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Don't touch the Upvote button on Facebook


Welcome to the blog. Artyom Mazur is in touch.

The other day I came across an interesting article that fundamentally contradicts all my beliefs regarding advertising on Facebook.

Lately, I’ve been using the “content targeting” strategy more and more often. Those. you create value and useful content, you promote it in social networks, you collect a database of interested people, and only then show them a landing page with an offer.

If you are interested in more details about content targeting, then (just another blog article).

As a rule, content promotion occurs through Facebook using a button Promote publication. And then I see the title of an article from a foreign resource “You are losing money using this strategy.”.

Hmm... I read it, figured it out, thought about it...

Are you wondering what the point of the article was?

Read below... and write your opinion in the comments what you think about it.

Let's go...

Do you have your own fan page on Facebook?

Have you already tried pressing the button? Promote publication under your posts?

If the answer is yes, then I have bad news for you.

Paid publication promotion is waste of money. If you often use this promotion strategy, then you have probably spent more than one thousand rubles on it.


In this article I will show you exactly what it means Promote publication, and why you shouldn't use this button to promote your content on Facebook.

What does it mean to Raise a Post?

In 2012, Facebook launched a feature to promote your business page posts, where you can create an advertising campaign without leaving your page. In other words - Promotional posts.

Later this function received many updates, but the essence remained the same - offering fast and easy way spend money and show your content more people.

As organic reach has declined over the past few years, many community (fan or business) page owners have turned to the Boost Post feature to reach more people.

Is this a good idea?

What happens when you raise a post?

You go to your fan page, select the post you want to promote, and click on the Promote post button.

Then you choose audience , budget , validity period , and press the button lift.

What you should know: Facebook creates a new advertising campaign in your advertising account for the purpose of " Engagement for Page Posting«.

And this is where the problems begin.

Why shouldn't you promote posts?

If you are using target Clicks to the site, then Facebook optimizes advertising for more clicks on the link. If you have chosen Website conversions, then Facebook will analyze those who have already converted on your page and will try to show ads to similar audiences.

Show that you are a real person!! Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
Join us on Facebook And VKontakte

Today, almost every person has their own Facebook profile, but not everyone knows the capabilities of this social network.

website I decided to teach you some of the intricacies of Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild.

1. Read hidden messages

Few people know that Facebook has two mailboxes. One of them is for messages from people who are not your Facebook friends. If you didn't know about the second one mailbox, then you most likely missed invitations to various events from friends of your friends or proposals for a meeting from former work colleagues. To read these messages, you need to click on the “Messages” icon, then click on the “Correspondence Requests” button and execute the “View filtered requests” command.

2. Check where you came from to your page

If you doubt that you have left your page on your friend's computer, you can click the small downward arrow in the upper right corner of your screen and select “Settings.” Click on the "Security" button from the list of commands that appears on the left, and then select "Where you are signed in from" - this way you can track all browsers on which you are logged into your account at any time. To leave your page on any browser, simply click “End Action”.

3. Be sure that no one will hack you

If you have doubts about Facebook’s security system, you can use the “Login Confirmation” button in the same “Security Settings” section. Thus, the security system will require you to enter a password when logging into your account from an unknown device. If you access your page from a device you have never used, you will be required to use a password that will be sent to your phone.

4. Assign someone responsible for your profile

I wonder what happens to our social media profile when we no longer use it? On Facebook, you also have the opportunity to select the person who will be responsible for your page in the event of your death by clicking on the “Trusted Contacts” button in the same “Security Settings”. A trusted contact will not be able to post news or correspond on your behalf. His powers include changing his profile photo and responding to friend requests.

5. Allow yourself to be nostalgic

Sometimes we want to look again at our old ridiculous photos and old correspondence with our best friend. To do this, you don’t have to spend hours scrolling the mouse wheel, but you can simply click on the three dots icon in your friend’s profile and execute the “View Friendship” command.

6. Remember your Facebook past

On Facebook, you have the ability to view everything you've ever liked, commented on, or posted. Simply click on the upside-down arrow in the top right corner of your page and select “Activity Log.”

7. Walk in someone else's shoes

If you want to know what your profile looks like to people who aren't your friends, click on the three dots to the right of "View Activity Log" and select "View As..." This will give you a great opportunity to see your profile through the eyes of strangers you people.

8. Communicate face to face

Facebook allows you not only to correspond, but also to communicate using the camera. To do this, just click the small camera icon at the top (blue) part of the message window. If your friend has a camera, you will be able to see and hear each other.

9. Choose the posts you want to see

Writing and publishing posts in WordPress takes time. Having to navigate to Facebook and post links to the social network can be a very time consuming task. Add to this the need to schedule notes, and you may be wondering when to do the rest of your work? Don't panic. There are many ways to save your time and automate everything, from posting content on Facebook to scheduling each post. Everything can be done directly from WordPress.

Let's take a look at how scheduling posts on Facebook works, and look at solutions that can help speed up the process.

