Emergency phone numbers from a mobile phone. Emergency phone numbers for mobiles

As children, we were all forced to memorize numbers. emergency services so that in case of an emergency we can immediately call an ambulance, fire brigade, police or gas service. But times are changing, and today people use landline phones less and less; they have been replaced by so-called mobile phones. And still the majority of subscribers mobile operators(MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2) do not know how to call ambulance With mobile phone.

In this review you will find emergency phone numbers for cell phones that are current for 2019 in Russia. Here is their list:

  • 101 – Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire service;
  • 102 – police (former police);
  • 103 – ambulance;
  • 104 – emergency gas service.

These numbers are valid for both landline and mobile phones.

And in order to react in time to certain situations, quickly find necessary information and learn how to manage your number directly from your phone, we have prepared special reviews for subscribers different operators. Here you will find an article that contains information; there is a separate review for MTS subscribers. A separate review covers.

The GSM standard supports a single emergency telephone number, by calling which you can report your problem. Here you can call on any issue related to an emergency situation: to call an ambulance, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This number is available not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

112 is a rescue telephone number, analogous to 911 - valid in all regions of Russia.

By calling this number, you will be taken to the nearest branch of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service. That is, if you are in Moscow, then by dialing number 112 you will get to the Moscow branch, in Tyumen - to the Tyumen branch.

The EDDS operator will take your call and, having determined the nature of the problem, will send a request to the appropriate service. Emergency call 112 is the same for all operators mobile networks, and calling it is free for you. You can make a call even if you have no money on your balance, the SIM card is blocked or it is not in your phone at all.

But do not forget that you should not call this number just like that, because the people on the other end of the line are solving real problems of other citizens.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

Often we don't remember how to call an ambulance from our mobile phone. And therefore, it is better to take care of obtaining this information in advance than to look for these treasured numbers on the Internet at a critical moment. It is best to write down the ambulance number in phone book so that it is always at your fingertips. Each operator provides its own short telephone number for emergency call to the ambulance and it is free for you. Therefore, we will provide phone numbers for each operator:

  • Megafon – 103
  • MTS – 103
  • Beeline – 103
  • Tele2 – 103

As you can see, the numbers are based on the number "03", which we all know well. A 1 has been added to it, thanks to which numbers can be easily dialed on any mobile phone (many handsets recognize two-digit numbers as commands, preventing dialing).

How to call the police from a mobile phone

If you find yourself in a situation in which you need immediate police assistance, then you can use a single emergency phone number or call the short number that you see below opposite your operator. Calls to these numbers are free for you.

  • Megafon – 102
  • MTS – 102
  • Beeline – 102
  • Tele2 – 102

All numbers are based on the standard "02" number for landline telephones, so they will be very easy for you to remember.

How to call firefighters (EMERCOM) from a mobile phone

If, God forbid, you have a fire and you don’t know how to call firefighters from your mobile phone, then it’s best to use the single number 112. You can also call the number that is located below opposite your operator cellular communication. The call will be free.

  • Megafon – 101
  • MTS – 101
  • Beeline – 101
  • Tele2 – 101

To remember, add one to the standard number 01 - you get the fire department number for a cell phone.

How to call an emergency gas service from a mobile phone

If you find a gas leak in an apartment or anywhere else, immediately call 112 and notify the dispatcher about it. Or you can call the gas service directly at the number provided below opposite your mobile network operator.

  • Megafon – 104
  • MTS – 104
  • Beeline – 104
  • Tele2 – 104

Just like all other emergency numbers, this one is based on the generally accepted number “04” with the number “1” substituted.

Why can’t you dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from a mobile phone?

The answer to this question is quite simple: all because cell phones They do not support calls to two-digit numbers. You can only call at least three-digit numbers. Previously, numbers were appended with an asterisk symbol - for example, “*03”. Today in Russia there is a single numbering system, accessible from both landline and mobile phones.

Calls to emergency numbers are free, they are available even with a zero or negative balance.

As sad as it may be, most modern people, in any emergency situation when they need to call for help from a mobile phone, panic dial 01 or 03, after which they remain perplexed by the incorrectly dialed number. And they still don’t know how to call the gas service from a Tele2 mobile phone more people. In Soviet times, learning all emergency numbers by heart was the direct responsibility of every citizen, but now parents, in the process of raising children, unfortunately miss this point. The article will tell you about when and how to call the gas service correctly.

