Bluetooth speaker from an old speaker. Homemade Bluetooth speaker

From time immemorial, such technology as a vacuum cleaner has used fundamental parts such as a motor, a filter and a dust collector. Household assistants with bags are not suitable for cleaning rooms under renovation or in your own workshop, because they are unable to retain fine dust, and the filters and dust collector quickly fail. Therefore, repair teams purchase expensive construction vacuum cleaners to deal with debris, and enterprises install special installations with a cyclone to capture and sediment dust. And craftsmen can install a cyclone filter with their own hands, which can be used with a household vacuum cleaner, even with a paper bag.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="cyklon" width="209" height="300">!} Air with dirt from the hose through the pipe enters the cylindrical cyclone body. The pipe is attached to the body along a tangent line, so the air flow forms something like a spiral. Centrifugal force carries debris and dust to the inner walls of the device, then they settle in the dust collector due to gravity. Air with tiny dust particles, resistant to centrifugal force, exits into another chamber onto the membrane to complete the cleaning and enters the receiving fan.
After cleaning, the dirt is poured out of the storage tank, and the membrane is cleaned if necessary.

Therefore, you can put such a vacuum cleaner in a carpentry workshop to use homemade vacuum cleaner cyclone type for collecting sawdust at the end or during work.

Features, as well as pros and cons

So, unlike its counterparts equipped with bags, the cyclonic method of dust separation from a vacuum cleaner will have the following advantages:

  • Constantly high operating power because the unit does not become clogged with debris.
  • A vacuum cleaner with a cyclone device is easy to maintain, since a homemade filter for a vacuum cleaner is easy to clean, washable if desired, and there is no need to buy additional bags.
  • The engine of the device operates in optimal mode, without unnecessary stress, due to which it lasts longer due to the freedom of air movement in the dust collector.
  • A do-it-yourself cyclone filter also has some disadvantages:
  • It is difficult for a device with this type of filtration to collect hair, wool, and threads into the storage tank. They often end up on the membrane following the cyclone.
  • The quality of cleaning depends on the suction power, so it is necessary to select a more powerful motor.
  • The plastic parts of the unit accumulate static electricity, so its body can give a slightly unpleasant electric shock when touched.

Based on this, assembling a homemade vacuum cleaner for a home workshop or making a cyclone filter for a construction vacuum cleaner will be the best cost-effective choice.

How to make a cyclone with your own hands

Today the Internet offers many variations with detailed description how to make cyclone filters for a vacuum cleaner from scrap materials. In some cases, you will need certain machines and devices, but not everyone has them, so we offer you a simpler option.

Necessary materials from which you can make a cyclone:

  • Plastic barrel for liquid (3-5 l.);
  • Car filter in the shape of a cylinder;
  • A sewer pipe with a diameter equal to the diameter of the vacuum cleaner hose;
  • Corrugated hose, diameter is similar;
  • Thin steel, its trim and corners from brackets and fittings;
  • Nuts, screws;
  • Nylon stocking.

Collection process

  1. On the inside of the container lid we install a bracket for the filter, cut from steel strips so that the filter fits tightly to the lid to prevent dirt from getting into the outlet pipe with air.
  2. On the other side of the lid, we hermetically install an outlet pipe for the purified air to exit from the cyclone into the vacuum cleaner. The factory filter must be left.
  3. We install a bumper made of galvanized sheet metal around the car filter, perhaps in the shape of a cone, so that it is shaken out less often. We put a stocking on top of the filter to protect it from light particles of debris.
  4. We insert the inlet pipe along a tangent line into the wall of the barrel with a slight slope towards the bottom in order to immediately set the required trajectory for the incoming air.
  5. Since a plastic barrel is not designed for heavy vacuum loads due to the thinness of the material, its walls can be reinforced with a steel strip to prevent collapse.
  6. Place the lid on the barrel.

The main thing when assembling a vacuum cleaner from a barrel is careful sealing in all places where pipes and screw connections are attached, since the slightest air leakage will reduce the vacuum effect, and the flow will form a low-quality vortex.

About filters.
The cyclone filter does not retain more than 97% of dust. Therefore, additional filters are often added to them. From English “HEPA” is translated as “High Efficiency Particulate Air” - a filter for particles contained in the air.

Do you agree that even you cannot imagine your life without such necessary equipment as a vacuum cleaner? They cope not only with dust, but also with dirt.

