How to set a password on a modem. How to set a password on a Wi-Fi router: instructions that are clear to everyone

It often happens that you set up the Internet through a router, but forgot to put a password on Wi-Fi or failed due to inexperience. I propose to resolve this issue.

(I will record a video lesson very soon, but for now the text version)

First of all, be sure to connect the blue cable to your computer. It usually comes with the router and is used for configuration. Insert one end of the blue cable into the computer, and the other into the router connector. It will turn out like this:

Now go to Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings and make sure that you have Local Area Network connected. If not, then turn it on.

And now to the most important thing!

How to set a password for Wi-Fi

First of all, we need . All changes are made through the web interface. Therefore, we launch any other browser and enter the address Depending on the router, the address may differ slightly. You can view it on the back of the device.

So, having entered the address in the browser, press Enter.

Before setting a password for Wi-Fi, you need to log in.

Enter the username and password for the router itself. Usually the login is admin, and the password is either 12345678 or also admin. But the trick is that most often the person who changes this password for security purposes. Therefore, if the standard ones do not suit you, then you need to find out the data from the original source, that is, from the technician who set up the router for you.

After logging in, we will find ourselves in the settings. Depending on the router, the interface may differ, but the essence is the same. We need to find the WI-FI section and go to Security Settings.

Select the authentication type WPA2-PSK and then a new field will appear: Encryption key where we can register a password for WI-FI.

The wireless Wi-Fi network, that is, the transmission of data over the air using radio waves, is increasingly pushing aside wired networks based on wires. And there is an explanation for this - Wi-Fi is simply more convenient. Until recently, wired networks dominated, since the speed of information transfer via Wi-Fi was extremely low. But technology does not stand still, and an example of this is the IEEE 802.11ac wireless standard, which reaches speeds of up to 6.77 Gbps (although it will be adopted as a standard in early 2014, but it’s a matter of time). But in wireless computer networks it is very important to remember about protection, since anyone can connect to it, and this article will tell you how to password-protect a Wi-Fi router, a wireless network, and other points regarding protection from uninvited guests.

Wi-Fi protection logo

Let's look a little more closely at the question - what are these passwords, and why are there two of them? The fact is that the router is configured via the web interface. This means that a person, being behind a wall or on the street, can connect to the router and simply “kill” it, getting pleasure from it. To do this, we set the first password requested when entering the device settings menu.

The second password is for connecting to a wireless network. That is, having discovered Wi-Fi, we click “connect”, and suddenly a request appears to enter a password. If the user doesn’t know it, then that’s it, stealing someone else’s Internet won’t work.

Protecting the router's web interface

First, let's look at protection against unauthorized configuration of the device. As a rule, the username and password are already preset by the manufacturer, but it is the same for all devices (“admin” + “1234” for ZyXEL, and “admin” + “admin” for other manufacturers). Everyone knows this, and therefore the default password must be changed immediately, the first time you enter the settings.

The name and password are indicated on the bottom of the router

Let's look at several of the most common models of how to screw up the entrance.

Router one

The first one will be D-Link dir3000.

First router

We connect to the router via a computer, launch any web browser, and enter in the address line. The router will ask you to log in - enter the factory name and password.

Login to settings

The settings menu will open. Go to the “System” menu, in the drop-down list click “Administrator Password”. A window with password settings will open.

Changing the administrator password

Attention! To ensure that the password is complex, but also not to forget it, it is convenient to use the mac address or serial number of the router, which are indicated on the label under the bottom of the router!

The device will immediately reboot and prompt you to enter the menu using a new password.

Router two

The second device we will consider is from the manufacturer TP-Link, model tl-wr740n.

Second router

Entering the settings menu is identical to the previous one. The appearance of the menu, of course, is different, and Russification is not available on all firmware versions. But it’s still not difficult to make out. Select the “Maintenance” menu, then the “System Tools” submenu, then the “Password” sub-item.

Changing the administrator password

In the “Old User Name” and “Old Password” fields we write the current name and password, in the third line we write the new user name, in the next fourth and fifth lines - the new password. We remember the settings changes by clicking the “Save” button.

The router will also automatically reboot, and log in with a new username/password.

We learned how to password protect a router, then we will get acquainted with the second part of the topic - protecting the wireless network itself. The requirement to enter a password appears when you try to connect to a Wi-Fi network with another wireless device - a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.

Entering a password to connect to Wi-Fi

The technology will also be discussed using the example of previous routers. It is important to understand the essence, in this case it does not matter which router, this procedure is the same for everyone.

Router one

Let's start with D-Link dir3000. Go to the settings menu again, select “Wi-Fi” in the initial window, then select the “Security Settings” submenu.

Setting up a Wi-Fi password

The Network Authentication list offers several password encryption technologies to choose from. The most crypto-resistant, that is, unhackable, is recognized as “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”. Let's choose it. Next, in the “Encryption key” field, we come up with and write our password, which is subject to several requirements:

    The key cannot be shorter than 8 characters;

    The key should consist exclusively of letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers, preferably mixed;

    Letter case matters.

Save the settings by clicking the “Change” button in the lower right corner.

Router two

Setting up Wi-Fi security

Select the encryption type “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”, and write our password in the “PSK Password” line. Password requirements are the same as on the previous router (as for all others).