Schedule Posts to Facebook

What if you want to schedule Facebook posts to appear alongside your WordPress posts? There are several ways to do this. Some allow you to manually schedule publications, while others are more automated solutions.

Facebook's Scheduler

Select the date and time you want the post to be published.

Ready! Your post will be automatically published when you need it. The problem with scheduled posts is that you have to keep going to Facebook, uploading the post, and manually scheduling it to be published. This works great but takes some time. Another problem is that you can schedule a publication at least 10 minutes from the current moment. What if you want the post to be published earlier? In this case, you will either need to publish the post manually or use a completely different method.

It's best to schedule recording automatically from the console. You can write and schedule your posts without having to constantly upload them to Facebook. If you're serving a Facebook page, you can see which application was used when the post was published. Everyone else sees it as a normal post. Those. you can be on Facebook without actually being there. Here are a few applications that do this with a bang.


Buffer offers some simple methods, which allow you to publish your WordPress posts to your Facebook page. You can schedule recordings directly through the Buffer app; You can also install one of the Buffer plugins and run it in your WordPress console. Let's look at both methods.

Buffer app

You can easily set the date and time and your posts will be published for you. Once you've chosen a time, you can drag and drop posts to change their publishing order. The recording time is linked to the position. So, if the first position is published at 10:00am, the second position at 10:03, and the third at 10:07, and you drag the second post to the first position, then it will be published at 10:00, and the post that stood in the first position, will now move to the second and will be published at 10:03. You can rearrange them randomly.

One of the reasons why this plugin is easier to use is that scheduling posts is done in fewer clicks than Facebook. Plus, you can schedule posts to be published even after a minute, while Facebook's scheduler allows you to post after a minimum of 10 minutes.

Another option is to let the Buffer app automatically schedule posts. You can choose how many times per day you want to post your updates. You can even choose which days to do it and at what time.

Buffer allows you to connect to multiple profiles, i.e. you can schedule posts for multiple profiles from one console. You simply select the next profile in the tab and start publishing to it.

Buffer displays analytics for each post, displaying how many comments, likes and reposts the post has received. You can view recent posts, most popular, least popular, etc. You can also republish any post.

Another benefit of using Buffer is that it also allows you to post to Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Not bad for a free version, isn't it?

One of the problems with this method is that you have to go to Buffer and paste links and snippets from your posts into it. The easiest way to avoid this is to use the RSS feature that is offered in the Awesome plan.

To see analytics, entries by date, export, adding new posting schedules, 10 social profiles, 100 entries in Buffer, as well as 15 RSS feeds, you need to pay $102 per year for tariff plan Awesome. Using Buffer's feed feature will help you submit your posts directly to Buffer, i.e. you don't have to add them manually.

Another way to automatically publish to Buffer is to use plugins.

WP to Buffer

Hootsuite has some great scheduling features.

Just write your entry, select the date and time when you want the entry to be published. You can select the time in 5 minute increments. You can also receive an email when a post has been published. There is also an auto-scheduling option. You can schedule up to 10 posts per day, select the publication period (for example, you can publish materials from 8:00 to 10:00), select the days on which posting will be made. Then you can simply write your posts and Hootsuite will take care of the posting for you. It publishes to pages, groups, and also to your wall. All features are offered with a free Hootsuite account.

This is all great, but the app requires you to write all your posts in Hootsuite. What if you want Hootsuite to publish your WordPress posts directly to Facebook? There is an answer - you need to use an RSS feed.

The feed will be published on your Facebook page. You can simply enter the URL of your feed, specify which network to post links to, choose how often Hootsuite should check the feed for new posts, how many posts to publish at a time, choose whether the post should be a piece of text or a simple link, hide or no preview link; You can also add your message (for example, “My latest post”, “From the blog”, etc.), select your preferred URL shortening service.

If you set it to check your feed every hour and then tell it to publish one post to Facebook, your newest posts will be published to Facebook automatically within an hour of you posting them to your WordPress site. The service works great! I tested it by setting it to check every hour. He published posts to my test Facebook page, adding a title, a piece of text (actually all the text, because the posts were short), a short link, a logo, the site name, and a link to the home page. Everything looked very elegant. The RSS feature is part of your free Hootsuite account.

If you upgrade to the Pro plan, which costs $14.99 per month, you can bulk schedule your posts, schedule hundreds of posts, run multiple campaigns, manage 100 social profiles, and add team members.

WP HootSuite Dashboard Plugin

The Hootsuite plugin takes all the functionality of the application and integrates it into your WordPress dashboard. It works similar to an app, but gives you the convenience of having everything in one place. The plugin works with both paid and free versions of Hootsuite.

Automatic posting to Facebook

You can automatically post posts to Facebook as they are published. The easiest way to do this is to use a plugin. Here is a list of plugins that will help you post to Facebook for you.


Official plugin from Facebook. Among the many features of this plugin is the Social Publisher option, which helps you publish your WordPress posts to your Facebook feed. You must set the appropriate bindings for it to work. Once you install the plugin, you will need to link your Facebook account with your user profile in WordPress. The installation will take some time. You can choose who can see your posts. Choices include: Public, Friends, Only Me, and Custom.

