How to fill out a postal money order. Sample of filling out the form f.112EP

Date of publication: 04/03/2015

Form 112EP or form 112EP— a new Russian Post form for accepting postal transfers addressed to individuals or legal entities. This form is filled out by the sender who used the CyberMoney service, that is, the postal money transfer service.

Currently, Form 112EP is also used when sending parcels by cash on delivery; in this case, part of the form is filled out by the sender of the parcel with cash on delivery.

In this article I will tell you how to fill out the Form 112ep and provide a sample of the form with a detailed description.

So, below is a sample of filling out the form f.112ep (to enlarge the picture, click on it). For clarity, the completed data is highlighted in red.

When filling out your passport information, do not forget to indicate the authority and code of the department that issued your passport. Date of birth is also required.

In addition, in the specially designated fields, you can indicate your mobile phone number and (or) the phone number of the addressee (payment recipient). When you specify this information, you will receive an SMS notification on your phone about the receipt of a postal order or about the payment of a postal order, depending on whose number you specify. The cost of the SMS notification service is 1 ruble per message. A very useful and inexpensive service.

Russian Post also provides a service for delivering money transfers to your home. The cost of this service is 1.77% of the transferred amount, but not less than 29.5 rubles per transfer. To activate this service, you must check the appropriate box on the form f 112ep.

Filling out form 112EP to send the parcel by cash on delivery

Please note that the sender of the money transfer must indicate his passport details and put his signature at the bottom of the form.

If you are using this form for, then you will only need to fill out the top fields:

  • in the postal order field - indicate the amount of cash on delivery;
  • in the fields To whom, where— indicate the data of the sender of the parcel, that is, your data;
  • in the fields From, Sender's address— indicate the details of the recipient of the parcel, that is, the person who will transfer the money to you.

When filling out the form, do not forget to check the box next to cash on delivery:

Download form form 112EP

You can download this form in an Excel table: template f.112ep in Excel. You can also fill out this form on your computer at home.

Russian Post forms

To process any postal money transfer, both in Russia and abroad, you need to visit a Russian Post office, take a standard postal transfer form in form 112ef (f. 112ef) and fill it out in accordance with the established rules, but the form can also be downloaded through Internet, and then print and fill out. Postal transfer form to be filled in:

  • by an individual when making a transfer to both an individual and a legal entity;
  • by a legal entity when processing a postal money transfer to an individual.

Form "Postal transfer f.112ef"

The postal order form f.112ef has a front and back side. The procedure for filling out the sides of the form is as follows:

  • the front side is filled in by the sender, and only in the space outlined in bold;
  • the reverse side - by the recipient (addressee) of the postal order, and also only in the space outlined in bold.
Front side of the postal order form f. 112ef looks like this:

postal order form f.112ef (front side)

The reverse side of the 112 ef postal order looks like this:

postal order form 112eff (reverse side)

Rules for filling out the postal transfer form 112ef

To the sender To fill out the postal money transfer form you will need:

  • Passport;
  • Accurate information about the recipient (addressee) of the postal money transfer (full name or company name, exact address, post office box number, postal code);
  • Index and address of the place of residence (registration) of the sender of funds or the address of stay;
Recipient(addressee) to fill out the postal transfer form will need:

  • Passport of the recipient (addressee);
  • Migration card indicating the temporary place of registration for foreign citizens.
Sender and recipient addresses funds indicated on the front side of the postal transfer form (form 112 ef) and accepted for sending within the territory of the Russian Federation are filled out:
  • in Russian
  • in the state language of the corresponding republic, subject to their repetition in Russian, if the postal transfer is carried out within the territories of the republic within the Russian Federation.

