Presentation of tabular information models, rules for designing tables. Tabular Information Models

"Tabular Information Models"

Lesson objectives:

a) educational:

    repeat the classification of models according to the method of presentation, definition of the information model;

    get acquainted with various forms of information models (graphical, verbal, mathematical, tabular);

    remember what a table is, what parts it consists of;

    introduction of the concepts object-object table, object-property table, combination table, matrix, binary matrix.

b) developing:

    development of interest in the subject due to the novelty of some concepts (matrix, binary matrix) and the form of information presentation (presentation);

    development of logical thinking with the help logical operation analysis;

c) educational:

    nurturing cognitive activity of students.

Equipment: PC for teacher, presentation, projector, handouts (test).

Lesson type– combined.

Lesson form– at the beginning of the lesson – individual, the rest of the time – frontal.

Method– explanatory and illustrative.

    Organizational moment 5 min.

    Examination homework 5 min.

    Repetition (test) 5 min.

    Learning new material 25 min.

    Summing up the lesson and homework assignment. 5 min.

Lesson progress:

I. Discussion of the issue of doing homework (since not everyone does it). I praise individual students for their activity in the previous lesson.

II . Today you were asked to come up with educational, scientific and technical, experimental, game and simulation models. Who completed this task? (I check the presence of a dr., most successful examples please read)

III. Now let’s check how you have mastered the material from the previous lesson. Please close all notebooks and textbooks. I'll give you a test. You have 3 minutes to solve it. For each question you need to choose one correct answer. Let's get started.

(see test 3)

IV. Now let's start learning new material. Let’s write down the topic of today’s lesson “Tabular Information Models”.

Guys, you have already become acquainted with the classification of models according to the method of presentation. What two large groups are the models divided into?

- Material and informational.

(2 slide)

Let's remember what an information model is?

- Information model is a set of information that characterizes the properties, state of an object and its relationship with the outside world.

Thus, an information model is a collection of information. In turn, this body of information can be presented in different forms. In what form do you think it can be presented?

(Slide 3, write down everything that is on the slide)

Firstly, she might. presented in graphic form, for example, in the form of a diagram, graph, drawing, map.

Secondly, in verbal form. What do you think verbal form is?

Verbal form.

That's right, the verbal form is a verbal description.

The third form is mathematical. This is a description of the relationships between the quantitative characteristics of an object in mathematical language. For example, the formula for the area of ​​a triangle.

And the last form, what do you think? This is a tabular form. It is this form that we will focus on in more detail today.

Okay, we have introduced you to the four forms of information model. But then the question arises: what form to choose when creating a model? And the answer is actually very simple.

(4 slide, write)

The form of the information model depends on the purpose of its creation.

Let's look at this with an example.

(5 slide orally)

Our goal is to track temperature changes in June 2006. What information do we have? We have temperatures for every day of June. In what form do you think we can present this information?

In graphic form.

Correctly, we can present it in graphical form in the form of a graph.

(5 slide)

What can we see from this graph?

Where the temperature rose and where it fell.

On what day was the maximum temperature and what was it equal to?

On what day was the minimum temperature and what is it equal to?

(They answer, but cannot say exactly what day.)

Thus, we see that the graph gives us clarity, but the accuracy is lost.

Is there any other way we can present this information?

It can be in the form of a table.

What is the convenience of this form of presentation?

The data is more accurate.

But then we will lose visibility. Okay, let's look at another example.

(6 slide orally)

We need to study which seas and oceans wash the mainland of Australia. Which form of information model is most convenient for us to choose.

Graphic form, namely a map.

Is there any other way? Of course you can, for example, verbally. Australia is washed by the Indian Ocean from the west, the Tasman Sea from the east, etc. we can list everything in words, but will it be convenient for us to study geography in this way? No. It won't be clear to us.

Thus, we see that the graphic form is chosen if clarity is an important requirement.

Now consider the following example. We need to look at the grades of three students for the first quarter. In what form can we present this information model?

In graphical form in the form of a graph.

Okay, look at the graph I made.

(7 slide orally)

Is it convenient to use it to study academic performance? And if there are a lot of students, all the schedules will be mixed up, and it will be even more inconvenient.

How else can you represent this information model?

In the form of a table.

This form is most convenient in this case, since the information is recorded more compactly and systematized.

Thus, we see that the tabular form is chosen if we need to organize information.

Today in class we will take a closer look at the tabular form of the information model. We will discuss what a table consists of, how it is characterized, and what types of tables there are.

