World Wide Web world wide web language html. What is the Internet? Who created and when

>>Informatics: Internet and World Wide Web

§ 4. Internet and World Wide Web

Main topics of the paragraph:

What is the World Wide Web

The most interesting service provided to Internet users since 1993 has been the ability to work with the World Wide Web information system (abbreviated as WWW). This phrase can be translated as “world wide web.” It was working with the WWW that was meant when at the beginning of this paragraph you were offered all sorts of information miracles.

Brazil's criminal code has already suffered from a lack of more modern definitions and a lack of solutions to new problems created by new technologies. How to proceed, for example, when a virus is sent and does not damage the machine, but corrupts photo files with emotional value? How to classify important but simply virtual data?

Technological evolution has been responsible for the world evolving from an analogue world to a digital world, this change can be seen in new teaching methods. Before society was digitized, the class consisted of the teacher writing on the board, all searches were done in printed books and depended on the many books in the library, notes in the class had to be made in notebooks using pencils or pens. Nowadays we use digital classrooms in the classroom, quizzes can be taken online where you can find instant results from an almost unlimited number of sources, and notes can be taken on computers or other electronic devices.

It is very difficult to give an exact definition of what the WWW is. This system can be compared to a huge encyclopedia, the pages of which are scattered across computer servers connected by the Internet. To get the right information, the user must get to the corresponding encyclopedia page. Perhaps with this analogy in mind, the creators of the WWW introduced the concept of a Web page.

A huge change that can be noticed is that traditional teaching activities have been modified by the digitization of the world, similar methods such as writing on photographs or documents and researching in printed books are being replaced by digital methods which are faster in their function and effective .

It is clear that many parts of the world still have to adapt to digital education, but the changes brought about by it can already be seen and are already changing the dynamics of teaching, in the future learning may be further changed by them as new technologies and how we can adapt to its implementation .

Web server, Web page, Web site

A web page is the main information unit of the WWW. It is a separate document stored on a Web server. A page has a name (similar to a page number in an encyclopedia) by which it can be accessed.

The information on a Web page can be very different: text, drawing, photograph, multimedia. Web pages also contain advertising, reference information, scientific articles, the latest news, illustrated publications, art catalogs, weather forecasts and much, much more. To put it simply: Web pages have “everything.”

Today it is impossible not to notice how the Internet and new technologies influence our daily lives. This new digital world is influenced by work, leisure, sports, hobbies and often even emotions and feelings. It is clear that the digital world has brought us greater development as distances have been shortened, information almost the same as the news of the Boston Marathon bombing. Moreover, the job was changed and so was their relationship. Best? many say yes, but others say no, but of course the conveniences and conveniences of the digital world.

A number of Web pages can be related thematically and form a Web site. Each site has home page, which is called home (Home page). This is peculiar front page, starting from which you can view documents stored on the server. Typically, the home page contains a table of contents - the names of sections. To contact to the required section, just move the mouse pointer to the section name and click mice.

But to take advantage of this world, it has brought us the imposition of always being renewed, great is never enough, and the most qualified is the one who must always be very well informed. On the other hand, the analogue world, which has been replaced by a digital one, should not be excluded. Of course, of course, it is replaced, but information bases of this “world” are still being used by the world of new technologies. Crimes and other types of acts that currently exist in the digital world were, until then, unknown in the analog world.

WWW hyperstructure

However, it is not at all necessary to view Web pages in a row, flipping through them, as in a book. The most important property of the WWW is the hypertext organization of connections between Web pages. Moreover, these connections operate not only between pages on the same server, but also between different WWW servers.

Usually keywords, from which hyperlinks come, are highlighted on the Web page with color or underlining. By clicking on such a word, you will follow a hidden link to view another document. Moreover, this document may be located on another server, in another country, on another continent. Most often, the Internet user has no idea where the server with which he is connected is located. at the moment communicates. Figuratively speaking, in one session you can “fly” around the globe several times.

The big fear is whether he will be ready to handle this change. The digital world brings us great things and would be much more attractive and dynamic if this digital revolution were more democratic and better recommended. The analog system is still present today, but digital system more and more in fashion.