The postal transfer form must be filled out legibly, either in ink (preferably in block letters), or on a typewriter or using other printing equipment. Corrections when filling out form 112 eff are not allowed. In addition, the recipient's index is filled with stylized numbers in ink of any color, with the exception of red, yellow and green. Stylized numbers are written like this:

stylized postal digits

When filling out a postal transfer form to send funds by a legal entity or to receive funds from a legal entity, you must know and fill out the following data of this legal entity:

  1. Bank details of the organization:
    • current account
    • name of the bank in which the organization's current account is opened;
    • bank correspondent account;

  2. The postal address at which the legal entity is registered and the actual location address, if they do not match.
Address details on postal money transfer forms are written in the following order:

  1. for a legal entity - full or short name, for a citizen - last name, first name, patronymic;
  2. bank details (for postal transfers sent to a legal entity or received from a legal entity);
  3. street name, house number, apartment number;
  4. name of the locality (city, town, etc.);
  5. name of the area;
  6. name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);
  7. postal code.

The address of the recipient (addressee) in the postal transfer form is filled in by the sender based on the type of receipt:

  1. “on demand” – the name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous district, name of the locality and post office are indicated;
  2. through a mailbox - indicate the name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region), name of the locality, post office and post office box number.
  3. by place of residence - indicate the name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous district, name of the locality, street name, house number and apartment number;

Sample of filling out the postal transfer form

I will give an example of filling out a postal transfer form for an individual, where the sender is Ivan Viktorovich Ivanov, and the recipient (addressee) is Sergey Ivanovich Ivanov. A sample of filling out the postal order form is filled out on the front and back sides:
The front side of the sample for filling out the postal transfer form 112ef:

Sample of filling out the front side 112eff

The reverse side of the sample for filling out the postal transfer form f. 112eff

Sample of filling out the back side of the postal order form

Postal transfers are accepted at post offices with the obligatory indication of the sender's address. When a postal money transfer is accepted, the sender is given a receipt. The receipt indicates the type and category of the postal order, the surname of the addressee (name of the legal entity), the name of the postal facility of destination, and the number of the postal order.

Remember that when filling out the postal order form, it is very important to clearly and correctly write the region code, because this will speed up the delivery of the postal order to its destination, because Russian Post uses automated mail sorting technologies.

Money can be saved, exchanged for consumer goods, given, transferred and transferred. Transfers can be made through the banking posting system. Or just regular mail.

The latter form of money transfers has long proven itself to be the best. But when you first come across the correct filling out of a postal transfer form and, in general, with this entire system, you need to be prepared in advance so as not to do anything stupid.

A postal transfer is essentially a transfer of money to the postal service, and it will then transfer it to the addressee through its channels. This refers to the personal delivery of money to an individual. In this case, all money is transferred personally and there is no participation of the bank in crediting the accounts.

Payments are made only by mail and in cash only. Each such postal transfer is issued on the appropriate form. The postal transfer form is a formal document in which the necessary details are filled in, on the basis of which the entire process is carried out. When filling out the form, be sure to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the person to whom the money is sent (transferred) and his actual place of residence (postal) address.

Typically, a postal transfer in its form is an agreement with the postal service. The latter assumes the responsibility for delivering the corresponding amounts from one individual to another. At the same time, the postal service is not limited to sending money.

Her responsibilities include delivering funds directly to a specific individual, returning the money and receiving a receipt for the action taken. In the event that you send money to a specific person, and he is not there, the address is not correct, or the person simply does not exist, then problems arise.

The postman simply cannot deliver money to the addressee. But this does not mean that all is lost. In any case, you will get all your money back. There are times when the sender refuses to accept returned money. In this case, you should behave according to the letter of the law. And the law prescribes that all funds that were not claimed by the sender are assigned to temporary storage, from where they can be received upon demand.

Such storage usually lasts up to six months. All things and funds are stored in a specially equipped room. They can be returned to the owner provided that he claims them. If the claim period has expired, then the material assets (letters) are destroyed.

If funds have not been claimed, they come under the jurisdiction of the postal authority responsible for storage. In this case, postmen simply have the right to spend the stored amount on personal needs and all this in accordance with the law. This is regulated by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Postal transfer is a common practice in postal shipments. Each citizen has the right to transfer a certain amount of money to another citizen. To do this, he can easily and simply use postal services.

The post office takes responsibility for delivery, a certain percentage for the provision of services and delivers the money personally to the addressee. If such delivery cannot be made, funds in cash are transferred back to the sender. If he refuses or cannot pick them up within six months, then the postmen themselves can dispose of them. It's simple! Postal transfer is very fast and simple and every citizen can use this option for transferring money.

