Creating an electronic signature in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader using the CryptoPro PDF program. Instructions for installing and using CryptoPRO PDF CryptoPro application pdf


ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02-LU

CryptoPro PDF


Guide to Automating Creation and Validation

electronic signatures

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. Guide to Automating Creation and Validation

electronic signatures.


This document describes various ways to automate the creation and

checking electronic signatures using Adobe JavaScript and iText. The document provides instructions for using the electronic signature batch wizard and the command line utility that are included with CryptoPro PDF.

Information about the developer "CryptoPro PDF":

LLC "Crypto-Pro"

127 018, Moscow, post office box Crypto-Pro Phone: +7 495 995-48-20 Fax: +7 495 995-48-20 E-mail: [email protected]

1. Batch processing of documents using CryptoPro PDF.................... 4

1.1. Batch wizard with electronic signature

1.1.1. Creation of electronic signatures

1.1.2. Verifying electronic signatures

1.2. Command line tool cppdfutil.exe

1.2.1. Creation of electronic signatures

1.2.2. Verifying electronic signatures

2. Automation of signature creation and verification

2.1. Automation using Adobe JavaScript

2.1.1. Example code for generating an electronic signature

2.1.2. Sample code for verifying an electronic signature

2.1.3. Debugging and Executing JavaScript Code in Adobe Acrobat.................................. 25

2.2. Automation using iText

2.2.1. Java development

2.2.2. Development on the Microsoft.NET Framework platform

2.3. Automation using JavaScript and OLE

3. List of abbreviations

4. List of drawings

5. List of tables

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

1. Batch processing of documents using CryptoPro PDF "CryptoPro PDF" provides the following capabilities for working with a batch of PDF documents:

creating electronic signatures for all PDF documents included in the package;

verification of electronic signatures in all PDF documents included in the package.

Creation and verification of ES in a package of PDF documents can be done using the Batch Work with ES Wizard (cppdfwizard.exe) or using the command line utility (cppdfutil.exe).

To use the batch digital signature wizard and the command line utility, you must have Adobe Acrobat installed.

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

1.1. Batch wizard with electronic signature 1.1.1. Creating electronic signatures Step 1. Getting the wizard started To create an electronic signature in a batch of PDF documents, run the batch wizard for working with electronic signatures (Start All programs CRYPTO-PRO Batch signing PDF documents). A wizard window will appear on the screen (see Figure 1). To skip this step the next time you run the wizard, you must check the Do not show this page flag.

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ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 2. Selecting an action with a package of documents In this wizard window, select the option Create an electronic signature in documents (see Figure 2) and click the Next button.

–  –  –

Step 3. Selecting directories when batch creating electronic signatures At this step, the wizard will display a dialog box (see.

Figure 3), in which you need to specify the directories for working with a package of PDF documents:

Directory with documents for signature. The source directory that should contain the PDF documents that need to be signed. All documents in this directory will remain unchanged.

Directory for signed documents. The directory in which signed copies of all PDF documents from the directory with documents for signature will be placed.

–  –  –

When you click the Advanced button, a window with additional settings will appear (see Figure 4).

In this window you can specify the following settings:

Directory for documents that could not be signed. Copies of all PDF documents from the directory with documents for signature that have not been signed will be placed in this directory.

Overwrite files with the same names. When creating a file in the directory for signed documents or in the directory for documents that could not be signed, a file with the same name may already exist. If this option is enabled, then if the names match, the file will be overwritten with a new one. If this option is disabled, then if the names match, the process of creating a signature on the document will be interrupted.

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ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 4. Selecting a signing certificate At this stage, the wizard will display the window for selecting a signing certificate (see Figure 5).

The certificate on which the electronic signature should be created can be selected from the “Personal” storage of the current user by clicking on the Select from storage button or from the container by clicking on the Select from container button.

You can view the selected certificate using the View button.

Figure 5. Selecting a signing certificate

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 5. Selecting a signature type.

At this step of the wizard (see Figure 6), you must specify the type of signature to be created:

regular or certification.

To specify whether the signature should conform to the enhanced CAdES-X Long Type 1 format, you must select the Use enhanced electronic signature option. Otherwise, a signature corresponding to the CAdES BES format will be created.

When creating an advanced signature, the time stamp service address must be specified in the Time Stamp Service field. If the time stamp service address is not specified, it can be taken from Group Policy.

You also need to choose what actions with the document will be allowed after signing. If you create a regular signature, you can block the document after signing. If you are creating a certification signature, you can select one of the settings:

allow the completion of forms and the use of digital signatures;

allow comments, form filling, and digital signatures;

prohibit changes.

Figure 6. Selecting a signature type

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 6. Enter signature parameters

At this step of the wizard, you can specify additional information about the signature:

reason for signing (can be selected from the list or entered manually);


contact information.

To start the process of creating electronic signatures in selected PDF documents, click on the Start button.

Figure 7. Signature options

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 7. Creating an electronic signature At this stage, the wizard will begin to create an electronic signature in the selected documents, displaying the progress of the signing process in the table (see Figure 8).

If the Continue working when errors occur option (see Figure 4) is disabled, then if an error occurs, the program will stop the process of creating electronic signatures and the remaining PDF documents will not be signed.

–  –  –

After the process of creating an electronic signature is completed, the wizard will display a list of processed documents and the results of creating an electronic signature. To go to the last page of the wizard, click the Next button.

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 8. Completing the wizard The last page of the wizard will display information about the total number of documents, the number of successfully signed and unsigned documents (see Figure 9).

To view detailed information about the work of the wizard when signing this package of documents, click on the View log button.

