We make a phone holder for a bicycle with our own hands. Bicycle phone holder Convert a car holder into a bicycle one

More and more more people every year he switches to bicycles because it is environmentally friendly, much cheaper than a car and helps maintain muscle tone. But sometimes it is very inconvenient to stop in the middle of the road when someone is calling on your mobile phone. It is much more convenient when the phone is in a place where it is easy to reach and answer without holding it in your hands. This option is to mount your phone to the handlebars of a bicycle.

They don’t sell special holders, so we bring to your attention a video that shows how to make such a holder yourself. At the same time, you don’t have to invent something supernatural and spend a lot of money. It's very simple.

To create a bicycle holder for mobile phone we need:
- reflector for a bicycle;
- small screwdriver;
- car holder for telephone;
- glue gun.

Let's get to work.
Our car holder first needs to be unpacked.

From the reflector, unscrew the headlight and loosen all the fasteners. This is done using our screwdriver and a couple of light movements.

The car holder usually comes with a special little thing that is attached to the holder itself. If you don’t find one in the kit, don’t be upset; you can come up with something to replace it directly at the place where it is attached to the bike.

So, if the part is included in the kit, we need to attach it to the phone holder by inserting it into the holes specially designed for it.

This part has special pins that are necessary to hold everything that is inserted between them.

The base of the reflector fits perfectly into the part and stays there perfectly.

We connect the reflector and the car phone holder; to secure the fastening, we fix the joint with glue using a glue gun.

We slightly tighten the previously loosened fastenings so that everything has a rigid frame. We try on the structure we have assembled on the bicycle handlebar and screw the fastenings all the way.

When riding a bike, it is often important to keep your phone in front of you, for example if you are using a smartphone navigator. In this case, the phone is mounted on the handlebars of a bicycle. You can buy a professional holder, but there are also options for home mounts.

How to make your own phone holder for a bicycle

We'll tell you about available easy methods and more complex ways to make phone holders for a large phone.

Clamp + phone case

What you will need for this method: a hard case (not silicone), 1 - 2 clamps.

Making a holder is simple:

Video: how to make a phone holder for a bicycle using a clamp and a case

Selfie stick phone holder + clamps

Everything is extremely simple: unscrew the holder from the handle of the surf stick and use clamps to secure it to the handlebars of the bicycle so that it fits tightly.

Video: a quick phone holder for a bike

Case + bicycle reflector

This option is already more difficult to implement. It is also more reliable, since the structure will be secured to the bicycle using a round holder, which was originally designed for “big bikes”. What you will need: a regular hard case, a bicycle reflector, glue or a couple of nuts and bolts.

What to do:

Car phone holder + the same reflector

This method is an improved version of the previous one. Here, instead of a regular case, there is a special phone holder, but only one that is intended for a car. The phone sits more tightly in it.

What you need to make: bicycle reflector, screwdriver, car phone holder, glue gun.

You will need a car holder and reflector

The course of action is as follows:

  1. Also unscrew the headlight from the reflector. Loosen the bolts using a screwdriver.

    Unscrew a little fastening on the reflector

  2. Take a special mount from the car holder kit and connect it to the holder itself.
  3. Insert the reflector plate from which the headlight was removed into the special mounting pins.

    Insert the fastening part of the reflector into the space between the pins

  4. We fix the joints with superglue so that everything is securely fastened.

    Secure the contact points with glue

  5. We attach the round reflector mount, from which the car holder already comes, to the handlebars of the bicycle. We tighten the fasteners with a screwdriver to secure the homemade holder. We insert the phone into the case.

    Insert your smartphone into the car holder

Video: mount for a phone on a bike from a car holder

To make homemade bicycle phone holders, you need a regular case or a selfie stick holder or a car holder. This cover is already attached to the bike using part of the reflector or clamps.

Why do you need a smartphone holder when riding a bicycle if you have pockets, a backpack or a purse? But here's why.

  1. Your smartphone is always in sight

This is important for a number of factors:

You won't miss an important call;

The smartphone can be used as a navigator;

Thanks to applications, a smartphone can also be used as a sports tracker: record a GPS track of a trip, see the speed of movement before your eyes, and, if there are sensors, monitor your cadence and heart rate;

Based on the last point, it is not necessary to buy a separate cycling computer.

  1. Efficiency

You've received a call that you can't help but answer. Thanks to the smartphone holder, you will see who is calling you, and you can answer on the go if you have a Bluetooth headset, or stop and talk calmly without it.

  1. Convenience

One way or another, this point borders on efficiency. Agree, it is not very convenient to take a smartphone out of your pocket on the go, especially from a backpack. Because of this, you begin to be distracted, nervous, and swerve along the road, which directly affects traffic safety. While you are performing all these manipulations, the call may be interrupted, which is why you will have to call back.

