How to write a complaint to Beeline if your home Internet or connection is not working or due to poor service? How to complain about Beeline? A sample complaint and where to submit it. In whose name should the complaint be written to Beeline.

Do you use telephone and Internet services from Beeline? Have you started to notice that the service has become poor quality? Do you think that you are unreasonably overpaying for communications?

Do you need to go all the way (up to filing a lawsuit) if your rights have been violated?


In 2015, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications issued a Concept that established that communications should be secure, accessible and stable. The goal of all operators and providers in the Russian Federation is for 80% of citizens to be satisfied with the services provided.

Who has the right to write a complaint against Beeline? To which authorities should subscribers file a complaint? To answer these questions, you should refer to the federal legislation in the field of communications and consumer rights protection, as well as Rules No. 1342 established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

You can complain about Beeline both to the organization itself and to government bodies. The main thing is to correctly draw up a claim and state the essence of what happened.

Responsibilities of the telecom operator

The activities of Beeline, like other providers in the Russian Federation, are regulated by the Federal Law “On Communications” and the Rules governing services telephone communication № 1342.

  1. Clause 5 Art. 44 Federal Law No. 126 says that connecting new communication services is possible only with the consent of the subscriber. Beeline must notify the citizen in advance about the tariffs for such services, their content and cost;
  2. Art. 44.1 established that mailing from an operator is illegal if there is no consent of the citizen - a separate agreement to receive it;
  3. 45 determined that changing the service contract is legal with prior notice individual 2 months before changes;
  4. Art. 63 established the obligation to maintain the secrecy of telephone calls and correspondence. An exception is viewing and listening to correspondence by court decision;
  5. Clause 24 of the Rules obliges the provider to notify users of tariff changes 10 days in advance.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Rule No. 1342, the company can transfer subscriber data to other persons only with the written consent of the subscriber.

Communication must be carried out around the clock, the provider must promptly eliminate faults that impede the use of the Internet and telephone.

Violation of these requirements (the full list of responsibilities is enshrined in paragraph 24 of the Rules) gives citizens the right to write a complaint to Beeline.

The activities of any operator, including Beeline, are regulated by the Federal Law “On Communications”. Violating it can result in serious fines for the company.

Reasons for complaining about Beeline services

Each subscriber has the right to demand clarification from the company if:

  • Money is regularly debited from his account for an unknown reason;
  • Internet speed is much less than stated in the contract;
  • A citizen receives a newsletter on his phone without his permission;
  • There is no quality of telephone communication that allows normal communication in your region (noise, interference, loss of sound);
  • The account was blocked for an unknown reason;
  • Were connected paid services without notifying the subscriber;
  • The Internet was not connected within 3 days after the client topped up the subscriber account;
  • The provider changed the tariff or service agreement without warning.

Today, the most common “unauthorized” withdrawal of money from a phone account is the so-called wap subscription. The trouble is that they usually connect it without the user’s knowledge. To do this, just click on a “dubious” advertisement or watch a video on a dubious website.

Impolite treatment, refusal of employees to solve the problem, purchase of low-quality products in the store also give reason to complain about Beeline.

Complaint to the head office or to the Beeline website?

Initially, the user should contact the company itself. If managers refuse to help, ask for a complaint book. Beeline management is obliged to eliminate the violations within 3 days and send a response to the applicant no later than 5 days. The measures taken must be recorded on the back of the application.

How to write a complaint in the complaint book:

  1. Indicate the date of contacting management;
  2. Draw up the text of legal requirements;
  3. Apply your personal signature and fill out your personal contact information for feedback.

Initially, the victim should still contact the company itself

Management’s refusal to provide a book or its absence are grounds for contacting Rospotrebnadzor (Article 55 of Federal Law No. 126).

Where can a subscriber complain if the Beeline office is located far away or travel for personal appeal is impossible?

  • Call the hotline (8-800-700-06-11; 0611);
  • Leave a request on the official website of the company (;
  • Send an application through a special mobile application or to email provider [email protected].

