Tariff plan qvstv zero doubts. How much does it cost to use

Call by phone0674 10 222
Option “Zero on Beeline Russia”- communication within the Beeline network*

Connection 3

50 rub.

Subscription fee, per day 4

3 rub.

with the option connected, the first 100 minutes per day

0 rub.

Outgoing calls to local and long-distance Beeline numbers

with the connected option, over 100 minutes per day

2 rub.

Incoming calls

0 rub.

Outgoing calls to mobile numbers Beeline Moscow region:

No option “Zero on Beeline Russia”*:

1st minute of conversation

1.25 rub. 0 rub.

From the 10th minute of conversation

1.25 rub.

Outgoing calls to other mobile and landline numbers in the Moscow region 2

2,50 rub.

Outgoing calls to Beeline mobile numbers in other regions of Russia:

No option “Zero on Beeline Russia”*:

1st minute of conversation

2.50 rub.

From 2nd to 9th minutes of conversation

0 rub.

From the 10th minute of conversation

2.50 rub.

Outgoing calls to mobile and landline numbers in other regions of Russia

2,50 rub.

Roaming within Russia: National and international roaming International communication services (per 1 minute) 5

Outgoing calls to Beeline phones of CIS countries

12 rub.

Outgoing calls to other phones in CIS countries

24 rub.

Outgoing calls to Europe, USA, Canada

35 rub.

North and Central America (excluding USA and Canada)

40 rub.

Calls to other countries

55 rub.

Home Region service: 6

Connection 3

10 rub.

Subscription fee (per day) 4

3 rub.


Cost of one incoming

0 rub.

Cost of outgoing messages to local numbers 8

From 2 to 100 per day

- 0 rub.*****
1st -
9,95 rub.

Other outgoing SMS

2,50 rub.

SMS package 75 9

90 rub.

SMS package 150 9

150 rub.

SMS package 300 9

285 rub.

SMS package 1000 9

350 rub.

SMS package 2000 9

500 rub.

Stay informed 10, subscription fee

0 rub.

Caller ID, subscription fee

0 rub.

Caller ID 11, monthly fee 4

3,77 rub.

Autoresponder 12 , subscription fee 4

0,70 rub.

Call barring, subscription fee 4

3,10 rub.

connection 3

3.50 rub.

Call waiting, subscription fee

0 rub.

Conference call 13, subscription fee 4

3,10 rub.

Call forwarding, subscription fee

0 rub.

Cost per minute of local forwarded calls 14

3,50 rub.

« Hello » 15 monthly fee 4 / connection 3

2 rub./ 0 rub.

Connecting a standard melody

0 rub.

Connecting a content unit"Jokes and gags» for 1 year

35 rub.

Connecting a melody (per content unit, for 1 year)

65 rub.

Talking letter

0 rub.

The cost of one outgoing message to your region/another region is 16

0 RUR/0rub. 17

Cost of first listening to a new message

1.15 rub.

Balance on screen 17, subscription fee

1 rub. 18

Instant messaging service "Chat»

No limit on the number of messages, subscription fee 4 / connection 3

5 RUR/0rub.

0 rub./ 0 rub.

With payment for each message, subscription fee 4 / connection 3

0 rub./ 0 rub.

The cost of an incoming/outgoing message sent from the application for the “Chat” service is 18

0 rub./ 0.10 rub.

Cost of transmitted/received data when using the “Chat” service

0 rub.

Cost of transmitted/received data:

1 MB of transmitted/received data

with the “Highway 1 GB” option connected**

0 rub.

Internet option “Highway 1 GB”

7 rub/day

Mobile Internet, 1 MB of transmitted/received data 19

9,95 rub. -***

MMS, cost of one incoming/outgoing message

0 rub./ 7.95 rub.

Wi-Fi (connection 0509, call to the number is free), cost 1 hour

100 rub.

Unlimited Internet 20, subscription fee per day/connection

13 rub./ 150 rub.

Data and fax transmission( 9600 bit/ With)

According to operator tariffs -**

The number for connecting services is 0674 or *110#.

I. Transition to tariff plan possible by calling 067410222, transfer cost 100 rubles. with VAT. Transitions from previous versions of the “Zero Doubts” tariff are free. Transfers from tariffs of the prepaid payment system of the “All Inclusive” line - 200 rubles.

When switching to this tariff plan, the option “Unlimited to Beeline numbers in Russia” will be activated automatically.

