Qualitative improvement. How to improve your quality of life without increasing your expenses

There are sometimes times in our lives when we need to quickly film something. We grab the phone and take a photo, but the photo turns out blurry, dark, and the situation has exhausted itself. What to do in this case?

Online services that can do almost anything are not left out here either. Huge number websites, both foreign and Russian, will help the user correct a photo taken in a hurry. All four online services discussed in the article have a large number functions and are very convenient, even easy to use.

Method 1: FanStudio

This service has the largest number of photography enhancement functions than its counterparts. A convenient and intuitive interface can help any user solve the problem quickly and efficiently, and the online preview function of the modified image is a delight.

To improve the quality of your photos on FunStudio, follow a few simple steps:

Method 2: Croper

This online service, unlike the previous one, has a more minimalistic design and is more modest in functions, but this does not affect its operation in any way. The site does an excellent job of improving the quality of photography using various effects as conveniently and quickly as possible.

To process photos on Croper you need to do the following:

Method 3: EnhancePho.To

Unlike the previous two online services, EnhancePho.To has fairly standard image enhancement features. Its big advantage is both ease of use and speed of processing, which is very important for the user. You can view the image changes online and compare them with the original image, which is definitely a plus.

Follow these steps to improve your photo in this online service:

Method 4: IMGOnline

The online service IMGOnline is already a regular in articles about image modification. The site copes well with any given task and its only drawback is the interface, which is a little user-unfriendly and requires some getting used to, but otherwise the resource deserves praise.

To use the IMGOnline editor and improve your photo, follow these steps:

Online services are becoming more and more surprising with their capabilities every time. Almost every site on our list is good in some ways, but has its own shortcomings in others. The main thing here is that they all cope with the task quickly, clearly and without unnecessary actions from the user, and this fact cannot be neglected or denied.



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Translation of "quality improvement" in Chinese

View examples with translation qualitative improvement
(14 examples containing translation)

" lang="en"> qualitative improvement

Other translations

Noted qualitative improvement at the level of planning and managing operations.

Qualitative improvement in planning and management of operations has been observed.">

True nuclear non-proliferation is not limited to horizontal proliferation: rather, it involves the accumulation and qualitative improvement and improvement of these types of weapons.

Real non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is not limited to the horizontal spread: rather it includes the stockpiling and qualitative improvement and perfection of these weapons.

Qualitative improvement and perfection of these weapons.">

My delegation believes that improving the format of the report does not necessarily entail qualitative improvement its content.

My delegation finds that improvement in the format of the report does not necessarily bring about a qualitative improvement in the substance of the report.

Qualitative improvement in the substance of the report.">

In 2002, there was a quantitative and qualitative improvement providing the population with food and other basic social goods, as well as medicines; In less than a year, the destruction caused by Hurricane Michelle was eliminated.

In particular, 2002 saw a quantitative and qualitative improvement in supplies of food and other social services, as well as increased available of medicines, and the recovery, in less than one year, from the damage caused by Hurricane Michelle.

Qualitative improvement in supplies of food and other social services, as well as increased available of medicines, and the recovery, in less than one year, from the damage caused by Hurricane Michelle.">

Although qualitative improvement While the living conditions of minority communities will take some time, inter-ethnic dialogue and reconciliation at the grassroots level are important preconditions for such improvement.

Although it will take time to achieve a qualitative improvement in the conditions of the minority communities, an important precondition for such an improvement is inter-ethnic dialogue and reconciliation at the grass-roots level.

Qualitative improvement in the conditions of the minority communities, an important precondition for such an improvement is inter-ethnic dialogue and reconciliation at the grass-roots level.">

For example, Japan's seventh five-year program (1996-2000) aims to create qualitative improvement housing stock to achieve target housing standards in 50 percent of all households by the year 2000.

For example, Japan's seventh five-year program (1996-2000) aims to induce qualitative improvement of the housing stock for the achievement of the targeted residential standards by 50 per cent of all households by the year 2000.

