First multiplex channels. List of digital TV channels: news, educational, entertainment

So, if you are interested in the topic of digital on-air television, then most likely you want to know what channels you will receive if you connect it yourself. I'm right? Then read on) maybe you don’t need it?

What are digital TV multiplexes

Today in Russia DVB format T2 broadcast 20 channels. They are divided into two packages, these are the so-called multiplexes. Both packages are free to view, there is no subscription fee. It is enough just to have a TV that receives a DVB T2 signal and.

That's what the "figure" broadcasts in Russia

First ten channels (First multiplex)

The first package, or the first multiplex, is general information, news and development channels (boring things). Here is a list of digital television channels of the first multiplex:

  • First channel
  • Russia 1
  • Russia 2 Match TV - a channel with sports broadcasts
  • Channel Five
  • Russia "Culture"
  • Russia 24
  • Carousel - children's channel, cartoons, programs for children
  • OTR - Public Television of Russia

The first multiplex operates wherever there is digital television.

I knowingly wrote the time of publication of the article. The fact is that sometimes the composition of the channels changes on the basis of a competition that is held by the state every year. So things may change in 2016.

Just recently, a replacement took place in the second multiplex and "Sport +" was replaced with the entertainment channel "Friday" ... Also, the channel "Russia - 2" in the first multiplex was replaced by Match TV.

Third package of channels (Third multiplex)

And yet, they promise a third multiplex, but it will already be with subscription fee. So I don't think it will be wildly popular. Since, as soon as the on-air "figure" becomes paid, it will be easier to stretch a cable with 40+ channels for 120 rubles. per month.

And here is what they write on the project about this:

It is too early to talk about the exact date of the start of broadcasting of the third (regional) multiplex. To begin with, the principles for the formation of a regional multiplex at the government level should be determined, after which competitions will be organized to determine the channels participating in the third multiplex. Only after the composition of the third digital package, RTRS will be able to start broadcasting it. It should be noted that this fall, the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting postponed consideration of the issue of the principles for the formation of the third multiplex until 2018.

The Novaya Zemlya archipelago is popularly called the "Land of the Winds" for strong hurricanes and indomitable snowstorms. Here, in one of the most isolated corners of Russia, there are only two settlements - the administrative center with the beautiful name Belushya Guba and the village of Rogachevo. The inhabitants are only 3 thousand people. There is practically nothing else on the islands, sandwiched in the Arctic Ocean between the Barents and Kara Seas and with an area of ​​​​more than 83 thousand square kilometers. Only the arctic tundra, fjords, glaciers and polar bears.

“You can get to the mainland from here only by boat in the summer-autumn period or by plane, which is often canceled due to the peculiarities of the Arctic climate,” says local old-timer Arkady Ardanov. “And in Belushya Guba we have a regime: because of polar bears we are often simply not allowed to go outside the village."

The main leisure and source of information here, as in hundreds of other hard-to-reach, remote or simply small settlements in Russia, is television. Until recently, the inhabitants of the archipelago watched only three analogue TV channels and listened to the programs of one radio station. However, today each of the 3,000 viewers of Novaya Zemlya already receives ten TV channels and three radio stations in digital quality and absolutely free of charge.

Digitalization of TV and radio broadcasting will allow developing a single information space of the country and improving the quality of life of the population

In the village of Amderma in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, located far beyond the Arctic Circle, the situation was not much different. Just a couple of months ago, the villagers, including many pensioners, watched only two TV channels at best. And today they have a choice of ten digital TV channels in excellent quality.

But in the remote villages of Lebedinka and Peshkovo, Novosibirsk Region, there is not even cellular communication, and there is modern digital television without a subscription fee and any coding.

Information inequality - fight

Just some five or six years ago, hundreds of Russian settlements were practically excluded from the country's information space. Almost half of the inhabitants of Russia received no more than four analogue TV channels. The number of available sources of information directly depended on where a particular viewer lived: residents of large cities could choose from different TV channels, while residents of small towns had to be content with one or two TV channels. The reception quality of which, by the way, left much to be desired.

