TV signal amplifier for the dacha: features of dacha antennas and GSM services in the dacha. How to boost your TV antenna signal at home

You will need

  • - antenna amplifier and power supply for it;
  • - antenna splitter;
  • - 75 Ohm antenna cable;
  • - ohmmeter;
  • - soldering iron and materials for soldering;
  • - materials for sealing holes in the wall.
  • - antenna connectors;
  • - antennas of various designs.


Do not resort to using an indoor antenna if your home is equipped with a collective one. Install a special branching device (CRAB - cable subscriber household) and use it to connect the signal from the collective antenna to those of your existing TVs that were previously operated with indoor antennas.

If you cannot use a community antenna, check whether the frequency range of the indoor antenna matches the frequencies of the channels you are watching. For example, if you prefer UHF channels, there is no point in trying to receive them with good quality using a meter antenna, and vice versa. Telescopic antennas allow you not only to change the position of the knees, but also to adjust their length, and you should not think that they always need to be fully extended. The higher the channel frequency, the shorter the length they should be extended. Excessive length can worsen reception in the same way as insufficient length, and it is best to select it experimentally.

Connect the indoor antenna to the TV not directly, but through a special antenna extension cable. This will allow you to move it around the room. Find the position that provides the best reception. Sometimes it is useful to place a VCR with a tuner near the antenna, and connect it to the TV with a long low-frequency cable. This will allow you to tune out interference if its source (for example, a computer) is located near the TV.

If moving the indoor antenna does not improve reception, use an outdoor one. Place it on the wall opposite the television center, protect it from precipitation, and seal the cable entry into the room. In a private house, the best place for an outdoor antenna is the roof. Never use an outdoor antenna unless your home is within the range of a lightning rod.

If you are in an area of ​​poor reception of a television center signal, use an antenna with an amplifier. Having purchased a set of an amplifier and a compatible antenna, secure the board to the two screws provided for it, and connect a coaxial cable to the board itself. On the opposite side, instead of a regular plug, connect to it a special one designed to supply the cable with power supply voltage for the amplifier and at the same time prevent this voltage from entering the TV. This plug is included with the power supply along with the amplifier.

You will need

  • - alcohol-containing cleaner;
  • - soldering iron;
  • - new television cable;
  • - programs to improve signal quality


Research TV cable. Its protective layer should not be damaged. Very often during repair work the cable is accidentally touched. Its integrity is violated. Because of this, the quality of the transmitted signal is noticeable. If your cable is very old, it should be replaced. The fact is that over time the wires begin to lose their chemical and physical characteristics. The level of current conductivity decreases. And this entails signal deterioration. Additional unnecessary connections should also be avoided. If the cable is too short, then you should not extend it or insert it, as the connected wires may have different cross-sections and characteristics. If you decide to extend the cable, then the connection point is necessary. Then the loss of transmitted current will be minimal. Also, do not forget to carefully insulate the joint.

Buy a powerful receiver. When connected to a satellite dish, this device will significantly improve the quality of the received signal. An alternative is an antenna amplifier. It is best to buy such an amplifier with separate power supply to get a cleaner signal. It is recommended to connect the amplifiers and satellite dish through a surge protector. The fact is that constant slight fluctuations in current have a detrimental effect on such devices, and an unexpected sharp jump can not only create interference on the screen, but also damage the amplifier and dish.

Try changing the direction or satellite dish. If you receive a signal using an external antenna, then find out the location of the nearest television tower in relation to your home. The higher you live, the easier it is for the signal to reach you. If you live on the lower floors, ask permission to install your own antenna. Try to install the antenna on the side closest to the television tower. When connecting, carefully check all wires and connections. The plugs on the cables must not be oxidized or dirty.

Install special programs to improve image quality if you watch television channels using a computer. Currently, there are a considerable number of programs freely available on the Internet that allow you to stabilize and improve the signal. Also, a lot depends on the TV tuner. Please consult a professional before purchasing this appliance. It’s better to overpay a little, but buy a good model that will give an excellent signal.

Analogue broadcasting. Only digital TV transmitters of the DVB-T2 standard remain. The essence of the problem is that the operating frequencies of the new generally accepted UHF television broadcasting standard are 400 - 800 megahertz, depending on the region.

Whereas in the previous one, analog, meter waves were used at frequencies much lower. They propagated in space better due to the higher penetrating power of radio waves. However, there is good news - thanks to the latest modulation and compression standards, digital television has better quality.

The redundancy of the transmitted signal allows subscriber equipment to operate even on a multiply reflected signal with a poor signal-to-noise ratio. Due to its widespread availability, a set of digital terrestrial TV receiving equipment is inexpensive compared to satellite ones - it costs around 1,000 rubles, high-quality antenna equipment costs about 1,500 rubles.

It is widely believed that a high “signal quality” parameter significantly affects the stability of reception. This is wrong. For uninterrupted operation of the TV, even 30% of the scale is enough, not to mention higher values. If there is no interference from external sources, there will be no problems with playback. In this case, the “signal strength” parameter indicates that the antenna is generally connected to the connector.

How to boost your digital TV antenna signal

Amplification of a digital signal is possible using the following methods:

  • Raise as high as possible;
  • Remove the HF cable as far as possible from electrical wiring and other household appliances that degrade the signal;
  • Replace the indoor antenna, like in an apartment, with an outdoor one, designed for difficult reception conditions;
  • Try to turn the street antenna to another repeater, perhaps in the other direction with a more favorable terrain. You can find out the location of the towers at;
  • Raise the antenna system higher.

Where to point the antenna to receive a digital signal

The most accurate information about operating frequencies and the location of television transmitters is on the website of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network and on our website.

To get the information you need, go to the map page, then check the “Digital Broadcasting” box, and also check “Frequency Zones.” Next, look for your locality. Markers of the location of the towers, as well as broadcast frequencies by zone, will appear on the map in front of you.

Example coverage map: tower locations and frequency ranges.

Types of antennas for amplifying digital TV

If you are faced with a problem with TV signal quality, you will need basic information on the types of antenna equipment to make an informed choice.

The following types of antennas are used in subscriber equipment for television reception:

  • Telescopic
  • Patch antennas
  • Wave channel
  • Zigzag

Educational program on the main types of ready-made television antennas for terrestrial television

Telescopic antenna, which is also rod-based, has a small gain. Easy to manufacture and therefore cheap. Used at distances up to 5 kilometers from the repeater. Polarization type: circular. That is, the antenna “sees” all radio waves. Usually indoor. To increase signal stability, they are sometimes equipped with a built-in amplifier.

Patch antenna. It consists of several, usually rectangular, elements, which are protected by a plastic case. Polarization - vertical and horizontal. That is, the antenna can be placed in the position in which television and radio waves propagate from a repeater in your region. The main advantage over other options is the high gain and at the same time the ability to receive a reflected signal. There are products with a built-in amplifier.

. The most common type of television antenna. It looks like several elements (directors, reflectors and vibrators) located on a traverse. A subtype of wave channel includes products with periodically repeating element lengths—log-periodic antennas. Usually it is an outdoor antenna. However, there are also indoor options on a stand. The most powerful ones are equipped with side reflectors (reflectors). Often equipped with built-in amplifiers and filters.

DIY digital TV signal amplifier

Additionally, a zigzag type of antenna can be distinguished, which is better known under the name of the Soviet engineer-inventor - Kharchenko. The main advantage is the ease of calculation and repetition at home. There is no need for direct visibility to the transmitter.

