How to manage your Twitter. How to Twitter a Company

Everyone has Twitter, even Medvedev... what? Still don't have it? Then register immediately and read this article to find out how easy it is to use Twitter.

So, you learned about what Twitter is and were even able to register with it. An involuntary question arises: what to do next? Or, to put it in simple language: What am I doing here, and who are all these people? Let's figure out together how to use Twitter correctly.

Point #1: follow!

When you're trying to figure out how to use Twitter, video tutorials often tell you to start by following other users of this social network. Let's not break traditions and let's start from the same place.

On every Twitter user page there is an opportunity to follow him. This means that you will see all tweets sent by this user in your feed. To subscribe to a user, you need to click on the “Read” button, which we have carefully circled in the following example:

Point #2: retweet!

So, now you are starting to understand what Twitter is, how to use it and how to follow others, however, if you like someone's tweet and want the people who follow you to pay attention to it, you need to retweet it. This is done by clicking on one button located under the text of the tweet:

Point #3: Tweet!

On home page your profile has a field that says “What’s new?” This is where you should enter the texts of your tweets. After completing your input, press the Enter key and the post will be published.

Point No. 4: rules and features

So, now you know what Twitter is, how to use its main functions, and also learned a few basic terms. It remains to learn a couple more facts and your path to the foothills of Twitter professionalism will be complete.

  1. Tweet length cannot exceed 140 characters;
  2. You can tweet videos and pictures, but you must first upload them online and publish their URLs;
  3. Twitter actively uses hashtags - words preceded by the # symbol. If you include a hashtag in your tweet, your message will be seen by anyone who clicks on that hashtag in any other tweet.

Actually, now you know how to use Twitter in Russian, however, it can hardly be said that the versions in English and other languages ​​are very different...

Many novice users are interested in why Twitter is needed. Social networks around the world are developing very quickly. In just a few years, a large number of different platforms have appeared on the Internet. Each has its own pros and cons. Some are intended for normal communication, some are primarily for exchange text information. What about the Twitter page? Why do users need it?


What page are you talking about? The point is that Twitter is generational. She won the hearts of many users. It is a somewhat non-standard “social network” that allows you to send small text messages, SMS, photos via the Internet.

In general, the word twitt translated from English language means "to chat" or "tweet". The main advantage (or feature) of the site is that all information on the user page is in open access. Why do you need Twitter? To maintain your own microblog and exchange short messages!

Distinctive Features

Each social network has its own advantages and disadvantages. What makes the site you are studying stand out from all the others? The thing is that it is not like the usual social networks. Why do you need Twitter and how to use it? To understand this, you first need to decide how good the proposed resource is. It will help to judge this characteristic distinctive features"social media".

Among them on at the moment highlight:

  1. Speed ​​of messaging and notification of subscribers about new information. Here publications spread faster than on all other social networks.
  2. All posted materials are open to users who have their own Twitter account.
  3. You can make a so-called “tweet” in an instant. This mobility pleases users. You don't need to write posts for a long time. You can share messages and information almost anytime, anywhere.
  4. Fashion is another advantage. Being a Twitter user is now fashionable. Therefore, many are interested in this social network and use it, even if in fact there is no urgent need for it.

Perhaps these are all the main advantages that can be highlighted. What else is important to know about this social network? How to use it?

Twitter Rules

Why do you need Twitter? To communicate! There are some rules to understand the principle of publishing so-called “tweets”. It's actually very simple.

The user must first register (more on the principles of registration a little later). After this he will have his own account. Completing your profile takes a few minutes. Next, a person can log in to the proposed social network at any time, and then leave a short message on his microblog.

It should be remembered that people can write a variety of posts. You don't have to limit yourself to just words. Additionally, the following is inserted into “tweets”:

  • images (most often);
  • links to various sites;
  • photographs (even those just taken);
  • event announcements;
  • video.

Accordingly, you can make Twitter interesting, diverse and attractive. What elements should every user who plans to create a page on the social network under study be familiar with?


Now it’s clear why Twitter is needed, as well as what you can do if you have an account on this site. There are some terms that will help you get comfortable with this social network.

"Tweet" is the first concept you need to know about. This is the name for short messages that are left on the social network being studied. “Tweets” are posts on a microblog.

"Folover" - subscriber. It represents a user who has a Twitter account. A person subscribes to a page and sees news from a particular user in their update feed.

