What should I do if my iPhone does not turn on after replacing the display module? Check that your iPhone has original spare parts. A typical Russian story.

The iPhone 6, like most other Apple smartphones, uses a monolithic aluminum body consisting of a bezel and a back panel. Smooth to the touch and therefore quite slippery, it often becomes a reason to contact a service center. Moreover, rumors about how easily a smartphone bends in a tight jeans pocket are still fresh in my memory.

Replacing the iPhone 6 case: typical reasons

  • The bezel is bent. The bezel is the supporting metal frame that you can see around the edges of the phone. If it bends, all the side connectors for the buttons, the SIM tray will be damaged, and the tightness of the connection between the case and the screen may be broken.
  • The back panel is dented. If the fractures are shallow, you can close your eyes to this. If the deformations are reflected in the hardware (for example, on the rear camera, the eye of which is located right here), the back cover of the iPhone 6 needs to be replaced.
  • Modding. The factory case can be replaced with a designer or branded one, but just in a different color. Along with the case, plastic caps for the volume, power, lock and SIM tray buttons are rearranged.

iPhone 6 bent

Replacing the iPhone 6 frame: the main difficulties

  • Duration of work. On the iPhone 6, any repair begins with removing the screen and ends with just freeing the case from all dependent parts. After replacing the housing, the device is assembled in the reverse order. All this takes about 50-60 minutes.
  • A tricky way to attach the battery. Starting with the iPhone 5S, Apple engineers glued the battery to the metal section of the case with heat-resistant adhesive tape. When separated, the tape breaks, so you will need a new one at the assembly stage (ordinary store-bought tape will not work).
  • Pentalobe screws. They are more difficult to handle than regular Phillips screws: they are small and require a special screwdriver.
  • Fragile cables and cables. If you do not calculate the force when removing the screen module, you can bend the display cable or a pair of coaxial cables.

The popularity of Apple brand phones is unparalleled; every year there are more and more users, and the demand for repair services for such equipment is growing accordingly. The most common reason for contacting service is a broken screen. Sometimes you can run into a mountain of repairmen who can ruin your device so much that the question may arise what to do if the iPhone 5s does not turn on after replacing the display module.

There are quite a few such stories; the low qualifications of workers learning from YouTube videos have rendered a lot of equipment unusable. Today, in this article, we will give a clear answer on what to do if the 8, 7, 6 or iPhone 5 shows no signs of life after replacing the display module.


Symptoms of the problem can be found across the entire line of Apple smartphones; the list will be relevant for many users.

  • iPhone 5s does not turn on after contacting a technician who replaced the broken screen
  • The device refuses to start after replacing the case (applicable to the entire line, from iPhone 4 to iPhone 8)
  • The device starts, but the screen does not turn on, sometimes the backlight may be on
  • iTunes recognizes iPhone 7, but the display on the iPhone does not light up.
  • In some cases, after using a Chinese charger, problems are observed with the power controller, even after replacing the u2 chip.


There can be many reasons why your iPhone won't turn on. If you recently picked up your phone from the service after replacing the display and your 5 does not turn on, then you have come to the right page. Usually, if an iPhone 5s, 6, 6, plus, 7, 7 plus, 8 does not turn on after repairing the screen, the problem is in the technician who worked on your device or in your incorrect actions when he changed the display himself. The person made a mistake at some stage of assembling or disassembling the iPhone.

  • The screen module is faulty (defective or not original).
  • The cable from the monitor module is broken.
  • The u2 power controller burned out.
  • During assembly, the screws were mixed up and screwed into the wrong sockets, resulting in a short circuit.
  • Delamination of the printed circuit board due to incorrect assembly.
  • Breakage of conductive paths.


Anything can be repaired, but whether it will be cost-effective in the end is another question. Sometimes it's easier to throw away some of the chips and replace them with new ones than to try to repair a dead patient. In this section, we will try to fix an iPhone 5 with our own hands that shows no signs of life after replacing the screen.