* For subscribers connecting to the Beeline network, the option is included in starter kits with a SIM card (except for kits with a starting balance of 0, 10, 30 and 50 rubles), starting from November 1, 2013. When switching to a tariff, the option is also included in the basic conditions of the tariff from November 1, 2013. The number to disable the option is 3014. The number to activate the option is 3000. More information about the option is 3030. Check the balance of the unused part of the daily package - 06743. The maximum total duration of calls within the Beeline Russia network per day with the option activated is 100 minutes. From the 101st min. - 2 rub./min. The service discount does not apply to voicemail, call at the expense of the interlocutor, listening to archived messages using the “Talking Letter” service.

** When using 1 MB of Internet traffic during the first 30 days from the moment of activation, the “Highway” option will be automatically connected, including 1 GB of Internet traffic per month for maximum speed. The first MB before connecting the option is free. If traffic consumption in the first 30 days is less than 1 MB, the “Highway” option will not be connected. More details about the option - 07172. Shutdown command - *115*030#. If the "Highway" option is not connected, mobile internet paid according to the terms of the tariff plan. The connection command is *115*03#.

*** Option “My Ukraine” without subscription fee and connection fees are available for individual subscribers of prepaid payment system tariff plans in the Moscow region. The maximum duration of each connection is 25 minutes. The number of connections is not limited. The number to enable the option is 06741311. The number to disable the option is 06741310.

**** Detailed information you can obtain from the Customer Support Center operators.

***** Starting from the 101st SMS per day - 2 rubles.

-* Number for connecting services -0674 or *110#.

-** You can obtain detailed information on the website www.beeline.ru or from the operators of the Customer Support Center.

-*** Cost of Internet traffic without connected options that provide a discount on Internet traffic.

Connections less than 3 seconds are not charged. Telephone conversation charged per minute.

1. The subscriber can pay for communication services by purchasing and activating Beeline subscriber telephone cards or using the Beeline Universal Payment System (cash payments and payments using bank cards). If the funds in the “electronic” account are exhausted, telephone service is suspended, including the interruption of an unfinished conversation. To resume service, it is enough to top up your “electronic” account within the next 180 days (or another period established in accordance with the agreement). If, after the specified period, the next card is not activated or the next payment is not made, to resume service you will need to contact the Customer Support Center and pay for reconnection to the network. In this case, saving the phone number is not guaranteed. If there is no activity on the part of the subscriber (calls, messages) on the number for 90 days, a subscription fee of 5 rubles will be charged. per day. The subscription fee stops being charged if the available balance is exhausted, as well as if subscriber activity on the number is resumed.
2. The specified tariff is valid for outgoing calls to mobile phones in Moscow and the Moscow region. Outgoing calls to MTS, Megafon, Skylink and others Russian operators, assigned to any region of Russia (except for Moscow and the Moscow region) are charged as intercity. These conditions do not apply to subscribers in roaming.
3. Debited from the subscriber’s “electronic” account at the time of connection of services.
4. Debited from the “electronic” account daily. At the moment the service is activated, the fee for the current day is debited from the subscriber’s “electronic” account. There is no charge when blocking a phone number.
5. The international communication service is provided automatically if there is any positive amount in the subscriber’s “electronic” account.
6. The service allows the subscriber to talk at the “home” rate when located in the Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions. You can activate the service by calling *110*241#, disable it by calling *110*240#. More details: 06688.
7. Service intranet roaming is provided automatically if there is any positive amount in the subscriber’s electronic account. National and international roaming it is also connected automatically if there is an amount of more than 600 rubles on the subscriber’s “electronic” account, and it is disconnected when the amount in the account decreases to 300 rubles.
8. Shipping cost SMS messages to long-distance numbers - 2.50 rubles, the cost of sending SMS to the numbers of subscribers of foreign operators - 3.95 rubles.

