Latvia designation on numbers. Duplicates of state license plates of Latvia

There are no street pay phones in Latvian cities. If necessary, you can call from the hotel. Some post offices (Latvijas Pasts) also provide long-distance and international call services.

Mobile communications in Latvia

Services mobile communications in Latvia there are three large operators: LMT, TELE2 and BITE.

You can buy a SIM card at almost every kiosk and service offices; no passport is required.

One of the simplest and most convenient options for tourists is the “Golden Fish” card (Zelta Zivtina) from the Tele2 operator. It is very popular among locals and is sold everywhere. The cost of the set is 1-2 €. The card is valid for 30 days.

An extension card can be purchased at service offices, post offices, newsstands, gas stations and almost all chain grocery stores.

Roaming in Latvia

Prices are indicated in rubles

Tourist SIM card

An alternative to buying a local SIM card and overpaying in roaming can be a tourist SIM card. You can buy it in Russia before your trip and use it with your permanent number.

Nowadays, many companies offer tourist cards.

The average cost of a call from Latvia to Russia is 8-14 rubles, incoming calls are free. Mobile Internet will cost 9-14 rubles. for 1 MB.

Internet in Latvia

Car codes countries are required to identify the state of registration of the vehicle. Previously, a sticker on which the country code was indicated served this purpose. in capital letters. The distinctive sign of the country of registration must be attached to the rear vehicle near the license plate and may also be included in the vehicle registration number. If the decal is included in the registration number, it must also appear on the front registration plate of the vehicle.

The distinctive sign may be supplemented by the flag or emblem of the national state or the emblem of the regional economic integration organization to which the country belongs. The insignia must be displayed on the far left or far right corner of the registration plate. If a symbol/flag/emblem is present on the registration number, the decal must be placed at the leftmost position on the registration plate.

Recently, countries have been moving to determine ownership on registration plates. For example, in the European Union countries this code is displayed on the standard vehicle registration number. In this case, the sticker is no longer required.

Nevertheless, there were cases (for example, in Germany) when a fine was issued for its absence. To avoid misunderstandings, even if you do not want to stick it, it is better to take the sticker with you and stick it on request.

According to the Convention on International Traffic, the sticker must be made in the form of an ellipse, the main axis of which is horizontal, and the letters must be black on a white background.

The data in all tables can be sorted in ascending/descending order by clicking on the column header.