Emergency number

The old dial for gas workers is 04, but if you dial it on a cell phone, you won’t get through to anyone, since this number was intended for landline phones. But how can you call from a mobile phone if the gas service is already on a different number? Just enter 104 and press the call button.

Combination 112 appeared relatively recently. The driving force behind the publication was Article No. 52 “On Communications” of the Russian Federation Law, which obliges absolutely all large and small operators to form combination 112 for mobile phones in order to urgently call for help from the public. At the same time, all cellular companies personally guarantee constant and uninterrupted functionality of emergency technical assistance.

Due to this, the type of call may vary. In the 1st option, the person will hear an answering machine and will have to press the number that relates to their problem. And the other type is the answer of the dispatcher-consultant (as in the case of Tele2), who, after listening to the question, will switch you to the required service.

Note! Combination 112 is valid in all European countries; it is not necessary to have, for example, an Italian operator to call for help in Italy. The first thing you will hear is a proposal to choose a communication language that will be convenient for conversation, then you need to report the current situation and name your location.

Short number 112 works even if there is no SIM card in the phone, and in case of a zero or negative balance.

When to call

If you detect a gas leak in the house or in another room, immediately dial 112 and notify the dispatcher about the current situation. Or you can directly contact gas workers by dialing 104 and the call button.

A gas leak in your own apartment or some other building can cause irreversible results. Therefore, even if there is even the slightest suspicion of a leak, you should immediately contact the appropriate service. You can make a call to the emergency gas service with Tele2 by dialing the number combination 040 (104). The caller must at least inform the operator exact address, where the smell of gas is heard so that rescuers can respond quickly.


Never neglect teaching your children and those around you simple combinations of numbers that can help you out of any emergency situation, especially since 95% of the population has a cellular connection, and, most importantly, the phone is not discharged. Rescuers know what to do, they will arrive on time and resolve a dangerous situation.

Useful tips

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone

From your mobile phone, dial the emergency number 112 .

This call is free, moreover, it can be made even if:

Lack of money in the account

Blocked SIM card

Lack of SIM card.

Using this number you can call the following emergency services:

Fire protection

Emergency Response Service


Disaster Medicine Services

Ambulance medical care

Gas network emergency service

Anti-Terror Service

Heating network services

Electrical Services


Public utility service.

If necessary, this list can be expanded depending on a specific region by decision of executive authorities.

Why "112"?

1. Since its launch, this system reduces response time by approximately 15 minutes operational services, which is a big plus, because earlier response can save more lives and help more people.

2. In addition, calls to this number are made from mobile phones, which allows the operator track caller's location, which is extremely important, especially in the event of an accident.

3. It is also worth noting that the dispatcher is capable of real-time monitor how quickly a particular service arrived at the right place, as well as what assistance was provided.

4. It will be interesting to note that in this system Other services may be added depending on the region. For example, a person may call a veterinary service if he is in an agricultural region.

Where does the number "112" function?

IN at the moment this number works in some regions of the Russian Federation. According to plans, the transition to emergency number 112 will be gradual. 112 will completely replace service call numbers 01, 02, 03 and 04 by 2017.

After calling, an operator or answering machine will answer you and then you can select the service you need, after which the call will be transferred to the selected service.

Where else is the single number “112” used?

This emergency call service is available in some EU countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Emergency phone numbers

The following emergency services can be called from a landline within the city:

101 (01) - Fire protection and rescue

102 (02) - Police

103 (03) - Ambulance

104 (04) - Gas network emergency service

You can call the following emergency services from your mobile phone:

* If your mobile phone does not support two-digit dialing, simply dial the service number and add *

01* — Call the fire department and rescuers

02* - Call the Police

03* - Call an ambulance

04* - Call emergency gas service

Calling emergency services from certain cellular operators

Emergency services can be called from a specific cellular operator (MTS, MEGAFON, BEELINE, etc.). These numbers are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

010 - fire and rescue services

020 - police

030 - ambulance

040 - gas emergency service


010 - fire and rescue services

020 - police

030 - ambulance

040 - gas emergency service


001 - fire and rescue services
002 - police
003 - ambulance
004 - gas emergency service

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Life is full of situations when emergency assistance is needed, and there is not a minute to waste. Modern mobile communications and the presence of a mobile phone in almost every person make it possible to solve this problem in the shortest possible time. It is important to learn how to navigate emergency services in order to quickly dial the right number. You can learn how to call an ambulance from your cell phone in our article.