Of course, vacuum cleaners can be used not only at home, but they also come in different types: battery-powered, washing, and pneumatic. As well as automobile, low-voltage industrial, backpack, gasoline, etc.

Operating principle of a cyclone vacuum cleaner

James Dyson is the first creator of the cyclone vacuum cleaner. His first creation was G-Force in 1986.

A little later, in the 1990s, he submitted a request to manufacture cyclone devices and had already assembled his own center for the creation of vacuum cleaners. In 1993, his first vacuum cleaner, known as the Dayson DC01, went on sale.
So, how does this cyclone-type miracle work?

It appears that the creator, James Dyson, was a remarkable physicist. Thanks to centrifugal force, it is involved in collecting dust.

The device has two chambers and is divided into two types - external and internal. The air that spins inside the dust collector moves upward, as if in a spiral.

According to the law, large dust particles fall into external camera, and everything else remains in the inner one. And the purified air leaves the dust collector through filters. Here's how cyclone filter vacuum cleaners work.

Vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter, features

Do not opt ​​for those models that require little power. You will definitely not like this kind of cleaning and most likely, you will want to throw away such a device.

Don't waste your money, but take a more serious approach to buying a vacuum cleaner. You just have to contact the sales consultant and he will help you with choosing a particular vacuum cleaner.

You should choose a device that is 20-30% more powerful than a bagged vacuum cleaner. It is best to take the one with a power of 1800 W. Almost all vacuum cleaner manufacturers produce models with this filter, which is good news.

Advantages of cyclone dust collectors

1. This has probably happened to everyone, when an item you accidentally needed ended up in the dust collector? Now this is not a problem because it is transparent! And you will always be able to notice objects that need to be pulled out of there as soon as possible.

This is one of the most important advantages.

2. The power of such vacuum cleaners is maximum and does not reduce speed and power, even when the container is clogged. Cleaning is much more enjoyable, power does not drop, cleaning is cleaner.

This vacuum cleaner is capable of holding much more than you imagine. Up to 97%!!! Not likely, right? Although some are dissatisfied with this result, as they prefer vacuum cleaners with a water filter.

3. When buying a cyclone vacuum cleaner, you not only do bargain purchase, but also save space for storing it, since its weight is quite light. You won't have to carry heavy weights.

4. There is no need to constantly change paper bags for the vacuum cleaner.

5. Power. She is not lost from fullness.

6. It can be washed thoroughly with water and dried.

Disadvantages of cyclone dust collectors

1. One of the disadvantages of these vacuum cleaners is not very pleasant. This is washing and cleaning the filter. Of course, you won’t have to clean the container with a brush every day, but still, this is one of the disadvantages. Laziness is present in every person. Yes, of course it’s unpleasant to face the fact that you need to get your hands dirty.

2. Noise. The noise from this type of vacuum cleaner is much greater than from a regular one.

3. Energy consumption. It is also much higher than that of a conventional vacuum cleaner. It's a small tornado.

It's up to you to decide whether to buy this little miracle or not. In fact, all its advantages outweigh its few shortcomings. A clean house is much nicer than a half-finished tidy, wouldn’t you agree?

Personal impressions

Compared to an old vacuum cleaner, the cyclonic dust collector looks quite modest in size. It is impossible to believe that such a little thing is capable of something serious. Now the old vacuum cleaner can only be used for wet cleaning.

When I use it for the first time, I take out the accessories, insert a small diameter pipe, turn on the device, and what’s really surprising is that the brush cleans the carpets much better than my previous assistant.

He cleans everything. Dirt, hair from our pets. Previously, you had to make a lot of effort to cope with such “now little things”.

I have laminated flooring in my hallway and it was just as easy to clean. The fact is that I have another brush in stock, tougher than the previous one for carpets, so I coped with this task so easily. You know, the sound of this vacuum cleaner is not as loud as they wrote about it on the Internet.

I am pleased with this device because it is light and not so loud. I also liked the compartment for storing all the necessary attachments; it is very convenient that it is built into the vacuum cleaner itself.

Once I knew what this little tornado could do, it was time to clean out the container. Thank God, when I started emptying the dust collector, it fell in dense, large clumps.

Since the debris was compacted by the air flow. No clouds of dust were visible, and it did not rise into the air! So I finished my first cleaning with my cyclone vacuum cleaner. I rinsed the container and that was the end of the cleaning!