The Kharchenko antenna can receive “reflective” signals, which means it can be used in difficult conditions. There are numerous online calculators on the web for calculating elements for any wavelength. The gain depends on the number of “squares” of the antenna. A home-made zigzag “double square” will help improve the signal of a digital set-top box yourself with minimal effort and time.

How to avoid interference with digital television

If there is a constant source of electromagnetic radiation in the area of ​​the transmitter that affects the quality of the received signal, in order to enhance the reception of the digital signal, you should choose the most powerful Yagi-type antenna.

Preferably without an antenna amplifier. This equipment has a very narrow radiation pattern. This will allow you to accurately “hit” the repeater, as well as avoid interference from other transmitters at approximately the same frequencies - for example, from mobile communication base stations. If there is no way to avoid interference, then a high or low pass filter is installed behind the antenna and before the TV or receiver. You will lose some signal, but you will get rid of failures in TV broadcasting.

There is a TV in every home. But it is not always possible to receive your favorite TV show with good image quality: either the television center is located far enough away, or its transmitter emits a not very powerful signal, or conditions do not allow you to orient the receiving TV antenna towards the television center. To improve TV signal reception, an antenna amplifier will help.

There is a TV in every home. But it is not always possible to receive your favorite TV show with good image quality: either the television center is located far enough away, or its transmitter emits a not very powerful signal, or conditions do not allow you to orient the receiving TV antenna towards the television center. To improve TV signal reception, an antenna amplifier will help. It is usually located on the roof near the receiving antenna, but not everyone has the opportunity to place a useful device on the roof or attic, so the amplifier is usually located in the room, not far from the TV. The article describes two proven antenna amplifier circuits. Both devices amplify the entire transmitted television spectrum of the signal: meter and decimeter waves. As a rule, additional amplification is required for new UHF channels broadcasting at “moderate” power.
The broadband antenna amplifier is designed to amplify television signals in both the meter and decimeter ranges. It does not need balancing or adjustment. The amplifier has two identical amplification stages (10 dB), made on low-noise transistors T1 and T2 (S790T) with their connection according to a common emitter circuit and amplitude-frequency response correction circuits in the received frequency band (R1, C3) and (R5, C5 ). Although the transistor is imported, it is very easy to find for sale in radio markets and radio parts stores.

Amplifier Specifications
Gain: 20 dB.
Supply voltage: 9…12 V.
Input/output impedance: 75 ohms.
PCB dimensions: 55x55 mm.

Rice. 1. General view of the antenna amplifier 30…850 MHz

Table 1. List of radio parts for amplifier assembly:

You will need

  • - antenna amplifier and power supply for it;
  • - antenna splitter;
  • - 75 Ohm antenna cable;
  • - ohmmeter;
  • - soldering iron and materials for soldering;
  • - materials for sealing holes in the wall.
  • - antenna connectors;
  • - antennas of various designs.


Do not resort to using an indoor antenna if your home is equipped with a collective one. Install a special splitter device (CRAB - household cable splitter) and use it to connect the signal from the collective antenna to those of your existing TVs that were previously operated with indoor antennas.

If you cannot use a community antenna, check whether the frequency range of the indoor antenna matches the frequencies of the channels you are watching. For example, if you prefer UHF channels, there is no point in trying to receive them with good quality using a meter antenna, and vice versa. Telescopic antennas allow you not only to change the position of the knees, but also to adjust their length, and you should not think that they always need to be fully extended. The higher the channel frequency, the shorter the length they should be extended. Excessive length can worsen reception the same as insufficient, and it is best to select it experimentally.

Connect the indoor antenna to the TV not directly, but through a special antenna extension cable. This will allow you to move it around the room. Find the position that provides the best reception. Sometimes it is useful to place a VCR with a tuner near the antenna, and connect it to the TV with a long low-frequency cable. This will allow you to tune out interference if its source (for example, a computer) is located near the TV.

If moving the indoor antenna does not improve reception, use an outdoor one. Place it on the wall opposite the television center, protect it from precipitation, and seal the cable entry into the room. In a private house, the best place for an outdoor antenna is the roof. Never use an outdoor antenna unless your home is within the range of a lightning rod.

If you are in an area of ​​poor reception of a television center signal, use an antenna with an amplifier. Having purchased a set of an amplifier and a compatible antenna, secure the board to the two screws provided for it, and connect a coaxial cable to the board itself. On the opposite side, instead of a regular plug, connect to it a special one designed to supply the cable with power supply voltage for the amplifier and at the same time prevent this voltage from entering the TV. This plug is included with the power supply along with the amplifier.

Today I saw a couple of publications on the Internet that suggest using simple steps to improve the quality of reception. To be honest, I immediately had doubts about the suitability of such actions for television viewing, however, I suggest you watch it because, at a minimum, it is interesting.

I propose to independently, in 10 minutes, for free, assemble a lightweight folding travel antenna for any USB receiving device (signal amplification up to 60%).

  1. Take a box from any CD.
  2. We tear out and throw away the inner insert under the disk.
  3. We open it as shown in the photo and try it on the USB port of the laptop.
  4. We cut a hole in the lid of the box for USB using an awl or nail heated over the stove (a knife and a hacksaw will not help - the plastic crumbles).
  5. We make two small holes on the side to use a paper clip to secure the lid in the open position.
  6. Take aluminum foil and wrap the top and bottom of the box. If you don’t have foil on hand, cut two beer cans and glue them with the mirror layer facing up (silicate or hot glue).

Insert when needed.

For a regular PC, you can use a USB extension cable, placing it in the same hole with hot-melt adhesive.

Although the author mentioned TV tuners, in reality this is unlikely. If only because the antennas of TV tuners are usually external. But for Wi-Fi and 3G/GPRS modems, the idea, in principle, can be workable. But it all depends on a bunch of factors. The signal is uneven and such a device can either improve or worsen the situation.

The principle of operation is probably to amplify the signal due to a smaller angle of reception - direction to a nearby station. The standard receiver is omnidirectional for versatility; with this device it can be limited and directed towards the source. The back pattern will be cut off and thus reduce omnidirectionality and strengthen the signal. The narrower the angle, the higher the gain.

Additionally, this device can work as a reflector, increasing the reception area. This, in theory, also enhances the signal. The larger the antenna, the better the gain.

A barrel filter will help remove TV interference, increase the signal level by 20% and increase the brightness of colors. It costs only 30-50 rubles depending on the thickness of the TV cable. You can buy it at any radio market or radio parts stores. Installation is simple even for a child - place the barrel on the cable 2 cm from the plug and snap it into place. It won’t hurt even those who have cable TV in their home, because you can’t have too many colors. After installing this feature in a private house, the interference went away on a regular antenna and 3 additional TV channels were picked up.

There are two options here. Firstly, this may not be effective at all. If the television cable is of high quality with a good shielding braid, then what difference does it make what is “hanging” on top of it? Secondly, the advice may be harmful. On the contrary, such a “barrel filter” can cause losses, since the carrier frequency of the signal is just comparable to the frequencies of electrical noise. Such filters seem to be used in low-frequency circuits and power supplies.

On the other hand, it's not difficult to try. The author reports that there was an effect. If you try it, please write in the comments.


Please note during installation antennas terrain characteristics. Guaranteed television reception area signal but it depends on the terrain. If possible, install the antenna at the highest point adjacent to your home. To ensure the required height of the antenna device, if necessary, use an additional mast, securely strengthening it with guy wires.

