Articles on women's topics and useful tips.

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Almost every copywriter is interested in the question: articles on what topics will be most in demand? Despite the fact that everything in our world is impermanent, there are certain categories of topics that are in great demand. Which articles sell better?

It has been noticed that those who like to read on the Internet are mainly representatives of the fairer sex. Men prefer to watch videos. According to statistics, about 70% of Internet users who spend the most time online are women. Therefore, women's themes will always be in demand.

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Topics related to education, health, and the psychology of children are especially popular among women. Articles on the topic of relationships with men are no less in demand. Representatives of the fair sex are not left indifferent to business issues. Namely, the opportunity to earn money at home, which does not require much time. Issues of health and beauty, wedding themes - all this interests women, especially young ones. All over the world, upon reaching a certain age, not only women, but also men have a desire to start a family. The copywriter needs to take note that articles on the topic of preparing for a wedding and various tips on this matter will always be relevant.

Let's take a closer look at each topic.

The most popular topics for women's articles for websites

Currently, the popularity of Internet projects created specifically for the female half of humanity and taking into account all their interests is growing. What topics are the most popular on women's sites?

1. Fashion. A copywriter will never find himself without buyers if he writes about fashion trends or simply about various wardrobe items and accessories. However, be careful: fashion is fleeting, and there are many competitors among copywriters, and if you posted articles about fashion for the current season, then there is a high probability that you will not have time to sell it. Next season, the owner of the web resource will no longer need your article. Write about fashion trends only if you find a regular customer.

2. Makeup. We can’t imagine a women’s website without a section about makeup. Think about what articles you can offer potential buyer: make-up master classes, advice on choosing one or another cosmetic, make-up for a specific holiday, review of new cosmetics.

2. Beauty and personal care. This is a very relevant and extensive topic. Women of all ages need advice on maintaining youth and beauty. You can write about face and body care, sell recipes for masks and scrubs for the body and hands.

3. Losing weight. The topic of losing excess weight is perfect for both general women’s sites and highly specialized ones: medical portals, sites about a healthy lifestyle and diets, as well as women’s health. This topic includes articles on dietary products, diet, variety of diets, gymnastics and anti-cellulite procedures.

4. Astrology. It is considered one of the most popular: both young girls and older women, if not keen, are at least interested in horoscopes. Articles for the esoteric and astrological sections of the site are a great opportunity to earn money.

5. News about the stars. Almost every second girl is sure to subscribe to the newsletter from the world of show business, or regularly checks her favorite sites in search of new information. News and notes about stars are sold out very quickly, but there are pitfalls here too: the latest news needs to be sold very quickly, because tomorrow it will no longer be relevant.

6. Pregnancy and childbirth. Not all general women's sites publish articles about pregnancy, but this topic is a key one on a children's site. Among the topics of such articles are: pregnancy calendar, advice to expectant mothers, possible complications, doctor’s advice.

7. Health and development of children. The same applies to children's themes. Children's health, advice to parents, development, ideas for games with children, child psychology - you can't count it all. Just keep in mind that such articles are not easy to sell for big money. The exception is pediatricians and child psychologists: any serious portal considers it necessary to receive an article from a specialist.

8. Women's psychology. Articles on the topics “loves - does not love”, “how to please a man” and “how to learn to love yourself” are necessary for every woman. Sooner or later, they are read by a young girl, a woman in love, or a lady preparing for divorce. There are never many such articles. We advise you to dwell on this topic if you are a practicing psychologist; such experience will be highly valued by customers.

What else can you write articles about for women?

These topics are not always found on women's sites, but large resources with a large number rubrics willingly buy and order them.

1. Household appliances. Large portals buy review articles about household appliances. Smaller sites prefer articles with tips on choosing and caring for household appliances. Beginning copywriters can try their hand at describing various models.

2. Woman and finance. Enough hot topic, useful and readable if it is presented correctly. You can write articles about women in business, as well as tips and ideas for working from home for mothers on maternity leave.

3. Travel. Resorts, beaches and reviews of countries and cities for a trip during the Christmas holidays are a great topic for a women's website. Articles that look like reports from a journalist or advice from a tourist who has visited a country or city are well sold by major portals.

4. Wedding. Everything related to the special day will be received with a bang by the brides.

The most expensive articles for women's sites

First let's ask: how much do women's articles cost?

The exchange price in this topic ranges from 7 to 50 rubles. for 1000 characters. However, some authors sell articles for much more high price. The low cost on the market is explained by high competition, as well as a large number of buyers, which makes this topic mainstream. In such a flow of supply and demand, it is sometimes difficult to find truly high-quality material. And here the author of original and interesting content will win.

