Download the application for the Chinese endoscope. Programs for USB microscope

Waterproof Chinese endoscope 7mm x 1m viki710 writes on April 5, 2016

The product was provided by the online store free of charge for review.

This endoscope is one of the variations of similar devices offered in Chinese online stores. I hope you will be interested in learning about the features of this particular model, software, application possibilities, and also, which is not unimportant, compatibility with hardware, because the more information is available, the easier it is to do right choice upon purchase.

Depending on the design, Chinese endoscopes differ:

Diameter of head with camera,
- camera resolution,
- cord length,
- presence of a control switch,
- complete with additional accessories.

The following characteristics were indicated on the online store website for the model in question:

- camera 0.3MP, 1/9 CMOS,
- video: 640*480 px, 30ftps
- 6 white LEDs,
- slider to control brightness and photo button
- water protection level IP67,
- outer diameter of the chamber 7 mm (or 5.5mm),
- focal length: 5 cm (or 6 cm) - infinity.
- operating system support: Android / Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
- operating temperature: -20~100"C
- Cable length: 1 - 3.5 m

As you can see, some characteristics were, frankly speaking, not accurate, so real situation matters could only be determined experimentally, which is exactly what I did after receiving the endoscope.

The device was packaged in this thin cardboard box with a color print:

The characteristics of the endoscope were indicated on the side, with the current ones manually marked with checkboxes.

The package included:

Endoscope with cord 1 m long,
- protective attachment for the endoscope camera,
- nozzle with a mirror for side inspection,
- probe with magnet,
- probe with hook,
- cloth for wiping protective glass cameras,
- microUSB – USB adapter for connecting to a computer,
- disk with drivers for PC,
- instructions.

As a result, the dimensional parameters indicated on the box, and not in the store description, turned out to be correct - the length of the cord is 1 m, the diameter of the head with the camera is 7 mm.

The total weight of the endoscope is a little more than 20 g.

As for the design itself, it is the same as that of other Chinese endoscopes from this price category. There are six LEDs around the camera for illumination, and all this is covered with acrylic glass.

The thread allows you to screw a protective ring onto the camera head:

Or a unit with an inclined mirror for side inspection:

To remove objects from hard-to-reach places, you can attach a probe with a hook to the groove on the back of the head:

or if the object is metallic - a probe with a magnet:

The length of the working part of the probe seems to imply a minimum focal length of 4 cm, but in reality it is within 1-2 cm, as you can see from the video at the end of the review.

Closer to the end of the cord there is a control unit with which you can adjust the brightness of the LED and take photos. This endoscope unit is optional. It can be of different designs, or even absent altogether - after all, all the main electronics are located in the block with the camera. There is also a hole for a microphone, but this model does not have it, since it is not detected by the drivers. Looking ahead, I want to say that the button for taking pictures also did not work for me on the tested software. There were no problems with the LED brightness adjustment wheel.

Now let's move on to testing. Using the included adapter, the endoscope can be connected to desktop computer or laptop. The camera is detected without the need for installation additional drivers even on Windows XP as USB 2.0 PC CAMERA. This is good, since the drivers on the included disk caused doubts in my antivirus. The attached program for working with an endoscope on a PC did not raise such complaints. Despite the rather primitive interface, it turned out to be quite functional even on Windows 10.

As for the software for Android, in addition to the CAMERA AN97 presented on the disk, you can download two more programs using the QR codes in the instructions, USB WEBCAMERA 220 and Endoskope2. In addition, many applications for an endoscope and a USB Webcam (which in our case are actually the same thing) are available on Google Play.

Despite the large selection of software, there were problems with its performance. On all three Android devices I had on hand - the Jiayu G2S smartphone, Onda V711s tablets and Ainol Nova 7 Aurora II. Moreover, on Onda the camera was not detected at all; on Ainol and Jiayu, the camera was detected, but the video did not work. An Internet search helped solve the problem with displaying video on a smartphone, but only partially. It turned out that devices on the MTK platform have a problem with USB support Webcams. In fact, only very low resolutions of 160x120 and 176x144 pixels are supported. Most webcam programs set the resolution automatically depending on the camera's characteristics. In fact, I was able to find only one program with which this endoscope worked, and then only at a resolution of 160x120 (at a resolution of 176x144 the video freezes). This is USBWebcamer from Serenegiant:

The resolution of 160x120 pixels is very small for normal operation with an endoscope, so if you have a smartphone on this platform, keep in mind that you will not get good image quality. See what it will look like using the example of probing a sealed system unit:

And here it is - in the standard resolution of 640 x 480 pixels:

And finally, about water protection. The endoscope has a shell protection rating of IP67, which provides complete dust protection and water resistance for short-term immersion in water to a depth of one meter. The camera body actually looks waterproof, so I decided to experiment with submerging the camera in water.