Choose the optimal reception design antennas. The requirements for it are as follows: simplicity and reliability, sufficient spatial selectivity, the ability to pass a wide frequency band, low input impedance and high gain. signal A. For an area of ​​uncertain reception, the level ratio is also of particular importance signal and to the level of interference.

If you are at a short distance from the telecentre (several tens of kilometers), use it to improve the received signal and an antenna of the “wave channel” type with a simple or loop vibrator, consisting of three elements. Antennas of this type are produced by industry, but if you have minimal amateur radio skills, you can make it yourself.

Check for correct installation antennas and configure it. To do this, select the optimal ratio of element sizes antennas required for admission signal and the selected stations. Correctly orient the structure in space by aiming the antenna at the broadcast center or repeater.

Use for improvement signal a special antennas th amplifier. The dimensions, design and connection method of such a device can be very different. When choosing an amplifier, pay attention to the frequency characteristics and noise level indicated in the technical documentation. Entrust the setup of the amplifier used for a specific model of television receiver to a professional. Otherwise, the efficiency of the device will be low.

To improve the quality of the received image and “catch” previously inaccessible channels, it is not necessary to buy a new powerful antenna. The receiving ability of the antenna depends on various external factors, on the shape and design, by changing which you can adjust the image quality.

Antenna location

The quality of the television signal directly depends on the location of the antenna. Concrete walls, metal fences and structures greatly interfere with the passage of the signal, so most often it is located outside the house, on a wall or roof. If you know where the nearest transmitting tower is, the antenna should be pointed in its direction.

Changing the antenna design

You can connect a special television signal amplifier to almost any antenna. It operates on a 220 V network; you can buy the amplifier at most electronics stores. To make the right choice, it is important to know some parameters: noise figure (it should be as low as possible, preferably no more than 2 dB), gain Ku (calculated based on the presence of cable branches and its length).

Most often, the antenna design is thought out taking into account the standard search for an on-air signal. It can be changed using any metal object that conducts current: wire, cable, balcony dryer, central heating radiators, etc. Aluminum and copper items with a large surface area work best. Metal objects that are not in contact with the antenna, on the contrary, interrupt the signal.

Some antennas require special adjustments before use. You should check whether the correct frequency range is set to receive a particular signal.

Common-mode grating effect

If you take several identical antennas and space them horizontally and vertically so that the signal phases in them are the same, you can achieve significant amplification. For example, if a single antenna gives a coefficient of 7 dB, then a double antenna - up to 10 dB, consisting of four parts - up to 12 dB, etc.

Basic rules of the common-mode array: the parts can be purchased or made independently, but must be the same. It is important that the “floors” and “rows” are completely symmetrical, with the same length of lines and cable jumpers. For fixation, frames made of insulating materials, such as wood or plastic, are used.

Quite often, people may encounter the problem of insufficient TV antenna signal.

Typically, this may occur in places that may be distant from major cities where the signal is weak.

Obviously, no one wants to watch TV when there is a lot of interference during the broadcast. That is why you need to know how to boost the TV antenna signal yourself.

One of the best ways to solve this problem may be to choose a different antenna. You can choose exactly the type that will improve signal reception, because the communication range will be higher. In general, there are several main types of antennas:

  • outdoor or indoor;
  • for broadcast television;
  • for satellite television;
  • combined.

You should look at each type separately to get a general idea of ​​how well any of the presented types can work. Practice shows that for suburban areas or places remote from the city it is customary to use satellite dishes.

Moreover, satellite television is widespread throughout the planet. To use it, you only need to purchase the necessary equipment and install it. Also, the positive aspects include the fact that satellite television receives many channels.

Read also how to make an antenna yourself.

In urban environments, it is permissible to use all available types of antennas, as they will work perfectly due to access to the TV tower signal. Often, this can be an antenna for a TV to receive over-the-air television. This can work if a TV tower is located close to a suburban area.

They are divided into indoor or outdoor. Indoor signal receivers are recommended to be used if the level of the received television signal is limited. However, it is worth considering the fact that inside the building the signal weakens and can be reflected from various objects.

External ones are used if there is a large distance from the repeater.

The last type of available option is combined. They are great for covering the UHF or meter frequency ranges. This is achieved by the fact that the log-periodic antenna is responsible for the decimeter range, and the vibrator for the meter range.

Why does the signal deteriorate?

The reasons for signal deterioration are quite simple, but not everyone can correct them correctly. Some may think that the problem is with the TV, but this is a misconception. Even the newest TVs with a poor signal will not be able to bypass this.

Usually, various noises appear on the TV screen at this time or the image begins to “snow.” That is why the following main problems with the TV signal can be identified:

  • Outdated equipment.
  • Connection cable is of poor quality.
  • Great distance between the broadcaster and the TV.
  • Natural or artificial problems that arise during equipment operation. They can either appear or disappear over time.
  • Ways to improve the signal

    Due to various problems with the TV signal and the desire to watch high-quality broadcasts, people decided to develop this direction in order to eradicate these problems with use. An excellent solution to this are antenna amplifiers, which are widely used these days.

    However, it is worth remembering that many antennas that are on sale are already active, that is, they already contain equipment with an amplifying effect. But there may also be differences here, depending on the signal amplification factor.

    This can be seen in the example of the Polish ASP-8 antenna.

    But, if a conventional antenna, or even one with a pre-installed amplifier, is not enough to obtain a high-quality television signal, you should use a higher-quality option. They are widely available for sale in any specialty store. Also, when choosing an amplifier, it is recommended to look at the following factors:

    • amount of current consumed;
    • noise figure in dB;
    • gain;
    • supply voltage.

    An amplified signal is characterized by the fact that there may be extraneous effects or noise. To get rid of noise during operation of the amplifier, it is recommended to mount the device on the antenna itself. In this case, power will be supplied using a coaxial cable.

    However, it is worth remembering that this work is difficult and it is better to entrust it to a specialist so as not to damage the amplification device yourself.

    An alternative is to use more than one antenna. This will help increase the range of TV signal reception, thereby improving the quality of television. Thanks to this, both devices will begin to work significantly better. Be sure to use this design outside the house, for example, attach it to the roof. You can also attach it to other high points of the house.

    For craftsmen, there is another option. You can assemble an antenna amplifier for your TV with your own hands and not have to resort to purchasing new equipment. This can be done by following the following steps:

  • Take a broadband amplifier with a frequency range of 30-850 MHz, which necessarily works on imported transistors (S790T).
  • The entire design will be a two-stage resistor amplifier.
  • Thanks to these two stages, the gain will be 10 dB.
  • For power supply, you need to use a stable and constant source with a voltage of 9-12 V.
  • You can install it near the TV for better performance.
  • However, it is worth remembering that homemade mechanisms may be unstable in operation, which is why the use of such mechanisms can only be at your own risk. Read also how to connect two TVs to one antenna.

    TV signal amplifier for a summer residence

    Modern people are accustomed to constantly receiving information from various sources, among which television occupies one of the first places. When leaving for the country, even for a short time, a hunger for information quickly begins to be felt.

    In such a situation, many solve the problem with the help of a TV installed in a country house. However, in this case, difficulties often arise with receiving transmissions, since a conventional antenna is not capable of solving the problem.

    The most suitable option is a TV signal amplifier for a summer residence, which provides high-quality and stable reception even over very long distances.

    The antenna receives the signal poorly or does not pick up the signal at all

    An outdoor antenna does not pick up television signals in all summer cottages. The main reason is their significant distance from transmitters. According to experts, the normal distance to a TV tower, ensuring reliable reception, is on average 10-15 km. Then an uncertain reception begins, gradually turning into the disappearance of the signal.