The Government of the Russian Federation decided to radically change the situation and in 2009 adopted the federal target program "Development of TV and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015". In accordance with it, the main performer - RTRS - transfers domestic television and radio broadcasting to digital technologies. Digital terrestrial television makes it possible to cover the most remote and isolated regions of Russia with a signal, improve the quality of the image and sound, and, importantly, save the frequency resource and use it in the future to expand the range of teleservices.

About 90% of the state program budget is directed to the construction of a digital broadcasting network in settlements with a population of less than 100 thousand people, in which 40% of the population of Russia live. The digitalization of television and radio broadcasting will allow developing a single information space of the country and improving the quality of life of the population. Construction of a domestic network of digital terrestrial television is the only way to provide the population with affordable and high-quality television without a subscription fee.

Digitalization area with Pluto

The deployment of digital infrastructure in Russia is one of the largest and most complex construction projects in the field of television broadcasting in the world. Many professionals in the communications and telecommunications industry agreed with this.

Since 2009, RTRS digital broadcasting stations have been appearing in every region of Russia. There should be 4956 of them in total. The main part of the stations, namely 3666, are being built from scratch. Each of the broadcasting facilities is equipped with two digital transmitters for broadcasting packages of digital TV channels RTRS-1 (first multiplex) and RTRS-2 (second multiplex). The digital package contains 10 TV channels. The main goal of such construction is to make high-quality multi-channel television available to all residents of Russia.

All digital TV channels should be distributed absolutely free of charge everywhere: in a large city and in a small town. Keeping abreast of events is the right of every citizen of our country. Upon completion of the construction of the digital TV network, 20 TV channels in digital quality will be available to at least 98% of the population of Russia.

RTRS specialists are building a digital network in every corner of Russia. Work is often complicated by weather conditions, difficult transport accessibility, and even lack of infrastructure. For the construction of some broadcasting stations, it is necessary to specially lay power lines and even build roads.

From Kaliningrad to Kamchatka

Today, the situation with the availability of television is changing dramatically. For 130 million Russians, digital terrestrial television is already a reality. You just need to install a decimeter antenna and buy digital set-top box for analog TV.

The broadcasting network of the RTRS-1 digital TV channel package covers almost 90% of the Russian population in 84 regions. The package of digital TV channels RTRS-2 can be watched by more than 57% of the population in 82 regions of Russia. The entire digital broadcasting network of the first multiplex was built in 37 regions of Russia. And before the end of the year, RTRS plans to complete construction in six more: Kabardino-Balkaria, Khakassia, Nizhny Novgorod, Sakhalin, Chelyabinsk regions and the Stavropol Territory.

In addition, it is planned to launch regional versions of the first multiplex in each region of Russia. Local programs will appear on the TV channels "Russia 1" and "Russia 24". Today, regional news in the digital multiplex is already being watched in two regions of Russia - in the Samara and Volgograd regions.

20 TV channels - that's our minimum

In accordance with the state program, RTRS is deploying broadcasting networks for two packages of digital TV channels. It is 20 TV channels of two multiplexes - the very minimum that should be provided by the state for its citizens.

As Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Alexei Volin said, these 20 channels (the first and second multiplexes) should be present in all environments, regardless of how a person receives TV programs: on a house antenna or on an individual, using cable networks or satellite operator.

Recently adopted amendments to the law "On the Mass Media" and "On Communications" oblige all telecom operators to broadcast mandatory public TV channels, which are part of the RTRS digital packages, without requiring any payment from their subscribers. Is it a lot or a little? A sociological study conducted by the Knowledge Management Center LLC in 2014 showed that the audience repertoire for 95% of the audience does not exceed 17 channels. At the same time, each person on a regular basis watches only 6-7 channels on average. In the vast majority of cases, these are channels that are part of two multiplexes.

Analog broadcast continues

Despite the prevalence of digital terrestrial television, analogue broadcasting will continue as long as there is a need for it among viewers and broadcasters. Until 2019, all-Russian mandatory public channels will receive a state subsidy for the distribution of an analog signal in cities with a population of less than 100,000 people.

