What to do if you were cheated out of money. How to cheat on the Internet

Almost all famous people owe their success precisely to the ability to cunning and deceiving. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers and swindlers. Deceive correctly and efficiently!

As the saying goes, “life experience is a matter of education, and common sense in dealing with people is based on manipulation.” Our time proclaims itself to be civilized. But the more civilized a society is, the greater the place in it that lies and deceit occupy. Harro von Senger

There is also deception in the animal world. Animals disguise themselves, take on other guises and are cunning. They do this for the purpose of survival and it is genetically embedded in them. Modern man also wants to live. To live well and happily, and for this sometimes you need to lie.

People have been lying since ancient times. “The Tale of Truth and Falsehood” was found on an old, torn scroll. The tale was written more than 3 thousand years ago during the era of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. On a papyrus scroll we can read about the treachery, revenge and confrontation between the two brothers Pravda and Krivda. Thus, the history of deception, beginning in time immemorial, has passed through all of history.

Do only bad and worthless people lie? Come on! Even in literature, the most positive characters deceived and fooled around. Shakespeare's Hamlet deceives his relatives with madness that he does not have. Juliet - imaginary death.

But the most clever schemers and masters of flattery were the adventurers. Take, for example, the legendary Count Alessandro Cagliostro. He owed his success precisely to the skill of the great deceiver.

Almost all famous people owe their success precisely to the ability to cunning and deceiving. It's time for you to learn a thing or two from the great deceivers. The principles that great adventurers use can be useful to you in everyday life. Most likely you will not pull off scams like Count Cagliostro. But with their help you will learn to deceive. This is necessary for a successful life! This is the art of great deceivers!

Two little mice fell into a bucket of milk. The first mouse raised its paws and drowned. The second mouse did not think about accepting it. She was fighting for her life. She whipped butter out of the milk and finally got out. Gentlemen, I am the second mouse! Film "Catch Me If You Can"

Deceive correctly and efficiently!! Almost all famous people owe their success precisely to the ability to cunning and deceiving. It's time for you to learn something from the great deceivers, crooks and swindlers.

1. The simpleton principle

The cunning is not the one who is considered cunning, but the one who is taken for a simpleton. P. S. Taranov

Create a reputation as a simpleton. Be simpler, clearer, seem a little stupid and naive.

Develop an image of a truthful, honest, but down-to-earth person. A charming smile, positive behavior, kindness and a confidential tone of conversation are your weapons. Create an intellectual superiority over you. As long as people think they are smarter than you, they will be easy to deceive.

This method is often used by pretty girls. They are ready to appear like a “silly blonde” in order to live a quiet life and bring their plans to life.

2. Information flow principle

Our mind contains both those truths that should be spoken about and those that should be kept silent. A. Rivarol

You don’t have to lie, but you can change the information flow in conditions that are favorable to you. You can hide information, distort it, use your chosen method, distort it, and focus on advantageous facts. Such deception is more believable and easier to control. If your deception is discovered, you will not suffer as much as if you were directly deceived.

3. The principle of parallel reality

Create the necessary “smoke screen”. Distract the victim from the most important thing and create the background you need. Against the background of a parallel reality, deception looks more natural. Use more color in your lies. Create a situation, circumstances that confirm your words and honesty.

This method, for example, is used by broke people. They waste money and lead a luxurious lifestyle, misleading others.

4. Principle of manipulation

Create conditions where the enemy acts according to your plan. Push him to form certain conclusions that are beneficial to you. You are not deceiving, the person himself came to this conclusion.

Tell the truth under the guise of deception. As Otto von Bismarck said: “If you want to fool the world, tell it the truth.” This technique works well in personal relationships.

5. The principle of open lies and treachery

It is not necessary to cover up lies or falsehoods with facts. You can lie openly. You can be treacherous by saying one thing and doing something completely different. This type of deception requires good memory and caution.

