How to delete a company page on Facebook. How to delete a group and business page on Facebook


Many users social network Facebook sooner or later faces the problem of completely deleting pages. Today there are several available ways her solution: you can permanently deactivate them using a browser on your computer or using an application on your cell phone.

Ways to delete a Facebook page

There are two main methods of deletion: selectively through settings or when deactivating your account. When you select the second option, along with the user profile, all pages that are linked to it will be automatically deleted.

Through the menu in settings

  1. Go to your FB profile.
  2. Go to the page you want to deactivate.
  3. In the top menu, select “Settings”.
  4. You will be redirected to the “General” tab, scroll down, the penultimate item will be “Delete page”.
  5. Click on it, the line will open and show the corresponding link.
  6. Click on it. After this, you will be able to restore the page within 14 days from the date of deactivation.

Close account by deleting pages

In order to deactivate the page permanently, there is alternative way, which involves deleting your Facebook account. This method will allow you to completely erase your profile with all records and personal data. Step by step instructions on deactivation:

  1. In the upper right corner of your social media dashboard, click the gear button.
  2. Then select “Settings”.
  3. In the column on the left, click on the line “Your Facebook Information.”
  4. Then click “Delete account and information,” and then select “Delete my account.”
  5. If you decide to permanently delete your profile, you will be asked to confirm your decision by entering the password specified during registration and the code from the image.
  6. Confirm the operation, after which a window will appear with information that it is possible to restore your account within 14 days.

All social networks, and Facebook is no exception, can be distracting. It is very difficult to tear yourself away from messages, news feeds, and especially games. In this case, users often have a desire to temporarily or permanently deactivate the page. There are several ways to remove yourself from Facebook permanently.

Social Facebook network today it is considered the largest. More than a billion people have registered. Until 2009, the problem of how to permanently delete a Facebook page had no solution. Only at the request of a large number of users did the developers add this function, and in 2 versions at once. This:

  1. Temporary deactivation of the page with the ability to completely restore all data in the future.
  2. Permanently deleting a Facebook account permanently when personal information can no longer be returned.

How are these 2 methods different? To simply block an account for a while, use the first method - deactivation, in which you can simply close the profile for a while. This procedure makes it inaccessible. The uploaded photos can be deleted, leaving only information in the form of first and last names in the communities to which the user was subscribed. A deactivated page can be returned at any time, so this option for deleting from a social network is suitable for those who have not yet decided to completely abandon virtual communication.

Second method - complete removal. With this method, you need to think carefully about whether you are ready to part with your personal information, because recovery will no longer be possible. Although, they claim that even with this method, the user profile still remains on the servers of the US intelligence services. This does not apply to ordinary citizens, so you can be sure that when you delete from the page, nothing will remain.

This method is loved by those who like to effectively disappear and then return to the virtual world. This is what students do before a session, working people on vacation or, conversely, when heavy load on working days. It doesn’t matter what reason prompted the user to do this - the main thing is that such an opportunity really exists. It’s easy to delete both on your computer and on your phone. You need to do the following:

  1. Open the Facebook website on your computer if there is no setting automatic filling login and password, then enter them and log into your account.
  2. Find the arrow icon in the top right and click on it. A menu will open where you need to select “Settings”. On the phone, you need to find 3 bars at the top right, and then scroll to “Account Settings”.
  3. A new page will open, on which you need to click on the “Security” line, which is second from the top.
  4. Next at the bottom of the list there will be an item called “Deactivate account”, you need to click on it. Here you can find out more about what materials will be saved and what other users will see on your page.
  5. You may then be prompted to enter your password again, after which the deactivation page will open. Here you need to select the reason for the temporary blocking. It is better to click on the “Other” item. Here you should check the box indicating refusal of receipt. emails, otherwise messages will continue to arrive by email.
  6. Last action– confirm your decision by clicking the “Deactivate” button. At this stage, a window may pop up to enter a captcha or a password again.

