Replacing the built-in battery on a smartphone. Removable and non-removable smartphone battery

The thin body of a smartphone, the huge battery life of tablets and lightweight versions of laptops for ease of portability are all a legacy of the most important conceptual solution for mobile electronics in recent years, when manufacturers abandoned removable batteries.

Of course, today there are still many models of devices with batteries that are easy to remove and install back, just by uncorking the case cover. But what about those where such an opportunity is not provided, and the battery life remains limited to two to three years?

What methods are there to replace a non-removable battery?

1. You can contact an official service center if the battery does not hold a charge well during the warranty period - it will be replaced free of charge.

2. If the deadline has expired, and suddenly a problem with autonomy arises, then use the instructions for disassembling the case of smartphones, tablets and laptops yourself to replace the battery without going to a workshop.

3. In difficult situations, or if you do not want to deal with electronics, you can contact a local certified customer service center, where your problem will be solved for a certain price. We advise you to roughly estimate the scale of work using .

4. There are significant chances mobile device andcalibrate his. For example, if you want to buy a gadget and need to “hold on” to this point on the old one. Just don't forget new device immediately after purchase.

Is it possible to replace a non-removable battery without special skills?

We invite you to look at the example of the Samsung Galaxy A3 (2015) - this is one of the first mid-budget smartphones from a South Korean corporation, which has a durable thin body with a maintenance-free lithium-ion battery. With the help of a hair dryer, a screwdriver and a guitar pick, even a user far from technical work can remove the rear panel and disconnect the battery from the system board - you just need to follow the eight-step instructions to figure out how to remove the non-removable battery in a Samsung phone once every few years.

This is an inexpensive and relatively simple device that does not require special skills to restore autonomy. You don’t have to go to a workshop - although the process is burdened with difficulties with softening the adhesive base with a hairdryer, it does not pose insurmountable obstacles for the unauthorized magician.

Is it always worth replacing a non-removable battery yourself?

There are situations when you are not ready for such a procedure or you have to rush to figure out how to remove a non-removable battery. This is fraught with losses. For example, the JBL Flip 3 portable speaker uses a control board ribbon cable that can easily be confused with adhesive tape. If it is torn (as our visitor recently reported), then you will have to change the entire control board or look for a suitable conductor.

Interfering with a technical device requires your concentration. Before you start disassembling the case, read the manual, look at the pictures, if there is a video, prepare the tool in advance. Only then try to change the non-removable battery, following the instructions of the experts.

How much does it cost to replace a non-removable battery in a smartphone, tablet, laptop?

If you have already tried to fix the problem of a quickly discharging device and none of the tips help, then the only option left is to install a new battery. Today we have already figured out whether it is possible to change a non-removable battery without going to a workshop. For example, you have several options to restore autonomy to an aging iPhone. Other devices, from simple phones to tablets and laptops, are restored in a similar way.

Here's how much it costs to replace a non-removable battery in a smartphone or any other mobile device:
+ price of tools (about 500 rubles);
+ battery cost (in the catalog / from 300 rubles and above);
+ your free time.

Now all you have to do is find out where is the best place to buy new batteries for modern gadgets and why you shouldn’t trust sellers who don’t provide a warranty on batteries.

Get advice on purchasing a new battery:
contact by email (email: );
by toll-free (for residents of Russia) phone number: 8 800 555-86-57 (24 hours a day).

If you have any questions, you can send a message on VKontakte

The battery is the most important component of any mobile gadget. No matter how cool the device’s characteristics are, they are all of little importance without a high-quality power source that will not fail in difficult temperature conditions. But now we’re not talking about this, but about another feature that you increasingly pay attention to when purchasing – the advantages and disadvantages of non-removable batteries.

What are the benefits of using a non-removable battery?

