Working program "aircraft modeling". Work program of the "aircraft modeling" club Aircraft modeling programs for children

Municipal educational institution

Additional education for children

Mainsky CDT


association "AIRCRAFT MODEL"





The desire to fly arose among people in ancient times. The first idea for an aircraft was naturally borrowed from nature. Based on observations of birds, people tried to create aircraft with flapping wings driven by the muscles of the pilot.

It was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that a man first took off in a controlled, heavier-than-air vehicle, and then the idea of ​​separating the devices that create lift and thrust was realized. This is how the airplane appeared - an aircraft with a fixed wing and a propeller.

Aviation modeling is perhaps the most popular technical sport. People of different ages and professions are interested in it. Often, a child’s hobby determines the entire life path of a modeler, in particular the choice of a future profession.

Currently, there are more than 10 classes of sports models. The models that aircraft modellers build are divided into two main types: flying and non-flying (museum models, mock-ups). Aircraft modeling is polytechnic at its core. It consolidates and expands the knowledge of the fundamentals of science acquired by students at school, introduces them to modern technology, develops creative abilities, fosters curiosity, ingenuity, and perseverance in overcoming difficulties. As a sport, aircraft modeling combines active recreation, a desire for excellence in sportsmanship, and fosters a spirit of competitive rivalry.

That is why the program of the aircraft modeling club puts as its main purpose– satisfying the natural need of students to expand their general technical horizons, instilling a love for aviation, work, social and professional orientation, spiritual, moral, and mental development.

The experience accumulated to date in the circle indicates that with a clear organization of the educational process, it is possible to successfully solve the following tasks:

teaching –

ü development of technical thinking in children;

ü familiarity with the laws of aeronautics;

ü study of the basics of aerodynamics, properties of various materials;

ü training in techniques for working with various materials, methods for developing aircraft drawings;

ü training in techniques and technology for manufacturing, adjusting and launching aircraft models;

ü development of memory, attention, perseverance and accuracy;

ü training of aircraft model athletes;

developing –

ü acquaintance with the history of aviation;

ü creating conditions for the development of general technical horizons and self-development of students;

ü initial career guidance;

educational -

ü fostering a sense of love for aviation;

ü respect for work and working people;

ü formation of a humanistic style of relations with comrades;

ü education of will, desire for victory;

ü education of patriotism.

This program relevant in that it combines teaching children how to build various models of gliders and airplanes with the opportunity to choose their own direction in aircraft modeling, and is also designed to train model athletes.

The program is personality-oriented and designed so that each student has the opportunity to freely choose a specific object of work that is most interesting and acceptable to him.

When implementing the program, the following are used methods:

traditional explanatory-illustrative the presence of a theoretical part in classes, during which students get acquainted with new information on the topic according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Theoretical information is communicated to students in the form of educational conversations of short duration (15-20 minutes) with explanations as they work. In the process of such conversations, the children’s vocabulary is replenished with special terminology;

practice-oriented – the presence of a practical part in classes, when students, under the guidance of a teacher, master the rules and techniques of working with tools and are engaged in the manufacture and assembly of models. The main method of conducting classes in a circle is practical work as the most important means of communication with practice in teaching. Here the children consolidate and deepen their theoretical knowledge, develop relevant skills and abilities. Also, a significant place is given to training and participation in competitions, after which a “debriefing” is carried out - a discussion of the results;

group – the use of the team method as the optimal form of organizing activities, in which the collective work of students is combined with individual work;

active – introduction of individual creative tasks, independent work with literature, joint training, participation of children in exhibitions and excursions.

At the initial stage, the reproductive method predominates, which is used for the manufacture and launch of simple flying models. The presentation of theoretical material and all explanations are given simultaneously to all members of the circle. Theoretical material is presented in parallel with the formation of practical skills among students. Separate classes can be conducted in the form of a debate, competition, or game.

In the future, the reproductive method loses its significance, since it is practically inapplicable in the independent selection, development and construction of aircraft models. Here the main methods are scientific research and problem-based. When conducting classes, the method of consultation and work with technical and reference literature is also used. Students prepare reports on key issues.

The club's work program is designed to three-year training. The age of the pupils is from 7 years old. Further training is designed for students who have completed the full course of study under this program and have the necessary basic and additional knowledge and skills in the field of aircraft modeling. Training is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of children, their level of knowledge and skills.

The academic year in the aircraft modeling club lasts from September to May, including autumn, winter and spring holidays.

In the association, teenagers are engaged in calculations, design, modeling, manufacturing, launching and flying model aircraft. This program is distinguished by the use of a computer for learning to control a model aircraft when performing simple and aerobatics. The program includes topics from all main sections of aircraft modeling. Thus, after completing the course, the student has the educational preparation necessary for studying in special educational institutions in this profile.

Group first year The teaching staff consists of students in grades 1-6 who do not have special knowledge and practical work skills. First-year groups consist of 10-12 people. The program provides an annual load of 216 hours. Classes are held three times a week for two hours.

In a group second year In teaching, the activities of pupils have a certain focus, which requires them to have some special knowledge, skills and abilities. The second year program is designed for students in grades 6-7. Groups consist of 10 people. Classes are held three times a week for two hours (216 hours per year).

In a group third year training solves the problem of maximizing the creative abilities of teenagers, introducing them to rationalization and invention activities, as well as designing and building the most complex radio-controlled model - a copy of an airplane, and participating in competitions. The training program is designed for students in grades 7-11. The number of students in groups is 10 people. Classes are held three times a week for two hours. Total 216 hours per year.

Predicted result– education and development of a teenager with a broad technical outlook, with developed technical modeling skills in close connection with the design process, capable of independently making a choice of a future profession.

Definition of Success mastering the program is carried out through:

ü monitoring of students’ learning in the educational process (knowledge testing);

ü performing practical and creative work;

ü analysis of observations of children;

ü a journal for recording the work of an additional education teacher in the association;

ü completing teacher assignments and test papers;

ü participation in competitions at various levels.

Assessment of training effectiveness - This:

ü quality of manufacture of the model and demonstration of its flight qualities;

ü “aerobatic” skill of the trainee;

ü participation in exhibitions, places taken in competitions;

ü fulfillment of qualification standards for sports categories.