Single emergency call number

There is a single number valid in the CIS countries and the European Union - 112 . This is a universal number that includes all existing quick response services, including emergency medical services. You can dial it from your cell phone and call an ambulance, regardless of which telecom operator the mobile phone is connected to, as well as in its absence.

A call to the single number 112 is free, it works in any case, even if the SIM card is blocked or is not in the phone at all.

Modern mobile devices have an emergency call or special button, which trigger exactly on this universal number. After the dispatcher responds, you need to briefly and quickly state the problem, and you will immediately be switched to the right one - ambulance, police, fire, gas, anti-terrorism.

This single number is convenient to use when a person does not remember the numbers of the necessary services, especially since before each telecom operator they had their own characteristics.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

The medical emergency number is publicly known - 03 , it is dialed from a landline home phone. But when the need arises to call an ambulance from a cell phone, not every user knows that dialing 01, 02, 03, 04 in the device will not work.

The fact is that most mobile phones operate on the unified digital standard GSM (GlobalSystemforMovile), which belongs to the unified European communications standardization. The call only works when you dial at least 3 digits.

Until recently, each provider had its own rules for calling an ambulance from a mobile phone. This caused confusion and problems when recruiting them in emergency situations. Since 2017, a single number has been adopted for all Russian operators, allowing you to call an ambulance from a cell phone.

Remember to call an ambulance from a mobile phone belonging to anyone Russian operator(MTS, Tele2, Beeline, Yota, Megafon, Motiv, Skylink and others), you need to dial 103 .

A special mobile phone video communication service has been created for deaf and mute people in Moscow and the region. Need to dial 1111 , 1112 , 1113 , if the call is from the capital, or 1115 , if from the area, turn on the video call. The dispatcher will answer, with whom you can communicate using gestures.

Numbers of other emergency services from mobile operators

For calls to other emergency services in Russia, single numbers are also accepted, regardless of the mobile operator:

  • Fire service – 101 ;
  • Police - 102 ;
  • Gas service - 104 ;
  • Emergency Rescue Service – 112 ;
  • Suspicion of a threat of terrorist attack - 911 .

Due to the fact that unified numbers for emergency calls were introduced relatively recently, it is likely that there are still regions where operators have not switched to the new conditions, and until this process is completed, the old numbers remain valid. Therefore, if calling an ambulance or another service fails, you should try calling the old numbers presented in the table:

Name of services Beeline MTS Tele2 Megaphone
Fire protection 001 010 010 010
Police 002 020 020 020
Ambulance 003 030 030 030
Gas 004 040 040 040

Note: For mobile company Iota exists alternative way calling emergency services using the following dialing scheme: 8 100 99 XX 000, where XX is a two-digit service number (01, 02, 03, 04), and instead of the last 3 zeros, you can dial any numbers, or leave it as is - 000.

Types of ambulance

There are 2 options for on-call teams, “ambulance” and Ambulance. An emergency or line team responds to cases where there are problems with deteriorating health, but the general condition of the patient does not cause concern. For example, high body temperature, increased blood pressure, minor injury, indigestion. A doctor or paramedic comes to the call if the patient is in a rural area.

Emergency medical services respond to cases where there is a threat to the life of a patient or injured person.

It is specialized, always consisting of 2 doctors and nursing staff. Depending on the situation, the following special teams may be called: traumatology, obstetrics, cardiology, intensive care, psychiatric, children's, and so on. When talking with the dispatcher, you need to outline the essence of what happened; if necessary, invite a doctor from the appropriate specialized team and issue a call. This

When is emergency medical care needed?

There are many cases when it is necessary to call an ambulance. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Diseases;
  • Injuries;
  • Poisoning;
  • The onset of contractions or bleeding in women.

Of course, not all cases of illness require emergency medical care. For example, with a common rhinovirus infection, flu, pain in the joints or spine, changes in blood pressure, indigestion or a hangover, you can get by with calling a doctor at home if the patient’s condition is satisfactory and does not cause concern.

If the body temperature is more than 39°, the pressure has sharply increased or dropped, repeated vomiting and diarrhea have appeared, a strong “lumbago” in the spine does not allow the patient to move, it is necessary to call an ambulance from a mobile or landline phone and call a team of doctors.

The following cases require priority attention:

  • Severe chest pain;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Vomiting bloody or brown like coffee grounds;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Sudden loss of speech or ability to move;
  • Convulsions, epileptic seizure;
  • Severe abdominal pain;
  • Lack of stool with bloating, vomiting;
  • Black tarry stools;
  • A rapidly developing allergic reaction with increasing swelling.

For injuries

Any open or closed injury with a violation of the general condition, with loss of consciousness, the ability to move, sharp pain, swelling, deformation, bleeding requires emergency medical care.

Abdominal bruises should not be ignored, even if the patient has no complaints, he must be urgently examined by a surgeon. An ambulance is called by mobile phone in cases of accidents in transport, production, at home, water accidents, explosions, fires, terrorist attacks and other incidents.

In case of poisoning

This concept includes acute, toxic products of household chemicals and production, as well as severe and drug intoxication. It is difficult for people around the victim to determine the degree of danger of poisoning and the condition, as well as its further development, so it is better to immediately contact the ambulance service. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient can drink 400–500 ml of water at room temperature, take activated charcoal or Enterosgel paste.

Necessary information for the dispatcher

To avoid wasting valuable time, when responding to the operator, you must strictly follow the following information algorithm:

  • Provide the mobile number you are calling from;
  • Briefly state the essence of the problem (what happened, at what time, complaints, condition);
  • State your last name, first name;
  • Give the address where the patient is currently located;
  • Report what kind of assistance was provided, what medications were given;
  • State the patient’s details – age, gender, last name, date of birth.

If necessary, you need to provide directions on how to quickly get to the address, as well as the intercom code for the entrance door.

How to behave when an ambulance arrives at your home

While waiting for the brigade to arrive, it is necessary to remove unnecessary things from the premises that could interfere, remove animals and children. There should be free access to the patient, a chair nearby and a free table or bedside table, which may be needed to put equipment and medications. If there is no outlet nearby, you need to prepare an extension cord in case of connecting equipment.

It is necessary to prepare the patient’s documents - passport or birth certificate, insurance compulsory medical insurance policy, if available. It is also necessary to be prepared - dressed and with documents in case the patient is hospitalized and needs to be accompanied by loved ones.

Upon arrival of the team, you need to talk in detail about what happened, prepare for display everything related to this case (for example, collect vomit, blood clots, a sample of the product, medicine or other substance that the patient consumed in a container).

Fulfilling all these simple requirements will help the doctor quickly navigate the diagnosis and take adequate measures.

Sometimes emergency situations happen in life for which people are simply not prepared. This applies to many situations that a person tries not to even think about until they happen. Emergencies are unpleasant, but you should be at least minimally prepared for them. Otherwise, you can fall into panic or prostration and miss the time that may be the most important for saving someone's life. We have known emergency numbers since childhood, but a two-digit number on a mobile phone will not work. Therefore, you need to know how to correctly call emergency services from a mobile phone, especially since it is completely free.

How to call an ambulance?

All mobile operators understand this, so despite the desire to make a profit, calls to emergency services are always free, even from a mobile phone. The only difference from a call from a landline phone will be the addition of one digit to the phone number - “030” instead of “03” for calling an ambulance and similarly for other services. According to the law of the Russian Federation, no fee will be charged for such a call, regardless of the tariff. On the other hand, if the SIM card is already blocked, then the call may not go through.

In addition to telephone “030”, there is also the number “112” by which you can contact the ambulance on duty. First, using this number you will be taken to the autoinformer menu, and by pressing the number “3” you will immediately be connected to a free ambulance on duty. When calling an ambulance, you should remember that the clearer and faster you describe the situation, the more likely it is that you will save someone’s life. Therefore, right during the call, find out exactly where you are in order to provide the address.