6. The principle of red herring

Hiding a lie or deception, distract with another bright fact. Let your interlocutor take the bait, distract attention. Do it as magicians and cheaters do. They perform tricks, distracting with conversations and manipulations with their hands. So you throw in distracting facts that disguise deception.

7. The principle of masking deception

Hide the deception under the guise of care and kindness. Even great deception can be hidden under noble intentions.

8. The principle of tossing thoughts

A person believes more in those thoughts that arose in his own head. Do not speak directly, but act with hints, indirectly influencing the person. People will believe what they themselves have come up with. The sprout you planted will give you the desired thought. The fact that you planted an idea, no one will remember.

9. The principle of using human desires

Give the man what he wants. Promise to help him with his problems or hint at a successful outcome. When desires become more real, a person forgets about everything. A person who helps cannot lie. Later you can stab him in the back and easily deceive him.

10. The principle of weak points

“Pick up a master key for everyone. This is the art of managing people. It requires not courage, but dexterity, the ability to find an approach to a person.” Baltasar Gracian

Every person has a key. This will most likely be not the noble, but the base side of a person. Play on self-interest, envy, jealousy, ambition, pleasure, greed, stupidity or lust. Use the basest and darkest instincts of man. You can easily deceive him or be able to manipulate him.

11. The principle of using lies and deception

If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

The French philosopher and writer Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues said: “The limit of cunning is the ability to control without using force.” Use the art of the great deceivers only in extreme cases. Don't waste it on small things. If you love, then the queen, if you steal, then a million!

One maniac set up a website with a counter and declared on it that he would kill his rabbit if he did not urgently collect 200 thousand dollars. The counter showed how much was still missing to “ransom” the rabbit. Compassionate users collected the required amount.

Or here’s another case of making money from collective charity: a certain girl published a photograph of herself with her bare breasts. Her breasts made such a pitiful impression that people from all over the world quickly sent her money for plastic surgery. Then the young lady thanked all the sponsors by posting her new photo on the same website - with a magnificent silicone bust.

This story looks more like a fundraiser than a scam. However, we will never know who exactly was hiding behind the image of the poor girl and whether the rabbit that half of America was saving actually existed...

It also happens that scammers pretend to be single women on domestic dating sites. They post a photo of a beauty there (sometimes a popular singer or fashion model, but for some reason no one notices this) and start a long correspondence with the foreigner they like. The correspondence becomes more and more intimate, the foreigner invites the lady to visit him - in another country. And then she, poor thing, admits that she doesn’t have enough money for a ticket. A foreigner sends her money. After which the mysterious lady disappears. This type of fraud requires a certain artistry and mastery of the epistolary genre. According to statistics, the turnover in this area of ​​fraud is $2 billion a year. Other scammers flood the Internet with Trojan viruses that hunt for users' bank account numbers and passwords. You never know how many tricks electronic combinators have come up with! There is such a primitive “scheme”: e-mails are sent to many addresses, saying that we have found a huge treasure here on the territory of the state of Limonia, but we do not have enough money for travel and various formalities. If anyone helps, we will share the treasure. People are biting! Or, for example, the victim of deception receives email notification that he is the lucky one who won the lottery. To receive your winnings you need to pay tax: transfer the money to such and such an account. Oddly enough, such idiotic traps work. It is not clear why many people are so willing to believe in the story of the treasure, and that they won a lottery in which they did not participate. These types of fraud, blackmail and begging are as old as time. Only in our enlightened age are they carried out using the latest interfaces.