The main forms of summing up The implementation of this program is the participation of students of the association in a creative exhibition of works (at the end of the year) , as well as in annual regional (May-June) and all-Russian competitions (August) in aircraft modeling.


Educational and thematic plan for 1 year

Topic name

Total hours



Introductory lesson. Safety precautions

History of aviation and aircraft modeling. Model aircraft classes.

Paper flying models. Basics of aerodynamics. The main parts of the aircraft (glider). Making a simple flying model.

Training launches of the glider model.

Foam models:

– semi-copy throwing model;

– glider model;

- model of an airplane with a rubber engine

Aircraft (lighter than air):

– parachutes

– kites

Schematic model of the airframe.

Launches and test flights.

Schematic model of an airplane with a rubber engine

Launches and test flights.

Participation in competitions

Excursions, meetings.

Final lesson


Curriculum and thematic plan for 2 years of study

Additional educational program "Aircraft Modeling"

Explanatory note

Aircraft modeling – the first stage of mastering aviation technology. An airplane model is a miniature airplane with all its properties, its aerodynamics, strength, and design. To build a flying model, you need certain skills and knowledge. In the process of making models, students acquire a variety of technological skills, become familiar with the design of aircraft, the basics of aerodynamics and strength.

By studying in an aircraft modeling club, schoolchildren acquire the necessary work skills, their dream of aviation often develops into passion, and passion determines the choice of profession. Aircraft modeling is both a passion for sports, a search for a researcher, and a road to big aviation.

Direction additional educational program “Young aircraft modeller”: sports and technical.

Relevance of the program

This program is relevant because it successfully combines practice and theory. Modern requirements for models, technologies and materials for their manufacture are taken into account.

The program is built on a modular principle, the main modules are: initial technical modeling, rocket modeling, aircraft modeling.

It provides for expanding the polytechnic horizons of students, developing their spatial thinking, and developing a sustainable interest in technology. In the process of making models, students acquire various technological skills and become familiar with the design of various flying models. A special feature of the program is its professional orientation and continuity in training.

When working with students, special attention is paid to mastering the basic technological techniques for making models, practical skills in regulating and launching them. The program is personality-oriented and designed so that each student has the opportunity to freely choose a specific object of work that is most interesting and acceptable to him.

Purpose of the program

  • development of the student’s technical and creative abilities through the production of various types of models: airplanes, gliders, rockets.

Program objectives

  • educational:
  1. Formation of skills in working with tools, machines and devices when processing various materials.
  2. Formation of the ability to independently solve issues of design and manufacture of models - airplanes, gliders, rockets.
  3. Teaching students technical terminology, concepts and information.
  • developing:
  1. Formation of interest in technology and technical activities.
  2. Development of student motivation for creative search.
  3. Development of creative thinking.
  4. Development of skills in organizing educational work.
  5. development of mental work skills (memorize, analyze, evaluate...).
  • educational:
  1. Cultivating perseverance in overcoming difficulties and achieving goals.
  2. Developing accuracy, discipline, and responsibility for assigned work.
  3. Introducing to the norms of social life.

Organization of the circle's activities

The program is designed for 5 years of training, for implementation in the conditions of the Municipal Educational Institution of Education "Station of Young Technicians" in a workshop where there are the necessary machines and equipment, tools for wood and metal processing. Developed on the basis of the “Program for out-of-school institutions and secondary schools “Technical creativity of students”, M. Prosveshchenie, 1995”, “Additional general education program (in an abbreviated form) “Young Aviator”” by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Osipenko, a diploma winner of the IV All-Russian competition of author’s programs for additional education children and benefits Rozhkova V.S. Aircraft modeling circle. – M: “Enlightenment”, 1978.

The academic year in the aircraft modeling club lasts from September to May, including autumn, winter and spring holidays. The size of the aircraft modeling club is 20-35 people, in groups by year of study there are 4-5 students.

Training is carried out taking into account the individual abilities of children, their level of knowledge and skills, according to the principle of sequence of training - “from simple to complex”.

The first-year group is made up of students in grades 2-3 who do not have special knowledge and practical work skills. The program provides for an annual workload of 144 hours. The group works 4 hours a week, with a total of 36 lessons per academic year.

In the group of the second year of study, the activities of students have a certain focus, which requires them to have some special knowledge, skills and abilities. The program is designed for students in grades 4-5 who have completed primary education. The group works 6 hours a week, 36 classes, a total of 216 hours a year.

In the third year group, students expand and consolidate their knowledge of aviation and aircraft modeling technology, study in depth the basics of aerodynamics, and independently calculate the design of models. Classes in the club introduce students to aviation specialties, help them choose a profession, and prepare them for independent further work. The training program is designed for students in grades 6-7. The annual load is 288 hours, 36 classes of 8 hours per week.

In the group of the fourth year of study, the task of maximizing the development of the creative abilities of students, introducing them to rationalization, inventive activities, and participation in competitions in aircraft modeling is solved. The level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the circle members must be quite high. The training program is designed for students in grades 8-9. The annual load is 288 hours, 36 classes of 8 hours per week.

The fifth year of study is possible for students who have completed the full course of study under this program in four years and have the necessary basic and additional knowledge and skills in the field of aircraft modeling. In this case, continuation of training can be carried out in terms of training athletes - dischargers, according to an individual plan and direction. The program is designed for school graduates: students in grades 10-11, as well as for students of lyceums and colleges. The group works 8 hours a week, 36 lessons, 288 hours a year.

Monitoring learning results

This program provides various types of monitoring of learning outcomes:

1. Current (carried out at each lesson by the teacher):

  • Conversations are held in the form of “question-answer”, with a focus on comparison, juxtaposition, identification of what is common and what is special;
  • analysis by the teacher of the work performed and finished products.

2. Final control:

  • After each studied section, mini-competitions, exhibitions, and an oral survey of the results are provided.
  • At competitions of various levels with models made by students in the classroom.

3. Annual control:

  • After the third year of study, district, regional, and competitions are held, the results of which show how many percent the student has mastered the training in this program.

Learning outcome

The result of the training provided to the program is a certain amount of knowledge, skills, development of creative abilities, increasing the prestige of the association, presentable results: exhibition competitions.