As you can see, the endoscope passed the water test. As for the rest, everything is not so clear.


This is my first USB endoscope, and my first pairing experience external camera and Android devices. I was very disappointed by the lack of proper support mobile devices on the MTK platform. Agree that a resolution of 160x120 pixels is not even the last century, but some kind of very ancient times. Of course, you can see something, but for normal operation you still need a standard permit. That is, this endoscope will not work for me, like most users of MTK devices. Otherwise, thanks to its waterproofness, reasonable resolution, and the presence of additional attachments for removing objects and lateral inspection, the device has a fairly wide range of applications for inspecting various hard-to-reach places, such as the engine compartment of a car, sealed computers (as in my example), plumbing and cable communications and much more.

ViewPlayCap is a program that controls work with USB endoscopes. This software installs drivers, ensuring the correct operation of endoscopes, and also broadcasts the “picture” from the camera.

ViewPlayCap can be downloaded for free. The program detects USB endoscopes that are connected to the computer. The software has a convenient toolbar containing the necessary tools and functions.

This driver controls the operation of the endoscope and broadcasts video from IP cameras connected via USB versions 1.0 and 2.0. If you have version 3.0, then get ready for the image to freeze.


The main feature of the program is automatic connection and device configuration. After connecting the endoscope, the software immediately finds the necessary libraries and starts the device.

In ViewPlayCap you record videos and create screenshots. There is little in the program graphic formats, which can be used to save finished videos and photos.

The program is created in a modern design and allows you to customize work environment. Use the picture settings and “adjust” the effects.

Using the sliders, you can specify the main color parameters, as well as change the image resolution. After some minor adjustments, you'll get a clear image by adding brightness and contrast.

The main disadvantage of ViewPlayCap is its poor performance on new builds of OS Windows. Bugs appear especially often on OS Windows 10.

The software is installed into the system without unnecessary hassles, and the drivers immediately find the equipment. If you want to run the program without restrictions, then go to properties exe file, and then select compatibility with Vista or 7 by checking the box next to the item that “runs as administrator.”


All ViewPlayCap working tools are located in the main window, that is, on one panel. It is located just above the broadcast window. A small disadvantage of this software is the lack of Russian localization and a file for Russification. If you are not familiar with foreign language, use a translator.

Key Features

  • full broadcast of the image from the connected endoscope;
  • the software easily downloads the drivers that are necessary for operation;
  • the program supports broadcasting from IP cameras;
  • there is a function that records video and creates screenshots;
  • the software is designed to launch and work in the OS shell Windows new generations;
  • The program is available for download in free mode.

Nowadays you can find a wide variety of image capture equipment in stores. Among such devices, USB microscopes occupy a special place. They are connected to a computer, and with the help of special software, videos and pictures are monitored and saved. In this article we will take a closer look at several of the most popular representatives of such software, and talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

First on the list is a program whose functionality is focused solely on capturing and saving images. Digital Viewer does not have any built-in tools for editing, drawing or calculating found objects. This software is only suitable for viewing images in real time, saving images and recording videos. Even a beginner can handle the controls, since everything is done intuitively and does not require special skills or additional knowledge.

A special feature of Digital Viewer is that it works correctly not only with developer equipment, but also with many other similar devices. All you need to do is install the appropriate driver and get started. By the way, driver settings are also available in the program in question. All parameters are distributed into several tabs. You can move the sliders to set the appropriate configuration.


AMCap is multifunctional program and it is intended not only for USB microscopes. This software works correctly with almost all models various devices capture, including digital cameras. All actions and settings are carried out through tabs in the main menu. Here you can change the active source, configure the driver, interface and use additional functions.

Like all representatives of similar software, AMCap has a built-in tool for recording video in real time. Broadcast and recording parameters are edited in a separate window, where you can adjust the device and computer you are using. AMCap is distributed for a fee, however trial version available for download on the developer's official website.


DinoCapture works with many devices, but the developer promises correct interaction only with his equipment. The advantage of the program in question is that although it was developed for certain USB microscopes, any user can download it for free from the official website. Among the features, it is worth noting the presence of tools for editing, drawing and calculations on processed tools.

In addition, the developer paid most attention to working with directories. In DinoCapture you can create new folders, import them, work in file manager and viewing the properties of each folder. The properties display basic information on the number of files, their types and sizes. There are also hotkeys that make working in the program easier and faster.


SkopeTek develops its own image capture hardware and only provides a copy of its MiniSee software with the purchase of one of the available devices. The software in question does not contain any additional tools for editing or drafting. MiniSee only has built-in settings and functions that adjust, capture and save images and videos.

MiniSee provides users with a fairly convenient workspace, where there is a small browser and a preview mode for open images or recordings. In addition, there is configuration of the source, its drivers, recording quality, saving formats and much more. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the lack of Russian language and tools for editing captured objects.