There seems to be enough information to think about the holder. They may differ depending on the smartphone model, but may be universal. But what is also interesting is that there are different fasteners, which determine the conditions under which they can be used.

The most convenient and widespread among all. The holder can be attached not using a clamp, but to the bolt of the upper cover of the steering column. It is most convenient to use such a mount in the city when driving on roads. If you plan to use it on the ground, then you need to take care of a reliable mount and an anti-slip surface so that the mount does not break or the smartphone does not fly out of it. This option is most likely not suitable for extreme descents.

Frame mount

It can be in the form of a handbag, in the upper transparent compartment of which you can put a smartphone. If you have a spare one in your purse, then the phone will be much less susceptible to shaking and shocks that the frame will transmit.

It does not allow you to constantly keep your smartphone in sight, but you will definitely hear the call and have time to answer. In addition, it fits quite tightly to the hand and you can be sure that even with strong shaking it will not fall off.

This cover can be attached to your hand, frame, or steering wheel. All this is good, but we don’t have sunny weather all year round, and a situation will probably happen when you get caught in good rain. For such cases, a waterproof case is used. If you do not have the appropriate equipment, then you will get wet to the skin, and the space inside the case, along with the smartphone, will be the only dry place.

In addition to the fasteners, the materials of the holders also differ.

  1. Plastic most common. The quality of the plastic varies depending on the manufacturer, but in general we can say that plastic fasteners are quite reliable.
  2. Neoprene used mainly in cases that are attached to the hand.
  3. There are cases from fabric and leather, but they are mostly used in frame phone “bags”. You can also find leather components in waterproof cases.

If you prefer not to spend money and do it yourself in most situations, then watch a video on how you can make a smartphone holder with your own hands.

  1. Task 1 of 15

    1 .

    Are the Rules broken in the situations depicted?


    f) tow bicycles;


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    d) while driving, hold on to another vehicle;

    f) tow bicycles;

  2. Task 2 of 15

    2 .

    Which cyclist doesn't break the rules?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    b) move on highways and roads for cars, as well as on the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby;

  3. Task 3 of 15

    3 .

    Who should give way?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to others vehicles, moving along the road.

  4. Task 4 of 15

    4 .

    What loads is a cyclist allowed to carry?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    22. Cargo transportation


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.4. A cyclist may only carry such loads that do not interfere with the operation of the bicycle and do not create obstacles for other participants. traffic.

    22. Cargo transportation

    22.3. Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

    b) does not interfere with the stability of the vehicle and does not make it difficult to control;

  5. Task 5 of 15

    5 .

    Which cyclists violate the Rules when transporting passengers?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    e) carry passengers on a bicycle (except for children under 7 years old, transported on an additional seat equipped with securely fastened footrests);

  6. Task 6 of 15

    6 .

    In what order will vehicles pass through the intersection?


    16. Driving through intersections


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.12. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
    Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves. At any uncontrolled intersection, a tram, regardless of the direction of its further movement, has an advantage over non-rail vehicles approaching it along an equivalent road.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.
    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

  7. Task 7 of 15

    7 .

    Riding bicycles on sidewalks and pedestrian paths:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.6. A cyclist is prohibited from:

    c) move on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (except for children under 7 years old on children's bicycles under the supervision of adults);

  8. Task 8 of 15

    8 .

    Who has the right of way when crossing a bike path?


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.5. If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, cyclists must give way to other vehicles traveling on the road.

  9. Task 9 of 15

    9 .

    What distance should be between groups of cyclists moving in a column?


    6. Requirements for cyclists


    6. Requirements for cyclists

    6.3. Cyclists traveling in groups must ride one after another so as not to interfere with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the roadway must be divided into groups (up to 10 cyclists in a group) with a movement distance between groups of 80-100 m.

  10. Task 10 of 15

    10 .

    Vehicles will pass through the intersection in the following order


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.13. Before turning left and making a U-turn, the driver of a non-rail vehicle must give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving on an equivalent road in the opposite direction straight or to the right.

  11. Task 11 of 15

    11 .

    A cyclist passes an intersection:


    16. Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.3. Traffic controller signals take precedence over traffic light signals and road sign requirements and are mandatory. Traffic lights, other than flashing yellow ones, take precedence over priority road signs. Drivers and pedestrians must comply additional requirements traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic lights, road signs and markings.

    16. Driving through intersections

    16.6. When turning left or turning around when the main traffic light is green, the driver of a non-rail vehicle is obliged to give way to a tram in the same direction, as well as to vehicles moving straight in the opposite direction or turning right. Tram drivers should follow this rule among themselves.

  12. Task 12 of 15

    12 .

    Flashing red signals of this traffic light:


    8. Traffic regulation


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.6. To regulate traffic at railway crossings, traffic lights with two red signals or one white-lunar and two red ones are used, having the following meanings:

    a) flashing red signals prohibit the movement of vehicles through the crossing;

    b) a flashing white-lunar signal indicates that the alarm system is working and does not prohibit the movement of vehicles.