Summing up forms

The results of the implementation of the additional educational program by year of study are:

  • 1st year – participation in intra-circle competitions;
  • 2-3rd year – participation in regional and regional competitions;
  • 4-5th year - participation in regional and regional competitions;

as well as participation in various competitions and exhibitions of technical creativity.


Educational and thematic plan for the first year group

No. Subject Number of hours
total on
1 Introductory lesson 4 2 2
2 The simplest paper models 20 4 16
3 Flat Kites 20 8 12
4 Helicopters. Helicopter model "Mukha" 14 4 10
5 Gliders. Their models 50 10 40
6 Simple rockets. 20 6 14
7 Competitions 12 4 8
8 Final lesson 4 2 2
Total 1 44 40 104
  1. Introductory lesson

Objectives and approximate work plan for the circle. Rules of behavior in the circle. Tools and devices used in the circle, their purpose. Safe working practices. Literature recommended for reading.

Practical work.

Making the simplest flying models by folding paper: “Arrow”, “Flying Wing”.

  1. The simplest paper models

Main parts of the aircraft and models. Conditions ensuring flight, center of gravity, angle “V”, angle of attack.

Methods of flying in nature.

Three principles of lift generation: aerostatic, aerodynamic and reactive. Air and its basic properties.

Practical work.

Making paper flying models, a simple glider, a glider with struts or a cantilever wing. Competitions with built models.

Construction of the simplest model of a self-launching parachute.

Conducting competitions with built models.

  1. Kites. Flat kite

A brief history of the development of kites. Practical use of a kite as the first aircraft. Information about the air. Wind, its speed and direction, strength.

Practical work.

Construction of the simplest kite - a flat “Russian kite”.

Construction of an “air postman”.

Launching constructed kites.

  1. Helicopters. Helicopter model "Fly" ("Butterfly")

Brief historical sketch. The principle of operation of a propeller. Creation and development of helicopters.

Practical work.

Making the simplest model of a helicopter “Fly” (“Butterfly”).

Launch of helicopter models.

Conducting competitions with built models.

  1. Gliders. Glider models

Brief historical sketch. The creation of a glider by O. Lilienthal and his flights. The first domestic gliders. Record flights of domestic glider pilots. The use of gliders in the Great Patriotic War. Development of hang gliding.

Practical work.

Construction of schematic models of gliders. Wing profile and mounting angle.

Wing assembly.

Manufacturing of the tail unit and fuselage frame.

  1. Simple rockets.

Brief historical sketch. Modern rockets. The role of domestic scientists in the development of rocket and space technology. Jet motion in nature. Jet engines for model rockets.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of single-stage rocket models.

Trial runs of built models.

  1. Participation in competitions.

Competition rules.

  1. Final lesson.

Summing up the work of the circle for the academic year.

Organization of a reporting exhibition or

Educational and thematic plan for the second year group

Subject Number of hours
total on
1 Introductory lesson 6 3 3
2 Throwing glider 18 6 12
3 Box kite 18 3 15
4 Indoor helicopter model 27 6 21
5 42 9 33
6 Model of an S-3-A class rocket 33 6 27
7 Cord model 51 9 42
8 Competitions 15 3 12
9 Final lesson 6 3 3
Total 216 42 126
  1. Introductory lesson

The main stages in the development of domestic aircraft modeling.

  1. Throwing glider

Forces acting on a glider in flight. Range and gliding angle. Rate of descent. Soaring gliders.

Technical requirements for flying models. Manufacturing technology. Rules for launching throwing gliders.

Practical work.

Selection of models for construction.

Drawing working drawings of models.

Making models.

Tests. Elimination of identified deficiencies.

Training runs.

  1. Box kite

Beaufort scale. Aerodynamic forces acting on a kite in flight. Rules for flying a box kite.

Practical work.

Preparation of materials.

Manufacturing of parts. Assembling models.

Trial runs. Elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training circle members to control the flight of a box kite.

Training runs of models.

  1. Helicopters. Indoor helicopter model

Basic elements of a helicopter's design. Types of screws.

Technical requirements for indoor models. Methods of covering and finishing the model. Rules for launching models.

Practical work.

Assembling model parts.

  1. Schematic model of the airframe

Technical requirements for a schematic model of the airframe. Basic parameters of the schematic model of the airframe.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of details and parts of the model.

Wing assembly.

Making the tail unit.

Manufacturing of the fuselage frame.

Covering and assembling models. Adjustment runs.

Organization of training and competitions with built models.

  1. Class rocket modelS-3-A

Jet motion in nature. Jet engines for model rockets. Safety rules when working with solid fuel microjet engines.

Models of sports class rockets S-3-A. Technical requirements for sports class models.

Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of details and parts of the model.

Housing assembly.

Manufacturing of a rescue system - a parachute.

Safety rules for launching model rockets.

Organization of training and competitions with built models.

  1. Cord model

Technical requirements for the cord model of the aircraft. Basic parameters of the aircraft cord model.

Manufacturing technology. Rules for launching models.

Practical work.

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Competitions (excursions)
  1. Final lesson

Practical work.

Demonstration launches of built models.

Educational and thematic plan for the third year group

Subject Number of hours
total on
1 Introductory lesson 8 4 4
2 Airframe model A-1 60 20 40
3 30 8 22
4 40 12 28
5 Rockets. Model of an S-6-A class rocket 40 6 34
6 Radio controlled gliders 82 20 62
7 Educational visual aids 8 4 4
8 Competitions 12 4 8
9 Final lesson 8 4 4
Total 288 82 206
  1. Introductory lesson

Purpose, objectives and content of work in the academic year. Labor safety rules.

  1. Airframe model A-1

Technical requirements for class A-1 glider models. Automatic device that limits flight duration. Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models. Methods of covering and finishing the model. Rules for launching glider models.

Practical work.

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Indoor airplane model (250, 350 mm)

Flight control techniques for a room model airplane. Forces acting on a model in flight.

Rubber motor; properties of rubber. Techniques for the manufacture of rubber motors operating in torsion. Operation and storage of rubber engines.

Practical work.

Drawing a working drawing of the model

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Manufacturing of rubber engine.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Aircraft. Schematic model of an airplane

Brief historical sketch. First attempts to create an aircraft: A.F. Mozhaisky, Wright brothers. Development of aviation in our country and abroad. Record flights of V.P. crews Chkalova, M.M. Gromova, V.S. Grizodubova. Domestic aviation during the Great Patriotic War. Development of military and civil aviation.

