How to increase carry weight in stalker. How to increase the maximum carry weight in stalker Black Stalker 2 how to increase the carry weight

Very often, players have to face the problem of how to increase weight in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. This problem is being resolved. Don't panic.

This is the problem that today’s article is devoted to. In it we will reveal in detail for the stalker the shadow of Chernobyl how to increase the carrying weight. After all, the world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is very diverse in terms of types of weapons, artifacts and other goodies. As the game progresses, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to study each weapon in more detail, test it, criticize it, or elevate it to the status of the best. And the choice is great. Therefore, very often heroes are faced with the choice of throwing something least expensive out of their backpack in order to fit a newly discovered item or artifact into the backpack.
There are several ways to increase weight in the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl and avoid throwing out various useful or useless items from your backpack (depending on which case).

Especially for you, we have made a selection of all the ways for Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl to increase the weight of a backpack.

The first method is not the most convenient for the player. But it does not change the game settings, which then lead to constant crashes. Unload everything unnecessary from your backpack into the corpse and drag it along with you. Of course, your movement speed will be like that of a snail. To do this, approaching the body of the dead man, open his backpack by pressing the “F” key. Throw all the necessary things into his backpack and close the backpack window. Next, hold down the key combination “Shift” + “F” and move in the desired direction. This key combination will allow your hero to drag a corpse with a full inventory anywhere. And to get something you need from the corpse’s inventory, just release the held buttons and open the inventory.

But why clutter your inventory? unnecessary things? Get rid of them. Real stalkers don't carry around a mountain of junk.

The second way in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl to increase the weight of the backpack is to have an exoskeleton. It provides a unique and expensive suit with the greatest physical protection. You won't be able to run in it, but it will help increase the maximum load you can bear. But slowly but confidently you will move through the expanses of the exclusion zone.

The third method is cheating. It changes settings in the game folder. It is necessary to correct the actor.ltx and system.ltx files through the standard Notepad application. We are looking for a folder on our computer with installation files games, and in it a folder called “gamedata”. Next, open the “config” folder and find the “creatures” folder. It contains the “actor” file, which must be opened using standard application“Notepad” and then start editing the weight as follows: in the max_item_mass line we enter, replacing the number 50 with 500, and in the max_walk_weight line we set exactly the same value. Now in the “config” folder we find a file called “system” and also open it through Notepad. In the max_weight line we set the value to 500. This action is necessary to display the number 500 in the inventory during the game, although this is not necessary. Instructions for changing the mood are revealed in more detail in the story:

The fourth method is to install a mod. You can download and install for stalker shadow of chernobyl to increase the portable weight of the mod. To do this, download stalker shadow of chernobyl increase the carry weight mod and unpack it into the game folder. The modification allows you to increase the carried weight up to 500 kg! But very often it becomes uninteresting to go through the game - you have collected all sorts of stuff, you run and shoot. Boring and monotonous.

Now you know how to increase weight in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. We have listed all the methods and really hope that they will help you in completing the legendary and cult game. Enjoy your time in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl!

How to increase weight in stalker call of pripyat? This question arises for all players sooner or later. After all, the game itself is presented to us not only by a hopeless and mysterious atmosphere, but also by a huge number and variety of different types of weapons, artifacts and all sorts of useful things. Therefore, players are often faced with the choice of discarding something of the least valuable from their inventory in order to fit a newly found item into their backpack.
There are several options for avoiding these actions: Stalker Call of Pripyat: how to increase your carrying weight.

We bring to your attention instructions for Stalker Call of Pripyat on how to increase your carrying weight.

The first and most optimal option is not to change the game settings, but to use them to the maximum available options and game activities. Start a fight with a weak enemy and kill him. Approaching the body of the dead man, open his backpack by pressing the “F” key. Throw all the necessary things into his backpack and close the backpack window. Next, hold down the key combination “Shift” + “F” and move in the desired direction. This key combination will allow your hero to drag a corpse with a full inventory anywhere. And to get something you need from the corpse’s inventory, just release the held buttons and open the inventory.

The second way is to purchase an exoskeleton. It provides a unique and expensive suit that will give you a chance to successfully tank and defeat everyone and everything. Only the exoskeleton has the greatest physical protection. You won't be able to run in it, but it will help increase the maximum load you can bear.

The third way to increase weight in Call of Pripyat stalker is cheating. There are cheat codes that allow you to remove weight restrictions in the game. For example, g_always_run 1. Entering this code into the console will give you ample opportunities for unlimited running, and, accordingly, ignoring the maximum weight limit. After all, upon reaching this point, you could only move by walking, and the cheat code will allow you to run unhindered and constantly.

The fourth method is to change the settings in the game folder. It is necessary to correct the actor.ltx and system.ltx files through the standard Notepad application. We are looking for a folder on our computer with the game installation files, and in it there is a folder called “gamedata”. Next, open the “config” folder and find the “creatures” folder. It contains the “actor” file, which must be opened using the standard Notepad application and there you can start editing the weight as follows: in the max_item_mass line we enter, replacing the number 50 with 500, and in the max_walk_weight line we set exactly the same value. Now in the “config” folder we find a file called “system” and also open it through Notepad. In the max_weight line we set the value to 500. This action is necessary to display the number 500 in the inventory during the game, although this is not necessary.

