Where did Matvey Ganapolsky go? Ganapolsky is being driven out of Ukraine

07:20 02.04.2016

At the meeting the day before yesterday, the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting summed up the results of the competition for free radio frequencies, which started at the end of last year. The winner was “Ukrainian Radio” (a structure of the Public), as well as the religious radio station “Voice of Hope” of the Seventh-day Adventists.

39 low-power FM and VHF frequencies were put up for competition (mainly in regional cities and villages). “Ukrainian Radio” received 17 of the 20 FM frequencies for which it applied, and “Radio Nadezhda” received 4 of the 20 VHF frequencies in the province. Despite the fact that the frequencies are commercially unattractive, the competition was not ignored by the Tavr radio group and the Business Radio Group. The latter, however, received nothing.

If you remember, the National Council has repeatedly spoken about the priority position of the Public Broadcaster, but again accepted unexpected decision- in particular, on religious radio stations. “Voice of Hope” again participated in the radio competition, whose representative emphasized that in Europe and the USA the number of religious radio stations in the FM range is 4-6%, while in Ukraine there is none. The newly created Teos radio station, which also participated in the competition, turned out to be associated with Russia, but its representative first disowned the Russian Federation, and then called relations with the Russian radio station “friendly”, assuring that it does not support Putin’s policies, which is why it loses the right broadcast on their own frequencies. “Radio Emmanuel,” according to its representative, works with all confessions and does not single out any one, and “Radio Possibility” from Slavyansk works with the autocephalous and evangelical churches. Radio Maria, part of the worldwide network of Catholic radio with central office in Rome: its representative insisted that the radio station was not Catholic, but interfaith.

As a result, Radio Nadezhda received 4 frequencies: 70.97 MHz in Olevsk, Zhitomir region; 70.7 MHz in the town of Sarata, Odessa region; 67.25 MHz in the village of Vovkovyntsi, Khmelnytsky region and 72.98 MHz in Cherkasy. Radio "Emmanuel" - 3 frequencies: 70.37 MHz in Dnepropetrovsk; 69.92 MHz in Zaporozhye and 70.79 MHz in Chernigov. “Radio Maria” - two frequencies: 66.26 MHz in Lviv and 68.93 MHz in Khmelnitsky. Radio “Opportunity” - one in Odessa: 68.8 MHz. Teos did not get any frequencies.

The Tavr Media holding received a frequency of 99.4 MHz in Alexandria, Kirovograd region for the Melodiya radio station. The radio station “Hit FM” was unlucky with the Cherkasy region, but it got the frequency of 99.9 MHz in Koryukivka, Chernihiv region, unexpectedly won from NOTU. “Radio Melodiya” was represented by Sonya Sotnik, who assured members of the National Council that the radio station, operating for an age audience of 45+, got rid of the “scoop” last year and is fulfilling a 50% quota for Ukrainian songs, and the frequency in Alexandria is needed by the radio station because it lost Crimea and part of Donbass, where the target group of listeners was located.

It is noteworthy that Public did not apply for the frequency, since “Ukrainian Radio” broadcasts in the region together with Regional Radio on a separate frequency, and the National Council previously refused to accept the application for radio “Promin” and “Culture”, since it would be good if NOTU collected at least one all-Ukrainian frequency for Ukrainian Radio.

Radio “Hit FM” Yuri Artemenko and Olga Gerasimyuk began trolling due to the lack of Ukrainian-language presenters, but the director of the broadcaster, Vitaly Drozdov, assured that they are actively looking for replacements for the two Ukrainian-language presenters who left “Hit FM”.

The frequency of 99.2 MHz in the city of Borzna, Chernihiv region, was suddenly lost to the public radio station “Editing Board of Borznyansky District Radio Broadcasting”. It was represented by a local deputy, who assured members of the National Council that he would provide all 24 hours of broadcasting. Two frequencies in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (106.3 MHz in the village of Verkhovyna and 105.6 MHz in Kosovo) were won by the private company RAI, which promised to give up 12 hours of broadcasting on the frequency of Ukrainian Radio. According to the representative, the company shares these frequencies with NOTU, and therefore asked the National Council to allow the broadcasters to be separated painlessly. Also, the RAI representative promised to give 4 hours of evening and morning prime time to the local radio station Vesti Verkhovyny, which lost the competition. A representative of Ukrainian Radio, which also operated a frequency in Kosovo, asked to include RAI’s promises in the license, but the deputy head of the regulator, Ulyana Feshchuk, said that this was impossible and suggested taking their word for it. If the company fails, then it will not be able to broadcast on two frequencies in one region by law.