Click “Save” to save the settings.

You can also study this procedure using a video lesson:

Your WiFi router - this small box with antennas and wires - is the heart of your home network, to which your computer, laptop, phones and even your TV are connected. Therefore, any normal person has a question - how to protect the router from strangers and unauthorized access from neighbors, hooligans and the like. Installing protection on a Wi-Fi router is quite simple, in fact. All you need is desire, a head on your shoulders and straight arms. Everything else will definitely work out!

WiFi router protection - basic settings

In order to install the maximum level of protection on your router, which will help you avoid attacks from hooligans and similar individuals, follow these steps:

1) Set a password to enter the router settings.
You cannot leave the factory password (admin, 1234, password, router, etc.)! Moreover, this will protect you not only from intruders, but also from modern viruses that attack modems and routers. Make the password more complex and at least 8 characters long.

2) Update the router firmware. Quite often, attackers use vulnerabilities in the firmware to hack a router. In 2018, thanks to identified firmware vulnerabilities, hundreds of thousands of routers around the world were hacked. The developers are taking action quite quickly. Therefore, go to the manufacturer’s website, download the latest version of the software and reflash your router.

3) Protect WiFi as much as possible.
To do this, it is necessary, I emphasize - mandatory, to activate the security protocol WPA2. Encryption is also required to be selected.AESand in no case TKIP!

The Wi-Fi password deserves special attention. It should be complex, consist of letters and numbers, at least 8, or better yet, 10 characters long!

4) Disable WPS.
No matter how complex the WiFi password you set, hooligans will hack the router in a maximum of 48 hours if you leave WPS PIN technology enabled. Therefore, it must be disabled.

So, above I have listed four main steps that will allow you to protect your Wi-Fi router from outsiders, which can protect your home network in 8 out of 10 cases. There are a few more tricks that will help you protect your WiFi network, but I will tell you about this in a separate article!

This manual will describe in detail the process of setting a password for a Wi-Fi wireless network on ASUS wireless routers. The guide is equally suitable for almost all routers (consumer segment), including ASUS RT-G32, RT-N10 and N12, as well as other popular models (different firmware will be discussed).

By protecting your network with a password, you will not only prevent unauthorized people from using your Internet access (and the resulting slowdown in your speed), but also more serious possible consequences: for example, if you are not particularly versed in Windows network settings, you may find yourself that a neighbor will rummage through your documents and photographs, but you won’t know about it.

Login to the router web interface

The first thing you need to do is go to the Wi-Fi router settings. It will be better if you set the password from a computer that is connected by wire to the device (but it is also possible via Wi-Fi, I will try to take into account and describe possible problems with this option).

Launch your browser and enter in the address bar - this is the standard address for entering the settings of ASUS routers. It is also indicated on the sticker on the back, and there you will also find your username and password for logging in, usually admin and admin in both fields. (If they do not fit, it means you changed them during the initial setup, there are two options - remember or reset the device to its factory state. This is not a password for the wireless network, but a password for administering the Wi-Fi router settings).

Two options for the web interface for setting up Asus routers

Once entered correctly, you will be taken to the settings web interface, which may look like the image above. If you have an ASUS RT-G32, you will most likely see the option on the left; on ASUS RT-N10 and RT-N12 - a dark web interface (although on older firmware there may be the first option). The process of installing protection on a wireless network is no different.

Setting a password on ASUS Wi-Fi

In the web interface of the router settings, select “Wireless Network” from the menu; in fact, all parameters are set here, including the password for the Wi-Fi network. The picture above shows the settings on the new firmware version, below there will be a screenshot with the old configuration web interface.

  1. The SSID item specifies the public name of the wireless network by which you identify your network among all others. Don't use Cyrillic.
  2. The authentication method (Wi-Fi encryption type) is recommended to be set to WPA2-Personal as the most secure.
  3. The WPA pre-shared key is the Wi-Fi password, enter the desired one, containing at least 8 characters, do not use Cyrillic and special characters.

Click "Apply" and wait for the wireless network settings to change.

If you were connected to the router via a wireless connection when making these settings, the connection with it will be disconnected and you may see an error in the browser window. All you need to do is reconnect via Wi-Fi to the ASUS router, but with new parameters.

We study the web interface in more detail, and notice the section where they are produced. There you can either set a password or change it.

As we see in the example of ASUS, in order to access the section, you need to go to the “Wireless Network” link and then go to “Advanced Settings”.

Step #3. Set a password for the WI-FI router.

In the section with WI-FI settings, select the authentication method, then the encryption algorithm, and then enter the key password) to access WI-FI.

  1. Where “authentication” is indicated, you must select WPA2. This is a new product and at the same time a good security option.
  2. We will set the encryption algorithm to “AES”.
  3. Well, don’t forget about the password for WI-FI. To do this, use the “Key” field and enter a set of numbers and letters there.

After making the settings, do not forget to save, and then, if necessary, reboot the router itself.

These steps are enough to set up a password for WI-FI. When you continue to connect to the network, .

That's all for me! I hope you already know how to set a password for a wifi network in just a couple of clicks. If you still have questions for me, please ask them in the comments. And don’t forget to enter your email address at the end of the article and receive my lessons there. Peace to everyone!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky
