How to find out the latest calls to MTS and what to do. Service barring incoming and outgoing calls MTS - what is it, connection and disconnection What is TS

All MTS subscribers can at any time receive free details of calls to their phone number, in which you can find out about all the costs of the account, including a printout of the cost of incoming and outgoing calls, sending SMS, and using the Internet. This will allow you to know in detail what services are charged for, which is especially important if you suspect incorrect charging by phone number.

Today we will tell you in detail how to order a free breakdown of your expenses using your MTS phone number, how to understand a detailed invoice, and how much it costs to request it in printout format.

How to order

The service for requesting a detailed bill is provided to all MTS subscribers, and you can make details of calls, used Internet traffic, and other services for free, even without leaving your home. personal account. However, it is worth keeping in mind that if call details for a year are needed, then you can only get it at MTS offices, since you can order it via the Internet only for the last six months.

Ordering account details on MTS will allow you to make a printout of all actions, including sending messages to free short numbers, or non-charged calls.

To find out the costs for your MTS number, you can order a printout of calls through the operator’s website, or make details in the mobile application from your phone. Which option to choose depends on what is more convenient, since the functionality is almost identical, but available through the MTS website additional features, and you can view call details directly in your personal account.

To obtain account details on the website, you need to log into your personal account using your MTS phone number, and then go to the expense control section, where you select “Call Details”.

After this, the MTS Internet assistant will offer to select the period for which you need to request call details, and at the next stage, choose how it would be more convenient to view the phone balance statement - in your account, or receive it by email.

The next important step will be choosing in what format to order details of conversations and other actions on your MTS mobile account. The most optimal is PDF for sending by email, or HTML when requesting MTS details in your account.

After submitting a request for details telephone conversations and SMS to MTS, you need to go to the “Ordered documents” section if call details were requested in your account, or check your email.

In the same way, you can get a statement for your MTS number through the application. To view account details for your MTS number, you need to click on your balance on the main screen. Here you will see a general statement detailing the costs and payments of the MTS number used, with call statistics for individual directions.

For complete details of conversations from your phone number MTS needs to select a period by opening the menu in the upper right corner. After this, you will also be able to view the details of expenses on your MTS account in the application, or send it to your e-mail.

Please note that when you order a statement by mail for an MTS phone number with call details, you can only receive it in PDF format.

Having received call details in your own way personal account MTS, it will be quite easy to understand. If you have any difficulties, then look at the example of details in your personal account in the order section. The example will open in a new window, and clicking on the question marks next to individual items will display an explanation. All calls, SMS, Internet sessions are displayed in a single list exactly at the time of action on the MTS number.

In your MTS account on the website, you can also connect account details on a regular basis, and it will be received every month. To do this, just go to the service management section and select the option to connect new ones. All available ones will be arranged in alphabetical order, making it easy for you to find the one you need.

Please also note that when ordering MTS details, SMS is displayed without text, and this does not depend on whether the statement is paid or free. You cannot receive a printout of SMS with text from any telecom operator.

How to print

You can get detailed write-offs for your number in printed form at any MTS operator store. However, you can only take a printout of calls and SMS messages from MTS for a fee, and the amount of payment for detailed invoices depends on the requested period. If in your personal account you can find out the statement of expenses for your MTS number account only for six months, then any longer period is available in the store.

The cost of printing upon request for details of the MTS account for the current month will be seventy rubles. The price does not depend on the number of pages in the report.

But if you need to print details for any other period, you will need to pay for it daily. For each day displayed in detail, the operator charges three rubles.

Please note that when ordering a detailed report on an MTS number in your account via the Internet, you can also print it. This can be done even if the order is not placed in a separate document by mail.

It is necessary to prohibit outgoing calls from your phone, for example, if the phone often ends up in the hands of a child, or you do not want to pay for paid incoming calls when traveling abroad. In these cases, the “Call Barring” option from MTS will help. The service blocks: outgoing, incoming, international calls. We will tell you below how it works and how it will help the subscriber.

Description of the Call Barring service

The service allows you to set a ban on the following types of calls:

  • all incoming;
  • all outgoing;
  • all outgoing to other states.

In addition, you can prohibit all incoming messages when traveling within the country and when traveling to foreign countries. Usually such calls are paid, and then the option becomes relevant.


Each tariff has its own cost for the Call Barring service. What is noteworthy is that it is not always indicated. Sometimes you need to connect and disconnect this service to find out how much the fee is. For example, it is 30 rubles per month. You can find out the cost in or in the MTS application. Next to the “Connect” button, the monthly fee and connection price will be indicated.

How to turn it on, turn it off and check

You can activate the option on the MTS website in your personal account or in the phone application:

  1. Go to the "Services" section.
  2. Click on the “Available” button, then on the “Call and SMS management” tab.
  3. Click on the “Call and SMS restriction” subsection.
  1. Click on the “Connect” button. The cost of the service for your tariff will be indicated next to it.

After you receive a connection confirmation message on your phone, you will need to set up the service. To do this you should dial special team: *Barring code*Access password #Call. Let's look at it in more detail. The ban code is presented in 5 options:

  • 33 – prohibits all outgoing calls;
  • 331 – prohibits outgoing international calls;
  • 332 – blocks outgoing international calls, except those addressed to the “home” country;
  • 35 – blocks all incoming calls;
  • 351 – incoming in roaming.

The access password consists of 4 zeros – 0000. If you enter it incorrectly 4 times in a row, it will be blocked. Thus, if you need, for example, to prohibit all outgoing calls to other countries, you need to dial: *331*0000* “Call”, limit outgoing calls: *33*0000* “Call”. To recover your password, you need to disable and re-enable the option.

We will describe how to use the service. To do this, type one of the following commands:

  • **03*330*[old password]*[new password]*[new password]#. This will allow you to change your password.
  • *[denial code]*[access password](*TS)#. With its help, a restriction is set on all types of calls. Below we will explain what a TS is.
  • *#[barring code]# – allows you to check whether the service is activated or not.
  • #[deny code]*[access password](*TC)#. Cancels one type of ban.
  • #330*[access password](*TC)#. Cancels all types of calls.

Don't forget to click on the "Call" button at the end of the command. TS is an abbreviation for the type of telephone signal: voice call, fax, data. Each type has its own code:

  • 10 - all types of signals;
  • 11 - voice;
  • 13 - fax;
  • 25 - data (although the operator does not specify what data).

You don’t have to dial TS, then all types of signals will be prohibited.

Now let’s look at how to disable the “Call Barring” service on MTS. This can be done in your personal account on the operator’s website or in the phone application. Just go to the “Connected services” section, select this option and click on the “Disable” button. The request will be processed, and then an SMS will be sent to your phone indicating that the service has been deactivated.

How is it different from the “Black List” service?

The “Black List” option also allows you to protect yourself from unwanted calls. You can block international or long distance calls. The subscriber sets the rule according to which the blocking will occur. But it also has a number of significant differences from the service discussed in the article. They are presented in the table.

In addition, the cost of the “Black List” is the same for all tariffs and amounts to 1.5 rubles. per day, and the cost of Call Barring varies among different tariff plans.

Is the option necessary?

If you prohibit all incoming and outgoing calls, then what is the point of using the phone? Therefore, if we talk about the feasibility of the service, then it can really be useful as a temporary measure, for example, when traveling abroad. Or if a phone is bought for a young child, and the subscriber does not want him to call anywhere from it.

Read the article: 136

Thanks to the call detailing service, every client mobile communications MTS has the ability to obtain data on calls made by it, as well as incoming ones. Sometimes there are situations when funds supposedly disappear from the balance. In fact, they may be charged for making toll calls. Detailing the calls will help you determine exactly where the money went. How can you find out the latest calls to MTS? There are several options for using the service.

Options for receiving call information

If a client needs information on how to find out the latest incoming calls to MTS, he can use in different ways.

  1. Personal account. When logging into the “Internet Assistant” you must provide a phone number and password. If there is no personal account, you need to create one. From the general list of options, select the “Conversation details” section. It indicates a period of no more than six months. Data is sent to email or viewed in your personal account. The client independently chooses the place where the information will be sent. It is also possible to select the report format. When everything you need is selected, you need to click “Next”. The cost of the service will depend on tariff plan client. It takes time to process the data, so the report is not sent immediately.
  2. Visit to the customer service center. Another way to find out the last 5 calls to MTS or full information about all completed operations - visit the contact center. It is necessary to provide personal information for identification, after which the specialist will fill out the appropriate application. As a rule, such a service is paid. You can get information for free in your personal account.

Many are also interested in how to find out the cost of recent calls to MTS? To do this, just dial the combination *152*1#. By calling *152# you can find out all expenses for the day. The client is provided with information about write-offs made during the day, which is very convenient and makes it possible to correctly distribute funds by refusing unnecessary services.

