Practical work in informatics. Artist Robot

Acquaintance with the program Kumir mastering the basics of programming.

In it, students can gain practical skills in creating and debugging an algorithm, working with performers such as Robot, Draftsman, Aquarius, Grasshopper, Turtle.

When studying one of the most difficult sections of computer science "algorithmization and programming".

Purpose of development :



Methodical development in informatics.

Topic: "Robot performer in the KuMir program at informatics lessons"

technology teacher "Informatics and ICT"

Explanatory note

Development goal: to study the possibilities of programming on the example of a specific executor Robot using the KUMIR environment; give practical skills to work with the performer.

Methodical developmentcompiled for informatics lessonsPractice on the computer: work with the educational executor of algorithms; drawing up linear, branching and cyclic algorithms for managing an executor; drawing up algorithms with a complex structure; use of auxiliary algorithms (procedures, subroutines).

Students should know:

  • what is a performer; SKI Robot, Wednesday performer Robot;
  • what is an algorithm;what are the main properties of the algorithm;
  • ways of writing algorithms: flowcharts, educational algorithmic language;basic algorithmic constructions: following, branching, loop; structures
  • algorithms; ⇒ assignment of auxiliary algorithms; technologies for building complex algorithms:

Students should be able to:

  • understand descriptions of algorithms in a learning algorithmic language;
  • perform an algorithm trace for a known performer;
  • compose linear, branching and cyclic control algorithms for the Robot executor; allocate subtasks; define and use auxiliary algorithms.

Session 1 (2 hours) Lesson 1.

Performer Robot.Executor command system.

Lesson plan.

  1. Description of the executor's UCS, the executor's environment.

2. Analysis of typical robot algorithms.

During the classes.

Consider the description of the performer.

Executor environment: Performer The robot is able to move through the labyrinth, drawn on a plane divided into cells.

SKI Robot : simple commands: up, down, left, right, color.

Logic commands: (condition checks)

top free bottom free

left free right free.

Logical connectives: AND, NOT, OR:

Example: (Not left free) or (Not right free)

Branch command: cycle command:

If condition then nts while condition

series of commands series of commands

all kts

(In CIMs of 2009, the commands of the Robot differed from those familiar to children, which led to confusion :)

Branch command: cycle command:

If condition then nts while condition do

series of commands series of commands

end end

General view of the Kumir program window. Graphical environment of the Robot:

in KIMs demo version 2010 command format changed to habitual

The order of creating the algorithm:

1.Teams Tools -Edit starting environmentdraw walls on the Robot field and set the Robot to its initial position.

2.Commands Robot - Change starting environmentsave the new environment.

3.Commands Paste- Use Robotspecify the artist.

4. In the document window, write the algorithm using the menu Insert.

5. Commands Execution - execute continuously (or step by step) run the algorithm.

6. Consider the result of the algorithm execution and, if necessary, debug it.

Lesson 1 (2 hours) Lesson 2.

Practical work « Compilation of linear algorithms.

Tasks: 1. Robot at an arbitrary point in the field. Color the cell above, below and to the right of the starting position.

  1. Robot at an arbitrary point in the field. Move the Robot 4 spaces to the right, painting over them.
  2. Create a new starting environment by drawing a 4-cell square on the board. Save the environment as a start.
  3. Create a new starting environment by drawing a corridor with passages in the walls on the field. Save the environment as obst2.fil. Change the starting environment to the newly created one.

Session 2 (2 hours) Lesson 1.

Theme : Branching and sequential refinement of the algorithm.

Analysis of CIM tasks using the Robot executor.

use robot

alg kim 2009


if not bottom loose

then to the right


if not bottom loose

then to the right


if not bottom loose

then to the right



use robot

alg kim 2010


if not bottom loose

then to the right


if not bottom loose

then to the right


if not bottom loose

then to the right



Etc. slave. No. 14. Compilation and debugging of branching algorithms

Tasks. See Attachment.