Responsibilities must increasingly be shared between public power and private power, making the world digital access accessible to everyone, thereby contributing to society. Currently, when we're talking about about development or discovery, it is simply impossible not to connect this fact with technology, because everything is connected with it. Technology moves the world, producing development, but destroys it if used without caution, as will be seen below.

The role of a key for communication can be played not only by text, but also by a drawing, a photograph, or a pointer to a sound document. In this case, instead of the term “hypertext” the term “hypermedia” is used.

You can reach the same Web page in many different ways. The analogy with the pages of a book no longer works here. In a book, the pages have a certain sequence. Web pages do not have such a sequence. The transition from one page to another occurs through hyperlinks, forming a network that resembles a web. This is where the name of the system comes from.

Technology was the best invention of all time because it gave rise to many others, allowing researchers to make great discoveries that saved generations and created more jobs. Countries that are now economic powers have also contributed to the development of technology.

It is noted that the Internet is an important tool that is growing rapidly over the years, so today it is almost necessary to know how to handle the technological tools that must be present in the work scenario. The professional of this century must understand that he must master fields other than his own. Technological evolution has made the job market tougher. Increasing professionalism in various areas.

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition:

The World Wide Web is a hyperconnected information system distributed throughout the world, existing on technical base World Wide Web.

Browser is a WWW client program. The problem of searching for information on the Internet

A special device helps the user navigate the web software, which is called a Web browser from the English “browse” - “inspect, study.” Using a browser necessary information can be found in different ways. The shortest way is using the web page address. You type this address on the keyboard, press the enter key and are taken straight to the location.

He has a good and a bad side. But only the good is remembered, and the bad side is always forgotten, perhaps due to ignorance of the information that negligence has not very good consequences. The technology was created in the midst of war to be used as a weapon in military camps. Today this weapon is in the hands of criminals who use the media to hit someone, kill someone and pedophiles who use this tool to destroy a child's dream. Media requires caution when using it for your own safety.

Another way is search. You can start moving with your home page via hyperlinks. At the same time, there is a danger of going the wrong way, getting entangled in the “web”, and ending up in a dead end. However, the browser allows you to go back any number of steps and continue searching along a different route. Such a search is similar to wandering in an unfamiliar forest (though less dangerous).

These days, the evolution of technology is an insecurity even for students who suffer from doubts about which profession to pursue because there is a list of professions of the future and the other one they talk about will disappear. Workers are also a little afraid to imagine that one day it will replace people with machines, leading to mass unemployment throughout the world.

At this time, it is realized that the only way is to always be open to gaining new knowledge. It's amazing how the Internet has achieved great global significance in recent years, even when compared to many of the fantastic inventions we see today. The technological evolution of this wonderful network can be said to be what has caused this proliferation and use, but it is not only what makes the Internet what it is today. This success is due to the central idea of ​​the Internet, which is presented in its original concept: it is not a new invention, but a collection of various human needs, such as communication and the dissemination of knowledge. organized and, above all, accessible and fast.

School of Informatics and Computing
On the topic: World Wide Web.

The work was performed by student 190(1)

Grigorieva Anastasia

The work is checked by teacher Isaeva I.A.

Tallinn 2010

Introduction 3

History of the World Wide Web 5

Therefore, it is not surprising that this network has become a part of our lives more than any other invention of our time. But some social reactions to the Internet inevitably cause interesting questions: How did internet freedom take root for people? These are just some of the current issues that the Internet has raised and which are likely to remain open for a long time.

A good example of these problems of dependence and freedom is when governments and states try to stop or control the flow of any information on the Internet. The uprising of the population is instantaneous, as if we had come into the private possession of each of the population, but a possession that is at the same time communal: in the history of mankind there is something that covered so much of the entire human population, it is like a super community: countries and connecting everyone us.

Journey on the World Wide Web 7

Linking hypertext pages 8

Prospects for the development of the World Wide Web 9


Structure and principles of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. A web server is a program that runs on a computer connected to a network and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data. In its simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request for a specific resource over the network, finds the corresponding file on the local hard drive and sends it over the network to the requesting computer. More complex web servers are capable of dynamically allocating resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or parts thereof) on the World Wide Web, uniform resource identifiers (URIs) are used. Uniform Resource Identifier). Uniform URL resource locators are used to locate resources on the web. Uniform Resource Locator). These URL locators combine URI identification technology and the DNS domain name system. Domain Name System) - a domain name (or directly an IP address in a numeric notation) is part of a URL to designate a computer (more precisely, one of its network interfaces), which executes the code of the desired web server.