Twitter Rules

Regardless of the version of Twitter (there is mobile and regular), the social network has a number of its own rules that must be followed. It's about and about the features of registration, as well as the use of the page, and behavior towards users.

What points must be completed? In the vastness of the microblog being studied, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is prohibited to impersonate another person. A user who decides to create a “fake” page (fake) may be permanently blocked.
  2. Private information of third parties, as well as their personal files (for example, photographs) cannot be published. This is a violation of the law not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
  3. Calls to violence and sedition, as well as threats, are prohibited. Applies to both your own “tweets” and “retweets”.
  4. No copyright infringement allowed. Criminal liability cannot be ruled out.

What else is important to know? Some people are interested in how to properly communicate with their subscribers. There are no clear rules in this regard. But users, especially successful ones, offer their own methods of behavior.

How to behave with followers

On Twitter, it is recommended to follow certain etiquette rules. Or, as they also say, behavior. The point is that, in principle, there are no restrictions on this social network - it is important not to publish threats, insults and calls for violence.

But you need to communicate with your followers somehow. What do successful users recommend? Among the basic rules of communication are:

  1. Respect for culture and etiquette. It is recommended to thank subscribers for “retweets”. You also need to be careful about those who read the user's account.
  2. It's worth retweeting when you like a message. There is no need to be shy, it is for such publications that the study was invented social network.
  3. A lot of “tweets” in a short time is bad. It is recommended to refrain from this phenomenon. It is better to publish posts regularly, with short pauses.
  4. Spam and advertising on social networks are not welcome. This rule also applies on Twitter.

There are no more restrictions or significant advice. Unless you update Twitter regularly. Some users register here just because it's fashionable and then forget about their account. This way you won’t be able to gather many followers.

About registration

Now you should pay attention to the registration process. This is a mandatory item that allows you to access site resources. Registration on the Twitter page only takes a few minutes. It is important to remember that one user cannot have a huge number of accounts. One person - one profile.

  • username;
  • phone for connection;
  • e-mail;
  • a created password in the English layout.

You do not need to indicate both your mobile phone and email. One thing is enough. Most often the second option is chosen. Then you can register several profiles, but preferably under different names. Only one account can be linked to one phone number or email.

After filling out the previously specified fields (all of them are required), you need to confirm your profile on the Twitter website. Registration will be completed after entering the confirmation code or clicking on the link received by email.


That's all, nothing more is needed. All you have to do is fill out your profile, put an avatar and save the changes. Twitter is ready to go! If you have problems loading data, you can use special application for phones - Mobile Twitter. It allows you to quickly manage your social network account with maximum comfort.

Is it worth registering here? It is recommended to use this page if the user likes to share the latest news and events from his life. Why do you need Twitter? To exchange short messages. You should not create an account here if a person is not used to constant communication.

Tweet. If you want your followers to know what you're up to right now, post a tweet. Remember that you are limited to 280 characters, otherwise, if you exceed this limit, you will not be able to send a tweet.

  • The characters will be counted automatically. The number of symbols remaining will be shown in grey, after 10 it will be shown in red, and then when you reach zero a big red minus will appear.

Use hashtags. A hashtag is a word preceded by a hash sign, #. Using hashtags you can easily find the right word. Read our guide on using hashtags on Twitter.

  • Some trends contain hashtags themselves, allowing users to discuss something all over Twitter.
  • A good example of using hashtags is when everything related to a particular football team is tagged with a hashtag with its name.
  • Gain followers (subscribers) . Your Twitter can be private or it can be public. If you want to gain as many readers-followers as possible, then you need to try and make interesting and topical tweets. Also, don't underestimate the power of following other people's Twitter - you can often get followed for following you. And don't forget to show respect to your readers. In this sense, all the cards and means are in your hands - be it with tweets, or blog posts, or whatever. You can even use the #FF (#FollowFriday) mechanism - this is when you send a tweet with a small list of your followers under the hashtag #FF, as if sharing them with other Twitter users. Such lists are often cited, which means your name will be mentioned more often. However, recently this mechanism is going out of fashion, and in itself it looks like spam, so... In other words, users can be recruited using simple retweets, which are a kind of recognition and are often rewarded in the same way.

    Check messages from your followers sent to you personally. Click on the “@Mentions” link to see if there are replies to your tweets. When you send a tweet, include the username after the @ sign - this will create a mention. Example: “@username” mentions Twitter user username and your entire tweet will appear on their @Mentions page.

