Check the domain name. Whois service

Typically, choosing a domain begins with the site name and domain zone. The name is the part of the domain before the first dot, and the domain zone is after it. The cost of annual domain use directly depends on the domain zone.

Domain occupancy check is carried out through a special WHOIS service, which checks the availability of its registration. To use it, you need to come up with a name for your site. Just use your imagination: choose one word that accurately characterizes the name and theme of the future site. In the ru zone, almost all one-word domains are already occupied. So try to form domain name using various prefixes, for example, super, pro, giga, mega and others, or select several domain zones.

Enter your invented domain in the form below without www and without indication http:// protocol, tick the required domain zones to check and click on the button Check. As a result, you will receive a list of domains in different zones indicating their employment status. You can immediately register free domains on our website or directly with the registrar.

Our WHOIS service checks the most common domain zones, including employment in the Russian Federation, as well as IDN domains(Russian-speaking) in the com and net zone. All attempts to check Russian-language domains in other zones will be incorrect due to their absence, even though the domains will appear free.

Checking a domain for WHOIS availability

.ru .su .rf .com .info .org
.net .name .biz .eu .us .mobi
.in .bz .ws .me .tv .tel

Check all zones

If the domain you are interested in is taken, then try to create another using the following prefixes:

Almost every search engine has its own website ranking algorithm. So for Yandex this is the Thematic Citation Index ( TIC), for Google it is PageRank ( PR), others have different ones. We will only talk about the first two, because they are the most important. Each of these indicators has its own numerical range, so the TIC can vary from 0 to 900,000 on different sites, and PR from 0 to 10. For simplicity of the concept TIC and PR- determines the weight and significance of the site in the relevant search engines Oh.

These indicators are very important, because the attitude of search engines to your site depends on them. A bad site will never receive any weight.

Sometimes it happens that you register a domain that already belonged to someone else before. Therefore, you are lucky if the domain not zero indicators, because their growth largely depends on the number of sites linking to yours, citation rates, and other things. It’s worse if the site is no longer indexed.

Available premium domains with TIC and PR can be registered using our service, but before registering, check these indicators using the form below. Important! Upon registration releasing domains- don't forget about domain gluing when the main site's metrics are duplicated on mirror domain.

You can also check just for fun.

Why is this necessary?

The mass domain occupancy check service allows you to immediately check with a list whether the selected names are available. This is necessary to register a large number of sites or to select a free zone for the desired address. When creating an Internet project, you may have several options for names for it; to check all of them, just make a list and copy it into the field above. In order for the program to understand your options, you need to separate the names with commas or spaces. After verification, you will receive information about all entered names, namely:

  • status – free or busy;
  • price;
  • domain type and name;
  • availability of purchase.
  • Why check a domain in different zones?

    Before registering a domain, you need to find out if it is available. For example, the selected site name may not be available in the desired zone, so you can check the availability of the domain in other zones. For example, the required site address looks like this,, but it is busy, you can look at other suitable domains - .com, .org, etc.

    Carrying out such a check manually takes a lot of time. On you can simply enter the site name you are interested in and see in which domain zones it is available. It's possible that will sound better than the original. Such options should also be considered before viewing and securing a domain name. Moreover, the verification will only take a few seconds and will not require any financial investment from you. After it, you will see the possibility of a name belonging to a particular zone.

    Why register many domains at once?

    There are many reasons; most often, registering domains in bulk can be part of the creation of several Internet resources. In this case, quick monitoring will be very convenient, since you can immediately see the entire list of available domain names in the selected zones.

    It happens that a large international company wants to purchase several domains at once. They do this so that each region in which the organization operates has its own website with an original name. For example, Russian company in the future wants to work in China and Kazakhstan, then you need to immediately register three identical addresses in these zones, namely, .ru, .kz, .cn. They do this so that in the future these same names will not be occupied, and the company will have its own website in each region.

    How to check if a domain is busy in all zones?

    Simply enter your chosen name in the field at the top. The program will search for the specified name in all domain zones and show you which of them are available for registration. The check takes a few seconds, although a deep domain search covers several hundred domain zones.

    When the verification of a domain name, one or more, is completed, you can immediately add free domains for purchase to your personal cart. In order to do this, you need to click on the corresponding button to the right of the results. Then enter your details and pay for the order. If you need many domains at once, it is best to order them in bulk all together. When purchasing each domain separately, you will have to enter necessary information each time, and also pay for each personally.

    You can combine an order by several criteria, for example, by site name. In this case, the order must be made for one name in several domain zones. You can also buy a number of different domain names, but in one zone, such as .ru, .com, .biz, .net and so on. By combining your order this way, you will save time on placing your order. There is a discount on our website for wholesale buyers, this is another reason to buy domain names in bulk.

    The starting stage of website publication is checking the availability of the domain name. A correctly selected online name largely determines the time of its initial indexing by search engines, the rate of increase in visitors and, in general, the entire future success of the Internet resource.

