is a metal plate on the body of the device (or the body of the device itself, if it is metal), providing reliable contact with the hand, and the second is a metal pin, by moving which across the skin BAPs are searched for. Power can be from any batteries or accumulators with a voltage from 4.5 to 12 V.

Operation of the biostimulator circuit

A simple pulse generator is assembled on a microcircuit. This may be a digital MS type K561LA7 (shown in the diagram). It contains 4 NAND elements in one package. You can use others, for example, K561LA9, where there are 2 AND-NOT elements, but with three inputs:

The power of generated pulses with such a microcircuit will increase. Or others, similar to MS series 561, 174, 164, 155. But in this case, one should take into account the possibility of a different pinout and supply voltage range of the microcircuit. MS with OR-NOT elements are also suitable:

The diode bridge generates pulses of a certain polarity. Its diodes can be any low-power ones, for example KD520, 521, 522, etc. The LED indicator is also any, the brightness of its glow can be adjusted by trimming resistor VR1 (its resistance cannot be reduced to zero, otherwise the LED may burn out!) Therefore, it is better to choose a constant resistor of the required value. The piezo emitter can be installed or not. It does not affect the normal operation of the device in any way and is only needed for sound indication of the device’s operation, if necessary. It can be of types ZP-1, ZP-2, ZP-4, ZP-5...

Download the board drawing here. The homemade stimulator does not require any adjustment. Connect the power and, if all elements are working, it immediately starts working. In the initial state, when the resistance between the electrodes is high, the generator does not generate anything. The LED may light constantly or not light at all. When the probes touch, generation begins. The LED begins to blink more often, the lower the resistance between the probes and, therefore, the closer the biologically active point. When it hits the BAP point directly, the LED blinks at maximum frequency. When using a sound emitter in a circuit, the sound also reaches its maximum frequency. When you hold the probe on the BAP, it is stimulated with a pulsed current.

In the specialized literature and other sources there are recommendations on which impulses of what polarity are best to influence BAP. As a rule, it is recommended to use negative impulses. In this case, the second, positive electrode should be held in your hand, or applied to another place (you should get recommendations from your doctor about this). You can add a switch to the device for convenience and use it to change the polarity of the impact pulses. How to do this is shown in the figure below:

The electrical stimulator can be assembled in any suitable plastic or metal housing. If the body is metal, then one of the electrodes should be connected to the body. If the body is made of dielectric, then a metal plate or foil should be glued to it, connected to one of the electrodes.

Video about electronic acupuncture stimulator

Below are photos of a possible design of the device, assembled in a small-sized electrical switching box.

An interesting medical device or how I treated allergies

The diagnostic effect or the doctrine of opposition

A huge number of different models have been discovered in the section of electroacupuncture, but this area still turned out to be a “dark spot” in medicine.

The proposed methodology and view on this topic are intended to destroy the generally accepted dogmas to this day and take a fresh look at this topic, which has come to us from time immemorial.

The effect was discovered in 1981. in OKBIKI of the Kirghiz SSR.

BAP is a biological active point, located on a symbolic line indicating the meridian. The number of BAPs today is more than 4,000 pieces. The state of the BAP changes depending on the time of day, the state of the part of the organ to which this point belongs, and the general condition of the patient’s body. The state of BAP also changes from taking medications and drugs. Using the BAP, you can determine how advanced the disease is and whether it is chronic.

The devices that exist today quite cope with the function of finding BAP on the patient’s body, but none of these devices allows one to determine the condition of the BAP itself. Therefore, a specialist doctor in the field of acupuncture always works according to the atlas of points (experience gained by generations of researchers) and according to the recommendations in the corresponding appendices to the atlas. Most often, after acquiring the appropriate experience (taking appropriate courses), no attention is paid to such literature and the doctor works as a psychotherapist, i.e. operating "verbally".

With this approach to the matter, it is almost impossible to prescribe the medicine required according to the indications, and even if the correctly prescribed drug is prescribed, then it is quite possible to overdose it and, as a result, poison the body.