DIY repair

It seems that this is the cheapest and most reliable way, but not always. It happens that after independently replacing the screen module on an iPhone 5, it no longer turns on, the reasons and symptoms were discussed above, now let’s find out how to fix it all. As is tradition, there will be a video instruction at the bottom of the article.

  1. We check the module on another iPhone 7 or another suitable model if it refuses to work on the patient.
  2. A hard cable, from a non-original Chinese spare part, becomes a headache; to eliminate this, just glue a piece of soft material, for example, a dishwashing sponge.
  3. We check the correct location of the screws; long screws interrupt the conductive paths on the lower boards and lead to delamination.
  4. Conducting paths can also be restored with your own hands; see how to do this correctly in the video.

Repair in service

It’s an expensive pleasure, but it’s worth it, especially if the iPhone 5 shows no signs of life after the repair you personally did. Reworking the work of a technician after replacing the display or after replacing the case on an iPhone 6 can be very expensive, since an unqualified person can make mistakes that are fatal to the equipment.

Agree, when using a phone without a case, it is rarely possible to maintain the perfect appearance of the case. And if you drop your phone often, even a case won’t always help. I have collected for you the most up-to-date information on replacing the case on the iPhone X and will tell you what defects there are in cases, how to fix them, how much time and money it will take.

First, let's agree that by body we mean the rear glass panel, as well as the side iron edges, since in theory this is one solid part. But this does not mean that it is impossible to change the back glass of the iPhone 10. Although this is difficult, it is still doable. But let's talk about everything in order!

In what cases is it necessary to replace the housing, and when is it enough to repair it?

Here is a list of common reasons for contacting the Service to replace the case:

  1. Jammed corners or buttons;
  2. Cracks on the camera eye;
  3. Violation of the body geometry (severe deformations);
  4. Broken rear window;
  5. Scuffs, scratches;

But not all of the listed damage to the back cover requires its complete replacement. For example, if the corner is not very jammed, it may be enough to correct this part and process it with a needle file (small file), rather than changing the entire body. Such jams often occur when the phone is dropped on an angle and are accompanied by a broken screen. When replacing the glass of an iPhone 10, we repair the corners of the case for free, because without this it is simply impossible to install the display efficiently.

Same thing with broken camera eyes. They are glued to the back panel with glue and can be replaced separately. Such repairs will cost less than replacing the entire iPhone X case. But if, in addition to the broken eye, the case has other damage or you are not satisfied with the appearance of the panel, we will easily replace it with a new one in just 1.5 hours.

Violation of the geometry of the case is already a serious problem, which can only be effectively solved by replacing the case completely.

Broken back glass on iPhone X can be replaced separately. Such repairs take a lot of time, but are cheaper than the assembled cover. The rear glass is securely glued to the lid using a special sealant, very similar to super glue. This makes it very difficult to clean the case from broken glass. If the metal part of the lid is severely deformed, then you can, of course, try to bend it back. But in any case, it won’t be possible to do it perfectly. The metal is very durable and will not return to its previous shape. It is already “stretched”, and when straightened it will wave or burst. You can use a phone with a bent body or a broken lid, but most likely the screen will come off in uneven areas, and dust and moisture will easily get inside through cracks.

The final point is scuffs and scratches. I am often asked if they can be polished, but unfortunately the answer is no. When polishing, the paint will peel off the lid and the appearance will be so-so, even worse than before. And if you polish glass, it will become thin and fragile. My advice in this case is to replace the case with a new one.

What housings are used when replacing. Is it possible to turn a white iPhone X into a black one?

As we already said in the article Where do iPhone spare parts come from, Apple does not sell or directly supply spare parts for equipment to anyone. Therefore, you can find the original case only in one case - disassembling the new iPhone. But unfortunately, the cost of a case removed from a new iPhone X will be 2-2.5 times higher than replacing it with a good copy or replacing the back glass. Because of this, removed caps are almost unpopular and hardly sold. But if you just need a removed housing, then we can find it without any problems.

