Google work doodle. Google Doodles

On the wide windowsill of a country house, Shaggy Fly and Fat Bumblebee were having small talk. They happened to be close by completely by accident, but they behaved like well-mannered and respectable individuals.

- Hello, neighbor! - buzzed the Fly.

- Yeah, yeah, good evening! – Bumblebee said, breathing heavily.

- Are you not happy, neighbor? Are there not enough flowers this spring?

- Oh, don't tell me. Wherever I fly, someone has already collected pollen before me. You have to collect food little by little.

- So fly to the field: there are so many flowers there, and new ones bloom every morning.

- No, it takes five minutes to fly to the meadow, it’s a long time. I would like something close to home. How are you doing, Shaggy Fly?

- I make my living on a dung heap. You understand that the work is hard, so many things go through your hands...

- Yes. It became difficult to live, there was nothing but trouble all around. Everyone tries to cheat people and live at someone else's expense.

- Oh, I agree, I agree. All your life you just have to look to snatch a tastier piece for yourself.

And then a multi-colored Butterfly flew past the Fly and the Bumblebee. She easily flapped her wings and soared from flower to flower.

- For those who have an easy life, a beauty flies here. No worries, no problems. Life is sweet and free.

– What prevents you from living and smiling? - the May Bug intervened in the conversation, after listening to the squabble between Bumblebee and Fly for a couple of minutes. – There are wings, there’s more than enough favorable wind!

- It's easy for you to say. You flew for one month and buried yourself in the ground from all your problems. And here we are, day after day, humping our shoulders. How can you smile here?

“So the Butterfly didn’t immediately become happy and cheerful,” said the Beetle. – Remember how long she sat on the tree as a caterpillar. It was shaggy and green. Nobody looked in her direction. Even the birds considered it inedible.

“Yeah, yeah, she was sitting there looking so ugly,” the tired Bumblebee recalled.

“And then she wanted to become cheerful and happy: she wrapped herself in a cocoon and came out of it as a bright beauty. The wings made of transparent scales alone drive everyone crazy.

“That’s for sure,” said the Fly dreamily, looking around at its scanty wings in the dust and debris. - I wish they were...

- So don’t envy others. Look at the world more cheerfully, and it will smile back at you! - the May Beetle sang and flew to the blooming rowan tree.

What a strange dream! You have to dream about something like that!

Vera finally opened her eyes and saw that she had dozed off right next to the window leading into the garden.

It happens: spider bugs can talk! And how!

Vera sweetly spread her arms to the sides and stretched. Then she leaned over and smelled the bouquet of lilies of the valley that stood next to her on the windowsill.

Fragrant flowers emitted a delicate favorite aroma, plunging into sleepy memories.

“But it’s true,” thought Vera. – What prevents you from becoming a beautiful butterfly? If I want to be happy, can I?”

- Of course you can! You can do anything! - buzzed the May Beetle flying past the window.

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