To review the information received from the web server, go to client computer a special program is used - a web browser. The main function of a web browser is to display hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked with the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Most of the information on the Internet is hypertext. To facilitate the creation, storage and display of hypertext on the World Wide Web, HTML is traditionally used. HyperText Markup Language), hypertext markup language. The work of marking up hypertext is called layout; the markup master is called a webmaster or webmaster (without a hyphen). After HTML markup, the resulting hypertext is placed in a file; such an HTML file is the most common resource on the World Wide Web. Once an HTML file is made available to a web server, it is called a “web page.” A collection of web pages makes up a website. Hyperlinks are added to the hypertext of web pages. Hyperlinks help World Wide Web users easily navigate between resources (files), regardless of whether the resources are located on local computer or on remote server. Web hyperlinks are based on URL technology. (2 link)

For ambiguity, in addition to controlling the shocks that arise from the "truth", it is chosen how people will think and behave. Despite its recent opening up and adopted economic model, China remains one step behind its recent past. However, like society itself, the Internet requires norms and control. The false concept of anonymity causes many people to take criminal actions that must be curtailed with the same energy and hard work of the "real world". We have spent so much time on this that it is unthinkable not to make the Internet as the main character in our lives.

History of the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee and, to a lesser extent, Robert Cayo are considered the inventors of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee is the originator of HTTP, URI/URL and HTML technologies. In 1980 he worked at the European Council for Nuclear Research (French). Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN) software consultant. It was there, in Geneva (Switzerland), that he wrote the Enquire program for his own needs. « Enquire» , can be loosely translated as "Interrogator"), which used random associations to store data and laid the conceptual foundation for the World Wide Web.

Many legal assets are linked to the virtual world, and their protection is necessary for adequate coexistence for everyone. For this to happen there must be reasonable government control. First, create safety in the virtual world, second, ensure freedom of expression and free information about the movement - as long as it is not offensive.

World Wide Web(English) World Wide Web) - a distributed system that provides access to

related documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of web servers. Most of the resources on the World Wide Web are hypertext. Hypertext documents posted on the World Wide Web are called web pages. Multiple web pages combined common theme, design, as well as interconnected links and usually located on the same web server, are called a website. To download and view web pages, special programs are used - browsers. The World Wide Web has caused a real revolution in information technology and a boom in the development of the Internet. Often, when talking about the Internet, they mean the World Wide Web, but it is important to understand that they are not the same thing. The word is also used to refer to the World Wide Web web(English) web) and abbreviation WWW.

Already today the number of Internet users reaches 3.5 billion people, which is almost half of the world's population. And, of course, everyone knows that The World Wide Web has completely enveloped our planet. But still not everyone can say whether there is a difference between the concepts of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Oddly enough, many are absolutely sure that these are synonyms, but savvy guys can give arguments that will reduce this confidence.

What is the Internet?

Without going into complex technical details, we can say that The Internet is a system that connects computer networks around the world. Computers are divided into two groups – clients and servers.

Clients are called ordinary user devices, which include personal computers, laptops, tablets, and, of course, smartphones. They send a request, receive and display information.

All information is stored on servers, which can be classified according to different purposes:

  • web server,
  • postal,
  • chats,
  • radio and television broadcast systems,
  • file sharing.

Servers are powerful computers, working continuously. In addition to storing information, they receive requests from clients and send the necessary response. At the same time, they process hundreds of such requests.

Also in our brief educational program it is necessary to mention it is worth mentioning Internet providers, which provide communication between client and server. A provider is an organization with its own Internet server to which all its clients are connected. Providers provide communication via telephone cable, dedicated channel or wireless network.

This is how you get on the Internet

Is it possible to do without a provider and connect directly to the Internet? Theoretically it is possible! You will have to become your own provider and spend a huge amount of money to get to the central servers. So don’t blame your Internet provider too much for high tariffs - these guys also need to pay for many things and spend money on equipment maintenance.

The World Wide Web has entangled the whole world

World Wide Web or simply web - “web”. Actually she is presented a huge amount pages that are connected to each other. This connection is provided by links, through which you can move from one page to another, even if it is located on another computer connected to.