Qualitative improvement of the housing stock for the achievement of the targeted residential standards by 50 per cent of all households by the year 2000.">

The Seventh Five-Year Housing Program (1996-2000) contains provisions governing qualitative improvement housing standards, the volume of construction and future policies in this area.

The seventh housing construction five-year program (1996-2000) includes stipulations on residential standards for qualitative improvement, level of construction and policies to be implemented.

Qualitative improvement, level of construction and policies to be implemented.">

Although there is a noticeable qualitative improvement comprehensive approach to achieving sustainable peace in post-conflict states - and structures have been established to achieve this goal - it is important for us to continue to make active efforts to respond more effectively and coordinatedly to complex crisis situations.

While there has been a noticeable and qualitative improvement in the comprehensive approach to - and structures for - achieving sustainable peace in post-conflict States, it is critical to continue to re-energize our efforts for a more effective and coordinated response to complex crisis situations.

Qualitative improvement in the comprehensive approach to - and structures for - achieving sustainable peace in post-conflict States, it is critical to continue to re-energize our efforts for a more effective and coordinated response to complex crisis situations.">

Took place qualitative improvement information provided to non-nuclear-weapon States by some nuclear-weapon States, in particular in the context of the Conference on Disarmament and the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Qualitative improvement in the information provided to non-nuclear weapon States by some nuclear-weapon States, particularly in the context of the Conference on Disarmament and the United Nations General Assembly.">

As part of programs to improve the effectiveness of education, systematic qualitative improvement conditions, methods and outcomes of municipal and privately subsidized schools, along with the introduction of flexible, but more demanding curriculum for primary education institutions and innovations that meet the specific requirements of schools.

The education improvement programs have been undertaken systematically qualitative improvement in conditions, processes and outcomes of municipal and privately subsidized schools, with a flexible but more demanding curriculum for primary education and innovations adapted to specific requirements of schools.

Qualitative improvement in conditions, processes and outcomes of municipal and privately subsidized schools, with a flexible but more demanding curriculum for primary education and innovations adapted to specific requirements of schools.">

The proliferation of modern weapons, qualitative improvement weapons through testing, the increasing pace of arms sales and the continued accumulation of conventional weapons, which are the main mechanism for waging local wars and armed conflicts, further complicate the situation.

Further compounding the situation is the proliferation of sophisticated armaments, the qualitative improvement of weapons through testing, the accelerated momentum in arms sales and the relentless accumulation of conventional armaments that are the main instruments of local wars and armed conflicts.

Qualitative improvement of weapons through testing, the accelerated momentum in arms sales and the relentless accumulation of conventional armaments that are the main instruments of local wars and armed conflicts.">

It offers qualitative improvement UNDP programming and management guidelines to strengthen the culture and use of evaluation.

It proposes improvements in the UNDP programming guide and management actions to strengthen the culture and use of evaluation.

Improvements in the UNDP programming guide and management actions to strengthen the culture and use of evaluation.">

Many people confuse quality of life with standard of living (focusing on income), but quality of life is a much deeper concept. It covers social life and relationships, health, wealth, recreation and spirituality.

Moreover, this is an extremely subjective concept. It is determined by the views and needs of a person. And what is a happy life for one is misfortune for another. So be true to your vision of quality of life!

Improving your quality of life starts now

Determine what quality of life means to you. Decide what you want to achieve in the following areas of your life:


Quality of life can be equated to happiness. We all want health, wealth, good relationships, happiness, etc. But achieving success in some of these areas of life does not guarantee happiness.

The irony is that many people say things like: “I will be happy when...”. And when they achieve what they wanted, they still remain unhappy!

So when you decide what you want from life, change this attitude.

Instead of thinking: “I will be happy when...” decide to be happy right now. A happy state of mind can change everything for the better very quickly. How?
When you are happy you...

