Someone else's phone in the ad. How to take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number? How to take revenge on a male offender, knowing his phone number

About 10 months ago, we posted several ads on indicating my spare mobile number as a contact, which is used only occasionally for international calls. Ads lived for a month and a half. Then I saw them blocked due to a repost attempt (nonsense - I don’t have the right to re-post on Avito the ad I shot. And if I didn’t sell the goods and wanted to try number 2? Well, okay, this is not the conversation - I already wrote mine earlier).

However, despite only 5 ads and their short lifespan (contacts have not been seen since) It's been almost a year since my second number has been terrorized by spammers with all sorts of completely, excuse me, idiotic promotional offers. They call from medical centers and beauty salons. Apparently, it is precisely such institutions that prefer to use such starvation of people, violating their rights to freedom of private life. There is no real connection in terms of audience intersection.

These numbers (so far all - mobile MegaFon) I corny add to the application "Black List +", because I do not see other options for dealing with them. Just a change of number. Last call was from medical center. I was walking down the street in Moscow, but for fun I said to the calling young lady:

“... I am now abroad and I pay big money for your unnecessary call to me, do you agree to compensate me for it?”

Approximately in the middle of this tirade, the young lady already politely interrupted me in a memorized robotic voice:

"... all the best to you, goodbye."

This medical unit did not want to compensate for the "roaming call". Although the bill for their services, for sure, would be very “roaming”, and the divorce would be in full. About the same as in dentistry.

Why is this happening?

Avito's bulletin board doesn't give a damn about your personal life and phone numbers that will have to be sent to the trash. Moreover, by buying a SIM card only for temporary use on Avito, you then doom its next owner to godless spam calls. It’s not good either - you don’t have to think only about yourself?

Phone numbers of sellers on Avito are published in the public domain. And it doesn't matter that they are disguised as a picture. A parser - a collector of numbers for spammers - just needs to understand simple logic and they will be converted into numbers. Just as the standard captcha does not work for a long time.

Taking into account the fact that Avito is a very visited site and there are a lot of “stingy people who pay twice” (the lion’s share of the audience) sitting on it, it is a great place for any kind of scam by scammers (for example, stealing money from Sberbank cards) and / or spammers.

How do spam calls work?

For "cold calling" on the collected base, remote call centers are most often used, which stupidly (in the literal sense of the word) do this according to a pre-designed scenario. I once had to write a script for a call center myself. Not for spam, don't think, for an online store. But the logic is the same.

In the Mind Manager program, a kind of pyramid map is drawn up, starting with a greeting when you call and then expanding depending on the question / answer scenario. Its logic follows, similar to the programming language: if you asked this, the answer is such and such, otherwise, the next branch of the dialogue. Somewhere the conversation can be looped. Somewhere to end "management is not in place now, call back later." It never exists, by the way, and it doesn’t even know about it :).

That is why asking an impenetrable aunt calling you “where did you get my number from?” useless. The script will answer: "your number was randomly selected by the computer." Try to argue with it. If you are very zealous, they will simply say goodbye to you. Until next time. It is useless to swear - I repeat, my aunt is impenetrable and stress-resistant. It is unlikely that it will be possible to bring it to clean water even “well, just humanly” - if the script is written correctly - there is no such turn of events. You will never be shown something that is not in the script, even if you start rolling on the floor in hysterics. Better save your nerves and take everything calmer. You can demand to remove your number from the call list for the future, but in 90% of cases this does not help. Therefore:

How to fight?

Almost nothing. Only very rare large companies who really know what CRM is (in Russia, these are rather an exception and they are unlikely to come to you with Avito) and understand which, perhaps, future client is better left alone. The rest of you will just keep pummeling you. Therefore simply:

a) Do not shine a valuable phone number for you on Avito. If you really need it, stock up on a temporary SIM card or virtual number IP-telephony with call forwarding.

b) If the number still got into the spam call, use the "black list" applications, everything is not forever - maybe over time they will leave you alone. The only thing is that callers more often also use temporary mobile numbers or the numbers are always defined different. Therefore, try to live according to the principle of item a).

c) Another option is not to use the services of Avito and similar "garbage heaps" in principle. By the way, you don't have much to lose.

