How to return the old version of a contact on Android. How to return the old VKontakte design

Sometimes situations arise that can only be resolved by contacting the administration of the social network.

Before write to technical support on VKontakte think again, you can solve the problem without doing it.

Waiting for a response from technical support may be longer 24 hours. And information on VKontakte problems can also be found on the Internet. All questions are addressed on our website.

But, if you want or a person for actions of an unlawful nature, then such issues can only be considered through technical support.

1. In order to contact VK technical support Go to the "Help" section from your profile.

  • In the upper right corner, click on your avatar;

2. Write down the problem you encountered.

  • As soon as you write a problem, you will face ways to solve it;

3. If the methods do not solve your problem, then click on the button "This doesn't solve my problem."

5. Now in detail describe the situation and send the question for consideration.

  • The more information you provide, the greater the chances that you will be helped to quickly solve the problem;

That's it, now all we have to do is wait response from VKontakte technical support.

If you have been hacked, ask to write to your technical support friend/relative from his account (). Do the same if the page is blocked.

Lost access to phone, to which the page is linked? A support agent will help you with a scan of your passport.

Are they trying to deceive you? Blackmailed? Sending out photos? Write to technical support, there is a way out.

If necessary write to VK technical support from your phone, then you should perform similar actions only with mobile application:

1. Download for iOS, Android or Windows Phone and go to the tab.

VKontakte is the most popular Russian social network throughout the post-Soviet space and is available in various languages. In it, users can create personal pages, information publics, events, communicate and exchange media files with other people, play online games and use other services.

VKontakte hotline phone number

Direct phone number and the VKontakte contact center does not exist.

You can contact social network employees with a question or problem exclusively online directly on the official website or by writing an email.

Contact information of the VKontakte press service

Contact information for cooperation issues

[email protected]

What issues can be resolved by contacting VKontakte technical support?

By contacting technical support staff directly on the VKontakte website, the user can ask a question or solve a problem that is related to social network. Among them:

  • Ask questions or solve problems related to access to the social network;
  • Clarify privacy and confidentiality issues on the VKontakte social network;
  • Find out more information about how you can join the development team or become a technical support agent;
  • Receive information related to promotion on the VKontakte social network;
  • Get information about additional services And special applications, which are available on the VKontakte social network;
  • Information about events held by the social network VKontakte;
  • Get general information about the work of the social network Vkontakte;
  • Ask a question about advertising on social networks;
  • Get information on how to create official page on the social network VKontakte;
  • Find out where you can download the official VKontakte application for mobile devices based on iOS, Android, Windows;
  • Get information about video calls on a social network;
  • Get information about the rules for using the VKontakte network;
  • Ask a question about integrating your VKontakte profile with other social networks;
  • Report an error in the operation of the VKontakte website;
  • Complain about the work of VKontakte or another user of the social network.

In what cases will VKontakte technical support not be able to help?

Technical support agents will not be able to help if the issue is related to:

  • With the work of other social networks or their services;
  • If the requested information is related to or classified as a trade secret;
  • If the answer to the question involves disclosing confidential information about the social network or its users;
  • If personal data of third parties (employees, partners) is requested;
  • If the question is of a general nature and is not related to the work of the VKontakte social network.

Alternative communication channels

You can send an official request or question to the following postal address:

LLC "VKontakte" St. Petersburg, Nevsky pr. 28

Competence of support agents and response time

Technical support was created specifically to quickly provide information and solve problems related to the use of the social network, so the network makes sure that the response time to a request is as fast as possible.

The social network VKontakte is developing its agent support service. All employees technical support Over a long period of time, they undergo special training and preparation in order to respond to every request from social network users as quickly and effectively as possible.

In this article we solve the problem of communication with VKontakte technical support, as well as how to write correctly in order to receive a satisfactory response from the administration. Read more in the article.

Hi all!
In this article I will show you how to write to VK technical support, as well as how to properly communicate with the contact administration; your request or wish will be approved in 9 out of 10 cases).

There are many reasons for contacting the VKontakte administration.
With all this, the new contact design is not easy to understand, and sometimes you need to act instantly!
I wrote letters to contact administrators more than once, and almost always received the answer I needed.
More about everything below.

I show you step by step how to write to the VKontakte administration

The first thing I want to note is that if a person spams, that is, sends out advertisements to buy something, join his community, sends out materials for adults, offers votes for free.
In such cases, you usually don’t have to write to the VKontakte administration.
Just click “complain” and indicate the reason.
As a rule, for such major offenses, VK admins ban scammers almost instantly (usually 15 minutes is enough).

