Outdoor antenna with amplifier for dvb t2. DIY DVB T2 antenna

The era of digital signals has arrived. All broadcast television companies began to work in a new format. Analog TVs are reaching their end. They are still in working order and are found in almost every family.

In order for older models to successfully complete their service life, and for people to be able to use them when watching digital broadcasting, it is enough to connect the DVB-T set-top box to the TV receiver and pick up the TV wave signals with a special antenna.

Any home craftsman can not buy an antenna in a store, but make it with his own hands from available materials for watching digital TV programs at home or in the country. The two most accessible designs are described in this article.

A little theory

Operating principle of an antenna for digital packet television

Any television signal propagates in space from the emitters of the transmitting television tower to the TV antenna by an electromagnetic wave of a sinusoidal shape with a high frequency, measured in megahertz.

When an electromagnetic wave passes through the surface of the receiving beams of the antenna, a voltage V is induced in it. Each half-wave of a sinusoid forms a potential difference with its own sign.

Under the influence of an induced voltage applied to a closed receiving circuit of the input signal with resistance R, electric current. It is amplified and processed by the circuit digital TV, is displayed on the screen and speakers in image and sound quality.

For analog models of TV receivers, an intermediate link works between the antenna and the TV - DVB-T set-top box, which decodes digital information of an electromagnetic wave into a normal form.

Vertical and horizontal polarization of digital TV signal

In television broadcasting, state standards require electromagnetic waves to be emitted in only two planes:

  1. horizontal.

In this way, transmitters send emitting signals.

And users simply need to rotate the receiving antenna in the desired plane to maximize the power potential.

Requirements for a digital packet television antenna

TV transmitters propagate their signal waves over short distances, limited by the line of sight from the top point of the TV tower emitter. Their range rarely exceeds 60 km.

For such distances, it is enough to provide a small power of the emitted TV signal. But, the strength of the electromagnetic wave at the end of the coverage area should form a normal voltage level at the receiving end.

A small potential difference, measured in fractions of a volt, is induced at the antenna. It creates currents with small amplitudes. It imposes highs technical requirements to the installation and workmanship of all parts of digital reception devices.

The antenna design should be:

  • manufactured carefully, with a good degree of accuracy, eliminating loss of electrical signal power;
  • directed strictly along the axis of the electromagnetic wave coming from the transmitting center;
  • oriented according to the type of polarization;
  • protected from extraneous interference signals of the same frequency coming from any sources: generators, radio transmitters, electric motors and other similar devices.

How to find out the initial data for calculating an antenna

The main parameter influencing the quality of received digital signal, as can be seen from the explanatory first figure, is the length of the electromagnetic wave of radiation. Under it, symmetrical arms of vibrators of various shapes are created, and the overall dimensions of the antenna are determined.

The wavelength λ in centimeters can be easily calculated using a simplified formula: λ=300/F. It is enough just to find the frequency of the received signal F in megahertz.

To do this, we will use a Google search and ask it for a list of regional TV communication points for our area.

As an example, a fragment of a data table for the Vitebsk region is shown with the transmitting center in Ushachi highlighted in red.

Its wave frequency is 626 megahertz, and its polarization type is horizontal. This data is quite sufficient.

We carry out the calculation: 300/626=0.48 m. This is the length of the electromagnetic wave for the antenna being created.

We divide it in half and get 24 cm - the desired half-wave length.

The tension reaches its maximum value in the middle of this section - 12 cm. It is also called amplitude. The whip antenna is made to this size. It is usually expressed by the formula λ/4, where λ is the electromagnetic wavelength.

The simplest TV antenna for digital television

It will require a segment coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms and a plug for connecting an antenna. I managed to find a ready-made two-meter piece in the old stock.

I cut off the outer shell from the free end with a regular knife. I take the length with a small margin: when setting up it is always easier to bite off a small piece.

Then I remove the shielding layer from this section of the cable.