If you have a very IMPORTANT or URGENT question, ask!!!

How to call the police and firefighters on Megafon?

In addition to the ambulance, you can also call other services, such as the police or fire department. The call will also be free, and you must add “0” to the number. If for some reason you cannot get through, then the number 112 will also receive the information necessary for these services. Only for the police it will be necessary to press the number 2 in the autoinformer menu, and for firefighters, respectively, 1.

Of course, it would be better not to get into such situations at all, but life is a completely unpredictable thing, therefore, knowing the above rules, you greatly increase your or someone else’s chances of prompt assistance in emergency situations. And it’s better that you never need this knowledge.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

How to call emergency services, the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other services in emergency situations.

In the event of an emergency, be sure to notify the appropriate services. In Russia it is:

  • police
  • emergency gas service
  • ambulance
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations or Fire Department

Find out which number to call in certain cases from our article.

How to call the Unified Duty Dispatch Service - EDDS from a cell phone?

Emergencies happen, and, unfortunately, quite often. If you find yourself in the epicenter of events, call rescuers by calling 112. This number is an analogue of the American 911, which we often hear about in films.

Mobile phones support calling 112 or 911 for emergency services even if:

  • no funds on balance
  • Keypad is locked (does not apply to touch phones)
  • no SIM card in phone

This way, if an emergency occurs, you can call rescuers.

It doesn’t matter at all what region or city you are in. Number 112 is valid not only in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but also in many other countries. For example, the eastern part of Europe and some countries to the west.

By calling 112, you will be automatically redirected to the nearest EDDS or Unified Emergency Dispatch Service. There you can choose which service you need, or contact the dispatcher.

Important information! Your conversation with the dispatcher will be recorded, so try to pull yourself together and speak as calmly and clearly as possible so that the person on the other end of the line can understand you correctly. A lot depends on this.

112 is just a general number. Each mobile operator has long had its own emergency numbers, by which you can call rescuers, an ambulance or the police.

Mobile telephone numbers of MTS emergency services: list

Mobile phones do not support two-digit calls, so mobile operators recommend adding a “*” to the end of the two-digit number. For example:

  • fire protection - 01*
  • police - 02*
  • ambulance - 03*
  • emergency gas service - 04*

MTS has its own list of emergency numbers.

010 - Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire protection
020 - police
030 - emergency medical care
040 - emergency gas service

A call to any number listed above is free.

Tele2 mobile phone numbers for emergency services: list

For Tele2 the list of emergency numbers will look like this:

Beeline emergency mobile phone numbers: list

Emergency calls are free.

If your mobile device does not support dialing numbers consisting of two digits, when calls to emergency services After the service number you must dial *

The fast pace of life, ordinary days and weekends... Not a single person knows what might await him in next minute and even a second. Therefore, it is very important to be prepared for everything unpleasant and unexpected. Thus, every citizen must know the emergency numbers.

Yes, of course, their numbers are memorized in the elementary grades of school. However, there teachers dictate a set of numbers that can be called from a landline phone. However, now, in the world of innovative technologies, where both young and old have cell phones, it would be right to teach “mobile” emergency numbers.

How's the phone?

Megafon has implemented this opportunity through the number 030. In other words, if you or a loved one, a passer-by, etc. suddenly feel ill, and the mobile operator is Megafon, then you should call the specified number. If the operator is different, then it is correct to call the following numbers:

  • MTS - 030;
  • "Beeline" - 003;
  • "Tele2" - 030.

Calling emergency services

There is also another way to call an ambulance from Megafon - this is the number of the unified dispatch service on duty. To call here, you will need to dial the following combination of numbers from your mobile phone - 112. When you call this number, they will help you solve any problem related to the emergency situation that has occurred. 112 will allow you to call an ambulance, the police, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Moreover, the number is available not only within Russia, but also abroad, namely in Europe.

An important feature of calling a single emergency service is that by dialing 112 on your phone, a citizen will be taken to the nearest branch. In other words, if the call is made in Moscow, then it will be addressed to the Moscow service; in Ryazan - Ryazan, etc.

It is worth noting that the combination of numbers does not change depending on the telecom operator; it is the same for everyone and is available for calling even with a negative balance. Moreover, you can get to the unified on-duty dispatch service even if you do not have a SIM card inserted into your phone; having a mobile phone is enough.