Delete your Facebook page permanently

Before deleting a Facebook page forever, make sure that you have saved the information you need - photos, music, movies, important posts, etc. Then think carefully again, maybe it’s worth using deactivation, and only then decide to leave the social network for good. If you are sure of the correct choice, then use with the following instructions how to delete Facebook permanently:

  1. As in the previous method, you need to open your page for this social network. If required, enter user credentials.
  2. At the top right you need to click on the arrow, select “Help” from the sections that open, and click on it.
  3. When the search bar opens, enter a request to delete your account, and then click on “How to delete your account permanently?”
  4. Next, read the conditions for completely blocking your profile. If necessary, save a copy of the data, then click on the words with the “Fill out the form” link.
  5. In the window that opens, click “Delete my account.”

Another option, how to delete a Facebook page permanently, is a little simpler. It does not include the steps listed above. To delete, you just need to follow the following link - After this, a window with information will immediately open, as in the 5th paragraph of the instructions. All you have to do is confirm your decision by clicking on the appropriate button. You can do the same thing even from your phone.

Video: how to delete a Facebook profile forever

How to delete a page on Facebook?

Good evening, dear visitors of our site! In this article, we will take a closer look at how to delete a page on Facebook? Today, social networks take up more and more of your precious time.

We spend time not on playing sports, doing homework, self-development, in short, not on something useful and necessary, but on “sitting around” on social networks. Previously, we already considered deleting our page on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

Some people can stop on their own, and some need advice from a loved one, but this, unfortunately, is not always enough. I hope you don’t simply waste all your free time, but spend it usefully. But, if you need to delete a page from facebook for one reason or another, then this article is for you!

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How to remove yourself from Facebook?

So, friends, first I’ll tell you a little secret: before you delete your page, you can choose whether to delete it forever or temporarily? This means that you can deactivate your facebook profile. And after a while, resume it and activate it again. The second option is more radical - complete deletion from Facebook without the possibility of recovery.

Account deactivation (temporary deletion).

Log in to your page and in the upper right corner click on the gear icon and select “Account Settings”:

Now a window will open in front of you in which you must indicate the reason why you want to deactivate your profile, and you can check the box next to “Opt-out of emails” in order not to receive emails from Facebook. After this, all you have to do is click “Confirm”:

But I remind you that the actions described above will not delete it, but only deactivate it. And you can activate it at any time simply by logging in, as before.

Now let's look at completely deleting your account.

And here I will offer you two options:

1. Fast way.

2. On your page in the upper right corner, click on the gear icon and select the “Help” section:

In the search bar, enter “Account deletion” and from the list of answers provided, select “How to permanently delete your account?”:

On the next page you will be able to deactivate and permanently delete your facebook page. You will also be asked to save a copy of your data. To delete, click “Fill out the form”:

That's it! Your account is now deleted!

This video will make you smile:

In this lesson, we looked in detail at how to delete a page from Facebook. I hope you don't have any difficulties deleting your page. If you want to remove yourself from other social networks, please follow the links at the beginning of this article.

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admin, September 22, 2013

How to delete from Facebook?

If you decide to delete your Facebook page, congratulations: you will be able to devote a little more or even much more time to work, family, and relaxation. In the end, you may just look around and be surprised to discover that the real world is wonderful and can give you much more than the dubious pleasure of spending time on social networks.

So, the decision has been made. All that remains is to delete the Facebook page. There are two options in case you decide to leave this web, which drags in even very strong personalities:

  1. You can “freeze” the page with the ability to restore data at any time. This is in case you change your mind and decide to return;
  2. You can delete your page forever - finally and irrevocably, with all photos, posts, messages, and so on. In this case, you will no longer be able to restore it, and if you want to join the ranks again Facebook users, you will have to register and fill out the page again.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

How to temporarily delete a Facebook account?

If, when leaving, you want to leave yourself a chance to return, Facebook is happy to provide you with this opportunity: all your data that was on the page will be stored in the social network database until you decide to restore your account.