Let's take a table as an example. This is a progress chart. This table contains the grades of three students in four subjects.

(8 slide orally)

How many rows are there in this table? Give the names of the lines.

How many columns does this table have? Give the column names.

Cells are located at the intersection of rows and columns. What is included in the cells? Thus, we can say that each table is characterized by:

    name (and if there are several tables, then also number)

    number of lines and their names (line headers)

    number of columns and their names (column headings)

    the contents of cells located at the intersection of columns and rows.

Look at the table again. It contains a set of information about objects, that is, we can call this table an information model of the academic performance process.

Now you will learn what types of tables exist.

(Slide 9 write everything that is on the slide)

The first type is object-property tables, the second type is object-object tables, and the third type is combination tables. What kind of tables are these? (follow the link). Let's write down the definition:

Table object-property is a table in which several properties are reflected, and all objects belong to one set.

Let's look at an example of such a table. “Student data” table. This table reflects four properties: date of birth, height, etc. All objects belong to one set – the set of students. Leave a place after the definition; at home, give your example of an object-property table.

Now let’s take a closer look at the object-object table type. Let's write down the definition:

Table object-object is a table that reflects one property that characterizes two or more objects.

Let's look at an example of such a table. Table "Football Games". In this table, one property (game date) characterizes three objects (three classes). Leave a place after the definition; at home, give your example of an object-object table.

(next slide)

What type is it? this table? As you have already noticed in this table there are several properties that characterize three objects, i.e. the table consists of two tables. This table is called a combined table. Let's write down the definition:

Combined table is a table obtained by combining several tables of the form “o.-o.” in one table. and "o.-s." Leave a place after the definition; at home, give your example of a combination table.

(next slide)

What type of table is the following?


Please look at the contents of its cells. The cells contain numbers. So, a rectangular table made up of numbers is called a matrix. Let's write down this definition.

You've probably already noticed that the table consists of zeros and ones. Such a table is called a binary matrix. Let's write down this definition:

Binary matrix is a matrix made up of zeros and ones.

It reflects the qualitative nature of the connection between objects.

At home, come up with your own example of a matrix and a binary matrix.

V. So guys, what new did you learn in class today?

What is a matrix, a binary matrix, what types of tables are there, how to choose the form of an information model.

Do you have any questions about the new material?

Computer science teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” Pospelova G.V. Novomoskovsk, Tula Region

Topic "Tabular Information Models"

7th grade (UMK L.L. Bosova)

Lesson objectives:

    systematize and summarize the information received by students in the previous lesson;

    expand students’ understanding of iconic information models;

    streamline students’ existing ideas about tabular information models, repeat/develop skills in creating tables.



    consolidate students' understanding of models and modeling, types of information models, mathematical models, tabular information models;

    systematization of acquired knowledge.


    development of analytical-synthesizing thinking, formation of skills to observe, draw conclusions, development of resourcefulness, ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the intended goal.


    nurturing a positive attitude towards knowledge, instilling interest in Computer Science, developing self-organization and self-control skills.

Lesson type: lesson on consolidating the material being studied and developing practical skillsand skills.

Lesson type: combined.

Forms of work in the lesson: independent, individual work.

Methods: verbal (story),visually illustrative, practical.



    Multimedia complex (PC, projector, interactive whiteboard);

    Presentation 7_2.5.1 “Tabular information models.”

Basic concepts:


    information model,

    sign information model,

    tabular information model.

Lesson progress

1) Updating and checking the assimilation of the studied material

    Issues discussed:

What is a model?

What is modeling?

What models are called full-scale?

What models are called information models?

What types of information models are there?

What information models are most common in communication?

In what cases is it better to use lists instead of text descriptions?

(numbered, labeled, multi-level)?

Why natural language is not always suitable for creating information


2. Discussion of the results of tasks No. 1-4 in the textbook:

1) Answer: the speed of sound propagation on a winter day at a temperature of – 35 0 C is equal to 310 m/sec, and on a summer day – at a temperature of + 30 0 C is equal to 352 m/sec.

2a) Answer: the number of days is calculated by the formula: .

2b) Answer: the time after which the cyclists will meet is calculated by the formula: minutes.

3) Answer: time is calculated based on the formula. Because t = 8 hours, B = 24 hours, then = =12 hours.

4) Answer: the wire is definitely enough to mark the flowerbed d) and not enough for option b). When solving options a) and c), you need to mentally “unbend the steps” and make sure that in each of these cases you get a 6*10 rectangle, and, therefore, there is enough wire.

2) Explanation of new material: Tabular information models.§ 2.5.1.

(Accompanied by presentation 7_2.5.1_ Tabular information models")

The explanation of the new material is organized in the form of a conversation, supported by a demonstration of the presentation “Tabular Information Models” (slides 2-4). It is advisable to use, to the maximum extent possible, the existing experience of schoolchildren in using tabular information models. It is important to lead students to the conclusion that the information presented in the table is visual, compact and easy to see.

Students must look at the pictures and indicate the objects and the same properties of the objects (Slide 5). The drawings depict girls in national costumes (Spanish, Russian, Indian). Each costume has a dress, headdress and musical instruments.

Make a table “National costumes” (Slide 6.)

Emphasize that the information in the table is clear, compact, and easily visible.

Give examples of tabular information models (tables) in which the information is clear, compact, and easily visible. (Slide 7).

Particular attention should be paid to the rules for formatting tables. In the future, these rules must be strictly followed. (Slide 9-11).

Note that the entire set of tables can be divided into simple and complex.

3) Physical education minute.

    It is known that children quickly get tired in class because they are in a static position for a long time.

    Physical education sessions help prevent and relieve mental fatigue.

    Physical education is held 12-20 minutes from the start of the lesson.

    Duration 1-2 minutes.

(Electronic physical training for the eyes is carried out.)

4) Practical work.

The practical part of the lesson (tasks No. 1 and No. 2 of work No. 6 “Creating tabular models”) is devoted to developing skills in creating and formatting tables.

When completing assignment #1, “Giants,” it is important to ensure that students do not create five different tables, but rather edit the first table using insertion and deletion operations on rows and columns, using auto-formatting, and implementing data sorting.

In task No. 2 “Nature of Russia”, students not only practice a technological technique (merging cells), but also select the information needed to fill out a table from a text document.

5) Homework

§ 2.5 (pp. 58-60); Answers to questions No. 1 – 6 (p. 69)

6) Reflection

Each student has cards on the table (green, yellow, red). When leaving class, you need to leave one of them on the teacher’s desk:

    Green - I am satisfied with the lesson, the lesson was useful for me, I worked hard in the lesson, I received a well-deserved grade, I understood everything that was said in the lesson.

    Yellow - The lesson was interesting, I took an active part in it, the lesson was useful to me to a certain extent, I answered from my seat, I was able to complete a number of tasks, I felt quite comfortable in the lesson.

    Red - I got little benefit from the lesson, I didn’t really understand what it was about we're talking about, I don’t really need it, I won’t do my homework, I wasn’t ready for the answers in class.


    Computer Science and ICT: textbook for 7th grade/ L. L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. - 229 p.: ill. - ISBN: 978-5-9963-0092-1..

    Computer science lessons in grades 5-7: Methodological manual / L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005. - 320 pp.: ill.

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Slide captions:

Tabular information models Structure and rules for table design

A correctly formatted table has the following structure: Table number General table title Name column Name of rows column cell row

Simple tables Tables of the "objects - properties" type (OS) A table of the "objects - properties" type is a table containing information about the properties of individual objects belonging to the same class. General view of the OS type table: Object class name Property name 1 Property name 2 ... Object name 1 Object name 2 ... Object property value

example Pupils of the 2nd “in” Pupil Year of birth Height (cm) Weight (kg) Ivanov Petya Petrov Vanya Ryzhkov Kolya

Name of the first class of objects Name of the second class of objects Name of the 1st object of the second class Name of the 2nd object of the second class ... Name of the 1st object of the first class Name of the 2nd object of the first class Simple tables Tables of the “objects - objects” type (OO) Table type "objects - objects" - this is a table containing information about some single property of pairs of objects, most often belonging to different classes. General view of a table of type OO: Value of a property of a pair of objects

example Computer science grades for 7th grade students Student Study period 1st quarter 2nd quarter 1st half year Butin Dima 4 5 5 Golubev Misha 4 4 4 Kulikov Ivan 5 5 5

Complex tables Object-Object-Multiple (UN) table A table containing information about multiple properties of pairs of objects belonging to different classes. General view of the UN type table:

Name of the first class of objects Name of the second class of objects Name of the 1st object of the second class Name of the 2nd object of the second class ... Name of the 1st property of a pair of objects Name of the 2nd property of a pair of objects ... Name of the 1st property of a pair of objects Name of the 2nd property pairs of objects ... Name of the 1st object of the first class Name of the 2nd object of the first class Values ​​of the properties of pairs of objects

Grades for half a year and for a year Last name Subject Russian language Mathematics ... I II Year I II Year Butin Dima Golubev Misha Kulikov Ivan example

Complex tables Table of the “objects-properties-objects” (OPO) type A table containing information about the properties of pairs of objects belonging to different classes, and about single properties of objects of one of the classes. General view of the OCO type table:

Name of a class of objects for which there are individual properties Names of individual properties Name of a class of objects for which there are only paired properties Names of an object from the 1st pair Names of an object from the 2nd pair Names of an object from the 3rd pair... Names of properties of a pair of objects Names of properties pairs of objects Names of properties of a pair of objects ... Names of objects Property values

example Progress of students of the 4th “b” Subject Teacher Number of lessons in the school year Student Ivanov Petya Petrov Vanya I half-year II half-year Year I half-year II half-year Year Russian language Koshkina A.B. 160 Mathematics Kuznetsov V.G. 160 Natural history Sidorova D.E. 64

Tabular information

7th grade

Completed the presentation

computer science teacher

Kulik E.N.

Chronological tables

Key dates in the history of computers



3000 BC


Accounts in China

Pascal's summing machine



Leibniz calculating machine

Jaccard punch cards



Babbage's programmable machine

Hollerith calculating machine



First computer

Invention of the transistor


Appearance integrated circuits

Examples of objects that have the same

property sets

Specify objects and identical object properties

National costume



Dress type





coffee de papos



Sari, choli

Kokoshnik, scarf



The information in the table is clear, compact, and easy to see.

Structure tables

Table number

  • Table number
  • Table number
  • Table number
  • Table number

General table header

  • General table header
  • General table header
  • General table header
  • General table header

Name of column (top heading)

Name of lines (sidebar or side header)

Table design rules:

  • The title of the table should give an idea of ​​the information contained in it.
  • Column and line headings should be short.
  • The table must indicate the units of measurement.
  • All table cells must be filled in. If necessary, the following symbols are entered in them:

? – data unknown;

X – data is impossible;

The data must be taken from the overlying cell.

To create a tabular model, you need to:

  • Highlight in the text the names of objects, the names of object properties and the value of object properties;
  • Clarify the table structure;
  • “Populate the table” by transferring information from the text into it.

When highlighting object names, property names and their values ​​in the text, it is convenient to underline them with different lines.

Object names - _________ (straight line),

property names – (double line),

and property values ​​are _ _ _ _ _ _ (dashed line).

For example:

The capital of France is Paris

The depth of the lake is 3 m.

The girl's name is Masha.

The paired property is emphasized by a triple line.

For example:

The distance from Moscow to Cheboksary is 600 km.

Slava has a grade of “four” in history.

Table types


  • Computer Science: Textbook for 7th grade/ L. L. Bosova. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2009. - 229 pp., ISBN: 978-5-9963-0092-1
  • (graphs, diagrams)
  • (pictures)

Lesson 7 “Tabular information models. Tables of the "object - object" and "object - properties" types"

Target: introduce students to tabular information models.

Lesson objectives:

1) educational:

  • develop skills in working with models;
  • Introduce students to the concepts: “table", "OO type table", "OS type table", "object", "object class", "object property"
  • Learn to give examples of tabular IMs of various types

2) developing:

  • development of students' cognitive interest, creative activity of students;
  • developing the ability to listen to comrades and teachers;
  • development of students' logical thinking.

3) educational:

  • instill interest in the subject;
  • cultivate an emotionally positive orientation towards practical activities.

Lesson type: lesson on communicating new knowledge

Lesson methods: explanatory-illustrative

Lesson steps:

Organizational point:

  1. missing persons check
  2. checking homework (see work on the basic definitions of the previous topic)

Explanation of new material:

Another common form of information models is a table or tabular IM.

IN everyday life we can find, for example, tables such as computing, medical, etc.

When compiling tables, it includes only the information that interests the user. For example, the presentation of mathematical functions, static data, train schedules, airplanes, lessons, etc.

So the table is universal remedy presentation of information. The table can also reflect some processes occurring over time. (Table No. 1)

In this table, readings were taken over 5 days at the same time of day. Looking at the table, it is easy to compare different days in terms of temperature, humidity, etc. Therefore, this table can be considered as an IM measurement of weather conditions.

