What is a title and what is it for? What is a title tag Rules for composing a title.

Tag - this is the page title, page title and one of the most important elements both from the point of view and from the point of view of conversion optimization. The page title is the first element that most often encounters the user. From header content ( ) often depends on whether the page will be selected among others or closed.

Correct title pages can attract the attention of users, help in search engine optimization and getting to the top of search results. An incorrect title can turn off the user or make the page invisible among other pages, as a result of which the potential client will never know about the great offer that was posted on your website.

title syntax

Tag located inside the tag <head></head> and has a required closing tag -. The TITLE document title tag has no attributes and can only be used once on a page. In addition, the element does not directly display on the web page. Most often, the page title appears at the top of the browser window. However, not only for this reason, one should think about <b>how to optimize page title title</b>.</p><p> <head> <title>Heading

Header value </h2><p>Tag <title>has a key meaning on a page and is used for various purposes as a page title:</p><ul><li><b>Informing visitors about the content of the page</b>. The title text allows the visitor to get information about the title of the page, the content of the page, the name of the site. Because the page title appears in a browser taskbar tab, the page title text helps you navigate collapsed pages. The absence of text may negatively affect the visitor’s desire to view the page.</li><li><b>Saving a web page to your local computer</b>. Many browsers allow you to save web page content as a file to your local computer. The page title will be selected as the file name when saving. <title>.</li><li><b>Saving a page as favorites</b>. Modern web browsers allow you to create lists of your preferred links in a special “Favorites” section. When you save a page link to your favorites, the contents of the title header are used as the title of the page. And since links from “Favorites” are usually stored in the form of separate files, the page title TITLE is also used as the name of the files.</li><li><b>Page title in search results</b>. Search engines actively use the page title to form the name of the link to the site page. Tag text content <title>used to calculate page relevance. The presence of keywords in the page title can have a positive effect. Matching the title to the key query and correct wording can make the link to the site more visible and attractive to visitors, which in turn will increase CTR - (synonymous with click-through rate) and increase search traffic on the site.</li> </ul><h2>How to optimize the page title tag <title></h2><p><b>Page title length: 60-100 characters</b>. Think about how the page title will look in search results or in a browser tab. Due to the page title length limit, the long title will be cut off and what will be left in the end? Will the page title be informative and attractive? <span>The page title should be short</span>. And the shorter the page title is, the more likely the visitor is to read it and visit the page. After all, it is often by the name of the page that users decide to open the page or not.</p><p>Limiting the length of the title makes it unacceptable to place all kinds of information garbage in the title of the page, such as: “Home page” or “Welcome!” The title should consist of keywords characteristic of the page, collected into a short, readable, meaningful and informative phrase. Try to avoid direct listing of keywords. In addition, there are a number of characters that are undesirable for use in the page title: (= / ! ? * ":< >| + _). You should not use any symbols to “decorate” the page title. It is necessary to rid the title of everything that does not provide useful information about the page.</p><p>It is advisable to use a common style and structure of phrases to form headings on all pages of the site. It is best to place your target keywords near the beginning of the page title and less important keywords at the end of the page title. Often, website titles and even contact information, such as a phone number, are used in page titles. Here we can only advise against using such elements at the beginning of the title. Such duplicate parts of the title are likely to be discarded by search robots, so it is better for them to remain at the end of the page title.</p><p>However, a bright and attractive headline can play a cruel joke if it is an intentional or unintentional deception. A user who opens a site whose content does not match the page title will most likely leave the page and return to the search. Returning to search is one of the parameters, and with high rates of return to search, site pages may experience a decrease in relevance and loss of positions for non-compliance with the key query.