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ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

1.1.2. Checking electronic signatures Step 1. Starting the wizard To check the electronic signature in a package of PDF documents, run the wizard for batch work with electronic signature (Start All programs CRYPTO-PRO Batch signing PDF documents). A wizard window will appear on the screen (see Figure 1). To skip this step the next time you run the wizard, you must check the Do not show this page flag.

Step 2. Selecting an action with a package of documents In this wizard window, select the Verify electronic signature in documents option (see Figure 10) and click Next.

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ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 3. Selecting directories during batch checking of electronic signatures At this step, the wizard will display a dialog box (see Figure 11). In the Directory with documents for signature verification field, you must specify the directory with documents for signature verification. This is the source directory that should contain the PDF documents that need to be verified. All documents in this directory will remain unchanged.

–  –  –

When you click the Advanced button, a window with additional settings will appear (see Figure 12).

In the window that appears, you can specify the following settings:

Directory for log files. A file with a report on the progress of signing the PDF package of documents will be placed in this directory.

Directory for documents whose signature could not be verified. Copies of all PDF documents from the directory with documents for signature verification, in which the electronic signature could not be verified or was declared invalid, will be placed in this directory.

Directory with verified documents. This is the directory in which copies of all PDF documents from the directory with documents for signature verification will be placed, the electronic signatures in which have been successfully verified and found valid.

Overwrite files with the same names. When creating a file in the directory for scanned documents or in the directory for documents that could not be scanned, a file with the same name may already exist. If this option is enabled, then if the names match, the file will be overwritten with a new one. If this option is disabled, then if the names match, the process of creating a signature on the document will be interrupted.

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Continue working if errors occur. If this option is disabled, then if an error occurs, the program will stop the process of creating electronic signatures and the remaining PDF documents will not be signed.

Figure 12. Additional settings

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 4. Selecting signature parameters At this stage, you need to specify the signature parameters (see Figure 13). In each PDF document, only one signature will be checked, the parameters of which correspond to the specified ones, while the remaining signatures will not be checked. If the document does not have a signature with the specified parameters, an error will be returned stating that the signature was not found. If a signature with the specified parameters exists, the verification result will be returned.

The search for electronic signatures is carried out using the following parameters:

Type of signature (regular or certification);

Compliance with improved format. To specify this parameter, you must check the Check signature compliance with the advanced format checkbox. In this case, not only the validity of the electronic signature will be verified, but also its compliance with the CAdES-X Long Type 1 format described in the “CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures” standard, ETSI Standard, RTS/ESI-000040, TS 101 733.”

The certificate on which the electronic signature should be generated. The certificate can be selected from the current user's Personal storage. To select a certificate, click on the Select from storage button. You can view the selected certificate using the View button.

To start the electronic signature verification process in selected PDF documents, click on the Start button.

Figure 13. Selecting signature type and certificate

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 5. Verifying the electronic signature At this step of the wizard, the process of verifying the signature in the selected PDF documents starts. If the Continue working when errors occur option (see Figure 12) is disabled, then if an error occurs, the program will stop the electronic signature verification process and the remaining PDF documents will not be scanned.

After the process of checking signatures in a package of documents is completed, the wizard will display a list of processed documents and the results of checking the electronic signature (see Figure 14). To go to the last page of the wizard, click the Next button.

Figure 14. ES test results

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Step 6. Completing the wizard The last page of the wizard will display information about the total number of documents, the number of successfully verified and not verified documents (see Figure 15).

To view detailed information about the work of the wizard when checking this package of documents, click the View log button.

To close the wizard, click the Finish button.

–  –  –

The cppdfutil.exe command line program is designed to create or check electronic signatures in a package of PDF documents. The program is installed in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Crypto Pro\PDF directory.

Creation of electronic signatures 1.2.1.

To start the process of creating an electronic signature in a package of PDF documents, run the following command:

cppdfutil.exe sign [parameters] The list of parameters for the sign command is given in the table (see Table 1).

Table 1. Description of sign command parameters

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Verification of electronic signatures 1.2.2.

To start the electronic signature verification process in a package of PDF documents, run the following command:

cppdfutil.exe verify [parameters] The list of parameters for the verify command is given in the table (see Table 2).

–  –  –

Note. In each PDF document, only one signature will be checked, the parameters of which correspond to the specified ones, while the remaining signatures will not be checked. For example, if the parameters req-cades, req-certified, req-certificate are simultaneously specified, then the document searches for an improved certification signature made on this certificate and checks its validity.

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

2. Automation of signature creation and verification 2.1. Automation using Adobe JavaScript Adobe Acrobat has the ability to use JavaScript scripts to generate and verify electronic signatures. Using scripts, you can ensure autonomous work with digital signatures without using a graphical user interface.

To enable the use of JavaScript scripts, you must complete the following steps:

2. Select Preferences in the Edit section.

3. In the window that opens (see Figure 16), select the JavaScript tab and click the Enable Acrobat JavaScript flag.

By default, this option is enabled when installing Adobe Acrobat.

Figure 16. Setting up JavaScript in Adobe Acrobat

When you launch Adobe Acrobat, all available files with the *.js extension will be automatically downloaded from the Adobe Acrobat\Acrobat\Javascripts installation path directory. The JavaScript code contained in these files will be available for execution in Adobe Acrobat.