    At railway crossings, the traffic light may be turned on simultaneously with the prohibitory signal. beep, additionally informing road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

  13. Task 13 of 15

    13 .

    The driver of which vehicle will cross the intersection second?


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.


    16. Driving through intersections

    16.11. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching this intersection of carriageways along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

    16.14. If the main road at an intersection changes direction, drivers of vehicles moving along it must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads.

    This rule should be followed among themselves and by drivers driving on secondary roads.

    16 Driving through intersections


    8. Traffic regulation

    8.7.3. Traffic light signals have the following meanings:

    A signal in the form of an arrow that allows a left turn also allows a U-turn if it is not prohibited by road signs.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), switched on together with the green traffic light signal, informs the driver that he has priority in the direction(s) of movement indicated by the arrow(s) over vehicles moving from other directions;

    f) a red signal, including a flashing one, or two red flashing signals prohibit movement.

    A signal in the form of a green arrow(s) in the additional section(s), together with a yellow or red traffic light signal, informs the driver that movement is permitted in the indicated direction, subject to the unhindered passage of vehicles moving from other directions.

    A green arrow on a sign installed at the level of a red traffic light with a vertical arrangement of signals allows movement in the indicated direction when the red traffic light is on from the rightmost lane (or the leftmost lane on one-way roads), subject to the provision of priority in traffic to its other participants moving from other directions to a traffic light signal allowing movement;

    16 Driving through intersections

    16.9. While driving in the direction of the arrow included in additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

    When driving in the direction of the green arrow on the table installed at the level of the red traffic light with vertical signals, the driver must take the extreme right (left) lane and give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving from other directions.

The need to install a phone holder on a bicycle in the age of gadgets does not surprise anyone - the modern industry offers many accessories for mobile device models of different types and sizes. With the help of such a device, you can make your life much easier on the road and on your daily travels, and you won’t miss an important call or message. Besides, With the right holder, you can easily turn your smartphone into a bike navigator or tracker while traveling.

But how to do this without errors? Without studying the features of bicycle mounts for smartphones, it can be difficult to navigate the offers on the market. How to choose a handlebar or frame stand? How are they different? different options retainers? Before choosing the right mount for your smartphone, it's worth considering all the available options and understanding how well they suit the riding style of a particular rider.

Features and purpose

A phone holder mounted on a bicycle is a mount in the form of a case or frame into which a mobile device is inserted. It would seem that this device should often be found on two-wheeled vehicles, but for now such accessories appear more often on the pages of thematic websites and magazines.

Riders are not yet very willing to acquire holders for phones - most prefer not to take risks, fearing vibration, shock or the risk of breaking a smartphone if dropped.

However, the benefits of having a fastener still outweigh the possible risks. The holders help expand the capabilities of your bike and make using your smartphone safer on the go.

Initially, handlebar mounts were used in the field of motorcycle tourism, but they were also appreciated by representatives of the bicycle industry.

When is the use of bicycle phone holders absolutely necessary?

  • When using your phone as a navigator. In this case, the device should be in front of the rider's eyes. Its secure fixation at the correct angle is also an important component of successfully turning a smartphone into a navigation system. Instead of a separate microcomputer in this case, you can install a mobile device in a horizontal position. You won’t have to worry about it when leaving the bike unattended – you just need to remove the phone from the mount.

  • If necessary, be constantly in touch. If a missed call or message threatens the loss of clients or other risks, you should consider using a special holder. It is placed vertically, in sight. In this case, it will be convenient to use the phone in combination with a headset, and if you don’t have one, you can always stop and answer the call.

  • When monitoring sports performance. Using a smartphone instead of a tracker allows you not to acquire unnecessary gadgets, as it clearly demonstrates all measured parameters in real time. Using the holder, it is easy to fix the device in a convenient position, connect sensors to it and receive useful information according to biological parameters, distance traveled along the way and other important characteristics.

Essentially, a bike mount for your phone is a convenient accessory that can significantly make the life of a lover of walking on two wheels easier.


All bicycle racks can be divided into categories according to the method of fastening, type of grip and size. A smartphone stand can be of several types.

  • Universal. In this case, the fastener is adjusted to specific parameters, shifting its edges in a horizontal or vertical plane. The bracket frame is fixed using special bolts.

  • For Android smartphones or iPhone. An individual bike holder is more reliable and allows you to secure the device more firmly in the place chosen for it. But if you change the model and brand of the device, you will have to buy an accessory that does not have adjustable elements again.

  • Waterproof. Available in both universal and individual versions, with fixation on the steering wheel or frame. Suitable for use on expeditions and travel.