Unchangeable cheese

Among fans of online freebies, there is a legend about a certain mysterious electronic wallet, the address of which periodically pops up here and there. The legend is simple: you transfer any amount to it, and in return they send you twice as much! Indeed, sometimes you come across such a web page, lavishly decorated with large multi-colored font and a photograph of a fat man who, with bulging eyes, is counting a wad of dollars. It says something like this: “Once I saw my boss transferring one hundred bucks to such and such an address, and immediately two hundred came back to him! Don't be a fool, I wrote down the address and sent a dollar there to try. It worked! Two dollars came back. Sent five, ten returned. Then I became brave and sent a hundred. Two hundred have returned! The boss noticed my scam and fired me. But I don’t care about that, because now I have tons of money. This is the address. Enjoy it for your health. Just don’t be greedy - don’t transfer money there more than five times a day, don’t overload the server.”
Well, why not a fairy tale about the irredeemable ruble?! Or, rather, about free cheese... The practical side of the matter is this. Someone got himself an electronic wallet and posted its address online with such an intricate comment. Moreover, to clear my conscience, I added: believe it or not. It seems that everything is clear - they are collecting money from narrow-minded idlers.
But for every poison (that is, cheese) there is an antidote. On one forum, someone shared their experience. I supposedly transferred 50 cents to such an account - the dollar came back. I sent a dollar and got two back. But when I sent $50, nothing came back. I realized that I had been scammed and decided to act smarter. Sent one dollar from many different addresses. And for each one came twice as much. After all, newcomers are not abandoned. On the contrary, small amounts are regularly doubled - in order to lure a new victim! In short, deception technologies and ways to circumvent this deception are constantly being improved on the Internet. And at the heart of all this fuss is a person’s strong and ineradicable desire to get money for nothing. The Internet, with its anonymity and inclusiveness, has become an ideal field for such adventures. A person visiting a site can judge it only by the information posted there. Suppose there are mountains of gold drawn there and it says: stop working! If you want to get rich, click here! And they press... This wastes a lot of time and money.

The Internet is not only a storehouse useful information, but also a very dangerous environment. There is an abundance of deception and all sorts of schemes to swindle money, which scammers use for their dirty enrichment.

The principles of deception are quite primitive and of the same type. Designed for beginners or simply inexperienced Internet users. And most of all, the caste of users who are asking the question: how to make money on the Internet? These are the people most vulnerable to fraud and, as a rule, they are young people.

You are probably not eager to join a huge number people who have already been deceived on the Internet. I hope this is exactly the case! I'll help you.

To avoid becoming a victim of deception, you just need to follow one simple rule - never pay anyone or anything on the Internet and not believe in really working earning schemes related to investing money (any kind, literally)!

What are we talking about? Let's take a more specific look. You can come across similar offers: “You will earn $1000 in the first week by investing only $10” or “How I earn $3000 on the Internet in a month.”

Will you believe it? You need to understand that such slogans are designed for those who do not have their own heads on their shoulders. If all this were true, then there would not be a single janitor left in our country. Everyone would earn thousands of dollars at home on the Internet. But the reality is completely different! You can earn an income of 150 rubles a day, for example, this is already true and the numbers are more sane!

And here is another fresh example of how it is unnecessary to act. Now there is a new scam floating around the Internet - making money by transferring money. To earn money you need to register in their payment system and open an account there. Then a certain amount of money will be transferred to your account, and invoices will also be provided. Your task is to transfer money from your account to the accounts that were previously provided to you. After the work is completed, you will be credited with the promised % of the transfers. But this is where the fun begins...

When you want to withdraw these funds, it turns out that you need to top up your account with 100 dollars!, such as for account verification. That is, this is the very fatal line when someone who wants to earn money is faced with a choice - to believe it or not? Should I send it or not? But to get to the point, an inexperienced person will send money and get scammed for $100. Another will doubt it and start typing “earning money by transferring money reviews” into the search engine. A sober-minded realist will spit on this income from transferring money after one minute of delving into the essence. I hope you understand what I mean...

But don't despair. You can actually make money on the Internet, for example, from marketing research, but not thousands of dollars, but only three to five thousand rubles. And even then, if you have a smart head...

So, below I will list some of the most common ways to get scammed on the Internet.

What seems especially funny to me is this method of deception that has recently flooded the entire Internet. It can be called “The method of beating roulette.” It’s very interesting for me to look at the weirdo who believed in this and began to play as this “Super Method” prescribes.