In cases where there are a lot of advertisements in the community (no more than 3 advertisements per week are allowed), violence, pornography, ethnic hatred are promoted, or there are a lot of such pictures, photos or posts on the account page, often clicking on the “complain” button may not produce results .

In such cases, you either need a lot of people to complain (press a button), or write to the VKontakte administration.

How to write to admins in a new contact?
1. In the upper right corner, next to your avatar, click on the triangle.
2.Then, select “help.”

3. On the page that opens, write in the search for questions, you will be offered many similar questions and answers to the one you asked. You go down. Look for the inscription “None of these options are suitable”

After this, you can ask the VKontakte administration a question.
If you did everything correctly, this sign should pop up.

4. Click “ask a question” accordingly

The downside of this method is that you have to wait for a response for a long time.
I’ll tell you more, the approximate time shown can be multiplied by 3.
On average you have to wait 3 days for a response.

Plus, from a letter to the administration in contact, your letter will definitely be considered and a response will be given.

How to correctly write a complaint or request to the VKontakte administration

I had many letters to VK support.
Almost always I received the answer I needed from them).
The most remarkable case was when my community was blocked for changing the topic).
Well, as it were, I had nothing to catch in my topic, and the one I changed to was in first place in the search for a contact.
Every day the group grew by 300 - 500 subscribers due to arrivals from search.
Apparently not everyone liked it).
Someone knocked on VK admins, the public was blocked).
Unblocked it in a week.

How did I do this?
Wrote in tech. VKontakte support, they say, what happened?
Well, everything is as it should be, hello... I'm the admin... blah... blah... please tell me...
They answered for changing the topic.

I am writing in the next letter.
Sorry asshole, I didn’t know, they say this won’t happen again, I’ll delete all non-thematic posts.
The answer is, like, don’t do this again, the public has been unblocked, let’s quickly change its name and delete the shitty posts

In fact, that community was 3 years old, the last year it was not active at all, there were about 100k subscribers.
I didn’t need it, so I sold it a week later, fortunately there was a crowd of people willing).

  • Guys, you need to communicate with the VKontakte administration extremely politely.
    Well, pretend that you didn’t know the rules, turn on the fool
  • Write legibly, not a jumble of words. A clear question means a faster answer.
  • No need to ask the same question more than once! Wrote, wait for a response.

Of course, if you use a parser, send mass spam to user groups or walls, polite communication is unlikely to help you; after all, these are the worst offenders for contact).
For everything else it will help, verified).
It was an article on the topic: how to write to the VKontakte administration.
If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.
And that's all I have for today,
Bye everyone!

Hello friends! In this article we will talk about the VKontakte support service, namely how you can contact them in order to ask any question or solve problems related to the VK social network. When I needed to turn to them for help, I didn’t even immediately find where the page was where I could talk to them. That is why I decided to write an article for those comrades who cannot find this disguised support. VK, to be honest, although it looks simple, sometimes you have to look for some details for a very long time.

Right away I want to say to those characters who are looking for a phone number to contact them. You cannot contact them by phone. No, of course, there is a phone number, but it is not advertised anywhere. Even if you manage to find a number, you will most likely not get through to it, and if you do manage to get through, they will send you to solve their problems through a form on the website in VK or via mail. So immediately forget about the phone, and use the methods of contacting them, which I will describe in this article.

How to contact support on VKontakte from your personal page?

2. Go to the “Help” tab.

3. After you go, a page will appear where the most popular questions are displayed. At the very top there is a small line in which you can write your question and receive a ready-made answer, if, of course, there is one. But if they didn’t give you a ready answer, or you need to contact support, then write any one word in this line. I wrote a word that doesn't exist to save time. After this, a link will appear below, it is called “None of these options are suitable.” This is exactly the link we follow.

4. After you go, you will be taken to a page where you can write to them.

Well, that’s basically it, write your question and send it, after a while you will definitely receive an answer. You will be shown the approximate waiting time for a response after sending your request.

How to contact VK support via email (E-mail)?

There are different situations in life, for example, you cannot write through personal profile, because you don’t have access to it for various reasons, but you need to write to them. Therefore, there is also a second option, this is an appeal through mailbox. Emails send to [email protected] This type of communication takes quite a long time, since on average such letters are answered within 4 days.

Where can I see the answers?

1. Log in using your username and password to the profile from which you wrote.

4. Then you will be taken to a page where you can see all your requests for support, and, of course, the answers that were given to you.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you. It seems that I described everything in great detail, but if something is not clear, then ask questions in the comments.