In this table, rows containing events or dates are called objects. And the information contained in the columns of the table about the state of the weather on a given day is called its (i.e., object’s) properties.

The object is what we are talking about.

A column that contains many objects combines them into a class of objects with one name (in this case, Day).

An object class is a class of objects united in some way common feature.

This table also contains the characteristics of these objects or their properties.

Properties – characteristics, attributes of an object. (Each property has its own name and meaning)

So, in this table, for example, the object is the day of the month.

The object class is the entire “Day” column, and the object properties are: precipitation, temperature, etc.

This table can be classified as the most used type of table. These tables are called OS type tables.

An OS type table is a table in which objects belonging to the same class are considered and all properties relate not to a group of objects, but to a single object.

OS table schema

Rules for constructing OS tables.

  1. Select objects and properties
  2. Name the object class
  3. Enter the name of the objects and their properties
  4. Enter the property value

Another common type of table is the OO table.

An OO type table is a table that describes pairs of objects that have only one property.

For example, see table. 2

OO table schema

The procedure for constructing the OO table:

  1. Select objects and properties
  2. Name the class of the first and second objects
  3. Enter the names of the first and second objects
  4. Enter property values ​​into cells

Consolidation stage:

  1. What advantages do tabular models provide over verbal descriptions?
  2. Can any verbal description be replaced by a table?
  3. Give examples of tables that you have encountered in life.
  4. Is tabular presentation of information always convenient?

Practical work:


  1. Learn notes in a notebook
  2. Ugrinovich N.D. Computer Science and information Technology, 2005 Page …. p....


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Slide captions:

Tabular Information Models

Tables around us Computing Medical

A table is a universal means of presenting information

Day Precipitation Temperature (degrees C) Pressure (mm Hg) Humidity (%) 03/15/97 Snow -3.5 746 67 03/16/97 No precipitation 0 750 62 03/17/97 Fog 1.0 740 100 03/18/97 Rain 3.4 745 96 03/19/97 No precipitation 5.2 760 87 Table 1. WEATHER Information model for measuring weather conditions.

Day Precipitation Temperature (degrees C) Pressure (mm Hg) Humidity (%) 03/15/97 Snow -3.5 746 67 03/16/97 No precipitation 0 750 62 03/17/97 Fog 1.0 740 100 03/18/97 Rain 3.4 745 96 03/19/97 No precipitation 5.2 760 87 Table 1. WEATHER Objects Properties of objects

The object is what we are talking about. An object class is a class of objects united by some common feature. Properties – characteristics, attributes of an object. (Each property has its own name and meaning)

Day Precipitation Temperature (degrees C) Pressure (mm Hg) Humidity (%) 03/15/97 Snow -3.5 746 67 03/16. 97 No precipitation 0 750 62 03/17/97 Fog 1.0 740 100 03/18/97 Rain 3.4 745 96 03/19/97 No precipitation 5.2 760 87 Table 1. WEATHER Object Properties of objects Object Object Object Object Property Property Property Property Class objects

An OS type table is a table in which objects belonging to the same class are considered and all properties relate not to a group of objects, but to a single object.

Name of object class Name of properties Name of objects Property values ​​Rules for constructing OS tables. Select objects and properties Name the class of objects Enter the name of the objects and their properties Enter the value of the properties OS table schema

An OO type table is a table that describes pairs of objects that have only one property.

Student Study period I quarter. II quarter 1st half. Bautin Dima 4 5 5 Shkolina Ira 5 5 5 Zaitsev Ilya 4 4 4 Table 2. Grades in computer science

Name of the class of the first objects Name of the class of the second objects Name of the second objects Name of the first objects Value of the property of a pair of objects Order of constructing the OO table: Select objects and properties Name the class of the first and second objects Enter the names of the first and second objects Enter the property values ​​in the cells OO table layout

Student Study period I quarter. II quarter 1st half. Bautin Dima 4 5 5 Shkolina Ira 5 5 5 Zaitsev Ilya 4 4 4 Table 2. Grades in computer science class of first objects class of second objects of objects of objects of objects of objects properties of pairs of objects properties of pairs of objects properties of pairs of objects properties of pairs of objects properties of pairs of objects

What advantages do tabular models provide over verbal descriptions? Can any verbal description be replaced by a table? Give examples of tables that you have encountered in life. Is tabular presentation of information always convenient? Let's discuss