Date of publication: 04/03/2015

Form 112EP or form 112EP- a new Russian Post form for accepting postal transfers addressed to individuals or legal entities. This form is filled out by the sender who used the CyberMoney service, that is, the postal money transfer service.

Currently, Form 112EP is also used when sending parcels by cash on delivery; in this case, part of the form is filled out by the sender of the parcel with cash on delivery.

In this article I will tell you how to fill out the Form 112ep and provide a sample of the form with a detailed description.

So, below is a sample of filling out the form f.112ep (to enlarge the picture, click on it). For clarity, the completed data is highlighted in red.

When filling out your passport information, do not forget to indicate the authority and code of the department that issued your passport. Date of birth is also required.

In addition, in the specially designated fields, you can indicate your mobile phone number and (or) the phone number of the addressee (payment recipient). When you specify this information, you will receive an SMS notification on your phone about the receipt of a postal order or about the payment of a postal order, depending on whose number you specify. The cost of the SMS notification service is 1 ruble per message. A very useful and inexpensive service.

Russian Post also provides a service for delivering money transfers to your home. The cost of this service is 1.77% of the transferred amount, but not less than 29.5 rubles per transfer. To activate this service, you must check the appropriate box on the form f 112ep.

Filling out form 112EP to send the parcel by cash on delivery

Please note that the sender of the money transfer must indicate his passport details and put his signature at the bottom of the form.

If you use this form to send a parcel by cash on delivery, you will only need to fill out the top fields:

  • in the postal order field - indicate the amount of cash on delivery;
  • in the To, Where fields - indicate the data of the sender of the parcel, that is, your data;
  • in the From, Sender's Address fields - indicate the details of the recipient of the parcel, that is, the person who will transfer money to you.

When filling out the form, do not forget to check the box next to cash on delivery:

Download form form 112EP

You can download this form in an Excel spreadsheet: template f.112ep in Excel. You can also fill out this form on your computer at home.

Address label for the package. When sending small packages, you will need to fill out a special address label form. Please note that all fields of the form must be filled in in Latin letters. It is necessary to enter information about the sender: last name of the citizen or name of the organization, country, locality, address and postal code. As well as recipient data: last name, country, state, region, province, locality and zip code.

Postal transfer according to form 112ef

When filling out the recipient's data, the sender must indicate in a special line the name of the recipient's country in Russian.

Address label for a parcel or parcel.

It is also filled out in Latin letters and contains the same columns as the form intended for sending a small package abroad.

Covering address. Required when sending international items with declared value. Filled in Latin and letters. In addition to information about the sender and recipient, you will need to fill in the shipment parameters, which indicate the declared value of the shipment and the amount of cash on delivery.

Customs declaration.

The form is attached to items sent abroad and is filled out in Latin letters. The declaration contains data on the category of the item: gift, documents, commercial sample of goods, etc. The sender will also need to enter data on the name of the items, their quantity and declared value (in the case of sending a valuable item). If the sender does not declare the value of the item, then a dash must be placed in the “Declared Value” column.

Claim statement.

The claim statement for international shipments is identical to the claim statement, which is filled out in the event of claims arising when sending shipments across the territory of the Russian Federation. The form is filled out in Russian.

Form for international EMS shipments. The form is filled out in Latin letters and, in addition to information about the sender and recipient, contains such a column as the category of the item.

In this column you must enter information about the type of item being sent. The following categories are available for selection: gift, documents, commercial sample of goods, return of goods, etc. The sender will also need to indicate the name of the items being sent, their quantity, cost and weight. You will also need to select the action that will need to be taken if the shipment cannot be delivered to the recipient.

This may be to return the item (paid service) or leave it unclaimed (for items without declared value).

Postal forms

Order form for Russia.

Sender data fields are skipped during charging (the "Skip" property is set).

Entry elements are loaded in an empty form.

To fill individual characters, Label elements are grouped and are one character wide. The tag name is written in the Setup Text property of the first element in the group.

If you want to enter numeric data, the merged "Napis" elements are the current ones.

