PHP environment variables. Everything you need to know about environment variables in PHP Translation

Immediately before starting the script, the server passes it some environment variables with information. Certain variables contain some headers, but not all (you can't get all the headers).

HTTP_ACCEPT- This variable lists all MIME data types that can be accepted by the browser. The line */* means that the browser understands any type.


HTTP_REFERER- This variable represents information about the page from which the user came to this one. You can use this variable, for example, to track a user's movement around your site and then view the most popular routes.


HTTP_COOKIE- This variable stores all URL-encoded Cookies.


HTTP_USER_AGENT- Identifies the user's browser. To establish the browser type, you need to check this line for the presence of words: if the browser is Internet Explorer, then the MSIE substring will be present, and if only the word Mozilla is present, then this is Netscape.

HTTP_USER_AGENT= Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT 4.0)

You have Internet Explorer

HTTP_HOST- Contains the domain name of the Web server on which the script ran. This variable is quite convenient to use, for example, to generate the full path, which is required in the Location header so as not to be tied to a specific server.


HTTP_FROM- Email address of the user who sent the request.


SERVER_NAME- Domain name or server IP address.


SERVER_SOFTWARE- The name and version of the server program responding to the client request.

SERVER_SOFTWARE= Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_jk/1.2.8 mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP-CGI/0.1b

SERVER_PORT- This variable contains the server port that the user's browser accessed. Typically this is 80. The variable can also be used to form the Location header parameter.


SERVER_PROTOCOL- The variable contains the name and version of the information protocol that was used for the request.


REMOTE_ADDR- This variable contains the IP address (or domain name) of the user's host on which the browser was launched.


REMOTE_PORT- The port that is assigned to the user's browser to receive the server response.


REMOTE_USER- The identification name of the user sending the request.


SCRIPT_NAME- Contains the name of the file containing this script. This variable is convenient to use when forming the Location header when redirecting to yourself (self-redirect), as well as for substituting the value of the action attribute of the tag

on the page that the script calls when launched without parameters (in order not to be tied to a specific script name).


DOCUMENT_ROOT- Root directory of the Web document tree.


REQUEST_METHOD- The method the user uses when transferring data. It should be noted that a well-written script should itself determine, based on this variable, which method the user is using, and receive data from the appropriate source, and not expect that the transfer will be carried out, for example, only by the POST method.


QUERY_STRING- Contains parameters that appear after the question mark in the URL. Let us remind you that they are available both with the GET method and with the POST method (if in the latter case they were defined in the action attribute of the tag ).

QUERY_STRING= ss=getenv

PATH_INFO- Contains additional information about the path.


PATH_TRANSLATED- The same information as in the PATH_INFO variable with a prefix that specifies the path to the root directory of the Web document tree.


CONTENT_TYPE- Media data type of the request.


CONTENT_LENGTH- Returns the number of bytes of data sent by the user. This variable needs to be analyzed if you are accepting and processing a POST form.

GATEWAY_INTERFACE- The version of CGI that the server uses.


Environment Variables

Environment Variables:

echo "You came from: ".getenv("HTTP_REFERER")."
if(strpos($br,"MSIE")!==false) echo "You have Internet Explorer
else echo "You have Netscape or others.
echo "Your IP: ".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")."
echo "Here are the parameters in the browser line: ".getenv("QUERY_STRING");


In PHP, variables begin with a dollar sign ( $ ). This character can be followed by any number of alphanumeric and underscore characters, but the first character cannot be a digit or an underscore. You should also remember that variable names in PHP are case sensitive, unlike keywords.

When declaring variables in PHP, it is not necessary to explicitly indicate the type of the variable; however, the same variable can have different types throughout the program.

A variable is initialized when a value is assigned to it and exists as long as the program is executed. That is, in the case of a web page, this means that until the request is completed.

External Variables

After a client request is parsed by the web server and passed to the PHP machine, the latter sets a number of variables that contain data related to the request and are available throughout its execution. First PHP takes environment variables your system and creates variables with the same names and values ​​in the PHP script environment so that scripts located on the server can access features of the client's system. These variables are placed in an associative array $HTTP_ENV_VARS(You can learn more about arrays in Chapter 4).

Naturally, array variables $HTTP_ENV_VARS are system dependent (since it is actually environment variables). You can view the values ​​of environment variables for your machine using the env (Unix) or set (Windows) command.

