Disable the family filter in Yandex. Family filter: how to disable? How to set up a family filter for Yandex and protect your child from adult content

Yandex is the most popular Internet browser in Russia, used by millions of people every day. Among them are children and teenagers, whose parents often want to protect their children from inappropriate content. It is for this that the Yandex browser provides a family filter function, with which you can remove category 18+ materials from search results.

But sometimes there are situations when this useful feature must be disabled. For example, you have already downloaded a browser where the family filter was enabled by default. In this article, we will tell you how to disable the family filter in Yandex.

Disable the family filter in a simple way

There is nothing complicated in the shutdown process, everything is clear intuitively. To disable the family filter in your browser, follow these steps:

All that remains is to check if the function has been disabled by entering some query and viewing the results of the issuance.

An important clarification. To ensure that your new settings are permanent and don't revert back to their original state over time, please sign in to your account before changing them.

Another way to turn off the family filter

It may happen that the method described above does not give the desired result, and the search results continue to be limited. Then you should resort to the following sequence of actions:

Disable Family Filter via DNS

Sometimes the filtering function is enabled not in the browser or a separate program, but at the system level. This may be a restriction through DNS or the hosts file.

First, let's describe how to disable the filter via DNS:

Now you need to check the hosts file for redirects. You can find this file by following windows path-> System32 -> drivers -> etc. Opening the file text editor e.g. notepad. When the file opens, carefully look to see if there is an inscription yandex.ru. Found? Then delete and save the changes made.

That's all, the search results of your Internet browser have become full again.

Yandex is the number one search engine in Russia and it has practically no competitors in this field. You can, of course, remember Google, but in our country its audience is much smaller. In order to make it as convenient as possible for Internet users to use the search, it periodically makes changes and adds new functions to the search engine. In February 2013, on the international day safe internet the company has prepared a so-called family filter.

What is it for? As you know, at the moment you can find absolutely any "strawberry" on the Internet. If you don’t want your child or younger brother to look at all this, you need to turn on the family filter, which simply removes all “adult” sites from the search results, thereby preventing your child from looking at obscene sites. The filter really works and works very well.

If you downloaded a browser where this filter is already enabled, or someone simply turned it on for you, turning it off will be as easy as shelling pears. To do this, go to Yandex and enter the desired query. On the right side of the screen, you will see a small menu. Click on the "Settings" section.

We see a lot of various settings. They do not interest us now, so we scroll down. The penultimate one we see the subsection "Search area". We set "Moderate filter" or "No restrictions". The last step is to click on the "Save and return to search" button, which is located at the very bottom of the screen.

If you suddenly turned off the filter, but some sites are still not shown in the search, you need to reset the browser cache and log out, and then log back into your Yandex account.

The filter is turned on in the same order. In addition, if you suddenly want to completely restrict the child from adult content, you can do start page family.yandex.ru with a built-in family filter.

There are situations when people start looking on the Internet for how to disable the family filter in Yandex.

They download a browser with limited search enabled, or accidentally turn it on while using it, and then, over time, notice that the search results are somehow inferior.

Yes, given function designed to keep children out of intimate material, cruelty, violence, and the like. But often the system defines completely ordinary materials as invalid and does not show them in the results.

This happens precisely when using yandex.ru, so it becomes necessary to turn off this function and use a full-fledged search.


Shutdown procedure

In fact, this procedure is quite simple and is performed as quickly as possible. You need to follow a series of simple steps:

  1. Go to Yandex, enter any request. Scroll down the page to the system links ("Keyboard", "Settings", "Applications" and so on).
  2. There you need to click on the link "Settings".

Clue: If you can't find these links for some reason, follow this link. This will take you to the same settings page that we need in this case.

  1. In the settings window you need to find the section. There will be three options available: "Family Search", "Moderate Filter" and "No limits". The button that glows yellow is selected. In figure 2, this is just "Family Search". So, you need to click on any of the two remaining filter options, but not on the family one.