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

2.1.1. Example code for generating an electronic signature Below is an example of JavaScript code that generates an invisible electronic signature in a document:

// object of the current document var doc = this;

// create an invisible signature object var f = doc.addField("MySignature", "signature", 0, );

// get the CryptoPro PDF handler var engine = security.getHandler("CryptoPro PDF");

// load the certificate from the file c:\path\mycert.cer var c = security.importFromFile(( cType:"Certificate", cDIPath:"/c/path/mycert.cer", bUI:false ));

// initialization engine.login(( oParams:( oEndUserSignCert:c ) ));

// additional information var s = ( reason: "MyReason", location: "Moscow" );

// calculation of ES f.signatureSign(( oSig: engine, oInfo: s, bUI: false ))) 2.1.2. Example code for checking an electronic signature Below is an example of JavaScript code that checks and displays information about the electronic signature in a document:

// get an existing signature object var f = doc.getField("MySignature");

// check the electronic signature var res = f.signatureValidate();

// analysis of the test result switch(res) ( case -1: console.println("Not a signature field"); break;

case 0: console.println("Signature is blank"); break;

case 1: console.println("Unknown status"); break;

case 2: console.println("Signature is invalid"); break;

case 3: console.println("Signature of document is valid, identity of signer could not be verified"); break;

case 4: console.println("Signature of document is valid and identity of signer is valid"); break;

default: console.println("Undefined result);

) // output information about the signature var sinfo = f.signatureInfo();

console.println("Signer: " + + " " + sinfo.contactInfo);

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

2.1.3. Debug and run JavaScript code in Adobe Acrobat You can use the JavaScript debugger to debug and run JavaScript.

To launch the JavaScript debugger, you must do the following:

1. Open the main Adobe Acrobat window.

2. Select Tools in the View section, then JavaScript (see Figure 17).

3. A tab will appear in the main Adobe Acrobat window, where you need to click JavaScript Debugger.

To open the JavaScript debugger using the keyboard, press CTRL+J.

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2.2. Automation using iText iText is an open source library for generating, parsing and modifying PDF documents. The iText library was originally developed for the Java language, and then ported to the Microsoft.NET Framework in the form of the iTextSharp library, written in C#.

Later, the iTextSharp library appeared, written in C# and representing a port of iText for the Microsoft.NET Framework.

More detailed information about these products can be found on the iText website

Software Corp.: 2.2.1. Development in Java To automate the creation and verification of electronic signatures in Java, you must use the iText library in conjunction with CryptoPro JCP.

Detailed information and examples of program code can be found on the CRYPTOPRO forum at: 2.2.2. Development on the Microsoft.NET Framework platform To automate the creation and verification of electronic signatures on the Microsoft.NET Framework platform, it is necessary to use the iTextSharp library in conjunction with the CryptoPro CSP and CryptoPro.NET products.

Texts of program code examples for generating and verifying an electronic signature are presented as part of the CryptoPro.NET SDK ( file, which by default is located in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Crypto Pro\.NET SDK\Examples directory).

Detailed information can be found in the CRYPTO-PRO documentation at the following addresses: /html/d5da1068-67b6-4247-bb41d1bd1e77774.htm ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

2.3. Automation using JavaScript and OLE The CryptoPro PDF plugin contains a JavaScript script to automate the creation and verification of signatures in PDF documents. This script is contained in the CPPDFDSig.js file, which, after installing the plugin, is located in the Adobe Acrobat\Acrobat\Javascripts application installation path.

The script presents two methods: for creating a signature and for verifying the CPSign signature CPVerify.

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Return value If the document is signed successfully, the return value is 0. Otherwise, an error code is returned (see Table 5).

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

Table 5. Description of errors returned by the CPSign method

–  –  –

(0xA0000001) ERR_FIELD_CREATION Error creating signature field.

(0xA0000002) ERR_INIT_HANDLER Error initializing the CryptoPro handler.

(0xA0000004) ERR_SIGNING The signing function failed.

(0xA0000005) ERR_SIGN_LIMIT The allowed number of signatures has been exceeded.

–  –  –

Return value If signature verification is successful, the return value is 0. Otherwise, an error code is returned (see Table 6).

–  –  –

ERR_DOCUMENT_OPENING Error opening the document.

(0xA0000001) ERR_FIELD_OPENING Error when working with the signature field.

(0xA000000C) ERR_INIT_HANDLER Error initializing the CryptoPro handler.

(0xA0000004) ERR_NO_SIGNATURE The document does not contain signatures.

(0xA000000D) ERR_INVALID_TS The time stamp is missing or incorrect.

(0xA0000007) ERR_NO_SIGINFO Error initializing the sigInfo signature properties object.

(0xA000000E) ERR_NOT_CERTIFIED The signature is not a certification signature.

(0xA0000008) ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGN Signature is undefined.

(0xA0000009) ERR_INVALID_SIGN The signature is invalid.

(0xA000000A) ERR_INVALID_SIGNER The signature is valid, but the identity of the signer was not (0xA000000B) verified.

ERR_NO_MATCHING_SIGNA A signature with the specified parameters was not found.

TURE (0xA000000F) ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

You can use these methods in your JavaScript scripts, as well as when third-party applications interact with Adobe Acrobat using OLE technology.

More information about this can be found in the Adobe documentation:

101.13.html Examples for executing JavaScript scripts from applications written in Visual Basic, C++, C# can be found in the Acrobat SDK in the InterAppCommunicationSupport folder.