PHP then creates a group of GET variables that are created when the query string is parsed. The query string is stored in a variable $QUERY_STRING and represents the information following the symbol " ? " in the requested URL. PHP breaks the query string character-by-character & into individual elements, and then looks for the "=" sign in each of those elements. If the "=" sign is found, a variable is created with a name from the characters to the left of the equal sign. Consider the following form:

action = "http://localhost/PHP/test.php" method=" get">HDD: type=" text"name=" HDD"/>
CDROM: type=" text"name=" CDROM"/>
type=" submit"/>

If in this form you type, for example, “Maxtor” in the HDD line, and “Nec” in the CDROM line, it will generate the following request form:


In our case, PHP will create the following variables: $HDD= "Maxtor" and $CDROM= "Nec".

You can work with these variables from your script (we use test.php) as with ordinary variables. In our case, they are simply displayed on the screen:



"); echo("


"); ?>

If a page request is made using the POST method, then a group of POST variables appears, which are also interpreted and placed in an array $HTTP_POST_VARS.

Environment Variables

Environment Variables in PHP

Immediately before starting the script, the server passes it some environment variables with information. Certain variables contain some headers, but not all (you can't get all the headers). Below I will provide a list of the most important environment variables.


This variable lists all MIME data types, which can be interpreted by the browser. The line */* means that the browser understands any type.

HTTP_ACCEPT= image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/msword, */*


This variable represents information about the page from which the user arrived at this one. You can use this variable, for example, to track a user's movement around your site and then view the most popular routes.



This variable stores all URL-encoded Cookies.

HTTP_COOKIE= hotlog=1; ZDEDebuggerPresent=php,phtml,php3; b=b; PHPSESSID=16805922a9258cda274316e60f649cf8


Identifies the user's browser. To establish the browser type, you need to check this line for the presence of words: if the browser is Internet Explorer, then the MSIE substring will be present, and if only the word Mozilla is present, then this is Netscape.

For example:

HTTP_USER_AGENT= Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MyIE2; Maxthon)


Contains the domain name of the Web server on which the script ran. This variable is quite convenient to use, for example, to generate the full path, which is required in the Location header so as not to be tied to a specific server.



Email address of the user who sent the request.


Domain name or server IP address.



The name and version of the server program responding to the client request.


This variable contains the server port that the user's browser accessed. Typically this is 80. The variable can also be used to form the Location header parameter.


The variable contains the name and version of the information protocol that was used for the request.



This variable contains the IP address (or domain name) of the user's host on which the browser was launched.


The port that is assigned to the user's browser to receive the server response.


The identification name of the user making the request.


Contains the name of the file containing this script. This variable is convenient to use when forming the Location header when redirecting to yourself (self-redirect), as well as for substituting the value of the action attribute of the tag on the page that the script calls when launched without parameters (in order not to be tied to a specific script name).


The root directory of the Web document tree.


The method the user uses when transferring data. It should be noted that a well-written script should itself determine, based on this variable, which method the user is using, and receive data from the appropriate source, and not expect that the transfer will be carried out, for example, only by the POST method.


Contains the parameters that appear after the question mark in the URL. Let us remind you that they are available both with the GET and POST methods (if in the latter case they were defined in the action attribute of the tag ).


Contains additional information about the path.


Same information as in the variable PATH_INFO with a prefix specifying the path to the root directory of the Web document tree.


Media data type of the request.


Returns the number of bytes of data sent by the user. This variable needs to be analyzed if you are accepting and processing a POST form.


The CGI version the server is using.

Example of using environment variables

Environment Variables

Environment Variables:

echo "You came from: ".getenv("HTTP_REFERER")."


if(strpos($br,"MSIE")!==false) echo "You have Internet Explorer

else echo "You have Netscape or others.

echo "Your IP: ".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")."

echo "Here are the parameters in the browser line: ".getenv("QUERY_STRING");

From the book The Art of Programming for Unix author Raymond Eric Stephen

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From the book Application Development in the Linux Environment. Second edition author Johnson Michael K.

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Immediately before starting the script, the server passes it some environment variables with information. Certain variables contain some headers, but not all (you can't get all the headers). Below I will provide a list of the most important environment variables.


This variable lists all MIME data types, which can be interpreted by the browser. The line */* means that the browser understands any type.

HTTP_ACCEPT= image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/msword, */*


This variable represents information about the page from which the user arrived at this one. You can use this variable, for example, to track a user's movement around your site and then view the most popular routes.



This variable stores all URL-encoded Cookies.

HTTP_COOKIE= hotlog=1; ZDEDebuggerPresent=php,phtml,php3; b=b; PHPSESSID=


Identifies the user's browser. To establish the browser type, you need to check this line for the presence of words: if the browser is Internet Explorer, then the MSIE substring will be present, and if only the word Mozilla is present, then this is Netscape.