Cyclone for vacuum cleaner photo

All vacuum cleaners are designed for one purpose - cleanliness. It's about about all vacuum cleaners
Industrial and construction vacuum cleaners are usually used on machines or for cleaning any premises. These vacuum cleaners are quite expensive, since the operating principle of the cyclone filter vacuum cleaner must be selected carefully.
You should also know that industrial devices are most often used during repairs and construction. Leave yours workplace needs to be clean.

DIY cyclone, made of transparent plastic video

Construction work is carried out after preparing it and cleaning the surface. As you understand, general cleaning cannot be done with a regular vacuum cleaner. In other words, this is fraught with damage to the device.
Even small debris such as sand, oil, dry mixtures, powdered abrasives and wood shavings are designed only for an industrial vacuum cleaner.
If you suddenly go to choose a vacuum cleaner for construction work, then be sure to check the types of pollution that it will encounter.
Are you planning to use a vacuum cleaner in a repair environment? Then consider the DIY cyclone vacuum cleaner option. There are many examples of how you can make this kind of vacuum cleaner.

DIY cyclone for vacuum cleaner

1. In order to make such a vacuum cleaner yourself, you will need a Ural PN-600 Vacuum Cleaner, a plastic bucket (even suitable for paint), a pipe 20 cm long and 4 cm in diameter.
2. The nameplate is also unscrewed, and the holes need to be sealed.
3. The pipe is quite thick and will not fit into the hole, so you need to grind off the rivets using a grinder and remove the pipe fastenings. Before doing this, remove the springs with clamps. Wrap electrical tape around the plug and insert it onto the plug.
4. At the bottom, make a hole in the middle with a drill. Then expand it to 43 mm with a special tool.
5. To seal it, cut out gaskets with a diameter of 4 mm.
6. Then you need to put everything together, the bucket lid, gasket, centering pipe.
7. Now we need self-tapping screws 10 mm long and 4.2 mm in diameter. You will need 20 self-tapping screws.
8. Cut a hole from the side of the bucket along the suction pipe. The cutout angle should be 10-15 degrees.
9. We try on and edit the shape of the hole using special scissors that cut for metal.
10. Don’t forget that you need to try on the inside too. Also leave strips on the inside for self-tapping screws.
11. Using a marker, mark the hole in the bucket and trim off the excess material with scissors. Attach the pipe to the outside of the bucket.
12. To seal everything you need to use a 30x bandage. From an ordinary first aid kit and glue like “titanium” for polystyrene foam. Wrap a bandage around the pipe and soak it with glue. Preferably more than once!
13. While the glue is drying, you can check how this vacuum cleaner will work. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and load it, blocking the nozzle with your palm. When checking the operation of the vacuum cleaner, the process of sealing and connection with the pipe is improved. It is unlikely that he will soon become obsolete.
14. It is best to store the vacuum cleaner in a case.

If a person has his own workshop, then one of the most important issues is cleaning the premises. But unlike cleaning dust in an apartment, a regular household vacuum cleaner will not help here, since it is not designed for construction waste and sawdust - its garbage container (dust container or bag) will very quickly become clogged and become unusable. Therefore, they often use a homemade cyclone filter, which, together with a household vacuum cleaner, will help clean the workshop.


Wood dust and other technical debris, although it seems harmless at first glance, actually pose many different dangers, both for the master and for the equipment. For example, prolonged work without protective equipment that prevents dust from entering the respiratory system can cause serious complications with the respiratory tract, impair the sense of smell, etc. In addition, a tool that is in the workshop under the influence of dust can quickly fail. This happens because:

  1. dust, mixing with lubricant inside the tool, forms a mixture that is completely unsuitable for lubricating moving parts, which results in overheating and further damage
  2. dust can make it difficult for the moving parts of the tool to rotate, which leads to additional stress, overheating and failure,
  3. dust clogs the air ducts designed to ventilate the heated parts of the tool and remove heat from them, again resulting in overheating, deformation and failure.

Thus, the issue of the quality of removal of sawing products and, in general, cleaning of the premises is very acute. Modern power tools are equipped with systems for removing dust and chips directly from the sawing area, which prevents dust from spreading throughout the workshop. In any case, the dust removal process requires a vacuum cleaner (or chip cleaner)!