Let's talk briefly about the other winners. The Kiev newspaper “Everything about Accounting”, which assured members of the National Council that it was preparing to launch... a radio station of Ukrainian poetry (!!!) “Yarkoe Radio”, received two of the three frequencies to which it was submitted - 72.47 MHz in Vinnitsa and 69, 02 MHz in Kyiv. Hromadske Radio, which applied for 4 frequencies, received only a frequency of 105.6 MHz in Shpola, Cherkasy region. The regional radio station “Students'ke Radio Novin” received the frequency of 71.0 MHz in Nikolaev. Despite the law on denationalization of the media, the National Council issued a license for the frequency of 105.9 MHz in the village. Kopani of the Rivne region of the communal radio station “Editing District Radio Broadcasting” of the Mlynovsky District Council, since the district council is ready to take on the financing of the radio station (under the terms of the license, 24 hours a day). Members of the National Council were unable to determine the winner for the frequency of 71.96 MHz in the village. Solobkivtsy, Khmelnitsky region, since no one applied for it.

Now - about the losers. Of the major players in the radio competition, the radio station “Chanson” (Business Radio Group of Anatoly Evtukhov), which was broadcast on a frequency in the Dnepropetrovsk region, took part, but representatives of the broadcaster did not appear at the meeting. In addition, Evtukhov’s company “Ukrainian Radio Group” was broadcast on 11 frequencies with a new radio station “Radio Shlyager” - the National Council also ignored it without specifying any reasons. Nevertheless, the behavior of the radio station was very indicative - after all, the conditions for participation in the competition were the payment of a 10% license fee.

“Radio Era” was broadcast on 7 frequencies, and the broadcaster’s chief editor, Vitaly Dikiy, assured that the frequencies were needed to expand broadcasting. In addition, the radio station is being reformatted: Diky confirmed that Russian consultants have appeared on Era, but the radio station is also consulting with Polish broadcasters and Radio Liberty. And Matvey Ganapolsky, it turns out, appeared to raise the ratings that the radio station monitors. And, they say, Matvey Yuryevich works temporarily - the radio station must decide whether it needs him... The ultimate beneficiary of the radio station, as Diky assured, is a certain Mr. Simonenko (not a communist), and the real owner - Andrey Derkach - according to the documents, is modestly listed as the head of the artistic collective . A representative of the broadcaster allegedly does not know why this is so, but assured that Simonenko - real person, with whom he communicates on internal issues of the radio station. Unfortunately, such an interesting performance was in vain - Radio Era did not receive a single frequency.

The radio station “FM-Galicia” of the Dubnevich brothers from the BPP was unexpectedly supplied to frequencies in Kramatorsk and Mariupol, Donetsk region: the representative of the broadcaster could not explain why the Western Ukrainian radio station needed frequencies in Donbass. How to tell who the ultimate owner of the company is. In the documents, the final beneficiary is indicated as a citizen of Cyprus, which, according to the deputy head of the regulator Ulyana Feshchuk, amounts to a violation - yesterday the deadline set by the law on media ownership for submitting information on the ownership structure to the National Council expired.

It is also noteworthy that all the winners of the competition received an absolute majority of votes from members of the National Council. After the competition, the head of the regulator, Yuri Artemenko, asked journalists not to write nonsense, since there was no corruption during the competition, and everything went fairly - he supposedly fulfilled his promise to give frequencies to NOT. Artemenko also asks not to call the competition a competition of illiquid frequencies, since it involved frequencies of the upper FM range in cities with a population of 50 thousand+, which radio stations are so keen on. He explained the victory of “Hit FM” in the Chernihiv region by the fact that the radio station needed to complete the network: the frequency that “Ukrainian Radio” applied for remained from the last time, when they wanted to give it to “Tavr”, but because of the statements of Roman Andreiko with TRC "Lux" (I wonder which ones exactly?) failed the vote. And the frequency in the city of Borzna, Chernihiv region, is not needed by Ukrainian Radio, since this city is provincial. The official also explained the voting principle: all FM frequencies are for NOTU, and all VHF frequencies are for religious radio stations. Why the Seventh Day Adventist radio station won again among the latter, Artemenko explained very simply - do not give frequencies to the pro-Russian Teos radio.

I suggest you evaluate for yourself how much liquid frequencies Ukrainian Radio has received: 106.0 MHz in Nikopol, Dnepropetrovsk region; 87.5 MHz in Dnepropetrovsk; 90.4 MHz in Krivoy Rog, Dnipropetrovsk region; 102.2 MHz in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region; 107.3 MHz in Mariupol, Donetsk region; 107.1 MHz in Berdichev, Zhytomyr region; 97.3 MHz in Mukachevo, Transcarpathian region; 88.4 MHz in Berdyansk, Zaporozhye region; 107.7 MHz in Melitopol, Zaporozhye region; 105.9 MHz in Pervomaisk, Nikolaev region; 100.1 MHz in Lubny, Poltava region; 102.9 MHz in s. Kopani, Rivne region; 107.2 MHz in Korets, Rivne region; 88.9 MHz in Okhtyrka, Sumy region; 105.4 MHz in Zhashkiv, Cherkasy region; 105.7 MHz in Priluki, Chernihiv region.

The full list of frequencies and winners will be published on the National Council website. But I will say one thing: it’s time to end the beauty contest principle.

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Matvey Ganapolsky is a talented presenter and one of the most influential figures in Russian television. His programs are watched by millions of people; The topics he raises invariably arouse great interest among representatives of various walks of life. However, our today's hero is remarkable and interesting not only for this.

For my long life this talented figure in Russian television managed to realize himself as a theater director, writer, journalist and even actor. Such versatility of life images is truly amazing. But is it worth saying that our today’s hero has already laid out all his available cards on the table? Of course not. After all, the life and career of this extraordinary television figure continues. This means that there will still be many new achievements ahead.

Early years, childhood and family of Matvey Ganapolsky

Matvey Ganapolsky was born in the ancient Ukrainian city of Lviv. In this corner of Ukraine he grew up and formed as a person. However, soon enough the family of our today’s hero moved to the capital Kyiv.

In the capital of the Ukrainian SSR, the future famous journalist graduated high school, and then entered the variety school. But at some point, a diploma of secondary specialized education was not enough for the young guy, and therefore in 1973, our today’s hero moved to Moscow. In the largest city of the USSR, Matvey Ganapolsky entered GITIS, where he subsequently began to learn the basics of the profession of director. Everything was going well. The talented native of Lvov was one of the most successful students in his class. Therefore, upon returning to Kyiv, he very easily found a job.

The Kyiv Variety Theater became such a place. On the local theater stage, Matvey Yurevich staged many popular performances, most of which, however, were aimed at children's audiences. As a theater director, our today's hero first became popular in Kyiv and the Ukrainian SSR. His productions were a constant success, and therefore very soon Ganapolsky was invited to the capital of the USSR.

The director worked at the Moscow variety theater for some more time, but later decided to leave the theatrical environment and transferred to the children's editorial office of the USSR State Television and Radio. In this place, he worked as the host of the “Miracles on the Seventh Floor” program, and at the same time, as a director, he worked on staging children’s audio plays “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” and “The Koloboks Are Investigating.”

Subsequent career of Matvey Ganapolsky in journalism and television

In the eighties, Matvey Ganapolsky managed to make a name for himself in the world of Russian journalism and acquire many connections in this environment. Thus, our today’s hero met the advent of perestroika as a popular and famous cultural figure. It was during this period that Matvey Yuryevich’s career entered a fundamentally new stage.

Ganapolsky talks about Stalinism

In the early nineties, he got a job at the ORT channel, where he began making the “Beau Monde” program, telling in a critical light about the life of Russian celebrities. After this, the radio “Echo of Moscow” also appeared in the life of the extraordinary journalist. On the air of this radio station, our today's hero created many interesting programs, which immediately attracted enormous public attention to the personality of Matvey Ganapolsky. His reports invariably caused a huge public outcry; and the facts presented on radio broadcasts subsequently provided fertile ground for discussion.

In the nineties, Matvey Ganapolsky fruitfully combined his work on television with his work as a radio host. During this period, the talented (albeit very extraordinary) native of Ukraine created several programs of both informational and entertainment profiles. Over the years, his place of work was the channels RTR, NTV, ORT, TV-6, TVC and some others.

Matvey Ganapolsky on the fight against scientific plagiarism

Despite the wide profile of the programs he created, radio and television programs with a political profile brought the journalist the greatest fame. “Minority Report”, “U-Turn”, “Ferret Riot” - each of these programs became a kind of masterpiece of its kind. Some hated them, while others, on the contrary, dropped everything in order to tune in to the wave of the Ekho Moskvy radio station at the appointed hour.

A striking example of this is the fact that back in 2005, the “Minority Opinion” program was one of the most popular programs on all Russian radio channels. At certain periods of time in Moscow alone, the audience of the program reached 250 thousand people.

As part of his programs, Matvey Ganapolsky has repeatedly criticized the current system of Russian government, the arbitrariness of law enforcement agencies, as well as the low level of freedom in the Russian Federation. Our today's hero still holds similar views.

For his work as an author of entertainment programs and a political commentator, Matvey Ganapolsky was awarded many prestigious awards, including the TEFI statuette, the Golden Aries, the Special Moscow Prize, and many other prizes.

Other projects of Matvey Ganapolsky

Outside the sphere of television and radio, Matvey Ganapolsky is known as the author of several books in various fields, as well as a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

In addition, in 2001 and 2006, our today's hero appeared before the audience in a fundamentally new role for himself as an actor and film director. So, in particular, already in 2001, Matvey Yuryevich directed and released the full-length film “From the Point of View of an Angel.” And in 2006, he starred in the popular comedy series “Nine Months,” playing the role of an unnamed doctor.

Personal life of Matvey Ganapolsky

Very little is known about the personal life of the popular journalist. The only thing that can be said reliably and accurately is that Matvey Yuryevich is married. His wife is Georgian journalist Tamara Shengelia.

However, according to some reports, this marriage is not the first in the life of our today’s hero. His former wife, Muscovite Irina, died. That’s why Matvey doesn’t like to talk about that time. Ganapolsky also has a son, Mikhail.

M. Ganapolsky- This news may not seem political, but this is only at first glance. So - Google announced that it is switching completely - once again - completely - to 100% renewable energy, solar and wind. Technical details can be read on the Internet, and political conclusions can be drawn here. What Google does today, everyone will do tomorrow – that’s clear. This means that in the very foreseeable future, no one will need the beautiful “hard-wearing” Russia in the energy sense - well, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. And, apparently, Messrs. Putin and Medvedev need to moderate their ambition, stop lying to citizens that we have gone through some “waves of recession” and switched to sustainable growth - and that is exactly what they are lying about. And they need to ask themselves honestly and frankly how we will earn foreign currency when the world abandons our hydrocarbons. And what we will use to buy absolutely everything we drive, fly and wear. And on what TVs, where will we get these TVs on which Russians will watch Solovyov-Kiselev’s propaganda.

Russia has two main exports - hydrocarbons and hatred. The West is already abandoning hatred, blocking Russia, where possible - courts in the United States, investigations, special prosecutors. But hydrocarbons, as it now turns out, thanks to Google, are ahead. It is clear that this news from Google will not make any impression on Messrs. Putin and Medvedev; they will not utter it, just like the terrible name of Mr. Navalny. But sometimes you think: do these wonderful leaders who don’t know any other words except “stupid” have some kind of “Gambur account”? Could it happen that somewhere there, in the Kremlin, near the toilet or in the smoking room, they will say to each other: listen, you and I are in big trouble. You and I are only concerned with elections and champing at the opposition, but where is our housekeeper, what do we produce, what do we export? Why, friend, Vladimir, during the 18 years of your rule, only hatred towards others has grown in us, butts have become fatter, deputies have become more submissive, but the rockets are falling as before. Why, friend Dimon, we have learned not to pronounce the name Navalny, but we have not learned how to create an economy. Why is Crimea ours, Donbass ours, but there is no happiness? And friend Volodya will answer: because, friend Dimon, Yeltsin was to blame for everything, and now Trump. And you, Dimon, throw all this out of your head, because you need to win the elections, and let the people choke on television patriotism.

What is the conclusion? Kirdyk, I tell you, always comes unexpectedly. Today it is from Google. And even if Google is banned in Russia, this will not help.


Who decided that the country of Russia should enter an entire “era of detachment and hostility”?

I I know the answer: Putin decided. He is unable to force the West to forget Crimea and, having sat down with America at the negotiating table, rewrite the world order and divide the world anew. Therefore, I repeat once again, we are entering an entire era of detachment and hostility.

And who authorized it, gave the president the right to drag us into this era. Nobody! There is no such task in the Constitution, there is no such decision of parliament, there was no referendum on this topic. It’s just that Putin patriotically calls this era “rising from his knees” and other nonsense. And behind this lies the collapse of all previous “eras” - detente, arms reduction, the era of openness and Western investment.

And, most importantly, the era of the world discovering Russia as a safe state that recognizes world values. This is the era Mr. Putin is decisively ending.

Did you give him consent to this?

What will happen instead of this era?

Russia will become our own, it will become a third world country. By the way, have you ever wondered what this concept means? No, not the economy at all - does India, in fact, belong to such a world? And China? What about Saudi Arabia? Yes, they have long outshone Moscow in terms of wealth and technology, but they have something in common that makes them related to each other. This is the lack of democracy and human rights. This is where Russia logically joins their ranks, losing in the most important area - innovation and modernization. And the country will be among them for an entire era.

I will not remember the obvious - that Russia throughout history has been connected with the West, and it is shameful to “stay for a second year” because of the ambitions and tyranny of the Kremlin.

When it became known that a draft law on quotas for broadcasts in Russian had been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, the great journalist Matvey Ganapolsky was indignant: “If someone comes up to me, even Poroshenko, and tells me what language I should speak on my air with my viewers , this will be my last day of work in the media,” the News One TV channel host threatened. I believe that after such a warning, Petro Poroshenko had to urgently change his plan of approach to the press.

Although, to be honest, if I were Petro Poroshenko, I would still approach Ganapolsky and fulfill his condition. So that Ganapolsky, in turn, does his part. And he stopped tormenting people with his tongue-tied conclusions.

Well, okay, let both great figures sort things out among themselves. And we will return to the essence of the issue, because it may well affect us, Russians.

According to the document registered on October 27, three quarters of the airwaves of radio stations and television channels in Ukraine will be required to broadcast in language, and the release of printed materials in the languages ​​of neighboring countries is generally prohibited.

This is not the first time that linguistic issues have become the subject of discussion by deputies of the Ukrainian Parliament, and then by the entire society. However, after the victory of the Maidan in 2014, the discussion moved to a practical plane: the first bill of the new Verkhovna Rada was a ban on the use of the Russian language in official document flow (although it was withdrawn). It was this linguistic attack by the winners of the “Gidnost Revolution” that led to the civil war in Donbass.

Much has been written about the fact that language does not pose a threat to the country’s independence. The authorities’ stubborn adoption of one of the dialects of the Russian language as the state language does not even make political sense - Austria, for example, or a huge part of Switzerland speak German, but do not consider themselves Germany.

The Ukrainian language is nothing more than a centuries-old inferiority complex that plagues Galicia, which today has great weight in Kyiv. And for some reason she transfers it to the rest of the country, although the rest of the country does not suffer from this complex. It is obvious that the aggression with which the Galicians insist on the transition of the rest of their fellow citizens to the language will lead and is already leading to rejection, and does not at all bring the citizens closer to the independent people.

As soon as a region leaves the Kiev-Lvov tutelage, it first switches to Russian, and perceives the language as the language of the occupier. This happened in Crimea and Donbass, the same situation awaits the rest of Novorossiya if it separates.

Mova is not at all an indicator of patriotism, as Svidomo Ukrainians, who are far from geopolitical problems, naively try to present the problem. This, on the contrary, is evidence of the immaturity of the state, its unwillingness to exist independently, and uncertainty about the future. After all, the German language does not prevent the same Austrians from feeling their sovereignty.

But this quasi-patriotism is easily exploited by external actors. And our little brothers-in-law happily play along with them, increasing tension in society out of nowhere. Various studies stubbornly demonstrate that Russian is actively used by three-quarters of the population when they choose convenience.

For example, in 2008, when filling out questionnaires from the American social service Gallup, three quarters of respondents. The same three-quarters voted for the Russian language with a full hryvnia - according to some data, 80 percent of ATM customers in Ukraine click “Russian” in the language selection menu and only 19 percent prefer “Ukrainian.” The remaining one percent choose “English”.

And this despite the fact that after the separation of Crimea and the proclamation of the DPR/LPR, it would be logical to assume that statistics would show a different ratio.

Why are the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada stubbornly trying to break the backbone of the population? After the publication of declarations by those in power, a multiple increase in tariffs for housing and communal services, and the closure of hundreds of enterprises, the public is already ready to explode - is it worth aggravating the situation?

It would be a mistake to attribute the nationalists' stubbornness solely to their stupidity. An attack on the Russian language is needed precisely in order to channel the public mood associated with real everyday problems. Let them discuss language quotas, and not whine about the cold in their apartments and empty wallets.

There is a more serious goal. Ukraine has become an exclusively militaristic state, capable of existing only in conditions of war. It is simply impossible for the new government to govern the country in a peaceful environment; this requires completely different skills and other tasks. This means we need a martial law or at least a state of emergency.

Moreover, in this case, we are talking not only and not so much about provoking Russia into military action - such games can sooner or later end badly for the provocateurs themselves. They understand this. But it is quite possible to stir up Russian-speaking regions, which was possible in 2014 in Lugansk and Donetsk.

Punitive battalions cannot defeat the rebel Donbass, but they can cope with hundreds of thousands of Russian-speaking “separatists” entrenched in other Novorossiysk regions - Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa. And even, as we see, in Kyiv. Once a linguistic provocation already worked and led to a protracted civil war that continues to this day. Why not use the occasion again?

Matvey Ganapolsky received a fair amount of negativity on forums and social networks. Svidomo patriots have a lot of ways to make anyone fall in love with language.