9. Subscription fees for packages of 75, 150 and 300 SMS are debited daily in equal installments. The subscription fee for the 1000 and 2000 SMS package is charged monthly on the 1st day of the month. When connecting to a package in the middle of the month, the subscription fee is debited on the day of connection, in an amount proportional to the number of days remaining until the end of the month. SMS package 75, 150, 300, 1000, 2000 is provided in full on the first day of each month. When activating a package in the middle of the month, the volume of SMS within the package is accrued in an amount proportional to the number of days remaining until the end of the month. Messages from the package are consumed when sending SMS subscribers of Beeline and others cellular networks RF. In roaming, as well as when sending messages to short special numbers, the SMS package is not consumed; sent messages are paid at the appropriate rates. The validity period of the packages is not limited; the package is valid until the subscriber disconnects the service. The first connection of packages is free, repeated connection is 15 rubles. Command for connecting packages: 75 SMS - 06741175, 150 SMS - 067411150, 300 SMS - 067411300, 1000 SMS - 0674111000, 2000 SMS - 0674112000. Detailed information about SMS packages by calling 07141.
10. The service notifies the subscriber via SMS about incoming calls received during unavailability home network or roaming. More details on toll free number 064011.
11. Prohibition of identifying your number when making outgoing calls to Beeline phones. The connection number is *110*071#, the disconnect number is *110*070#.
12. The subscriber does not pay for the airtime used by the caller to record a message. Airtime spent by the subscriber to perform any operations using an answering machine from his cell phone, is paid in accordance with the subscriber's tariff plan according to the tariffs for outgoing calls to Beeline phones. Number for connecting to the service with Russian greeting language *110*011#, s English greetings *110*012#. Number to deactivate the service *110*010#
13. Conference call participants pay for the airtime of the call independently of each other in accordance with the tariff plans and tariff rules they have chosen. The number to activate the service is *110*021#. The number to deactivate the service is *110*020#.
14. Local forwarded calls are considered to be calls forwarded to a local telephone number, number of the Beeline, MTS, Skylink, Megafon networks of Moscow and the Moscow region, PSTN. The cost of a minute of a forwarded call to a regional Beeline number (not Moscow) is 8.50 rubles/min, to numbers of other regional networks - 12 rubles/min.
15. With this service, when your friends and family call you, they will hear not boring waiting tones, but melodies, funny jokes and gags. The standard melody is installed free of charge, immediately after connecting to the service, for all calls to you. Detailed information about the service can be found by calling the toll-free number 0770 or on the website www.privet.beeline.ru.
16. With the “Talking Letter” service, you can send messages recorded by voice to other Beeline subscribers. Dial # the phone number in 10-digit format, call, and follow the instructions from the answering machine. Repeated listening to letters from the archive is charged at the price of an outgoing intranet call to Beeline on the tariff plan. Forwarding and replying to letters is charged according to the price outgoing letter. Repeated listening to letters from the archive is charged at the price of an outgoing on-net call to Beeline on the subscriber's tariff plan.
17. The service allows you to receive information about the balance cash on the screen mobile phone in real time. You can check whether your phone and SIM card support the service by calling the number: *110*902#, activation of the service - *110*901#, disconnection - *110*900#.
18. Messages sent from Chat to a Beeline subscriber who has not activated the service are paid according to the selected tariff. Replies to messages sent from the application for the “Chat” service to users who are not registered in the service are charged at the price of a regular SMS according to the subscriber’s tariff plan. If you change the access point in the WAP-GPRS settings of your phone on ims.beeline.ru, GPRS traffic while using the “Chat” service will be free. If you use another WAP-GPRS access point, traffic is paid at the rates for the WAP-GPRS service according to your tariff plan. In international and national roaming GPRS traffic is paid at roaming rates even if you use the ims.beeline.ru access point.
19. The subscriber has access to data transfer rates using GPRS/EDGE technology up to 256 Kbps. and 3G technologies (UMTS/HSDPA) up to 2 Mbit/s. The volume of transmitted/received data during a session is rounded up: for the “Mobile GPRS-Internet” service - accurate to 100 KB; for the GPRS-WAP service - with an accuracy of up to 100 KB. Session - the time from the moment a GPRS connection is established until its termination. The tariff applies to intranet roaming.
20. The first 2 GB of traffic per month are provided without speed restrictions. After the 2 GB threshold has expired, the Internet access speed is reduced to 64 Kbps
The volume of transmitted/received data during a session is rounded up: for the “Mobile GPRS-Internet” service - accurate to 100 KB; for the GPRS-WAP service - with an accuracy of up to 100 KB. Session - the time from the moment a GPRS connection is established until its termination.
The number for connecting the service is 067417001, for disconnecting it is 067417000. The fee for connecting the service is charged at a time at the time of connecting the service. The subscription fee is charged daily (RUB 13 per day).

When changing the tariff plan, the subscriber agrees to all the conditions, including the need to reconnect the number additional services(Caller ID, etc.) and pay for their connection, if this is provided for in the new tariff plan.
The indicated tariffs are valid when the subscriber is located in Moscow and the Moscow region.
There is no charge for changing the tariff to pay for telematic communication services.

Prices and tariffs are indicated in rubles including VAT. The terms and definitions used to refer to the services are for the purposes of this tariff plan only.

The first advantage that the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan has is. No daily or weekly expenses for additional options. Unlike, where packages for all possible services are automatically activated, you are free to connect only those options that you need and not overpay.