  • Attract happy, positive, optimistic people who lift your spirits and speak the language of prosperity, health, joy, fullness and meaningfulness of life.
  • Full of energy and enthusiasm. You look at big goals and projects, wondering if your life will fill you with a sense of adventure and enjoyment, rather than living life like a chore.
  • You make better decisions. Decisions clouded by stress, fear, negativity and worry rarely produce the desired results.
  • Take better care of yourself and your property, and feel grateful for what you already have.
  • Focus on what really matters to you - your values.

To become happier and improve your quality of life right now:

  • Simplify. Get rid of everything that no longer brings you benefit or joy. Say “no” to social activities in which you do not want to participate. Say no to your boss when you are overwhelmed with work assignments (you need to focus on quality rather than quantity). Stop watching TV (except for humorous, educational and inspiring programs, everything else is a waste of precious time). Make time for what really matters, and ignore everything else.
  • Start your day with positivity and end it with gratitude. This simple meditation practice will take no more than 30 minutes a day (15 in the morning and 15 in the evening), but will radically change your worldview.
  • Do what you love every day. Most of us are so overwhelmed with obligations to others that we forget about the one person trying to “do it all”: ourselves. Is “everything” really that important? Do something you enjoy every day.
  • Work on your goals every day. Spend at least a few minutes on something that brings you closer to your goal, and you will feel that you are not marking time, that you are doing something important.
  • Be more lenient with yourself. You can’t do everything, and you need to leave some time and energy for personal needs. It's impossible to do everything perfectly. Therefore, it is very important to be able to simplify. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to do everything. You are not a soulless robot who must perform a certain sequence of functions. Yes, you have responsibilities, but you can prioritize and let go of the things that take up the most time, cause stress, and make you unhappy.
  • Take a fresh look at communicating with people. We often feel that our quality of life is diminished by the unpleasant people we deal with every day. Instead of feeling stressed about this, imagine that these people are actors. Imagine that both they and you are starring in a film about your life - after all, someone needs to play negative characters! And these actors do their roles very well! See how skillfully they frustrate and anger you with their words and actions! This simple trick can make you smile. And even if this does not happen, it will help you ease the emotional burden associated with the words and actions of these people.
  • Visualize your ideal life.

Spend a few minutes every day visualizing the ideal development of your life. Do this constantly, with feeling, and you will be surprised how quickly the “right” people and “right” situations will begin to appear on your path. Visualize everything in the present tense:

“My life is so wonderful, I have so many reasons to be grateful, isn’t it wonderful that I have achieved all this?”

  • Take care of yourself. Love your body and provide for it proper nutrition, relaxation and intensive physical activity. It's hard to enjoy life if you're not healthy.
  • Smile: smile is a mood regulator! Every time you get upset, angry or worried, smile (both externally and internally). And it will immediately become easier.
  • Act based on positive rather than negative feelings. Listen to your intuition! To develop your intuition, use the Silva Method exercises to learn how to identify what causes an intuitive feeling and use this information correctly.

I used to try to add as much as possible into my life, but now I understand that the main thing is quality, not quantity.

- unknown

Improve your quality of life right now: define what quality of life means to you; make a decision to be happy NOW; and build your life around what is important to you.

Irina Khlimonenko
and the Silva Method team

Today it is extremely rare to meet a person who would be one hundred percent satisfied with his life. Increasingly, people complain about an unworthy standard of living, and blame anyone for this: the state, authorities, parents, employers. But not yourself. Why is it someone else’s fault that you don’t live the way you want? Maybe it’s convenient for you to blame everything and everyone around you, because it’s much easier than starting to change your life right now. If this is not the case, and you are ready to take a step towards qualitative changes in your life, then the following 10 tips will help you.

1. Stop relying on power and the state

Hoping that the authorities will take care of you is obviously a failed path. In any state, even the most prosperous one, the government pursues its own goals and is simply unable to cover the interests of each citizen. Create your life yourself, take an active position, and don’t let someone manipulate you.