Now you know for Stalker Call of Pripyat how to increase your carrying weight. We have listed all the methods and we really hope that they will help you when completing the legendary and cult game under the great name S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Fans of computer games in the shooter genre often encounter difficulties such as a small supply of inventory, sometimes forcing you to rack your brains about what to throw out and what to keep. Let's take, for example, the game "Stalker". In this shooter, as you successively complete various tasks, you will find many useful things, but, as a rule, all these things will not fit in your inventory.

So, how can we increase the capacity of our inventory in computer game"Stalker" Before starting the game, you need to go to the game folder and open it in the sequence gamedata>configs>creatures>actor.ltx. By opening the actor.ltx file, a notepad will appear in front of you, in which various commands in the game are written, do not touch or change anything. In this notepad, find the line - max_walk_weight, which is responsible for the maximum weight that can be carried. This line contains the standard possible carry weight - 60. If we change this value, for example, to 1000, your weight that can be carried in your inventory will be equal to 1000.

In addition to this, there is another important aspect in the game - energy. Having set the maximum possible carry weight in the inventory = 1000, we will not be able to move normally due to our energy consumption. It is important to know that sometimes the game has glitches due to the maximum carried weight, so it is not advisable to set the parameter to more than 1000

How to change energy consumption

In the game folder, open the following folders and the file in sequence - gamedata\configs\system.ltx. Again, a notepad with different commands will open in front of you, we need the max_weight line. This line is responsible for energy consumption in the game. In this line, the standard value = 50. This means that energy will be consumed twice as fast if the weight carried in the inventory exceeds 50. If you set the maximum carried weight = 1000, then in the max_weight line set 1100.

How to change jump distance

To change it, find the actor.ltx file that was opened to increase the carry weight. Find the jump_speed line and set any value up to 20.

STALKER Call of Pripyat became the second masterpiece from the entire line of STALKER games from GSC game world. The game has gained no less popularity than its previous part STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl (Oblivion Lost).

The plot of the game STALKER Call of Pripyat takes place after the events that led to the opening of the center of the zone and the shutdown of the brain burner. The gamer will have to clean up the results of the failed military operation to gain control of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant under the beautiful name “Fairway”.

To make life easier in STALKER Call of Pripyat, we present to your attention some cheats, secrets and useful tips on survival in the zone.

How to increase your carry weight in STALKER Call of Pripyat.

No need to use any additional codes and mods to increase the carry weight in STALKER Call of Pripyat. It is enough to simply correct the actor.ltx and system.ltx files in the game folder. You can find them using the following path:

  • \gamedata\config\creatures\actor.ltx
  • \gamedata\config\system.ltx

In actor.ltx we change the following lines:

  • max_item_mass = 35 ;50.0 for example on "max_item_mass = 35 ;1000.0
  • max_walk_weight = 60" for example to "max_walk_weight = 1500

In system.ltx we change the value of the parameter: max_weight to 1000.0

And the weight carried by the character is now 1000 kilograms instead of 50, which will allow you to wear as much gear as your heart desires.

If these files are not in the game folder, then you just need to download and add them.

By the way, in these files you can change not only the carried weight, but also all the main parameters of the character.

Location of rare artifacts in the game STALKER Call of Pripyat.

  • Artifact "Heart of the Oasis" - located, in fact, in the “Oasis” location itself.
  • Artifact "Firefly“You should look for the anomalies “Vine”, “Plavni”, “Concrete Bath” and “Soda”.
  • Artifact "Compass" You can get it by killing a character nicknamed Noah, or you can get it from him by completing Beard’s quest.
  • Artifact "Soul" can be obtained by completing the Snags quest.
  • Artifact "Night Star" at the dredger in the Springboard anomalies.
  • Artifact "Snowflake" can be found in the Electra and Scar anomalies if you have a good detector.
  • Artifact" Gravity" We are looking for the "Bitumen" anomaly at the "Jupiter" location
  • Artifact "Sparkler" And "Moonlight" in the anomaly "Iron Forest"
  • Artifact "Dummy" very rarely can be found in the "Rubec" anomaly on the "Zaton".
  • Artifact "Eye" in fiery anomalies.
  • Artifact "Insulator" Available only when completing the scientist's task.
  • Artifact "Steering wheel" is also a quest.

Rare weapon in the game STALKER Call of Pripyat.


  • "Award PMm" is given from the beginning of the game and nowhere else. Don't sell.
  • Pistols "Alpine" , "March" , "Steppe Hawk" can be ordered from Shustroy
  • "Black Hawk" can be found in caches and received for completing the quest "Theft" from Koryaga.

Slot machines:

  • "Frezer", "FT-200m" and "Storm" You can order from Shustroy.
  • "RP-74 Zulu"can be obtained, in fact, from the Zulu itself.
  • "SGI-5k Strelka" in one of Strelok's caches in random order.

Shotguns, rifles and other rare weapons:

  • Grenade launcher "Bulldog-6" after completing the tasks of Owl or Beard.
  • Rifles "Surf" , "Lynx" , "SVu2-a" at Shustroy's.
  • Shotgun "Predator" can be received as a reward from St. John's wort.
  • Shotguns "Carabinier" And "Chipper" to order from Shustroy.

That's probably all that's useful to know. The rest is intuitively clear as the game progresses. Have a nice time!