There are good industrial vacuum cleaners and if possible, it is better to choose the most best option price and quality and buy a construction vacuum cleaner.

However, there are cases when you already have a household vacuum cleaner and it is easier to upgrade it and solve the problem of collecting construction waste indoors. To do this, you need to use a cyclone filter - it can be done in half an hour if all the necessary elements are available.

Operating principle

There are a great many different designs of cyclones, but they all share the same operating principle. All designs of cyclone chip suckers consist of three main parts:

  • Household vacuum cleaner
  • Cyclone filter
  • Waste collection container

Its design is such that the flow of intake air is directed in a circle and its rotational movement is obtained. Accordingly, the construction waste contained in this air flow (these are large and heavy fractions) is acted upon by a centrifugal force, which presses it against the walls of the cyclone chamber and, under the influence of gravity, it gradually settles in the tank.

The disadvantage of a cyclone vacuum cleaner is that in this way you can only collect dry garbage, but if there is water in the garbage, then there will be problems when sucking up such a substance.

The vacuum cleaner must be powerful enough, since in its normal mode of operation it is assumed that air is sucked through a standard hose. If an additional cyclone filter is used, an additional filter appears in the air path, and the total length of the air duct is more than doubled due to the additional air duct. Since the design is as maneuverable as a separate vacuum cleaner, the length of the last hose should be sufficient for comfortable work.

Preparatory work

As mentioned above, you can make a cyclone filter for a workshop in half an hour, but to do this you need to check the availability of everything necessary for the production of a chip blower with your own hands, namely: tools, materials and consumables.


To carry out the work, the following tools will be needed:

  1. electric drill,
  2. screwdriver,
  3. jigsaw,
  4. compass,
  5. clamps,
  6. Phillips screwdriver,
  7. pencil,
  8. on wood (50-60mm),
  9. kit .

Materials and fasteners

Materials can be used both new and used, so carefully review the list below - you may already have something in stock;

  1. The air duct (hose) for a vacuum cleaner is corrugated or in a textile braid.
  2. A sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 100–150 mm, into one of the ends of which the air duct of your household vacuum cleaner should be inserted.
  3. Sewer outlet 30 or 45 degrees, 100–200 mm long, into one end of which the air duct specified in paragraph 1 will be inserted.
  4. Bucket (“large”) plastic 11-26 liters with a hermetically sealed lid.
  5. Bucket (“small”) plastic 5-11 liters. Note. It is important that the difference between the two maximum diameters of the buckets is approximately 60–70 mm.
  6. Sheet 15–20 mm thick. Note. The sheet size must be larger than the maximum diameter of the Large Bucket.
  7. Wood screws with a flat wide head and a length of 2/3 of the thickness.
  8. Universal gel sealant.

Table of standard sizes of round plastic buckets.

Volume, l Cover diameter, mm Height, mm
1,0 125 115
1,2 132 132
2,2 160 150
2,3 175 133
2,6 200 124
3,0 200 139
3,4 200 155
3,8 200 177
3,8 200 177
5,0 225 195
11 292 223
18 326 275
21 326 332
26 380 325
33 380 389

Making a cyclone filter

Creating a homemade chip sucker consists of a number of stages:

  1. Creating a retaining ring and a shaped insert
  2. Installing the Retaining Ring
  3. Installing the side pipe
  4. Top entry installation
  5. Installing a shaped insert
  6. Cyclone filter assembly

Creating a retaining ring and a shaped insert

It is necessary to cut off the side of a small bucket, which is used to attach the lid. The result should be a cylinder like this (well, slightly conical).

We make markings - place a small bucket on it and draw a line along the edge - we get a circle.

Then we determine the center of this circle (see school geometry course) and mark another circle, the radius of which is 30 mm larger than the existing one. Then we mark the ring and the shaped insert, as shown in the figure.

Installing the Retaining Ring

We fix the ring on the edge of a small bucket so that we get a side. We fasten using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to pre-drill the holes to avoid splitting.

We mark the roof of a large bucket. To mark, you need to place the bucket itself on the lid of a large bucket and trace its outline. It is better to make markings with a felt-tip pen, as the mark is clearly visible.

It is important to note that all connections must be airtight; therefore, before installing the cover, the connection area must be coated with sealant. You also need to coat the junction of the wooden ring and the small bucket.