The proposed methodology allows us to avoid such gross mistakes, i.e. determine with high accuracy precisely the failure of a small area in the “moping” organ, if a certain BAP corresponds to it, and also determine whether the medicine is prescribed and whether the dose of the medicine is appropriate for a given patient.

In the descriptions of various devices for searching for BAP, there are no specific methods (one rather hackneyed and completely illiterate one is MEASUREMENT OF BAP RESISTANCE by connecting the device to the corresponding parts of the patient’s body).

The fact is that a person is a bio-chemical substance that contains the properties of a capacitor - a battery, there are microcurrents and thermal noise, etc.

To link the measurement of BAP to the measurement of body resistance means showing absolute incompetence in this matter.

BAP is a special area of ​​a living organism with an exit through the skin, which has the properties of “rejection” to the applied external influence, in this case, electric current.

In general, BAP is affected not only by electric current (more on this later), but also by strong heat (wormwood cigars) or strong local cooling.

In the case of working with electric current, the BAP most closely resembles a rechargeable battery or a high-capacity capacitor, i.e. when the applied potential from the device is compared with the developed accumulated potential of the BAP - this is the “REJECTION” mode, i.e. the body's reaction to external influences. The “rejection” mode due to the “human chemical formula” is quite long (several seconds) and depends, of course, on the individual characteristics of each individual. Measuring the time of “running up” of the “rejection” potential makes it possible to determine the general condition of the BAP.

Each person is a purely individual substance and the time of “rejection” is different for everyone. How can one “average” absolutely all people in order to apply a common technique for everyone (not a panacea, but still closer to the body)?

Some industrial devices use a certain “average” calculus (a scale divided into divisions).

According to the doctrine of “yin-yang” opposites, the researcher made an attempt to change the polarity of the BAT search (from “minus search” to “plus search”), which was crowned with complete success. It turned out that changing the polarity is the best suited for obtaining a measurement that is STABLE IN TIME in a given time interval (several seconds intended for determining the state of the BAP - “alive or dead”), i.e. it became possible to measure one BAT in 2 different polarity modes and, accordingly, COMPARE these two time-varying clock intervals. In practice, these two times / (-) search and (+) search / differ from each other, sometimes up to several seconds, but if in the case of repeated diagnostics there is a proportional decrease in the time plus or minus “REJECTION”, then the BAP is considered healthy. For example: (-)search was completed in 5 seconds, and (+)search - in 7 seconds, repeated measurement - (-)search was reduced to 3 seconds, but (+)search was also reduced to 5 seconds. Usually, during the 3-fold cycle of checking the “REJECTION” mode, the BAT enters the “COMPLETE IGNORED DIAGNOSTICS MODE” mode. To return the BAP to its original state, it is necessary to remove the search noise from the BAP and wait about 10-15 minutes to “calm down” the BAP.

The “COMPLETE IGNOREMENT OF THE DIAGNOSTICS MODE” mode is the best evidence of the full functionality of the BAP and the full performance of its functions by the part of the organ to which this BAP belongs.

Further practice in operating the device fully confirmed this technique.

It also turned out that chronic - neglected BAP (organs) cannot enter the “(+) REJECTION” mode, and that BAP that enters the mode after being exposed to the treatment part of the device using numerous methods of “professors” only after a short period of time (up to half an hour) is in the initial “dead” state - (the point “wakes up” and this is clearly visible in frequent diagnostic monitoring, usually BAP, after 3 times of monitoring it enters the “IGNORE DIAGNOSTICS” mode, i.e. complete “killing” "points with applied potential both (-) and (+)-oh).

The tests also showed that the use of electric current treatment for viral infections (influenza in particular) is inadmissible.

After pumping tonic BAPs, a 23-year-old patient (with influenza) developed a nosebleed.
A 25-year-old patient (complaints about liver function) - the point of “rejection” of the (+) potential was determined as not gaining (+) potential, pumped with a direct current of (+) polarity... control after 30 minutes showed the return of the BAP to its original non-working state .