    This condition is considered especially important when installing a TV in a country house, since, unlike urban multi-storey buildings, their height is quite insignificant.

    An antenna installed on the roof of a country house is very often covered by trees and other plantings, creating an obstacle to the passage of radio waves.

    In this case, waves located in the decimeter range, used in many modern television systems, are especially affected.

    It is possible to determine the possibility of signal reception by performing calculations. There are special online calculators and computer programs for this, including Satellite Antenna Alignment.

    It allows you to quite accurately determine the distance at which there is a direct connection between the receiver and the transmitter. The installation height of the outdoor antenna also depends on this parameter. When the receiver is located at the very edge of the radio horizon, an amplifier will most likely be required for the antenna.

    However, at such distances, even this does not always guarantee reliable and high-quality reception.

    This happens for several reasons, which are inherently sources of interference:

    • Industrial interference. First of all, these are high-voltage power lines that cross the direction to the TV tower and create a strong electromagnetic field when transmitting electric current over a distance. The same barriers to radio waves are created by air and ground railway communications.
    • Natural factors. First of all, this is precipitation in the form of rain and snow, and in some cases, sunlight. Often, natural noise, manifested by air vibrations and other phenomena, becomes an obstacle.

    Depending on all of the above factors, you should choose the most suitable receiving device, and, if necessary, antennas with an amplifier.

    Types of television signals and antennas

    All television signals can be divided into several main types.

    Antennas capable of receiving these signals are classified accordingly:

    • Digital. Currently, many territories are already covered by digital television broadcasting. Broadcasting towers began to be located outside the city near summer cottages. To receive such signals you will need a regular UHF antenna and a special DVB-T2 set-top box with a tuner. This will allow you to receive about 20 channels in acceptable quality even outside the city. If you have a good modern TV, you only need an antenna oriented in the right direction, which you need to choose correctly.
    • Analog terrestrial signals. They are first encoded and then transmitted in the frequency range of meter and decimeter waves. Such antennas are most widespread in dachas and are still widely used today. Problems with the operation of these devices are compensated by their low cost. They confidently receive several channels, which is quite enough for a seasonal or occasional stay at the dacha.
    • Satellite. They provide high quality reception, and the number of channels can reach several hundred. However, this is quite an expensive pleasure. The cost of the product depends mainly on its diameter. The minimum size suitable for installation in a summer cottage is 0.9 meters.

    The most suitable antenna for a summer residence is selected individually, in relation to each specific case. It is necessary to take into account the terrain, the presence of green spaces, the distance to the nearest television tower and other factors. Distance is of greatest importance, as is the ability to install the receiving device at maximum height.

    Antenna classification

    Depending on the above factors, the most suitable antenna is selected.

    Depending on the technical characteristics, all television receiving devices can be classified as follows:

  • Indoor and outdoor
  • Active and passive
  • Indoor and outdoor

    Which one should you choose? The first option is used when the TV tower is located in direct line of sight. If it is visible from the dacha, you can test the indoor antenna and check the signal quality.

    It is advisable to place it near the window and raise it higher to the ceiling. An outdoor antenna is capable of picking up signals even several tens of kilometers from the tower. Therefore, it serves as an absolute alternative to indoor devices.

    In many cases, a signal amplifier is used in conjunction with them.

    Broadband and narrowband

    Depending on the range - meter or decimeter, the antenna itself receives the same signals.

    If the signal is received only in one of the ranges, such receivers are classified as narrowband. Broadband devices are capable of receiving radio waves at all frequencies.

    Despite their size, they are more popular because they make it possible to capture a larger number of channels.

    Active and passive

    Here, too, a dilemma often arises: which one to choose? In the first case, the antenna design is supplemented with an amplifier built into its housing. Due to this, they are able to receive more channels.

    The amplifier board often fails, especially under the influence of a thunderstorm. After replacing the antenna, you have to tune it anew each time. Gradually, the reception becomes worse and worse due to the oxidation of the elements and contacts of the board.

    This occurs under the influence of dust and moisture entering the amplifier housing.

    Passive devices include a regular antenna, for which the amplifier is purchased separately. This option allows you to install the antenna on the roof of the house, and the amplifier itself in the attic. Then the damaged board is much easier to replace, and oxidation will not occur so quickly.

    Very often the question arises about grounding antenna devices. Many people come to the conclusion that this is not at all necessary. The main thing is that outdoor antennas should be located no higher than power lines and other similar devices. Then, in the event of a lightning strike, the objects of neighbors located higher than their own antenna will be the first to be affected.

    Application of antenna amplifiers

    In most cases, the effective use of an antenna in a country house is only possible if it works in conjunction with an amplifier, which must be chosen correctly.

    Such devices are initially built into the receiver or purchased separately. Depending on this, antennas are divided into active and passive, as discussed above.

    It is advisable to use signal amplifiers in cases where the television tower is located too far from the signal reception location.

    It is recommended to choose a signal amplifier for a TV antenna for your dacha taking into account the following parameters:

    • Signal gain, measured in decibels (dB).
    • The coefficient of possible noise level during operation, also measured in dB.
    • The amount of current and voltage at which this equipment can function normally.

    Very often, disputes arise about the need to use television signal amplifiers. To make any decision about what to choose, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of these devices.

    The following can be noted as positive points:

    • A TV antenna amplifier makes it possible to receive even very weak signals.
    • In outdoor devices, the noise factor becomes minimal.
    • The ability to improve the signal in a wide range of different frequency ranges.
    • If desired, it is quite possible to make an amplifier yourself.

    The disadvantages of antenna amplifiers are the following:

    • Signals in the meter range with increased power can lead to equipment overloads.
    • Susceptibility to lightning discharges leads to failure of amplifying devices.
    • Passive losses generated at the output create obstacles to achieving the normal level of the amplified signal.

    The TV antenna must be installed taking into account its future direction. Fastening is carried out directly to the roof or to a special mast. In some cases, the receiver has to be raised to its maximum distance.

    Telescopic mast designs are best suited for this. At low heights, you can use a wooden beam.

    The television antenna itself is secured with special clamps, clamps and other devices.

    Before installation, the cable is pre-connected to the antenna. Next, it must be securely fastened to the mast using clamps. The attachment points are located every 50-80 cm. The cable is inserted into the room through a hole pre-drilled in the window frame.

    Separately, it is worth considering the connection of the power supply from which the amplifier operates. They can be built-in or external. In any case, they must be connected to the network.

    External power supplies are designed for different input voltages - from 5 to 24 volts, corresponding to the power supply of the antenna amplifier.

    The amplifier itself is fixed to the antenna using bolted connections. Next, the quality of the television signal is checked and all the necessary settings are made.

    Any home antennas for television receivers are divided into 2 types:

    The first ones have signal amplifiers inside for a television antenna, which require power supply from a separate adapter with a power of 9-12 Volts.

    An amplifier is required to improve the quality of television signal reception. The usual area of ​​use is the meter and decimeter range.

    It is possible to install it at a considerable distance from the TV receiving device.

    Internal execution model

    How to boost the signal

    To improve picture quality, use an antenna for an active type TV.

    An amplifier is indispensable if the distance from a television broadcaster or tower to the receiver does not allow obtaining acceptable signal quality to the end user.

    It happens that they are used to correct the choice of the wrong cable antenna model. With its help, the quality of the image received on the TV is often increased.