New cases and glass for the iPhone X are made in Chinese factories and are no different from the original, neither tactile nor functional. There are several gradations in the quality of lids; we naturally purchase more expensive parts. “Yes, yes, yes, we know!” - you say - “Everyone says so!” But it's really true. Cheap cases are primarily difficult to assemble, since internal fasteners are often defective and the craftsman has to spend a lot of time finishing such a product with a file :) But with more expensive parts there are no such problems. We spend less effort and time, and you get excellent quality - everyone is happy!

If you are tired of the color of the iPhone X and want black instead of white, then this is also easy to arrange, any whims as they say;)

How much does it cost to replace the case on an iPhone X? Price, repair time and warranty.

The iPhone X (10) is essentially assembled into a case. All cables, buttons, board and other fastening elements are rearranged into a new cover. You know, this is not a matter of five minutes. In terms of time, replacing the housing assembly takes an average of 1.5 hours. If you only re-glue the back glass, you will have to leave the phone for a day. You can find the cost of replacement, which comes after this article. Replacement prices are final and include labor and parts. The warranty for housing replacement is 3 months.

How to replace the case on an iPhone X. Is it possible to make repairs in the presence of the client?

To replace the iPhone X case, you need to literally disassemble the phone completely - remove all the cables, motherboard, antennas, battery, mounts, speaker grilles and other internal elements. And then assemble everything into a new case without the remaining “extra” spare parts :) You can look at all this live without any problems, the master will not mind.

The process of replacing the case on the iPhone X is quite labor-intensive and requires a careful and careful approach to the matter. It is not recommended to change the iPhone 10 case yourself at home if you have never done such work. I also do not advise you to go anywhere for such repairs. Carefully choose the service that you are willing to entrust such complex repairs to. After replacing the iPhone X case and improper assembly, you may encounter one or more problems:

  • Deterioration of reception of GSM/GPS/WI-Fi networks;
  • Incorrect operation of speakers and microphones;
  • Backlash in the display module and buttons;
  • Problems with SIM card detection;
  • Incorrect operation of buttons;
  • Ingress of dust and dirt into the housing where seals and housing parts do not fit tightly.

There are often cases when, when independently replacing the back cover or display, a person screws a long screw into the board instead of a short one. This resulted in the phone being completely inoperable. If you encounter such a problem, then come to Fix-me, we will get your iPhone into working condition.

In this article I tried to answer the most popular questions. If you require additional advice, then do not hesitate - call, write in instant messengers, email, or come to our services, we will definitely tell and show you everything.

You may also have a fake. Even if you didn't repair it!

Typical Russian story

Too smart Vasya bought an iPhone 5s in the pavilion for 9,000 rubles and thinks that he deceived the system.

He doesn’t yet know what he’s holding instead of an iPhone. set of hardware from Ali, of which only the motherboard remained original. And it was taken from a sunken phone.

And he will definitely find out about his mistake in a month, when this miracle begins to break down like a house of cards.

And you are not immune from it

By now, such stories have happened, if not to each of us, then to some friend. The profit from this method is too popular.

The only way to be 100% sure that your iPhone parts are original? Buy it from an official reseller or directly from Apple.

In all other cases the degree of danger is growing.

The biggest risks—and problems—are for those who take iPhones from any unofficial channels. There is simply scope for deception; it flourishes as a separate business.

Any conscious buyer of a used iPhone carefully and thoughtfully checks the device, leaving nothing to chance. Even if the phone is bought in a store, sealed and not activated, you can run into reassembly from Chinese, low-quality spare parts.

When could Chinese parts appear in my iPhone?

Inspection of a batch of Chinese displays at one of the Asian factories.

I counted 5 degrees of probability of getting into overt “China” on my smartphone.