The World Wide Web is the most popular and largest Internet service.

The World Wide Web uses special web servers to operate. They store web pages (one of which you see now). Pages linked by links that have a common theme, appearance, and usually located on the same server is called a website.

To view web pages and documents, special programs are used - browsers.

It is the World Wide Web that includes forums, blogs and social media. But its work and existence is directly ensured by the Internet...

Is there a big difference?

In fact, the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web is quite large. If the Internet is a huge network connecting millions of computers around the planet for sharing information, then the World Wide Web is just one way to exchange this information. In addition to providing World works Wide Web, the Internet allows you to use email and various instant messengers, as well as transfer files via the FTP protocol,

The Internet is what connects numerous computer networks.

The World Wide Web is all pages that are stored on special Internet servers.


Now you know that the World Wide Web and the World Wide Web are different things. And most importantly, you will be able to show off your intelligence and explain to your friends what this difference is.

"World Wide Web" (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW) is the most popular and interesting Internet service, a popular and convenient means of working with information. The most common name for a computer on the Internet today is www; more than half of the Internet data flow comes from WWW. The number of WWW servers today cannot be estimated accurately, but according to some estimates there are more than 30 million. The growth rate of WWW is even higher than that of the Internet itself.

WWW is a worldwide repository of information in which information objects linked by the structure of hypertext. Hypertext is primarily a system of cross-referenced documents, a way of presenting information using links between documents. Since the WWW system allows you to include not only texts, but also graphics, sound and video in these documents, hypertext document turned into a hypermedia document.

A little WWW history. The World Wide Web (WWW) is one of the most important components World Wide Web. And she has her own story.

This is interesting. The European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN) is located in Switzerland. In 1980, a man named Tim Bernes-Lee, who was then working at CERN, began developing a project for a global computer network that would provide physicists around the world with access to various information. It took nine years. In 1989, after many years of technical experiments, Mr. Tim proposed a specific option, which was the beginning of the World Wide Web, or WWW for short.

Over time, many realized that such services could be used by different people, not just physicists. WWW began to grow rapidly. Many people helped her in this: some developed hardware, others created software that developed WWW, and others improved communication lines. All this allowed it to become what it is now - the "World Wide Web".

Principles of client and server operation. WWW works on the client-server principle, or more precisely, client-servers: there are many servers that, at the client’s request, return to him a hypermedia document - a document consisting of parts with a diverse representation of information (text, sound, graphics, three-dimensional objects, etc.). ), in which each element can be a link to another document or part of it. Links in WWW documents are organized in such a way that each information resource in global network The Internet is uniquely addressable, and the document you are reading at the moment is capable of linking both to other documents on the same server and to documents (and Internet resources in general) on other computers on the Internet. Moreover, the user does not notice this and works with the entire information space of the Internet as a single whole.

WWW links point not only to documents specific to the WWW itself, but also to other services and information resources on the Internet. Moreover, most WWW client programs (browsers, navigators) not only understand such links, but are also client programs for the corresponding services: FTP, gopher, Usenet network news, email, etc. Thus, software WWW are universal for various services Internet, and the WWW information system itself plays an integrating role.

Let's list some terms used on the WWW.

The first term - html - is a set of control sequences of commands contained in an html document and defining the actions that the viewer (browser) should perform when loading this document. This means that every page is normal text file, containing text that is visible to everyone, and some instructions for the program, invisible to people in the form of links to other pages, images, servers. Thus, questionnaires and registration cards are filled out, and sociological surveys are conducted.

The second term is URL (uniform resource locator - a universal pointer to a resource). This is what those links to information resources on the Internet are called.

Another term is http (hypertext transfer protocol). This is the name of the protocol by which the client and WWW server interact.

WWW is a direct access service that requires a full Internet connection and, moreover, often requires fast communication lines if the documents you are reading contain a lot of graphics or other non-text information.

The rapid development of the Internet, which began in the early 90s, is largely due to the emergence new technology www. This technology is based on hypertext technology, which has been extended to all computers connected to the Internet.