</p><h2>Correct page title</h2><p>Immediately assess the degree <b>Heading effectiveness for on-page SEO optimization</b> or increasing conversions is not easy. However, there are a number of conditions, the observance of which will allow you to avoid errors when creating site headers:</p> <ol><li>Heading length 60-100 characters;</li><li>Place keywords at or near the beginning of the title;</li><li>Use fewer direct keyword listings;</li><li>Brevity, clarity and meaningfulness of the page title;</li><li>If possible, exclude extra characters (= / ! ? * ":< > | + _);</li><li>Eliminate repeating parts or leave them at the end of the title;</li><li>Maintain consistency in page titles;</li><li>Do not mislead visitors; the title must correspond to the content of the page;</li><li>Do not use rare, complex or allegorical phrases - the title should be simple and understandable.</li> </ol><p>Compliance with these conditions is the first step towards understanding what optimization of headings is, on which a significant part of search engine optimization of site content rests.</p><p>Add the page to your favorites, see the title. Share your opinion in the comments, ask questions. Like it and tell your friends. <br>Be sure to subscribe to blog updates!</p><p><b>And write the right headlines!</b></p> <p>Tag <b>title</b> and meta tags <b>description</b> And <b>keywords</b>- play an exceptional role in website promotion. The position of the page in search results largely depends on their correct composition. The title, description and keywords elements must be present on every page of the site and contain key phrases:</p> <p>Search engine robots place great importance on the title and description content, especially the title tag, to determine the relevance of a page - the correspondence of a user query to its content. But there is a second factor that needs to be taken into account; it brings an additional effect in website promotion - this is user perception.</p> <h2>Tag Title</h2> <p>On how attractive it looks in the user's eyes <b>title</b>(this is the title content) and the page in the search results, their choice in its favor depends. Even if your site is in search results, say, in 7th place, then there may be more transitions to it than to a site in 4th place. Especially if its title and snippet are attractive, i.e. compiled correctly.</p> <p>Example of search results on Google:</p> <p>In order to correctly compose the title - this is the name of the page, you need to decide on two questions: how many occurrences of key phrases there can be and its length - the total number of characters in the tag. For “ordinary” pages, the recommended number is one key phrase. For the main pages of sections and the index page, 2-3 occurrences of key phrases are possible.</p> <p>The most important keywords should be placed closer to the beginning. Since the content of the title tag is reflected in search results, it should be informative and, I repeat, attractive to users. Now about the possible tag length. In the screenshot of Google results, it is not difficult to calculate the number of characters for the first site - 50.</p> <p>The maximum title length I found on Google is 59 characters including spaces. Now let's look at the Yandex search results:</p> <p>A similar title in Yandex search results was 55 characters - the remaining words of the title tag were not included in it. But note that the main keyword phrase is in capital letters. If the letters are lowercase, then the number of characters in the headers of the search results increases. Let's look at the following screenshot:</p> <p>The result of the 5th position in the search results is 68 characters (this is the maximum). We conclude: the length of the title can be about 60-65 characters with spaces, the most important should be located closer to the beginning and, preferably, not exceed 55 characters.</p> <p>Attention: you should not put words that are not on the page in the title, as well as in keywords.</p> <h2>Meta Description tag</h2> <p>Search engines compile the content of the snippet from the description or select a text fragment from the page. The description meta tag provides a brief description of the web page. It is advisable to be more careful in its compilation, even if it will not be used by some search engine to create a snippet. The recommended length is 150-200 characters with spaces (the maximum Yandex snippet is 182, Google is 140).</p> <p>It is necessary to place several key phrases in the description: the main one should be placed closer to the beginning, it can consist of capital letters. The text should be as attractive as possible to users.</p> <p>The Title tag is the title of the HTML document. Title is almost always used in search engine results. At the moment, it is very important for classic SEO and for attracting attention on social networks.