The bottom line is that when playing roulette you bet on red and if you lose, then double your bet and again bet on red and so on until red comes up. This method will actually prevent you from losing, if not for one BUT! Absolutely all casinos in the world, and for a long time, know about this method. It's called the Martingale Principle. In this regard, I can say the following: it is almost impossible to deceive the casino! Especially due to such a primitive method.

Now let's take that smart guy who claims that this all works. Imagine that you have invented a truly working method of beating such establishments. When playing using this method, it is impossible to lose; will you then begin to trumpet it to the entire Internet? Of course not! Why should I tell you about this? After all, then all the casinos will know about your method and will quickly take this information into their arsenal. I think you're more likely to play quietly, keep your mouth shut, and pocket the free money.

The question may arise: what is the goal of the person who is offering you this method, what is the benefit? The answer is: this person affiliate program with the casino and it has a % of your loss if you start playing and lose. It is also possible that he himself is the owner of the Internet resource in which he advises to play.

All casinos in the world are created with one goal - making a profit. There are no owners of gaming establishments who will sit and rejoice, silently watching you beat their roulette every day.

Friends, be realistic...

The essence of the deception is that they assure you that a way to make money on exchangers has been found. You just need to transfer funds from one payment system to another using an exchanger (exchangers) back and forth. There are many options on how to do this. They claim that you can earn several hundred dollars a day from this. I want to assure you that this is just another nonsense! This, of course, is not entirely a scam, since you will not lose the full amount of money. However, the amount you turn over will be significantly reduced due to the commissions that exchangers charge for each transaction. It is also possible that these exchangers are completely fake and all the money in full will go into their pocket.

If you believe in this “type of income” and begin to act as the person who is “rubbing it in” advises you, then he will earn money from affiliates for your transactions. Or he will simply take the entire amount if the exchanger is fake, since he created it himself and precisely for these purposes. You will lose part of the funds from the amount that you had in circulation, and possibly the entire amount if the exchangers are fake. All this is designed for users who hope to make easy money on the Internet.

A magic wallet is another “type of income”. The bottom line is that they assure you that there is such a wallet on Yandex Money or another payment system(no matter which one), to which you transfer 100 rubles, and it sends the money back to your wallet at double the rate. You receive 200 rubles. Then you transfer 200 rubles to him, and he returns 400 rubles, and so on. As you understand, no money, much less double the amount, will come back to you. All this is a primitive scam of gullible and still stupid schoolchildren.

Sometimes on the Internet you can see messages: “Everyone knows that magic wallets are a scam, I myself fell for it and lost a hundred. I decided to punish these scammers, I found a wallet into which you put 100 rubles and it returns 200 rubles, but when you put in 200 rubles, nothing comes. They specifically increase the first amount and transfer it in order to gain trust. Now I make 1000 rubles a day, the most important thing is that after the first doubling, do not double it again, and a little later start again from a hundred and so several times. Can you imagine how it works, they don’t put shoes on me, but I put them on. Write down the number of this wallet Rxxxxxxxxxx!, otherwise they say it will soon not double at all.” This is, of course, still the same scam, just a different wrapper.

Also, you shouldn’t believe in making money from selling blocked wallets when you first need to pay to unlock the wallet. Is it true or not that you can get something this way? No and again NO! But making money without cheating still exists!

Auto-earning programs are a typical type of fraud. They are trying to sell you a program that, according to the seller, will generate income automatically and you will receive money without doing anything. Those people who fall for this will very soon be disappointed. Instead of the income they were promised, which the program purchased with their own money should bring, they simply will not be able to boot their computer; it is blocked by a ransomware virus.

Names that these evil programs can have:

WebMoney Generator

Automatic bonus collector

WebMoney hacker program

Yandex Money hacker

In fact, there are a lot of names and varieties. The only relatively worthwhile auto-earning program that I have come across is called ltcraft - this is earnings on video. It really allows you to make money. It is based on the use of video card resources, but the earnings are very small and dangerous for the video card itself.