When using hypertext technology, the text is structured and link words are highlighted in it. When a link is activated (for example, using the mouse), a transition occurs to the text fragment specified in the link or to another document. So, we could convert our text into hypertext by highlighting the words “hypertext technology” in the first paragraph and recording that when this link is activated, a transition will occur to the beginning of the second paragraph.

WWW technology allows transitions not only within the source document, but also to any document located on this computer and, most importantly, to any document on any computer currently connected to the Internet. Documents implemented using WWW technology are called Web pages.

Structuring documents and creating Web pages is carried out using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). Text Word editor allows you to save documents in Web page format. Browsing Web pages is done using special programs browsing browsers. Currently the most common browsers are Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can download one of the browsers and go on a journey through the World Wide Web. First, you need to download a Web page from one of the Internet servers, then find the link and activate it. As a result, a Web page will be loaded from another Internet server, which may be located in another part of the world. In turn, you can activate the link on this Web page, the next Web page will load, etc.

The Internet is growing at a very fast pace, and finding the necessary information among tens of millions of documents is becoming increasingly difficult. To search for information, special search servers are used, which contain accurate and constantly updated information about the content of tens of millions of Web pages.

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, but remains in constant development and search. Perhaps the most useful invention of mankind is the Internet. At its core, the Internet, the World Wide Web, is a unique tool for data exchange. The importance of this information space is undeniable due to the enormous communication capabilities between users of all devices connected to the Internet.

What is the Internet

The Internet (Wide web) is a virtual environment that guarantees access to information resources, the elements of which are personal computers. They are combined into a single circuit and equipped with unique addressing functions using high-speed communication lines with host computers. Internet is a huge network of countless devices. It serves to exchange information that exists on this network in various forms.


The history of the World Wide Web is as follows. In 1969, under the auspices of the US Department of Defense, the ARPANET computer network was created. It was she who became the first prototype of the modern Internet. Initially, it allowed several computers that were remote from each other to exchange simple information. In the next decade, scientists in the field information technology developed new protocols for transmitting data packets - TCP / IP, which are still in use. In 1983, ARPANET switched to these protocols and scientists began to create an improved network - modern Internet, used world wide.

Who created and when

In 1990, the ARPANET network ceased to exist and gave way to the Internet. The invention of the World Wide Web made the Internet what we know it today. Many people consider the Internet and the World Wide Web to be synonymous. Not everyone knows who created the network that everyone sees. At the very beginning of the last decade of the 20th century, scientists Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Caillot created a distribution system for accessing information that connects millions of servers connected to the Internet.

Why is it called the World Wide Web?

The Internet, which is called the World Wide Web, is a system that has been so named for various reasons, and its abbreviation is “www”. Internet is the Semantic Web, a system that today represents the most popular and widely used invention in the field of information technology.

From a technical point of view, the online space is made up of countless computer devices, connected to each other. Billions of PC users living in different countries, communicate with each other daily, transmit and can receive useful information, download digital data sets in the form of applications, programs, utilities; watch videos, listen to music.

First access

To facilitate the exchange of e-mail, the first corresponding program was introduced in 1991. However, all this time the Internet remained only a set of channels for transferring data from one computer to another, and it was used only by leading scientists in Europe and the USA. The revolutionary solution that helped to be born and made the Internet accessible to all computer owners was the emergence and further development of the WWW system.


Internet- a global computer network consisting of all types computer networks bound by stereotypical agreements on methods of information exchange and unified address system. The online unit is local network, the introduction of which is associated with some network.


An Internet server is hardware and software that ensures the operation of any necessary Internet services: http (website), e-mail(email), ftp (file transfer protocol/method), etc. To host a website on the Internet, an Internet server is required.

Most often, Internet servers are powerful computers equipped with the same powerful software, including support for various programming languages ​​and data transfer protocols, databases, antiviruses and other security systems.


A browser is a global program on a computer, with the support of which people access the Internet and view information there. It processes data on the global network and allows you to browse pages. Essentially, this is a program that you can work with online. Quite often, the browser icon is located on the computer desktop. When you click on it, an Internet connection appears.


Almost all movements on various sites on the Internet today occur on the basis of links. But they can bring both benefit and harm. Therefore, it is important for the user to understand how different types of links work and to be able to recognize links to clearly malicious web resources.


