Iphone 6 scanner does not work. Fingerprint does not work on Android devices

Is the Touch ID sensor on your iPhone or iPad not working as well as it used to? Are you able to unlock your device only after several attempts? It may be a hardware issue, or the problem may not be that serious and can be easily fixed.

The home button on your iOS device is extremely sensitive equipment. Not only does it allow you to instantly jump to the home screen, but it also acts as a powerful fingerprint scanner. Any iPhone user will confirm that when it works (and, more often than not, there are no problems), everything is just fine. However, sometimes this button does not function quite correctly.

If your Touch ID sensor has started acting strange, there could be many reasons for it. But before you replace it entirely, try a few solutions that may help you save money.

Note: If you do need to replace your hardware, remember that this can only be done by Apple itself or an Apple-authorized repair technician. Replacing the Home button at a third-party repair shop can lead to serious problems.

Mud and water

Most often, dirt and water are the culprits of the problem. Most likely, you will not be able to unlock the device with wet or damp hands.

Likewise, if your hands are covered in a layer of dirt or grease that obscures fingerprints, gaining access to your device may not be such an easy task.

In this case, the solution is quite simple: wash your hands and dry them.

However, there is a possibility that dirt may have gotten on the Home button itself. Try wiping it with a soft, dry cloth. If this doesn't help, use a can of compressed air.

Cold weather, hard work and worn fingerprints

Cold weather can dry out your hands, leaving them rough. If you live in a cold, dry climate, there's a good chance that your fingerprints will change enough that Touch ID won't recognize them.

Handwork can also affect your fingerprints. Your hands may become so rough and worn that Touch ID has trouble recognizing your fingerprints.

Try adding the modified prints to the list of acceptable ones until the weather changes or take a break from working to return your hands to their previous state.

Issues with updates

You always need to install the latest updates for your version of iOS, by the way, I recently wrote about how to disable Predictive Dialing. However, sometimes new software versions can become a source of problems. If you experience sudden Touch ID sensor failure right after updating your iPhone or iPad, it may be due to faulty software.

In such a situation, you can wait to install the update, or roll back the system to a previous version of the software.

Update the fingerprints stored in the system

If none of the above methods helped you, try updating your fingerprints saved in the system. This procedure will likely resolve many, if not all, Touch ID related issues.

We have several articles devoted to this process. There is a method to improve fingerprint recognition on your device. In addition, you can add additional prints in case the main ones stop working.

When all else fails, use a factory reset

If even updating your saved fingerprints does not help you, you may have to reset device to factory settings. After contacting a repair shop, this is the most extreme option and will result in a complete cleaning of your iPhone or iPad. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your photos, videos, messages and other important data, take care of it in advance.

If you still can't solve the problem, it's time to admit defeat and take your device to certified technicians for repair. It won't be cheap, but the Home button is tightly coupled to your iPhone or iPad, so you don't have much of a choice. By trying to save money, you'll likely end up spending more money in the long run and risk turning your device into a piece of plastic. Contact Apple and Apple-authorized repair shops only.

Touch ID began to be installed for the first time on iPhone 5S in 2013. Later, new models of iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro were equipped with the scanner.

At the moment, there are 2 generations of sensors that are used in Apple technology:

Touch ID 1st generation is used in:

  • iPhone 5s;
  • iPhone 6/6 Plus;
  • iPhone SE;
  • iPad Air 2;
  • iPad mini 3/4;
  • iPad Pro 12.9″ (first generation 2015);
  • iPad Pro 9.7″;
  • iPad 2017/2018.

Faster 2nd generation Touch ID is installed in:

  • iPhone 6S/6S Plus;
  • iPhone 7/7 Plus;
  • iPhone 8/8 Plus;
  • iPad Pro 10.5″;
  • iPad Pro 12.9″ (second generation 2017);
  • MacBook Pro 2016/2017.

Generations of sensors differ only in response speed, but not in the degree of fingerprint recognition. The features and techniques described below will work with both generations of Touch ID.

What affects Touch ID?

When it appeared in the iPhone 5s, the fingerprint sensor was head and shoulders above the available solutions from its competitors. The developers managed to create a device that correctly reads the owner’s fingerprint quite quickly and with high accuracy.

Two years later, the sensor was improved, reducing the sensor response time by half.

The operation of the sensor is definitely affected by dirt and liquids. Maximum response accuracy is guaranteed when the sensor surface is clean and there is no grease, dirt or water on the finger. Despite this, the scanner requires daily cleaning only under very difficult operating conditions.

Most users don't need to wipe Touch ID or wash and dry their hands before using their smartphone.

What does not affect Touch ID?