In 2006, Russia signed the Geneva-06 international agreement on digital television. In accordance with it, on June 17 this year, in the countries that ratified the agreement, the priority in broadcasting moved from analogue to digital television. The legal protection was removed from the transmitters of analog TV channels: they could not interfere with the digital terrestrial TV signal of foreign broadcasters.

Upon completion of the construction of a digital television network, 20 TV channels in digital quality will be available to at least 98% of the population of Russia

In order to preserve analog broadcasting in the border regions of Russia, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center" has selected new broadcast frequencies for analog transmitters that are not compatible with digital frequency assignments of foreign countries bordering Russia. And RTRS during June carried out large-scale work to transfer dozens of transmitters to new frequencies in order to guarantee uninterrupted analog broadcasting to Russian viewers after the entry into force of the norms of the international agreement "Geneva-06".

The digital infrastructure of RTRS is one of the most technologically advanced in the world. It allows the introduction of new modern types of teleservices. In particular, in five years, Russians will be able to watch high-definition television. Again, absolutely free. According to the Decree of the President of Russia, free digital terrestrial television in HD format should appear in Russia in 2021. RTRS is already conducting preparatory work to organize HDTV pilot zones in a number of large Russian cities. In the future, RTRS plans to start developing UHDTV, that is, ultra-high definition television.

The information and explanatory campaign is carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

About "figure" in numbers

  • Residents of Kursk were the first to watch digital terrestrial television. "Digit" was turned on there on June 26, 2009 at 13:00
  • The federal target program for the development of television and radio broadcasting is 686 thousand volumes (120 tons) of developed documentation and 300 thousand various certificates and approvals
  • The total height of the antenna-mast structures of all digital broadcasting facilities is 258 kilometers
  • The highest TV tower of RTRS and concurrently the tallest building in Europe is Ostankino. Its height is 540 meters 80% of the installed equipment of domestic production

Composition of rtrs-1 and rtrs-2 multiplexes

The first multiplex was formed from 10 all-Russian obligatory public TV channels, determined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. These are Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 2, NTV, Petersburg-5 Channel, Russia K, Russia 24, Karusel, Public Television of Russia and TV Center.

The second multiplex includes 10 popular TV channels that have passed the competitive selection of the Federal Competition Commission for Television and Radio Broadcasting. The RTRS-2 multiplex includes the REN TV, Spas, STS, Domashny, TV-3, NTV Plus Sport, Zvezda, Mir, TNT and Muz TV channels.

All digital TV channels are broadcast in open access and no subscription fee.

DVB-T2 standard

All digital TV channels are broadcast in the DVB-T2 standard. This is the second generation of the European digital broadcasting standard. Among its advantages are an increase in the number of channels of the broadcast package, the possibility of organizing regional tie-ins, and the possibility of developing high-definition television.

Connection to digital

Connecting to the "digit" does not require special knowledge. All you need is a UHF antenna (collective or individual), a TV with a DVB-T2 tuner or an analog TV to which you need to connect a digital terrestrial receiver (set-top box).

AT retail on Russian market more than 1000 models of TVs and more than 100 models of set-top boxes that support the DVB-T2 standard in Multiple PLP mode and MPEG-4 video coding format are presented.

We kindly ask you to be vigilant and make sure when buying a TV or set-top box that they support the DVB-T2 standard!

For questions about how to connect digital terrestrial television, please contact free number single " hotline" 8-800-220-2002 or to the Centers for consulting support of the population on issues of digital terrestrial television, opened by RTRS in the administrative centers of 77 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Attention! Advisory Support Centers do not sell equipment.

Digital terrestrial television - latest technology encoding and transmission of audio and video signals through digital channels. The signal is transmitted in DVB-T2 format, which allows you to watch a large number of TV channels for free even in the most remote settlements of Russia.

Today, 30 channels are available to residents of Moscow and the region, divided into three multiplexes with 10 programs each.

