Social network for scientists. For researchers

An important stage of scientific research is choosing a topic and assessing the degree of development of the problem. In modern conditions of an avalanche-like growth of information, the problem of choosing a topic becomes even more complicated: a scientist is simply unable to keep track of all publications in his own field (not to mention related fields). In addition, at the initial stage of research, it is quite difficult (those who wrote a candidate’s dissertation know) to track the process of studying one’s own field at the present stage (i.e., to obtain up-to-date information about who, where and what is doing, what publications are coming out, what dissertations are defended, etc.). Currently, this task is made easier with the help of scientific social networks, which allow scientists to track (and in some cases download) the latest publications on their own, establish contact with each other, and also provide some additional opportunities. Let's take a closer look at some popular social networks for scientists. This review is not intended to be exhaustive; When choosing social networks, I was guided by the following criteria: 1) internationality (which is why the review did not include services aimed at scientists from a particular country) and 2) interdisciplinarity (first of all, I was interested in social networks that can be used by scientists from a wide variety of countries) specialization; this is why the review does not cover services aimed at representatives of any one specific discipline). I will be very glad if, with the help of readers, it is possible to expand and supplement this list.

A service that combines the functionality of social networks and microblogging services such as Twitter and Tumblr. Allows you to find people with similar scientific interests, receive information about their scientific achievements and follow their publications. Some works can be downloaded in .pdf format
Russian scientists are present on the site, but their number is small; however, this is more of a plus than a minus: turning to the works of foreign colleagues sometimes allows you to look at the topic being studied from an unexpected angle, and information on current foreign publications can be very useful. How can this resource help in organizing and planning scientific work? With its help, you can track current publications, identify current trends in the study of a topic, assess the degree of its development and outline your reading range. The service's weaknesses include an insufficiently thought-out search tool: there is no way to specify search queries, search by research area, etc. Personally, I use this service to keep up with the latest publications on topics that interest me; Sometimes I download full texts of works.

A social network for scientists with fairly broad capabilities. Allows you to receive up-to-date information on publications, dissertations, and conferences. After entering information into the profile, the system offers each user a list of researchers and publications with similar interests, and makes book recommendations (the mechanism is somewhat similar to that used to search for neighbors and select music recommendations on However, the search for researchers with similar interests seems insufficiently accurate and reliable: the system matched me with people whose scientific interests do not intersect with mine at all.
There is a semantic search tool that allows you to track publications both in the site’s internal database and in external sources (including such large text databases as PubMed, CiteSeer, arXiv).
Using this service, you can also assess the degree of development of problems, track current publications, form a reading circle on specific topics, establish scientific communication (special tools are provided for exchanging full-text versions of scientific works, etc.). It is possible to integrate with other social services (Twitter and Facebook). Using this resource, I learn about the latest publications and conferences.

Another social network, reminiscent of those described above, but more focused on finding people with similar scientific interests and organizing scientific communication than on searching for publications and working with current scientific information. I created an account on this network, but have not yet used it to its fullest. By the way, a significant disadvantage of this network is the insufficiently clear interface: a user visiting the site for the first time is not at all clear how to find friends, how to join communities, etc. There are also no clear instructions on the site.

An interesting service for processing bibliographic information; in relation to text files, it has approximately the same set of functions as in relation to audio files. You can upload both bibliographic annotations of works and their full-text versions to the site, and provide them with tags. Naturally, it is possible to search by keywords, tags and categories. Sometimes I use this service to search for texts

A specialized social network focused on communication and exchange of experience in the field of research activities. The main task of the network is to help scientists find mentors, consultants, and scientific supervisors. How can such a service help in planning your own scientific activities? By reading reports, questions and answers from colleagues, the service user can also learn about problems that he may encounter in his own research activities. Thanks to the possession of such information, he can think through his research more carefully and avoid the mistakes of his predecessors.
I have not used this service yet.

A specialized social network designed to share experiences in experimental research. The research process is displayed in the form of diagrams created in the Taverna program (a special tool for modeling the research process - similar to software for modeling business processes). Allows you to plan your own experiments, relying on the experience of your predecessors, as well as analyze the mistakes and shortcomings they made. The service is aimed primarily at natural scientists (the lion's share of materials consists of publications by doctors and biologists), but it may also be of some interest to humanists involved in experimental and field research (linguists, psychologists, sociologists).