In order to “freeze” or, as Facebook calls it, deactivate an account, you need to click on the unassuming little wheel in the upper right corner of your page, and then open “Account Settings”, then in the menu on the left click “Security” and under In the list of settings you will see a link called “Deactivate account”.

After clicking on it, Facebook will ask if you are sure of what you are doing, warn you that your data will be deleted, and also inform you that your friends will miss you, showing photos from their accounts in the foreground. Probably, if Facebook had the opportunity to show you photos of your friends crying and regretting your departure, it would do it.

Next, you will be asked to provide the reason why you decided to deactivate your account, and as an answer to this question you will be offered as many as 8 answer options, as well as the “Other” option with the opportunity to write your own reason. For each of these options, with the exception of “Already have an account on Facebook” and “Other”, a method will be offered to solve the problem for which you are planning to leave the social network.

It's funny that, despite the fact that the site is for Russian users Russified, when you select the option “I don’t find Facebook useful”, for some reason the solution to this problem is displayed on English(you are encouraged to increase the number of friends so as not to get bored on this site).

If you have not succumbed to Facebook’s persuasion to stay and are still full of confidence to deactivate your account, feel free to click the “Confirm” button, enter your password and captcha, and long live freedom!

Now no one will be able to see the information that was on your page, but you still have a chance to change your mind and return everything back. And don’t even doubt that Facebook will send you a single email asking you to do this and detailed instructions how exactly.

How to delete from Facebook forever?

If you don’t want the information from your page to be stored somewhere and decide to part with Facebook forever, then this is even easier. But there is also a difficulty. It lies in the fact that the developers hid the delete button so that it could not be found quickly and easily, because their goal is to attract as many users to the resource as possible, and certainly not to lose those already registered.

Your departure is undesirable for the site owners, so you can spend a lot of time interrupting all account settings, but still not find a link to delete the page. And they hid it in the search, apparently it is used so rarely on Facebook that this is the most reliable place. But here, too, the developers cheated: if you type in the search “how to delete a page?”, you, of course, will get an answer, but it will not help you achieve your goal much; this article will help you faster.

After you click the “Delete my account” button, the “frustrated” Facebook robot, “shedding tears”, will once again ask you if you are sure of what you want to do and ask you to enter your password and captcha. And if you have confirmed and entered everything, you cease to be a user of this social network, gain freedom and can go enjoy reality: smell buttercup flowers, sunbathe in the sun, and so on.

Congratulations, you are a strong person, since you do not have an addiction to a social network, and if you had one and you overcame it, you are even stronger. Goodbye, Facebook, let others remain with your likes, shares and boring identical news. And for those who left, the wind of change and the taste of freedom awaits.

How to delete a Facebook page permanently - Guide

And this is done very simply; below is everything that needs to be done step by step.

Facebook account deletion page

  • Step 3. Click on the “Delete my account” button (circled in red in the photo above). After this, you will need to enter your password in the appropriate Password field (there is only one, it is impossible to mix it up).

Entering a password when deleting a page

  • Step 4. Scroll down the window and see the “OK” button. Click on it.

"OK" button on the Facebook account deletion page

  • Step 5. Account deleted. You can rest assured that after a maximum of 90 days, all materials from the page will be permanently deleted.
back to menu

If there is a chance that you will return to Facebook someday, you can save all your data and simply upload it again, albeit manually.

Here are instructions on how to do this:

  • Step 1. Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the window (circled in green in the photo below). A list appears. Select “Settings”.

“Settings” item on the Facebook account page

  • Step 2. Select “Download a copy” at the bottom home page settings.

“Download a copy” item on the Facebook account settings page

  • Step 3. We get to the page for archiving data from Facebook, where we click on a single button - “Start creating an archive.”

Data archiving page from Facebook account page

  • Step 4. We get to the page where you need to enter a password. Enter and click on the “Submit” button (circled in red in the photo below).

Password entry page when archiving Facebook page data

  • Step 5. Click on the “Start creating an archive” button in the drop-down menu.

Confirmation of the creation of an archive with Facebook page data

  • Step 6. We see that the archive was sent by email.