DVB-T2 digital television channel frequencies

Each of the three multiplexes is tuned to a different frequency. The first multiplex is broadcast at a frequency of 546 MHz, the second - 498 MHz, the third - 578 MHz. So to see all free programs all-wave or decimeter antenna is required, operating in a private range of 470-860 MHz. In the Moscow region, it may be necessary to install an antenna with an amplifier, the capabilities of which make it possible to improve even the most weak signal coming from Ostankino or a repeater tower.

In the event that the antenna is connected to an obsolete TV, you will additionally need an external tuner operating in the DVB-T2 format.

To set up Moscow network programs on a TV, you need to search on channels 24, 30 and 34, the first, second and third multiplexes, respectively.

List of terrestrial television channels for 2019

The first group of programs, approved by decree of the President of Russia, includes federal channels. The second multiplex includes entertaining and informative programs. The third multiplex is broadcast in test mode only from the Ostankino tower (coverage radius up to 100 km), and the list of programs available to free viewing, may change until their final approval.

Logo Number Name Genre Frequency Genre Video Format Audio Format
First multiplex
30 The first Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia 1 Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Match Federal 546 MHz Sport MPEG4 MPEG2
30 NTV Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Petersburg 5 Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia K Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia 24 News 546 MHz News MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Carousel Children's 546 MHz Children's MPEG4 MPEG2
30 OTR Public Television of Russia 546 MHz public television MPEG4 MPEG2
30 TV Center Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Vesti FM Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Lighthouse Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Radio Russia Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
Second multiplex
24 REN TV Federal 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 SAVED Religion 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 STS Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Home Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 TV3 Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Friday Entertaining 498MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Star Historical 498MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 PEACE CIS channel 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 TNT Movies 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Muz TV Music 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
Third multiplex (channels are broadcast according to the schedule)
34 Sport 1 Sport 578 MHz around the clock MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Sports 2 Sport 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Fight club Sport 578 MHz 06:00-12:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 My planet Scientific and educational 578 MHz 12:00-18:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Science 2.0 Scientific and educational 578 MHz 18:00-00:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Russian novel Movies 578 MHz 00:00-05:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Russian bestseller Movies 578 MHz 05:00-10:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Russian detective Movies 578 MHz 10:00-15:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 History Scientific and educational 578 MHz 15:00 - 20:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 cartoon Children's 578 MHz 20:00-00:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Sundress Various 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Country Various 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 living planet Scientific and educational 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 IQ HD Informational 578 MHz 06:00-09:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 24 Doc Scientific and educational 578 MHz 09:00-12:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Techno 24 Scientific and educational 578 MHz 12:00-15:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Mother TV channel for mothers and children 578 MHz 15:00-18:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 NST Movies 578 MHz 18:00-21:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Amusement park Entertaining 578 MHz 21:00-00:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Moscow trust Informational 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 euronews News 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Music of the first Music 578 MHz 08:30-01:30 (119 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Home Cinema Movies 578 MHz 01:30-02:30 (7 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Time News 578 MHz 02:30-04:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 telecafe Entertaining 578 MHz 04:30-06:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Beaver Entertaining 578 MHz 06:30-08:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 365 Informational 578 MHz 00:00-02:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 TNT Comedy Entertaining 578 MHz 02:00-04:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Lots of TV Movies 578 MHz 04:00-06:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 HD Life (SD quality) Entertaining 578 MHz 06:00-08:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Sport 1 Various 578 MHz 08:00-10:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 India TV Movies 578 MHz 10:00-12:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Fighter Sport 578 MHz 12:00-14:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Comedy Movies 578 MHz 14:00-16:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 La Minor Music 578 MHz 16:00-18:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Male cinema Movies 578 MHz 18:00-20:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 kitchen tv Entertaining 578 MHz 20:00-22:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Auto Plus Entertaining 578 MHz 22:00-00:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 life news News 578 MHz around the clock MPEG4 MPEG2

List of on-air analog channels Moscow and the region

Currently, 19 television channels are broadcast from Ostankino in analog format. In the future, with a full transition to digital broadcasting, these channels will be disabled.

Hello dear readers! This article will be very necessary addition to those articles on this site that told how to choose and configure an antenna, look for them under the heading "Television"

Here such questions will be considered - the answers to which will help you to correctly direct the antenna with the least difficulty and set up your TV or set-top box to receive digital terrestrial channels.