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July 12, 2011 at 11:32 am

Social network as a tool for scientific work

  • Educational process in IT

An important stage of scientific research is choosing a topic and assessing the degree of development of the problem. In modern conditions of an avalanche-like growth of information, the problem of choosing a topic becomes even more complicated: a scientist is simply unable to keep track of all publications in his own field (not to mention related fields). In addition, at the initial stage of research, it is quite difficult (those who wrote a candidate’s dissertation know) to track the process of studying one’s own field at the present stage (i.e., to obtain up-to-date information about who, where and what is doing, what publications are coming out, what dissertations are defended, etc.). Currently, this task is made easier with the help of scientific social networks, which allow scientists to track (and in some cases download) the latest publications on their own, establish contact with each other, and also provide some additional opportunities. Let's take a closer look at some popular social networks for scientists. This review is not intended to be exhaustive; When choosing social networks, I was guided by the following criteria: 1) internationality (which is why the review did not include services aimed at scientists from a particular country) and 2) interdisciplinarity (first of all, I was interested in social networks that can be used by scientists from a wide variety of countries) specialization; this is why the review does not cover services aimed at representatives of any one specific discipline). I will be very glad if, with the help of readers, it is possible to expand and supplement this list.

A service that combines the functionality of social networks and microblogging services such as Twitter and Tumblr. Allows you to find people with similar scientific interests, receive information about their scientific achievements and follow their publications. Some works can be downloaded in .pdf format
Russian scientists are present on the site, but their number is small; however, this is more of a plus than a minus: turning to the works of foreign colleagues sometimes allows you to look at the topic being studied from an unexpected angle, and information on current foreign publications can be very useful. How can this resource help in organizing and planning scientific work? With its help, you can track current publications, identify current trends in the study of a topic, assess the degree of its development and outline your reading range. The service's weaknesses include an insufficiently thought-out search tool: there is no way to specify search queries, search by research area, etc. Personally, I use this service to keep up with the latest publications on topics that interest me; Sometimes I download full texts of works.

A social network for scientists with fairly broad capabilities. Allows you to receive up-to-date information on publications, dissertations, and conferences. After entering information into the profile, the system offers each user a list of researchers and publications with similar interests, and makes book recommendations (the mechanism is somewhat similar to that used to search for neighbors and select music recommendations on However, the search for researchers with similar interests seems insufficiently accurate and reliable: the system matched me with people whose scientific interests do not intersect with mine at all.
There is a semantic search tool that allows you to track publications both in the site’s internal database and in external sources (including such large text databases as PubMed, CiteSeer, arXiv).
Using this service, you can also assess the degree of development of problems, track current publications, form a reading circle on specific topics, establish scientific communication (special tools are provided for exchanging full-text versions of scientific works, etc.). It is possible to integrate with other social services (Twitter and Facebook). Using this resource, I learn about the latest publications and conferences.

Another social network, reminiscent of those described above, but more focused on finding people with similar scientific interests and organizing scientific communication than on searching for publications and working with current scientific information. I created an account on this network, but have not yet used it to its fullest. By the way, a significant disadvantage of this network is the insufficiently clear interface: a user visiting the site for the first time is not at all clear how to find friends, how to join communities, etc. There are also no clear instructions on the site.

An interesting service for processing bibliographic information; in relation to text files, it has approximately the same set of functions as in relation to audio files. You can upload both bibliographic annotations of works and their full-text versions to the site, and provide them with tags. Naturally, it is possible to search by keywords, tags and categories. Sometimes I use this service to search for texts

A specialized social network focused on communication and exchange of experience in the field of research activities. The main task of the network is to help scientists find mentors, consultants, and scientific supervisors. How can such a service help in planning your own scientific activities? By reading reports, questions and answers from colleagues, the service user can also learn about problems that he may encounter in his own research activities. Thanks to the possession of such information, he can think through his research more carefully and avoid the mistakes of his predecessors.
I have not used this service yet.

A specialized social network designed to share experiences in experimental research. The research process is displayed in the form of diagrams created in the Taverna program (a special tool for modeling the research process - similar to software for modeling business processes). Allows you to plan your own experiments, relying on the experience of your predecessors, as well as analyze the mistakes and shortcomings they made. The service is aimed primarily at natural scientists (the lion's share of materials consists of publications by doctors and biologists), but it may also be of some interest to humanists involved in experimental and field research (linguists, psychologists, sociologists).