–  –  –

4. List of figures Figure 1. Wizard for batch work with electronic signature

Figure 2. Selecting an action with a package of documents

Figure 3. Selecting directories when creating electronic signatures in batches

Figure 4. Additional settings

Figure 5. Selecting a signing certificate

Figure 6. Selecting a signature type

Figure 7. Signature options

Figure 8. The process of creating electronic signatures in selected documents

Figure 9. Completing the wizard

Figure 10. Selecting an action with a package of documents

Figure 11. Selecting directories during batch checking of electronic signatures

Figure 12. Additional settings

Figure 13. Selecting signature type and certificate

Figure 14. ES test results

Figure 15. Completing the wizard when checking the electronic signature

Figure 16. Setting up JavaScript in Adobe Acrobat

Figure 17. Launching the JavaScript debugger

Figure 18. JavaScript Debugger

ZhTYAI.00064-01 90 02. CryptoPro PDF. A guide to automating the creation and verification of electronic signatures.

5. List of tables Table 1. Description of the parameters of the sign command

Table 2. Description of the verify command parameters

Table 3. Brief overview of JavaScript functions for working with CryptoPro PDF.

27 Table 4. Brief overview of JavaScript objects for working with CryptoPro PDF................................ 28 Table 5. Description of errors returned by the CPSign method

Table 6. Description of errors returned by the CPVerify method

Attention! For use in conjunction with the Adobe Reader program, the CryptoPro PDF module is distributed free of charge.

This section will help youusing the CryptoPro PDF programElectronically sign Adobe Acrobat documents(Adobe Acrobat Standard or Adobe Acrobat Pro versions 8, 9, X, XI or DC of all versions).

Electronic signature is necessary in cases where it is necessary to guarantee the authenticity and origin of a document. The document must be signed only when it is finally ready and does not require adjustments.

It is not possible to certify a PDF document (with or without a visible signature) in Adobe Reader. Creating an electronic signature in a PDF document is possible in Adobe Reader versions 11.0.07 and higher, DC.

To sign documents usingCryptoPro PDF do the following:

Setting up CryptoPro PDF

Signing a document using CryptoPro PDF

  1. Click on the button Tools. Find and click on the button Certificates

    If you work in
    Adobe Reader, press Fill out and sign. In the section Working with certificates select Signature with certificate

  2. Select signature type.

    Types of signatures:
    - Digital signature.
    The signature appears as a signature field in the document and in the Signatures panel.
    Can be used to sign a PDF document multiple times by multiple people.

    - Certification signature.
    A document can be certified either with a visible or without a visible signature.In the first case, the signature will appear as a signature field in the document and in the Signatures panel.In the second case, the signature will only appear in the Signatures panel.
    Certifies a PDF document.
    Can only be used if the PDF document does not contain other signatures.
    Allows you to specify the types of changes allowed to the document (adding comments, filling out forms, or adding regular signatures) or prohibit any further changes.

  3. If this window opens in the program, click Drag rectangle for new signature

  4. If this window opens, click OK

  5. At the next step, you should select an area in the document to display the electronic signature.
    Click the cursor on the part of the document where the electronic signature will be located and select the desired area in the document
  6. Next, a window will open with a list of certificates for signing the document. Select the one you want and click OK

  7. To generate a signature, click on the button Subscribe

  8. Specify the name of the document and click the button Save

  9. A message appears indicating that the document was successfully signed.

  10. Information about the signature, time and date of signing the document will appear on the document in the specified area.

    Shepelev Oleg Viktorovich

    Good afternoon. I installed the Adobe Acrobat program on my desktop computer, and in the program itself it says that there are different types of signatures. What is a certification signature? What types of protection and types are they in general? And which one is better to choose for signing documents?

    • Website

      An electronic digital signature is an analogue of a handwritten one. It comes in three types: simple (SEP), unqualified (NEP) and qualified (KEP). Only the CEP has full legal force - it is issued to applicants by accredited certification centers (CA). The last type of digital signature – EDS – is considered the most secure. Such an electronic signature is created using cryptographic algorithms, and a certificate is issued for the means of its generation.
      EDS is necessary for participants in electronic document management – ​​for example, to work on electronic trading platforms. You will also need it in order to use services remotely (for example, through the portal), remotely submit reports to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, and submit applications to the arbitration court.
      To choose a suitable digital signature, you need to clearly define where and how you are going to use it.
      More details about the service -.


    Good afternoon, I’m not good at digital signature, I want to register a cash register remotely. Questions have arisen. Do you even need the CryptoPro PDF program for this procedure? Maybe there is a workaround?

    • Website

      You will not be able to register a cash register through your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website without an electronic signature. In order not to buy an electronic signature, you can personally fill out a paper version of the application at any tax department, but for full-fledged work, for example, to enter into an agreement with the OFD, a signature will be needed, since not all Operators are ready to work in a “paper” format.

    Love I

    For now, I downloaded the free version of CryptoPro, decided to use it for a month and determine for myself whether it suits me or not. I am satisfied, it is easy to install, everything is simple to use, tomorrow I will purchase a licensed version. Therefore, I don’t see anything wrong with free periods of programs, everyone should evaluate whether this or that suits them, and not just throw money away.


    And if you register a signature and work with Cryptopro, can you sign documents for foreign partners? I urgently need an electronic signature to somehow reduce the number of business trips. I can’t find information from any of the providers about their “operability” abroad. Is our digital signature system even listed there?

    • Website

      Valentina, electronic document management with foreign companies is complicated by the lack of a unified international format and electronic signature standard. In addition, different countries have different legal requirements for the use of electronic signatures. In order for a foreign signature to be recognized as legally significant on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to determine what type of signature it belongs to. A foreign electronic signature cannot be qualified, since a foreign CA will not be able to obtain accreditation in the Russian Federation; Electronic signature means cannot be certified by the FSB. The protection of a simple electronic signature is not sufficient. This leaves an enhanced unqualified electronic signature. Organizational aspects for the transition to electronic document management practically do not depend on who you are going to exchange with, with a counterparty abroad or on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to determine what types of documents you sign, what the work procedure will be (and all this must be approved in the accounting policy), and approve the rules for documenting documents and their copies. The procedure is long, complicated, but possible.