  • Create your own style and timing for sending tweets. Twitter, like many other social networks, can be addictive and waste your precious time. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide how much time you will spend on it and how many followers you intend to collect. You shouldn’t give up everything and everyone in pursuit of users - it’s a question of quantity, not quality, and it’s not worth a penny. Instead, focus on the quality of your tweets and followers so you don't get discouraged by frequent unfollowers on Twitter (which happens and there's nothing you can do about it). And if you feel like you're starting to spend too much time on Twitter, take a break and come back to it later.

    • Row scientific research showed that a person can be part of a group of 150–200 people without problems. If the group is larger, then the connections between its members are no longer as effective and productive. Don't forget about this in your pursuit of followers!

    Twitter today is a powerful communication tool. This is the best thing that can be taken from the idea of ​​a social network (any), chat, news feed and just SMS correspondence.

    What is Twitter? And this:
    - new business contacts
    — new friends and acquaintances, first virtual, then offline
    - the most efficient media. You will learn about all the most important things much earlier than news agencies (if you correctly compile your list of subscribers)
    - the opportunity to communicate with people with whom in ordinary life you would hardly have contact
    - social network. The ability to follow events in the lives of your colleagues, friends, acquaintances
    — public forum, communication on interests
    and much, much more.

    To be honest, as many acquaintances, new friends, new colleagues, partners and just acquaintances as Twitter has given me over the past 2 years, I would everyday life I didn’t even get a tenth of it. Moreover, not only for online communication, sooner or later “devirtualization” occurs with the vast majority of people - when you cross paths and meet in person at some event, or even just spontaneously suddenly agree to go have coffee/beer/juice somewhere, t .To. there is nothing to do.

    So, Twitter is the most useful communication tool today. Plus, this is the most efficient media and provides you with new contacts that no other project, be it Facebook, LinkedIN, or others, will give you.

    The introduction is over, let's figure out what kind of beast this TWITTER is and how to make friends with it, how to tame it.

    Now I continue to actively drive my friends on Twitter. This is convenient for me - it makes it easier to keep track of events in their lives, and in any case it will be beneficial to them, for the reasons described above.

    The hardest thing about Twitter is:
    a) force yourself to register. The registration procedure is “extremely complicated”, just a couple of clicks.
    b) having created an account - go through the initial settings and fill out the profile, BIO (information about yourself) + add an avatar
    c) understand what replays, retweets, being in touch are, what a feed is, who the followers are, why not all tweets of those you follow are displayed, etc.
    d) find those you will read in your feed (interesting people)

    Let's look at all these questions using the example of the web version of Twitter, available on the website We will still register for the service from a computer, and clients mobile devices We'll look at it sometime later, where the functionality may be slightly changed, in different programs differently. We learn from the basics and the classic web version on the site


    First step. Registration.

    The procedure is simple and very fast. First, come up with a nickname for yourself by which they will contact you. Your name account. It is advisable that it be shorter, optimally 5-10 characters. We remember that the length of a message on Twitter is limited to 140 characters, and your nickname, when people contact you, also takes away characters. It will be difficult to come up with an original nickname; naturally, all the names and simple words already dismantled. You'll have to use your imagination. But come up with an associative nickname so that it is easy for your friends and new acquaintances to remember and associate it with you. My original nickname Rn21, for example, was already taken by someone (what’s most offensive is that it’s in vain, the account is not maintained, it’s dead). I had to take Rn21ru. You will also need to provide your contact email, as usual, and a password. Everything here is standard, a banal and quick procedure. So, registered, step two...

    Second step. Profile and BIO.

    BIO (bio) is information about you. Just like throughout Twitter, you are allocated 140 characters here. To fill out the BIO, click the gear icon in the top panel and your account name in the drop-down menu. Edit your profile by filling out all fields. I advise you to indicate your real name in English (don’t be afraid of the anonymity syndrome) - this will make it easier for friends to find you. Fill out the “About Me” field (previously called Bio) briefly, but clearly. This is a very important field. So, having seen your tweet, if a person finds it interesting, the user usually opens your page on Twitter, which looks like, where your nickname, avatar and Bio are indicated at the top. And it is by Bio that he will determine whether you fall into his circle of interests, whether he should add you to his message feed. Therefore, your “about yourself” field should briefly and clearly tell what you do and your main interests. Look at my example, it’s not bad, it seems to me: But you don’t have to duplicate it 1:1, use your imagination :)

    Also don't forget to upload your avatar. It would be a good idea to upload an avatar with your real photo. Don't be afraid. This will make it easier for the user to distinguish your messages in the Twitter feed and associate them with you. What if your friends or colleagues forget what your nickname is? And they will always remember from the photo!