Basic aircraft flight modes. Forces acting on an airplane in flight. Propeller operation.

Practical work.

Making schematic models of aircraft.

Manufacturing of parts and parts of models: fuselage slats, edges and ribs of the wing, fin and stabilizer.

Covering models.

Manufacturing of rubber motors.

Organization of intra-circle competitions.

  1. S-6-A

Models of sports class rockets S-6-A. Technical requirements for sports class models.

Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models.

Rules for launching model rockets.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of details and parts of the model.

Housing assembly.

Manufacturing of a rescue system - tape (streamer).

Organization of training and competitions with built models.

  1. Radio controlled glider.

The concept of soaring flight. The influence of the geometric shapes of the model on the quality of flight. Profiles for glider models.

Technical requirements for radio-controlled glider models. Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models. Methods of covering and finishing the model. Rules for launching radio-controlled glider models.

Practical work.

Drawing a working drawing of the model

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Educational visual aids

The main types of educational and visual aids: instruments for experiments in aerodynamics, models demonstrating the action of rudders, stands, cut-out micromotors, etc.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of a simplified wind tunnel, aerodynamic balances, and a set of bodies of various streamlines.

  1. Competitions (excursions)

Participation in regional and regional competitions, visiting museums.

  1. Final lesson

Summing up the work of the circle for the academic year. Preparing models for the reporting exhibition. Recommendations for independent work during the summer holidays.

Practical work.

Demonstration launches of built models.

Educational and thematic plan for the fourth year group

Subject Number of hours
total on
1 Introductory lesson 8 4 4
2 Airframe model A-3 60 20 40
3 Indoor model of the F1H-460 aircraft 60 26 34
4 78 20 58
5 Rockets. Model of an S-9-A class rocket 50 10 40
6 Educational visual aids 12 4 8
7 Competitions 12 4 8
8 Final lesson 8 4 4
Total 288 92 196
  1. Introductory lesson

Purpose, objectives and content of work in the academic year. Labor safety rules.

  1. Airframe model A-3

Technical requirements for class A-3 glider models. Automatic device that limits flight duration. Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models. Methods of covering and finishing the model. Rules for launching glider models.

Practical work.

Drawing a working drawing of the model

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Indoor airplane modelF1 H-460

Classes and purpose of indoor model aircraft.

Technical requirements for models.

Technology for manufacturing indoor airplane models. Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models. Methods of covering and finishing the model.

Rules for launching model aircraft. Rules for competitions on indoor models.

Practical work.

Drawing a working drawing of the model

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Radio-controlled electric aircraft model

Control of electric aircraft models in flight. Development of radio control models.

Basic control modes of electric aircraft. Model control panel.

Practical work.

Making a radio-controlled model of electric aircraft: making parts and parts of the model.

Covering the model.

Model assembly.

Adjustment runs of built models.

  1. Rockets. Class rocket modelS-9-A

Models of sports class rockets S-9-A. Technical requirements for sports class models.

Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models.

Rules for launching model rockets.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of details and parts of the model.

Housing assembly.

Manufacturing of a rescue system - rotor.

Organization of training and competitions with built models.

  1. Educational visual aids

The concept of desktop (museum) models of aircraft. Technology of their manufacture. Compilation of thematic albums on the history of aviation and aeronautics.

Practical work.

Production of tabletop models of historical aircraft.

Compiling thematic albums and photo albums about the activities of the circle.

  1. Competitions (excursions)

Participation in regional and regional competitions, visiting museums.

  1. Final lesson

Practical work.

Demonstration launches of built models.

Educational and thematic plan for the fifth year group

Subject Number of hours
total on
1 Introductory lesson 8 4 4
2 Unified sports classification 8 4 4
3 Indoor model of the F1L-550 aircraft 70 16 54
4 60 16 44
5 Timer models 60 26 34
6 Rocket models of category S-12-A (triathlon) 58 8 50
7 Competitions 16 4 12
8 Final lesson 8 4 4
Total 288 82 206
  1. Introductory lesson

Purpose, objectives and content of work in the academic year. Labor safety rules.

  1. Sports unified classification

Sports unified classification. Technical requirements for flying models. Rules for holding competitions in aircraft modeling. Conditions for assigning sports categories and titles.

  1. Indoor airplane modelF1 L550

Classes and purpose of indoor model aircraft.

Technical requirements for models.

Technology for manufacturing indoor airplane models. Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models. Methods of covering and finishing the model. Microfilm manufacturing technology.

Rules for launching model aircraft. Rules for competitions on indoor models.

Practical work.

Drawing a working drawing of the model

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies, microfilms.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Radio-controlled model of an airplane with an internal combustion engine

Controlling model airplanes in flight. Development of radio control models.

Basic aircraft control modes. Model control panel.

Practical work.

Making a radio-controlled model of an airplane: making parts and parts of the model.

Making a propeller.

Covering the model.

Model assembly.

Adjustment runs of built models.

Training launches of a radio-controlled model.

  1. Timer models

Classes and purpose of timer aircraft models.

Technical requirements for models.

Technology for manufacturing timed aircraft models. Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models. Methods of covering and finishing the model.

Rules for launching timed aircraft models. Rules for competitions using timed models.

Practical work.

Drawing a working drawing of the model

Procurement of materials, production of parts and assemblies.

Assembling model parts.

Covering surfaces. Model finishing.

Trial runs, elimination of detected deficiencies.

Training runs of the constructed models.

  1. Rocket Models CategoryS-12-A (triathlon).

Models of sports class rockets S-12-A. Technical requirements for sports class models.

Templates and stocks that facilitate the process of making models.

Rules for holding rocket modeling competitions.

Practical work.

Manufacturing of parts and model parts.

Housing assembly.

Manufacturing of rescue systems.

Organization of training and competitions with built models.

  1. Competitions (excursions)

Participation in regional and regional competitions, visiting museums.

  1. Final lesson

Summing up the work of the circle for the academic year. Preparing models for the reporting exhibition. Recommendations for independent work.

Practical work.

Demonstration launches of built models.