    Maxim Zakharov

    Unfortunately, every day I have to observe how many of my colleagues do not even think about using licenses. Yes, our people are famous for their entrepreneurship and ability to find loopholes in order to endlessly update the trial period, etc. I think this is low. After all, the companies that use such programs are mostly large. They are quite able to afford a license for 22 thousand, for unlimited use this is not money at all! And if you are a private owner, then what is 2 thousand a year? But you will be absolutely sure that all functions are available to you and no problems will arise at the most unnecessary moment.

    Nadezhda L.

    How our people love freebies. They download crap Adobe programs, crap Office, and don’t want to buy anything. They even try to buy antivirus software for the computer. It seems to me that this is right in our heads - where to save money. Such programs need to be purchased licensed, this even affects your hardware, think about it! Not to mention respect for the developer, which is the last thing people think about these days.

    • Andrey

      Nadezhda, from my own experience I agree with you. I once downloaded an antivirus for free on one site, and this is the result - I had to buy a new computer. The virus devoured my laptop so much that it could no longer be restored. And my friend CryptoPro was renewing his illegal card periodically, because he really wanted to save money. As a result, money flew out of his account at one point. And you can’t find the end here anymore, you just need to run licensed programs on your computer and everything will be fine.


    In government agencies, it is very strict that a license is required for each program. Don’t take risks and don’t download free versions, especially the Crypto Pro module. I advise you not to joke about this, the fines are serious for breaking the law. Pirated software does not guarantee reliable and uninterrupted operation; these programs do not allow you to count on timely updates and technical support; installing illegal copies puts you at risk of infecting your computer with viruses, which can result in losing important information altogether. By the way, computer equipment suppliers have the right not to perform warranty repairs, citing the installation of unlicensed software. I advise you not to skimp on a license, this is fraught with consequences.


    In government institutions, it is mandatory to use a certified digital signature, so you need a license for Crypto Pro. The free version of “Crypto Pro” is suitable not only for physicists, but for those who use a simple signature. The cost of the licensed version is from 2000 rubles. and its period of use will be one year. In a year, please pay again if you are going to use Crypto Pro in your work. If your budget allows and you plan to use the key for many years, you can buy a perpetual license, its price starts from 20,000 rubles. If purchased with the installation kit, you will receive a serial number.

    Valentina Petrovna

    I work as an accountant in a government institution, I have to use countless software products in my work, and every year there is something new, one program or another. As you understand, the budget is limited, the regime is economy, and needs are growing. Every year a lot of money is spent on updating all sorts of licenses, which are most often valid for a year. At work, it became necessary to install Crypto Pro. I don’t want to overpay extra money, I wanted to know if an organization can use an unlicensed version of Crypto Pro or is it only for physicists? Someone purchased a perpetual license for Crypto Pro, is there any benefit? What is the average price for this module?

    • Website

      Valentina Petrovna, liability for the use of unlicensed software is provided:
      civil law (payment of compensation to the copyright holder);
      administrative (fine 30,000-40,000 rubles - for the organization, 10,000-20,000 rubles - for the manager);
      criminal (if the cost of software is from 100,000 to 1,000,000 rubles - imprisonment for up to 2 years and a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, if the cost of software is 1,000,000 rubles or more - imprisonment for up to 6 years and a fine of up to 500,000 rub.).
      If you plan to sign certifying documents, a license is required. It can be ordered from the manufacturer or dealers for 22,500 (indefinitely) or 2,250 (for a year) rubles.


    Adobe Reader allows you to work with files of any complexity, and also supports all specifications, in addition, this program is absolutely free. Adobe Acrobat. - This is already a commercial product, for the right to use which you need to pay. The differences in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are due to the peculiarities of the functioning of these programs; this is in no way related to the operation of the CryptoPro PDF module. The Adobe Acrobat program allows you to: certify an arbitrary PDF document; sign an arbitrary PDF document; verify digital signature. Adobe Reader, in turn, checks any PDF document to sign PDF documents with extended access. You can work in any of the programs; CryptoPro PDF functions perfectly with any of them.


    I work as an accountant for an investor, we want to create an electronic signature, and there is a need for “Crypto Pro”. As it turned out, this also requires Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. Which one is better and which one is really worth installing? What is the general difference between Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat when creating digital signatures?

    • Website

      Victoria, In Adobe Acrobat you can create regular and certification (visible and invisible) electronic signatures. Both options allow you to verify the information contained in the file. The certification electronic signature makes it possible to make certain changes (leave comments, fill out form fields, etc.) after signing. To create regular digital signatures in Adobe Reader, you must enable additional functions. This feature is supported by the application in editions DC and 11.0.07 (and higher), as well as Acrobat Professional or Pro. In other versions of the software this function is not available or is limited.


    "CryptoPro PDF" is designed to work in the operating systems: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Windows Vista. For CryptoPro PDF to function, one of the following programs must be installed: Adobe Acrobat version 7, 8 or 9, Adobe Reader version 8 or 9. If you meet all the requirements, it should download without problems. I installed it six months ago and have been using it without any problems. The free version of “CryptoPro PDF” is not suitable for certifying digital signatures; in this case, a license will be required. You can even purchase a perpetual version, buy, install and forget.