Lesson 3. Cyclic algorithms. Lesson 1-2

Target: reveal the essence of the concept of a cycle in algorithms, show the forms of writing cycles in algorithms, give skills in creating and writing cyclic algorithms.

Etc. slave. No. 15. Compilation and debugging of cyclic algorithms

1. Make an algorithm that paints all the inner cells adjacent to the wall.

use robot



nc while right free

paint over; right


nc while the bottom is free

paint over; way down


nc until the bottom loose

paint over; to the left



2. Create an algorithm that fills all the cells between the Robot and the wall. The distance to the wall is unknown.

use robot



nc while right free

right; paint over



3. Create an algorithm that paints over all the cells between two walls.

use robot

alg uch3


nc yet (not top loose) or (not bottom loose)


if (not top free) and (not bottom free)


paint over




4. Create an algorithm that fills all the cells around a rectangular wall.

alg uch4



nc until right loose




nc until the bottom loose



paint over;down

nc until left loose




nc until top loose

paint over; left;



use robot

alg uch5



nc until the bottom loose

paint over; right


paint over; way down

nc while left free

paint over; to the left


nc until left loose

paint over; way down


paint;left;paint; up;

nc while top free

paint over; up


nc until top loose

paint over; to the left



Activity 4 Lesson 1

Helper Algorithms.

Target: introduce the concept of the main and auxiliary algorithm; explain the rules for using the auxiliary algorithm; parse examples of algorithms using an auxiliary.

Lesson Plan

1.Introduction of new terms (main and auxiliary algorithm, call) and explanation of new concepts.

2. Analysis of examples of solving problems using an auxiliary algorithm.

When solving some problems, it is convenient to break them into smaller subtasks, each of which can be designed as an independent algorithm. In this case, the so-called main algorithm is first compiled, in which calls to auxiliary algorithms are used to solve subtasks, which are added later. This kind of solution is calledsequential refinement method.It allows a group of programmers to work on a project, while each one solves his own subtask.

In the process of solving the problem, each auxiliary algorithm can, if necessary, be divided into smaller auxiliary algorithms.

The command to execute the auxiliary algorithm is called challenge and is written in the body of the main algorithm.

One and the same algorithm can be considered as the main and auxiliary in relation to other algorithms. In an algorithmic language, the main algorithm is written first, and auxiliary ones are written in a row below.

Task 1:

The robot is in the upper left corner of the field. There are no walls or shaded cells. Compose an algorithm, using an auxiliary one, drawing four crosses on one horizontal line. The final position of the Robot can be arbitrary.


Analysis on the board:

Task2. The robot is in the upper left corner of the field. There are no walls or shaded cells. Write an algorithm that paints an 8 x 8 square in a checkerboard pattern. The final position of the Robot can be arbitrary.

Activity 4 Lesson 2

Practical work on a PC "Problem solving using auxiliary algorithms".

Target : to instill practical skills in constructing algorithms by the method of sequential refinement.

Lesson Plan

1. The task is completely completed by the PC. Students receive assignments and complete them software environment Idol. The results of the Work are saved as files for later verification.

Task1 . The robot is in the lower left corner of the field. There are no walls or shaded cells. Write an algorithm that paints 6 vertical stripes of the same length in 6 cells. The final position of the Robot can be arbitrary.

Task2 .Using auxiliary, make an algorithm for painting over the cells that form the number 1212.

Homework: Come up with an algorithm that draws the following image: Apply two auxiliary algorithms to solve the problem.

Activity 5 Lesson 1-2


"Compilation of the algorithm in the environment of the executor Robot".

Target: to test the acquired knowledge on the creation and ability to analyze algorithms in the Kumir software environment.

Tasks for control work are divided by difficulty levels and include 3 tasks with the executor Robot (tasks 1 and 2 - for branching and loops, task 3 - for using an auxiliary algorithm.) The texts of the tasks are given in the appendix.

The initial and final conditions and the created algorithms are recorded as a file.

The grade is set according to the level of difficulty of the task. The student has the right to choose the type of task.