The work is finished. All that remains is to insert the plug socket into the connector on the TV signal set-top box and direct the bare wire of the inner core across the incoming electromagnetic wave, taking into account horizontal polarization.

The antenna should be placed directly on the window sill or secured to the glass, for example, with a piece of tape, or tied to the blind mount. Reflected signals and interference can be shielded with a strip of foil located a short distance from the central core.

Such a design can be done in literally ten minutes and does not require any special material costs. It's worth trying. But, it is capable of working in an area of ​​reliable signal reception. My building is screened by a mountain and a multi-story building. The transmitting television tower is located at a distance of 25 km. Under these conditions, the digital electromagnetic wave is reflected many times and is poorly received. I had to look for another technical solution.

And for you on the topic of this design, I suggest you watch the video by the owner of Edokoff “How to make an antenna for digital TV”

Kharchenko antenna at 626 MHz

To receive analogue television signals of various wave frequencies, the design of a zigzag broadband antenna, which does not require complex manufacturing, previously worked well for me.

I immediately remembered one of their effective varieties - the Kharchenko antenna. I decided to use its design for digital reception. I made the vibrators from a flat copper bar, but it’s quite possible to get by with round wire. This will make it easier to bend and straighten the ends.

How to determine the dimensions of a specific antenna

Online calculator

Let's use the all-knowing Google search. We write to command line: “Calculation of the Kharchenko antenna” and press Enter.

We choose any site you like and perform online calculations. I went into the first one that opened. This is what he calculated for me.

I presented all his data with a picture indicating the size of the Kharchenko antenna.

Manufacturing of antenna design parts

I took the information provided as a basis, but did not accurately maintain all the dimensions. I know from previous practice that the antenna works well in the broadband wavelength range. Therefore, the dimensions of the parts were simply slightly increased. The half-wave of each harmonic of the sine wave of the electromagnetic TV signal will fit into the arm of each vibrator and will be received by it.

Based on the selected data, I made blanks for the antenna.

Vibrator design features

The connection of the ends of the figure eight busbar is created in the center at the bending stage. I soldered them with a soldering iron.

I created it according to the “Moment” principle, made it with my own hands from old transformers, and has been working for two decades. I even soldered 2.5 square copper wire with it in thirty-degree frost. Works with transistors and microcircuits without burning them out.

I plan to describe its design in a separate article on the website in the near future for those who also want to make it themselves. Follow publications, subscribe to notifications.

Connecting the antenna cable to the vibrator

I simply soldered the copper core and braid to the metal of the figure eight from different sides in its center.

The cable was tied to a copper bar, bent into a loop in the shape of a semi-square vibrator. This method matches the resistance of the cable and antenna.

Screening grid design

In fact, the Kharchenko antenna often works normally without signal shielding, but I decided to show its manufacture. For the base I took a wooden block. I did not paint or varnish: the structure will be used indoors.

In the back side of the block I drilled holes for attaching the screen wires and inserted them, and then wedged them.

The result was a screen for the Kharchenko antenna. In principle, it can be made of a different design: cut from a piece of frontal armor of a tank or cut from food foil - it will work approximately the same.

On the back side of the bar I secured the vibrator structure with a cable.

The antenna is ready. All that remains is to install it on a window to work in vertical polarization.

When a television receiver is located at a great distance from the transmitting generator, the power of its signal gradually weakens. It can be increased with special electronic devices- amplifiers.

You just need to clearly see the difference between the signals received by the antenna, which can be:

  1. simply weakened;
  2. contain high-frequency interference that distorts the shape of the digital sinusoid into the shape of some kind of “doodleball”.

In both cases, the amplifier will fulfill its role and increase the power. Moreover, the TV will clearly perceive and display a weakened signal, but with an amplified signal, playback problems will arise.

The waves are designed to eliminate such interference:

  • high-pressure filters;
  • screens.