    Please note that in the sowing profile settings there are several more settings items. You can view them and select the ones you need for adaptation yourself. Including notification settings, personalization (selecting the background of the back image, for example), and so on. But they are not required for the first acquaintance; they can be done at any time.

    Third step. Terminology.

    The most difficult thing when joining a new movement is to understand the local terminology. To speak the same language. We study the basic concepts of twitter and its slang. Perhaps somewhere in the dictionaries there are more sensible explanations of the terms, I will try in my own words. Here we will also look at the rules of communication on Twitter.

    Writing a message is quite simple! We write the text and send it! Try writing a welcome tweet (a tweet is a message on Twitter) and post it to your feed.

    Personal Twitter feed. This is a list of all your messages. Your personal feed is available by clicking on the “Me” button in the web version of Twitter. This displays all your messages that you have published personally, as well as the retweets you have made. We'll look at what this is later.

    General Twitter feed. And this is similar, for example, to the VKontakte news feed. Messages from all the people you have subscribed to follow are displayed here. Including your messages too. Everything is sorted by publication date. Once logged into Twitter, the general feed is available to you “by default” when you log into the site:

    — Replay (Answer). When you want to reply to someone’s tweet, click “reply” and reply. The person’s nickname is written through the dog at the beginning - @rn21ru. This means addressing a person. If the person you're replying to follows you, they'll see your post in their shared feed. If you reply to a user who hasn’t subscribed to you (well, hasn’t subscribed yet, there’s a first time for everything) - he won’t see the answer in his main feed, but he will see it by clicking on the “@in touch” button. More on this section a little later.
    *Here we’ll immediately look at the “trick” of Twitter that is least understandable to a new user. Why do your subscribers (those who read you) sometimes see how you respond to people in their feeds, and sometimes not. It's simple. If you put an address to the user (@nick_name) at the very beginning of the tweet (the first character is @) - then the address is meant to be “private”. It will be seen in their feed only by the person you are contacting and your general subscribers (i.e. those who follow both you and the person you are contacting). If you want your response to the user to be seen by all your subscribers (well, so as not to retype the same thing 10 times with and without a request), you need to start the tweet with any word or even symbol, but not with “@nick_name”. Then the tweet will appear in the feed of all your followers. In such cases, it is usually customary to add a nickname at the end of the tweet, for example, “well, of course, that’s exactly what I wanted to say @rn21ru.” And if you want to send something completely personal to the user, use the Personal Messages system, described below.

    — “@in touch” (mentions). A very important option; most often they start viewing the feed by visiting the “in touch” button - to see who answered you or contacted you, and then they read the general feed. This section of Twitter will show all tweets where your nickname is mentioned. It doesn't matter if it's at the beginning or end or middle of the tweet.

    — Retweet. Since on Twitter not all millions of users read other millions of users (then there would be a mess of thousands of messages updated every second), but we only read those we ourselves subscribe to, and in turn, someone subscribes to read you too, and it is not at all necessary that your subscriber feed and the other person’s feed coincide; a retweet function has been invented. It may be difficult to describe, but it makes sense. Not all people read each other.
    With a retweet, you copy a message you liked into your feed. Those who follow your feed will see the message on behalf of its real author, and at the bottom of the message it will be signed that the retweet was made by you, i.e. you recommend reading this tweet to your followers. Retweets are very popular on Twitter, they are used to share smart, important or funny tweets so as not to retype them manually on your behalf.

    - HASHTAG. This is a tag by which you can search for posts from all over the world (not just your friends) dedicated to some event. The tag word is preceded by a “#”. For example, the tag #vkusnota - photographs and descriptions of all sorts of delicious dishes. The tag #pechalka is about something that upsets. Tag #football - posts from people about football. You can come up with tags yourself or use well-known ones. If you want to be in fashion during a UEFA league match more people have read your tweet, add the tag #uefa - and those who need opinions about the UEFA match, clicking on the tag, will be able to see your tweet as well.