Message about sending an archive with data by mail

  • Step 7. We go to our mail and see there a letter with the following content.

Letter with archived data from Facebook page

  • Step 8. At the bottom of the letter we see the download link (underlined in red in the photo above). We follow it and find ourselves on a familiar page, where we click on the only button “Download archive”. Enter the password and get our archive.

Archive download page

But it’s not always clear how to do this, since a large number of different buttons in the interface can be confusing. How to get rid of your Facebook account to start living off the Internet?

There are two options for deleting a page on this social network. You can delete it forever, or you can deactivate it.

How to remove yourself from Facebook forever

If you deactivate your profile, then:

  • information does not appear in the Chronicle,
  • it will be impossible to find a profile on Facebook,
  • some information will remain available to other users, this includes messages sent and comments left on other people’s posts,
  • photos, a list of friends, information about the user are saved, that is, if you do not activate the profile again, you will not need to fill out everything all over again - everything will remain as it was

If you delete it permanently:

  • it will be possible to restore the account only within a few days after sending the deletion request, since the user may change his mind; if you restore the page at this time, the deletion request will be automatically canceled,
  • if the profile is completely deleted, it will no longer be possible to restore it and information from the page,
  • after the profile is deleted, the messages that were sent will be able to be read by the recipient, since the messages are not stored in the account,
  • photographs and other materials published on the page are stored in backup systems and are deleted for about three months, but during this time the materials are unavailable to users,
  • For technical reasons, some materials are stored in the Facebook database, but when the page is deleted, all identifiers from such materials will be deleted.


If you deactivate the page, you can return at any convenient time.

In order to deactivate your account, you need to:

  1. In the upper right corner of the page, select Settings from the menu.
  2. In Settings, select Security (located in the column on the left).
  3. Click Deactivate account and follow the steps that will confirm the decision to deactivate the page on the social network.

If you need to bring the page back into working order, you need to enter your email and password on the site, then the profile will be restored with all the data that was before the account was deactivated.

You need to remember that to activate you need to have access to your mail. If you can’t log into a social network, you need to ask the service to reset your password to the email specified during registration.

A person who does not understand why he has a page on this social network and who does not want to leave the information he shared on the Internet will sooner or later ask himself: how to delete facebook permanently. This is quite simple to do, the main thing is not to log into your profile in the first few days so that the deletion request is not cancelled.

  1. Go to delete at this address, where you can see a warning that the page cannot be restored.
  2. Click on Delete account and enter the captcha.

Advice: Before deleting forever, it is better to make a copy of your data from Facebook.

After a couple of weeks, the profile will be completely deleted, and the information in it will not be available even to its owner.

How to remove yourself from Facebook from your phone

You cannot completely remove yourself from Facebook from your phone, you can only deactivate it (it’s safer this way).

To deactivate your profile, you need to log into the social network through your mobile phone browser, click on the icon in the upper right corner and select Account Settings. Next, click Security and Deactivate.

Through mobile application deactivation occurs in the same way.

What should I do if I receive a letter stating that my account has been restored, although this should not happen?

Most likely, in this case, another person is trying to recover the account using an email and password. The best thing to do here is change your password. It is also necessary to check the security of the email to which the profile is registered. If anyone has access to email, restoring your Facebook page will not be difficult.

Is it possible to delete a profile for a friend or relative and how to do it?

If a friend or relative is unable to maintain activity on their page and the account is not needed at all, and the information needs to be deleted, then Facebook can help delete this account. This service will be useful if a friend or relative cannot delete his page on a social network on his own.

  1. The social network's requirements state that users must be at least 13 years old. If it seems that the user is under 13 years old, then you need to report this problem to Facebook support, and the account may be deleted.
  2. If a person is 13 years old, but there is no way to delete the profile on their own, you can write here:

Many entrepreneurs have an account in one of the most popular networks in the world. On Facebook, many people promote their products and services by advertising them in their group or account using ads. Without this in modern world it is forbidden. But sometimes users have a question, how to delete a business page on Facebook? In this article we will answer this question.