European car codes

Car codes for European countries
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
A Austria 1910
ABH* Abkhazia 2006
AL Albania 1934
A.M. Armenia 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
AND Andorra 1957
AX* Åland Islands 2002 SF Official code - FIN
AZ Azerbaijan 1993 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
B Belgium 1910
B.G. Bulgaria 1910
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 YU Previously part of the SFRY
BY Belarus 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
BZH* Brittany Region in northwestern France
CAT* Catalonia Autonomous community of Spain located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
CD* diplomatic corps
CH Switzerland 1911 C onfoederatio H elvetica
C.Y. Cyprus 1932
CYM* Wales 1932 Cym ru
CZ Czech Republic 1993 C.S. Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
D Germany 1910 D eutschland
DK Denmark 1914
E Spain 1910 E spaña
EH* French Basque Country Located in the southwestern part of the French department of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques
ENG* England
EST Estonia 1993 EW 1919–1940 & 1991–1993
SU 1940–1991
Previously part of the USSR
F France 1910
FIN Finland 1993 SF Suomi Finland
FIN Liechtenstein 1923 F urstentum L iechtenstein
F.O. Faroe Islands 1996 FR royal
G.B. United Kingdom 1910
GBA Alderney 1924 G reat B ritain – A lderney
GBG Guernsey 1924 G reat B ritain – G uernsey
G.B.J. Jersey 1924 G reat B ritain – J ersey
G.B.M. Isle of Man 1932 G reat B ritain – M an
GBZ Gibraltar 1924 G reat B ritain – Gibraltar ( Z used since G is already used for Guernsey)
G.E. Georgia 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
GEO Georgia 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
GR Greece 1913
H Hungary 1910
HR Croatia 1992 SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–1992
HR vatska. Previously part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY
I Italy 1919
IRL Ireland 1962 GB−1910
SE − 1924
EIR - 1938
Formerly part of Great Britain and the Irish Free State (1922-1937). Used in conjunction with the EIR code.
IS Iceland 1936
KN* Greenland 1910 GRO K alaallit N unaat. Official code - DK
L Luxembourg 1911
LT Lithuania 1992 SU 1940–1991 Previously part of the USSR
LV Latvia 1992 LR 1927–1940
SU 1940–1991
Previously part of the USSR
M Malta 1966 GBY 1924–66
M.C. Monaco 1910
M.D. Moldova 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
NMK North Macedonia 2019 YU − 1992
MK - 2019
Previously part of the SFRY.
From 1992 to 2019 Macedonia.
MNE Montenegro 2006 MN 1913–1919
SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–2003
SCG 2003–2006
Independent nation until 1918. After that, part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY, and then Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Krna Gora - Serbian). Independence was restored in 2006.
N Norway 1922
NIR* Northern Ireland N orthern Ir eland
NL Netherlands 1910
P Portugal 1910
P.L. Poland 1921
PMR* Transnistria 1990
RKS Kosovo 2010 KS
R.O. Romania 1981 R 1930–1981
RSM San Marino 1932
RSO* South Ossetia
RUS Russia 1992 R 1910–1917
SU 1917–1992
S Sweden 1911
SCO* Scotland
SCV* Vatican
S.K. Slovakia 1993 CS 1919–1939 & 1945–1992
SQ 1939–1945
Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
SLO Slovenia 1992 SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–1992
Previously part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY
SMOM Sovereign Order of Malta S overeign M ilitary O rder of M alta
SRB Serbia 2006 SB – 1919
SHS 1919–1929
Y 1929–1953
YU 1953–2003
SCG 2003–2006
Previously part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY, and then Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Krna Gora - Serbian). Independence was restored in 2006.
TR Türkiye 1923
U.A. Ukraine 1992 S.U. Previously part of the USSR
V Vatican 1931 SCV (Stato della Città del Vaticano) is used as a prefix on the license plate itself
VL* Flanders 1923 Historical region in the territory of modern France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

* - unofficial code

America's Automotive Codes

Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
AG* Antigua and Barbuda
ARU* Aruba
AXA* Anguilla
BDS Barbados 1955
B.H. Belize 1938 B ritish H onduras. After independence and name change, the state did not notify about the code change
BOL Bolivia 1967
BR Brazil 1930
B.S. Bahamas 1950
BVI British Virgin Islands 1910
C Cuba 1930
CND Canada 1956 C.A.
CO Colombia 1952
CR Costa Rica 1956
DOM Dominican Republic 1952
E.C. Ecuador 1962
ES Salvador 1978
G.C.A. Guatemala 1956
GUY Guyana 1972 BRG Formerly British Guiana
HN* Honduras
JA Jamaica 1932
KAN* Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint K itts a nd N evis
MEX Mexico 1952
N.A. Netherlands Antilles 1957
NIC Nicaragua 1952
PA Panama 1952
P.E. Peru 1937
PR* Puerto Rico
PY Paraguay 1952
R.A. Argentina 1927 R epública A rgentina
RCH Chile 1930 R epública de Ch ile
RH Haiti 1952
S.M.E. Suriname 1936
TT Trinidad and Tobago 1964 T.D.
UY Uruguay 2012 U 1930-1979
ROU 1979-2012
W.D. Dominica 1954
W.G. Grenada 1932
W.L. Saint Lucia 1932
W.V. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1932
YV Venezuela 1962