There are a huge number of offers on the Internet about so-called work from home, for which they promise to pay you good money. In reality (in most cases) you will work for free, and some dubious employers offering such work will even try to scam money from you. Such job offers are usually related to

Here I have presented only a tiny fraction of the variety of types of fraud that exist on the Internet. If you describe all the options, you will get a whole book, about 100 pages for sure.

My goal was not just to list and describe ways to take money using the Internet, but to convey to you that no one just gives money on the Internet. You shouldn’t believe in promises of huge earnings from all sorts of “Like the Year” promotions and other nonsense. Don't rely on freebies. It’s stupid to pay anything for account verification anywhere (a common scam lately). They'll just cheat you out of this money!

Real work on the Internet is really work in the full sense of the word. There are many honest ways to make money using the Internet, but they require effort and time, take a look. To achieve stable income By the way, a lot of time is spent online!

Personally, I spent about two years to reach some relatively good level of income online. And this is not just a period of time! This is two years of work on websites, and this, by the way, is real hard labor. And what is most offensive in this matter is the lack of at least some guarantees of success. At the same time, there are a lot of costs, both time and financial. And, you know, the workdays can no longer be counted either.

I cherish the hope that my page “deception on the Internet” will protect you from rash actions and loss of money!

Today we’ll talk about online fraud! What are the ways and most importantly, how to protect yourself from financial losses!

If you are an active Internet user (you have your own email and e-wallet, or make purchases via the Internet, that is, you make monetary transactions), then this article will be useful to you and in the future you will not fall for the hooks and tricks of a scammer who just sits and waits for you to bring him your money. We'll give a lot useful tips how not to get into trouble and become a “sucker”.

You don't want to be a "sucker"? Then read on.

The main reasons for deception! Pretexts of scammers!

By fraud we mean the fact of taking any property (material assets) from one person in favor of another (fraudster) in a fraudulent way that misleads a person and thereby enriches himself at the expense of others. Pretexts or reasons are invented by the fraudster himself, and the more cunning and intelligent he is, the more sophisticated these methods are. It all depends on his imagination. This act is criminally punishable both in real life and in “virtual” life, but in the latter case it is difficult to prove and if a fraudster defrauded you of, say, 200-300 rubles, then in our country he will not even be brought to criminal liability (in this case you you just need to read articles like this and be vigilant). Fraudsters are well aware of this and take advantage of it.

Top reasons for divorce on the Internet:

  • Help for patients (for surgery, treatment, etc.)
  • Taking fake surveys
  • Purchasing goods at a low price
  • Various drawings for valuable prizes
  • Earn money on the Internet (low-quality courses and outright scams)

10 most popular ways to cheat!

List in various ways The scams are very large and varied, but we will try to highlight among them the most basic schemes of scammers, and you will already know what to look for when choosing “profitable” offers. We also compiled a rating various methods fraud and let's start looking at it from the most recent (less often) to the most common method of deception. We will take a closer look at the leader of this list and give detailed recommendations on how you can avoid mistakes.

10th PLACE. The Runaway Bride Method!

This method is mainly intended for foreigners and is a kind of classic fraud.

The essence of the divorce is this: a rich, or maybe even middle-income, foreigner meets a pretty, beautiful Russian girl on social media. networks. Fortunately, in Russia we have the most beautiful girls That's why many people around the world are biting. Then he begins to correspond with her, communicate and give gifts. Everything seems to be fine, but in fact the “bride” is a man who, under various pretexts, lures money from a naive foreigner. There can be many reasons: starting from paying off a loan, a relative getting sick, etc. Well, the last request is to buy a ticket to fly to your chosen one. Such communication can go on for years until the stupid “American” realizes that he is being scammed or he himself flies to his “bride.” Of course, he won’t find anyone at the address where the girl lives.

9th PLACE. Fake one-page online stores selling goods.

Online stores attract with their availability, discounts, wide range and home delivery. It is difficult to overestimate the convenience and comfort when shopping. It is enough to turn on the Internet, have bank card, and you can buy literally everything in minutes. Fraudsters take advantage of the fact that we are accustomed to trusting online stores and, by inertia, pay without checking reviews about it or the degree of its popularity.

