Step. Selecting Recipients

Selecting recipients from the address book

As noted earlier, when creating a message, you need to fill out the “To” fields and, if necessary, the “Cc” field. If the necessary addresses are recorded in your Address Book, then when creating a message, you just need to Select recipients from it, instead of “manually” entering the necessary addresses.

To do this you need to do the following:

1. In the “Create message” window, from the “Tools” menu item, click on “Select recipients”

2. In the dialog box that opens “ Select recipients» select the recipient whose address should be placed in the field « To whom" and click on the button " To:a", and then, in a similar way, if necessary, recipients whose addresses should be placed in the field " Copy"(only in this case you need to use the button " To:a»).

After which you will see the recipients’ addresses in the “ Message recipients»

Rice. No. 11

3. click on the “OK” button

After this, in the “create message” window, you will see the “To” and “Cc” fields filled in. Moreover, the addresses in these fields will be displayed as they were entered in the address book in the field “ Display"(see Fig. No. 8).

Rice. No. 12

St. d. sq.


Step. Selecting a document.

Step. Selecting the main document type.

The main document contains text and graphics that are common to all versions of the merged document, such as the return address on a letter on letterhead.

When you launch Word, a blank document opens by default. If you close it, the commands you need to perform in the next step will not be available.

Select the document that will be taken as a basis - the current document, template or existing file.

The main document includes standard text and graphics that will be part of each letter. If you are using a pre-written letter as a sample, you should remove the recipient's name and address.

Task 28:

1. Create a main document - a letter in the current document:

We respect the gentlemen!

<<Дата>> Head of the communications center.

To merge data into a main document, you must connect the document to a data source or data file.

Data source is a Word table, Excel worksheet, address book or other document containing information that should be placed in the letter template to customize it. For example, the data source may contain names, addresses, telephone numbers and account numbers of your customers.

Can be used

Outlook contacts . To use the contact list from Microsoft applications Outlook, select command Choose from Outlook contacts.

existing data source file . If there is a sheet Microsoft Excel, database Microsoft Access or another type of data file, select the command Use existing list and find this file in the dialog box Selecting a data source.

If this Excel file, you can select data from any worksheet or named range in the workbook. In Access, you can select data from any table or query defined in a specific database.

To use a different file type, select it in the dialog box Selecting a data source. If required file not displayed, please select the appropriate file type or option All files on the list File type.

When merging, you can use the following data file types:

o Single-level file DBMS files for which the appropriate OLE DB provider or ODBC driver is installed. Several such drivers are included in Microsoft Office 2010.

o HTML file containing one table. The first row of the table should contain the column names, and the rest should contain the data.

o Document Microsoft Word. This document must contain one table. The first row of the table should contain the headings, and the remaining rows should contain the records that need to be merged with the document.

o Any text file that contains data fields separated (or delimited) by tabs or commas, and data records separated by paragraph marks.

create a list - new file data in Word . The list is saved as a database (.mdb) file that can be reused. If there is no data file, select recipients - Create a list, Create and create a list in the form that appears.

In a window when a button is pressed "Customize Columns" A list of the most common field names appears.

Most important step When creating a data source, you need to define its structure, and the most important feature of a database is its flexibility. Take the time to determine all the information about your recipients that may be required when sending mass mail. Then group this information into fields.

Field is a unit of information. For example, phone book has a field for first name, last name, area code and phone number. The document may include different fields, for example, first name, last name, salutation, address, city, state, zip code, account number. The contents of all fields related to the same recipient are called recording.

When creating a data source, it is much better to have too many fields than too few: adding a single field to thousands of records is time-consuming and error-prone, while removing an extra field requires only a few keystrokes.

When designing your data source, think about how you will sort the data. Do not include more than one piece of information in the same field. For example, if you are going to print letters in alphabetical order of the recipient's last name, you will need two separate fields: for first name and last name. Combining them into a single "Name" field will break the sorting flexibility.

You can remove unnecessary fields by selecting them and clicking the "Delete" button.

You can add new fields by typing their names in the "Field" window and clicking the "Add..." button. (When adding new fields, do not leave spaces in their names. For example, perhaps the name Postal Code).

You can reorder the fields by selecting them and pressing the Down-Up buttons.

When all field names are present in the list in the correct order, click OK.

If you are using an existing list, ensure that it contains all the required information, including all columns and rows. You can make certain changes during a merge, but you cannot open the source separately during this process. It's easier to merge if the data source is prepared before connecting.

Task 29:

1. Create a database - merge source with fields:

- Surname

- Name

- Surname

- Floor

- Street

- House

- Apartment

- HomePhone

On the Sberbank Online system page Organizational translation You can transfer money to organizations, pay for goods and services, perform tax payment, and also save the perfect translation in Personal menu.

In order to go to this page Sberbank Online, you need on the page Payments and transfers click on the link Organizational translation.