2. Don’t drive yourself into credit slavery

Loans and debts are the sale of one’s own time, that is, literally, it is the sale of oneself. If you are already in debt bondage, then you should put all your efforts into overcoming this stage. Get started new life– without debt, and you will see that you can afford much more.

3. Avoid superficial knowledge

Become an expert in what you do. Constantly deepen your knowledge, and also try to comprehend the essence of any thing that interests you. Superficial knowledge of your business leads to the fact that your work is devalued. When we stop, we do not stand still, but roll back. Don't let this happen.

4. Ditch Energy Vampires

Quite often you can hear complaints about friends, husbands, wives, just acquaintances or colleagues. Why complain? Analyze the situation step by step - can you do something with those who exhaust you and pull you down? Yes? So do it! Didn't work out? Leave them and move forward boldly. Understand - there is only one life, and time runs away from us at an irreversible speed. We will not be able to change people until they themselves want it. Therefore, you should not waste your time.

5. Take a break from reality

You should not think that only alcohol and drugs allow a person to temporarily immerse himself in another reality. In fact, the most effective hallucinogenic drug is books. In addition to the fact that books allow us to reboot our worldview system, they also bring maximum benefits for our development.

6. Take care of your finances

How many times can you hear from people who can barely make ends meet complaints that they don’t have enough for anything, even though they have been earning longer. But why not take it and put your finances in order. “I’m not so materialistic as to plan a budget!” - save this phrase for the day when your annual income exceeds millions.

7. Use every opportunity for self-realization

“I won’t go to this university because I don’t have money” or “This project is a complete scam,” and a billion other phrases like that. Moreover, they use them in most cases without ever trying to do anything. Take every chance as an opportunity for implementation, and not as a problem that is better to avoid.

8. Visit countries and people that attract you

An employee of the statistics department conducted an anonymous survey in his company. It turned out that the average employee spends as much money on clubs, booze, parties and cigarettes as would be enough for two week-long tours at all-inclusive hotels. Don't have money to travel? Read point six again.

9. Find like-minded people

More and more often you can meet closed people who suffer from loneliness within themselves, although they have people whom they call friends. But, unfortunately, it is difficult to find those who see this world the same way. Difficult does not mean impossible. You shouldn’t change your position in life, find “your” people, and don’t suffer from not fulfilling the basic need - to be understood.

10. Take care of others

The Bible says: “It is more blessed to give than to take.” That is, the good deeds that we do can make us happier than the good that we receive. Look around - so many people and animals need you, so many you can give a piece of love to. Why waste this chance?

Remember, we are here on Earth for a short time, and how we live this life is up to us. You can waste time complaining and looking for those to blame, but you can take these 10 steps towards happiness today. The choice is yours!

What is quality of life? It can be defined as the degree of satisfaction of a person with the conditions of his existence, the degree of comfort in both his own private life and life in society. According to the definition of the All-Russian Health Organization, quality of life is a person’s subjective perception of his own position in life in the context of cultural and social values ​​that are accepted in society.

Everyone wants to live well

Of course, improving the quality of life is of concern to every sane person. Everyone wants to spend their existence in comfortable conditions, to be happy, to enjoy, and not to suffer. People often ask themselves the question: “What do I like in life? What would I like to improve?” Every event in our life can have a positive or negative connotation. Currently, a person is forced to live according to standards imposed from outside. It becomes difficult for him to assess whether this or that event is good for him or is harmful. He finds it difficult to answer a simple question: “What do I really want in life?”

Subjectivity of perception

For example, a mother wants to send her child to additional courses in mathematics. She is looking for a prestigious university and pays a lot of money for classes. With great difficulty, the child is still enrolled in these courses, but later it turns out that the child has difficulty coping with both the main program and additional classes. He completely loses his desire to study. Is then such a “good” as taking courses at a prestigious university an improvement in the quality of life, or, on the contrary, does it worsen the living conditions? Everyone must answer this question themselves.