Set a bad example of non-removable batteries Apple with thin fashionable iPhones. And it’s not surprising, in the Apple iPhone 7, for example, the headphone jack has already been removed... But let’s return to the batteries, here it’s worth mentioning two advantages right away. Users get the first: devices with a non-removable battery do not require a separate slot for the battery with additional contacts and fasteners for the back. Hence the small dimensions. Yes, yes, all these 7mm are caused not by a technological miracle, but by a banal simplification of the design and thinning of the case materials.

Manufacturers receive a second advantage: they can use batteries of non-standard dimensions, and most importantly, the assembly technology can be significantly simplified. All you need is a frame, display, back and construction glue and your Samsung smartphone is ready. Some mid-segment devices made in China with a metal case can still be disassembled, but often you cannot do it without a specialized tool.

Should we blame manufacturers for using a non-separable housing? Smartphone lines are updated at least 2 times a year, during which time the device simply does not have time to break down. But if cheap phone It’s not such a pity, the lack of repairability of mid-segment devices for several hundred dollars is surprising, not everyone parts with that kind of money every six months. Of course, the manufacturer believes that the service can repair anything, and the user will not install a non-name battery that is dangerous for use. But what prevents repairmen from doing this? In addition, there is another disadvantage - the inability to replace the battery. It can be useful when the device freezes or if it is hacked, when the shutdown is only simulated by a darkened display.

Removable battery

It's hard to say why this happened, but removable batteries are still found in public sector vehicles. For example, the ZTE Blade L5 Plus model, like some simple phones from Lenovo or completely unknown Chinese manufacturers, are still equipped with a removable battery. In theory, in budget gadgets the savings should be even greater and it would be logical to equip simple devices with a non-removable battery, this in turn would reduce the dimensions of the devices. But the situation has not changed yet, perhaps this is due to the fact that state employees are still produced using some old technologies that are not profitable to change. Well, equipping, if not flagships, then near-flagships, with a removable battery would be much more logical. Instead, the following picture emerges: the near-flagship segment costs a lot of money, but it is virtually unrepairable.

One can talk about non-removable batteries for a very long time: and, it would seem, removable batteries are better in all respects. But this doesn’t make it any easier; all gadgets today are equipped with non-removable batteries. What to do: manufacturers always have their own opinion on technical features and here you are unlikely to influence the situation.

A few years ago, when the market was not so crowded with technology, the batteries on phones were removable. A revolution in this area was made by smartphone manufacturers Apple, who were the first to introduce to the world phones with a battery that could not be removed. After that, different manufacturers followed suit, and now almost every brand has its own model of a gadget that does not have a removable battery. What is the reason for this, and what are the pros and cons of a non-removable battery in a smartphone? Let's figure it out.

There are many reasons encouraging developers to switch to the production of smartphones with built-in batteries. And the first of them is more maneuvers for design. You don’t need to think about how to arrange the elements so that it is convenient to remove the cover, or how not to make the design of the back panel completely clumsy. As a result, manufacturers can create:

  • more compact phones;
  • non-assembled models, the elements in which will not creak, play or dangle;
  • gadgets with the highest quality assembly.

Phones with non-removable batteries are more sealed than their collapsible counterparts, which means they have increased protection from moisture, dust, dirt and other external adverse influences.

Another important reason why a built-in battery is still better is the additional protection of electronics directly from the user. So many craftsmen who are trying to “improve” their device themselves use compatible batteries with a larger capacity. As a result, such interference damages the electronics of the device, sometimes even beyond the possibility of restoration. And in some cases, the battery swells, overheats, or even explodes. So, from this side, the scales in the duel between removable and non-removable smartphone batteries tip to the side of non-removable models.

Phones with non-removable batteries

Despite the fact that there are still models on the market with removable batteries, there are more and more non-removable models. There are objective reasons and advantages for this.


  • reduction of production costs;
  • more design possibilities;
  • the ability to significantly reduce the thickness of the case;
  • better assembly and absence of squeaks and backlashes;
  • the ability to make the back cover from any materials (for example, metal);
  • improved tightness of the entire structure;
  • increased protection of electronics from moisture.