It is known that copyright is always valued more than rewriting. A rewrite is an existing article rewritten in your own words. It can be rewritten better than the original, however, more often than not, rewriting is not very appreciated by visitors, since they have probably already seen it somewhere. Copyright is a work of authorship, where advice can be given from a specialist, or the point of view of the author himself is expressed. If you are a practicing specialist in any matter, then you can sell articles for women much more expensive than the usual market price.

1. Psychology. If you are a psychologist, psychotherapist or family consultant, you can write original and interesting texts where information and advice will be given on your behalf. For an SDL website, this is truly irreplaceable content.

2. Makeup, hairstyles, manicure. Expensive articles for such a topic should be written by a makeup artist, manicurist or stylist.

3. Losing weight. If you are a nutritionist or a fitness trainer, then the topic of losing weight is for you. Share your tips and answer questions.

4. Issues of pregnancy and children. High-quality and interesting articles from an obstetrician-gynecologist, neonatologist, pediatrician, or child psychologist will make the owner of an Internet portal about motherhood your regular customer.

How to write women's articles

Since there is now a lot of competition in women’s topics, customers will be glad to see voluminous articles that cover the topic in detail and answer pressing questions from users of their sites. Before writing an article, think about what you can write in addition to the main idea, whether there are any tips that you want to write on your own.

If you are writing a rewrite, then try not just to rearrange the words, but to make an artistic rewrite, leaving the main idea, but retelling everything in your own words.

Also, try to divide articles into paragraphs. A well-structured article will be more valuable to the customer. If you add photos, choose themed images good quality. Photos should be large - the buyer will decide how to use them.

Women's themes are diverse and in demand. From all this diversity, each copywriter will be able to choose a topic for his future article. Useful tips for beauty and health, raising children, relations between the sexes and other issues that interest women will bring you good earnings.

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Useful articles about beauty that are not included in the main category of the site

More than once I have received questions in private about how I take care of my facial skin. Several times I had to write such large opuses with links and photographs. Therefore, I have finally matured enough to write a detailed, comprehensive article on this topic.

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. And he is the first to signal to us if something is wrong with the whole body. Of course, in order for your skin to glow and be radiant with health, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. But additional products in the form of masks with essential oils will not be superfluous. Read the special page dedicated to a variety of masks for any skin type.

To prevent the appearance of a pimple from taking you by surprise and ruining your entire mood, it is advisable to have several emergency remedies on hand.

Pharmacy and folk remedies for ingrown hairs, little tricks, knowing which you can avoid unsightly spots and marks from inflammation.

Anti-cellulite massage at home should be carried out extremely carefully. It is best to consult with specialists first. The effectiveness of the massage will be higher if you alternate it with anti-cellulite wrap. There are recipes for such mixtures huge amount. It is especially effective to use clay, warming components, essential and fatty oils.

Finding a good body scrub is a big deal. But instead of spending significant amounts on expensive scrubs of different brands, you can prepare this product at home yourself.

Some tips on what to do with dried mascara so that it will serve faithfully for a long time.

If you are lucky enough to spend a holiday in exotic Thailand, be sure to try the famous Thai massage. For most of us, massage is a means to relieve fatigue, stretch muscles and ligaments, and improve blood circulation. But Thai massage affects the more subtle substances of our essence.

Some tips for brides.

Inspiration for creating your individual wedding look can be drawn from watching shows of famous couturiers: Chanel, Christian Dior, Christian Lacroix, Jean Paul Gaultier, Valentino.

Sometimes in foreign online stores you can order things that cost 2-3 times more in our country. how to find such a resource and what you should pay attention to before paying for your order.

In order to make purchases on foreign sites, as a rule, you need to use special service transfer of money. And for this your Visa card must be registered in this system. Read about how to understand such a system using the example of working with PayPal.

In order for our hair to look beautiful and shiny after washing, and to be easy to comb, we need to use conditioner. This product, unlike shampoo, should be applied not to the roots, but along the length.

If you are concerned about your health and you care about what cosmetics are made of and how they affect our body, then perhaps you will be interested in an article about the use of natural deodorants - products of volcanic rock.

Natural beauty almost always means health. One cannot exist without the other. The same truth applies to our nails. So if they are not okay, pay attention to the lifestyle you are leading. And also use the recipe for nail care with essential oils.

In the summer we want our legs to always look their best! After all, open sandals leave no chance to hide skin or nail imperfections. Therefore, foot care in summer should be especially thorough. Read about how to do a pedicure at home without much difficulty.

I learn a lot from both Russian-speaking and Western bloggers. By combining my knowledge, I have compiled a list of 21 niches that have performed well over the years and will continue to be relevant in the future.

1. Facts (lists)

For example, write an article “10 rules proper nutrition" And you begin to give a detailed answer to each point.

2. How...

You can find your niche and provide useful answers there. It may not solve the problem, but the blog will be very popular.