1. Phone purchased directly at Apple.com/ru or in a large federal store. There are isolated stories when cunning local workers discarded devices under the guise of new ones - but they are so rare that there is no need to worry about them at all.

What to do: rejoice.

2. The phone was purchased at a regional or local store. These also include kiosks, pavilions, markets, underground passages and other small businesses.

Here the probability of running into a re-collection varies depending on the seriousness of the seller. The more he can lose, the higher the chance that the phone is really new. I’d like to separately mention those same market kiosks: here the phones in 95% of cases were under repair and were left without the originals inside.

3. The phone was purchased second-hand on an advertisement site. Well, it begins. It's always a roulette game, and in the last 2 years it's been especially tricky. The older the iPhone you buy, the greater the chance that something has been changed.

With a probability of 85%, all iPhones released before the iPhone 6 were repaired.

That is 8 out of 10 people who sell their iPhone 5s on the Internet are partly selling off a Chinese device - alas. Every 6th out of 10 iPhone 6s was also repaired. Everywhere, as a rule, either the battery or the display was changed.

Newer models, 6s and iPhone 7, are repaired much less frequently. But anything can happen there, too.

What to do: strictly check each device, just probe through it and look out for every millimeter.

This is what workshops look like where they restore iPhones and install cheap parts.

4. The phone was purchased at a federal store, but visited an official or verified service center. Yes, the parts were replaced. But if it was an authorized service center working with Apple, then there are still “originals” inside, not Chinese ones.

What to do: be happy that you are lucky.

5. The phone was repaired in an unofficial service any format. And again wild roulette! Although no.

If you chose some basement unverified service, you are definitely in trouble. Just got knocked up! Now you have a piece of hardcore Chinese, and this article is intended for you first and foremost.

How to understand which spare part is Chinese?

It's time to check which spare parts you have - without disassembling the phone.

Display and glass

Look at the device from the left or right side. If the display colors change(become significantly darker, and the white color turns purple) - this is a cheap Chinese screen.

Inspect the edges of the screen module. The insulating material at the edges should not protrude beyond the frame of the housing. Is there some kind of rubber band sticking out? The display was just replaced.

Also, shine a flashlight on the edges and corners. There are scratches microcracks? And most importantly, do light or dark spots appear under the glass? If yes, the device has either been in water, or the module was installed poorly. Another option is that the glass was broken, and instead of replacing the entire module, they decided to simply stick on a new one.

How the Chinese glue glass on the iPhone 6.

Important: A crunch when you press the display module at the edges does not mean that the iPhone has been disassembled. Some models (especially iPhone 6) have this problem from the factory.

It has little effect, but can cause dust to get under the body and under the rear camera module. So if it crunches, inspect the chamber.

Also important: The iPhone 6s has a specific defect - dust gets under the upper left corner of the screen. If you have a 6s, open the white background and take a close look.

Do you see small black dots in the corner? Maybe this corner seems a little darker than others? If yes, alas! But this is a problem from the factory, and your device can be replaced because of it - if, of course, there is still warranty left.

Replacing the display with the original one: from 3100 rub. with guarantee


An iPhone that has never been repaired should not have any marks on the bolts. At all.

Another thing is that it is extremely difficult to notice this without a magnifying glass. You can see something if you shine a light: if you see nicks (they will shine), then at least they dug there.

Housing and clearances

Check out what the original cases of phones officially imported into Russia look like.

iPhone 5:

iPhone 5s:

iPhone 6:

iPhone 6s:

If the text on the back panel (besides the numbers, of course) differs from the examples above, you either have an iPhone from another country or the case has been replaced. Also pay attention to the colors: the iPhone 5 does not come in gold, and the iPhone 6 does not come in pink.

Replacing the case with the original one: from 4510 rub. with guarantee


Chinese batteries for iPhone as they are delivered to Russia.