The most in a simple way How to find out the latest calls to MTS for free is to fill out a request in your personal account. It takes a minimum of time and does not require much effort.

If the user does not know how to find out the latest outgoing calls to MTS, the same call details will come to the rescue. A printout of all completed actions for a selected period makes it possible to view all types of calls. It is also possible to see the number of messages sent and other information as requested.

The list of services of any telecommunications operator includes not only a range of tariff plans, but also additional options for the ability to independently customize the offer to suit your personal needs. “Call barring” MTS is responsible for controlling incoming and outgoing calls in Russia or in roaming. The service is quite in demand today, however, many users do not know how to connect it.

In this material we will look at:

  • a detailed description of the offer for everyday use;
  • advantages over third-party software;
  • cost of maintenance and activation methods;
  • activation and deactivation system by sending USSD requests with special codes;
  • types of telephone signal and methods of prohibiting certain directions.

MTS call barring is a special offer from a telecommunications operator that allows you to restrict calls on any mobile phone incoming and outgoing calls to home region, roaming and other directions. The service can be used to maximize savings on calls and is activated when the need arises.


You can immediately highlight the advantages of the MTS “Incoming Call Barring” service:

  1. no additional software installation required;
  2. the service can be activated on any model of mobile device;
  3. detailed setup functionality using the USSD request system allows you to perform independent configuration;
  4. you can manage calls in your home region, throughout Russia and in roaming;
  5. affordable cost of service and the ability to activate and deactivate the service at any time.


Another feature of the offer from Mobile TeleSystems– no fixed price. The subscription fee for using the service will depend solely on the current tariff plan. Get detailed information about the cost of service you can:

  • in official paper documentation issued after the conclusion of the service agreement;
  • on the page detailed description TP on the MTS website;
  • by contacting the service maintenance clients. For this it is proposed toll free number to call to service center, a panel for sending a text request on the company’s website or independently contacting the nearest service office in your city.

How to use the call barring service on MTS

Having figured out what kind of service this is, let’s begin to study how to activate the offer and further manage the service. Only subscribers of tariff offers with a fixed fixed rate can take advantage of the options. subscription fee. If you meet this criterion, you can activate the service in your personal user account. The control panel is available both in the browser and in the form mobile application for smartphones running on operating systems Android systems and iOS.

To activate:

  1. Go to the corresponding page of the official website or download the application from branded sources;
  2. Go through the registration process and further authorization in your personal account system;
  3. If everything is done successfully, after logging in you will be redirected to home page systems. Here select the additional options section;
  4. In the proposed list, find “Barring incoming and outgoing calls” and activate the function.

Further work with the system requires knowledge of special codes, which will be studied in the next section. You can also activate the above service at the operator’s office.

Ban codes

As stated earlier, detailed setup requires knowledge of special codes that can be sent as a USSD message. It is worth noting that for stable operation you will need to have a positive balance on your personal account balance.

How to enable incoming call barring on MTS

Don't want to receive incoming calls from a certain region? This is quite simple to do, enter *35*password*TS# and send the resulting text. The default password is set to “0000”, which you can change yourself at any time to a more secure one. If everything is done correctly, you will receive a corresponding notification. We will look at what a vehicle is in the corresponding section.

Banning international calls MTS

Most modern subscribers know that many incoming calls from roaming can also debit funds from your personal account balance. To get maximum savings, you can deactivate such calls by sending the combination *351*password*TC#. The description of additional input parameters is identical to the request above.

Ban on outgoing

If you wish, you can also block outgoing calls. *33*password*TS# for all such calls, *331*password*TS# to restrict international calls. It is worth noting the combination for changing the password: **03*330*old code*new code*new code#. If the parameters are correct, you will receive a corresponding notification.

What is TS?

When studying combinations for sending requests, you need to specify the vehicle everywhere. This parameter stands for “connection type” and can be entered as desired. If you do not specify a vehicle, the restriction will be applied to all types.

The following combinations are available here:

  • 10 – limit all types;
  • 11 – ban on voice data transmission only;
  • 13 – ban on using fax;
  • 25 – concerns working with the World Wide Web.

The change can be made at any time.

How to disable the call barring service on MTS

Considering how to disable MTS call barring, here you can highlight the already familiar user control panel. Similar to activation, any option can be deactivated in your personal account. The algorithm is preserved.

When answering the question “how to remove a certain restriction?”, in this case, resending the request with the appropriate prohibition code will help you. Detailed information on this point is given above.