* - unofficial code

Asian car codes

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
AFG Afghanistan 1971
BD Bangladesh 1978 PAK Formerly East Pakistan
BRN Bahrain 1954
BRU Brunei 1956
BRU Brunei 1956
BT Butane BHT
C.L. Sri Lanka 1961 Previously C ey l on
CN* People's Republic of China
HK* Hong Kong 1932 H ong K ong
H.K.J. Jordan 1966 JOR H ashemite K ingdom of J ordan
IL Israel 1952
IND India 1947 BI 1930-1947 Formerly British India
IR Iran 1936 PR 1930-1936 Previously Persia
IRQ Iraq 1930
J Japan 1964
K Cambodia 1956
KG Kyrgyzstan 2016 SU−1991
KS 1991-2016
Previously part of the USSR
KGZ* Kyrgyzstan 1992 SU−1991
KS 1991-2016
Previously part of the USSR
KP* North Korea
K.S.A. Saudi Arabia 1973 S.A. K ingdom of S audi A rabia
KWT Kuwait 1954
KZ Kazakhstan 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
LAO Laos 1959
MAL Malaysia 1972 PRK – 1957
FM 1954-1957
PTM 1957–1972
Previously Perak, then Federated Malay States, then Federation of Malaya
MNG Mongolia 2002 MGL 1997–2002
MV* Maldives
MYA Myanmar 1989 BUR 1956-1989
NEP Nepal 1970
OM Oman
PK Pakistan 1947
PS* Palestine
Q Qatar 1972
R.C. Republic of China (Taiwan) 1932
R.I. Indonesia 1955 R epublik I ndonesia
R.L. Lebanon 1952
ROK South Korea 1971
R.P. Philippines 1973
SGP Singapore 1952
SYR Syria 1952
T Thailand 1955
T.J. Tajikistan 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
TL* East Timor P, RI T imor- L este
TM Turkmenistan 1992 SU − 1991, TMN Previously part of the USSR
UAE United Arab Emirates 1971
UZ Uzbekistan 1992 SU−1991 Previously part of the USSR
VN Vietnam 1953
YEM Yemen 1990 YAR 1960-1990

* - unofficial code

African car codes

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
ANG Angola 1975 PAN 1932-1957
P 1957-1975
B.F. Burkina Faso 1990
B.W. Botswana 2003 BP 1967-2003
CAM Cameroon 1952
C.G.O. Democratic Republic of the Congo 1997 CB, RCL, CGO, ZR
C.I. Cote d'Ivoire 1961
COM Comoros
CV* Cape Verde 1975 P
DJI* Djibouti F
DY Benin 1910 F Pre-1975 Dahomey
DZ Algeria 1962 F − 1911
EAK Kenya 1938 E ast A frica K enya
EAT Tanzania 1938 E ast A frica T anzania
EAU Uganda 1938 E ast A frica U ganda
EAZ Zanzibar 1964 E ast A frica Z anzibar
ER Eritrea 1993 AOI Africa Orientale Italiana (Italian)
ET Egypt 1927
ETH Ethiopia 1964 AOI - 1941 A frica O rientale I taliana
G Gabon 1974 ALEF - 1960 Afrique Équatoriale Française
G.H. Ghana 1959 WAC - 1957 West Africa Gold Coast
GQ* Equatorial Guinea G uinée É q uatoriale
LAR Libya 1972 I − 1949, LT L ibyan A rab R epublic
LB Liberia 1967
L.S. Lesotho 1967 B.L.
M.A. Morocco 1924
MOS Mozambique 1975 MOC 1932–1956
P 1957–1975
Formerly part of Portugal
MS Mauritius 1938
M.W. Malawi 1965 EA 1932–1938
NP – 1938–1970
RNY option 1960–1965
NAM Namibia 1990 S.W.A. Formerly South West Africa
RCA Central African Republic 1962
RCB Republic of the Congo 1962
RG Guinea 1972
RIM Mauritania 1964
R.M. Madagascar 1962 R publication M adagascar
RMM Mali 1962 AOF − 1960 Republique du Mali.
RN Niger 1975 AOF − 1960 R publication du N iger"
Formerly part of French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française).
RU Burundi 1962 R uanda- U rundi
R.W.A. Rwanda 1964 RU − 1962 R uanda- U rundi
SD Eswatini 1935 Previously Swaziland until 2018
SN Senegal 1962
STP* Sao Tome and Principe 1975 P São T omé and P ríncipe
SUD Sudan 1963
S.Y. Seychelles 1938
TCH Chad 1973
TG Togo 1962
TN Tunisia 1957 F − 1956
WAG Gambia 1932 W est A frica G ambia
WAL Sierra Leone 1937 W est A frica Sierra L eone
WAN Nigeria 1937 W est A frica N igeria
WSA* Western Sahara 1932 W estern Sa hara
Z Zambia 1964
ZA South Africa 1936 Z uid- A frika
ZW Zimbabwe 1980 SR - 1965
RSR - 1980
Previously Southern Rhodesia, then Rhodesia