The system can be used to solve problems on the topics "Contractor and his teams", "Procedures", "Functions", "Cycles", " Conditional statements”, “Variables”, “Arithmetic expressions”, “ Boolean operations and logical variables", "Global variables", "Input and output operators", "Character strings", "Arrays", "Matrices", etc.

Programming language in the environment Performers fully Russified, programs are typed and edited using the built-in editor with syntax highlighting.

Basic designs supported C language.

Error messages during translation and execution are displayed in Russian.

There is a built-in debugger with the ability to execute programs in step-by-step mode with tracing of procedures and functions. The values ​​of variables can be controlled during the execution of the program in step-by-step mode.

The actions of the performers are displayed on the screen, it is used animation.

The Robot performer is being checked the correctness of the decision tasks after the end of the program.

System requirements

The program runs under the control of 32-bit operating systems of the line Windows: Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and compatible with them. Works for everyone modern computers, takes about 1 MB on the hard drive.

AT operating system linux you can run the program in the environment Wine. Additionally, you need to copy the font files from the Windows\Fonts folder (from the computer on which Windows) to the /home/user/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ folder on the computer with linux.

After unpacking the archive, the program is immediately operational and does not require any additional settings.

For of English language, which ensures the replacement of all keywords language, interface elements and system messages into English. Please note that when updating the version of the program, you must also update and localization file.

News now in the Telegram channel

March 15, 2019
Tutorial posted PasLaz V.A. Pasevich Lazarus environment.

December 23, 2018
Designs posted V.A. Pasevich(Robot, Turtle).

September 11, 2018
Now you can copy the contents of the console window to the clipboard.

November 20, 2016
A new version: now allowed to recursively call the main program.


Learning environment Performers and methodological developments are distributed according to the principle "As is" - "As Is". This means that you use them at your own risk and the author does not bear any responsibility for damage caused to you personally and to your computer as a result of using the programs and methods received on this site.

  1. 1) publishing materials in any form, including posting materials on other Web sites;
  2. 2) distribution of incomplete or altered materials;
  3. 3) inclusion of materials in collections on any media;
  4. 4) obtaining commercial benefits from the sale or other use of materials.

Downloading materials means that you have accepted the terms of this license agreement.

Download materials from other authors

All materials are placed in public access with the consent of the authors.

Tutorial PasLaz V.A. Pasevich, designed to transition from programming executors to programming in the Lazarus environment. 15.03.2019
Tasks for performers Robot and Turtle. Author - V.A. Pasevich, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. (2 784 Kb)
Course "Algorithm" (grade 7): performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - L.A. Kayushkin, MBOU secondary school No. 11, Ishimbay, Republic of Bashkortostan (472 Kb)
The work program "Algorithm" (grade 5, GEF): performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin (220 Kb)
Development of lessons on the executor Robot. Author - S.V. Chaichenkov, MBOU Grushevskaya secondary school of the Aksai district of the Rostov region. (2 454 Kb)
Curriculum: performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin (200 Kb)
Author - G.A. Gavryukova, secondary school No. 68, Ryazan (ZIP archive, 3 380 Kb)Robot
PROGRAM/TURTLE subdirectory with sample programs for the performer Turtle
PROGRAM/KURS subdirectory with example programs for a programming course independent of performers
PROGRAM/FRACTALS subdirectory with examples of programs for constructing fractals
PROGRAM/PASEVICH subdirectory with the developments of V.A. Pasevich (Robot, Turtle)

After unpacking the archive, the program is in working condition and does not require any additional installations.

Artist Robot

Programming environment KuMir

Often in the lessons and in task 20.1, the “Robot” performer is required to go down or up the stairs. It must be understood that the descent or ascent of the stairs is carried out one cycle. As a rule, to check the performance of the algorithm, it is necessary to add steps on the ladder. The algorithm must be executed regardless of the number of steps, for example, both for two steps and for twenty.