    Olga Nikolaevna

    I want to download the free version of CryptoPro PDF, but nothing works. Tell me what operating system should be on the PC, maybe additional programs are needed? Does the free version meet all the requirements, or is it better to immediately fork out the cash and purchase a licensed version?

    • Website

      Olga Nikolaevna, CryptoPro PDF can be downloaded from the official website after registration or authorization. Official website - After downloading, you will be able to use the program for free for 3 months, after which you will need to purchase an annual or perpetual license. You can create and verify digital signatures in both Acrobat and Reader. The second option allows you to use the module for free, but with certain restrictions. Cryptographic operations for generating and verifying digital signatures are performed using the CryptoPro CSP crypto provider.

    Vladimir Maslennikov

    Who knows why this Crypto Pro Pdf is so expensive? As I understand it, it only helps to sign PDF files. There is Crypto Arm and it works for any files and is cheaper. What's the trick? where is the dog buried? It's damn expensive, it's choking me to death

    • Website

      Vladimir, CryptoPro PDF - module for creating and verifying digital signatures. Designed for generating and verifying electronic digital signatures in Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat versions 8, 9, X, XI, DC.
      CryptoPro PDF, developed using the Adobe Systems Inc. software interface. and certified by an electronic digital signature of Adobe Systems, allows the use of certified cryptographic information protection tools CryptoPro CSP in Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader and Adobe LiveCycle ES products. Generates and verifies electronic signatures and ensures the legal significance of electronic documents generated in PDF format - in accordance with the electronic document exchange standard. If you have questions about the price policy, please contact CRYPTO-PRO LLC.


    I will say this, the thing is really useful. We tried the free version, but it ended successfully. Yes, I had to pay for an unlimited term - it was like it was torn from my heart - crazy money. But I'm happy!!! And in general, an electronic signature is a thing, really, it’s such a nasty thing, it’s not cheap... But with it, it takes much less time to complete and sign, and now I don’t leave the office at all. If you still find sensible installation instructions at that time and don’t waste money on installers... But it’s too late. By the way, you described everything in detail, it’s a pity this didn’t happen a couple of months ago...

    Narimanov Evgeniy

    Anatoly, everything here is tied to the operating system. What version of Crypto-Pro UEC and Crypto-Pro Browser Plug-in is installed? I reproduced your situation on Windows 7 x64 - everything installed without problems.


    Acrobat Reader DC installed. CryptoPro PDF with a certified module cannot be installed. It says version 8,9,10,11 is needed. The current version of CryptoPro PDF dated April 11, 2016 is also not installed - it says you need CryptoPro CSP or another compatible crypto provider. I have Cryptopro UEC with a browser plugin. How to install cryptopro PDF?

This article is a continuation, or rather an addition to the previous article on how to sign an Excel or Word document with a digital signature. In the same article, we will talk about how to sign a document in PDF format using cryptopro.

Only for signing documents in pdf format with an electronic signature, one installation as it was when signing documents in word or excel is not enough! There's a whole procedure here) But enough words, let's get down to business!

PS If you need to read my new articles on the topic of digital signature:

  1. 🔑, then read my other article, which fully reveals the topic of digital signature in .sig format
  2. ✅ creation via CryptoPRO

How to sign a pdf with an electronic signature

If you came to my blog with the question of how to sign a PDF, then I hasten to disappoint you, in order to make an electronic signature of PDF documents you need the following. software:

  • Acrobat Reader PRO (or Acrobat Pro DC)

But here a problem immediately appears, because this software is paid, but again there are several options:

Well, we're done with the sad news, let's move on.

How to sign a digital signature pdf document

Now let’s go directly to the instructions themselves, about how I sign documents with a pdf digital signature, I’ll immediately say that I will describe the procedure on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (but this procedure is identical on other versions of Windows) Let’s go:

  1. Go to the CryptoPro website
  2. Next, we will need to register on it in order to download CryptoPro CSP 4.0(but if you don’t want to do this, then download from my link from Yandex disk - download CryptoPro CSP 4.0)
  3. Install CryptoPro CSP 4.0 (demo mode will give us the opportunity to use this program for free for 90 days!)
  4. Next, go to the page and download CryptoPro PDF
  5. Installing CryptoPro PDF
  6. After everything is installed, open our document through Acrobat Pro DC
  7. After opening, we make sure that the CryptoPro PDF module is connected to Acrobat Pro DC, for this it is enough
    open menu Help -> About third-party modules -> CreptoProPDF if everything is as in Fig. 1 then everything is good and we move on
  8. Next, right-click on an empty space in the toolbar and select menu Change the current set of tools (Fig. 2)
  9. We open the Toolbox, we are interested in the item Signatures with certificate(1) select this item and click on the arrow with a plus sign (2) this item moves to the right column (3) click OK and go to the next item in Fig. 3.
    Fig. 3 (pdf sign electronic document with digital signature)
  10. Now we see that we have a new item on the right side in which we select signatures with a certificate, answer OK to the pop-up window (Fig. 4)
    Fig. 4 (how to sign a document with a pdf electronic signature)
  11. Now select the area where we will sign by stretching the area with the mouse, after which a window will appear in which we select the certificate and click OK (Fig. 5)
    Fig.5 (sign cryptopro digital signature document)
  12. That's it! Now you can sign PDF documents electronically with a digital signature.