Delete the page

Before doing this procedure, you must take into account that after deleting your business page, you will be able to access it for another 14 days. After this period has passed, it will be deleted forever.

On the computer

Let's look at all the steps step by step. In a browser on your computer, you need to do the following:

After this, the page will be queued for deactivation. After 14 days it can be deleted. Also, to remove it from the search results, you need to check the box in the “Unpublish” tab. After 2 weeks have passed for final removal, you will need to do the following:

  • You need to click “Settings”.
  • Then scroll down and click “Delete Page”.
  • Next “Delete, Name”.
  • When prompted, click “Delete”.

This is how you can delete your Facebook page simply and without any complications.

On a mobile device

In order to delete a business page on Facebook, no programs are needed; on mobile phone you need to do the following:

  • Launch the application and go through authorization (enter your password and login).
  • Click on the icon with three horizontal stripes. On iPhone, it is in the lower right corner, on Android in the upper right. The menu will appear.
  • Next, you need to enter the “Pages” item. To do this on Android, you need to scroll down the page, find its name, click on it and skip the next step.
  • Then select her name and click on it.
  • Then you need to click on the icon with three horizontal lines. On Android with three vertical ones.
  • Next, go to “Settings”.
  • Click “Basic” at the top.
  • Then you need to go to the “Delete page” column.
  • Click on the “Delete and page name” link.

After carrying out the manipulations described above, you need to wait 2 weeks and log in to your page again. To permanently remove it, you should do this:

  • Click the “⋯” or “⋮” icon.
  • Then click “Settings”.
  • Then “Basic”.
  • Scroll down and click “Delete” and the page title.

After the “Delete” request appears, you need to confirm these actions.

There are some tips that everyone needs to know:

  • If you delete a business page, you won't be able to create a new business page with the same URL.
  • Once it is deleted, it will not be possible to restore it.

This must be taken into account when deleting a page. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. The whole process is simple and every member of the Facebook social network can do it.

What is the difference between deactivating a page and deleting it?

Deactivating a Facebook account causes the profile to become unavailable. Previously uploaded photos are in most cases deleted, however, some information, for example, first and last name, is saved in the lists of communities that you have already joined. Deactivated pages are easy to restore, so for those who want to return to Facebook in the future, I advise you to deactivate rather than delete the page.

Deleting a Facebook page completely deletes your data and you will no longer be able to recover it! However, do not forget that Facebook cooperates with US intelligence services and a copy of your data will forever remain on one of the intelligence services’ servers. However, law-abiding citizens and those not connected with the Russian secret services have nothing to fear. You are of no interest to intelligence.

Video instructions for removal

If you still have questions, I advise you to read the text version of the instructions.

How to deactivate a Facebook page?

To deactivate(temporarily delete) a Facebook page in the usual way (not completely) you need to:

Now you need to select “ General" At the very bottom of the window that opens there will be a link “ Deactivate account" Click on it.

On the next page you will be asked to indicate the reason why you decided deactivate facebook(temporarily deleted). I advise you to select “Other”. And don’t forget to check the box next to “Unsubscribe from receiving emails,” otherwise emails from the social network will continue to arrive in your email.

On the next page, enter your Facebook password.

And finally final stage of page deletion– enter the robot protection code from the picture. We type it and click “ Send»

That's it, your Facebook page is deactivated! (But there is still some of your data left on the Facebook server)

How to delete Facebook permanently

To completely and permanently delete your Facebook account, you must follow one of the following links (Copy and paste into address bar. Press enter):

A page will open warning you that your data will be permanently destroyed. Click on " Delete my account».

If necessary (if asked), in the next step enter your password and the code from the image to complete the deletion.

How to delete Facebook from your phone?

You can only deactivate your account from your phone. This was done for security reasons. This is done like this:

1. Via mobile browser phone, go to your Facebook page.

2. Click on the menu stash in the upper right corner. Scroll down to “ Account Settings" Click.