This tariff is famous for cheap calls to Beeline operator phones in your home area. You pay only for the first minute of the call, and starting from the second, you talk completely free. The maximum duration of a continuous call is 30 minutes. In fact, you can talk for half an hour for the price of one minute. Isn't this beneficial?

The cost of the first minute may vary depending on the city of residence or over time, but remains inexpensive. For example, in the first months of 2016, Muscovites paid 1.3 rubles for a call, while residents of St. Petersburg paid 0.5 rubles. You can always find out how much the first minute of conversation in your city will cost on the official Beeline website.

How to connect?

You can connect to a tariff for free, but only if more than a month has passed since the transition to the current tariff plan. If the 30 days have not yet expired, it is better to wait, otherwise a fee will be charged for switching to the Zero Doubt tariff. You can connect the tariff on the official Beeline website using mobile application or by contacting any sales office directly.

Cost of communication services

The “Zero Doubts” tariff plan is beneficial only to those subscribers who call exclusively to Beeline numbers in their area. Outgoing calls to subscribers of other operators are unprofitable as in home region, and throughout Russia, so there is no point in switching to a tariff if you often call them.

If you often send SMS, then it makes sense to first subscribe to the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan, and then the “My SMS” service. With this option, you will have access to free sending of 100 messages per day to local numbers. Subscription fee - 5 rubles per day. You can activate the service by calling 067471. For activation, 25 rubles will be deducted from your mobile balance. Without the “My SMS” service, the cost of sending messages will correspond to the tariff rates in your region.

Without additional options, the Internet will also be expensive. The “Zero Doubts” tariff plan requires a fee of about 10 rubles for each megabyte. If you plan to use the Internet, it makes sense. For 7 rubles per day you will have access to 1.5 GB of traffic per month. To activate the option, call 0674 07 172 or use the command *115*03#.

Where to find detailed information

To determine whether it is worth switching to this tariff, you should carefully read the cost of communication services on the tariff. You can do this using the official Beeline website.

Beeline is pleased to offer its customers the recently updated “Zero Doubts” tariff. Its advantages include the complete absence of a subscription fee, as well as low price outgoing messages and free calls within the network. There are no hidden extra charges on the “0 doubts” tariff, and the prepaid payment system allows you to control your expenses. We invite you to take a closer look at why this tariff plan is so beneficial and in what ways you can activate it.

Detailed description of the “Zero Doubts” tariff

The benefit from using the “Zero Doubts” tariff will be tangible if the majority of interlocutors in your phone book are also subscribers of Beeline. After all, when talking within the network, only the 1st minute of communication is charged. Its cost on the Beeline “0 doubts” tariff depends on the region. For example, for Moscow, the 1st minute of an on-net conversation costs 1.3 rubles, calls to subscribers of other companies in the connection region will cost 2.3 rubles per minute.

What is common to all regions is that when using the Beeline “Zero Doubts” tariff plan, subscribers can communicate within the network absolutely free, starting from the second minute.

The table shows prices for long-distance calls and messages on the Beeline “Zero Doubts” tariff:

The tariff plan includes two Beeline services: “There is a contact”, sending SMS topics, who called you, informing you that you are back online, and “Stay informed +” - the option will notify you of a missed call and invite the caller to leave a voice message.

For those subscribers who often send SMS to friends and acquaintances on the “Zero Doubts” tariff, Beeline’s “My SMS” automatic option is provided. It activates automatically as soon as you send at least 4 messages to any numbers in your region. The daily subscription fee for the service is 5 rubles, it will begin to be charged from the sixth day of using the option. In return you receive a daily package of 100 messages for free shipping subscribers in your region. Find out more information by calling 06784.

For active Internet users, Beeline offers the “Zero Doubts” tariff. It connects automatically if your monthly Internet traffic consumption exceeds 1 MB. This service It’s paid, so if you don’t plan to use the Internet, it’s better to disable it yourself. You can do this by sending a USSD request *115*030# call, and turn it on again using the command *115*03#.

How to switch to Beeline's "Zero Doubt" tariff?

Before switching to a tariff, check your phone balance. It must contain an amount of at least 150 rubles. These funds will be debited from your account if you have been using the current Beeline tariff plan for less than a month. In the opposite situation, activation will be free.

There are several ways to connect to a tariff plan, choose the most convenient one and activate “Zero doubts” on Beeline:

  • Call the special number 067410222 and switch to the tariff.
  • Use the My Beeline application on your mobile device.
  • to change the tariff plan.
  • Contact the operator technical support By short number 0611 and find out how to activate the “Zero Doubts” tariff on Beeline.
  • Visit the Beeline customer service office.