The operation of the sensor is not affected by ambient temperature and humidity. Even if you use the device in the cold, when the skin on your fingers shrinks a little, a minor change in fingerprints will not have a serious impact on the operation of Touch ID.

The state of the smartphone battery and its charge level do not affect the response speed. Some users mistakenly believe that a sensor with a charged battery works better.

There is no confirmed evidence of Touch ID learning when repeatedly touching the sensor in a menu increases the accuracy of the sensor. In this menu, this is only intended to indicate the entered fingerprint.

How, then, can you improve the accuracy of Touch ID?

The essence of the method is to add several prints of the same finger, but at different angles and in different positions. If the fingerprints of your wife/husband, children or relatives are not entered into your smartphone, you can fill all five slots with your data.

Use either two prints for your non-working hand and three for your working hand, or four for your working hand and one for your non-working hand.

1. Go to Settings – Touch ID & Passcode and remove existing fingerprints.

2. Now add a new fingerprint for the hand with which you most often hold your smartphone. When adding a fingerprint, try to press the top of your fingertip onto the sensor.

3. Add another fingerprint and enter the same finger again, but do most of the touching with the bottom of the fingertip.

4. Add a third print for the same finger, but do not hold the smartphone in your hand with a normal grip, but in the most familiar place, for example, when taking the iPhone out of your pocket.

5. Now you can add two prints for the thumb of the second hand, or just one such print, and secure the main finger in another atypical position, for example, pressing a smartphone in a car holder.

By adding two prints per finger (one for the top of the pad, and the second for the bottom), you can enter a larger area of ​​skin into the device’s memory. By adding a fingerprint in a specific position (out of a pocket, in a holder, or on a table), we train the sensor to apply a common press at a specific angle.

This simple method will minimize the percentage of false positives of the Touch ID sensor.

Touch ID is an excellent technology developed by Apple, which allows you to increase the security of user data on the company's devices. Apple has built a fingerprint scanner into the Home button on iPhone and iPad, which allows you to identify the real user of the device without having to enter a password. In this case, identification is used not only to unlock the device, but also when logging into various applications, paying for purchases in online stores and in a host of other situations.

But no technology is perfect, including Touch ID. Users may encounter an error the next time they try to use the fingerprint scanner “Crash. Touch ID setup cannot be completed. Go back and try again". In English, this error sounds like this: "Failed." Unable to complete Touch ID setup". When faced with a problem like this, it will take some effort to fix it, and in this article we will look at the main ways to do this.

Update fingerprints in Touch ID

Quite often, the error “Cannot complete Touch ID setup” occurs after updating your device. Apple regularly releases new firmware versions for iPhone and iPad, but their installation does not always go without errors and problems. If you are having trouble with Touch ID after downloading and installing new software, try the following:

After completing all the steps described above, the “Unable to complete Touch ID setup” error should no longer bother you.

What to do if updating your fingerprints doesn't help?

If you followed the instructions described above, but did not succeed in getting rid of the problem in question, there are a few more tips on how to fix the error:

If none of the above methods helped fix the situation, you can try to wait until Apple releases a new firmware version and install it, it is possible that this will fix the problem. Another way is this.

It is worth noting that if you contact an official Apple service center with this problem, you will receive the answer that this is a hardware malfunction. If the phone is under warranty, Apple will repair the device free of charge (replace the Home button) or exchange it for a new one. That is why it is not recommended to try to disassemble the device yourself and try to “fix the Home button cable”, which is what various “craftsmen” recommend doing when the error “Cannot complete Touch ID setup” occurs.

The most common problem that the average iPhone and iPad user encounters when using or adjusting the scanner is the “Failure” notification. Touch ID setup cannot be completed. Go back and try again." When most of the screen is occupied by an annoying reminder that “Touch ID does not work,” this prevents you from fully using your mobile device with full capabilities. When the touch ID on the iPhone does not work, most people wait for an OS update, but no one is going to wait that long, which is why you should figure out what to do if adjustment is impossible.

The latest models are equipped with a Home key that has a fingerprint scanner. Since people actively use it, there is nothing surprising in the frequent breakdown of this mechanism. A failure can occur after an accidental fall, damage to the case, and much more. There are rare cases when a mobile phone is faulty at the production stage or a refurbished smartphone arrives at a store, and after the update they are identified. If not much time has passed and the smartphone reports a failure, it is recommended to immediately return it to the store.

Climatic conditions can also affect functionality. A sharp change in temperature or the advantage of cold, moisture-saturated air affects the functionality of the smartphone. Some users do not know how to set up a fingerprint scanner, which is why they record their physiological data on the street with temperatures below zero. In this case, the root of the failure lies not in the smartphone itself, but in a change in the papillary pattern of the pattern.

