Pony prog Russian version. Download the programmer

PonyProg is a free programmer (software part of the programmer) for reading and writing programs of microcontrollers and ROMs with a serial programming interface. Due to its simplicity and low cost of manufacturing hardware, the programmer has become widespread.

How PonyProg works

The programmer hardware is connected to the parallel (LPT) or serial (COM) port of an IBM PC-compatible computer. The following hardware interfaces are supported: AVR ISP (STK200/300), JDM/Ludipipo, EasyI2C and DT-006 AVR (from Dontronics). Runs on the computer software PonyProg, a microcontroller or EEPROM chip is installed in the programmer. After preset Firmware compiled specifically for the device using development environments for microcontrollers, for example, for the AVR family of controllers, will be written to memory (EEPROM - data memory, Flash - program memory). In addition, PonyProg can read data from EEPROM and firmware from the microcontroller memory.

PonyProg features

PonyProg supports the following interfaces for communication with a programmable microcontroller:

  • Microwire
  • Atmel AVR and Microchip PIC micro

Supported operating systems: all 32-bit versions Microsoft Windows(95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP), all POSIX compliant (Linux, BSD and UNIX-like).

The list of supported devices includes most common PIC and AVR microcontrollers and various types of memory chips.

is a freely distributed GNU program with open source source code and is intended for programming flash chips with serial access.

PonyProg written by Italian Claudio Lanconelli and exists on Windows (9x/ME/NT/2000/XP) and Linux versions. Has Russian language support. Can use parallel port (LPT) or standard serial port(COM).

Microcontrollers of the AVR family supported by PonyProg.
AT90S1200, AT90S2313, AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S4414, AT90S4434, AT90S8515, AT90S8535, AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S2333, AT90S4433, AT90S4434, AT90S85 35, AT90S8534
ATmega103, ATmega161, ATmega163, ATmega323, ATmega128, ATmega8, ATmega16, ATmega64, ATmega32, ATmega162, ATmega169, ATmega8515, ATmega8535, ATmega44, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega164, ATme, ga644, ATmega640, ATmega1280, ATmega1281, ATmega2560, ATmega2561
ATtiny12, ATtiny15, ATtiny26, ATtiny2313, ATtiny13, ATtiny25, ATtiny45, ATtiny85, ATtiny261, ATtiny461, ATtiny861
AT90can32, AT90can64, AT90can128
PonyProg supports a number of popular programmers, including STK200/300, JDM/Ludipipo, EasyI2C and DT-006 AVR from Dontronics.

By using PonyProg can download data to microcontrollers Atmel AVR and MicroCHIP PicMicro, as well as program memory chips with serial access (I2C Bus, Microwire, SPI eeprom).

A complete list of programmable microcircuits can be read on the website PonyProg, A download this wonderful program from the page http://www.lancos.com/ppwin95.html or from the Downloads section of the site.

In addition to all of the above, PonyProg provides the ability to edit program text at the level of changing byte values.

To load a ready-made program using PonyProg into AVR microcontroller, you can use a simplified version of the STK200 programmer, which is described in the article. This device consists of a 25-pin parallel (LPT) port connector, 4 resistors (150 ohms) and a connecting cable, the length of which should not exceed 1.5 meters.

Let's look at the sequence of actions for loading a program into a microcontroller using an example: ATmega8.

When first launched, PonyProg will ask you to calibrate and indicate the type of programmer you are using with two warning messages.

Let's do as he asks. Let's go to the "Setup" menu and select "Calibration".

When a warning appears, make sure that, apart from PonyProg, we do not have any applications running that load the processor and hard drive.

Then click “Yes” and wait a few seconds.

Once the calibration process has completed, a success message will appear.

If something goes wrong, the calibration should be done again.

Now select “Interface Setup...” from the “Setup” menu.

In the window that appears, select a parallel port and how to work with this port (in Windows2000/XP we must select “AVR ISP I/O” and use a standard LPT port).

Attention! Do not specify the port to which the modem is connected: this may damage it.

You can specify the type of microcontroller using the “Device” - “AVR micro” menu.

When all preparations are completed, let's load the file with the compiled program into PonyProg.
How to get a file with a compiled program using the WinAVR environment can be read in the article

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PonyProg is a programmer (or rather its software part) that can perform operations of writing and reading data from ROM and microcontroller programs. In the vast majority of cases, it is necessary to use it with a physical device-programmer, which has gained great popularity due to its low price and ease of use. In addition, it supports many different EEPROMs and can be connected to a computer via a COM port. It works with AVR ISP, DT-006 AVR, EasyI2C and Ludipipo hardware interfaces, and also supports serial read only memories.

The operating principle of PonyProg is based on changing byte values ​​in the firmware code, as well as programming FUSE bits. It is very often used to “hack” car radios and some very old ones. mobile phones. However, the scope of application of the programmer is not limited to this. PonyProg is especially popular among owners of printers with ink cartridges. The fact is that due to the high cost of new cartridges, it is customary for “people” to refill old ones with ink, thereby saving huge amount cash. The problem is that many printer manufacturers add protection to their devices that prevents the reuse of a cartridge that has exhausted its ink life. Information about “unsuitability” is written to the cartridge firmware. So, with the help of PonyProg you can make changes to this very firmware, thereby making the printer “think” that it is working with a completely new cartridge. This is done easily and takes only a couple of seconds.

Key Features and Functions

  • work in tandem with a “physical” programmer;
  • outdated but very clear interface (fully translated into Russian);
  • support for EasyI2C, JDM / Ludipipo, AVR ISP and DT-006 AVR interfaces;
  • work with read-only storage devices with sequential access;
  • “hacking” of many models of car radios, old mobile phones and ink cartridges;
  • connection to a computer via a COM port.

PonyProg is a chip programmer with serial (COM) and parallel (LPT) access, supported Windows systems 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Intel Linux. The programmer supports IIC BUS, Microwire, SPI eeprom, Atmel AVR and PICMicro interfaces.
PonyProg can read and write program code or data, edit program text by modifying byte values, clear memory and program FUSE bits.
The programmer can be used both for programming microcircuits of your own projects, and for decoding car radios, mobile phones, TV repairs, etc.
A list of supported devices, program capabilities and hardware diagrams for various interfaces is available at the office. website: www.lancos.com.

Installing PonyProg

Run the file setup.exe, after installation, we will Russify the program by uploading the file PonyProg2000.exe to the program folder, replacing the existing file.

Setup and firmware

When you start it for the first time, a welcome window appears (check the box Mute).

PonyProg will ask you to calibrate and indicate the type of programmer you are using with two warning messages.

Afterwards we do calibration and set up the equipment. On the menu Settings choose Calibration.

Let's click Yes wait a few seconds. A success message appears.

After in the menu Settings choose Equipment setup

In the window that appears, select the port and how to work with this port (on this image settings for working with the programmer for Windows2000/XP OS via LPT port).
Attention! Do not specify the port to which the modem is connected: this may damage it.

Select the type of microcircuit using the menu Device.

Then in the menu File choose Open firmware file for the microcircuit.