In general and in a simplified form, hypertext is a combination of interconnected sets of text fragments integrated into information system, which allows users to transfer data from 1 text block to another. Online design allows for non-linear reading; in this case, the user has the opportunity to select the necessary information much faster and claim a personal sequence of transition from one part of the word to another.

HTML language

HTML is a hypertext markup language that makes a website the way users see it. This amazing tool simply makes websites look beautiful and modern, while also providing ease of use. HTML assembles the components of a web page in a user-friendly way. His work is comparable to what they actually do text editors. They turn a faceless mass of letters into a document with font and images.


A domain is a unique combination of characters that allows you to find a site among others. In addition to letters, a domain can contain numbers and symbols ranging from 2 to 63. Domain name can be compared to a home address. To find out where a person lives, you need to know the residential address, the same applies to the website. Each resource on the Internet has an individual IP address, which looks like this: Such a set of numbers is very difficult to remember, so domains were invented that visually replace the numeric indexes of addresses.

Methods for displaying information

Information on the Internet can be reflected both inertly (that is, the user can only read it) and actively - during this time the user has the ability to add information and edit it.

Methods of intensive reflection of information on the global network include:

  1. Guestbook is a free client program. A guest book allows guests to express their thoughts about pages and send them to the creators.
  2. Forum It is considered a space for network communication between several authors, where articles are related by a common topic.
  3. Chat service- for exchange text messages in real time. Chat allows almost all users to know each other at the same time.
  4. Online diary, consisting of entries in reverse chronological order.
  5. Wiki hypertext environment(Wikipedia) for organizing multi-user collection and structuring of documents and other information.
  6. Content management systems. The content management system CMS UlterSuite allows you to create websites and maintain them.


Internet technologies are communication, information and other technologies and proposals on the basis of which work is carried out online. Internet-technology has a great influence on the intellectualization of society and the economy. All over the world, computer technology educational programs and multimedia files are considered common attributes of everyday life.


There is a possibility that a user's computer may become a victim of attackers. By traveling to various sites or downloading software from unverified sources, the user himself can infect his personal computer virus, which will lead to loss of functionality of the device.

Security can be ensured as follows:

  1. Although Windows has a built-in firewall, it is recommended to install a more reliable one.
  2. The next step is to install anti-spyware and anti-virus software.
  3. You need to disable all unused services on your device, this will reduce the chances of hackers gaining access.

The user must perform a number of security operations before surfing the endless expanses of the network.

Personal information

Every user who connects to the network can become a victim of a privacy attack. The number of crimes related to the unauthorized use of personal data on the Internet is growing every year. Many users do not take any action to protect their privacy, even if they are aware of security practices.

There are reasonable ways to protect against information theft. A virtual part of the network (VPN) is not universal method protection from all threats, but exclusively useful tool protection of personal data. Credentials are all that is needed to obtain personal information, so passwords must be strong.


Today, almost everyone has access to the Internet, and some cannot even imagine their life without the World Wide Web. However, few people are interested in how various resources are regulated, how prohibited content is controlled and blocked. Sometimes you might think that the World Wide Web is in complete chaos, but in reality this is not the case. In Russia, Internet laws have been developing quite rapidly in recent years. There are laws regarding remote work on the Internet and e-commerce.

Types of storage

When posting information online, most people don't really think about where it goes. And it ends up in data centers. The data center certainly stores all information posted on the network. These are personal photos, downloaded documents, Skype conversations, blog comments and other important and unimportant data. In essence, a data center is a huge bank, a content repository. It is not soldiers who are responsible for the security of data centers, but highly intelligent technologies operating under the guidance of video surveillance and control systems.

Development prospects

It is quite difficult to predict the specific development of such a complex and large-scale Internet. There's no doubt that network technologies will play a major role in information society. In real time, online is developing very quickly: in any one and a half to two years, its main quantitative characteristics multiply. This concerns the number of users, the number of connected computers, the size of information and traffic, the size of the creation of information resources.


In the mid-90s of the last century, Brewster Kahle decided to preserve the memory of the global network and announced the birth of an archive of Internet sites. At the moment, the archive contains more than 10 billion pages that could be irretrievably lost. The accumulated information is updated approximately every 2 months, it is stored on several large servers and is important for many. This is an exceptionally huge database in the world. The cost of this work is a million dollars a year. Funds come from sponsors.