It is impossible to independently record various changes, but the touch ID detects various changes, after which failures begin. Messages like “A fingerprint sensor error has occurred” appear. The update corrects the bug, but such manipulations do not always work as expected.

Users who do not have enough money for repairs at an official service center go to local “craftsmen”. Many of them change the situation for the worse - “Home” stops responding to pressing, and they themselves do not know what to do in this or that situation. After replacement, a bunch of other faults appear. The problem lies in the mechanism itself - Apple designers created it so that it cannot be repaired. Only replacing it, as well as the motherboard and other spare parts, can completely repair the mobile phone.

If you repair it yourself, the sensor will most likely be blocked due to intrusion into the protected area of ​​the system. This can only be corrected at an official service center.

Re-registration of touch ID

This method eliminates the problem when the OS update does not work in any way despite any attempts to solve the problem. Following the instructions, it is possible to fix:

  1. Go to Settings and select “Scanner and passcode”, then write the password.
  2. Turn off features like iTunes Store and Apple Store, iPhone Unlocking, and, if you're a heavy user, Apple Pay.
  3. Return to the main screen, then hold down the Home and On/Off keys at the same time until the Apple logo appears on the display. After these manipulations, the device will automatically reboot, this will take no more than a minute.
  4. Do the first step again.
  5. Re-enable those sections that were disabled in the second paragraph.
  6. Update the pattern - this is important, as the old ones will automatically be erased.

When the operation is completed, the device will function as before, and the problem notification will no longer appear from time to time.

The second way to solve the problem

If Touch ID stops working and it does not recognize your fingers, then you should use other methods that are not as effective as the previous one:

  1. Delete the old information in the settings section and install them again.
  2. Reboot the device as described in the first method while the battery is charging. For some users it worked, and everything started as before, despite the unusual nature of such a solution.
  3. Reset the main settings on the device, while it is possible to save the necessary files and contacts. To reset, go to the main Settings menu, then “General”, “Reset all settings”. When all points are completed correctly, restart the gadget.


In some cases, along with the fingerprint scanner, the Home key itself stops responding. As soon as fatty layers from the hands, crumbs, sweet drinks and other contaminants get into it, the key functions more when pressed. To fix the problem, it is better to use WD-40 aerosol, which does its job perfectly. At the same time, you should handle not only this liquid, but also the screen with care.

If too much liquid gets on your mobile phone, other problems will appear on the device. Once the chemical is applied, the key must be clicked numerous times to get it underneath. Then the cleaning agent will get rid of the dirt and not only the key, but also the touch ID will come back to life again.

Third party programs

When the root of the problem is not in the functioning of the phone, not in contamination, all that remains is to use applications. The additional menu does not turn on, which is why further use clogs up the RAM. This option will not change the state of the iPhone, but you will be able to use the phone as before. This method is inconvenient, although it is better than an ineffective part. The “Home” image is transferred to the main screen, after which it is used like a mechanical key.

Go to the main settings of your iPhone and go to the “General” category. Go to the "Accessibility" section and click on AssistiveTouch. As soon as the manipulations are completed, 4 scenarios will appear on the display. Select a picture of the “Home” key and only after that, a program will appear on the display that will display and simulate pressing the button. Although this is not a sophisticated method, it will allow you to use your iPhone 5 before going to the service center. The main thing is not to take the device to the above-mentioned “craftsmen” who do not know how to install a fingerprint on Apple products correctly.

Installation of a new mechanism

Engineers took care of such a replacement of the mechanism, so everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. When the home button does not work, in some situations it is easier to buy a new smartphone. An ordinary user will not be able to open a mobile phone without damaging some parts; even many specialists are not ready to take such a risk, which is why only highly qualified craftsmen with the necessary tools are required. Replacement is only needed if the button on the iPhone does not work after all operations. You should only contact an official service center, otherwise there is a high probability that the fingerprint on the Iphone 5s and other series will cause other problems.

Mechanism replacement for professionals

Before any manipulations, you will need tools that will allow you to open the iPhone 6 without unnecessary deformation. To get started, this is useful:

  1. Tweezers.
  2. Small spatula.
  3. Screwdriver-plus.
  4. Screwdriver-minus.
  5. Sucker.

First, unscrew a few screws located next to the power connector. Next, hold the screen using the suction cup and do not forget to help with the spatula. When disconnecting, your hands should not shake, as the touch cable will break at any time due to careless handling. The spudger will allow you to unplug the connector and lift up the display. Disconnect the protection from the cable and, after unscrewing several screws, disconnect the required part. After the procedure, errors like “Touch ID does not work on iPhone” do not occur.