* - unofficial code

Car codes of Australia and Oceania

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
ARK* Antarctica
AUS Australia 1954
F.J.I. Fiji 1971
FSM* Federated States of Micronesia F ederated S tates of M icronesia
KIR* Kiribati
MH* Marshall Islands M ars h all Islands
NAU Nauru 1968
NC* New Caledonia 1968 N ouvelle- C aledonie
NZ New Zealand 1958
PAL* Palau
PNG Papua New Guinea 1978
SOL* Solomon Islands
TO* Tonga
TUV* Tuvalu
VU* Vanuatu
W.S. Samoa 1962

* - unofficial code

Legacy codes

Automobile codes of the countries of America
Code Country Valid until Replaced by Notes
ADN Aden 1980 Y 1938-1967 South Yemen
1967-1980 People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
AEF French Equatorial Africa 1960 G, TCH
AOF French West Africa 1962 DY, RMM, RN
AOI Italian East Africa 1964 ER, ETH
B.A. Burma 1956 BUR
B.P. Bechuanaland 1966 B.W.
C.S. Czechoslovakia 1992 CZ, SK
D.A. Free City of Danzig 1939 D (1939–1945)
PL (1945-...)
DDR GDR 1990 D 1974-1990 German Democratic Republic
G.B.Y. Malta 1966 M
E.W. Estonia 1940 S.U. 1919-1940
LR Latvia 1940 S.U. 1927-1940
PR Persia 1936 IR 1930-1936
R Russian Empire 1917 S.U. 1910-1917
RSR Southern Rhodesia 1917 S.U. 1910-1917
S.A. Saar 1956 D 1926–1935, 1947–1956
SHS Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1929 Y 1919–1929
S.M. Siam 1939 T 1930–1939
S.U. USSR 1991 EST, LT, LV, BY, MD, UA, TJ, TM, GE, KZ, UZ, KS, AZ, AM, RUS 1917-1991
T.S. Free Territory of Trieste 1954 I
Y Yugoslavia 1953 YU 1929-1953
YU Yugoslavia 2003 BIH, HR, MK, MNE, SLO, SRB 1953–2003
H.V. Upper Volta 1984 B.F. now Burkina Faso
MK Macedonia 2019 NMK Now North Macedonia

* - unofficial code

Attention: fake!
In Moscow, many companies have appeared that offer Latvian license plates at a lower price. We consider it our duty to warn you that unscrupulous manufacturers use plates of Russian license plates with RUS holograms for Latvian duplicates. This number is considered fake. Any traffic police officer will be able to detect such a fake. Be careful, do not try to save on quality. Agree, it’s better to pay a little more, but be sure that these numbers are legal.

How to restore Latvian license plates on a car?

We are engaged in the restoration and production of duplicates of Latvian license plates. You do not need to re-register your car. You leave a request on the website, and our manager will contact you. We work around the clock!

  • We will produce Latvian license plates on a metal plate. Duration: 20 minutes
  • We will also produce plastic license plates with embossed letters and numbers on the same day, which are excellent for protecting your original license plates from theft.


  • Cash;
  • To a Sberbank card (we will provide the card number after placing the order).

Price of license plates

  • The cost of 1 room is 2,000 rubles.
  • Set - 2,500 rubles.