They must be measured with an oscilloscope, and the methods of using various designs must be analyzed individually in each specific case. The antenna is not to blame here.

Digital television T2 is gaining momentum in popularity. And this is natural, analogue television is being replaced by digital television and this is an irreversible process. Moreover, in the near future, analogue broadcasting will be stopped altogether. What should users who have TVs without a T2 receiver do? cable television? The answer is simple - buy a T2 set-top box. Today, the price of T2 consoles has dropped greatly and does not look exorbitant. The advantages are quite big: you get many channels in digital quality, without a monthly fee, with minimum costs and without buying a new TV. Only by comparing the quality of digital and analog TV will you never regret your choice.

Quite a lot has been written on the choice of T2 receivers. Moreover, new models are constantly being released. I would advise taking an inexpensive, but new model, after reading reviews on online store sites. As a rule, any receiver works, but the antenna has great value. Even if you are close to a TV tower, but are blocked by high-rise buildings, etc. - and this is almost always the case, then a good antenna is the key to trouble-free (and most importantly, stress-free) high-quality reception maximum quantity digital channels TV.

But an expensive antenna is not always a good antenna. Especially if you are 50 km or more away from the TV tower. Stores offer “special” antennas for T2. In fact, there is nothing “special”; you need a good antenna for the DCM range. If you still have an old DCM antenna, try connecting it first. Widespread "Polish" antennas are not suitable for receiving T2 digital channels.

I offer a proven option that is simple, but at the same time has proven itself, homemade antenna for T2. The shape of the antenna is not new; it has been used for a long time and when receiving DCM analog television, but the dimensions are optimized for receiving T2 digital channels.
It is worth noting that there are a large number of options available on the Internet. homemade antennas for T2: from beer cans, from the antenna cable itself, converted Polish, etc. This is for the completely lazy, and you shouldn’t expect quality from such antennas.

So. The long-known “figure eight” was taken as the shape of the antenna. The antenna body is made of any conductive material of suitable cross-section. This can be copper or aluminum wire with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm, a tube, strip, busbar, corner, profile. Copper is, of course, preferable. I used 6mm diameter copper tube. Good option and copper wire. I just had such a pipe.


The outer side of the square is 14 cm, the inner side is slightly smaller - 13 cm. Due to this, the middle of the two squares does not converge, leaving a gap of about 2 cm.
In total, you will need a tube, wire or other material 115 cm long (with a small margin).

The first section is 13 cm + 1 cm for a loop (for strength), if made of wire, or riveted for overlapping soldering for a tube. The second and third - 14 cm each, the fourth and fifth - 13 cm each, the sixth and seventh - 14 cm each, and the last eighth - 13 cm + 1 cm, again for connection.

We strip the ends by 1.5 - 2 cm, twist the two loops behind each other, and then solder the joint. This will be one cable connection pin. After 2 cm another.

From a copper tube it looks like this

It’s a little more difficult to bend the tube, but we don’t need much precision. Minor flaws in the shape do not affect the performance of the antenna. But the fact that the conductor area increases is a plus. Well, the conductivity of copper is higher than that of aluminum and, especially, steel. The higher the conductivity, the better the antenna reception.

The connection prepared for soldering is first riveted and cleaned. For soldering you need to use a powerful soldering iron (from 150 W). Simple amateur radio at 30 watts. don't solder. You can use acid for soldering.

Check the geometry again and solder the connection

If you are not particularly bothered by the aesthetic appearance, you can simply attach the antenna to a glazing bead or any other available holder. This antenna was located in the attic, so the simplest mounting method was used - electrical tape. If the antenna will be placed outdoors, take care of more aesthetic and reliable mounting.