Methodological support for additional educational programs

The main method of conducting classes in a circle is practical work, as the most important means of connecting theory with practice in teaching. Here the children consolidate and deepen their theoretical knowledge, develop relevant skills and abilities. Students successfully cope with practical work if they are familiarized with the order of its implementation. Theoretical information is communicated to students in the form of educational conversations, stories and explanations of short duration (15-20 minutes) with explanations as they work, combined with demonstrations of educational visual aids, working models or designs. In the process of such conversations, the children’s vocabulary is replenished with special terminology.

At the initial stage (first year of study), the reproductive method predominates, which is used for the manufacture and launch of simple flying models. The presentation of theoretical material and all explanations are given simultaneously to all members of the circle frontally, in which all circle members perform the same task. It is advisable to make the first training models according to one drawing with minimal deviations. Theoretical material is presented in parallel with the formation of practical skills among students. Some classes take the form of debates, competitions, and games.

In the future, the reproductive method sharply loses its significance, since it is practically inapplicable in the independent selection, development and construction of aircraft models. Here the main method becomes scientific research and problem-based.

When conducting classes, the method of consultation and work with technical and reference literature is also used. Students prepare short reports on main issues.

Participation in various competitions (circle, regional, regional) is an integral part of the educational process in an aircraft modeling club. So, in the region and region there is a real system that provides the child with the necessary number of competitions throughout the year: regional and regional competitions in indoor and free-flying models, regional competitions in rocket modeling sports, for the Star Cup . The real result of participation in competitions is the assignment of sports results when the required standards are met.

The sequence of program topics may differ from that indicated in the program. The list of practical works should not be considered exhaustive - it is permissible to include other models in it, depending on the preparedness of students and the material and technical base of the circle.

Logistics support for additional educational programs


– for teachers:

  1. Andriyanov L., Galaguzova M.A., Kayukova N.A., Nesterova V.V., Fetzer V.V. Development of technical creativity of junior schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1990.
  2. Bolonkin A. Theory of flight of flying models. – M.: DOSAAF.
  3. Kalina I. Engines for sports aircraft models. - M: DOSAAF USSR, 1988.
  4. Kan-Kalik V.A. Pedagogical creativity. – M.: Pedagogy, 1990.
  5. Kiselev B. Models of air combat. – M: DOSAAF USSR, 1981.
  6. Rozhkov V.S. Aircraft modeling circle. – M: “Enlightenment”, 1978.
  7. Marakhovsky S.D., Moskalev V.F. The simplest flying models. – M.: “Mechanical Engineering”, 1989.
  8. Merzlikin V. Radio-controlled model of a glider. – M: DOSAAF USSR, 1982.

– for students and parents:

  1. Ermakov A.M. The simplest aircraft models. - M: “Enlightenment”, 1989.
  2. Kiselev B. Models of air combat. – M: DOSAAF USSR, 1981.
  3. Merzlikin V. Radio-controlled model of a glider. – M.: DOSAAF USSR, 1982.
  4. Pantyukhin S. Kites. – M: DOSAAF USSR, 1984.
  5. Smirnov E. How to design and build a flying model. - M: DOSAAF USSR, 1973.
  6. Turyan A. The simplest aviation models. – M.: DOSAAF USSR, 1982.
  7. Shakhat A.M. Rubber-motor model. – M.: DOSAAF USSR, 1977.
  8. Magazines “Modeler-designer”, “Young technician”.

    Ø Development of creative abilities, taking into account individual characteristics.

    Program objectives:


    1. Know the basics and main ways of development and progressive importance of aviation

    2. Introduce students to various technical devices

    3. Teach how to develop and implement simple technical devices

    4. Be able to perform technical calculations and work with technical literature.


    1. Develop creativity

    2. Develop design skills and abilities

    3. Strengthen interest in aircraft modeling


    1. Develop an active and comprehensively developed personality

    2. Prepare for work and conscious choice of profession

    3. Employment of teenagers and preparation for military service.

    Expected results

    The results of the work of the Aircraft Model Association can be considered:

    Students will know:

    1. Main types of aircraft models,

    2. Differences between the execution of bench and live models.

    3. Basic elements of the simplest model designs.

    4. Modeling terminology.

    5. Basics of layout.

    6. Types of materials used in modeling.

    7. Safety precautions when working with tools.

    8. Rules for holding competitions in modeling sports.

    Students will be able to:

    1. Make different types of simple paper models.

    2. Make gliders with a rubber engine.

    3. Make cord models.

    4. Adjust models.

    5. Hold competitions.

    This program involves teaching students from grades 4 to 9. The program is designed for 130 hours (4 hours per week - 2 lessons). To develop classes, the psychological characteristics of each age group are taken into account. The optimal number of children in the association for successful development of the program is 6 - 8 people.

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"Aircraft modeling program"

Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children"Station of young technicians"



(first year of study, 130 hours)

age of students 11 -16 years,

Nemkin Konstantin Vasilievich,

additional education teacher


Explanatory note

This program was developed in accordance with the Law on Education, model Regulations on an additional institution, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Charter of the SUT. The program is modified and has a sports and technical focus.

The high level of development of science and technology in our country, the introduction of achievements of the technical process in all sectors, the continuously increasing volume of scientific and technical information - all this requires a significant improvement in the preparation of the younger generation for independent mastery of technical knowledge, and the development of creative thinking among schoolchildren. Technical creativity can play a significant role in the professional guidance of schoolchildren and in each student’s choice of life path. Today a boy makes a model, and tomorrow he can become an innovator and inventor. The desire for technology and invention awakens in early childhood.
Our main task is to promptly notice the child’s abilities and curiosity and help him in a timely manner. In children's technical creativity, we also see a solution to another important problem - to captivate even the most “difficult” teenagers, to involve them in useful work.
Design of models, mechanisms, simple machines, instruments and devices, etc. contributes to the emergence and formation of interest in technology, the development of rationalization and inventive abilities, and serves as one of the important means of labor training and education of schoolchildren. Labor education and technical creativity are interconnected, condition each other, being two sides of a single process of preparing schoolchildren for creative work, and simultaneously solve the problems of moral and aesthetic education.
The use of semi-finished products, new materials, special devices and some machines makes it possible to reduce the time required to perform labor operations by several times, improve the quality of work, bring labor closer to modern highly developed production and thereby improve the pedagogical orientation of all activities of the association.
The organization and classes of any technical association, and, consequently, the association - “Aircraft Modeling”, differ from school in that this is an amateur voluntary activity. And you can engage in amateurism all your life, regardless of your main profession. Guys go to technical clubs when they have an interest in technology and a desire to build models with their own hands. The main task of the association is to consolidate and develop children’s interest in technology.
Aircraft modeling is both a passion for sports, a search for a researcher, and a road to big aviation. Aeromodelling and technical creativity classes are of great importance in revealing the creative abilities of a teenager. Classes contribute to the development of students' interest in science, technology, research, and help them make a conscious choice of their future profession. The knowledge gained in the classroom directly affects the educational process, contributes to in-depth study of school material, and the application of knowledge and skills in the classroom.