How to transfer money to an organization

In order to commit translation cash organizations, follow these steps:

Please note: You can use the money transfer payment template, if this payment was saved by you in list of payment templates. To do this, click on the link Select from payment templates and select the appropriate payment template. As a result, all details filled in the template will be used for the created payment.

  • In the “Account number” field, enter the account of the organization to which you are transferring money.
  • In the “TIN” field, enter your taxpayer identification number.
  • In the Recipient's Bank block, select from the directory the name of the bank in which the recipient's account is opened. To use the guide, click on the link Select from the directory. In the window that opens, check the box next to the desired bank and click the Select button. As a result, the “BIC” field will be filled in automatically.

For some companies or organizations, you will need to indicate additional payment details or fill out the “Purpose of payment” field, in which you must enter all necessary information to uniquely identify the payment or to communicate to the recipient additional information(except amount) payment details.

Carefully check the entered data and confirm the operation with a one-time password. After this, the payment is sent to Sberbank for processing.

The payment is credited to the recipient's account no later than the next working day after making the payment. If the money has not been credited to the recipient's account, check the payment status in the " History of transactions in Sberbank Online" If the operation was not carried out, its status will be “Not accepted by the bank.” Try the operation again or contact Contact Center Sberbank to find out the reasons for the payment rejection.

In addition, you can always print a receipt for the transaction in the “History of transactions in Sberbank Online” section.

If you regularly make payments to this recipient, we recommend that you save and confirm with an SMS password operation template. In the future, all payments within this template will be made without confirmation one-time passwords.

Important! Payments using arbitrary details are not available to clients who have not concluded an UDBO at a branch of Sberbank of Russia.

To create a large number of documents that are mostly the same but contain some unique information, you can use mail merge or mail merge by email. For example, using mail merge, you can create custom publications with personalized text or unique addresses and appeals. You can also use mail merge to create a product ad that needs to be personalized before sending to specific people. The text of the publication is always the same, but the name and address are different for each recipient.

In this article

Selecting Mail Merge or Email Merge

The first step is to decide whether you need a mail merge for printing or an email merge for distributing files over the Internet.

Create or connect to a recipient list

To merge, you must open a new or existing publication and then connect to the data source (the file that contains the unique information you want to include). The data file may contain a list of names and addresses, product information, or images. The data file can have various formats. It could be:

    Outlook contact list;

    Excel sheet;

    Word table;

    database table Access data;

    text file, in which tabs or semicolons are used to separate columns and paragraph marks are used to separate rows.

You can connect to an existing list or data source, or create a new recipient list. If you want to use only certain items from the list, you can filter it by the criteria you want. You can also sort items alphabetically.


Using an existing list

    By default, Publisher stores data sources in the folder My data sources. You may need to browse folders to find the data source.

    In the dialog box Selecting a data source find the desired data source and click the button Open.

    Depending on the type of data source you select, other options may appear. dialog boxes, requesting certain information. For example, if the data source is Excel workbook with information on several sheets, you must select the sheet with the required data.

Select from Outlook Contacts folder

    If you are prompted to select an email profile, select the profile you want and click OK.

    In the dialog box Selecting contacts click the contact list and click the button OK.

    All contacts from the folder are displayed in the dialog box Merge recipients

Entering a new list

If you don't have a list to connect to, create a new list.

    In the dialog box New list addresses Enter the information for the first entry in the fields required for the mailing.

    Note: To change the default columns, click Setting up columns and add, remove, rename columns, or change their order in the list.

    When you have finished entering information for the first entry, click Create an entry.

    Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have added all entries, and then click OK.

    In the dialog box Saving a list of addresses enter the name of the address list in the field File name and save it.

    Note: By default, Publisher saves address lists to the folder My data sources. It is recommended that you store your list of addresses in this folder because, by default, Publisher looks for data sources in this folder.

    All contacts from the new list are displayed in the dialog box Merge recipients, where you can filter and sort the list to select recipients for the merge.

Selecting Recipients

In the dialog box Merge recipients You can select the recipients you want to include in the mail merge. Select the check boxes next to the recipients you want to include, and clear the check boxes for the remaining recipients.

If you only want to use certain items from the list, you can filter it by the required field or condition. After filtering the list, you can use checkboxes to include or exclude individual entries.

To filter list items:

    Click the arrow next to the column heading of the item you want to filter on.

    Select one of the following:

    • (Blank) displays all records in which the corresponding field is empty.

      (Non-empty) displays all records in which the corresponding field contains data.

      (Additionally) opens a dialog box Filter and sort, which can be used to filter by multiple criteria. You can also click Filter in section Specify the list of recipients dialog box Merge recipients to open the dialog box Filter and sort.

      To quickly select or deselect all items, select or clear the column header check box.

      Advice: If your data source includes records that contain the same information and there are no more than ten unique values ​​in a column, you can filter records by specific data. For example, if you have multiple addresses that have Australia as their country or region, you can filter by Australia.