This is a version of the T2 antenna made of aluminum wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Secure with one screw to the window. The distance to the TV tower is about 25 km. True, the 6th floor, I didn’t check it below, but under these conditions the signal level is 100% and the quality is 100%. The cable is old, 12 meters to the TV. Receives all 32 channels. At first I was worried that it wasn’t copper, but as it turned out, it was in vain. Everything worked out perfectly on ordinary aluminum wire (which happened to be available). That is, if you have a reliable reception zone, then you don’t have to bother and feel free to use aluminum (I don’t know, maybe steel will do).

This antenna does not use any amplifiers. It is set up very simply - turn it according to the maximum signal level and quality on the channels of your tuner. Check other channels and fix the antenna. If reception is poor, you can experiment with not only rotating, but also changing location and height. Very often, the signal can be many times stronger if the antenna is shifted only 0.5-1 m to the side or in height. Good luck - the antenna has been tested - 100% operational and better than at least half, or even more, of purchased antennas, where they save on everything and sell garbage for good money.

Do you want to watch digital TV for free? To do this, you need an indoor antenna for digital TV, which you can buy on this site. Antennas are external elements and are used for broadcasting digital and analogue television. The samples are made of aluminum. The strength and resistance of the material to external mechanical influences determines long term services. Installation is easy. The equipment is mounted on the facade elements of a residential building or on the roofs of private houses. The weight of the devices is light.

Features of operation

It is recommended to use the antenna at a distance of no more than a few tens of kilometers from the TV tower. The manufacturer cannot guarantee a 100% result. The quality of broadcasting depends on the relief features of the area, design parameters of the structure, etc. An antenna for digital TV, which you can buy in this online store, is an indispensable device. It contributes to improved conditions for receiving a television signal.

The antenna for dvb t2 combines all the necessary qualities that determine the popularity of this product. The models are made of high quality parts. The design is a reliable element. Signal reception throughout the country is fully optimized.

Which option to buy so that it fits exactly

Reception quality digital television completely depends on the signal in a particular location. The antenna is selected taking into account how strong the received signal is in a particular area. On this portal you will find a variety of samples that are suitable for different reception conditions. For example, where there is good reception, there is no need to buy an expensive mechanism. And in areas with poor reception, more powerful devices should be installed.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


In order for the TV antenna to function properly and not cause difficulties when working in a country house or apartment, you need to choose the right indoor (indoor) or outdoor digital device. There are several criteria when buying a TV antenna - signal reception strength, gain, activity. Familiarize yourself with well-known device manufacturers, secrets of selection and installation.

Types of antennas for TV

In Russia, the signal level of television waves varies, so home antennas are highly sensitive, which ensures reception in almost any conditions. There are parabolic, indoor and outdoor antennas, which are divided into several more categories. To receive a television wave without interference, you need an individual selection of type and power.


Parabolic television antennas are popular. They are distinguished by stability, high quality signal reception and increased number of channels. Equipment of this type consists of a receiver, a receiver for decoding, and receives waves from a satellite, so the clarity of the image depends on the location of the unit and the TV.

Direct focus

In this type, the converter feed “looks” below the horizon, which protects the signal receiver from negative atmospheric influences:

  • Model name: MULTI Toroidal;
  • price: 1100 rub.;
  • characteristics: diameter – 100 cm, reception from 16 satellites;
  • pros: ease of adding channels;
  • Cons: Reception quality varies.

In a small house or country house, a 60-centimeter satellite dish, which costs a little more than the first:

  • Model name: Triax TD-064;
  • price: 1300 rub.;
  • characteristics: 60 cm;
  • advantages: resistance to precipitation, corrosion;
  • cons: the cost of satellite television channels is high.

For those who don’t want to bother with a complex design, a ready-made kit is suitable satellite television:

  • model name: NTV+;
  • price: 7050 rub.;
  • characteristics: interactive set-top box, movie library;
  • pros: decoding;
  • cons: there may be interference.


The advantage of using offset antennas is a larger viewing angle and improved image quality:

  • model name: Supral;
  • price: 1400 rub.;
  • characteristics: 80 cm;
  • pros: anti-corrosion coating, wall bracket;
  • cons: none.