    Important! An antenna amplifier is a radio device for adding more power to the broadcast signal. Its use allows you to view channels transmitted by the broadcaster in the highest quality.

    Additional information. The antenna amplifier is connected to the TV exclusively via a special cable. The closer to the receiver it is located, the lower the signal loss in the coaxial cable will be.

    Television antennas differ in their internal parameters and are completely different from each other in appearance.

    Each type of device is designed for its own operating conditions: one is ready to receive a very distant signal, the other is able to recognize only nearby ones. Installation methods also differ: outdoor or indoor.

    However, when installed correctly, all of them significantly increase the power of the signal received by the TV.

    Classification of TV amplifiers

    All TV antenna amplifiers are divided into the following types:

    • Broadband. These devices are used primarily in urban homes. Designed to amplify the received signal on a large number of receivers simultaneously. These models operate in both the decimeter and meter signal reception ranges;
    • Multi-band. They are used to increase the picture quality on receivers located on long masts. Often used in private homes for reliable reception of a remote signal;
    • Range. They provide reliable reception of passive signals from very distant repeaters. These models, in addition to adjusting reception, also remove strong induced noise.

    All of the above types are used to increase the strength of the received signal. The main task of the consumer is to correctly determine the type needed to solve the problem.

    Multi-band TV amplifier

    Antenna amplifier

    From the point of view of physical science, the device in question is designed for electromagnetic radiation transmitted from a television tower, converted into a television image on current-carrying parts, onto which it reaches via a coaxial cable. Depending on the parameters of the external antenna, an amplifying signal of varying degrees of power is obtained.

    Additional information. The directional coefficient of a television antenna is a relative value showing how many times the device amplifies the received signal at the output relative to the one received at the input.

    Pay attention! The television amplifier produces the required signal of sufficient power, which allows the television receiver to operate without interference and in sufficient quality to watch television. The pleasure the consumer receives from viewing high-quality picture content depends on the correct choice of device.

    Today, there are a great many modifications of the described TV devices on store shelves. Therefore, it is sometimes almost impossible for a simple buyer to independently select the device necessary for his particular case. To spend your money correctly, it’s a good idea to first consult with a specialist, describing in detail all your incoming conditions.

    If this is not possible, then for a smart purchase you need to remember how to improve the device parameters:

    • Gain factor. Calculated by calculating the estimated mileage between the television tower and the receiving device. For reliable reception, this distance should not exceed 150 km. It must be taken into account that if this distance is less than 15 km, then an amplifying device is not required. The main thing is to choose the right antenna;
    • Device type. For example, SWA amplifiers are most often used for array antennas. Their range is from 48 to 862 MHz;
    • Frequency range. It is necessary to know the frequencies that are planned for reception. And it is for them to select the appropriate equipment. Otherwise, there is a risk of overpaying for a more complex and useless device under certain conditions. An overly amplified signal will not be received;
    • Noise figure. The smaller it is, the clearer and more colorful the picture on the screen will be.

    Antenna amplifiers SWA-555/LUX

    Selecting a TV signal amplifier

    As was shown earlier, to improve the performance of the TV antenna, an amplification device is often attached to it for more reliable reception.

    This is especially true if there is a weak antenna or a significant distance from the repeater.

    Often these devices are used on the first floors of multi-storey residential buildings, by summer residents on their plots, as well as by rural television fans.

    In principle, a technically competent person can independently find a suitable amplifier for use. With the right choice, the image on the TV ceases to be “snowy”, and a clarity that is pleasing to the eye appears.

    Let's summarize the rules for choosing an amplifier:

    • Knowing the distance to the nearest repeater (cannot be more than 160 km; if less than 15 km, you only need a properly selected antenna);
    • Knowledge of the required frequency range;
    • Model of the antenna device installed in the house;
    • Required gain. An unreasonably large value for this parameter is guaranteed to cause malfunctions in the TV, and only strong interference will be visible in the picture. Therefore, the rule: the more the better, does not apply here.

    How to make an amplifier with your own hands

    Under certain conditions, an antenna located in the room next to the TV allows you to get a significantly better image on the screen, eliminates snow and shows a larger number of channels for viewing.

    To get such a “magical” device, you don’t have to run to the store. It is quite possible to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands.

    What is most surprising is that this does not require any special materials that are not found in any apartment.

    To illustrate these words, let's look at the method of making a TV signal amplifier using beer or lemonade cans. The device can be made in a quarter of an hour, and it will serve its purpose well.

    So, you will need: a power cable, 1 plug, 2 cans of beer or lemonade (the volume is not important), screws, a screwdriver, 1 plastic bottle, insulating tape, hangers for clothes, preferably with a crossbar for trousers.

    Now it is important to perform all subsequent actions in the specified sequence.

    Device manufacturing sequence:

  • It is necessary to connect the prepared tin cans and coat hangers using insulating tape. The distance between the main elements of the manufactured device should be 7-8 cm. If the cans have an opening key, we attach the power cable to them;
  • Next, screw the self-tapping screws into the tins. In this case, the ends of the wire must be stripped. We fix them;
  • Using electrical tape, we attach the cable to the hangers to ensure the stability of the device;
  • We close the jars with a plastic bottle of the appropriate size without a bottom and filler neck;
  • You need to make a hole in the center of the bottle. We stretch the fixed wire through it;
  • After collecting the device, the plastic must be scalded with boiling water. It will take the shape necessary for a tight fit, and will also seal the holes made;
  • Now we connect the resulting device and configure it for the best picture quality.
  • If everything is done correctly, the resulting device will work no worse than those on store shelves. If necessary, it is possible to make the amplifier multi-sectional.

    DIY antenna amplifier

    Often, even in large populated areas, there are problems with receiving a stable television signal. It is solved with the help of cable TV. However, not everyone has the opportunity to spend money on such a solution. This is where TV signal antenna amplifiers come to the rescue; you just need to choose them correctly.


    Television in the country: a television signal amplifier as a way to improve broadcast quality:

    City residents, even in the private sector, do not experience problems with image quality when watching television. Citizens have the opportunity to choose between cable, satellite and terrestrial TV. Summer residents do not have such a wide choice and in most cases are content with receiving television broadcasts in quality that leaves much to be desired.

    The reason the picture scatters into squares and the frame freezes when watching TV is the low level of the television signal. Signal weakness can be due to a number of reasons, such as:

    • Great distance from the base television station. The reliable reception zone is within a radius of 30 km.
    • Terrain. Even if you are in an area that is strong enough to receive a strong signal, the installation location may be near large trees, tall buildings, or in a low-lying area.
    • Presence of interference. A nearby high-voltage line or military facility.

    In addition to the installed passive antenna, television signal amplifiers for the dacha will help increase the level of reception.

    What is the purpose of the antenna amplifier?

    A television signal amplifier is a device for increasing the power and compensating for signal losses of analogue, terrestrial and cable TV. An electronic amplifier can be a component of an antenna, which in this embodiment not only receives, but also amplifies the signal level.

    Each amplifier comes with a power supply. It can be external or built into the design of the device.

    An amplifier with different gains can be connected to the same antenna model. The selection of equipment is carried out precisely for the individual characteristics of each home.

    When is a TV amplifier needed?

    The use of a television signal amplifier is justified if:

    • the TV tower is located more than 10 km from the installation site;
    • interference or terrain weakens and makes the signal noisy;
    • if the signal strength from the antenna due to the length of the cable is not enough for wiring around the house or for a second TV.

    If your dacha is located in an area of ​​weak noisy waves, you will need a television signal amplifier. How to choose a suitable device and install it correctly? You need to know the answer to this question before purchasing.

    What to consider when choosing?

    To correctly select amplifier parameters, you need to determine:

    • Distance to base station.

    The required gain is calculated based on the distance from the nearest television station to the installation site. Using the RTRS website, check the coverage area of ​​digital terrestrial television in your area and the exact location of the towers.

    Using Yandex or Google maps, measure the distance from your home to the television tower closest to you. You should not assume that by choosing the most powerful amplifier you will solve the problem with broadcast quality.

    Heavy-duty equipment is capable of self-excitation and producing quite a lot of noise on its own.

    • Desired frequency range.

    Depending on the range of received frequencies, amplifiers are divided into multi-band, operating in several ranges, broadband - only in their own frequency band (HF + VHF) and band - amplifying either HF or VHF frequencies.

    A broadband television signal amplifier, when installed on a universal antenna, will receive and increase the power of all available television broadcasts in its frequency band.

    • Parameters of the amplifier itself

    These include signal gain and noise figure, measured in decibels, as well as current consumption and supply voltage.

    Installation and adjustment

    By installing a TV signal amplifier on the antenna or in close proximity to it, you will minimize cable losses. Installing the device indoors significantly reduces its operating efficiency. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the need for hermetically sealed protection of the device from precipitation.

    For power supply, a high-frequency coaxial cable is used, which has minimal attenuation during the passage of the signal.

    Some models have built-in EMI protection. If you purchased an amplifier without lightning protection, it is advisable to install it separately to avoid damage to the electronic components of the equipment.

    Setting can be called choosing an amplifier with the desired gain. If it is necessary to slightly increase or decrease the signal power, it is possible to change the input voltage. In this case, there is a high probability of equipment failure, so adjustments must be made with the utmost care.

    TV antenna signal amplifier

    Home > Connection and installation > TV antenna signal amplifier

    The receiving television antenna receives electromagnetic radiation from the television center, which induces currents on its conductive elements that enter the coaxial cable.

    Depending on the design of the antenna with directional properties, it is possible to obtain a signal of different strengths.

    In this regard, the concept of the directional coefficient of a TV antenna is introduced, which shows how many times the signal at its output exceeds the signal from a half-wave vibrator if it is placed in the same place in space.

    TV antenna with amplifier

    The actual power gain taking into account losses will be:

    Kr = KND∙η,

    where η is the efficiency factor taking into account losses.


    The level of the electrical signal coming through the TV antenna input does not always suit the user. To improve the performance of the receiver, you need a signal amplifier located nearby. It is especially required outside the city, where there is no cable network.

    At the dacha, signal reception conditions are worse than in the city. It is affected by interference and distance from the television center. Despite the fact that a TV amplifier slightly distorts the input signal, experts recommend its use.

    In high-rise buildings, the signal comes from top to bottom and weakens significantly at the end. If it has low power, it is largely attenuated to the connection socket. In the cable, the signal is lost by 0.2-0.7 dB/m.

    Amplifier selection

    Antenna for phone or signal booster for smartphone

    The antenna amplifier is connected as close as possible to the TV antenna. Placing it near the receiver will increase the noise along with the transmitted signal, and the image will be worse. The power supply can be placed near the amplifier, or separately.

    Home antenna made together with an amplifier

    The parameters that determine the correct choice of amplifier are as follows:

    • distance from the television center;
    • required frequency range;
    • the type of antenna for which the signal is amplified.

    The maximum distance to the signal transmission source should not exceed 150 km. At a distance of less than 10 km, an amplifier is usually not installed, since the signal level is quite high. To obtain a normal signal, it is advisable to choose a good antenna. How to make a TV antenna with your own hands from wire.

    The gain should not be too high, otherwise significant noise may appear from self-excitation. Many models produced have different characteristics. Here it is worth contacting a specialist who knows how to improve reception and will help you choose the necessary device. Installing a broadband amplifier on the antenna makes it possible to cover the entire television broadcast range.

    In Russia, antennas with amplifiers made in Poland (ANPREL) are common. Their own gain is small, and the parameters are mainly determined by the additional amplifier. It has the following disadvantages: self-excitation, high level of generated noise, overload from powerful signals in the MV range, damage from lightning discharges, passive output losses.

    In most TV amplifiers, they operate according to a standard two-stage circuit based on high-frequency bipolar transistors with a common emitter.

    Amplifiers on two stages: SWA-36 (a) and SWA-49 (b)

    The amplifier stage captures the wideband band. The input signal is fed to the base of the transistor (T1) through a capacitor (C1).

    The necessary linear characteristic in it is created by applying a bias voltage through a resistor (R1). But at the same time the gain decreases.

    The next stage is created according to a similar circuit with stabilization of the transistor (T2) in the emitter circuit by feedback through a resistor (R4).

    It is not recommended to significantly increase the Kp of the antenna amplifier, since it creates its own noise, which increases along with the input signal. It is not difficult to make the circuit yourself.

    You can improve the circuit using the SWA-49 model. This is ensured by using filters L1C6, R5C4 and increasing Kp by adding capacitors (C5) and (C7).

    Other ANPREL models differ slightly from the above schemes in the presence of frequency correction circuits at the output and the organization of feedback, on which the gain value depends. If it is close to the stability threshold, there is a high probability of self-excitation of the amplifier.

    TVs themselves have significant signal amplification. The larger it is, the higher the intrinsic noise becomes.

    Therefore, it is necessary to understand that reception capabilities may be influenced to a greater extent by noise interference than by a weak input signal.

    The signal must be at least 20 times higher than the noise voltage. Closer to this value the image becomes poor and fine details can no longer be distinguished.

    The transistor of the first stage has the maximum influence on the self-noise level of the antenna amplifier. Amplifiers should be selected correctly based on noise level, which should not exceed 2 dB. It may not be indicated in the instructions, but it can be found on the Internet or company catalogs.

    The gain is needed mainly to compensate for losses in the cable. They are especially large on channels 21-60 and amount to 0.25-0.37 dB/m. An industrial splitter adds losses, which are indicated on the housing.

    It should be taken into account that the indicated signal attenuation value (usually 3.5 dB) may differ at different wavelength ranges. This may be the maximum or average value. In any case, you need to take a factory product, not a homemade one.

    Then 12-14 dB should be added to the total attenuation so that weak signals are captured.

    What does an antenna splitter look like?

    Antenna signal power

    There may be several reasons for the weakening of the signal from a satellite dish:

  • Failure to adjust the antenna position. Sometimes it is enough to turn it just a little. If the mounting screws are loose, they should be tightened.
  • The appearance of an unexpected obstacle that must be removed or the antenna location changed.
  • Cable failure. The best option is to replace it. It is important to make a good fastening so that it does not dangle from the wind.
  • Excessive cable length. A better quality one is selected or an amplifier is installed.
  • If everything is in order, but the signal is not enough, you should purchase an antenna with a larger diameter.
  • A signal amplifier for a satellite TV antenna is installed between it and the receiver. With a cable length of 40 m, the signal attenuation will be 40x0.37 = 14.8 dB, and with a splitter - 18.3 dB.

    The receiver input level is 48-75 dB. If it is close to the lower limit, an amplifier will be needed.

    If we take a 20dB IF model, it has a gain of 20 dB, which is sufficient to compensate for attenuation.

    The frequency range of satellite antennas is 950-2400 MHz, for which this amplifier is suitable (Fig. below a). You can also purchase the Gecen A05-20 model with similar parameters (Fig. b).

    Satellite antennas (a) and amplifier for them (b)

    You should purchase amplifiers designed for the frequency range of a television antenna. The upper limit for terrestrial television is 950 MHz, and for satellite - 2400 MHz.

    DIY amplifier

    Even a beginner can assemble a simple device on a microcircuit with his own hands. It does not create much interference, consumes virtually no energy and operates at frequencies up to 900 MHz.

    Amplifier chip that you can assemble yourself

    The basis of the circuit is a low-noise low-voltage amplifier microcircuit (power supply 2.7-5.5 V). The circuit consumes only 3 mA current. Voltage is supplied to input (1). The displacement into the working area is created by a resistor (R1) connected to the input (2).

    The input signal from the antenna arrives at pin (6), and the amplified signal is removed from pin (3) and goes to the receiver. Capacitors (C1-C3) are added to the microcircuit, separating alternating signals from the direct component of the power source voltage.

    If assembled correctly, the circuit does not need to be configured.

    You can also make devices with your own hands according to the previously given schemes, for example, such as SWA amplifiers.

    How to improve the signal. Video

    Antenna for router to strengthen Wi-Fi signal

    The video below will tell you how to improve the signal of a television antenna.

    It is better to purchase factory-made antennas and TV amplifiers, since they are made according to calculations. If you make the devices yourself, their quality will be an order of magnitude lower. For TV reception in the countryside, it is necessary to have high-quality devices due to the distance from the television center and the presence of a large amount of interference.

    TV antenna amplifier - a device for receiving high quality images

    The device is used to improve the quality of reception of television channels on the antenna. As a rule, amplifiers are used in the decimeter or meter range, but they can also be installed at a considerable distance from the receiver.

    To increase the signal reception level of the antenna, an amplifier is connected to it. It is useful in cases where the distance from the television center to the receiver is significant or the wrong model of cable or satellite antenna is selected.

    Using the device, you can significantly improve the quality of the picture shown on your TV. It is considered correct to install this device directly next to the receiver, since the signal coming from it along the cable gradually decreases.

    In conditions of long-distance reception, however, an amplifier located nearby will be of no use.

    TV antenna amplifiers have different parameters and can be broadband, multi-band, or range. In addition, excellent types of devices are designed for long-range and short-range reception, and are installed next to outdoor and indoor receivers. Distinctive features of different types of devices:

  • Broadband. This type of antenna amplifier for a TV is designed to improve picture reception on several TVs at once (often installed in apartment buildings and entrances). The broadband model can operate in both UHF and HF bands.
  • Range. Thanks to them, you can receive a signal from very distant stations. Range models improve reception by eliminating noise.
  • Multi-band. Provides improved television images from receivers mounted on high masts. Multi-band devices are used in small collective reception systems.
  • How to choose a signal amplifier for your TV

    The modern market presents many different models, for this reason, many people find it difficult to decide which device suits them best. To make the right choice, you should consider several important parameters:

  • Gain factor. It should be calculated based on the approximate distance between the TV and the signal source (tower). It should not exceed 150 km. At a distance of no more than 10 km, there is no need to amplify the signal; you just need to choose a suitable antenna. If the distance between your home and the source is more than 10 km, you should not purchase a device with a coefficient higher than necessary - this will lead to the opposite effect and instead of a high-quality image you will see new interference.
  • Antenna type. For example, swa models are suitable for array receivers, which operate in the frequency range from 49 to 790 MHz. Some of the most popular modern Locus models are perfectly compatible with LSA amplifiers.
  • Frequency range. A good solution for a conventional outdoor receiver (which receives waves of any frequency) would be to install a broadband model, but a better result is shown by a device that operates only in a certain range.
  • Noise figure. The lower this parameter, the better the image on the TV screen will be.
  • Where to buy and how much it costs

    A huge selection of devices that improve the signal of television receivers is presented in online stores, points of sale of electronics, and hypermarkets with corresponding departments. The price of these devices varies greatly and depends not only on the parameters, but also on the regions where the TV antenna amplifier is sold. Average cost of popular models:

    • Alkad – from 800 rub.;
    • Luxmann - from 550-600 rubles;
    • Lance - from 700 rub.;
    • Planar - from 2000-2300 rubles;
    • Surmount – from 600 rub.

    How to make a TV signal amplifier with your own hands

    An indoor antenna with an amplifier allows you to provide a better picture on the TV screen, minimize noise and find more channels. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy a device, because it is not very difficult to make it yourself using beer cans. An amplifier for a TV antenna of this type can be made in 10-15 minutes and functions perfectly. To create it you need:

    • power cable;
    • plug;
    • 2 tin cans;
    • screwdriver;
    • 2 screws;
    • sticky tape/duct tape;
    • stick (old wooden trempel).

    Scheme for creating a device for dvb:

  • Connect the beer cans and the stick using electrical tape, ensuring a distance between the cans of approximately 7-7.5 cm. If the cans have rings, then it is better to attach the cable to them.
  • Next, screw the screws into the cans, strip the ends of the cable and attach it with screws.
  • Use adhesive tape to connect the stick and cable to stabilize the receiver.
  • Cover the jars with a large plastic bottle with the bottom and neck cut off. Make a hole in the center of the container through which you can pull the cable.
  • When the device is assembled, pour a little boiling water onto the nylon bottle, which will help change the shape of the plastic and ensure greater tightness of the hole.
  • Connect the device and configure. If desired, the design can be improved by adding several sections.
  • Since television channels are in the UHF range, there is no need for balancing. The characteristic impedance of the half-wave vibrator is between 72 and 76 Ohms, which is in excellent agreement with the cable. To configure the receiver, you must adjust the distance between the banks. As the diameter of the wire (can) increases, the signal bandwidth will increase.

    Video: how to install a digital TV signal amplifier at your dacha

    How to make a TV antenna with your own hands, Kharchenko antenna

    Television today and twenty years ago are two very different things. The number of channels, transmission range, and broadcast format have changed. But, in essence, the principle of transmitting a television signal remains the same.

    Radio waves of a certain frequency travel through the air; they can be received using an antenna and sent to the TV tuner.

    We will not consider cable and fiber optic TV signal transmission systems, as well as IPTV (broadcasting via the Internet and SMART TVs).

    Just like a couple of decades ago, and today, thrifty owners have a reasonable question: how to make an antenna for a TV with your own hands? And if during the USSR there really was a problem in purchasing a high-quality TV antenna (total shortage), today a TV antenna is made by hand solely for reasons of economy.

    Options for homemade designs: general principles

    Depending on the distance between your TV receiver and the transmitting antenna of the television center, the signal level will change. Another negative factor affecting the quality of television wave propagation is the presence of obstacles. Ideal reception occurs when there is a direct line of sight between the two antennas. That is, you can see the mast of the television center, even through binoculars.

    If there are buildings or tall trees in the path of the TV signal, there will be no reliable reception. However, waves reflected from other objects can be received by a TV antenna amplifier. If even weak waves do not “break through” to your house, you will have to make a mast.

    The network of television and radio broadcasting stations is located in such a way that you can receive a signal in any locality.

    • Indoor antenna. Operates without an amplifier in relative proximity to the transmitting mast. If you can see the television center from your window, some of the channels can be caught literally with a piece of wire. How to make a television antenna with your own hands can be seen in the illustration. The quality of workmanship in such conditions only affects the aesthetic component. But if you live on the 1st–3rd floor, and even surrounded by concrete boxes of a residential neighborhood, a simple design will not work. An indoor antenna, especially one made by yourself, will require a signal amplifier.