By mounting method

Depending on which fastener is chosen, the stand can be fixed in one of several ways. Most often, this function is played by a regular plastic clamp that clamps around the steering wheel. To secure it, screws or special keys are used, allowing you to quickly dismantle the bike holder.

The steering wheel stand is the most comfortable and versatile.

Frame mounts are made in the form of a bag or hard block, allowing you to securely fasten the device. In this case, the smartphone will not be used as a navigator, but will be within reach for calls and messages.

Model with contact pad most often found among offers from the most famous brands. This mount is combined with the case and allows you to securely mount your smartphone. This option is used by real extreme cycling enthusiasts who prefer country routes to riding on a flat highway.

By capture method

Bicycle phone holders can vary in how exactly they attach to the cradle. The most common option is the classic “frame” with elastic or rigid sliding sides, clamped with a screw lock.

Full-fledged cases are no less in demand.– they allow you to reliably protect the structure of the device from moisture and dirt, do not cover the screen – it can be used as a navigator or tracker. But answering a call without a headset will be quite difficult.

Some manufacturers are experimentally offering installation on bicycles vacuum Velcro– they hold the phone by pumping air out of the space around it. It is difficult to call such a mount reliable, but it is quite suitable for use when riding in the park.

Flexible elastic bands grab the steering wheel and attach the smartphone to the corners. Not the most reliable option, but on the road in an emergency it can help out.

Manufacturing materials

Among the materials suitable for making a bicycle phone holder are the following options:

  • Silicone. A practical and non-slip option. Transparent silicone case usually made for devices requiring all-weather protection. In addition, “rubber bands” are made from it - express fasteners that easily take the desired shape.

  • Plastic. Holders from it are made mainly with mounting on the steering wheel. Polymer materials have low strength, but they are cheap and practical. Special soft polymers create contact areas where the smartphone body can hit or rub against the stand.

  • Leather. Acts as an element of the overall design of a closed case; in front of such a product there is always a transparent silicone insert. Leather is considered a premium material and is often used by well-known companies.

  • Metal. Today this material is rather considered as auxiliary. But a metal holder can use existing fastening elements. For example, being part of a bottle holder or a place for a pump on the frame.

Popular models

Bicycle holders for phones today are produced by many well-known brands. The models that are especially popular include the following.

  • GUB G-83. A universal holder can be attached to the stem or the steering wheel itself, the manufacturer provides detailed instructions. The stand is plastic, the mounting bracket is aluminum, there are polymer crimp bushings. The bracket is rotating and can be in 4 positions. For removal, fixation is made with the screw included in the kit.

  • Life Proof. The company creates mounts for iPhone, universal ones, for motorcycles or bicycles. Can be mounted to hold the device horizontally or vertically.

The mount can be easily dismantled if necessary, literally with one hand.

  • Scoche Handle IT. Universal type model for mounting on the steering wheel. It is conveniently fixed with a screw that regulates the intensity of the clamping. The mount itself has limiters on 3 sides and can be expanded to fit the required dimensions of the mobile device. Includes a convenient button for quickly removing the phone.

  • BioLogic. Not the most budget model, but one of the most versatile to use. The mount is equipped with a rigid block in the form of a case with a transparent front panel. Access to the ports is protected from moisture, the entire structure successfully softens any shocks and other external influences.

There are rotating elements to create different viewing angles, the model is adapted for using the camera while moving, and you can shoot streams.

  • Arkon Slim-Grip. The model of the holder with a handlebar mount is considered universal, suitable for fixing most smartphones and telephones, and adapted to bicycles of different designs. The set includes a head that supports 180 degree rotation and guarantees accurate positioning of the device. The model is equipped with an additional seat belt for better fastening.

In addition, phone holders from companies deserve attention Wahoo, Satechi, iCarry Bike-S, Joy Factory. These companies regularly update their range and take into account the features of new models of mobile devices.

How to choose?

When choosing a bicycle holder for a mobile phone or smartphone, you should consider the following points.

  1. Vehicle type. To travel over rough terrain on a mountain bike or fat bike, it is better to choose from the very beginning closed cases from which the device will not fly out when moving. For city and road models, open and plastic universal mounts are suitable.
  2. Number of closed sides. There must be at least 3 of them, otherwise if the wheel hits a bump, the device may simply fly out of the holder. Double-sided ones most often turn out to be altered car mounts for phones.
  3. Smartphone type. If the device's processor gets very hot during operation, it is better to forget about completely closed sealed cases. This problem most often occurs on Android smartphones.
  4. Mounting type. If you just need to have your phone within reach, you can get by with a regular frame mount. But in the case when we're talking about If you want to use the device as a navigator or you need to answer calls quickly, it is better to give preference to open designs with a location on the steering wheel.

Considering these important points, you can choose the holder that is most convenient for use on the road and securely attach it to your bike.

The following video provides an overview of 8 models of phone holders for bicycles from the GUB brand.