  • lack of alternative charging methods (only using a USB cable);
  • inability to reboot the device by removing the removable battery;
  • no emergency replacement of the battery when discharged (solved by purchasing a power bank);
  • The battery capacity becomes smaller over time, and to replace it you will have to contact a service center;
  • After drowning the device, it will be more difficult to revive it than a model with a removable battery.

Focusing on the pros and cons of non-removable batteries in a smartphone, it is much easier to decide which side to take. Draw conclusions and decide for yourself whether a built-in battery is good or bad.

Which side will you join: is a non-removable smartphone battery a problem or not? Share your opinion in the comments and tell us what kind of phone you are using now - collapsible or not.

Technology is improving so quickly that it is very difficult to keep up with it. When purchasing a new smartphone, your eyes widen from the sheer abundance, so sometimes you buy a gadget that suits you with its unique capabilities. At the same time, the future owner does not delve into all the details of its technical equipment.

Anyone can replace a non-removable battery in a smartphone.

With what surprise we subsequently receive the news that the device is equipped not with the usual removable battery, but with a type that is commonly called non-removable. Everything would be fine if this battery lasted forever. Unfortunately, it sometimes loses its capacity, so you have to charge it often.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to communicate with your friends during the day or spend hours on the Internet. Nowadays, no one wants to be completely without communication. Everyone has become overly dependent on mobile communications and other capabilities of modern gadgets. The most successful idea that immediately comes to mind is replacing the non-removable battery in your smartphone.

But how to do this, how to replace the non-removable battery in your smartphone, almost none of the device owners have not only never done this in their lives, but even theoretically do not know how to do this.

Non-removable battery replacement process

Nowadays, even kids have modern gadgets that they can use with skill. By the way, even for them, replacing the battery or recharging it is not a difficult task. From the outside, in general, it seems as if they were born with such devices. However, the situation is different if you need to replace the built-in battery in a smartphone.

Most gadget owners are simply at a loss as to whether it is possible to replace the non-removable battery in a smartphone at all, or whether they will have to say goodbye to it affectionately and instead buy a new one, exposing their wallet to another “barbaric” devastation. And even when the question of whether it is possible to change the non-removable battery in a smartphone is answered in the affirmative, the problems do not end there.

A new problem appears, the owners are trying to figure out how realistic it is to carry out such a procedure on their own or whether they must contact a service center.

It is, of course, easier to go to a service center, but at the same time you will have to come to terms with the thought of financial losses. And for some owners, such a trip is not realistic, since they live in the outback, where there is no talk of service centers. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in carrying out such manipulations; it is important to act confidently, but very carefully, having first studied the instructions on how to remove the non-removable battery from the phone.

Algorithm of actions

So, to remove the removable battery, no special effort is required. It is enough to pick it up lightly and quickly remove it. After purchasing a new one, install it back in the same way. If your smartphone has a non-removable battery, you will definitely not be able to perform the manipulations so quickly. You will have to be patient, prepare your tools, and slowly follow the algorithm that demonstrates how to directly replace a non-removable battery in a smartphone with your own hands.

There is no need to be nervous and criticize the manufacturer for the difficulties caused. There are advantages and disadvantages to everything. The big disadvantage in your case is that you don’t yet know how to change the non-removable battery in a smartphone, but a huge advantage is the miniature size of your device and its very thin body. Smartphones with removable batteries will definitely not be able to compete with your gadget in this regard.

So, let's get down to practical actions that will help solve your problem. First, remove the tray where you insert your SIM cards. After that, armed with a thin screwdriver and a suction cup, open the back cover of the gadget. Use a screwdriver to carefully move around the entire perimeter of the back cover, and use a suction cup to gently pull it towards you. If you do everything carefully and diligently, this process will not take much time.

Don't think that after opening the back cover, you have already reached your goal. Under the cover you will encounter a new obstacle - another protective panel. To open it, take a screwdriver and unscrew a few screws.