These methods are effective for solving current communication problems. To compensate for material damage, losses and moral compensation, complaints are made to supervisory authorities.

Institutions controlling the activities of providers

Where can a subscriber complain if peaceful negotiations with Beeline management did not lead to an improvement in the quality of communication services?

A complaint against Beeline is the basis for an inspection of the company by:

  1. Rospotrebnadzor;
  2. Roskomnadzor, a service that supervises telecom operators and Internet providers;
  3. Regional branch of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  4. Prosecutor's Office;
  5. Vessels.

Beeline management is obliged to eliminate the violations within 3 days and send a response to the applicant no later than 5 days. The main thing is to record the fact of transmission of that very complaint

A complaint against Beeline to Rospotrebnadzor must contain:

  • Beeline office name and address;
  • Applicant's full initials, telephone number and registration;
  • Number of the contract for the provision of communication services;
  • Description of violations of contract or law by the operator;
  • Links to requirements violated by the provider;
  • Personal signature and date of preparation of the paper.

Write your complaint correctly, do not include insults or threats. You can print the application on a computer or make an electronic appeal (a sample is on the website of the supervisory authority).

What do Beeline subscribers most often complain about? To poor communication, including Internet connection, to expensive and unprofitable tariffs, to customer service. Many complaints about unauthorized changes tariff plan to a more expensive one without notifying the subscriber. In addition, there are situations when the operator sells poor quality product in your online store. What to do? Complain! Depending on the situation, this complaint can take the form of a simple message in an online chat, or it can be a completely serious pre-trial claim. Let's look at how to write a complaint against Beeline if the operator provided poor-quality services or sold a faulty product.

Contacting Beeline

You can contact Beeline in different ways: leave a request on the website, write an email, call the support service, write to the operators in the chat. The fastest way to get a response is by calling an employee or sending him a message in the chat. You can draw the operator’s attention to your problem if you leave a comment on review sites. But you will have to wait several days for an answer.

Figure 1. Feedback on the company’s work and its response

Leave it on the official website

The Beeline website has a special form that allows you to leave a message on any topic. It's called "Electronic Assistant". This is a kind of book of complaints. To use it, do this:

Wait for a response. Sometimes you have to wait a long time. The dialogue can be saved or ended at any time by clicking the appropriate buttons at the bottom of the form.

Send an email

It is impossible to find a Beeline email address on the official website. It is not listed anywhere, neither in the “Contacts” section, nor in the “Help and Support” section. But we still managed to find emails for requests - [email protected] And [email protected]. Compose a letter, tell us about your problem and indicate your name and phone number.

Figure 4 Discussion on VKontakte

A written appeal can also be submitted at the Beeline office. Find the nearest one on the website or dial *392# “Call”, then proceed as follows:

  1. Visit the office.
  2. Ask the employee for the application form.
  3. Fill it out, preferably in 2 copies.
  4. Give it to the employee and make sure it is registered.
  5. Wait for a response.

The response arrives within 2 weeks to the address specified in the application.

Call support

Each operator product has its own hotline:

  • 8 800 700 06 11 or 0611 – all questions regarding mobile communications;
  • 8 800 700 00 80 - USB modems;
  • 8 800 700 9966 [email protected]home phone, Internet;
  • 8 800 700 5060 – “Intercity” card;
  • 8-800-725-5-725 and [email protected]– regarding online store questions.

There are also various support forums where connection issues, switching to a tariff and others are discussed.

Figure 5. USB modem forum

But judging by the reviews, it is almost impossible to get through to specialists.

What's the matter? Maybe this is done on purpose. This is exactly the kind of thinking that a review from a former Beeline employee prompts.

Supervisory authorities

Customers turn to regulatory authorities when they cannot solve a problem through the support service. An official appeal must be prepared in a special way and sent electronically and in writing.