</p> <p>The main purpose of the Title tag is an accurate and concise description of the content of the page.</p> <p>This element is very important <b>as for users</b>(when they decide whether to go to a given page from the search results), <b>and for search engines</b>(one of the important factors is determining the relevance of a page to certain search queries).</p> <h2><b>Optimal title tag structure</b></h2> <p>Primary Keyphrase - Secondary Keyphrase | Brand name</p> <h2><b>Optimal length for search engines</b></h2> <p>Google usually displays the first 50-60 characters, or as many characters as will fit in 512 pixels. If all your titles are 55 characters, then you can expect about 95% of pages to be fully rendered.</p> <p>But, search engines may choose to display other text: the title in the results can be changed</p> <ul><li>for your brand</li> <li>custom request</li> <li>or for any other reasons (for example, keyword spamming)</li> </ul><h2><b>Why is the title tag so important?</b></h2> <p>Title has long been considered one of the most important factors among internal ranking factors (the most important: page content) and it appears in 3 places:</p> <p><b>1. </b><b>Browser.</b> Appears at the top of your browser + in your bookmarks.</p> <p><b>2. </b><b>On search result pages.</b> When you use keywords in the title, search engines will highlight them in search results if the user has performed a query with those keywords. This gives the user more reasons to click on your link.</p> <p><b>3. </b><b>On external sites</b>. Many external sites, especially social networks, will use the title as an anchor link to your page.</p> <p>For example, this is what it looks like on Facebook:</p> <p>Now let’s figure out how best to optimize and write the title on your website.</p> <h2><b>How to properly optimize your title</b></h2> <ul><li><b>Always remember the length</b></li> </ul><p>As mentioned above, search engines will shorten your title if you exceed the threshold. But, on the other hand, this length is not a very strict rule.</p> <p>Since long headlines can work significantly better to get traffic from social networks. And also, even if some keywords were not displayed by the search engine, this does not mean that they do not take any part in the ranking. Therefore, it is advisable to make the title as natural and clickable as possible, but you can sacrifice length.</p> <ul><li><b>Place main keywords at the beginning</b></li> </ul><p>According to experiments and our experience, the closer the key phrase is to the beginning of the title, the more weight it has in ranking. In addition, the likelihood that the user will click on our link in the search results increases.</p> <ul><li><b>Strengthening by Brand</b></li> </ul><p>If your brand is well known in your target market, then in such cases, it needs to be placed in a visible title area so that users pay attention to it in search results. In other cases, it is better to add the brand at the end of the title tag.</p> <ul><li><b>Readability and emotional impact</b></li> </ul><p>Creating an attractive title can help significantly increase the number of clicks from the search results. When you're creating headlines, it's important to think about the entire user experience beyond SEO and keyword usage.</p> <h2><b>Tools that can help with title optimization</b></h2> <p>In order not to wait for how your page will look in search results, but to immediately get the maximum effect, we recommend using the following search results simulation services:</p> <p>As a result, you can see what the title looks like in search results:</p> <h2><b>In conclusion</b></h2> <p>The title tag is equally important for both users and end users. Using well-constructed and unique titles for all pages of your site will help you rank higher in search engines.</p> <p>Tag <title>is the most important part of any website's page, so it's worth paying a lot of attention to how you compose it. Creating headlines is like an art and not everyone can create it the right way the first time, this requires knowing some subtleties. By applying these 12 tips for using and optimizing the title tag to your sites, you will avoid a lot of problems in the future.</p> <p><b>1. The title should reflect the essence of the page.</b></p> <p>This point relates to usability. It must be remembered that the title is shown in search results in all search engines and is the first thing users pay attention to. From what you put in the tag <title>The click-through rate and, accordingly, the amount of traffic received will depend.</p> <p>The title is also used when describing a page (or site) in some directory of sites, a directory of useful links, social bookmarks and other social services. If it does not reflect the essence of the content, then the page will not receive high-quality targeted traffic. For clarity, compare the following examples:</p> <blockquote class="ad"> <p><title>Home page of the site
NIGMA – intelligent search engine