This is not suitable for entering individual characters of overlaid text, so for such labels, set the "Fill individual characters in table cell" flag, in which case the "Address" elements in the group are filled by the software, as well as by the cells in the table.

Banking data fields are conditionally blocked, depending on the “Forward to settlement” checkbox.

Box with label.

Fill window.

Document completed:

Upload the document

Despite computerization and the ability to download quickly, many continue to send money through Russian mail to the address where you want to fill out an email form 112ef - a standard document that is entered in accordance with certain rules. Download the form online from the hotel and follow it to print and fill out correctly.

Who fills out postal forms by mail:

  • an individual - in the same way as sending money to an individual either to the postal address of an entrepreneur, or to a legal entity;
  • A legal entity can also send money to a citizen through a transfer.

Fill out the mail transfer form 112ef

The key point in the formation of forms is the correctness and accuracy of information about the recipient of the money - such as his personal data, first name, last name, patronymic, or - the name of the institution and the current address of residence.

The postal code will significantly speed up the delivery and receipt of funds by the addressee.

Form 112EP. Mail order form

Russian Post uses automated object classification technology.

The rules require charging:

  1. in Russian (in autonomous republics a second state language with double text in Russian is allowed),
  2. in black or blue,
  3. without any adjustments.

You can use a typewriter or other methods - for example, if you want to download a mail application form online, fill it out on your computer and print it out using a printer - the contractor will be all too happy to scrape a properly formatted address instead of writing the letters.

As you can see in the sample - print or write, this will require a lot of data, but there is one shade - try not to "climb" on the lines surrounded by a thick line.

It's best to start writing a small legible piece at a time, otherwise you'll have to rewrite the document.
The recipient of your money will be a bit lucky - they will only have to write on the back, and more often than not the operator will have already completed their data from the transfer message given to them.

All that remains is that you translate the manually received quantity in the line + specify the number and signature with a decryption.

Sending money to a legal entity address must be made known to the sender and therefore to fill in the actual data:

  1. Correspondent account;
  2. bank name;
  3. organization's current account;
  4. BIC of the banking institution where the recipient opened a bank account.

Important: often the legal entity registered in the documents is not identified, so it is more appropriate to indicate the actual business address.

The recipient's current address should be given the same serious consideration as his personal details and, where appropriate, indicate:

  • “On request” - index, exact name of the region - Republic, region, joint-stock company, settlement and post office;
  • “Mailbox” - add the subscription window number to the above data;
  • place of registration (place of residence) - index, settlement, district, republic (region, land), house number and housing number.

Only the accuracy of the completed item guarantees delivery and quick absorption of the transferred funds. After all, money is not a postcard and should be avoided when sending.

What documents do you need to send funds:

  1. passport;
  2. money;
  3. exact information about the recipient.

You can now download Form 112ef below link (in a 0.3MB WORD document)

If you want to receive money, you need a passport or other identification document.

Secret: Sometimes you don't need to know about the notification that the transfer has been made - just enough to complain to the operations officer that he can always see that he received his money and will help fill out the back of the blind form 112 ef, which describes where and how the recipient is recorded.

There are several ways to fulfill alimony obligations, but not all of them are universal. Personal transfer allows you to save on bank services, but hostile relations between former spouses will become an obstacle. An additional inconvenience is the preparation of receipts. Transferring alimony payments to a bank account is also not always suitable. Branches of a financial organization are not present in all localities.

Many payers send alimony payments by postal order to avoid these inconveniences.

Advantages and disadvantages of translation

Postal transfer has a number of advantages.

  • There are liaison offices throughout the Russian Federation. Their number significantly exceeds the number of Sberbank branches. You can get funds even if you live in a small village.
  • The recipient will not have to issue a bank card and pay the cost of servicing it.
  • The transfer of money is carried out indirectly. If there is a conflictual relationship between parents, this method allows you to avoid unpleasant meetings.
  • The recipient of the funds will not have to visit the company where the debtor works to transfer cash.
  • The post office issues a document confirming receipt of the amount sent.

There are also disadvantages to this method of calculation.

  • Russian Post takes a larger commission for payments than banks.
  • The sender and the recipient will be forced to wait their turn, since customers are served for a long time.
  • The terms for making payments via mail are longer compared to bank transfers.
  • When sending money, it takes a long time to fill out the necessary information.

