How to make friends on VK hidden. Instructions: how to hide a friend on VKontakte? Why do settings in “friends” change so often?

Many users of social networks sooner or later face the question of how to protect their privacy on social networks. To do this, you need to set the privacy settings correctly and hide everything that they want to hide from prying eyes. Most often these are contacts of other users. To carry out this action you only need to press a couple of buttons. So let's get started.

Open the page in social network Enter your username and password and click on the login button.

The title page opens. Your name and miniature profile photo are displayed in the upper right corner. Click on the arrow to the right of the thumbnail.

The menu section pops up. The top line of the list: my page, then there are the items edit, settings, help and exit.

Select the “settings” line and left-click.

A general list of settings opens.

A list of settings by category appears in the upper right corner. We need the third line from the top “privacy”.

A list appears in the middle of the screen. We look for the line in the list: “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, click on the inscription to the right of the item.

A list of friends opens in a pop-up window. Select from the list, or in the search bar at the top, enter the nickname of the friend whose name you want to hide and click on the checkbox to the right of the name.

In total, you can hide 30 friends from the list, so think carefully about who exactly you want to hide from prying eyes. Click “save changes”. The list is collapsed, the line that previously looked like “all friends are visible” now looks like this: the names of hidden friends are written down.

The paragraph below suggests choosing those who see hidden friends. By clicking on the line on the right, a list with suggested options will pop up. In order to hide your friends from absolutely everyone, select the “Only me” option.

After completing all these steps, all the people you have selected will be hidden from prying eyes and visible only to you.

Don't know how to hide friends on VK? In fact, it's very simple. I will not only show you exactly how you can hide your friends from the view of strangers, but I will also explain how privacy settings work - who can see your hidden friends and will the friend himself know that he is hidden? So let's go

How to hide friends in the new VK design?

When VKontakte rolled out new design, many began to ask, is it possible to hide friends in it, like in the old one? Of course you can.

Can my friends see that I hid them?

In order to prevent your friends from seeing that you have hidden them, you need to set the “Only me” option in the next privacy settings item, as shown in the picture. It is in this case that no one except you will be able to see hidden friends.

How to see hidden friends in VK?

To see hidden friends of another VK user, you need to go under account another user. It’s logical, because the point of this function is precisely so that no one can see what a certain person has hidden from the public list of friends of a certain user.

If you suddenly see suggestions that some program can show you hidden friends from another user, know that this is most likely a scam to infect your PC with a virus or find out your credentials from the VKontakte website.

How to hide friends on VK via phone?

The mobile version of VK can also hide some of your friends from view. Go to the site from your phone

VKontakte is the fastest growing and most popular social network in the CIS. Functionality, convenience, speed and regular innovations are why users love VKontakte and prefer it to other social networks.

Regular updates and expanded functionality - distinguishing feature VK. One of latest updates Some time ago, it removed the ability to disable the display of the “Friends” block, leaving the user the right to select a limited number of people who will not be displayed in the general list. To make hidden friends on VKontakte, you will need to carry out the appropriate actions in the profile settings menu.

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List of hidden friends

All parameters relating to the display of certain materials on the user’s page are located on the “Privacy” tab in the “Settings” section:

  • While on any social network page, you must click the “My Settings” button on the left side of the screen;
  • Then go from the “General” tab to the “Privacy” tab;
  • In the “My Page” block, find the line “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” and left-click once on the “All friends” parameter.

A dialog box will open with users from your friends list displayed on the left side. Using the mouse wheel scroll or the search bar, you need to find the desired person and, using the “+” button next to the name, add him to the “hidden” list.

The number of already hidden friends will be displayed on the left side of the window, and when reached maximum quantity 30 people, the page will display a corresponding notification. After adding all the necessary friends to the hidden list, you need to save the changes using the corresponding button.

Setting the display of hidden friends

VKontakte allows you to hide or, conversely, display the list of hidden friends only for a certain circle of people:

  • While on any social network page, you must click the “My Settings” button on the left side of the screen;
  • Go from the “General” tab to the “Privacy” tab;
  • In the “My Page” block, find the line “Who sees my hidden friends” and left-click once on the “Only me” option;
  • Select the appropriate setting from the drop-down menu by left-clicking on it.

All actions on the “Privacy” tab are saved automatically and do not require additional confirmation. Having made the necessary changes, you can continue working on the site with the already accepted settings.

You can hide your acquaintances for various reasons. Sometimes people correspond with a large number people don’t want all their friends to read about each other. Some people are afraid that through their friends’ pages they might see photos about them or read notes that are not intended for everyone. Some people perceive closed information as elitism. That is why it is possible to hide friends on VKontakte.

Why do the settings in “friends” change so often?

VKontakte is constantly changing. Sometimes these changes make it difficult to navigate the social network space, but basically they are all aimed at improving it.

The settings of the “friends” tab are especially often subject to “reforms”. According to VKontakte developer Pavel Durov, open friend lists - main reason success of social networks. The rise in popularity of VKontakte is due to the publicity of this list. People visit pages, travel around the social network, bringing traffic and income to it. For the users themselves, the openness of the lists makes it possible to meet more and more people and expand their circle of contacts.

However, VKontakte management has to meet the wishes of users. Therefore, the ability to make friends invisible has now appeared. At first, a limit of 15 people was introduced, then it was expanded to 30.

How can you hide your friends now?

Settings management is simple. To the left of the photo, select the “My Settings” area, then the “Privacy” tab. Specify who should be visible in the list of subscriptions and friends. From the entire list of friends, you need to select “all but”, and then indicate the names of the people who should remain hidden.

Please note that only the profile owner can see all hidden friends.

Is it possible to see other people's hidden friends?

Previously, it was possible to look at hidden friends of another VKontakte user by substituting the id in various links or using online services. But now hidden friends are visible only if the user has allowed it in the “Who can see my hidden friends” settings. For example, he chose “Friends Only” there - then you can only watch if you are a “friend” of this person.

There is no other way yet. And why strive for this? Still, someone else's desire to keep their secrets must be respected.

I’ll say right away that this can only be done in the full version of the VKontakte website, in the mobile version of VK and in the VKontakte application; you won’t be able to hide a friend.

But what to do if you only have your phone at hand, and you need to hide your friend right now.

The answer is simple, you need to open mobile version VKontakte website in any browser installed on your phone, then go to the full version of VK, then hide your friend.

I will explain how to do this step by step in the instructions below.

How to hide friends on VK via phone

1. Open the mobile version of the VK website in any browser installed on your phone.

2. Go to the menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner.

3. Scroll the menu that opens to the very bottom and go to the full version of the site.

4. In the window that opens, select the browser with which to open the full version of the VK website, for me it is Google Chrome.

5. Now that it has opened before us full version social network VKontakte, go to the menu by clicking on the icon with the name in the upper right corner of the page.

6. In the drop-down menu, select “Settings”.

7. In the settings, we need to select the “Privacy” item.

8. In the “My Page” section, find the item “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions”, then follow the “All friends” link.

9. Select the friends whose friends you want to hide. Next, click on the “Save changes” button.

After completing these steps, all specified friends will be hidden. That's all for me, I wish you success.