  1. After that, it remains only to press the button "Save and Return" at the bottom of the page.

You will immediately see that the results are very different from what it was before the settings.

Important! To save them and not have to do the above procedure every time you search, please sign in to your account at yandex.ru. After that, it is advisable not to leave it. This is especially true if you use the TOR browser, or other means for anonymous surfing.

But there are times when all this does not help and the family search still continues to function for some reason. What to do in such cases, we will consider further.

If it doesn't help

There are a few simple tips that help in such cases. They are as follows:

  • (most often there is a corresponding item, if you cannot find it, for sure, there is information about this in the "Help" section);
  • disable all programs that may block some functions, including antiviruses (especially if they have a function parental controls), Safety Minder, NetPolice and the like;
  • restart your computer.

If you don't know how family was turned on at all, it's possible that someone did it for you using or settings. These options also need to be tested.

Shutdown via DNS

To disable Family Sharing via DNS, do the following:

  1. Go to "Network Control Center...". The easiest way to do this is by pressing right button mouse on icon network connections in the tray and selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down list.
  2. In the window that opens, click on your connection in the block "View Active Networks".

  1. In the next window, click the button "Properties".
  2. Next we find in the list "Internet Protocol Version 4...", click on it. The Properties button becomes active. Click on it too.
  3. We find the section concerning in the next window. If such addresses are registered there, as shown in Figure 4 (the rightmost window), then family mode is indeed set. To change it, for example, to the base one, you need to register as the preferred server and as the alternative.

  1. After that, click the "OK" button and close all windows.

If even then it does not become normal, try restarting your computer.

Clue: to install safe mode, that is, a moderate filter, you need to register as the preferred and as an alternative server.

You can also check if such a search is specified in hosts file. To find it, go sequentially to the following folders: “Computer” -> “C:” (or another letter system disk) -> "Windows" -> "System32" -> "drivers" -> "etc" .

There are a lot of sites on the Internet today that contain videos with violence, cruelty and other typical adult. Agree that such sites can greatly damage the psyche of children. That is why the developers approached the creation of a family filter with great responsibility. Using it, you will completely exclude the appearance of such sites on your computer.

What is a family filter?

family filter allows site owners to restrict access for their users, as well as their minor children, from information that is of an undesirable nature. For example, using this feature, you can completely exclude sites that contain the subtext "for adults" from the search engine results for a site, where there are scenes of violence, aggression or films that have a certain age limit.

"Yandex" filter as a successful project against censorship

The purpose of this project is to restrict access to content that may be censored or adult in nature. If earlier one could argue about the appearance new feature, which is responsible for the security of issuing sites for adults, at the moment Yandex has learned to recognize the presence of such information and began to sort these resources into a specific group. You can find them using signal words that completely make it clear to the search engine what information is needed for issuance. Over time, the filters of "Yandex" and other search engines have become more complex and even tougher in relation to content. As a result, even such an elementary job as requires certain skills from its performers, because websites need competent, clear and concise entries that do not have prohibited words and will not cause the age filter to start working. You can enable the "Family filter" option in the search service settings. Sometimes it happens that you do not need a family filter, how to disable it if necessary, can be found in the settings. Everyone can turn off the Yandex family filter. This feature is available to site owners who can apply a filter in the search settings on their network resource. In this way, users who have not visited the resource cannot find content that falls under the specified restrictions. On resources that are intended exclusively for an adult audience, such settings can be turned off, however, a number of actions must be taken to do this.

We remove the "Yandex" filter if necessary

Today, many owners of a computer with the Internet are interested in the question of how to remove the family filter. The Yandex browser has a specific default list that contains a basic set of search engines. It is used by the Internet browser to send requests indicated in the search field next to the address bar. If you do not like the proposed list, then it is possible to supplement or completely update it.

Using the Internet, sooner or later you may encounter limited access access to certain resources. And it is not necessary that all these sites are malicious. Not only sites of an intimate nature, but also entertaining or social media. That is why many resort to the help of more experienced users when the family filter is not turned off.

Difficulties when disabling the "Yandex" filter

"Family filter how to disable?" - the most common question regarding problems with the browser. It should be answered in more detail. It happens that when you start the browser, a page opens that you did not set as home. Besides, she doesn't like you and doesn't carry useful information just for you. Often this page you are imposed when installing some game or program. There is a fairly simple way - disable homepage. Your steps will depend on which browser you are using. Many simply need to turn off the family filter. How to disable it, you can read in our article. The Yandex adult filter is a special filter that applies only to certain pages of sites. Such pages will not participate in family search, and if normal search pages of this kind will be so far away that there will simply be no way to reach them. Those who are interested should be aware that sites that do not have any general connection with adult, and therefore, it is worth making friends with this browser and understanding how to proceed further.

How can I find out which pages are under the filter?

Sometimes you need to find out which pages are under the filter. It also happens that the user intentionally did not put a certain site under the filter, but he got there by accident. To find out which pages on the site were under the adult filter, you need to check each page for the presence of a filter in stages. This operation should be checked in the family filter. Yandex itself, having its own license, usually does not tell you which links are bad, which causes some inconvenience. And so this clarification work is up to you to do on your own. This is a very time-consuming process, but what if the site you need does not open due to a filter, but in fact, it is the most harmless? Having passed all the stages, you can safely go to your sites. If the site falls under the filter again, you just need to repeat all the procedures from the very beginning. If you are having trouble, this article can always help you, so it's very good if you bookmark it.

How to disable the family filter in the browser?

  • Create a list of site pages.
  • Check them out in Family Search.

For example, out of 2000 pages, you found 6 pieces under the filter. Next, you need to do the following:

  • make sure that the page itself does not have adult content;
  • check these links for adulthood in the family filter.

If links are found, they must be removed. If no links were found, it means that the punishment is associated with additional downloads, where these articles appeared. To do this, you need to go through all the codes and see if there are ads for adult sites anywhere. It will be enough to disable this ad. After the above work is done, all pages that fall under the adult filter criteria should be re-indexed. It is necessary to monitor reindexing using or publish on your website current date and monitor your page in the cache for time changes. The second method is more true and universal, and the first is easier on the technical side.

Instructions for disabling the family filter

  1. You need to go to "Yandex" "Settings" and find the link "Search area".
  2. Turn off the family search function in the "Search filter" line - it contains several options for conducting search operations: family, moderate and unlimited mode. You can choose a specific search function yourself.
  3. After the desired filtering is selected, you need to go down the settings page a little lower and select the "Save and return to search" action. After that, the family search will stop working for you, and the information will be provided in its original form, without filtering. But you can always restart the filter. And if for some reason you need to close a certain site from access, then it can be added to the list of prohibited sites, which allows you not to bother with filters. Even here, however, difficulties can arise. If children do not spend much time at the computer, then you can put the filter on for a certain period, after which you can assign it to turn off automatically.

Restrict your children from censorship

Greetings, dear blog readers!

Have you heard about the Yandex family filter? If not, then read on and I will tell you what the Yandex family filter is and how to enable it.

Nowadays, you can find anything on the Internet, and the search engines themselves filter sites in the issue if their content is erotic material and contains obscene language.
But, this filtering does not guarantee complete protection of the child from non-children's sites. If the child enters a specific query into the search, the search engine will return relevant sites. That is, by default, the Yandex search engine applies the Moderate family filter.

To protect your child as much as possible from adult content, you need to manually configure search results Yandex.

It is very easy to do this. Yandex should be set as the default search, and then the search results should be configured.

I'll show you how to do it in a browser Google Chrome, but even if you use a different browser, the principle is the same.

Set Yandex as the default search in Google Chrome.

Go to the browser menu and select the "Settings" section.

In the settings you need to select search engine, which will be used by default.

Now go to the Yandex search settings page and select "Family Search" as the search.

After the settings have been made, if you enter any obscene expression in the search, Yandex will apply the family filter and say that nothing was found on the request.

As you can see, everything is simple. Now your child will not see adult content and you can be calm.
