How to reveal an anonymous person? Is it possible to find out who anonymously asked a question on Ask ru, Ask fm - we answer Ask fm anonymous.

Probably, every person has such curious “well-wishers” who cannot openly express their opinion towards him. There may be various reasons. First of all, it may be personal hostility, fear of hearing the truth addressed to oneself, inability to defend one’s own point of view, and more. Such people who write on Ask fm, as a rule, have an acute psychological need to spoil you publicly and at the same time remain incognito.

How to find your offenders on Ask fm?

And since it is quite difficult to do this unnoticed in real life, people move to the Internet space. And then various kinds of messages appear on social network pages. Due to the fact that such cases are becoming more widespread, it is clear that more and more offended users want to recognize their offenders by asking the question: who writes on ask fm?

The anonymastik fm website will help you find out who wrote to you

The developers of ask themselves dealt with this issue. It’s easy to find out who is writing to you now, just go to the anonymastik fm website. To use the service of this site you will need to register on the ask itself. After registering, you will need to enter the address of your page in the ask, confirming it, you can join a program that can track anonymous people leaving comments on your page incognito. You can find out in more detail who writes on ask fm and how to identify such Internet ill-wishers by watching the video instructions.

Recently, along with social networks, survey services have also begun to develop, where users can ask each other questions and participate in discussions on various topics. But not all users want to show their true colors, but hide behind the mask of anonymity. In this regard, account owners have a question about how to reveal an anonymous person.

View anonymous users

It is worth noting that the survey resources where you have registered accounts do not provide the ability to view anonymous visitors.

In this case, you can use third-party resources that can reveal anonymous people in ask. Most of them work according to the same scheme. As an example, you can use the site antianonim. Here you need to enter the name of the anonymous person on the network or his IP address, by clicking on “Open anonymous”, you will receive necessary information. Using this service, you can go to its page on social networks, such as VKontakte, etc., which the user specified during registration. This way you can reveal anonymous people on the ask network.

If you are registered in the network, then you can find out anonymous people on the website, using the instructions for the previous site. Additional recommendations can be found in the articles:

Many users who receive negative comments or questions often really want to recognize their ill-wishers and discourage them from their online page, which is why they turn to similar services for viewing anonymous users.

Those who receive positive responses generally don't do so unless they really want to know the person who commented.

It is worth noting that everything depends on the person and the situation in which he finds himself.

How to find out who asked a question in f3 is a problem that users of this social network often encounter. This is an application specifically created for anonymous surveys. Such an opportunity is encouraging until a provocative or shocking request is received. There is a desire to find the author. The article explains whether it is possible to find out the sender.

It's worth considering what kind of chat this is. This is a unique utility designed for communication. The user needs to go to the official portal to download the product. The website and app store depend on the OS the phone is running on.

The program is downloaded to the gadget. You are registering your own account. An avatar and personal data are entered. Then the texts are written. They can be open and anonymous. The second option is considered preferable.

You can send messages or post text in stories, make interesting content. You can visualize or decorate it in different ways. You are allowed to use emoticons, videos and images. The latter are taken from the gallery on a smartphone or by removing and instant sending to the interlocutor.

Such a desire is contrary to the purpose of the program. Official solutions this issue does not exist. The developers do everything to ensure that information is not disclosed. You cannot ask for information about the authors of texts even on a paid basis.

Information in the application is recorded. Stored in the depths of the Internet. But the most advanced hackers will not be able to get it. The developers themselves can show what the user writes, but only upon request:

  • Government agencies;
  • Tax organization;
  • Law enforcement agencies.

Knowing this impossibility, the scammers are activated. The network offers to go to special portals, pay, download and watch secret information who wrote. This is a scam.

By contacting such people, you can lose money and compromise your profile. Lose your reputation and personal information. Fraudsters ask for a password and login.

How to find out who asked an anonymous question in f3?

How to find out who wrote f3 anonymous questions? There are several ways. Guaranteed result they won't give it. But you can be sure that the methods will not harm the user and the PC. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. An attempt to expose the user through cunning. You can ask guiding questions. Weak and inattentive people quickly split when writing an answer.
  2. Placing a trap link on the Instagram, VK or OK application profile.

Summing up

The application is useful. You can ask questions and answer immediately. It is legally impossible to identify the author of anonymous questions. Workarounds are used. But this loses the essence of the portal. Anonymity of the application is the main purpose. A person may realize that his identity will be accidentally revealed. He won't want to send any more requests. Will not express an opinion to a friend. If this information is disseminated, the portal risks losing users. Therefore, great attention is paid to confidentiality.