3. Politics

Politics is very popular. In politics there is always a topic for discussion. But be prepared to encounter some objections, since views on a given situation vary.

4. Recipes

Recipes are a great way to...

These can be recipes only for salads or only recipes for cakes. An example that has become one of the most popular in the food niche in the West.

5. Beginner's Guide

Every beginner has to start somewhere. This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog by starting to write a guide for those new to your topic.

Find out what questions beginners ask themselves when they want to start a business.

6. Complete Guides

If you are an expert in your field, you can write large and detailed guides. For example, “ ” or “Everything you wanted to know about Email marketing.”

People are constantly interested in new knowledge and such complete manuals will perfectly satisfy their need for your niche. You can also make detailed infographics, it works very well.

7. Interview

The best way to stand out among bloggers is by interviewing experts in your field.

8. Product reviews

You can review different products. This method will allow you to quickly start making money on affiliate programs.

9. Debunking myths

Every industry has fact and fiction. We like it when for a long time you think that “this” is true, but after reading or watching you find out that it is a myth.

Stories like this always attract attention. That's why the show “MythBusters” is so popular all over the world.

10. Virtual reality

VR is a fast growing industry. It will only grow in the coming years.

The topic is “hot” and while there is no competition here, you can quickly occupy this niche. You need to be interested in all the trends in this industry and follow the news.

11. Troubleshooting Guides

Troubleshooting Guides. People are always looking for solutions on the Internet because they urgently need to solve a problem.

Life advice is a valuable commodity.

13. Travel

We always want to go somewhere exotic. Any advice on how to do this cheaper will always be appreciated.

Travel will always be a popular topic for online searches. In 2017, the Federal Migration Service predicts that 5 million foreign passports will be issued.

14. Funny stories

Stories that make people smile will always be popular, including in social networks. Due to this, you can make your blog very popular.

Parenting tips are always appreciated. There is always a lot of traffic in this topic. Dad bloggers are also very popular.

16. Gift ideas

Guides for choosing gifts for friends, relatives, and colleagues will always be popular.

Thousands of people find it difficult to choose a gift. Help them find a solution to this problem using a blog. Affiliate programs will become good source income for your blog in this topic.

17. Health and Medicine

Eternal topic. When a person is bothered by something, he searches for symptoms and causes via the Internet.

Some diseases do not require seeing a doctor and are easy to self-medicate. Blogs like this will always bring traffic.

18. Auto

This niche is very large. Just imagine how many brands of cars there are.

19. Construction

Many people want to save money on construction and prefer to do something with their own hands.

20. Business and Finance

Interest in financial topics is always popular. Everyone wants to know the most important “secret” of financial success.

21. Women's theme

The female audience of the Internet is constantly interested in the secrets of beauty and femininity. This could be “hair care” or “weight loss diets”.


Popular topics come and go. If you choose the wrong niche, you risk wasting your time.

The topics listed above are practically guaranteed will make your blog popular.

What blog topics do you think will always be relevant?

So, you are a beginner webmaster and have decided to make your first website. Firstly, I would like to try to do this, and, secondly, it would be nice to make money on my knowledge and efforts. Since you are not an outstanding businessman, your funds are limited and you will essentially work on sheer enthusiasm. And the main question that arises at the beginning of work: what topic should I make a website on?

A standard mistake for beginners is to write about what they like and what they are good at. Or even do without a specific (or even approximate) plan. That’s why blogs about website promotion, fan sites for online games, and catalogs of articles “about everything” are created every day.

We recommend that you pay attention to the female audience, because... There are still plenty of unoccupied financial niches here. It’s worth trying to promote sites on this topic.

Why is it worth making a women's website?

  1. Because women are a very grateful and very inquisitive audience. And for the most part, not very well versed in modern web technologies and SEO strategies.
  2. Because women can make purchases, even if they did not need the product offered 10 minutes ago.
  3. Because women's themes are, in fact, anything.
  4. It's easy to get a lot of unique things quality content free from loyal visitors of your resource.
  5. There is relatively little competition and good conversion rates (with a competent approach to monetization and website promotion).

Some possible women's themes for the site:

  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • raising children;
  • cooking;
  • love and personal relationships (from physiology to poems and quotes of great people);
  • health;
  • garden, vegetable garden, flowers;
  • pets;
  • household;
  • household appliances;
  • rest;
  • fashion;
  • even cars and apartment renovation tips;
  • tips for business success.

Of course, each of these and many other topics can be presented from completely different angles, broken down into “parts” and decorated. Women are interested in almost everything.

