Various online tests without registration. Free tests

Unusual tests online on the blog of a happiness psychologist. Interesting online tests should use pictures. Interesting tests and unusual psychology on the blog of a happiness psychologist. I present to you a review of interesting online psychological tests. Find out the recipe for creating an interesting and unusual dough and what ingredients you need to add. to make the test popular.

Interesting psychology is impossible without unusual tests

Interesting psychology These are always interesting, interesting tests that give you the opportunity to quickly learn new things about yourself.

The secret formula for an interesting psychological test

Currently, the happiness psychologist’s blog has collected a lot of information, many of which are of interest to its readers.

Today, I want to remind you of the most interesting tests on the happiness psychologist’s blog and immerse my reader in the world of interesting psychology.

Psychological tests will be interesting, if you follow the secret formula of the unusual test:

  • An unusual test must be new

  • An interesting online test should contain a picture

  • The test must be quick

  • The test should show an unusual side of the person or personality trait

  • It would be nice for the test to be humorous and unusual

Find a review of the most interesting tests on the blog of your favorite happiness psychologist.

Unusual psychological tests online in pictures

The most interesting online psychological tests on my blog are psychological tests in pictures.

In these tests, the reader is asked to choose one picture from several, or read a word in the picture, or see a familiar image in a mysterious picture in the test.

Interesting tests in pictures online are tests with unusual pictures

In short, such an unusual test is somehow connected with a picture of a psychological nature and orientation.

Unusual tests in pictures “I see it in the eyes” online

This psychological picture test uses a picture of 9 eyes. You are asked to make 2 choices of eyes, with the first choice reflecting the part of yourself you have accepted. and the second choice helps you recognize your shadow part of your personality.

Psychological test based on the picture “Internet Personality”

In fact interesting psychological tests There is a whole section on my blog dedicated to it called . Come in, but don't hang out there all day!

Nowadays you can find thousands of psychological tests on the Internet, but their results are often disappointing: inaccurate or too general. You simply look for words in the text that are pleasant for you - and it seems that they were written about you.

Our selection of tests is approved by the psychological community. You can truly trust the results. In addition, these tests are difficult to fool and predict the result.

Luscher test

Color selection technique. This test, invented by Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher, quite accurately determines your psychological state in which you are now. This test describes what a person really is like, since the choice of color is based on unconscious processes.

Szondi test

Portrait selection method. The technique was developed in the 30s of the twentieth century by the Viennese psychologist Leopold Szondi. He discovered a certain pattern that governs a person’s selectivity in communicating with others. The unconscious choice of certain facial features, in his opinion, determines some of one’s own character traits, personality traits, and even a predisposition to mental illness.

Cattell Questionnaire

Cattell's 16-factor personality questionnaire is one of the most common questionnaire methods for assessing individual psychological characteristics of a personality both abroad and in our country. This test allows you to look at personality from different angles. The questionnaire is quite large, so you will have to allocate special time to complete this test in its entirety.

The short orientation and selection test (BOT) is designed to diagnose the general level of intellectual abilities. This test is often used in hiring for leadership positions, intelligence agencies, the military and other fields. CAT allows you to diagnose a person’s ability to acquire new knowledge and activities.

Projective drawing test

In general, there are many projective techniques. You need to turn on your imagination and complete the proposed figure. We offer a simple and quick test.

  • Luscher test
  • Szondi test
  • Cattell Questionnaire
  • Short Orientation Test (SOT)
  • Projective drawing test

Studying the biographies of talented people is always interesting, and the life path of designers often resembles a fascinating series, filled with unexpected turns, intrigues, ups and downs. How famous stylists paved their way to fame.

There are few truly good films about same-sex love, but they do exist. Directors often use the theme as a piquant plot line, and almost always the plot falls apart hopelessly if you replace queer with heterosexual relationships.

Talking about the nobility and talent of teachers, print and online publications talk about the real exploits of teachers. It is true that most members of this respected profession can serve as examples of dedication. But not all.

For a huge number of believers, spiritual books remain a secret behind seven seals. It is important for a Christian to read the Gospel and all Holy Scripture. Orthodox Christians venerate saints for their loyalty to Christ, which is why literature that describes a person’s spiritual path to holiness is so important.

The reason for the outbreak of World War I was the assassination of Archduke France Ferdinand, which caused a loud resonance, and a number of other events. There are many dark spots in the events of those days that have not yet been revealed. The military conflict has acquired global proportions.

The details of the famous scandal involving the relationship between American President Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky were discussed by the whole world. But everyone happily forgot the spicy story with Prosecutor General Skuratov, although the “hero” had to leave for a teaching job.

For more than 60 years, Scotland Yard agent James Bond has been saving civilization from incredible threats. The enemies act with imagination, they are armed to the teeth, they have reliable security and insidious plans. But no one will ever harm humanity as long as we have Agent 007.

We invite you to take online tests, a selection of which we have tried to make entertaining and useful for you. We bring to your attention tests that allow you to get closer to understanding the characteristics of memory, reactions, and human behavior. Personality tests will help you understand the uniqueness of your temperament and emotional orientation. All our tests are designed so that you can understand yourself more deeply, determine your inclinations and find out the optimal direction of development.

Our online psychological tests are among the popular ones and do not pretend to be scientific; their results are approximate, but you will have fun and, perhaps, think about our questions and your answers. For the sake of variety, we have supplemented the psychological questionnaires with esoteric tests for lovers of mysticism. We will be glad if by answering simple questions you can better understand yourself, understand your own motivations, and reveal your potential.

By getting to know yourself, you will learn to better understand others, and this useful knowledge will make communication more productive. Online tests will allow you to identify patterns, and without understanding them, you will not be able to classify yourself as a group of people with similar temperament, behavioral characteristics and other psychological characteristics. Testing has been used by teachers, scientists, and psychologists for more than a hundred years; the methods have been developed and proven effective. All our online tests are free. Take the test and test the power of your mind. We know that you will definitely succeed!