Surely you remember that boom around sites with anonymous questions, which was so relevant 3-5 years ago. Many Internet users shared links to such resources and encouraged friends and strangers to ask them about various things. “” and “” were very popular among Russian users. Serious verbal battles, showdowns, revelations, and confessions flared up on these sites. And the question “How can I find out who writes anonymously to Ask?” was probably asked by everyone who registered there. Even if passions have subsided a little today, and only their devoted fans remain on these networks, there are still questions that are still relevant. We will sort them out.

What is ""?

If you were on the sidelines of that trend, then first of all we will briefly tell you about this resource. (today it is ASKfm) is social network, where the user can both send completely anonymous questions to others (if desired, incognito can be removed), and answer such messages himself. The resource was created in Latvia in 2010. It acted as a competitor and in some ways a successor to the once popular Formspring.

Unlike the same “Facebook”, “VKontakte”, the functionality of “Ask” is somewhat limited: setting an avatar, a short questionnaire, a wall with friends’ answers, your own profile with all the questions you were once asked in chronological order. By replying to a message, you automatically make the question and your message visible to everyone who visits your page. You can publish anonymous questions in and publish your answers on Tumblr, VKontakte, Twitter, having previously integrated with these services. By the way, it was precisely such reposts that once widely advertised this site.

Who writes to Ask? According to statistics, in February 2015 the popularity of the network reached its peak with 80 million registered users worldwide. Not everyone has the same attitude towards her. Many were shocked by the news in 2012: Irish schoolchildren committed suicide due to bullying by their classmates at

How to ask an anonymous question without registering?

First of all, I’m wondering how to write anonymously to Ask. This can be done in two ways.

In Russia (not all countries have this option), it is possible to ask a question to the Aska user without having an account on this network. Of course, if the user allows the possibility of sending him such messages. This is done like this:

  1. Follow the link or through a search on the resource to the profile of the desired person.
  2. Enter the text of the question in the field.
  3. Express your agreement with the terms of service, confirm that you are over 13 years old, that you have not written anything offensive to a person - just check the box.
  4. Click on the orange button with the airplane - the question has been sent!

How to ask a question if you are already registered?

If you want to find out who is writing to your friends in Ask and ask and answer questions yourself, then it’s easier to register online. It's easy - just indicate email, name, password, date of birth, gender. It’s faster to log in via VK, Twitter, Facebook. The question is simple:

  1. Go to the page of the desired user.
  2. Write a question.
  3. By default it will already be anonymous. If you want the user to know the authorship, then move the incognito slider.
  4. You can also set it to invisibility: it will not be displayed that you were online when you sent the question.
  5. Click on the button with the airplane and the question is sent to the recipient!

How to find out who writes anonymously to Ask?

If we turn to information from official representatives of this resource, we will see that they assure everyone that the site is absolutely anonymous. That is, if, when sending a message, you checked “Anonymous question”, then you can be 100% sure that this is really true: no one will ever know that it was you who sent the message.

In principle, this is the feature of the resource that attracted you to it - the ability to ask questions incognito and receive them from people who want to hide their identity.

Are there services that will help reveal anonymity?

If you are wondering how to find out who writes anonymously in Ask, then you are probably looking for additional software that can provide this opportunity. If we turn again to official representatives, they will assure us here that there is not a single program in the world that would allow revealing all the cards of their users.

But we know that there are craftsmen who can hack even the most secure system, let alone data from a site with anonymous questions. If we look at the advertising of these programs, their developers describe the secrets of their creations approximately this way: “Asku” knows the IP address of any user, by which the system identifies him, which is why each user has his own unique ID. Based on this data, the program tracks and identifies the anonymous person. And if he has a page from another social network linked to his profile, then you can instantly recognize by sight the person who left you such an exciting message.

However, there is one “but” here - under the guise of whistleblower applications, a lot of malware, which are set up to steal your personal data. Therefore, we advise you to refrain from such investigations.

How to protect yourself from anonymous questions?

If you are really worried about annoying anonymous people, we advise you to do the following:

  • Go to "Settings" (gear icon).
  • In the "Profile" tab, uncheck "Allow questions from unregistered users."
  • There, uncheck the “Allow anonymous questions” checkbox.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Save".

That's all, now you will only receive questions from those who are not shy about showing their faces.

So, how do you find out who is writing anonymously to Ask? As the site developers assure, it is impossible to obtain such information. Theoretically, however, one can argue with them. But it makes no sense to recommend a specific whistleblower program - there is no proven reliable software of this kind. In the vast majority of cases, by downloading such software, you will introduce a dangerous virus to your gadget.