  • Pickup,
  • Delivery by courier service (in Moscow by courier within 1-2 hours),
  • Sending numbers by mail.


The production of Latvian license plates is carried out using high-tech equipment of the European level, which allows the work to be completed with the highest possible quality. Number recovery technology - guarantee complete solution problems within the framework of legislation.

Re-registration of a car when ordering a duplicate

Restoring a Latvian license plate and obtaining a new model is carried out without re-registration of the car, which is very convenient for the driver, as it eliminates many related problems.

Such operations are carried out by high-level specialists in a short time and the presence of flaws or the results of poor quality work is excluded.

    Generally not possible. You buy a car there... they give you transit numbers... you go here, re-register it and it’s yours, only with LR plates.
    Previously, you could ride until the hell out of you.
    A Lithuanian citizen can drive a car with Lithuanian license plates here for no more than 3 months. Well, you can also drive if a Lithuanian is sitting next to you.
    And this is all because of raising the car tax.

    You don’t have to listen to the previous speaker at all, I don’t remember exactly, but you need Lithuanian transit numbers and insurance for them, something in the region of 40 - 60 lats, but in Lithuania this is done for litas, then it all depends on the year and volume car engine. The saddest thing is if the volume is more than 3 liters, hang yourself, the environmental tax will be from 450 hp, the M3 3.2 of 1998 had this, plus everything else in the region of 250 hp!

    You go to the CDD and register!

  • The quality of a car is not a very correct expression. Look at the condition of the car:
    1. Mileage;
    2. What is the condition of the components (engine, belts, etc.);
    3. Who went;
    4. How we went;
    5. Check the history of the car;
    6. Legal issues to clarify;
    7. Vehicle mileage;
    8. How many owners has it changed....
    There are a lot of nuances. It is better to buy from official dealers. You can come to the official VOLVO office and ask them about a used car. Every dealer also has used cars for sale.

    It is possible if the turn signal is original. Many American cars do this without problems; I have two myself))

    In your situation, it would be logical to turn to Estonia for help.

    I think it's possible. But it is better to write letters with this question to Latvian insurance companies

    Cheaper than ours, the main thing is to inspect the car very well when buying (especially the body), otherwise you can end up with a car welded from parts (this means they took pieces from broken cars and welded them into one whole) =) this is often found there, and no matter how much it costs car, you can buy shit for 10,000 euros.

    a lottery from Lithuania is no different from a lottery from any other country

As you know, at present the criminal situation in Moscow remains quite difficult, and many car enthusiasts from the Baltic countries are faced with this first-hand. Among the state registration numbers of Russia, Latvian license plates visually stand out, which is why they are stolen more often than others. It’s better to think about proactive steps in advance! In our company you can order duplicate Latvian license plates, which will guarantee your peace of mind and confidence in any unforeseen situation on the road.

Also, duplicate Latvian license plates may be required by vehicle owners if the license plate is damaged or lost on the route Latvia - Moscow.

Don't panic: what to do to restore Latvian license plates

To restore Latvian license plates instead of those that were stolen, you only need one phone call! Our employee will accept your application, complete all the necessary documents and set the exact time when you can receive your lost or stolen license plates.

The production of license plates takes place on a legal basis; the company has all the permits. To make any Latvian numbers, we will need no more than 15 minutes. A copy of the license plate is made using certified foreign equipment; the company employs professionals with extensive experience. The duplicates we produce will comply with the regulatory documents of both the Russian Federation and Latvia, which is a guarantee of free movement within the territory of these states, as well as unhindered border crossing.

Caring for a duplicate license plate

In order for the new number to serve you for a long time, you should follow some rules of care:

  • do not try to clean the license plate dry
  • use water-based sprays or special means for cleaning glass
  • Wipe the rooms with a soft, dirt-absorbing cloth
  • Do not use abrasives or wire brushes to remove dried dirt.
  • Do not use solvents or gasoline
  • Do not apply steam to the machine and the duplicate in order to soften contaminants