If you believe that your rights as a buyer have been violated, and the operator does not want to resolve the problem peacefully, contact Rospotrebnadzor. In doing so, consider the following points:

  • the length of the appeal text cannot be more than 4 thousand characters;
  • if there are several files, arrange them in the form of an archive;
  • The size of the archive and attached file cannot be more than 5 MB.

Beeline operator on the market cellular communications for more than 10 years and provides not only telephony services, but also access to the Internet and digital television. In order to provide consistently high-quality services throughout the country at the same time, user comments are very important. But very often these requests can take the form of complaints rather than comments. For example, when a company exceeds its authority by imposing needed by the client services and charges for them.

A complaint against Beeline can be submitted in several ways, which we will consider below in the article, and company employees are obliged to respond to it, solving the problem in the shortest possible time. Activities of the provider on the territory of the Russian Federation by Rules No. 1342 on the regulation of telephony services and Federal Law No. 126 “On Communications”. They set out the following standards:

  • The operator has the right to connect new services only with the consent of the subscriber, having previously notified him of the tariffs and conditions (clause 5, article 44, Federal Law No. 126);
  • The operator’s mailing is illegal if there is no client’s consent and an agreement on its provision is not signed (Article 44.1 of Federal Law No. 126);
  • Changes to the contract must be notified 2 months before the changes (Article 45 of Federal Law No. 126);
  • The secrecy of correspondence and telephone conversations also the direct responsibility of the operator, except for cases when listening and viewing is permitted by a court decision (Article 63 of Federal Law No. 126);
  • Changes in the tariff plan must be notified at least 10 days in advance (clause 24 of Rules No. 1342).

Among other things, referring to paragraph 5 of Rules No. 1342, the company does not have the right to transfer subscriber data to third parties without his written consent to do so.

Everyone has the right to write a complaint against Beeline and submit an appeal if at least one of the above points is not observed. It is advisable to submit a complaint to Beeline in a systematic manner bad connection. Employees must provide paid communications 24/7, eliminating faults in the shortest possible time.

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Reasons for filing a complaint

You can write a complaint to the Beeline company or to a higher structure (if the operator ignores the appeal) on the following grounds:

  • Complaint about the quality of communication of the Beeline operator;
  • Suspension or modification of the contract without notice;
  • Description of money without a reason known to the subscriber;
  • Impediment to termination of the contract;
  • Paid subscriptions from Beeline and claims to connect services without the user’s consent;
  • Spam messages and messages from scammers;
  • Rudeness, rude treatment of hotline employees, staff at points of sale, specialized departments;
  • Unprofessional consulting, due to which you cannot get details of the tariff plan, connected services, terms of the contract, and so on.

With the help of an officially submitted claim to the provider and operator of Beeline (see sample document below in the article), you can demand the return of money debited from your account erroneously, paid for services connected without your consent, as well as for services that were not actually provided.

Where is it better to complain about Beeline?

When thinking about where it is better to send a claim to Beeline, first of all it makes sense to visit any Beeline office. On the company’s website in the “Offices and Coverage” section, you can find the points closest to you by address and see their location directly on the map online. Each specialized department must have a Beeline complaint book, where you can write down your complaint by photographing it afterwards. The management undertakes to eliminate the violations within three days and give you a response to the address and telephone number you left no later than within five days.

In the complaint book entry, you must enter the date of your appeal, clearly state the situation and your legal requirements, and leave personal data and information for contacting you.

If the reason for the appeal concerns the financial side, return cash, you should file a complaint about the service and work of Beeline by filing a claim statement. We’ll look at where to submit it and how to do it next.

Call the support line

The fastest way to file a complaint is at any time with the Beeline hotline. Telephone numbers for receiving complaints:

  • 8 800 700 0611 ;
  • 0611 ;
  • +7 495 797 2727 – for subscribers staying in the zone international roaming Beeline.

The call center employee, remaining on the line, will check necessary information, and will also advise on your further actions if the cause of your dissatisfaction could not be eliminated immediately.