Purpose of the program:

    Fostering in schoolchildren interest and love for technology and work, developing creative abilities and developing design skills.

    Teaching students the basics of model construction and introducing them to the principles of modeling.

    Development of creative abilities taking into account individual characteristics.

The program is based on the integration of theoretical learning with the process of practical research, independent activity of students and technical and technological design.

Program objectives:


    Know the basics and main ways of development and progressive significance of aviation

    Introduce students to various technical devices

    Learn to develop and implement simple technical devices

    Be able to perform technical calculations and work with technical literature.


    Develop creativity

    Develop design skills and abilities

    Strengthen your interest in aircraft modeling


    Develop an active and comprehensively developed personality

    Prepare for work and conscious choice of profession

    Employment of adolescents and preparation for military service.

Along with teaching children basic technical creativity skills, the program aims to develop their cognitive interests. But a child’s thinking cannot be formed spontaneously, without targeted external influence. This implies the main requirement for the form of organization of training and education: to organize classes to activate thought processes and form elementary design skills as effectively as possible in order to provide the child with the maximum accessible amount of knowledge and stimulate progressive intellectual development.

Expected results

The result of students’ work in the “Aeromodelling” club can be considered:

Students will know:

    The main types of aircraft models,

    Differences between performing bench and live models.

    Basic elements of the simplest model designs.

    Modeling terminology.

    Layout basics.

    Types of materials used in modeling.

    Safety precautions when working with tools.

    Rules for holding competitions in modeling sports.

Students will be able to:

    Make different types of simple paper models.

    Make gliders with rubber engines.

    Make cord models.

    Adjust models.

    Hold competitions.

This program involves teaching students from grades 4 to 9. The program is designed for 130 hours (4 hours per week - 2 lessons). To develop classes, the psychological characteristics of each age group are taken into account. The optimal number of children in the association for successful development of the program is 6 - 8 people.

Calendar and thematic plan for the 1st year of study



Theoretical part



Practical part







The purpose and objectives of the association.

2. Basic concepts of flight theory


3. Lifting force.

4. Frontal resistance.

5. Wing and its characteristics.

1.Model "Kite"

2.Model of the airplane "Scat"

3. Model of the Shuttle aircraft

4. Model of the “Canary” aircraft

5 Airplane model "Delta"

3. Kites and their models

1. From the history of kites.

2.Types of kites.

5.Safe work rules.


10.Safe work rules.

12. Aerodynamic forces.

  1. 3.Cuts from the ends of the slats.

7. Launching a kite.

1.Calculation of a box kite.

    Gliders and their models

1. Conversation “Planning a flight.”

4. Gliding.

7.Methods of launching gliders.

8.Rules for launching the model.

1. Drawing of a glider model.

2.Preparation of materials.

3.Fuselage production.

4. Making the keel.

5.Making stabilizer

6.Wing manufacturing:

- manufacturing of the wing pylon.

    Helicopters and their models

3.Use of helicopters.

4. Rubber motor.

5. Quiz “Helicopters”.

6. Conversation “Aviation”.

7.Safe work rules.

    Airplanes and their models

4.Propeller operation.


6. Safe work rules.

4.Manufacture of chassis and propeller.

5. Model assembly:

Finding the CG model;

    Stand and collectible aircraft models

6.Safe work rules.

7. Conversation “Airplanes”.

8. Crossword puzzle “Aviation”.

6.Painting the I-270 aircraft

7.Assembling the F-15 aircraft

8.Painting the F-15 aircraft

    Manufacturing of bench helicopters

1. Conversation “Helicopter flight”

3.International requirements up to the scale of bench models.

5. Safety rules

7.Crossword “Helicopters”

1.Assembling the Mi-8 helicopter

2.Painting the Mi-8 helicopter

5.Assembling the helicopter

6.Painting the helicopter

    Final lesson

1. Safety rules

2. Summing up the work of the association.

Demonstration launches.

Exhibition of models made during the year.

Thematic plan for the 1st year of study





Introductory lesson

Basic concepts of flight theory

Kites and their models

Gliders and their models

Helicopters and their models

Airplanes and their models

Stand and collectible aircraft models

Manufacturing of bench helicopters

Final lesson

Topic 1: Introductory lesson – 2 hours

Theoretical part

The purpose and objectives of the association.

Basics of occupational safety.

Practical work

Making a paper flying model "Glider".

Topic 2: Basic concepts of flight theory – 12 hours

Theoretical part

1. Air and its basic properties.
3. Lifting force.
4. Frontal resistance.
5. Wing and its characteristics.
6. Center of gravity, flight stability.

Practical work

Making a paper flying model:

1.Model "Kite"

2.Model of the airplane "Scat"

3. Model of the Shuttle aircraft

4. Model of the “Canary” aircraft

5 Airplane model "Delta"

6. Competitions with paper models.

Topic 3: Kites and their models – 26 hours

Theoretical part

1. From the history of kites.

2.Types of kites.

3. A kite is like a flying machine.
4. Aerodynamic forces that act on a kite in flight.

5.Safe work rules.


7. Rules for flying a kite.

8. The box snake is one of the species.

9.Types of materials and their processing.

10.Safe work rules.

11.Crossword “Flying machines”.

12. Aerodynamic forces.

13. Safety rules when launching a box kite.

Practical work

Making a flat kite

1. Drawing a sketch of a kite with exact dimensions.

2. Cutting slats according to the dimensions in the sketch.

Processing slats with sandpaper.