The scammers’ scheme is simple: they create a one-page website where they post products of famous brands and of a certain type. For example, only phones from one company or baby strollers. The price is of course set below the market average. Such a site can be easily identified by an experienced user. It contains a minimum of information and no contact information (they may indicate some non-working phone number).

The operation of such online stores is based on 100% prepayment.

The buyer pays for the goods and waits for delivery. Of course, no one will deliver his order anywhere. He dials the phone, but they are either silent or don’t pick up.

Possible different options this scam. It happens that there is payment upon receipt of the goods. In this case, the buyer receives an SMS or e-mail stating that with prepayment, delivery is free and other benefits. After payment, such a “seller” simply disappears!


“Black” methods are the most unpleasant in nature, for me personally. First of all, they are designed for the human psyche, for his cordiality in helping a sick child or adult. People tell how a little man is fighting for his life, but only financial help will help him. It is precisely these swindlers who ask to help the child financially, forgetting that those who really need it simply will not receive it.

Here the scammer chooses a deception scheme based on the mercy and generosity of those who care about the fate of the baby. Of course, helping people is simply necessary, but we must not forget that there are many scammers in this area. First you need to check all the contact details to contact the parents. Call them and find out the details of your child’s illness. Look for them on social media. networks, as a rule, if they are scammers, such posts are quickly deleted by the site administration. The relevant authorities are also monitoring this. It is better, of course, to help through various funds that are controlled by the state or shown on television. That is, we need to help those who have everything in plain sight and have nothing to hide. A fraudster will never dare to broadcast his scam on TV.

7TH PLACE. Phishing: getting victims' passwords!

Perhaps the most dangerous method of fraud. The point is to fraudulently obtain various confidential data: logins and passwords, PIN codes, different numbers and logins. There can be a lot of schemes, but we will tell you about the main ones.

For example, you received a call from the bank and were told that you allegedly need to change your account password. You are asked to give your old password and tell the code and SMS. I hope you understand that this should not be done under any circumstances. The scammer just found out your password and is already transferring money.

Let us remind you that each card has a number hotline bank, which you can call at any time and ask if you need to change some kind of login or password. There is no particular urgency here, and you can always change it when you contact the bank in person.

The second method is even more sophisticated. They also call you from the bank and say that you have a loan debt. Of course, you know that you have no debts, then you are asked to confirm this information and provide your personal information. Of course, you are scared and can say whatever is asked of you. After that, your money disappears! An experienced hacker, programmer or bank employee needs a minimum of information from you to withdraw all your money. Only your vigilance can save you in this situation.

6TH PLACE. Get your prize even if you didn't participate!

We constantly receive various SMS messages. Including you often become the owner of some valuable prize. Such news, of course, can blow anyone’s head off and from a normal person you will become like a child believing anyone, just to get the coveted prize. First of all, consult with your friends and family, I think they will tell you that all this is a hoax. You may be asked to transfer money to some account as a tax payment, or send an SMS to the number they provide, or simply follow a link. Before you take any actions, remember, have you ever participated in any competitions or lotteries? If not, then how could you possibly win?

5th PLACE. Computer viruses are a threat of the 21st century!

Perhaps the most amazing phenomenon of our century These are computer viruses. Ask yourself why you need to create bad programs to spoil good ones. You think that bad guys are writing them to gain access to your computer or electronic wallet, or to hack the Pentagon system. This may be partly true, but I can tell you one thing: every day a large number of necessary and useful programs and so they can be bought and written to be malicious. This is a commercial interest and everything is tied to money. But let it remain on their conscience. This is also a scam, but legal! We will look at simpler scammers who do not think for a long time, but create ordinary viruses.

For example, you visit a malicious site and the Trojan.Encoder.20 virus is automatically downloaded to your computer.

It encrypts all your data on your computer and then self-destructs. You try to open a file and a message appears on your screen asking you to pay 20-100 dollars via SMS and then get access to the files.