Through your personal account on the operator’s official website

It’s not faster, but it’s more convenient to write a complaint against Beeline online - from the company’s official website by logging into personal account. The application is received by the support department, for which you need to go to the specialized form in the contacts section. In your personal account, when filling out an application to the support service, do not forget to fill out the feedback form. You can send a claim to Beeline through your personal account after registering it.

To obtain information, just click the “Ask a Question” button, which is located in the upper right corner, but in this case, the answers are sent not by a person, but by a program.

It is no less convenient to write your complaint to Beeline via email. Email address for complaints against Beeline: [email protected]. The text requirements will be the same no matter where or how you choose to file your claim. Write it in a timely manner and referring to legislative acts so that the Beeline company cannot evade responsibility.

Through mobile applications and social networks

Modern information Technology allow you to write your complaint to the company’s management even using a smartphone in a matter of minutes:

  • Through the Beeline application - for this you need to first download and install the program on your mobile device, and then select a form of communication with the operator;
  • Contact support on the operator's official community page in social networks– the employees on duty are online almost all the time, so you won’t have to wait long for an answer.

Complain to Rospotrebnadzor or court

You have the right to file a complaint against Beeline with Rospotrebnadzor if the company itself does not respond to your complaint or wrongfully refuses to satisfy your demands. A prerequisite is that before complaining to Rospotrebnadzor, an official appeal directly to the violator is mandatory. You must have documentary evidence in your hands that you really contacted Beeline and tried to resolve the situation peacefully.

The competence of Rospotrebnadzor includes control over compliance with consumer rights and supervision of the implementation of IP, legal entities, government agencies of their direct obligations. But this structure begins to act only upon filing a complaint, which cannot be anonymous.

You can submit an application with complaints about the work and actions of Beeline personally to the territorial department, by registered mail or on the Rospotrebnadzor website. You can also contact us by phone 8 800 100 00 04 .

However, complaints regarding the return of money and recalculation of fees for services are not within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor. The court may satisfy such requirements.

Complain to the OPP about Beeline

Another organization to which a claim against Beeline’s actions can be filed is the Consumer Rights Protection Society (CPS). Here you can get qualified advice on your issue and help in resolving it.

Ways to contact the OPP:

  • Dispatch email to the address [email protected].
  • Call the hotline at +7 915 300 4182.
  • By registered mail with return notification and a list of attachments (in Moscow to the address Smolensky Boulevard, 7).

However, property disputes this organization still won't solve it.

How to properly file a complaint

Let's take a closer look at how to make a claim to Beeline correctly. The requirements for preparing such a document remain the same regardless of the method of submission. According to them, Beeline's claim, as an official letter, must include the following information:

  • Legal name of the addressee and shipping address (even if it is electronic);
  • Information about the applicant - last name, patronymic, contact information for feedback;
  • Date, place of the event, full name of the company employee who was involved, a clear and consistent statement of the situation, what measures have already been taken;
  • What documents confirm your words (they are attached to the application);
  • What articles of law and regulations were violated;
  • Clear requirements in accordance with the law;
  • What do you intend to do if your claim is denied (for example, go to court and demand monetary compensation for something);
  • The date the document was compiled and your personal signature (for a letter on paper).

The use of obscene language or threats in a letter is a legal basis for rejecting it immediately without consideration.

Before you write a complaint to your Beeline in electronic form, please note that the email size is only 2000 characters. Therefore, it makes sense to pre-type it in text editor and adjust it so that it becomes as concise and to the point as possible.

The documents that you can attach to an electronic complaint can be in almost any format, but on the Rosreestr website, for example, there is a size limit of no more than 2 MB.

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Sample claim to Beeline

The sample claim presented below can be used in all cases, adjusting the text to suit your individual situation:

PJSC VimpelCom and VEON Ltd.