The following subtype has a slightly larger diameter and is suitable for receiving any waves:

  • model name: Universal;
  • price: 1200 rub.;
  • characteristics: 90 cm, aluminum alloy;
  • pros: compatible with different TV sockets;
  • cons: no fastening.

The third option for an offset antenna will be a satellite television kit at an affordable price:

  • model name: D-Color DCA-101;
  • price: 253 rub.;
  • characteristics: dimensions 30*20 cm;
  • pros: compactness, power supply of the amplifier from the set-top box, low noise;
  • cons: none.

Outdoor TV antennas

If the buyer lives far from TV signal transmitters, then external elements will help strengthen the reception. Outdoor options receive TV waves up to 60 km from the transmitter. To select correctly, you need to know the distance to the nearest tower and find out the need for wave amplification. To achieve a high-quality picture, it is recommended to install the unit at the highest possible point above the house.


Completed active antenna for TV with a special power amplifying device. This helps improve the clarity of the TV picture when the TV tower is located far away:

  • Model name: Funke ABM 3553;
  • price: 2300 rub.;
  • characteristics: 75 Ohm, size 1.38 m;
  • pros: works in difficult reception conditions, made of anodized aluminum;
  • cons: large size, no cable and power supply.

A more affordable antenna is the following, which differs in design features:

  • Model name: Cadena AV;
  • price: 1550 rub.;
  • characteristics: receiving DVB-T/DVB-T 2;
  • pros: there is a bracket;
  • cons: power supply via adapter.

Another popular available budget option The following long-range unit will become:

  • Model name: Rexant ABM 3529;
  • price: 2064 rub.;
  • characteristics: 68 cm;
  • pros: there is protection against corrosion and ultraviolet radiation;


If there are no obstacles, passive TV devices can be used, which are cheap and do not require amplification technology:

  • Model name: GELLAN FULLBAND-15;
  • price: 1264 RUR;
  • characteristics: up to 2700 MHz, 50 Ohm, parameters – 240*240*40 mm, operating conditions – wall;
  • pros: vertical polarization;
  • cons: improves the signal at a distance of up to 10 km.

The second popular brand is the Dutch Funke, which is expensive, but justifies it with the following parameters:

  • model name: Funke BM 4527;
  • price: 1413 rub.;
  • characteristics: 75 Ohm, 685 mm;
  • pros: anodized aluminum;
  • cons: no cable and power supply.

The third most popular among TV buyers is the Locus antenna, which is affordable and available at discounts:

  • model name: Locus L 021.12;
  • price: 1300 rub.;
  • characteristics: range 55 km, 1.31 kg, 1.4x2 m;
  • pros: ease of assembly;
  • cons: no wire.


A traditional TV antenna has a rod system consisting of metal semi-vibrators:

  • Model name: Jablotron AN-05 GSM;
  • price: 1428 RUR;
  • characteristics: frequency 900-1800 MHz, cable length – 3 m;
  • pros: magnetic base;
  • cons: there may be interference.

More expensive and high quality - a product from another manufacturer that produces dipole devices for TVs:

  • Model name: ETS-LINDGREN;
  • price: 3144 rub.;
  • characteristics: 80 MHz-2 GHz, parameters – 210x170x9 cm;
  • pros: individual calibration, high gain;
  • cons: weight 4.5 kg.

The most expensive device in the selection it is considered that it was released by the manufacturer according to military standards:

  • model name: Narda RA-01;
  • price: 5000 rub.;
  • characteristics: 9 kHz-30 MHz, weight – 1.5 kg, dimensions – 150x135x120 mm;
  • advantages: individual;
  • cons: too expensive.


This subtype is represented by one or several turns of wires connected into one frame, in the plane of which the maximum intensity of the decimeter frequency range is located:

  • model name: Garmin 220;
  • price: 1490 rub.;
  • characteristics: compact;
  • pros: accepts any programs;
  • cons: delivery required.