Next on our list is AmScope. This program is intended exclusively for use with a USB microscope connected to a computer. Among the features of the software, I would like to note the fully customizable interface elements. Almost any window can be resized and moved to the desired area. AmScope has a basic set of tools for editing, drawing and measuring captured objects, which will be useful to many users.

The built-in video marker feature will help you adjust your capture, and the text overlay will always display necessary information on the screen. If you need to change the quality of the picture or give it new look, use one of the built-in effects or filters. Experienced users will find the plug-in function and range scanning useful.


The last representative will be ToupView. When you launch this program, you immediately notice many parameters for camera settings, shooting, zooming, color, frame speed and anti-flash. This abundance of different configurations will help you optimize ToupView and work comfortably in this software.

There are also built-in editing, drawing and calculation elements. All of them are displayed in a separate panel in the main program window. ToupView supports layers, video overlays, and displays a measurement sheet. The disadvantages of the software in question are the long absence of updates and distribution only on disks when purchasing special equipment.

Above we looked at some of the most popular and convenient programs on working with a USB microscope connected to a computer. Most of them are focused solely on working with certain hardware, but nothing prevents you from installing the required drivers and connecting your existing capture source.

One dentist friend asked me to order an endoscope from China. Not that she needed him for work. With their magic mirror they can look anywhere, even into the soul (well, not into the soul, definitely into the brain). But showing your teeth on a tablet to clients “before” and “after” is very profitable and interesting.
, with which you can look into the most inaccessible places. In addition to dentists (and doctors in general who love to look at us from unusual angles), such a device is useful for mechanics, especially auto and radio technicians who repair and assemble equipment. Also voyeurs and burglars, but we will skip these in this review)))

By chance, I bought such a device from GEARBEST. Taking into account the coupon, the price turned out to be quite reasonable.

Device characteristics

  • The resolution of the device in the description is quite contradictory. On the one hand, the description says that a 1.3MP camera is used. On the other hand, the resolution is 480x640. Everything is correct! After all, it’s hard to check the camera, but the resolution is easy. The instructions say that you can get a 1600x1200 screenshot. It’s possible, but again the merit in this is not the camera, but the software))).
  • Waterproof design
  • Six LED backlights with adjustable brightness.
  • Wire length 2m. Models 1, 2, 5 and 10m are available, differing in price. Why do I need a 10m cable? I couldn’t figure it out.
  • Camera diameter 5.5mm
  • Windows/Android support (LINUX is also possible)
Let's leave megapixels to the conscience of the Chinese. This is the same as “Watts” for Chinese light bulbs and “MAH” for batteries. Units of measurement that live separately from the rest of the world. Moreover, who said that Mp is megapixels?

Completeness and appearance


Inside is the endoscope itself with a 2m wire and a thickening with a wheel. The wire ends with MicroUSB for OTG connections tablet/phone port. MicroUSB/USB adapter for connecting to a computer.
Software disc for Windows and Android
Instructions and passport in English

The endoscope itself

Endoscope lens

Connecting to the old faithful Samsung GT6800, which has been through thick and thin with me.

What's inside

At first I thought that at the tip of the endoscope there was only a camera and LEDs, and the controller was in a box with the inscription “USB REPEATER”

I thought I would do a “dismemberment”, but alas. This box contains only a resistor for adjusting the brightness of the LEDs.

Everything else is located in the head. And no wonder. After all, the endoscope uses
Judging by these controllers in the LQFN package, they have a width of 4.4x6.5 mm. The camera itself and six LEDs are also located there.
This model really lacks a button that allows you to save the current image without poking at the screen/keyboard/mouse. But apparently this is a feature of the software of this controller, that it does not support this function. Or maybe I was just unlucky with the model.


On the disk that comes with the kit there are two applications - AMCAP for Windows and endoscope.apk for Android

When connecting the endoscope to USB port The computer automatically installs the GL USB2.0 UVC Camera Device

The driver is included in everything Windows distributions starting with Windows XP. However, I don’t have Windows XP, but on my Windows 7 the device worked without any effort.
Endoscope as a camera seen by Skype

Installed the application from the AMCAP disk. All cameras including an endoscope are also available there.

The functionality of the AMCAP program is not very large - it captures video and photos in different resolutions, but only with an approximation of the original 480x620, but it is quite sufficient for working with an endoscope.
True, as it turned out later, working with an endoscope occasionally brings Windows to blue screen death (I had it three times during intense work). Maybe my OS is wrong, maybe the hardware is “slightly buggy”, but since I couldn’t find an update for the camera driver anywhere on the Internet, I accepted it as a necessary evil.