What to consider when creating a women's website:

  • When contacting professional designers, keep in mind that women love bright, even variegated, colors and strive for calm and pastel. When designing a website, do not be lazy to consult with ladies you know of different ages. It's possible that pink, red, and teal aren't the best primary colors for your project.
  • Install social networking buttons on your website that allow you to share information. Many women love to immediately tell their friends about it when they see something interesting. You, too, will not be harmed by extra links to the site, and therefore by extra visitors.
  • Make sure it's easy to navigate. Getting to any place on the site should be as simple and convenient as possible.
  • The site must have pictures, but it must be easy to load. No one will want to buy your dress if they have to wait 3 minutes for the show to open.
  • Monetize your site carefully, do not abuse teasers. Well, really, I don’t want to scroll through a site where at every step there are “sensations” like “go and find out how to live 99 years.”
  • Women love it when their comments are responded to. This is such communication and for the sake of it they will come to your site and bring friends.
  • Almost all of the writing for a women's site should be done by women. Men can and should write about love, or it will be consultations with a psychologist or some very technical advice.

Of course, this is far from full list advice on developing and promoting a quality web resource aimed at women target audience. We hope this article helped you decide on a topic and encouraged you to come up with your own creative thoughts and out-of-the-box ideas. Good luck with your work!

Review of online stores of goods for women

I think that good income on the Internet will bring a site dedicated to reviewing online clothing stores. Why am I sure this is a good idea for the site? There are just a ton of women’s sites, they grow like mushrooms and look alike like twins. I understand that many women are close to this topic, and they want to work with it. But how can you stand out among these twins and attract visitors?

I think that this idea for a site is just right, because it will not only entertain women, but also help them understand a new business for them - shopping at virtual retail outlets.

By the way, quite a few owners of such sites where I had to write articles are men :). Apparently they consider this a profitable niche and work for a female audience.

What has changed in the women's world over the last couple of years? Online stores have appeared in our lives. Even those who have not yet made purchases there themselves, in any case, have friends, colleagues or acquaintances who do this, which means they have thought about this idea. In this regard, information about online stores and more becomes relevant. There are a lot of questions related to online trading:

  • how to choose products;
  • how to pay for purchases - types of payment, delivery surcharge, etc.;
  • return or replacement of goods;
  • latest information about promotions, discounts, coupons, sales, etc.;
  • how to navigate the size charts, how accurate they are and where there are online mannequins.

Male mannequin option

An interactive online shopping mannequin called Fitbot is sold by The development of this miracle was carried out by scientists from the Tallinn Technical University. The body of the robotic mannequin, consisting of flexible plates, can be automatically adjusted according to the entered parameters. The mannequin is able to copy the figures of 85% of customers. Fitbot can enlarge breasts, change the size of the waist and hips, the coverage of the shoulders and neck, and even simulate pregnancy. As a result, the buyer receives a picture of how he will look in the outfit of the chosen style. This mannequin was tested by Hawes & Curtis. Although marketers initially doubted the benefits of this idea, sales to new customers increased by 57%, and product returns after virtual try-on decreased significantly.

Stores in world wide web already very, very much. How to choose the best? Where are the best prices, Where is it better to buy shoes, and where are business suits? A lot of questions arise and therefore, which will collect the latest information about online trading, is now in great demand.

Most best option— this means buying the item yourself in an online store and telling readers what they liked, what they didn’t, whether the description of the product on the website corresponds to reality, how long it took and other nuances. At the same time, there must be an opportunity to leave comments or even a forum so that visitors can write their reviews and share their impressions of their own online purchases.

Additional ideas for a website reviewing online clothing stores

  1. A separate section can be devoted to joint purchases. Tell readers what kind of animal this is, how it is convenient, and even help in organizing them. By the way, judging by the number of requests in, this niche is extremely in demand.
  2. Another topic is online trading on social networks (mainly), here you can write about this type of earnings on the Internet, what and how is best to buy there, which groups are preferable, review products, etc.
  3. You will obviously need a section dedicated to fashion: the latest trends, trends, the best ideas of famous fashion designers. Where you can buy clothes from famous brands and compare prices on different sites. And of course: what, how, what to wear with next season.
  4. You can add a section about the stars: who wore what to the Oscars and Cannes, who is dressed tastefully, and who should change their stylist. Everyone loves to gossip, and besides, nothing warms a woman’s soul more than cellulite on her thighs and tasteless outfits of famous film stars :).
  5. Where there are outfits, there too. Market news, makeup secrets, anti-aging and anti-cellulite products, manicure, etc.
  6. Plus, you can add any women’s topics: love, relationships, home, handicrafts, diets (this is sacred!), horoscopes, tests and other crap that we often scold, but still read.

I have a brand new fashion website. There are only a few articles there, so I think that this idea for the site will suit him just fine; it won’t be difficult to repurpose it. In a year I will report on the results: about attendance, TIC and earnings on the Internet with this resource.