A simple device is the following, which is a magnetic generating type frame winding:

  • Model name: EMCO 7603;
  • price: 1000 rub.;
  • characteristics: 20 Hz-50 kHz, 16 turns, diameter – 12, height – 8 cm;
  • pluses: individual calibration, linear polarization, weight - 0.5 kg
  • cons: not found.

A loop antenna for a TV manufactured by A.H.Systems is more affordable and easy to operate:

  • model name: A.H.SYSTEMS SAS;
  • price: 700 rub.;
  • characteristics: 1 kHz-30 MHz, 50 Ohm;
  • advantages: weight 1 kg, increased structural strength, network adapter and preamplifier included;
  • cons: battery operation principle.


If the signal from the television center is of high quality, an internal collecting device is suitable, which is more convenient in installation than an external one. Such options are cheap, fit into any TV socket, and are transportable. The downside is the difficulty of adjusting the image. There are analog, all-wave, broadband and narrowband varieties.


This subtype is used to obtain a digital image. With its help you can achieve high-quality images:

  • model name: Funke Margon Home 2.0;
  • price: 1450 rub.;
  • characteristics: 170-240 MHz;
  • pros: 3.5 m cord for indoors;
  • cons: not equipped with an outdoor cable.

The following TV antenna is more affordable and can be ordered by mail at a special offer:

  • Model name: BBK DA 19;
  • price: 843 rub.;
  • characteristics: obtaining HDTV standards for terrestrial TV;
  • pros: little noise;
  • cons: not found.


From the name it follows that the devices accept all types of frequencies (decimeter, meter), they are called universal:

  • model name: Polish antenna Delta K331A.02;
  • price: 1092 rub.;
  • characteristics: dimensions 280*680*120 mm;
  • pros: acceptance of any TV programs;
  • Cons: minor interference.

Popular domestic manufacturer, products are distinguished by favorable prices and free shipping when ordering from 3000 rubles:

  • Model name: SPI 918;
  • price: 399 RUR;
  • characteristics: 75 Ohm;
  • pros: compact size;
  • cons: none.


The fan or broadband subtype is installed in summer cottages located far from the transmitter:

  • model name: Remo Bas 5340 TV JET ANT-USB Horizon;
  • price: 580 rub.;
  • characteristics: log-periodic;
  • pros: powered by USB or receiver;
  • cons: works only in the stable receiving zone.

The ceiling-mounted option can significantly enhance reception on any television waves:

  • Model name: AO-700/2700-4;
  • price: 599 rub.;
  • characteristics: weight 300 g, dimensions 185*100 mm;
  • pros: domed;
  • cons: no wire.


This term refers to highly targeted options for televisions that pick up a specific frequency, which reduces interference:

  • model name: Romsat AV-2845;
  • price: 600 rub.;
  • characteristics: cable length 14 m, telescopic, material – aluminum;
  • advantages: not afraid of “wintering” at the dacha;
  • cons: size 1035 mm.

Cheaper device - simple design domestic brand, made of plastic, catching smaller channels:

  • Model name: Vector-PL-1 K;
  • price: 450 rub. on sale;
  • characteristics: 5-128 V, 75 Ohm;
  • pros: wire 3 m;
  • cons: plastic, short distance from the tower.

With amplifier

Indoor antennas with an amplifier for a TV will help you watch programs with a clear picture and a bright image:

  • model name: Delta Satellite in dvb-t2 DS 1000 format;
  • price: 1800 rub.;
  • characteristics: sun resistance, installation on a mast;
  • pros: built-in amplifier weak signal, catches - up to 80 km;
  • cons: not found.

The following construction for a TV that accepts digital and analogue television encodings will cost half as much:

  • model name: Selenga 101 A;
  • price: 843 rub.;
  • characteristics: cable length 1.2 m;
  • pros: compactness, weight 300 g;
  • cons: plastic body.