Installing the application for Android also went without problems. The same functionality, only without adjusting the resolution of output formats

I also tried connecting the camera to a computer running LINUX. The old Centos 4 also recognized the device without any problems

Using an endoscope

Well, as in, it's time to move on to the slides

Endoscope for radio amateur

As a radio amateur, I immediately rushed to look at what I dreamed of when buying this endoscope - small inscriptions on the microcircuits

You can read it, but it’s certainly far from a USB microscope.
But you can go places where the microscope never dreamed of going. For example, without disassembling this camera, read the inscriptions on the microcircuit on the bottom board

The picture is not at the right angle best quality, but you can see the Winbond W9925 MPEG-1 decoder chip

Endoscope for dentist

Now a little about the life of a dentist

The dentist liked the endoscope, but she did not provide a collection of photographs of teeth. He says he only shows the image to patients, not saves it.

I had to do the dental research myself. Teeth are like teeth at first glance)))

And this is a filling.

The cat didn't want to show his teeth. Probably a cat dentist is not the best profession.

Endoscope for auto mechanic

Auto mechanics, like doctors, sometimes desperately need to look into some terribly inconvenient place in the car. Here, an illuminated endoscope offers great possibilities. You can look into various units through technological holes, turned out sensors and probes.
Candle well

And this is inside in the cylinders

Under the valve cover through the hole where oil is poured

The engine number that traffic cops have such difficulty reading when registering a new car

Since I am as much a car mechanic as I am a dentist, I will leave the car to the professionals. But this will happen after the dentist.

Taking images from instrument eyepieces

Using such a spectroscope

It was not possible to take a picture from him with any camera/phone or camera. The eyepiece opening is too small. And then this endoscope just came across. The thin camera lens fit perfectly into the eyepiece. It was only necessary to firmly fix it.

True, I had to turn off the LEDs completely, since the regulator did not turn them off completely and caused a glare in the eyepiece.
Due to the lack of manual focusing and precise adjustment of the camera position, the pictures turned out so-so. But the main result was achieved. Spectra were taken and loaded into the analyzing program

In the same way, you can take a picture from an optical microscope and other devices with an eyepiece. The quality won't be the best, but sometimes it's better than nothing. For example, when writing reviews)))

Summing up

An electronic endoscope is an interesting device and will find applications in many areas of our lives. Not to say that you can’t do without it at home, but in certain professions it’s a necessary thing. This particular device belongs to the endoscopes of the lowest price category, about which we can say - well, what did you want for that kind of money.

Among the obvious disadvantages of this device I would like to note:

  • Low camera resolution
  • Software glitches at times
  • Lack of a button to save the image directly on the endoscope.
  • Fully non-switchable LEDs

Among the advantages I will attribute

  • First of all, mobility. The enormous possibilities offered by connecting this device to any tablet/phone with OTG.
  • Quite bright backlight, allowing you to watch in complete darkness.
  • Easy to install.
  • Dimensions that allow you to get into different, hard-to-reach places.
  • Waterproof. I did not conduct a special test, but during testing I immersed the device in various environments and liquids. Performance and appearance I didn't lose the endoscope.
I tried to make the review objective. To take it or not to take it is up to you. This particular device is now working for a dentist friend, frighteningly bringing joy to patients. And if he doesn’t settle in there, he’ll go to the auto mechanics who are already in line. I also have plans for a similar device, to build my own spectroscope.

ViewPlayCap - software, designed to work with USB endoscopes. It not only installs drivers for correct operation of the above devices, but also serves to broadcast images from the camera. Most of the main panel is dedicated to this event in the program. By the way, if desired, ViewPlayCap can be used not only to work with an endoscope, but also to broadcast video from IP cameras using USB interfaces versions 1.0 and 2.0. At 3.0, according to user reports from thematic forums, there is a significant lag in the image.


One of the most important advantages program is that it recognizes and configures connected devices automatically. In a few seconds you will be able to see the image from the endoscope. In addition to broadcasting, ViewPlayCap also allows you to record videos and take screenshots. The list of formats available for export is not too long. But there are quite a lot of image settings. Using the sliders from the corresponding section, you can change the basic color parameters, artificially lower the image resolution to make it clearer, and also “play” with brightness, saturation, sharpness and contrast.

The disadvantages of the application include compatibility issues with new versions operating system Windows. At the "top ten" we encountered an abundance of bugs that made it difficult to work comfortably with the program. But the drivers roll on without any problems. In general, we strongly recommend that you select compatibility mode for Vista or 7 in the properties of the executable file and check the box next to “Always run as administrator.”


All ViewPlayCap controls are placed in one window, or more precisely, on one panel located slightly above the broadcast window. The program has not been translated into Russian, and there is no Russian translation for it. So those who do not know English will have to use translators.

Key Features

  • allows you to broadcast an image from a connected endoscope;
  • automatically “pulls up” all the necessary drivers;
  • can work with IP cameras;
  • includes functions for recording video and creating screenshots;
  • may experience problems when working on new Windows versions;
  • available completely free of charge.