The infinite field has a horizontal wall that continues indefinitely to the left and ends with a staircase that descends from left to right. The height of each step is two cells, the width is two cells. The robot is on a horizontal wall for descending stairs. The figure shows one of the ways to position the stairs and the Robot (the Robot is indicated by the symbol ).

Write an algorithm for the Robot that paints all the cells located on the steps of the stairs. It is required to paint over only the cells that satisfy this condition.

For example, for the above drawing, the Robot must fill in the cells:

The final location of the Robot can be arbitrary. The algorithm must solve the problem for an arbitrary field size and any number of steps. When executing the algorithm, the Robot should not collapse.


We will solve this problem in the KuMir programming environment. Open the program and go to the menu Robot -> Edit Environment

We are building a ladder. With the left mouse button, click on the walls of the cell. Rhombus (robot) move to the right place by holding the left mouse button

Exit the editing mode of the Robot menu —> Edit environment. Next, write the command “use Robot” on the first line.

First, let's recall some commands for the Robot executor.

The assignment says that

The algorithm must solve the problem for an arbitrary field size and any number of steps

This means that the Robot must move with the Bye Loop. We argue like this: there is a wall below the robot, which means it is not free from below. On the 4th line of the editor we write the command

nc until the bottom is free.

Inside the loop, you must sequentially execute the commands:

Right Down Shade Right Shade Left Down Shade Right Shade

The complete program looks like this:

Use Robot alg start nt until bottom is free right down paint right paint left down paint right paint kts end

To test the algorithm, add a few more steps and check the result

So, the algorithm paints the cells for any number of stairs.

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What's this?

From this page you can download full version systems Performers, methodological materials (see page Methodology), as well as a localization file for of English language, which replaces all language keywords, interface elements, and system messages with English ones. Please note that when updating the version of the program, you must also update and localization file.


October 8, 2014
A new work program and tests for the course "Algorithm" (34 hours) have been posted. Author - L.A. Kayushkin, MBOU secondary school No. 1, Ishimbay, Republic of Bashkortostan.

October 7, 2013
A new working program "Algorithmics" has been posted for study performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle (FSES, 34 hours). Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin.

December 3, 2012
New developments of lessons on the executor Robot are posted. Author - S.V. Chaichenkov, MBOU Grushevskaya secondary school of the Aksai district of the Rostov region.

September 4, 2012
Added a tutorial for learning Robot, Draftsman and Turtle (34 hours). Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin.

February 16, 2012
Added methodical development of tasks for the Robot executor. Author - N. Handramay, leader - E.A. Maslova, Lyceum No. 23, Kemerovo.


Learning environment Performers and methodological developments are distributed according to the principle "As is" - "As Is". This means that you use them at your own risk and the author does not bear any responsibility for damage caused to you personally and to your computer as a result of using the programs and methods received on this site.

  1. placement of materials on other Web-sites;
  2. distribution of incomplete or altered materials;
  3. inclusion of materials in collections on any media distributed on a commercial basis;
  4. obtaining a commercial benefit from the sale or other use of materials.

Downloading materials means that you have accepted the terms of this license agreement.

Download materials from other authors

Course "Algorithm" (grade 7): performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - L.A. Kayushkin, MBOU secondary school No. 11, Ishimbay, Republic of Bashkortostan (472 Kb)
The work program "Algorithm" (grade 5, GEF): performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin (220 Kb)
Development of lessons on the executor Robot. Author - S.V. Chaichenkov, MBOU Grushevskaya secondary school of the Aksai district of the Rostov region. (2 454 Kb)
Curriculum: performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin (200 Kb)
Author - G.A. Gavryukova, secondary school No. 68, Ryazan (ZIP archive, 3 380 Kb)Robot
PROGRAM/TURTLE subdirectory with sample programs for the performer Turtle
PROGRAM/KURS subdirectory with example programs for a programming course independent of performers
PROGRAM/FRACTALS subdirectory with examples of programs for constructing fractals

After unpacking the archive, the program is in working condition and does not require any additional installations.