For example:

HTTP_USER_AGENT= Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MyIE2; Maxthon)


Contains the domain name of the Web server on which the script ran. This variable is quite convenient to use, for example, to generate the full path, which is required in the Location header so as not to be tied to a specific server.



Email address of the user who sent the request.


Domain name or server IP address.



The name and version of the server program responding to the client request.


This variable contains the server port that the user's browser accessed. Typically this is 80. The variable can also be used to form the Location header parameter.



The variable contains the name and version of the information protocol that was used for the request.



This variable contains the IP address (or domain name) of the user's host on which the browser was launched.


The port that is assigned to the user's browser to receive the server response.


The identification name of the user making the request.


Contains the name of the file containing this script. This variable is convenient to use when forming the Location header when redirecting to yourself (self-redirect), as well as for substituting the value of the action attribute of the tag on the page that the script calls when launched without parameters (in order not to be tied to a specific script name).


The root directory of the Web document tree.


The method the user uses when transferring data. It should be noted that a well-written script should itself determine, based on this variable, which method the user is using, and receive data from the appropriate source, and not expect that the transfer will be carried out, for example, only by the POST method.


Contains the parameters that appear after the question mark in the URL. Let us remind you that they are available both with the GET and POST methods (if in the latter case they were defined in the action attribute of the tag ).


Contains additional information about the path.


Same information as in the variable PATH_INFO with a prefix specifying the path to the root directory of the Web document tree.


Media data type of the request.


Returns the number of bytes of data sent by the user. This variable needs to be analyzed if you are accepting and processing a POST form.


The CGI version the server is using.

Example of using environment variables

Environment Variables

Environment Variables:

"; $br=getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); if(strpos($br,"MSIE")!==false) echo "You have Internet Explorer
"; else echo "You have Netscape or others.
"; echo "Your IP: ".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")."
"; echo "Here are the parameters in the browser line: ".getenv("QUERY_STRING"); ?>

Environment Variables

Environment Variables in PHP

Immediately before starting the script, the server passes it some environment variables with information. Certain variables contain some headers, but not all (you can't get all the headers). Below I will provide a list of the most important environment variables.


This variable lists all MIME data types, which can be interpreted by the browser. The line */* means that the browser understands any type.

HTTP_ACCEPT= image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/msword, */*


This variable represents information about the page from which the user arrived at this one. You can use this variable, for example, to track a user's movement around your site and then view the most popular routes.



This variable stores all URL-encoded Cookies.

HTTP_COOKIE= hotlog=1; ZDEDebuggerPresent=php,phtml,php3; b=b; PHPSESSID=16805922a9258cda274316e60f649cf8


Identifies the user's browser. To establish the browser type, you need to check this line for the presence of words: if the browser is Internet Explorer, then the MSIE substring will be present, and if only the word Mozilla is present, then this is Netscape.

For example:

HTTP_USER_AGENT= Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; MyIE2; Maxthon)


Contains the domain name of the Web server on which the script ran. This variable is quite convenient to use, for example, to generate the full path, which is required in the Location header so as not to be tied to a specific server.



Email address of the user who sent the request.


Domain name or server IP address.



The name and version of the server program responding to the client request.


This variable contains the server port that the user's browser accessed. Typically this is 80. The variable can also be used to form the Location header parameter.


The variable contains the name and version of the information protocol that was used for the request.



This variable contains the IP address (or domain name) of the user's host on which the browser was launched.


The port that is assigned to the user's browser to receive the server response.


The identification name of the user making the request.


Contains the name of the file containing this script. This variable is convenient to use when forming the Location header when redirecting to yourself (self-redirect), as well as for substituting the value of the action attribute of the tag on the page that the script calls when launched without parameters (in order not to be tied to a specific script name).


The root directory of the Web document tree.


The method the user uses when transferring data. It should be noted that a well-written script should itself determine, based on this variable, which method the user is using, and receive data from the appropriate source, and not expect that the transfer will be carried out, for example, only by the POST method.


Contains the parameters that appear after the question mark in the URL. Let us remind you that they are available both with the GET and POST methods (if in the latter case they were defined in the action attribute of the tag ).


Contains additional information about the path.


Same information as in the variable PATH_INFO with a prefix specifying the path to the root directory of the Web document tree.


Media data type of the request.


Returns the number of bytes of data sent by the user. This variable needs to be analyzed if you are accepting and processing a POST form.


The CGI version the server is using.

Example of using environment variables