Disabling the “Zero Doubts” tariff is also easy - you need to block the SIM card or change the tariff plan to another.

The “Zero Doubts” tariff is quite simple: it offers users cheap SMS and inexpensive calls within the network without a monthly fee. This tariff includes the following services: calls to Beeline operator numbers, which cost 0 rubles from the second minute of the conversation. Only 1 minute of conversation is charged. The cost of a minute of calls to numbers of other operators is paid differently, depending on your home region.

The same rule applies to SMS: the first messages sent per day will be the most expensive. The cost of SMS must be checked in your region.

Also, this tariff can be made quite profitable if you activate the “My SMS” service, as well as some options that allow you to reduce the cost of Internet traffic.

Connection to the “Zero Doubts” tariff

In order to activate the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan on Beeline, you need to call 0674 10 222. Your application will be accepted and the tariff will be activated.

You can also switch to the tariff through your personal account, which is much more convenient and faster. To do this you need to log in personal account on the Beeline website, complete all necessary actions.

If you bought a new SIM card in the operator’s showrooms, the entire amount for the connection will also be transferred to your account. The cost of switching to this tariff is 0 rubles, but if you change the tariff more often than once a month, you will be charged an amount of 50 rubles.

You can disable the “Zero Doubts” tariff on the Beeline website, as well as with the help of consultants in the office.

In the spring of 2017, Beeline made changes to the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan. The company has set its sights on savings. The package of services has a favorable price for long-distance and domestic calls.

For subscribers who are constantly on the Internet, “Zero Doubts” will be unprofitable. The cost of such a service is 9.95 rubles. for 1 MB. Anyone interested should familiarize themselves with the information about the tariff plan.

The tariff plan allows you to save not only on calls within the network, but also to numbers from other operators. The attractiveness lies in the prices for calls to Beeline subscribers. For 1 minute, the operator withdraws 2 rubles. When replenishing your account in the amount of 200 rubles, outgoing call will cost 0 rub. Rates apply only to calls within the network.

The conditions for calls abroad are no worse than on other tariffs. The average cost per minute of conversation is 50 rubles. Each state has its own prices. The service provided does not require a subscription fee.

Internet on this tariff plan will cost subscribers 9.95 rubles. for 1 MB. After spending 1024 KB, the Internet package “Highway 1 GB” is connected. Enough traffic to check email. If the package is not needed, it can be disabled. The prices given are valid for the Moscow region.


Tariffication Per minute
Subscription fee 0 rub.
Services provided by the operator
Incoming calls over the Beeline network, regardless of region 0 rub.
Call to Beeline subscribers 2 r.
Call to Beeline subscribers after replenishing the balance by 200 rubles. 0 rub./for 2 weeks
Call any number within your area of ​​residence 2 r.
Sending an SMS message within your area of ​​residence 1.5 rub.
Calling any subscriber located outside the area of ​​residence 5 r./min.
MMS messages 9.95 rub.
Incoming call forwarding 3.5 rub.
Long distance communication
Calls to Beeline numbers located outside the territory of residence 5 r./min.
Calls to numbers of other operators 12 rubles/min.
International communications
Outgoing calls to Ukrainian, Georgian and CIS numbers 30 rubles/min.
Outgoing call to European, Chinese, Turkish, Canadian, Vietnamese and US numbers 50 rub./min.
Other international calls 80 rub./min.
Outgoing SMS messages to any numbers 5.5 rubles/min.

How to connect

Subscribers who are interested in the tariff plan should know how to activate “Zero Doubts”. To do this, do one of the following:

  • Dial the number: “0674-000-999”;
  • Log in to your account on the website and choose the tariff you are interested in;
  • You go to the sales center with a request to change the tariff plan.

The transition is free of charge. If the tariff has already changed in the last 30 days, the connection cost is 150 rubles.

How to disable

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to know how to disable “Zero doubts”. This procedure is carried out in 3 ways:

  • Changing the tariff on the Beeline website;
  • Call the operator at the number: “0611”;
  • Contact the sales center.

Before you disable Zero Doubt, you should select a tariff plan that meets your requirements.

Who is it suitable for?

The “Zero Doubts” tariff plan is aimed at subscribers calling within the Beeline network. In this case, SMS messages are not sent, and the Internet is used to check email. If there is a need to make calls within Russia, it is better to consider the “” tariff. The same applies to mobile Internet.