    Things to consider when checking your address:

    1. First of all, the domain name must be free: this can be checked using any WHOIS service. If the domain was previously occupied, it is important to look at the history - how exactly the former owner used the domain, what information he posted.
    2. The website address on the Internet should be short (preferably no longer than 7-10 characters), easy to read and remember by users. In order to check how convenient the chosen domain will be for visitors, try dictating it to someone over the phone. The interlocutor must be able to write it down without errors.
    3. The domain name must contain an emphasis on the subject of the site or the type of activity of the services offered.
    4. Use only those foreign words that are widely known and will be understood by all visitors (shop, auto, top, etc.). Not everyone knows a foreign language and the rules for writing certain words perfectly.
    5. If a website represents a brand, the domain must reflect this and be recognizable. In this case, you should not perform ordinary transliteration for complex multi-component names. So, for example, it is better for the organization “Western Heat Generating Company” to choose the abbreviated address rather than full name Latin characters.
    6. If all suitable domains are already taken, try checking the domain by including numbers. Thus, the address is in no way inferior to the domain
    7. Experts advise registering domains in several zones at once (RU, SU, COM) and “gluing” them together by setting up redirection to the main site. This increases the resource’s position and protects against the risk of cybersquatting. Therefore, before you take a domain for yourself, do a massive name check in other zones: perhaps a similar brand already exists.

    The most recognizable domain zones

    1. RU. Regional zone of the Russian Internet region. The most common option for sites aimed at Russian-speaking audiences. Suitable for all areas: commercial resources or personal online blogs. The area to check first.
    2. RF. Cyrillic equivalent of RU. Less busy, but may cause difficulty navigating to sites in browsers outdated versions. A website address like “namesite.rf” is easy to remember.
    3. COM. Initially, only commercial websites of organizations were included in the zone, but now anyone can choose it. It is recommended to check for multilingual platforms and resources operating internationally.

    On Majordomo you can check a domain for availability in all zones - RF, RU, COM, ORG, NET, RUS, SU, TECH, ONLINE, STORE, SITE and others.

    Please wait, we are checking...

    Rules for choosing a domain name

    Our domain name selection system helps you find the best name for your website.

    We understand that you are a busy person, so we tried to make the process of selecting and registering domains as simple and fast as possible. You can check domains in several domain zones at the same time. To do this, in the domain name field, enter the full domain name, for example, or only part of it, for example test. We are ready to offer you both the most common domain zones and specialized domains for your business. Our domain selection system will analyze the selected name in various domain zones, and also offer its own options based on a dictionary of synonyms and their translation. The name can be specified in Latin or Cyrillic characters; they cannot be mixed together.

    In order not to take up a lot of your time, all domain check results are grouped into two tabs “Main result” and “Alternative”. Just add the names you like to your cart. Domains cannot be reserved, so once domain names have been selected, we recommend that payment be made as soon as possible.

    Are the domain names I select reserved?

    The name cannot be reserved. Until the domain is registered, it is available for registration to anyone on the Internet. Therefore, we recommend paying for the name immediately after you have selected domains for yourself.

    When checking if a domain is free, you need to remember:

      Several people can apply for domain registration at the same time, both in our company and from other registrars. Registration will be carried out on the one whose payment is received first. Therefore, after the domain name has been verified and an invoice has been received, it is better not to delay payment.

      Applications for domain registration for which payment has not been received during the validity of the invoice agreement are removed from the queue.

      If it is impossible to register a domain name, after receipt of payment, funds are automatically credited to the user’s balance. If desired, funds can be returned to the subscriber in the same way he made the payment.

      When checking the availability of a domain, pay attention to the special registration conditions. If such conditions exist, information about this will be to the right of the name of the domain being checked.

    You will feel comfortable with us.

    FREEhost.UA is not only one of the largest domain name registrars in Ukraine, we also provide hosting services. Therefore, by choosing our company, you receive a full range of services for doing business on the Internet. And our 24/7 support is always ready to help resolve any issues that may arise.

    How to find a domain name? Come up with it yourself or use the help of our system - domain name analyzer. The website address is formed from two main parts (name + domain zone), separated by a dot:; mysite.rus. A zone can also be made up of parts separated by a dot:; If a web resource is aimed at foreign countries, it is preferable to use names consisting of Latin characters. Cyrillic is allowed in limited Russian areas. How to choose the right domain? Strictly following the recommendations.

    The domain name must:

    • be sonorous but simple;
    • easy to read
    • be remembered the first time;
    • be relatively short: 3–10 characters (total 63 characters allowed),
    • reflect the theme of the site so that users immediately understand where they are.
    How to check if a domain is busy? Enter an invented name or main keyword (thematic) into the search bar. Check the boxes next to the desired zones. Run the scan. If the domain is available, it is advisable to buy it immediately. If you are busy, the analyzer will offer options that are similar in spelling, from which you select the appropriate one. You may like the system generated name more. Take this opportunity and look through all the options.

    The right domain

    A well-chosen name for a web resource automatically becomes a brand and improves the reputation of the project. The attitude of visitors depends on its sonority and semantic meaning. Websites with memorable domain names are easier to promote: they are easily recognizable and users are more likely to visit them. Register a domain, carefully thinking through the name. When a website becomes famous, changing the name is unprofitable - it’s easy to lose traffic, partners, and clients. Large companies should register their name in different commercial zones to avoid competition. If the spelling of a name is easy to make a mistake, register everything possible options distortions (type domains) and make a 301 redirect to the main project. Our service checks domains in all zones. When monitoring, the available options are visible - it’s easy to select names for several resources. Some geographical (,, or new zones (club, online, best, trade) are little used, there are much more opportunities there.

    Register a domain for the desired period (1-10 years) immediately after verification, while it is not taken. Placing a wholesale order (several sites in one zone or one name in different zones) will take much less time and will have a beneficial effect on the cost.