In this situation, do not pay anything! The problem will still remain. Contact specialists and they will remove it using an antivirus or reinstall it for you new Windows. Robots search engines Yandex and Google closely monitor such sites and immediately remove them from search results, but you can catch a virus when you click on various links.

4TH PLACE. Fake website. Replacing the native domain.

Let's say somewhere on the Internet we picked up computer virus. We enter the address of the site we need and get to its copy, that is, the virus actually redirected us to a duplicate site, which is no different from the original except for one letter in the domain, which no one will pay attention to except experienced user. The domain is the website address in the top line of the browser. For example, our website No to Deception!.com. No one will notice a big difference? Why did they do this? We answer:

You enter your registration information on a fake website, and then you are asked to confirm your login via SMS. Of course, you write your own code because you are sure that this is a real site. I hope you understand that it all ends with all the money being stolen from your phone balance. And the scammer will receive your confidential data.

We can only advise you one thing: if you see similar messages where you are asked to enter a code from an SMS, go to the same site from another device and check if they ask you for an SMS confirmation. If not, then change all passwords and scan your computer with an antivirus.

Fraudsters often use websites as copies of social media and when they gain access to your personal data, they send out a newsletter on your behalf, and insert a link to the “needed” program in the content. The user by clicking on this link also infects his computer with a virus that changes the domain to a hack.

3rd PLACE.

Fraudsters come up with simpler but more effective schemes. What is needed here is a virus that gets on your phone and writes off all your money.

For example, an SMS message comes to you: “I look at the photo and remember the past” and plus a small link. Of course you are intrigued and follow the link. And at this moment the virus writes off all your money from your balance.

To avoid becoming a victim of a scammer, do not click on links sent to you by strangers. Delete the message, and if you do, reset all settings to factory settings.

2nd PLACE.

I think there is no need to explain what a financial pyramid is and how not to fall into it, but many people still believe in miracles and hope to get huge profits if they invest a few thousand. The entire calculation of scammers is based on the greed and greed of people. Of course, if you invest your money in an investment project, of which there are now a huge number on the Internet, then at the initial stage you will be able to receive your money with interest, but most importantly, you don’t know when this pyramid will collapse and then you will be left with nothing. A striking example of this is the MMM financial pyramid. We hope that you will not invest money in dubious projects, but rather read the articles in our section and choose a decent income for yourself that will provide you with a lifetime. By spending 1-2 thousand rubles you will gain experience from professional experts in their field. On at the moment All pyramids are prohibited by law, so they all migrated to the Internet, where it is difficult to get them for many reasons. Let’s say the site is located in America and is not related to Russia, how can it be closed? Of course, Roskomnadzor blocks them, but they grow like mushrooms after rain.

At their core, MLM companies are also a pyramid, but with the caveat that they are trying to sell you some unnecessary product and in order to join their company they also require you to pay an entrance fee.

And finally we come to the main thing...

1st PLACE. Remote work, low-quality earning courses and outright scams!

  • Remote work from home (collecting pens, writing texts, posting ads on Avito and other methods). For example, they offer you to collect fountain pens at home and ask for an advance payment of 200 rubles in case the customer does not receive them on time (I think there is no need to write that after payment you will not be able to contact anyone) or you place an advertisement, and then excuses begin that there are few transitions, conditions are not met and other nonsense.
  • Woe to the losers “infobusinessmen” who write their own courses on making money on the Internet and try to sell them through one-page websites. We check such courses for quality and if they pass the test, then we send them to the section, and if it is a worthless course, then it goes straight to. There are very few proven and high-quality courses on making money on the Internet, but on the contrary, there are many courses that will not help the buyer in any way. You will simply waste your money by purchasing such a course. We have created a user rating section so that every customer can rate the course they purchased.
  • And finally, the most profitable type of “earning money” for scammers. This is the creation of sites where you are openly deceived. You are asked to spend just a few minutes, perform the simplest actions (fill out a form, click a button, take a survey, there are many of them) and you already have hundreds of thousands of rubles on your balance. But in the end they ask you to pay 100-200 rubles for non-existent services. This is an outright scam! Never pay! The scammer will ask ten more times, only much more, until you give up or run out of money. All examples of such sites are located in our section. You can read it.

