If the person is on my blacklist. How to contact a subscriber who has you on the blacklist? Create a closed group

How can you tell from a call that you are on the subscriber’s black list?

    It is not possible to find out immediately whether you have been added to the black list, this is true. If you just can’t get through to the subscriber, and there are short beeps or they inform you that the subscriber is busy, and so on all the time, then your guesses about the black list are correct. Or it happens that the call ends abruptly, it depends on the phone itself. As far as I know, this blacklist service is paid.


    Usually when you or you add someone to the black list, the subscriber or you cannot reach him. I once accidentally added a friend to the black list, but he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t reach me until I discovered him on the black list myself.

    For example, I have a function on my phone. The numbers will always be answered busy, but SMS will get through. Although what difference does it make, the calls still don’t get through.

    I hope I answered your question, if you have any questions please ask.

    It is difficult to find out whether the person you are calling has actually blacklisted you the first time. Usually there are short beeps and the connection is lost. Only by these signs can you find out. If you can’t get through to him all the time, then you’re definitely on the black list.

    It also depends on the brand of the phone. My Sony Ericsson blocked it so that people just seem to call, but their call is not heard. I didn’t even receive notifications, I didn’t even hear any calls. It seems to me that it was more convenient that way.

    When a person is not heard ten times, only then does he seem to realize that he is listed in an emergency situation. In more modern models The first beep sounds and then there is a break. If this happens more than once, then that’s exactly what it is – an emergency.

    If your phone number has been blacklisted, then when you call this phone number you will hear short beeps as if a person is talking on another line, or the message “the subscriber is busy” will immediately appear on the phone. If the phone is always busy when you call this person, then most likely you have been blacklisted.

    If a person has blacklisted you, then you will not be able to reach him. Most likely the call will be disconnected, or there may be a signal that the subscriber is busy. But not all phones support this. This service is activated by the operator and is paid.

    When dialing a call, the answering machine may respond differently if the black list is set through the operator. The number was dialed incorrectly, unavailable, busy, i.e. information will be sent.

    But many phone models also have this same function; the call can simply be dropped. So if there is silence, a beep and a reset, or they answer that it is busy, then it is quite likely that you are on the black list.

    But messages can reach the subscriber if you write them yourself. Although this service now also works to help from annoying subscribers, i.e. even the messages themselves will not be delivered to the person.

    Both blacklist services, calls and SMS, if installed via mobile operator are provided for a fee.

    How do you know if you are on the list or not? If only you call back from another or other numbers.

    Also, if you can’t reach a loved one by phone, check with them for call forwarding.

    Problems with the sim also cannot be ruled out.

    If a person does not want to maintain any relationship with you, he can block you (blacklist). However, you will not receive any notification. You can guess about this action if the next time you try to dial a phone number, you constantly hear small beeps, as if at the other end of the phone the subscriber is having a conversation with someone. Moreover, such beeps will be constantly.

Sometimes a situation happens: you read the news, decide to write and send a message to a user on Odnoklassniki, rate his photo, but there is no way to complete the actions. Access denied. You are blacklisted. It doesn’t matter why you got there. If a person included you in such a list, it means there were reasons for this.

How to find out that I am blacklisted on Odnoklassniki

If you receive a message: “information is not available, this user has added you to the blacklist,” rest assured that your name is on the blacklist.
For what reasons – it doesn’t matter. Similar situation can affect anyone.

A blocked user will not be able to visit the page, leave messages, comments, or rate photos.

How to find out who I am blacklisted on Odnoklassniki

People who have blacklisted you will not appear on your page in a convenient way so that you can easily and freely see the names. Only by going to user pages can you find out what is in an emergency.

How to get off the blacklist

Many users are wondering: “how to remove yourself from the blacklist.”
It is impossible to remove yourself from the blacklist yourself. This option is not provided by the service. Only the owner can manage the list.
There are many programs on the Internet that promise to hack and bypass blacklists. Most of these applications are malicious.

Do not trust sites or programs that promise to solve the problem. All you can achieve is to hand over account information.

Let's consider several options.

We choose the simplest option. What should I do?

  • Create a second page, go to it, find a friend with whom you want to chat or learn information about him.
  • You can write a message to a person with new page with a request to unblock the black list, to find out the reason, that is, to ask why I was included in the emergency situation, and if desired, to apologize.
    If the plot develops positively, your opponent will remove you from the blacklist, and the problem will be solved.

If it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to look for more difficult ways.

  • You need an anonymizer or a program to change ip.
  • After changing the IP address, change the password on the settings page, and delete the page.

For more information on how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki, read

  • Next, write to OK support with a request, already from your ip. Explain that they tried to hack you, everything was deleted...
  • The OK administration will restore the page, you managed to bypass the emergency.

When using this method, consider the risks.

  • Sign in social network under a different login using the correct password.
  • Scroll down to find the desired button. Now you can see all the people in the emergency situation.

  • Hover your mouse over your name.
  • Select "unblock".
  • Confirm deletion.

Please note that profile information is not available during the day.

Try to respect your interlocutors, do not quarrel, then the likelihood of finding yourself in such a delicate position is significantly reduced.
No one will restrict access or consider you an undesirable person, and you won’t have to look for answers to questions that could have been avoided.

1. If you have been trying to call your friend for a long time, and in response you hear only short beeps, demonstrating that the called subscriber is busy, this can only mean one thing: you are on the “Black List” of this person. This also means that while you are in this “Top”, you will not be able to contact him.

2. If, nevertheless, you have a situation in which you simply need to contact him, try sending an SMS to his number asking him to call back. Don't forget to include a brief summary of the problem you need to resolve in this SMS. In most cases, I must say, the messages reach the subscribers, well, if he considers it necessary to call you back, he will do it right away.

3. The person on the other side of the line will not always call you back. If this does not happen, after some time try to call him back yourself. Perhaps your friend or acquaintance has already removed you from the Black List, and now you can contact him directly.

4. This trick will almost certainly not work either, so we advise you to take the phone number from your parents, friends or acquaintances and contact this person in this way. In this case, the answer will probably not keep you waiting long, and at the other end of the line you will hear the long-awaited “Hello”.

5. Nowadays, new SIM cards are sold in stores on almost every corner. If you really need to talk to this or that subscriber, purchase a spare card, inserting it into the phone, you can make a call so important for all mankind. And if your friend or acquaintance picks up the phone, he will have no other choice but to listen to the problematic issue and try to resolve it with you.

6. In general, you should remember that if you were included in the “Black List” in personal account networks (be it Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 or others mobile operators), the above methods should help you. In the event that you have been added to the “Black List” thanks to the device settings, you will only need to disable the “show number” function on your phone, and then all calls to mobile device will pass! Have a nice chat!