Installing the side pipe

The side pipe is made from a sewer outlet of 30 degrees (or 45 degrees). To install it, you need to drill a hole in the top of the small bucket with a crown. Notice that the top of the small bucket has now become its bottom.

Top entry installation

To make the upper input, you need to drill a hole in the upper part of the chip sucker (small bucket), that is, in the center of the former bottom.

To firmly fix the inlet pipe, you need to use an additional strength element in the form of a square piece of 20 mm thickness with central hole for a 50 mm pipe.

This workpiece is fastened from below with four self-tapping screws. Before installation, the joint must be coated with sealant to ensure a tight seal.

Installing a shaped insert

The shaped insert is a very important component of a homemade chip cleaner; it must be secured inside the cyclone filter, as shown in the photo.

Cyclone filter assembly

Then you need to connect the air ducts correctly:

  1. Upper pipe – to a household vacuum cleaner
  2. An angled outlet that enters from the side at an angle to the hose.

The homemade cyclone vacuum cleaner (chip cleaner) is ready.


Video this review is based on:

If you have broken Bluetooth headphones lying around, you can use them to make such a portable Bluetooth speaker.

The device is powered by a TDA7297 amplifier with a power of 15 W with a 10-W speaker and has an aux connector. There are four LEDs on the front of the speaker that change color depending on the rhythm of the music. Inside the case there are three rechargeable lithium ion battery 18650.

How to make a bluetooth speaker with your own hands - components and tools

Before you begin assembly, you need to prepare the parts. So, to install a Bluetooth speaker with your own hands you will need:
  • Speaker 10 W.
  • Amplifier TDA7297.
  • Bluetooth headphones.
  • Arduino nano.
  • Li-ion batteries 18650 - 3 pcs.
  • RGB LEDs - 4 pcs.
  • Switch.
  • Toggle switch 2-position 6-pin.
  • Headphone jack.
  • Potentiometer 10 kOhm - 2 pcs.
  • Diode IN4007.
  • Fasteners
  • Colored wires.
  • Pins.
  • Connectors.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Solder.
  • Super glue.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Pliers.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Dremel.
  • Dye.
  • Brush.
  • Pencil.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Ruler.
  • Heat shrink.
  • Lighter.
  • Glue gun.

How to assemble a case for a portable Bluetooth speaker with your own hands?

First of all, we cut out 6 panels from chipboard:

  • 12x12 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • 12x9.5 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • 11x9.5 cm - 2 pcs.

  • See also how to do
On the front panel we mark and cut out a hole for the speaker.

Drill holes to mount the speaker.

We grind the cuts on the hole.

Sand all edges with sandpaper.

The back panel of the box must be removable, so we make tenons on it, and grooves on the adjacent panels.

This is what the back panel will look like.

And here are the side ones:

We assemble three sides of the body.

How to assemble a Bluetooth speaker with your own hands - installation of the “filling”

We screw the speaker.

We install the switch, toggle switch and potentiometers.

Drill holes in the corners for RGB LED ov.

Amplifier board for bluetooth speakers

We solder the wires to the board according to color, as in the photo.

Installing a Bluetooth module for a speaker

Let's disassemble the Bluetooth module housing. We solder the two wires that went to the headphones and the plug, and then solder 4 separate ones to the same places.

  • Scheme

Arduino board for Bluetooth speaker

For the project we will use the following contacts: Vcc, Gnd, 5v, A0, A1, D9, D10 and D11. We install pin connectors on the Arduino board. We solder the wires to them.

Installing RGB LEDs in a portable Blurtooth speaker

A single RGB LED is distinguished by the fact that three LEDs are combined in one housing - red, green and blue. Accordingly, they have four legs, one is a common cathode, three are anodes.

  • Step-by-step instructions for making your own
We connect all 4 cathodes of the LEDs with wires. Then we connect the anodes by color: four red, four green and four and blue. We also solder the other ends of the wires together. We insulate the contacts with heat shrink.

We install the LEDs in the holes in the corners of the front panel. Fix with hot glue.

DIY Bluetooth speaker: diagram and installation

We install the electrical part according to the diagram. All connections are insulated with heat shrink tubing. We secure the wires inside the housing with hot glue.

Final assembly of the body of a homemade Bluetooth speaker

On the side panel we drill holes for the audio jack. We install the Bluetooth module on the top panel.

We install the panels in place.