Well, according to our tradition, for those who don’t like to read, I’m posting video instructions:

Congratulations, now you know how to do: how to sign a document in PDF with digital signature, how to sign a PDF document with an electronic digital signature, how to sign a PDF document with an electronic signature cryptopro, how to sign a document with an electronic signature, how to sign a document with an electronic signature pdf sig, how to sign a document with an electronic signature cryptopro pdf, how to sign an electronic signature document, how to sign an electronic signature document in pdf for free, how to sign an electronic signature document in pdf cryptopro, how to electronically sign a pdf document, how to sign an electronic signature on a pdf document, how to put an electronic signature on a pdf document, how to put a digital signature on a pdf document , signing a digital signature of a pdf document, signing a PDF document with an electronic signature, signing digital signature documents in pdf, electronically signing a pdf document, electronically signing a PDF document, digital signature in a pdf document

There are no similar entries.

The CryptoPro PDF module operates in the following operating systems:
  • all localized and English versions of Microsoft Windows XP, with Service Pack 3 and higher installed;
  • all localized and English versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003, with Service Pack 2 and higher installed;
  • all localized and English versions of Microsoft Windows Vista, with Service Pack 2 and higher installed;
  • all localized and English versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2008, with Service Pack 2 and higher installed;
  • all localized and English versions of Microsoft Windows 7, with Service Pack 1 and higher installed;
  • all localized and English-language versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, with Service Pack 1 and higher installed;
  • all localized and English versions of Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows 8.1, Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
For the CryptoPro PDF module to work, the CryptoPro CSP 3.6 program must be installed. versions and higher. "CryptoPro PDF" is designed to expand the capabilities of Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat programs in the field of creating and verifying electronic signatures in accordance with the GOST R 34.10-2001 standard.

To operate the CryptoPro PDF module, you must first install any version of Adobe Reader (versions 8, 9, X, XI) or Adobe Acrobat (versions 8, 9, X, XI). Also, the CryptoPro PDF module can fully function in the protective mode of Adobe Reader version 10.0.1 and higher.

2. Installation of the CryptoPro PDF module

To install the CryptoPro PDF module, you need to run the cppdf.msi package located on the CD. Short preparatory procedures will follow, and the “CryptoPro PDF” installation wizard window will open on the screen (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. “CryptoPro PDF” installation wizard window

After clicking on the “Next” button, the following window will open, which describes the license agreement for using the “CryptoPro PDF” module. If you fully agree with each clause of this agreement, check the box “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click on “Next” (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. License agreement for the use of “CryptoPro PDF”

In the newly appeared window, you need to enter information about the user and organization, as well as the serial number of the license to use the CryptoPro PDF module, as shown in Fig. 3. If the “Serial number” field is left blank, then the software module will function in demo mode for 30 days.

Rice. 3. Information about the user, organization and serial number of “CryptoPro PDF”

After clicking on the “Next” button, the following window will open in which you will need to select the type of installation of the “CryptoPro PDF” module: full or custom (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Installation type “CryptoPro PDF”

During a custom installation, you can select versions of Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat programs for which “CryptoPro PDF” will be installed (see Fig. 5). If no version of Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat is selected, you will not be able to continue installation.

Rice. 5. Custom installation of the CryptoPro PDF module

After clicking on the “Next” button, the following window will open in which you will need to confirm the installation of the “CryptoPro PDF” module. (see Fig. 6). If necessary, at this stage you can go back and change some installation parameters. To complete the installation, you must click on the “Install” button.

Rice. 6. Confirmation window for installing the CryptoPro PDF module

At the end of all the step-by-step instructions, the wizard will install the CryptoPro PDF module, accompanying all its actions with certain comments. Upon completion, a window will appear confirming the successful installation, in which you must click on “Finish” (see Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Confirmation of installation of the CryptoPro PDF module

3. Work in the “CryptoPro PDF” module

3.1. Setting up the creation and verification of an electronic signature in Adobe Acrobat

To create and verify an electronic signature, you must select the “Edit Preferences Signatures” menu and open the “Digital Signatures Advanced Preferences” window in it (see Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Setting up the creation and verification of an electronic signature

Note: here and below, all ES interface drawings will be shown for the Adobe Acrobat.XI program. In other versions of the program there may be slight differences in the interface.
In the newly opened window, select the “Creation” tab and mark the default signature creation method (see Fig. 9). If you select the default signature “CryptoPro PDF”, this method will create all electronic signatures added to the document. If the “Ask when I sign” option is selected, then when generating each new electronic signature, a window will appear where you will need to select the method for creating this electronic signature.

Rice. 9. Settings for creating an electronic signature

3.2. Entering the serial number of the license to use the CryptoPro PDF module

If a license was not entered during installation of the CryptoPro PDF module, the user is provided with a license that has a limited validity period. After this period, in order to continue working in the CryptoPro PDF module, you must enter the serial number from a special License form, which can be obtained either from the developer organization or from an organization that has the right to distribute this product, for example
Note: if the module is used in Adobe Reader, the creation and verification of electronic signatures will be carried out without a license.
To enter the license serial number, you need to select the “Help About Third-Party Plug-Ins CryptoProPDF” menu item. In the window that appears, click on “Install license”, as shown in Fig. 10.

Rice. 10. License installation window

In the “User Information” window that appears again, you must fill in the fields “User”, “Organization” and “Serial number” (see Fig. 11), which is written on the License form.

Rice. 11. “User Information” window

After clicking the “Ok” button, you return to the panel, which indicates the type of license and its validity period.

3.3. Creating an electronic signature

Let's look at a step-by-step scenario for creating a visible electronic signature.
P note: visible ES is displayed in the document and when printed, invisible ES is notdisplay and exists as metadata.
To create an electronic signature, you must select the “Work with certificates” item in the “Signing” menu and the desired type of signature, as shown in Fig. 12.