This information will be especially useful for those who live in areas where it is not so easy to catch a digital terrestrial television signal.

What you need to know in order to choose the right antenna, stronger or simpler and tune it?

  • Determine the direction from which to receive the signal.
  • Find out if you need to try to tune 20 channels from the selected tower or only 10 are possible for now
  • To know which TV channels are broadcasting in order to be able to tune the TV / set-top box in the “Manual search” mode, this will allow you to visually see the level of the received signal and, accordingly, adjust the antenna in the best way.
  • Know the distance to the transmitting tower.

Finding out all these questions is not at all difficult. To do this, go to the official website of the Russian television broadcasting network.

To get to the page we need, follow this link and get to the map image page.

The map field has search string in which you need to enter the name of your locality, even sparsely populated areas are usually determined. When you enter the name of the area in the drop-down box, you can immediately see the locality and the region to which it belongs.

By selecting the desired location, the map takes you to the specified area.

For example, consider the village of Prokhorovka in the Belgorod region.

On the map, green symbols indicate working transmitters, and if in your case there are also symbols marked in black, then this indicates that this tower is under construction.

But this information is still not enough for us.

Let's click on the red cursor showing the location of Prokhorovka. And we will see a new, more informative window.

The information in this window tells us in which settlement and at what distance the nearest transmitters are located, on which television channel (TVK) they broadcast, and we will find out how many TV programs can be watched from these TV towers. To do this, pay attention to the status of the station.

AT this example only ten, as they broadcast only the first multiplex i.e. 10 programs for 43 TVK. The second multiplex is in standby mode, i.e. it is not broadcasting yet, but it is planned.

In the upper right corner of the map there is an additional control panel, by turning on the “Broadcasting Zones” “TVK, Frequency” functions, you can display on the map in the form of colored fields which zone a particular translator covers and at what frequency it operates in this zone. (TVK number)

There are still a few useful buttons left. This scaling in the lower right corner is sometimes useful in order to more accurately find out the place where the tower is located, even down to the address.

In some cases, on the map you can see blue or other colored circles with a number inside, these numbers indicate the number of transmitting stations in that area, zooming in will correct and detail the situation.

And in the upper corner there are two buttons, one of them is turned on by default " RTRS 1 TV channel package" so we see the towers that broadcast the first digital package (multiplex)

And if you switch to the “RTRS 2 TV channel package”, then the towers transmitting the second multiplex will be reflected accordingly. Let's see how the picture changes.

As you can see, you can watch all twenty channels in Prokhorovka so far only from two TV towers located in Belgorod and in the Stary Oskol region.

Let's summarize: In the village of Prokhorovka chosen as an example, you can confidently receive signals from towers located 10 km away. (Kozhanov) and 22 km. (Christmas).

It is likely that the signals from these towers can be received on a good indoor antenna. Much depends on the location of the place where the antenna will stand, whether it is surrounded by high-rise buildings, whether the signal is blocked by a forest wall standing almost close to the antenna, take into account the terrain.

All this affects which antenna to choose, to what height to raise, where to direct.

But there is one more important point, the fact is that these nearby towers are transmitting signals of only one packet so far. This means that you can only watch 10 programs. And I want all 20)

There is an alternative! Belgorod is broadcasting all channels, and if you use a good outdoor antenna, you can confidently receive the signals of both packages from this TV tower. If you look at the map, you can see that Belgorod is broadcasting on channels 43 and 46. - It would be nice to estimate the distance to it.

How to measure distance on Yandex map

Sometimes the service map offers towers closest to you that are not yet completed or broadcast only 10 channels, as in the example considered. But a little further you can independently find towers that work in full mode. And you need to determine the distance to them. How to do it? Very simple!

You need to open Yandex Maps in a new browser window. For example, as in the figure below, or through a search engine.

In the map that opens, we type the name of our settlement. For example, I will also type Prokhorovka. It will be necessary to reduce the scale of the map, so that the place from which we plan to receive a signal is in the visibility zone, for me it will be Belgorod. And further, attention! Look at the picture below and read the procedure.