A patient (32 years old complaining of severe allergies), when searching for the appropriate BAP, indicated a feeling of cold already in the search mode; the search probe was held for about 2-3 minutes on the superciliary arch in the “diagnostics” mode. The patient was cured of allergies forever.

Electrical circuit of the apparatus for determining the state of biologically active points. Appearance of the apparatus for determining the state of biologically active points.

Design: the device is a complete structure, having a passive electrode and an active one - a spring-loaded search probe. Indication - two LEDs ("minus search" - green, "plus search" - red). Regulator - twin, channel amplification.

Good luck to the experimenters.

Below, two simple diagrams of devices for finding acupuncture (biologically active) points of a person are proposed. These devices use a search for points based on their conductivity (resistance). At acupuncture points, a relatively low electrical resistance is observed, fixed over an area of ​​​​about 2 mm2 and equal to approximately 800 kOhm and below, and already at a distance of 2 mm from this point the resistance increases to approximately 1.4 MOhm. Actual resistance values ​​may vary by ±20% from those indicated.

Acupuncture points are also characterized by increased pain sensitivity.

Device "Bio-search"(Fig. 1) is made on the K561LA7 microcircuit. On element DD1.1 there is a threshold element, on elements DD1.2, DD1.3 there is a generator that controls the operation of the indication. The AL307 LED and a small-sized loudspeaker such as DEMSH or TM-2 are used as indicators.

Passive electrode (“Bracelet”) And active (“Probe”) must be made of brass. The name “Bracelet” remains from similar old-style devices, in which the passive electrode was actually made in the form of a bracelet. In new devices, the passive electrode is made in the form of a brass tube 01...3 cm and 15 cm long, to which a wire is soldered from the inside for connection to the device.

Active electrode- a piece of brass rod or thick brass wire 03 mm and 12 cm long. It is inserted inside any plastic or wooden tube (the body of a pen from which the writing rod has been removed is suitable). A connecting wire is also soldered to the probe. The front, working part of the probe, protruding from the pen to a length of about 1 cm, should be rounded and well polished.

When setting up the device, you need to adjust the threshold element DD1.1, for which resistor R2 is selected in such a way that the device indication works reliably when the resistance between the probe and the bracelet decreases to approximately 800 kOhm.

When searching for acupuncture points, you need to move the probe smoothly, without pressure, over the skin - like a pencil on paper, holding the bracelet in your other hand. To test find points, you can try moving the probe along the outside of your hand. The points located near the nails of each finger are usually easily detected by this device.

Device "Micro-ELAP"(Fig. 2) can be used both in the search mode for acupuncture points and in the treatment mode. Micro-ELAP needs to be powered only from rechargeable batteries or rechargeable batteries. This device cannot be powered from the mains, even through a transformer! Using switch S2, the positive or negative polarity of the probe (active electrode) relative to the bracelet (passive) is set.

Device "Micro-ELAP" has arrow and sound indication. A generator is made on elements DD1.1, DD1.2 to search for points using a pulse signal. A generator based on elements DD1.3, DD1.4 is used for indication. Pulse signal frequency in the range of 0.9 ... 10 Hz. When searching, when the probe hits an acupuncture point, there is a sharp decrease in the resistance between the bracelet and the probe. This leads to the fact that the control input of the sound generator, assembled on elements DD1.3, DD1.4, receives a high level, allowing its operation.

It is advisable to adjust the device so that the current through the dial indicator PA1 does not exceed 15 μA. The Micro-ELAP device uses a microammeter with a total deviation drain of 100 μA. If the device is used only in point search mode, then you can use a 50 µA microammeter. For a more detailed acquaintance with electro-acupuncture, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with special literature, for example.


1. Voll R. Topographical position of measuring points during electro-acupuncture. - M.: Techart, 1993.

Radio amateur 7, 1999


P O P U L A R N O E:

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