      In the dialog box Merge recipients Only records that match the criteria will be displayed. To show all entries again, click (All).

If you want to view items in alphabetical order, you can sort the items in the list.

To sort items in a list:

    In the dialog box Merge recipients Click the column header of the item by which you want to sort the list. For example, to sort it alphabetically by last name, click the title Surname.

    To sort by multiple criteria in a dialog box Merge recipients click Sorting. In the dialog box Filter and sort select sorting conditions.

Preparation of publication

Mail merge creates multiple documents from a single template by adding unique data to each document's placeholders. Once you've collected your list of recipients, you can begin customizing the basic template.

Inserting a text field

Adding text that should appear in each version

    Click the caption and enter the text you want to appear in each version of the post after the merge.

Add data fields to a publication

    In your publication, click the label where you want to insert the data field.

    Insert any of the following:

    • Address block with name, postal address and other information

      1. In the group, click Address block.

        In the dialog box Inserting an address block select the address elements you want to include and then click OK.

        Note: If the data field names in the data source do not match the field names that Publisher uses for the address block, you may need to click Field selection in the dialog box Inserting an address block. In the dialog box Field selection

    • Welcome line

      1. In a group Compose a document and insert fields click Welcome line.

        In the dialog box Welcome line Set the format of the greeting line, including the title, name format, and the punctuation mark that follows it.

        Select the text that you want to display in cases where Publisher cannot recognize the recipient's name (for example, when the data source does not contain the recipient's first or last name, but only the company name), and then click OK.

        Note: If the data field names in the data source do not match the field names that Publisher uses for the welcome line, you may need to click Field selection in the dialog box Welcome line. In the dialog box Field selection Select the fields from the data source that match the Publisher fields from the drop-down lists.

      1. In a group Compose a document and insert fields click Drawing And Insert picture field.

        In the dialog box Inserting a picture field select the picture field to insert.

        Note: If you want to add images to publication pages using mail merge, the data source must contain their file names and paths. Do not include the drawings or images themselves in the data source.

    • Individual data fields

      • In a group Compose a document and insert fields select Insert merge field and click the fields you want to include in the caption.

Formatting Data Fields

You can apply formatting to data fields and any other text you've added (such as a greeting, such as "Hello!", or an address, such as "Dear...") to change appearance combined data. To format the merged data, you must format the data fields in the publication.

In your publication, select the field that contains the information you want to format.

    If this is an address block or greeting line field, in the group Compose a document and insert fields select Format.

    If it is another data field, in the menu Working with inscriptions: Format click the button Font, and then select the options you want.

    If the selected field is recognized by Publisher as a number, currency, date, or time, click Format and change the display format of fields of this type.

View recipient information in data fields in a publication

You can preview what the post will look like with the actual data in the merge fields.

For preview publications click View results, and then do one of the following:

If necessary, you can make changes to the list of recipients. Do one of the following:

    To exclude a specific recipient from the mail merge, click Exclude recipient.

    To change the list of recipients, click Change recipient list and make the necessary changes in the dialog box Merge recipients.

Once you've finished preparing the post and inserted all the merge fields into the tab File click Save as, give the post a name and click the button Save.

Create a merged publication

To create a merged publication, click the button Find and Merge and follow the instructions below to print, view, save the publication, add merged pages to another publication, and email them.

Printing a merged publication

Save the merged publication for future use

If you want to edit the merged pages, save them for later use, or print them later, you can collect and save all the merged pages as one merged publication that contains the actual data instead of the merge fields.

    Click Merge into new post.

    In a new publication in the task area Merger click Saving a Post. Give the new publication a name and click the button Save.

Add merged pages to an existing publication

If you plan to add merged pages to the end of an existing post, make sure they match the following:

    page size (height and width);

    page view (one or two pages);

    type of publication (web or print);

    page order (left to right or right to left).

Publisher can add merged pages to a new or existing publication if it is not open. If the publication you want is open, be sure to save and close it before completing the merge.

    Click Add to existing post.

    In the dialog box Open publication Find the post you want to add merged pages to and click the button Open.

    In an existing publication in the task pane Merger click Saving a Post to save changes.

Sending emails

When merging with email in menu Find and Merge Only one command will be available - .

    Click Send emails.

    In the dialog box Merger in postal message select the recipient field from the dropdown list To whom. In most cases this will be the field E-mail.

    In the field Subject enter a subject line. In the section Elements in for insertion select the data fields you want to insert into the subject line.

    Click the button Options to set other options, such as copy recipients and bcc or attachments, and then click Send.

Saving a Post

If you save a publication with merge fields, you can go back and change the fields to create a new merged publication. To save a merged publication:

    Enter a name for the publication and click the button Save.

You can undo a merge to disable the publishing or catalog merge pattern from the data source.