Communication on a call

Most often, an emergency call is made in a state of shock. Therefore, numerous questions received from the other side of the tube seem meaningless and can cause aggression. But it is important to know that the ambulance officer asks all this for a reason; it is important for him to correctly assess the situation and send to the patient exactly the specialist who can help as much as possible in the current situation.

So, most likely, when calling an ambulance you will have to answer the following questions:

  • What happened? The answer should be short: road accident, unconscious person, etc.
  • Who needs help? Here you should indicate the gender and age of the victim.
  • Address? It is necessary to indicate the location of the incident as accurately as possible.
  • Who are you? You should introduce yourself: first/last name, who you are related to the victim (relative, acquaintance, passerby).
  • The phone number of the person who decided to call an ambulance from Megafon. It may be needed to clarify some data.

While waiting

After you have managed to call an ambulance from Megafon, you should expect specialists to appear. This may take 20-30 minutes, and sometimes more. If it is simply not possible to wait that long, you can start moving towards the ambulance team. But this is not possible in all cases. For example, in case of an accident, it is often prohibited to remove victims from the car on their own; this can aggravate the situation.

Now you know how to call an ambulance from your mobile phone. Megafon provides this opportunity by calling 030.

Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. It is often used as not only a means of communication, but also a multimedia center, entertainment device or player. In view of this, many have already begun to forget that it can be an assistant in an emergency situation. Of course, one smartphone will be of little use. But with its help, in any situation you can make a call to call the relevant special services, who are always ready to help at the first call. Among them is emergency medical care, which will be discussed.

Previously, you could call an ambulance using the simple number “03,” which everyone, young and old, knew. But time passes, and technology develops along with it. Since modern gadgets do not allow calls to numbers with less than three digits, I had to look for options. Landline telephones in your room have received an additional unit, and now you can call the ambulance station by calling “103”. By the way, this also applies to other services. So, a call to the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be made at “101”, to the police – “102”, and to the emergency gas service – “104”. This information may be useful if your cell phone is dead and there is a pay phone or establishment nearby that has a landline telephone. Mobile operators were unable to reach unified standard, and this is what came out of it. How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone in this case?

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

If in the case of a crime it is possible to survive the loss of some thing, although it will be unpleasant, then in case of health problems you should definitely not delay calling the emergency service. In order not to think about how to call the emergency room if necessary, add the following list of numbers to your contacts in advance:

  • 030 – for Tele2;
  • 030 – for MTS;
  • 030 – for Megafon;
  • 003 – for Beeline.

When calling an ambulance, you should remember that in critical situations even seconds can play a role. By remembering or writing down these numbers, you will be able to help yourself or passers-by at the right time, and thus do a good deed. All calls to these numbers are not charged by the operator, so you can safely call an ambulance from your mobile without worrying about the balance of money in your account. Even with a minus balance, the call will still be made, and you will be able to apply for timely assistance. When calling, try to describe as accurately as possible where you are and what symptoms the patient is experiencing. This will determine the urgency of the call and prepare the most qualified team to solve the problem.

Alternative service

How can you call an ambulance from a mobile phone if, for example, it is locked? There is also a control room in the country that combines the responsibilities of all intelligence services. You can reach her using the single number “112”. Its advantage is that you can make a call using it, bypassing any obstacles. In all modern phones, you can quickly dial “112” even with complete locking, including the fingerprint method. In addition, the call will go through even if the smartphone or phone does not have a SIM card at all. The main thing is to be within the signal reception radius of at least one of the operators at the time of the call.

When you call this service, you can tell the dispatcher about the problem, and he will either answer the call himself or forward your call in the appropriate direction. The advantage of the service is that you don’t have to remember several different numbers. But at the same time, such a call will take a little longer. Therefore, it is still worth adding them to the phone book in order to, if necessary, reduce the time before the team leaves as much as possible.

The number “112” can be especially useful if you need to make a call to the scene of a car accident. Often after it, the help of all common special services is needed - police, ambulance and rescuers. When you call this dispatch service, information about the incident will be immediately sent to all relevant posts, which can reduce the waiting period and help save someone’s life.