It is necessary to choose this method of transferring funds taking into account the listed advantages and disadvantages.

Types of transfers and terms for their implementation

The payer can send different types of transfers.

  1. Addressed or unaddressed. In the first option, the money is sent to a specific post office. The other parent will only be able to pick them up there. Addressless transfer allows you to receive funds by visiting any post office in the city.
  2. Urgent and ordinary. Money sent using the expedited service arrives within a few hours. With a regular transfer, the recipient will be able to withdraw the money after a longer time.
  3. With or without home delivery. For a certain surcharge, postal employees can deliver money to the recipient’s place of residence. In the usual manner, funds are issued by specialists from the liaison office.

Another difference concerns the timing of money delivery.

  • Western Union Services, offered by post offices. It allows you to receive payment for 5 minutes. The downside will be the higher cost of translation.
  • Sending via QIWI terminals to post offices. The money will come to next business day.
  • Sending using bank card debtor. The other parent will be able to receive funds for next business day.
  • Usage "CyberMoney" service for foreign transfers. The deadline for receiving funds is from 2 to 8 working days.
  • Special translation of "Fast and Furious". The recipient will be able to pick up the funds after an hour. If a debt amounting to more than 100 thousand rubles is transferred, then the execution period will be up to 2 days.
  • Standard postal transfer delivered within 8 days after registration.

Transfer from individuals

Before transferring funds, you must check that the form is filled out correctly. The document must contain complete information.

  1. In the field with the transferred amount, the amount of money sent is indicated in numbers and words.
  2. The column about the recipient must contain the full name of the other parent.
  3. In the field with the recipient's address, you must indicate the postcode, full name of the region, locality, street, house and apartment.
  4. The column about the sender is filled out with his full name.
  5. In the address information field, complete information about the payer’s place of residence is entered.
  6. It is necessary to fill out the “message” column. The purpose of the payment is indicated, for example, “child support for June 2017.” The absence of this information may become the basis for the formation of debt.
  7. In the field about the presented document, the passport details of the debtor are entered.
  8. In the citizenship column, nationality is indicated.
  9. Next is the signature.

To quickly complete the document, you can use the sample for filling out a mail order of alimony located above.

Transfer from organization

An agreement on alimony, a writ of execution or a court order can be presented to the accounting department of the enterprise where the debtor works. From each salary and bonus, he will be required to withhold funds for the maintenance of the child.

Before sending collected alimony payments by postal order from an organization, you must check all the data in the form.

  • The employer is required to provide information about the number of days the debtor worked during the month, the amount of earnings received and personal income tax withheld from it, and the amount transferred for the maintenance of the minor.
  • A link to the document providing the basis for the recovery is required. It is a notarial agreement, a writ of execution or a court order. You must indicate the number and date of its registration.
  • The purpose of the payment is to pay off the accumulated debt for a particular period (you must indicate its balance), as well as the fulfillment of current obligations for the month.

The company must issue a power of attorney for the employee who sends the money.

Payment of expenses

All fees are paid by the debtor when sending money. He does not have the right to deposit them by reducing the transfer amount. Otherwise, the obligations to support minors will not be fully fulfilled and the debt will begin to accumulate (the writ of execution refers to a certain amount of alimony going to the other parent).

If the commission is too high and does not suit the payer, then parents can agree on another method of sending funds.

Possible problems

Difficulties when transferring funds by mail may be of a technological nature. Such cases include:

  • failures of the money sending system;
  • the debtor does not have a passport when trying to transfer funds or the other parent does not have a passport when visiting to receive them.

There are also legal problems.

  • The money may not arrive because the debtor or his employer did not send it. In this situation, you will have to contact bailiffs and ensure that these persons fulfill their obligations.
  • The parent sending the funds does not identify them in any way. In such a situation, the recipient has the right to apply for alimony and collect the money again if the available transfers are not enough.

Using mail to transfer funds for the maintenance of minors makes sense if the recipient or sender lives in the outback. Under other circumstances, it is easier to use more comfortable and faster payment methods.