      The advantages of this design are that there is no need for weather protection.

    • Street TV the antenna may look exactly the same as an indoor one. In this case, a prerequisite is high strength (so that the wind does not change the geometry) and protection of the contact group from corrosion. It is usually placed in close proximity to the window (in high-rise buildings) or on the roof of a private household. The connecting cable is relatively short, so an amplifier is not required to reliably receive a digital or analog signal. Except for the case when the transmitting center is far away. The design is accessible for maintenance and repair, this is an undeniable advantage of being located nearby.
    • Outdoor antenna for long-range TV. As a rule, this is a rather bulky design with a screen and additional elements that amplify a weak signal. An electronic amplifier is welcome, but with proper design it may not be needed. Perhaps to compensate for a long cable (there will definitely be losses in it). Such devices are mounted on the roofs of high-rise buildings or on masts in private households. The fastening must be strong, otherwise the wind can easily destroy the structure.
    • The antenna type is selected based on the reception characteristics and wind load in the region. For example, the Kharchenko antenna (the most popular homemade option) should not have a high windage. It may be necessary to choose another, more complex project.

    Beer cans (Pepsi-Cola cans work too)

    Why is this material so popular?

    • firstly, the missing segment sizes are compensated by a large receiving area: if you unfold the can into a plane, you get a standard sheet;
    • secondly, aluminum has excellent conductivity, falling slightly short of copper: accordingly, resistance losses will be minimal;
    • thirdly, the aerodynamic shape reduces windage (which is especially important when placed outdoors), and the lightness of the structure does not require particularly strong fastening;
    • and, finally, this is an affordable and absolutely free raw material; in addition, lacquered aluminum perfectly resists the influence of moisture.

    Despite the relatively high reception quality, this design does not have a high self-gain factor. Connecting a standard amplifier may not have an effect due to the complexity of selecting coefficients.

    Required materials:

  • Two identical liter beer cans, washed and dried. As a last resort, you can use half-liter ones, but the reception range will be reduced.
  • Antenna cable RK-75 of the required length (a design with a wiring length of more than 10 meters will most likely not provide reliable reception).
  • Antenna plug to match your TV.
  • A dielectric fastening bracket for fastening cans: a wooden block, clothes hangers, a plastic pipe (metal-plastic will not work).
  • Fastening elements: electrical tape, tape, or plastic clamps.
  • Soldering iron, standard solder, flux for soldering aluminum.
  • Knife, side cutters, sandpaper.
  • There is no point in describing formulas for calculating sizes based on the reception frequency; anyway, it will not be possible to change the sizes of the segments. A DIY beer can antenna has been tested many times under various conditions, so we’ll just use a ready-made sample.

    We cut the antenna cable. There will be a plug at one end, open the other end so that there is at least 100 mm from the central core to the screen wound into a bundle. To prevent the “bare” braid from being exposed to corrosion, it can be hidden in a heat-shrinkable casing.

    We clean the areas for soldering the cable: at the upper ends of the cans. Fine sandpaper is suitable for this.

    We roll each end of the wire into a ring 3–5 mm in diameter and carefully coat it with solder. Then we screw the resulting terminal to the can using a galvanized self-tapping screw. After that, we clean the joints with flux and solder until the solder “sticks” normally.

    We fix the cans (from the point of view of the theory of radio reception, these are now symmetrical vibrators) so that there is exactly 75 mm between the ends with the cable. This is the optimal gap for receiving analog and digital television.

    An important step: setting up the product for optimal TV signal reception. Most likely, you know the direction to the broadcast center tower. If not, Yandex cards will help you. Find a television center, your home, and conduct a virtual live broadcast.

    If you don’t want to bother with azimuth (this is impossible without a compass), determine the direction reference within your visibility zone. For example, a boiler room pipe or other object.

    For reliable reception, the home TV antenna is positioned strictly perpendicular to the vector to the tower, and horizontally.

    If the signal is received reliably, you were lucky the first time. At a considerable distance from the transmitter, you can catch the reflected signal. Even a simple antenna made from cans requires correct orientation in space (although it is not a satellite dish). In an area of ​​uncertain reception, all-wave technology can unexpectedly “shoot” in any direction.

    A do-it-yourself “beer” decimeter antenna allows you to confidently catch analogue channels. How to make an antenna for digital TV? No additional secrets. Digital broadcasting is produced in the same range. If you have a DVB-T2 tuner, you can tune in to one or two multiplexes, and receive a free set of Russian channels on beer cans.

    Typical diagram in the illustration:

    However, in order to solder and configure such a device yourself, basic knowledge of radio engineering is required. Still, it’s easier to buy a ready-made device, especially since you’ve already saved on the antenna.

    “Eight”, aka rhombus, aka “Z” shaped

    Perhaps the most popular design for do-it-yourselfers. This fairly powerful Kharchenko antenna confidently receives meter and decimeter frequencies in analog and digital format. When the question arises: “How to make an antenna with your own hands?”, this option is first of all assumed.

    What is its advantage? With compact dimensions, in most cases no amplifier is required. Unless you want to receive a signal on the 1st–3rd floor in a densely built-up microdistrict, where there are dozens of high-rise buildings between you and the television center.

    How to make a homemade antenna without complex calculations? For a typical broadcast grid, there is a basic diamond arm size: 140 mm. Distance between wire connection points: 10–15 mm.

    Kharchenko's antenna with such dimensions falls right in the middle of the typical broadcast range. If it is necessary to capture other channels (in some regions the grid may operate at non-standard frequencies), a wire structure can be made in several rows. The illustration shows a drawing from Radio magazine from 50 years ago.

    Then the meter range was accepted, and the antennas had correspondingly gigantic dimensions. They were made from wire to reduce windage. This manufacturing technology requires patience and a large amount of material. Modern “homemade” people prefer a copper tube or an aluminum plate.

    To make an indoor antenna using this technology, all you need is a piece of wire. The device hangs in the window opening (in the direction of the television center) and there is no need to worry about it being bent by the wind. Several diamonds can be made, and the reception range will be significantly expanded. An ideal option for digital television, which you can do yourself at the dacha or in a private home.

    We amplify the signal without an amplifier

    The reception efficiency (primarily this concerns the option under consideration) can be increased without additional electronics. It is enough to install a reflector or reflective screen.

    It will return television waves back to the antenna field, almost doubling the level. The canvas is located at a distance of 100 mm on the opposite side of the TV tower. A prerequisite is no electrical contact.

    Moreover, the reflector does not have to be solid. A series of metal tubes or openwork mesh is sufficient.

    You can enhance the effect by using the “double biquadrate” design. The same dimensions apply, but the range remains the same. The extra length simply increases the signal strength.

    And finally, the most complex antenna for digital TV that you can make yourself

    The log-periodic circuit allows you to get maximum gain without additional circuits.

    The principle of operation of the design: in the direction of the signal source there are two conductive busbars, on which perpendicular vibrators are installed in strict sequence.

    Their length and distance between each other are calculated according to a strict algorithm. An error of 2–5% will lead to complete system inoperability.

    But a properly assembled antenna will receive analog and digital signals with the highest quality.

    Can be used with a screen that helps strengthen a weak signal.

    Bottom line

    Making a homemade antenna is not just about saving money. This is an excellent opportunity to practice radio engineering, without the risk of damaging expensive radio elements and materials. And if your receiving point is located in an unfavorable location, you can always try a different configuration without buying several factory-made antennas.