(address where the complaint is sent)

From (last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant),

residing at:


Nom. Phone _________________

Claim for _________________________

I have been a Beeline subscriber since 2010 under contract No._______ (tariff “___________”). In the same year, through a specialized department of your company at the address ________________________, I submitted a statement that I categorically prohibit connecting me to any services without my knowledge and written consent.

From March 16 to April 18, 2017, an amount of _________ rubles was debited from my personal account.

By calling 0611, the support service informed me that money had been written off for certain services rendered to the “Content Provider 1st Alternative” account. This was the first time I heard about this organization and their services; I did not sign an agreement with it, nor did I order any services.

The action with the transfer of money took place without my knowledge and consent, therefore it is illegal in accordance with Articles 980 and 981 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and also violates Federal Law No. 121 of 06/03/2009.

In connection with the above, I demand:

1 Return to me the written-off amount in the amount of __________ rubles.

2 Bring me a written apology.

3 Tell me the names and positions of the employees who are guilty of the violation.

I am enclosing the complaint:

1 A copy of the application to prohibit the connection of services to me without my knowledge and consent.

"___"_______20___year (personal signature)

On in this example You can also see a sample of how to write your complaint to Beeline.

You can submit a claim form against Beeline for submission to Rospotrebnadzor.

Time limits for consideration of a complaint

As stated in Federal law No. 126, the company undertakes to consider the essence of claims against Beeline within a maximum of 30 days from the date of registration of the appeal. Three days are allotted for registration itself. Moreover, if the registration date falls before weekends or public holidays, the registration date is considered the first working date after them.

If the addressee does not give an official response within the specified period, this is a violation and gives grounds to apply further to Rosreestr, OZPP, the prosecutor's office or the court.

The law allows for an extension of the period for consideration of a complaint by another thirty days if the situation is complicated by any circumstances, but in any case the applicant must be notified of this within the first thirty days.

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Beeline is one of the leaders in providing mobile and Internet services to the population. The company is large and almost a quarter uses it Russian market. Of course, to maintain attractive prices, Beeline often changes the names of tariffs and launches new ones, which confuses consumers. There are often statements that it is generally unclear why the provider wrote off this or that amount. Cases of services not provided on time also arise quite often.

What to do if you are sure that your rights have been violated, and at your own expense? How to complain about a company?


In other words, why you might complain. The list of fairly compelling reasons is small, since Beeline is doing everything possible to reduce the flow of negative requests and maintain its reputation. However, the operator is required by law to accept any of your claims as they are the service provider for a fee. As long as you pay, the law is on your side. Especially the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

So, It makes sense to file a complaint in cases:

  • if the operator provides you with a low-quality service - in our case, communication
  • if your phone number is blocked without any warning
  • if you are rude to call center employees or managers at a retail outlet
  • if they don’t let you switch to another operator, they refuse to terminate the contract with you and put up obstacles in every possible way so that you don’t “leave”
  • if money was written off that should not have been written off - you did not activate any service or were not aware of the change in the tariff
  • they send you spam, they call you from different numbers and introduce themselves as Beeline employees.

One of these reasons is a good reason to think about what you're paying your money for. Accordingly, you can file a claim and submit it to Beeline so that the company changes its policy or resolves the unfortunate incident.

Where to complain

There are several ways to complain about Beeline. Below we will look at each of them.

To the organization itself

It is logical that you need to go to Beeline itself, no matter how much you would like to immediately run to higher authorities so that “they will sort it out there.” Usually, going directly to the culprit of your problem seems too unpleasant and futile. Because, since your rights have already been violated, there is no guarantee that they will not violate it again, or, even worse, they will declare you guilty.

However, the law protecting consumer rights should not be discounted. It says that first, in pre-trial order, you need to try to resolve the issue with the service seller himself- this way you will have more evidence of illegal actions on hand, if any arise. And also, perhaps, your problem is solved quite quickly and all clarifications can be received within half an hour. Don't discount this.

So, you can complain to Beeline:

  • by calling the company's hotline( 8 800 700 8378 , +7 495 7972727) ;
  • by coming to the office (service center or head office in your city).