3.Cuts from the ends of the slats.

Mark where the slats intersect. Secure the intersections of the slats with thread.

Secure the thread by coating it with PVA glue.

4. Cover the kite frame with thread and fishing line, pulling it through the cuts from the ends of the slats. Secure the thread and fishing line from the ends of the slats, coating them with PVA glue.

5. Placement of the kite frame on fabric, film, paper and marking the contour of the kite with an allowance of 2 centimeters.

6. Covering the kite frame with sheathing, securing the tail.

7. Launching a kite.

Making a box kite

1.Calculation of a box kite.

2.Preparation and processing of materials.

3. Making a box kite.

4.Assembling and wrapping the box kite.

5. Adjusting and starting the box kite.

Topic 4: Gliders and from the model – 18 hours

Theoretical part

1. Conversation “Planning a flight.”

2.Rules for processing materials.
3. Designs of modern gliders.
4. Gliding.
5.Hang glider, a type of glider

6.Safe work rules: with glue, with piercing instruments.
7.Methods of launching gliders.

8.Rules for launching the model.

Practical work

Making schematic models of gliders.

1. Drawing of a glider model.

2.Preparation of materials.

3.Fuselage production.

4. Making the keel.

5.Making stabilizer

6.Wing manufacturing:
- manufacturing of the wing center section;
- production of wing “ears”;
- manufacturing of the wing pylon.

7.Adjustment and launch of glider models.

8.Competitions with manufactured models.

Topic 5: Helicopters and their models – 14 hours

Theoretical part

1. The simplest model of a “fly” helicopter.

2. The history of helicopters.

3.Use of helicopters.

4. Rubber motor.

5. Quiz “Helicopters”.

6. Conversation “Aviation”.

7.Safe work rules.

Practical work

Making the simplest models of the Mukha helicopter

1. Selection and processing of materials, marking the sides of the part according to the template.

2. Cutting and processing of cuts. Screw and edge processing.

3.Weighing down the propeller, reinforcing the tips of the blades, gluing in the starting stick. Launch.

Making a helicopter with a rubber motor:

1. Manufacturing of the fuselage, which consists of two vertical slats, two bosses and wings.

2. Making helicopter wings and covering them.

3. Manufacturing of a propeller.

4.Manufacture of a rubber motor. Launch.

Topic 6: Airplanes and their models – 14 hours

Theoretical part

1. First tests and methods of manufacturing aircraft.

2. Civil and military aircraft.

3. Basic elements of aircraft design.

4.Propeller operation.


6. Safe work rules.

7. Leading aircraft designers of the country.

Practical work

Making a schematic rubber-engine model of an aircraft.

1. Making life-size drawings of the main parts of the model.

2. Manufacturing of the wing and ribs.

3. Making the edges of the stabilizer, the hook for the rubber motor.

4.Manufacture of chassis and propeller.

5. Model assembly:

Attachment to the power rack of the tail unit, propeller with bearing, chassis, suspension of the rubber motor;

Finding the CG model;

Installing the wing and securing it.

6.Adjustment launches, competitions.

Topic 7: Stand and collectible aircraft models – 24 hours

Theoretical part

1. Bench aircraft modeling as one of the types of technical creativity.

2. Features of painting bench models.

3.International requirements up to the scale of bench models.

4.Collectible bench models.

5. Secrets of technology for assembling test bench aircraft.

6.Safe work rules.

7. Conversation “Airplanes”.

8. Crossword puzzle “Aviation”.

Practical work

Production of test bench aircraft:

1.Assembly of the Yak-9D aircraft

2.Painting the Yak-9D aircraft

3.Assembling the An-2 aircraft

4.Painting the An-2 aircraft

5.Assembling an I-270 aircraft

6.Painting the I-270 aircraft

7.Assembling the F-15 aircraft

8.Painting the F-15 aircraft

Topic 8: Making bench helicopters – 16 hours

Theoretical part

1. Conversation “Helicopter flight”

2.Collectible stand helicopters

3.International requirements up to the scale of bench models.

4. Features of painting bench models.

5. Safety rules

5. Secrets of the technology for assembling bench helicopters.

7.Crossword “Helicopters”

8. Types of coating for test bench helicopters.

Practical work

Manufacturing of bench helicopters:

1.Assembling the Mi-8 helicopter

2.Painting the Mi-8 helicopter

3.Assembling the Night Hunter helicopter

4.Painting the “Night Hunter” helicopter

5.Assembling the helicopter

6.Painting the helicopter

Topic 9: Final lesson – 4 hours

Theoretical part

1.Safety rules.

2. Summing up the work of the circle.

Practical work

1. Demonstration launches.

2. Exhibition of models made during the year.

Material and technical equipment.

    Machine tools –

    • combined wood,



      screw-cutting lathe,



      air compressor.


Pliers, - files,

Pliers, - steel brush,

Round nose pliers, - drills,

Screwdrivers, - thread-cutting tools,

Hammer, plane,

Hacksaw, - hand drill,

Mallet, - rulers,

Wood saw, - caliper,

Chisels, - micrometer,

Scales with weights, - square,

Tester, - el. soldering iron,

    Materials –

Wood, - plywood,

Fiberglass, - mica paper,

Lavsan - rubber,

Cardboard, - sheet metals,

Threads, - wire,

Glue, - tin,

Nitro paint, - fasteners,

Nitrolacquer, carbon fiber.

    Additional equipment –

    • rocket engines,



Providing program material.

    Technical training aids



    tape recorder.

    Educational and visual aids

    educational posters,

    information stand,

    visual aids,

    diagrams, drawings.