    — Personal messages (PM, DM). Twitter, of course, also has a private messaging system. Private correspondence without publication in the feed. You can send private messages only between mutually subscribed people. Those. you must follow the recipient, and the recipient must follow you. Otherwise, it won't work. This is anti-spam protection. If the person you need is not following you, and you need to send him a personal message, contact him in the general feed (with his mention) with a request to add you so that you can send a PM. The list of personal messages is also available through the gear button.

    — Lists. A function for those who read a lot of people. In lists, you can create groups of users, for example, by interests, in order to read the feed with their messages separately. For example, in the SPORTS list - you collect people associated with sports, RELATIVES - your relatives, etc. These people will be duplicated both in the general feed and in the list separately.

    — Photos, videos and links. You can post photos and even videos on Twitter by attaching them to a message. However, I still diligently recommend posting the video on YouTube first, and simply leaving a link on Twitter. Upload your photos directly to Twitter, it’s convenient and simple. Please note that each published link, as well as photos and videos (which will also appear as links in the tweet) always takes up 21 characters. This is how Twitter's built-in link shortening service works. Those. no matter how long the link you publish, it will be compressed to 21 characters. This is cool. And sometimes there are links that won’t fit into 140 characters))

    By the way, let’s note that new people are usually added to their feed with the help of replays and retweets. This is how new strangers are found, who may turn out to be something interesting to you. Feel free to add people you are interested in to your feed. This is a natural process. Perhaps, over time, these people will also add you, if you are active. This is how new contacts are born.

    Fourth step. Find those you will read.

    Well, we figured out the main functions of Twitter, learned how to publish tweets, respond, retweet, pick up pictures... All that remains is to find who to read on Twitter first? Below I will give a list of general twee authors who are simply interesting to read, who often retweet other interesting people, who in turn can also be added to your feed.

    Many Twitter newcomers first of all strive to add tweets of stars and celebrities to their feed. Usually after this Twitter is abandoned. Because most celebrity tweets are about nothing, reading them is boring.

    I recommend first asking your friends if they have Twitter, and if so, follow them. Be sure to follow me, yo!)) I deserve it, right?)) And then gradually fill your Twi feed with interesting Twitter accounts, since there are a lot of them.

    I am posting a small selection below. These are my personal preferences, you may not like some, but I would recommend adding everyone. Then you will immediately have a fairly diverse Twitter feed, covering different areas of life, and you will decide for yourself over time how to unify it.

    I would recommend over time making your feed more themed around the industry you work in. You will also find more useful business contacts. For example, 3/4 of my feed is dedicated to telecoms and journalism. In it huge amount people who are close to telecom or journalism. Incl. and very popular characters. But my feed is one thing, yours is another.

    If you have recently opened your Twitter account and don’t know how to properly and quickly promote it, then this article will help you do it. After all, I want to invite you not just to manually moderate your followers and followers, but to do it with a unique tool.

    If you want not only to have your own Twitter, but to create one, then you need, in addition to regularly filling the microblog, to be able to control your following friends.

    I present a service that allows you to control all followers and followers on your Twitter account, search for interesting friends and much more.

    On the main page, after logging in using your Twitter account, a page opens with a list of those who do not follow you back and from whom you can unsubscribe using the Flitter service.
    There is a proposal from above to increase this opportunity to 2900 unsubscribes using simple posts and subscriptions to the newsletter. Listen to the podcast if you know English, of course. Then in the menu below those who are not mutual, there are accounts without registration (they are also considered undesirable), then non-Russian, inactive - these are also important indicators.

    Now there is a picture with a proposal to increase unsubscribes, which I did in three steps - followed, tweeted and subscribed to my email.

    Next important point inactive accounts (1) on twitter. After all, Twitter is important for its active writing friends-followers. And we need to get rid of the inactive ones. You can choose the period yourself, but look, I have some who have been silent for a year or six months. Click (2) to sort by latest tweet. (3) - for some, the images have already disappeared. (4) - I unfollowed 76 accounts using this parameter.

    You can search by word and follow selected accounts.

    However, not everyone can be followed, but only 50, because the Flitter account is free.

    To avoid all restrictions and get many benefits, you can subscribe on a paid basis, the cheapest plan costs $12 per month.

    What does a paid account give you:
    - unlimited unfollowing,
    - management of your listing,
    - copying following and followers from another account,
    - growing your Twitter at a rapid pace by following relevant queries,
    - scheduling your posts according to a convenient schedule when people are online and taking into account geographical moments,
    as well as many other interesting services.