How to choose an antenna for your TV

The choice depends on where the structure is installed. Outdoor ones with an amplifier are suitable for a remote installation location, narrowband ones for city apartments, active indoor ones, and frame ones for cars. In villages and dachas it is better to install parabolic dishes. The choice depends on the criteria of distance, price range, and amplification factor.

For car

For high-quality reception of TV, radio, and navigator, a combined GPS or GSM car unit is required. Parabolic will accept all programs, but will be expensive. In-cabin active all-wave structures are equipped with an amplifier, external ones are passive and require an extension cord. Among the disadvantages of the latter, instability to corrosion is noted.

For the dacha

To watch TV in the country, it is better to buy an active structure and install it as high as possible. The kit should include an amplifier and an adapter; you will need to purchase a coaxial wire for charging. The external type must stand on the roof. If the TV tower is nearby, an indoor unit will do. To listen to the radio, purchase broadband.


In a city apartment or country house, it is easier to install an indoor unit on a TV if the repeater is no more than 30 km away. Otherwise, you will have to install an external one (active or passive) or a digital one with a tuner. It is better to choose a room type (meter signals) or frame type (decimeter signals): it is mobile, weighs less, and is easy to connect.

How to choose an antenna for T2 digital television

Today, digital television is the best in terms of quality indicators. However, the digital format does not guarantee failure-free operation. A digital television broadcast antenna helps avoid technical problems related to image quality. But first you need to figure out which antenna to choose for digital television.

Antennas for digital broadcasting - classification

There are several criteria for classifying devices. All devices for digital television are presented in several categories:

  • in accordance with the mounting location;
  • technical feasibility strengthen the signal;
  • according to the range of frequencies that the model can accept.

Indoor antenna

The device is located indoors. Using an indoor model is possible provided that the TV receives a high-quality, good signal. The house must be located in close proximity to the tower. There are few such places, because buildings, power lines and much more interfere with the signal. An indoor antenna is also ineffective in the countryside and in populated areas, remote from the city.

Two conditions necessary for the high-quality functioning of a room-type device:

  • the distance for the nearest television tower is no more than 20 km;
  • low building density.

The statement that an indoor antenna can be installed in any room and the signal will be of the same quality is erroneous. For each room it is necessary to select a model individually.

External devices.

They are considered universal and are used in any geographical location, including outside the city. The installation must be carried out by a specialist, as it is necessary to apply certain knowledge. Proper installation will allow you to receive a reliable and high-quality signal, regardless of the distance from the television tower and the presence of obstacles.

Before buying an antenna, it is important to consider several basic criteria:

  • distance from the TV tower;
  • power;
  • presence of buildings in the immediate vicinity;
  • degree of interference;
  • where do the windows go;
  • number of floors of residence;
  • landscape features.

Technical ability to amplify the signal

Passive antennas.

Features of operational characteristics and design:

  • amplifies the television signal due to the technical design features of the device;
  • work without a network connection;
  • the design does not contain active elements that can amplify the signal - transistors or microcircuits;
  • a passive device is not capable of influencing the signal with its interference;
  • Often the power of such a device is not enough for a good image.

A passive type model is sufficient for rooms located in close proximity to a television tower, provided that there are no high-rise buildings around and the device is located at a height above ten meters.

Active antennas.

The signal is amplified due to technical design features and with the help of a built-in amplifier, which is mounted inside the device or located separately. The equipment operates from electrical network via the power supply.

Directional antennas with high gain.

Sometimes the device creates interference and noise in the received signal. There may be several reasons:

  • The antenna for a digital signal is used in the area of ​​​​a stable digital signal
  • the equipment is chosen incorrectly - you should not choose a model with a gain that is greater than necessary;
  • low quality product.

By received frequencies

Channel devices.

They are used for broadcasting specific channels with a certain frequency; as a rule, ordinary TV viewers do not need the use of models of this type.