Publicize is part of the free Jetpack plugin suite from Automattic. It allows you to automatically share your recordings on your favorite social networks. You can choose whether to post to your profile or to a separate group. You can also make posts visible to you, your friends, or hide them from individual friends. The plugin is easy to install and use.

You simply publish your entry and it is transferred to Facebook. Facebook selects an image that is at least 200x200 in size. You can choose whether this link is available only to you or to all users of your blog. Your posts will be published on Facebook as soon as they appear on the blog. The plugin is one of the easiest to install and use.

NextGEN Facebook

The plugin will allow you to use advanced sharing in social media, including Facebook. Available paid version, which adds a ton of different features, including custom titles and descriptions, excluding individual tags, etc. The price is set for the number of sites. The more sites you use, the cheaper the plugin will cost.

The paid version comes with modules that are compatible with popular plugins:

  • All in One SEO Pack
  • bbPress
  • BuddyPress
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • HeadSpace2 SEO
  • JetPack Photon
  • NextGEN Gallery
  • MarketPress – WordPress eCommerce
  • Polylang
  • WooCommerce
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast
  • WP e-Commerce

I installed free version, but due to a conflict between Yoast's SEO and WooCommerce, I had to remove the plugin. To work with these plugins without conflicts, you will need a paid version.

Facebook Auto Publish

A free plugin that allows you to post your posts to Facebook automatically as text, text with an image, and as an attached link. You can sort posts depending on custom post types and categories. You can also publish to certain Facebook pages. The plugin publishes the post title, description, quote, permalink, blog title, and username.

This is the second attempt to spread the virus on Facebook. The first infection method is described below. New method that's how it is. You receive a message from a friend that you have been tagged in a photo. At the same time, they show you some photo of you. You receive an email notification that you have been tagged a large number of times on Facebook. If this is a large number of times, this already indicates spam. Second, pay attention to the address above your photo that was sent to you by a friend. There the address is indicated for a completely different site, not Facebook.

What to do, read below

The second way to get infected

The second way to get infected on Facebook. Viral infections are spreading rapidly online. As soon as the page is infected, his friends are tagged in posts, and links to videos appear on the wall. When you try to follow the link, the virus is transmitted further. The same links are sent from the infected account to private messages.

The virus places a “video avatar” of the user whose page is infected on the screenshot and indicates that different users are listed there (a current example of infection):

If you see such a message, do not click on the link. Because you will immediately infect your page.

Treatment methods for infection

What you can do before you become infected:

If you are already infected, you need to do the following:

You need to go to the list of extensions that are running in Chrome and kill all the suspicious ones. Remove the ones you didn't install. For example, april first prank toolkit

You can also find the harmful extension from the list of extensions (chrome://extensions - type in address bar), but while it is running, it will not be possible to clean it without closing the processes in the manager.

The article was updated and supplemented: 08/30/2016.

Facebook recently launched a tool called Recommendations to help applicants and others find information about services and businesses. We estimate that this service is due to the fact that on some pages the "Recommend this page to friends" option is located just below inviting friends to this page.

Do you know the moment when you are looking for service, food or shopping in a new city that you don’t know? It doesn't matter whether you're traveling or even flying on vacation domestically or internationally. New tool, Facebook's recommendations provide the answer.

With the new tool you can ask a question and add the area you are in (it doesn't require GPS, meaning you can ask a question in advance and get an answer), then a map will be added to your question and it will look like regular post. When a message is published, your friends will be able to reply to you in response to that message and will be able to add businesses and services located in the area you requested.

  1. First way:
  2. The second way is to click follow this link.

If you want to ask friends for advice, go to the previous link and click the green "Ask Recommendations" button in the menu. You will have the option to add a message.

In the status, ask your question or request, for example: “Look for the nearest clothing store,” and below you must indicate the location, for example: Moscow. Select the audience that can see your post (public, friends, etc.) And finally, click the Publish button.

This means that the post will now be published and it will be on your profile like any other post, your friends will be able to see the request for home page(Newsfeed) and they will be able to answer you.

Once you see them, you can respond to them the same way you would comment on another post. Once you reply you will also have the option to add a link to the comment, the link to the comment is actually a featured business page. Just start typing and the business page will appear and select it. When you select a business, it will appear on the map as the member who requested the recommendation.

This is the most important part for you (the company and the organization). Since this tool connects consumers and businesses, you should use this tool to your advantage. But the required number of things to get started:

  1. You must have a local business page or a local company page created by Facebook.
  2. You must add a check-in on your page.

These two things are necessary otherwise people won't be able to point to your business once they want to recommend to their friends because they won't show up when they type. On at the moment they recommend you will enjoy two main things:

  1. You appear on the map as an applicant.
  2. The response from the person who recommended you is actually a link to your business page, which will help the applicant click and book your service and even contact you directly.

Well, every business has its own ways of people and customers recommending you. One of the best ways- ask your customers to recommend you when they see such a status, so you can post it on your business page.