Almost every iPhone purchased more than 3 years ago has already had its battery replaced. Their service life is 2 years, after which problems begin.

There is no way to determine visually and without disassembling the case whether the battery has been replaced or not. But you have a secret weapon.

It's called CoconutBattery for macOS. You can download the application here. Next are your steps:

1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac

2. Launch CoconutBattery and open the iOS tab

3. See the real battery history in this iPhone.

If the device was purchased recently, then it will have very few charge cycles, and the actual capacity (lower green bar) will be between 90-100 percent.

But if you bought a used iPhone, and the application shows up to 100 charge-discharge cycles, the battery was replaced 100%. The same is true in the opposite situation: a new iPhone cannot lose more than 10% of its factory capacity, and the cycles should also not be more than 5.

Replacing the battery with the original one: from 1900 rub. with guarantee


These are Chinese. It is almost indistinguishable from the original, if only from the inside and with extensive repair experience.

All buttons in all iPhones, starting with iPhone 5s, by color completely match the shade of the body. They should not be lighter or darker, unless they have completely faded over time. A different shade indicates the installation of either “left” buttons or a “left” housing.

Important: All modern iPhones, especially iPhone 5-6, have a “play” in the lock button and often the Mute mode switch. This is a design feature that doesn't mean anything.

By the way, there are a lot of defects on the iPhone 5 with the lock button and its cable, beware. Just know that in your device, purchased second-hand, this cable has already been replaced.

Replacing iPhone buttons with original ones: from 1900 rub. with guarantee

Touch ID

Chinese. Works as a button, does not work as a sensor.

He simply has to work. There are no “buts”, factory defects, stories about a mythical failure after a firmware update. If you were told them when you bought the device, I sympathize.

A non-working Touch ID indicates one of three things, and they are not mutually exclusive:

1. The phone fell and broke, and so did the sensor. Replaced.

2. The phone sank, the button stopped working. Replaced.

3. The phone was repaired and the Touch ID cable was broken (very easily). Not replaced.

The trick is that Touch ID cannot be taken and replaced so that it continues to work. Each such sensor is tied to the processor and motherboard. If it breaks, then the situation can only be corrected by completely replacing both the motherboard and the sensor - and this costs as much as half an iPhone.

Apple products are in great demand. The iPhone combines many advantages - stylish design, high-quality build and versatility. But even such an ideal device can break down.

Most often, service centers are asked to replace the housing. There are many reasons for this, and most of them are related to the loss of a presentable appearance due to scratches, dents and other defects.

Why do iPhones break?

The first models of such phones were thick, which made it possible to protect the internal elements from all sorts of troubles. Due to the modern standard of making phones as light as possible, engineers install microelements as tightly as possible. This makes the smartphone thin and convenient, but at the same time more vulnerable to falls.

Calls to service centers to replace the housing are the most frequent. The reasons for this are the following cases:

  1. Falls are the most common option, as after falls, scratches, abrasions and dents appear on the case. In the future, they can cause deterioration in the performance of internal boards and microcircuits.
  2. If the phone falls into the hands of children or is damaged by pets.
  3. Foreign objects, dust and dirt get into the gaps between the case and the display. In this case, replacement may not be necessary; if everything else is in good condition, then you can limit yourself to cleaning.
  4. Bending of a smartphone - appears when you constantly carry it in your back pocket. People often sit on the device, forgetting that this can also affect the appearance of the case.
  5. The lack of covers makes the colored case look shabby and unattractive.

Replacing the case in one of the above cases is the easiest option that will give your phone a new life.

Where can I replace the housing in Moscow?

If your iPhone looks bad and no longer makes you happy, then it's time to turn to the professionals. Our technicians will complete a full case replacement within half an hour, and your smartphone will look like new.

Our Total Apple service center offers you a range of repair services for high-end smartphones from Apple. Our specialists use only original parts, and perform the work on time and at affordable prices. Contact our specialists at Total Apple today!