Only after removing this protective panel will you discover the battery itself. However, do not rush to quickly remove it. It is connected to the electronic panel using cables. Remove them carefully; it won't be difficult. Just now feel free to remove the old battery.

Place the new battery, which you should have purchased in advance, in exactly the same way, carefully connecting the cables first. Close the protective panel, secure it with screws and put the back cover back. This completes the procedure, and, as you may have noticed, you did not have to spend money, as would be required when going to a service center.

The emergence of mobile phones equipped with non-removable batteries has led to the active development of a new direction in cellular technology. At the same time, many people argue about which option is the best: models with removable or non-removable batteries. What is the reason for this? What advantages and disadvantages of the new option should be noted? Moreover, why are mobile phones equipped with non-removable batteries preferred by mobile manufacturers?

Reasons for using non-removable batteries for mobile phones

When creating modern phones that have permanent batteries, optimal freedom regarding the design of the device is guaranteed. Manufacturers have the opportunity to refuse the presence of additional elements that try to crawl out of the case. There is an opportunity to create compact models characterized by high-quality assembly.

By giving preference to models with a non-removable battery, you can count on optimal solidity and tightness of the mobile phone, which guarantees a high level of protection from dust and moisture.

Among other reasons, it should be noted increased caution when using a mobile phone. A person cannot independently reduce the life of a smartphone if he decides to carelessly change the battery or use an energy source that does not have an optimal level of quality. Despite the inability to subsequently replace the battery, it is possible to extend the service life of the equipment.

Advantages of phones with non-removable batteries

  • Manufacturers have amazing capabilities to successfully design batteries and mobile phones. Non-removable batteries can pass through numerous equipment components. Thus, it is possible to offer compact mobile phones equipped with a powerful battery.
  • The presence of a non-removable battery in most cases guarantees increasing the level of phone reliability. In addition, optimal simplicity of the device is guaranteed.
  • A non-removable battery can be a worthy protection against improper use of mobile equipment. A user may, by mistake or inexperience, install a low-quality battery into a mobile phone, resulting in an irreparable situation with the equipment catching fire. If the battery is non-removable, in many situations it is possible to extend the life of mobile equipment.
  • A high level of build quality of the mobile phone case is assumed. No backlash or squeaks are guaranteed. In addition, the case can please you with maximum protection from moisture and dust.


Despite the advantages, there are certain disadvantages.

  • Mobile phones with a non-removable battery can only be charged using a standard charger or via a USB cable. Despite this nuance, both charging options can please you with convenience.
  • There is no possibility of using a second battery, making extended battery life impossible. Despite this nuance, you can use a universal battery, which can please you with a high level of efficiency in many cases.
  • If the battery loses a significant portion of its power, you will need to contact a service center for replacement. Only professionals can help extend the life of a smartphone.

What benefits of removable batteries are missing?

The use of smartphones with non-removable batteries immediately leads to certain limitations. So, what do you have to put up with?

  1. There is no possibility of using a spare battery, which, without a doubt, is quite cheap. You should consider using a power bank or a guaranteed charge using a charger via an electrical network.
  2. There is no possibility to independently and quickly replace a battery that has served its life. Most batteries are designed for 500 - 1000 charge-discharge cycles. After this, the capacity at full charge is significantly reduced, so full use of the smartphone is no longer possible. Owners of devices with non-removable batteries should contact professionals who can carry out a full replacement.
  3. If a smartphone is flooded with water, there is practically no chance of saving it. It is impossible to remove the non-removable battery, therefore the device does not de-energize and all connections are oxidized. In addition, drying activities become significantly more complicated, therefore there is a need for increased caution to ensure the prevention of contact with equipment liquid.
  4. A frozen smartphone is not so easy to restore if it has a non-removable battery. Many models with a removable battery can be successfully restored by removing the battery for a few seconds.

Only a potential buyer can understand which option it is advisable to choose: a smartphone with a non-removable or removable battery.