Band antennas.

Used where it is necessary to receive waves in a certain range. In particular, for broadcasting channels in digital format, a device that operates in the decimeter range is sufficient.

All-wave antennas.

They pick up channels in two ranges. Experts recommend choosing this type of device, because in Russia, channels are broadcast in the meter and decimeter ranges.


Despite huge amount numbers indicated in the product passport, only one parameter is important to the ordinary consumer - the gain.

The units of performance are decibels, with the higher the number the higher the antenna's efficiency and the higher the device's ability to amplify the signal. However, not in all cases, excessive effort will provide a high-quality picture. It is important that the gain of the device matches the location where it is installed. If the product is of poor quality, it is likely that technical description a non-existent coefficient will be indicated.

All figures above 45 dB must be carefully checked, and values ​​​​from 80 to 120 dB are a clear deception.

Very often, buyers are at a loss as to which antenna is best, given the huge variety of models and criteria for choosing a device. Before purchasing, ask yourself the following questions:

  • for what purposes the device is purchased;
  • in what area the antenna will operate.

Of course, it is important to install the device correctly, otherwise even a correctly selected device does not guarantee a good signal:

  • the device must be directed strictly towards the television tower;
  • for situations where the room faces a TV tower, a window antenna is sufficient; this device is attached to the window frame and, in terms of its performance characteristics, is in no way inferior to an external device, although it is considered an indoor model;
  • to provide good job several TVs in the house, you need to buy an outdoor type device with the best performance characteristics;
  • Do not install the device in close proximity to objects and surfaces that actively generate interference, for example, near metal tiles, power lines, and other transmitting objects.

For the first time, you need to turn on the antenna without an amplifier; if the image is of poor quality, connect an amplifier. Numerous positive reviews from specialists and ordinary consumers confirm the effectiveness of outdoor models.

Which antenna to choose - review of models

Indoor antenna "Blackmore DVBT2- T5207"

Indoor device with amplifier. Captures signals in two formats in the UHF range. The gain is 28 dB. The cable for the device must be purchased separately.

Indoor antenna "Delta K 132 A"

Indoor device with amplifier. Power comes from the injector or directly from the set-top box. The gain varies from 20.5 to 25.0 dB. Device dimensions: length – 22 cm; width – 33.6 cm; height – 83 cm. Weight no more than 250 g.


Universal device, which can be installed indoors and outdoors. Suitable for receiving channels in two formats - digital and analogue. The kit includes a special bracket for fixing the device, a power supply, a cable and a stand for installation on a horizontal surface. The gain depends on the number of received channels: from 6 to 12 channels – 30 dB; from 21 to 60 – 36 dB.


A small-sized outdoor model that is attached to a wall or to a balcony grille. Device manufacturer – trademark DSR. The gain is 13.5 dB. Dimensions of the device: length – 60 cm; width – 30 cm; height – 20 cm. Product weight is 900 grams.

AntennaANT-507 S

Small-sized device external type, which can be fixed to the wall or to the balcony frame. Manufacturer: Fuba brand. The gain varies from 5.8 to 7.2 dB. Device dimensions: length – 41 cm; width – 42 cm; height – 29 cm. Weight approximately 450 grams.

AntennaANT-512 S

A small-sized outdoor device, it is fixed to a window or balcony grille; you can also attach the device to the wall. Manufacturer: Fuba brand. The gain is between 10 and 12 dB. Dimensions of the device: length – 60 cm; width – 42 cm; height – 36 cm. The weight of the antenna is slightly more than one kilogram.

All presented models of outdoor devices can be equipped with an additional amplifier by selecting the appropriate gain.

After watching the video, you can become more familiar with the main types of television antennas for digital television, as well as receive recommendations for setting up the equipment.

When choosing an antenna, do not purchase overly expensive models. It is better to opt for outdoor models with average performance, which will be quite enough to view the transmitted channels.