Contacting the service center

When a gadget has a warranty, then by visiting a service center, the defect will be corrected absolutely free of charge: either the button will be completely replaced, or the gadget will be replaced with a new one, because when Touch ID is not working well, it’s easier to turn to experts. They know how to fingerprint a phone without any difficulty. Therefore, if you are not confident in your own abilities and are not sure whether you will be able to get rid of the glitch, it is better to immediately take your smartphone there.

Video instructions

Of course, such protection was to the taste of users who immediately began to use all the benefits of “Apple products”. However, after some time, numerous complaints began to appear on the official Apple technical support website that the Touch ID setup could not be completed. Such a useful solution turned out to be completely ineffective? Or can the problem be solved? Let's take a closer look in the article.


There are many factors that can affect the performance of a smartphone. Some attribute the failure to complete Touch ID setup to the redesigned stock apps, new Siri features, changes to the CarPlay interface, and more. However, the reasons may be much more trivial than it seems at first glance.

Most often, problems with the scanner appear at subzero temperatures. In this case, the Touch ID setup cannot be carried out due to the fact that the touchscreen is simply frozen and cannot recognize the user. In addition, in cold weather it also changes on a person’s fingers. Of course, this cannot be seen with the naked eye, but for sensitive equipment this is a huge problem. Therefore, if you were unable to complete the Touch ID setup, return to a warm place and try to repeat the procedure again when the device and your hands are warm.

The second common reason is dirt and moisture. If you try to set up the scanner in the rain or in cloudy weather, when high humidity prevails outside, then most likely nothing will work. The same goes for dirty hands. Again, your fingers may look clean on the outside, but this will not be enough for the scanner.

Of course, there are more serious reasons why Touch ID setup couldn't be completed. Quite often the problem occurs due to incorrect settings or a short program crash. The reason may also lie in the hardware.

Correct setting

In order for Touch ID to work fully, you need to configure it. To do this correctly, you need to follow these steps:

  • Make sure the Home button is clean and free of moisture. Hands must be dry.
  • Go to your phone settings and select “Touch ID password”. Enter the code combination.
  • Click “Add fingerprint” and calmly touch the Home button without pressing it too hard.
  • Hold your finger still until the device begins to vibrate.
  • Repeat the procedure. The finger must be lifted several times and pressed against the button again. It is recommended to change its position slightly.
  • A new menu will appear on the screen where you will be asked to adjust the fingerprint capture. To do this, you need to take the phone in your hand in the most convenient way and place your fingertip on the “Home” button. This procedure is also repeated several times.

If you still can't complete the Touch ID setup, you can try using another finger. Or use another method.

Restoring Touch ID

To rollback previous changes and set new settings, you must complete the following steps:

  • Go to the main menu and select “Touch ID password” again.
  • Enter the access code and delete old biometric data.
  • Repeat the procedure for adding a “cast”.

If after this you still cannot complete the Touch ID setup on your iPhone, you can try restoring the system via a backup that was previously made in cloud storage or on your PC. To do this, you need to connect your device to your computer and go to iTunes. Next, you just need to click the “Restore” button and select the desired backup date. After recovery, you must re-enter your biometric data as described earlier.

If the problem is hardware

If there is a non-software failure and you cannot complete the Touch ID setup, then the reason may lie in the device itself. The Home button cable may have come loose. To solve this problem, you need to carefully disassemble the phone. Then you need to disconnect the cable from the button, check if there is any damage on it, and re-insert it. In some situations, this helps fix the error.

However, such experiments should not be carried out without proper experience. If the user is confident in his abilities, then before performing such operations it is necessary to save all data from the smartphone.

If Touch ID stops working in the App Store

Very often, users notice a problem with the scanner only when they go to the official Apple store. However, if the fingerprint is not removed in the App Store, this may also indicate a problem with the device.

In this case, you must perform the following steps:

  • Go to settings and go to “Touch ID password”.
  • Enter the code and find the “Usage” section.
  • Disable the App Store and iTunes Store in it.
  • Reboot your device.
  • Go to the settings again and repeat the procedure, only this time the stores must, on the contrary, be activated.

This usually helps get rid of bugs.

Technical support

If none of the above helped, do not despair. Experienced Apple support technicians can help you figure out why you can't complete Touch ID setup. To do this, you need to go to the company’s official website and create the appropriate ticket. Or you can search in the questions already asked. Most likely, there are a large number of discussion threads on the site with similar problems. If the consultants suggest doing everything that has already been stated, then all that remains is to go to the service center and try to diagnose the device. Before doing this, you should copy all the data from the phone again.