or internal pages

Test: Are you a real blogger?

2. Include your brand in the title of the pages.

Use your site's name or brand at the beginning or end of the title tag on every page to help users understand where they will go and increase return rates. Some search engine users skim down the search results to find a trusted brand.

Option 1: Search Engine Optimization
Option 2: Search Engine Optimization - Wikipedia
Option 3: Optimization.ru: Search engine optimization and website promotion

3. Use different titles on different pages.

The title tag must be unique on each page, and it must also be unique throughout the search results. To uniqueize the tag within your site, use the names of articles, sections, categories, and so on. If any article is divided into pages, then add text at the end of the title Page 2 of 10 or just Page 2. To uniqueize page titles throughout the search index, it is convenient to use the brand name in the title. Identical headings can cause duplicate content to appear and, accordingly, some pages to end up in “additional search results”.

4. The title must contain keywords.

The keys should fall into the title naturally; search engines will assign the greatest weight to these words out of all those found in the text. Therefore, when optimizing a page for a certain key phrase, it is worth, first of all, including it in the title. Internal links to a specific page most often contain its title in the anchor, just as with natural external links people anchor the title of the page, so if this tag does not contain keywords, then you are losing a big opportunity to cost-effectively make the page more relevant for a certain key phrase and promote your site for it a little higher in the search results.

5. Don't include too many keywords in the title.

It is necessary to add keys to this tag, but you should know when to stop and find the line between SEO optimization and usability. When adding keys to a title, make sure that it remains readable. You should not put more than 2-3 key phrases in the page title; first of all, leave the title readable and understandable for users. If you have a large number of keywords, create several pages on the site, each of which will be dedicated to 1-2 keywords, this way you will shorten the headings and increase conversion.

Examples of long and short headings:

Download music in mp3 format: dance, club, electronic, download clips of new songs - music portal Muz.ru

MP3collection.ru >> Dance music, electronic club music

6. Don't use safe words in your title.

Search engines do not take into account stop words - those that appear in texts so often that they cannot be meaningful for the search. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even if they appear in the query text.

Among the Russian-language stop words we can highlight the following: O, And, or, To, I, Not, to etc. Among English speakers it is a, about, an, as, are, but, be, or, and, for and others.

7. Each word should not be repeated more than twice.

It’s better to combine words, insert derivative words, etc., and focus more on users. When a word appears in a title more than twice, the title becomes long, unreadable and spammy from the point of view of search engines. For example, this header:

Nokia 3410 – phone, case for Nokia 3410, case Nokia 3410 battery for Nokia 3410

not at all usable, its redundancy resembles spam, which strives to remind search engines what the page is about. It is better to use this type in this case:

Nokia 3410 phone – case, housing, battery, accessories

8. Don't use page titles that are too long.

Limit on the number of characters counted in the title tag for google is 70 signs so that the name in the sickle fits into one line. IN Yandex is taken into account in the title no more 15 words, but no more is displayed 80 characters. If your title is more than the maximum value, the search engine will automatically truncate it (google will add an ellipsis at the end).

9. Keep the title length to no more than 8 words.

It is quite difficult to fit more than 8 words into 70-80 characters, however, some still make the title too long. For Google it is eight, for Yandex it is 16. Remember that users, when linking to your pages, do not like to change the title by inserting it into the anchor of the link. By focusing only on Yandex and making the title more than 8 words, you lose in Google.

10. Place the most significant keys at the beginning of the title.

This way, even with a long title, you will be sure that the keys will be included in the anchor of internal and external links and will influence the link ranking. If you like long titles, then put the brand at the end, not at the beginning of the tag. Pay attention to how different companies and services make headlines. For example, Wikipedia:

Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

however, for the inner page:

Federal constitutional law - Wikipedia

11. Use patterns.

A pattern is a template. If you need to place multiple keywords in the title tag, or use multiple modifiers, then use templates like this:

[mod1 keyword] + [mod2 keyword] = [mod1 keyword mod2]

For example, Find a job at home + Work from home via the Internet = Find a job at home via the Internet.

Templates can be different, here are some of them:

KW1, KW2, KW3
KW1, KW2 and KW3
KW1 | KW2 | KW3

However, it is worth remembering that with long keywords you may not fit into the required heading length restrictions.

12. Don't use special characters.

Search engines support a number of special characters that you can place in the title tag. These are the following symbols (not the entire list):

In search results, special characters look something like this:

Previously, other special characters were also supported, which are currently simply ignored. Unsupported characters include ASCII characters and the following HTML entities.