You can take revenge on a person in different ways, but how to do it, knowing only his phone number, is a practically insoluble question for some. However, although small, the offended side has the opportunity to cause some trouble. But you should act carefully, because there is always the possibility that the avenger will be calculated by IP or his number.

How to take revenge on a male offender, knowing his phone number?

The psychology of men has a certain peculiarity - they hate to give up, and will until the last look for an avenger for punishment. That is why you can take revenge on a male offender persistently, but carefully so as not to get caught.

The Achilles heel of almost any man is his car. Therefore, the first thing that can be done is to place advertisements for its sale on various resources for almost nothing. Not only will the phone be cut off, but also the self-esteem of the car owner will be greatly damaged. In the absence of a car, you can “sell” anything through ads.

The suspicion of non-traditional sexual orientation will also infuriate any normal man. To make this happen, you can place ads looking for a friend on the appropriate resources.

Many websites for sale various means for potency or sex toys ask buyers for a phone number to confirm the purchase. After ordering a lot of such goods on the offender's phone, just a flurry of calls will fall on him.

A rather cruel way to take revenge is to play the role of a troll on some resource, and then give the offender's phone number to the angry opponents.

Here are a few more ways to piss off an offender:

  • you can torture a person with endless calls through the auto-dial service;
  • through the service alarm clock, the victim can be awakened daily by neither light nor dawn;
  • through the service of free messages, you can fill up the offender with an avalanche of SMS messages;
  • a lot will come to the phone various spam, if you connect mailings on sites offering promotions, discounts, loans, etc.

How to take revenge on a woman by phone number?

Some methods intended for men, after making some adjustments, are quite capable of unbalancing a woman. For example, you can place a lady's number on a resource where "priestesses of love" offer their services. However, with a flurry of incomprehensible or frightening calls and SMS spam, a woman is likely to quickly change her phone number.

With the ability to endure and wait, revenge on a woman can be more sophisticated. For example, portray a secret admirer. Few women can resist the onslaught of a romantic and persistent gentleman who, by hook or by crook, got the number of his beloved and bombards her with lyrical and frank messages. And the correspondence that has become intimate can be demonstrated to the husband, friend or acquaintances of the lady.

How to punish a person, knowing his phone number, and not get into trouble?

Thinking about revenge, it should be borne in mind that some methods are far from harmless. According to the law, one cannot disturb people's night sleep, dissolve discrediting, spoiling property, insulting. Legal revenge may consist of collecting evidence of the wrongdoing of the offender and filing a complaint with law enforcement agencies. You can report to the police for vandalism, theft, threats, harassment, etc.

And if the offender did not do anything that can be presented at the court session, it is best to refuse revenge altogether. Treat the dirty tricks of this person as the acts of a narrow-minded individual. And revenge, most likely, will be committed by life itself. After all, a person always boomerangs what he sends.

    The computer plays no role. Announcements are identified by phone number. You can put the second one in the same section, but only for a fee. With one phone number, there can only be one active free ad in each section.

    Well, if I really needed it and I don’t have any money for a firebox, then yes, you can so brazenly steal benzo, my friends were doing this and right now I think they are doing it because they haven’t caught anyone yet.
    Mlyn, yes, right now, many are stealing electricity, water, gas, .... etc.

    So the reality is not very real.

    Just add this number to the BLACK list on your phone and you will not be called from this number, and you will see when you received a call from this number.

    I have not heard of such a service.
    In any case, if you want someone to not be able to get through to you, then look for a special program on the Net - there are such. Install it on mobile phone, and just add any number to the black list. As a result - if a person calls from a mob that is in the blacklist, then he hears in the answer - a signal that the line is busy.
    The meaning is that the program itself resets the call. On the phone screen, you won't even notice it. It's like no one called.

    372 --- if I'm not mistaken))

    you need a passport to get a loan, as well as to withdraw money through a bank
    And to withdraw money from an ATM, you need a PIN code for the card.
    it’s just impossible to do anything in Latvia without a passport and pin code

    And to approach the girl and talk tactfully, is it not destiny? How the hell are we supposed to know

    when my friends and I were 12-13 years old... they dialed.. they called... sometimes music.. then they chatted.. and then they called the trust service for children: DD and so they divorced my aunt ... memories of childhood: xDD