We showed and told you the most popular methods of fraud and hope that this article will help at least one person out of a hundred. So it was not in vain that we wrote it.

Ways to earn money that actually exist and those that scammers came up with:

Here are tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of a scammer:

Tip 2. Never trust those who promise mountains of gold! All people are greedy for freebies, but think first before committing rash acts. No businessman will sell goods below cost. Any financial pyramid will eventually collapse and take your money.

Tip 3. Take care of your personal data!

There is no need to tell just anyone your confidential data. If you are asked to enter data, check this resource first.

Tip 4. Don’t blindly trust strangers and don’t answer calls!

Fraudsters try to evoke some emotion in you in order to take advantage of the situation and swindle your money. Do not click on links or call back! In general, do not respond to calls from other people’s numbers!

Tip 5. Be careful!

Only your attentiveness and common sense can help you avoid mistakes and protect you from scammers. If a person asks you or convinces you of something, ask him leading questions and if he is a scammer, he will quickly disappear to look for another “sucker.” Be attentive to details and do not fall for scammers.


We told you about the most popular methods of online fraud. Of course, making money on the Internet is not only possible, but also necessary. When creating this site, we first of all thought about how to protect you from low-quality courses and scams.

  • The section includes all low-quality courses and scams. After reading them, you will be able to, at least visually, remember them and not give money to scammers.
  • The section contains only high-quality courses that have passed our test and proven their effectiveness. Here you will find only what really brings profit!
  • The section has collected only those courses that, according to users, are the most effective from the section "Proven Courses".

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 15 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

You can cheat people out of money due to other people's ignorance, weakness or laziness. If you do it wisely and with care and intelligence, you can make a little money on the side, or even live off it.


Part 1

Finding your theme

    Think about your talents. The classic setup described in the films "The Gambler" and "The Color of Money" is the game of billiards, but something of your own can be developed from anything related to competition or sales. Think about it and figure out how you can use your talents to make some money.

    • If you are good at playing cards, board games or shooting games on the computer, then you can play with your friends for money and beat them.
    • Practice. Before you try to scam someone, work on your skills first. You need to reach a very high level.
  1. Buy cheap and sell at a premium. If you have a good tongue, think about some kind of sales business. Find some necessary and useful product and sell it online or from hand to hand.

    Provide unexpected services. Shoveling snow, shining shoes, washing windows, cleaning toilets - all of these can make money, all you have to do is put in the time and do the work. Try to get money up front and get away without doing the work.

  2. Wiring on the Internet. To do this, you only need a computer and Internet access. A Facebook or Twitter page dedicated to a goal or idea can generate income even without any effort on your part. You can also take on orders for editing, writing texts, graphic design or programming.

    • Register on an essay site for schoolchildren or students and complete assignments for money. You can slightly change your old works and sell them to those who wish.
    • Start a blog on a topic and develop it.

    Part 2

    Theme development
    1. Develop self-confidence. Confidence is the key to the success of any layout. Even if you staged a huge scam, the client should still feel like they are winning from the deal.

      • If you cheat people at cards or billiards, you need to seem like a sucker... a simpleton. You can ask about the rules before betting, or pretend to be drunk. Let the client offer to play for money himself. It’s better to lose the first game, you will be able to assess the opponent’s level, and on the contrary, he will feel confident, after which you can offer to double the bet. Please note that the client must be deceived in such a way that he does not understand that he has been deceived. Let him blame his own bad luck and continue playing.
      • If you're going to be in a job selling products and services, you need to look cool. No one will buy your ice scrapers or pay you to clear leaves if you look like a hobo. You need to appear as a friendly and reliable tradesman that you want to do business with.