Before contacting, consider what exactly you want to receive from the operator, be it immediate termination of the contract or the return of your illegally deducted funds.

Hotline conversations are most often recorded and you should be warned about this, so when choosing this method, first calm down and don’t get excited. This way you have a greater chance of success.

The official website accepts complaints in three options:

  • through your personal account in the section " feedback" or "support";
  • using a robot that works using the “ask a question” button - if you complain, it will redirect you to the operator responsible for solving your problem;
  • “feedback” form - fill out, send, wait for a response by email or call.

Hotlines are typically used when a problem needs to be resolved quickly. By calling the number listed on the Beeline website, you can speak directly with a company representative who will accept your complaint or request for a solution to the problem.

In specialized service centers you will also meet managers face to face. This is where most filings take place, as you will likely want to have written confirmation that your case is being considered. To file a complaint at the office, you need:

  • make it in two copies;
  • bring it to the office;
  • register with an employee.

The last point is very mandatory, because if the employee does not put his initials and surname on one of the copies of the complaint, it is considered to be not filed. It will be impossible to prove that you complained at all - so be sure to demand such a mark. This will emphasize your awareness of the law and, in critical cases, will be an excellent help for proceedings “from above.”

If you want to complain about an employee’s rudeness, you can always use the Complaint Book in the office itself. However, remember: a complaint is not a claim; with its help you can only draw the attention of senior managers to the inappropriate behavior of an employee or the work of the store. If you need to solve problems with bills, money, contracts, it is better to first seek a solution to the problem itself, and in case of refusal, write in the Book of Complaints.


All telecom operators are accountable to the Ministry of Communications - Roskomnadzor - and it also controls their daily activities and the legislative framework. They complain to Roskomnadzor if it is discovered that Beeline provides low-quality communications. This can be either your testimony or more thorough checks with the help of experts.

The complaint is drawn up in free form, however, you should indicate the essence of the problem, the actions of employees to solve this problem, and also attach copies of documents confirming your veracity or the fact of your problem. Competent presentation leads to more competent answers from the Ministry. If you want clarification or guarantees that Roskomnadzor will check Beeline, use a friendly tone when you contact.


This organization protects your rights as a consumer and buyer. Accordingly, you can contact her to check whether Beeline is not violating your rights - that is, any complaints about contracts, poaching customers, rudeness or refusals to return funds go through Rospotrebnadzor.

Make sure that your consumer rights have been violated before going to Rospotrebnadzor, because it only checks compliance with the law.

In other cases, the organization may refuse to consider your application altogether.

To the prosecutor's office

You can complain to the prosecutor's office if Beeline violates your rights as a citizen. For such a statement, a serious violation of the point of sale or an individual employee is necessary. The application is drawn up according to the sample, but it is advisable to know what exactly Beeline violated - which points of the law, which civil rights.


Few people know this abbreviation, but it hides behind it a public service that guards the Antimonopoly Law. A complaint should be sent to the FAS about any evidence of fraud on the part of Beeline or its employees, since the organization investigates economic crimes against the population. This includes complaints about financial violations of contracts between the company and consumers of services.

The application and evidence are provided by you in the same way as in the case of complaints to other authorities.


The last and most serious measure, used only in rare cases. If none of the above organizations can help or answer you, you have the right to seek protection of your rights in court. In this case, after filing a claim, proceedings will begin with the involvement of all of the above organizations, if the problem so requires.

Beeline will have to pay legal costs if the trial ends in your favor. However, it would be useful to enlist the support of a lawyer, witnesses and have in hand refusals or other documents from the Prosecutor's Office, Roskomnadzor, FAS or Rospotrebnadzor.


A complaint against Beeline is drawn up in free form, indicating all relevant information about the case. You can find a sample on the Internet - on the websites of the organizations where you are filing a complaint. A well-drafted complaint necessarily refers to the provisions of the law, so do not be lazy to check the legislation before taking any action.