Often those events that seem to us to be a source of joy can only bring disappointment. As often happens, a girl who has dreamed of getting married all her life is later disappointed in this idea. Having achieved the desired goal, having celebrated a magnificent wedding, she is faced with the realities everyday life, not feeling happy at all. “It would be better for me to live with my parents,” she makes a sad conclusion. What was supposed to improve the quality of life turns out to be just another source of difficulty.

Clear harm

However, there are also indicators that can be assessed unambiguously. For example, alcohol or nicotine addiction only brings harm. No matter how the supporters of the “green serpent” try to justify their actions, in fact, such a way of life brings nothing but destruction. Smoking is no less dangerous. The number of those who develop cancer due to this seemingly harmless habit is constantly growing. In addition, cigarettes contain a large number of substances that negatively affect the body’s ability to resist various infections. Therefore, the harm from smoking can be indirect, which further aggravates the situation. There can be no talk of improving the quality of life here. Health is the first condition that is necessary in order to feel happy.

The main condition

One of the main conditions for a quality life is safety. If a person lives in extreme conditions, and the only task facing him is survival, then it is difficult to talk about the comfort of existence. Improving the quality of life of citizens is largely the concern of the state. And it is political structures that take responsibility for ensuring that the people can live in safety, under the protection of the country’s Armed Forces. Only in peace can we talk about building our future, working and living in good conditions.

Increase income

Another important indicator is income. Many people dream that one day a huge inheritance will fall on their head. The girls dream that they will meet a rich prince with a million-dollar bank account. However, improving the quality of life of people depends 99.9% on themselves. It is foolish to dream of prosperity without making any effort to achieve it. The economic situation in the country is constantly changing. There is either an increase in unemployment, an increase in prices, or a decrease in wages. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself, your strengths and skills. How to increase your income, thereby creating conditions for improving your quality of life? Let's consider several options for additional income:

  • Babysitting for small children (nanny job).
  • Writing coursework for students.
  • Opening your own beauty salon.
  • Walking the dogs.
  • Tutoring.
  • Growing aquarium fish.

Financial indicators

To calculate the amount of money that is needed for a quality and comfortable life, you need to include several indicators. Firstly, these are expenses for housing, food, gasoline, purchasing household items, clothing, and money for vacation. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of purchasing household appliances, study. For a comfortable life you need good food, clothing, education, the opportunity to attend cultural events. Without all this, it is difficult to say that living conditions correspond to a certain level. It is advisable to have an idea of ​​what the annual amount of expenses will be, because income can change every month even if a person can work at the enterprise.

After this, a person can understand why else he might need money. Typically, after all the expenses required for a comfortable life are taken into account, people begin to think about making their dreams come true. Only at this stage does a person develop a keen interest in making money. And improving the quality and standard of living is only possible if basic needs are satisfied and there is no need to worry about a piece of bread or paying for utilities.

The role of education

Another condition for a quality life is a good education. Without it, it is simply impossible to build a career in many areas. Even if a person somehow manages to gain experience in a particular field without having a diploma, and works better than his colleagues, most employers will require an education diploma to get hired. And even those who have already graduated from university still must constantly improve their skills and improve their knowledge in the professional field. After all, without this, you can work your whole life in the same position. And without a promotion, it becomes impossible to increase income.


It often happens that a person loses his job for reasons beyond his control. For example, in a region where most of the male population works in the mines, suddenly the policy changes and the mines begin to close. What should an adult who has a family and children to support do in this case? There is only one way out - to get a new education. That is why, in order to improve the quality of life of the population, it is necessary to create as many opportunities for study as possible, including retraining.

Success depends on ourselves

But in many cases, education alone is not enough for success. Many graduates of even prestigious universities often earn less than their former C-grade classmates. This is due to the fact that to achieve success you must also have practical intelligence. Many mediocre scientists with a fairly high IQ remain forever unnoticed. The reason for this is the inability to communicate with people, express one’s opinion, achieve a goal and apply the acquired knowledge in practical life. Therefore, no matter how important education is, a person’s quality of life largely depends on his own actions.