Actions in order.

  1. Use the minus button to zoom out on the map.
  2. Click the ruler icon to activate it.
  3. We click on the right points. Belgorod
  4. Prokhorovka
  5. A line and a pointer with a straight-line distance will appear between them. In our example, 49.2 km.

Now we know everything we need! Tower broadcasting channels from Belgorod 43 and 46. This will allow you to use manual search, while in this mode you can visually observe the signal level and find the correct position of the antenna.

The distance to Belgorod is 49 km. Given this, as well as local terrain features and more, we can already figure out which antenna will be suitable for us. After all, it is obvious that an indoor antenna will not help here, you need something more serious.

How to tune the antenna, and the TV to digital TV under different signal conditions, you can

So, with the help of the described service and Yandex maps, you can easily find out all necessary information in order to successfully set up digital television at home.

If you have any questions write in the comments.

If you have something to add, please write there. And don't forget to press the buttons social networks— if you found the article useful! Share with friends! Thank you!

Digital broadcast channels. DVB-T2 in Moscow.

Channels of digital terrestrial television.

DVB-T2 channel list. Frequencies of DVB-T2 digital terrestrial channels in Moscow.

Broadcasting of digital terrestrial channels of the first and second multiplexes is free of charge!!! This is a replacement for broadcast channels. They will not be paid. It is planned to increase the number of channels to one hundred. Among them will be commercial paid packages.

Digital terrestrial channel number
List of digital terrestrial channels
The frequency of the digital terrestrial channel. (MHz)
Broadcasting standard for digital terrestrial channels

Channels of the second multiplex


NTV+ Sport Plus

Second multiplex frequency


Channels of the first multiplex

First channel

Petersburg 5 channel



Frequency of the first multiplex


First channel



578 DVB-T

Digital terrestrial television

The main difference between digital terrestrial channels and analog ones is the high quality of digital channels (the absence of noise, interference and repetitions) and a clearer picture - high noise immunity. I install antennas on the window in the houses, on the opposite side from the Ostankino tower. The data transfer protocol is designed so that the reflected signal is received without unnecessary data and you see excellent quality picture.

DVB-T2 digital TV is ideal for large LCD and plasma TVs.

The list of digital terrestrial television channels in Moscow now includes 20 channels.


To receive digital terrestrial channels in Moscow and the region, it is necessary that the TV has a built-in digital tuner of the DVB-T2 standard (see specifications TV). Otherwise, you will have to buy an additional DVB-T2 receiver that connects to any TV via HDMI or composite (tulips or scart) input.

Digital reception essential channels is carried out on external antenna UHF range. In your apartment building cable home network (Akado, OnLime, etc.), most likely these digital TV channels will be on other (cable) TV frequencies that do not match the on-air frequencies shown in the table. It is required to start auto search for channels.

If the distance from the transmitter (Ostankino TV tower in Moscow and Moscow Region) to the TV is less than or about 20 km, then reception is possible on a room UHF antenna. Otherwise, you will have to use an external UHF antenna, possibly with an amplifier. It all depends on the height of your antenna and the distance to the TV tower. On a good outdoor UHF antenna with a low-noise amplifier, reception of digital terrestrial channels is possible at a distance of more than 80 km from the TV tower.

Digital TV coverage area in Moscow and the region (channel 30)
Digital terrestrial television network in Moscow and the Moscow region (stages of construction)

Analog terrestrial channels

Essential TV channels. TV channel frequencies in Moscow.




1 First channel 49.75
3 TVC 77.25
6 Russia 2 175.25
8 NTV 191.25
11 Russia 1 215.25
23 Pepper 487.25
25 euronews 503.25
27 STS 519.25
29 Disney 535.25
31 Home 551.25
33 Russia K 567.25
35 TNT 583.25
38 Friday 607.25
44 Channel Five 655.25
46 TV3 671.25
49 REN TV 695.25
51 Channel Yu 711.25
57 Star 759.25
60 2x2 783.25