Rice. 12. Adding ES

If during installation of the module, when choosing to generate an electronic signature, the “Ask when I sign” parameter was specified by default, then a window will appear in which you will need to select the “CryptoPro PDF” electronic signature creation method (see Fig. 13). If in the settings (see clause 3.1) the method for creating an electronic signature was specified, then the selection window will not appear and the selected method will be used automatically.

Rice. 13. Selecting a method for generating an electronic signature

Next in the document you need to select the area for displaying the electronic signature. After this step, the “Select a certificate” window will appear with a list of certificates located in the standard Windows certificate store, as shown in Fig. 14. To improve your usability, the list of certificates can be sorted by the appropriate names “Subject”, “Issuer”, “Valid from” or “Valid to”. Valid by").

Note: when choosing a certificate for generating an electronic signature, only certificates in accordance with GOST R 34.10-2001 will be available, since the CryptoPro PDF module does not work with certificates made using other cryptographic algorithms.
To view the properties of the certificate that was selected, you must click on “Show Certificate”.

Rice. 14. Selecting a certificate to create an electronic signature

To use an advanced electronic signature, you must select the “To use an CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures (CAdES)” option. In this case, the electronic signature will be created according to the CAdES standard, ETSI Standard, RTS/ESI-000040, TS 101 733. Also, to generate an improved electronic signature, you need to specify the address of the time stamp service, for which you need to click on “Edit TSP Service”. TSP") (see Fig. 15). If the TSP service requires authentication, you can enter the required parameters in the settings window.

Rice. 15. Selecting and changing time stamp services

Then in the “Sign Document” window you can fill in additional fields displayed in the properties of the electronic signature (see Fig. 16). To create an electronic signature, you need to click on “Sign”.

Rice. 16. Window for generating an electronic signature

The final step in the “Save as” window is to select a file in which to save a copy of the signed document. In Fig. Figure 17 shows an example of an electronic signature generated in a document.

Rice. 17. Example of an electronic signature in a document

3.4. Types of electronic signatures in Adobe programs

In Adobe software products, there is a division of signatures into electronic (called digital in Adobe documentation) and handwritten signatures. Handwritten signatures are marks made on a page by hand. They have nothing to do with the electronic signature and are not displayed in the Signatures panel.
There are two types of electronic signatures (1 - approval signatures and 2 - certifying signatures). They approve the contents of the "pdf" file. However, there is a difference between them: compared to an electronic signature for approval, the certifier has broader rights to manage the document. It allows you to make acceptable types of changes that will ensure the document remains valid.
Let's say a certain government service has created a form with signature fields. Upon completion of the form, the civil service certifies the document, allowing users to make changes only to the form fields and sign the document. That is, users can fill out the form and sign for approval. However, if pages are deleted and comments are added, such a document will lose its authenticity and will no longer be considered certified.

3.5. Differences between Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat in the process of generating an electronic signature

There are differences in working with electronic signatures between the Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat programs, the reason for which lies in the peculiarities of their functioning, which is dictated by the policy of the manufacturing company Adobe and has no connection with the direct operation of the CryptoPro PDF module.

Adobe Reader functionality:

  • verifies an electronic signature in an arbitrary PDF document, including according to the GOST R 34.10-2001 algorithm using the CryptoPro PDF module;
  • carries out the signing of PDF documents with extended access, including according to the GOST R 34.10-2001 algorithm using the CryptoPro PDF module.
Adobe Acrobat program functionality:
certifies an arbitrary pdf document (with a visible signature or without a visible signature), including according to the GOST R 34.10-2001 algorithm using the CryptoPro module
  • PDF";
  • signs an arbitrary PDF document, including using the GOST R 34.10-2001 algorithm using the CryptoPro PDF module;
  • verifies an electronic signature, including according to the GOST R 34.10-2001 algorithm using the CryptoPro PDF module.
“pdf” documents with extended access are considered to be:
  • pdf forms, which are intended for users to fill out in Adobe Reader;
  • pdf files that have been subject to the extension operation.
Such an operation to expand access or generate a PDF form can be carried out on any PDF document created in any available way in the following programs: Adobe Acrobat 8 ​​Professional, Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, Adobe Acrobat X, Adobe Acrobat XI .
Note: Access extension operation performed in Adobe software
Acrobat 9 Standard will be in a limited form, so it will not allow Adobe Reader users to create/add signatures.

3.6. Electronic signature verification

If you open a document, by default a check of all electronic signatures contained in it starts. To view the result of checking a specific electronic signature, you need to left-click on this signature in the document. In this case, the process of verifying the selected signature will be launched and then a window with the result “Signature Validation Status” will appear.
An electronic signature can have several statuses:
  • “Valid” - from the moment the document was signed, the signed data has not been subject to changes (here it is possible to make changes to the document itself).
  • “Invalid” – from the moment the document was signed, the signed data has been altered or damaged.
  • “Undefined” – if it was not possible to verify the signature for one reason or another; or if the signed data remains unchanged, the signatory’s certificate received the “invalid” status.
Conditions under which a certificate is recognized as reliable:
  • has a reliable electronic signature from the certification authority that issued it;
  • the validity period is current as of the current date;
  • located in the Windows trusted certificate store (ROOT);
  • is not on the current list of revoked certificates as of the current date.
There are two options to view electronic signature parameters:
  • in the “Signature Verification Result” window, click on the “Signature Properties” button;
  • Right-click on the electronic signature in the document and select “Signature Properties” in the context menu that appears.

Rice. 18. Electronic signature parameters