  • scientific tools
  • social media
  • social services for scientists
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The development of Internet technologies, including content generated by users as a result of network interactions, allows researchers to discuss scientific problems online, watch and read publications and research results of colleagues, comment on them, and also carry out fruitful cooperation. If in other reviews the most significant sites, forums and VKontakte groups for graduate students were mentioned, here the most popular various professional multidisciplinary social networks for scientists in Russia and abroad will be listed, which provide platforms for the interaction of scientists through blogs, forums, groups on interests due to expanded functionality.

Foreign social networks for researchers

The social network is positioned as a resource for disseminating one’s own research, as well as for finding scientists and researchers with similar interests. The number of registered users is more than 10 million. This service combines the functionality of social networks and a function for microblogging. All these technologies allow scientists to find colleagues with similar scientific interests, obtain information about their scientific achievements, and monitor the publication activity of competitors. Some works can be downloaded in .pdf files.

The project allows you to post your own publications for public access and read the works of other researchers, collaborate with scientists, gain access to statistics and databases, and also create a list of researchers with similar interests, especially in the field of natural and exact sciences. The social network has more than 4 million members. Users receive a newsletter with up-to-date information on publications, dissertations, conferences, and also offers vacancies in various scientific institutes. Registering a user account is free, but when registering you must indicate a university, institute or company, and specifically your personal e-mail Confirmation of registration will be sent on this site.

Resource is intended for networking of researchers in the field of social and human sciences (law, economics, politics, philosophy, literature, management, marketing, rhetoric, communications, finance, medicine and others). Here, users, numbering more than 1.7 million, can find colleagues and access the information they are interested in. The electronic library is represented by more than 255,000 authors, abstracts and full-text versions of various articles, monographs, abstracts, scientific works of site users. The functionality provides the ability to search, contact the author, and you can make bookmarks.

A specialized social network is focused on communication and exchange of experience in the field of research activities and is intended for the exchange of experience in experimental research. Its main task is to help scientists find mentors, consultants, and scientific supervisors in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the research process. Communication among 8,000 members occurs through profile creation, networking, groups, workshops and discussion questions. It is supported mainly by European projects in the fields of biology, computer science, and geography.

Foreign services for processing bibliographic information

The service for processing bibliographic information is a free application for working with links and establishing contacts with authors based on their publications. This platform provides researchers with the ability to collaborate with bibliographic data. In this network, even with the help iPhone you can track any activity of scientists you are interested in, as well as post comments on publications, set publication ratings and make reviews of them. Most participants use this resource to post their articles, make a selection of articles for future research, and learn about the scientific interests of potential colleagues.

Online service Сiteulike how reference management software allows registered users to effectively share bibliographic references and search for them. This tool is only useful for storing links, searching for them, and exchanging links between users. It is also possible to store, organize and distribute scientific articles on various topics.

Russian networks for scientists

offers to notify colleagues about research, publish manuscripts or abstracts with links, and establish contacts with other researchers in a particular field. Currently, it has more than 44 thousand registered users, over 7 thousand thematic groups for discussions in various scientific fields, and about 90 thousand publications. Users can participate in various projects, search and offer jobs, read announcements about courses and grants, academic journals and scientific conferences.

The social network “Scientists of Russia” was founded as a project of RAE. This scientific community provides an information field for scientific contacts between scientists and specialists working in various fields of science and technology. It has over 13,000 registered people who use scientific and personal communication services to search for colleagues, correspond with them, organize meetings and online conferences, publish scientific texts, discuss scientific publications, write reviews and reviews, blogging, writing advertisements, resumes and vacancies , searching for information about scientific conferences, publications, grants, graduate schools, doctoral studies and other useful information.

The social scientific network is intended to develop communication and cooperation between scientists from post-Soviet countries. Registered project participants can find colleagues and like-minded people, exchange comments, participate in discussions and webinars, post entries in personal blogs, publish preprints of articles and interviews, receive information about grants, seek funding, learn about conferences and vacancies. A search for Ukrainian VAK journals has been introduced. Those interested can receive information about project news to their email address by subscribing.