Literature for teachers and children

    Antonov A.P., Muravyov E.M. Processing of structural materials Moscow, Education, 1982

    Goevsky O.K. Aeromodelling. M.:DOSAAF, 1990

    Duz P.D. History of aeronautics and aviation in Russia - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1989

    Ermakov A.M. the simplest aircraft models - M.: Education, 1984

    Rozhkov V.S. Aircraft modeling circle - Enlightenment, 1986

    Lagutin O.V. Airplane on the table -M.: DOSAAFD988

    Ville R.I. Construction of flying replica models - M.: DSAAF, 1986

    Pavlov A.P. Your first model - M.: DSAAF, 1979

    Kalina Jiri Engine for sports modeling - M.: DSAAF, 1988

    V.A. Zavorotov. From idea to model - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1988


    "Aviation and Cosmonautics"

    "Aerospace courier"

    "Model designer"

    "Key to start"

    "Wings of the Motherland"

    Yeisk city, Krasnodar region

    (territorial, administrative district (city, district, village)

    Municipal educational institution of additional education for children station of young technicians of the city of Yeisk municipal formation Yeisk district

    (full name of the educational institution)


    Decision of the teachers' council protocol No.__

    From " " _____ 20____

    Chairman of the Teachers' Council

    L.P. Kryachko

    Signature of the head of the educational institution

    Work program

    Mug "Aeromodelling"

    indicate the subject, course, module

    Level of education (age) 7 – 18 years old _____________________

    Program implementation period –3 year

    Number of hours – 576 hours

    Additional education teacher –Bortnikov Stanislav Valentinovich

    Yeisk, 2010


    The author's program of aircraft modeling clubs is compiled on the basis of many years of experience in aircraft modeling, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of the younger generation, the existing material base, equipment, and the available workshop.

    This program is original in that it combines teaching children how to build various aircraft, so that everyone can choose their own focus in aircraft modeling and training aircraft model athletes. This program is personality-oriented and is designed so that each student has the opportunity to choose a specific object of work that is most interesting and acceptable to him.

    This program is designed for three years of education for children from 7 to 18 years old.

    Training is carried out taking into account the individual abilities of children, their level of knowledge and skills. The first year of study is allocated 144 hours (classes 2 times a week for 2 hours), for the second and subsequent years - 216 hours (3 times a week for 2 hours). The number of students in the circle for 1 year is 12 people, the second and subsequent years are 8-10 people.

    Building flying models is the first step into “big aviation.” But children become interested in it long before the question of their future profession arises in front of them. For them, this is, first of all, an exciting game. It is unlikely that modeling would be of such interest to children almost from preschool age because it provides an opportunity to practically become acquainted with the elements of aviation technology and the physical foundations of flight. These goals are understandable to adults, understandable to high school students, and children are attracted not so much by the educational side as by the playful side of aircraft modeling, the opportunity to make a model with their own hands that flies “just like a real plane,” to fly it, that is, to play with aviation. It would not be an exaggeration to say that a teenager who launches a model airplane into the air mentally controls it, or rather, a real airplane.

    An airplane model is a miniature airplane with all its properties, its aerodynamics, strength, and design. To build a flying model, you need certain skills and knowledge.

    In aircraft modeling clubs, children of all ages enthusiastically build models. Airplane models are made from the simplest, using paper and cardboard, to the most complex with engines. By doing aircraft modeling, schoolchildren acquire knowledge in mathematics, physics, drawing, geography, and meteorology. The children learn to work with various tools, which will definitely come in handy in life. More than one famous pilot began his career by studying in an aircraft modeling club. From the ranks of young aircraft modelers came many talented designers and scientists, outstanding pilots and cosmonauts. Among them are people whose names all of Russia and Kuban are proud of - Tupolev, Antonov (designers); pilots Gromov, Pokryshkin, Khryukin.

    Aircraft modeling is a synthesis of sports and technical creativity, perhaps for some it is the path to a profession.

    Purpose of the program: creating conditions for the individual development of students’ creative potential through aircraft modeling classes.



    Development of technical thinking;

    Formation of knowledge in the field of aerodynamics;

    Teaching children to use correct technical terminology, technical concepts and information in speech;

    Formation of skills in working with tools and devices when processing various materials;

    Formation of the ability to independently solve issues of design and manufacture of aircraft models;

    Motivation for attitude towards learning as an important and necessary matter for the individual and society.


    Development of creative thinking;

    Development of mental work skills (memorize, analyze, evaluate, etc.).


    Cultivating perseverance in overcoming difficulties and achieving goals;

    Instilling accuracy, discipline, responsibility for the assigned work;

    Introducing to the norms of social life;

    Education of patriotism;

    Clubs of the first and second years of study cover the range of initial knowledge and skills necessary to work on the manufacture and launch of simple flying models. During the classes, children get acquainted with basic information on the theory of flight, the history of aviation, and acquire labor skills.

    In the third year of study, work expands knowledge of aviation and model technology, the basics of aerodynamics and methods of carrying out simple technical calculations.

    The main methods of conducting classes in the circle are practical work and competitions. The children consolidate and deepen their theoretical knowledge, develop relevant skills, practice launching models, learn to control them, and compete with each other.

    Practical work throughout the course consists of the following main stages:

    1. Production of drawings, templates, devices.
    2. Selection of tools and equipment.
    3. Procurement and initial processing of materials.
    4. Production of models according to individual plans.
    5. Model finishing.
    6. Adjustments and test runs.
    7. Elimination of identified deficiencies.
    8. Competitions on manufactured models.

    At the initial stage, the reproductive method predominates, which is used to make models. The presentation of theoretical material and all explanations are given both simultaneously to all group members and individually. In the future, the scientific-cognitive method becomes the main method. When conducting classes, the method of consultation and work with technical, reference literature, and manuals is also used.

    At the end of the course, the child should know: TB rules; requirements for workplace organization; drawing tools and devices; symbols on the drawings; geometric shapes; properties of various materials and methods of their processing.

    Be able to: properly handle drawing tools and devices; enlarge and reduce the drawing; divide the circle into different parts; perform various markings; make changes to the design of models; work with templates, patterns; carry out practical work independently (including from a drawing); competently use technical terminology, technical concepts and information in speech.

    Thematic distribution of hours by year of study

    1st year of study



    Number of hours




    Introductory lesson.

    Materials and tools.


    Parachute model competitions.


    Model kite competitions.

    Glider "Polyot" is an aircraft.

    Competitions on “Flight” models.

    Glider airplane "Oktyabryonok" with a motor.

    Competition on airplane models "Oktyabryonok".

    Helicopter – “Dragonfly”, taking off vertically.

    Competition on “Dragonfly” models.

    Schematic model of the airframe.

    Competitions on schematic models of gliders.

    Final lessons.

    2nd year of study


    Number of hours




    TB in an aircraft modeling circle

    Model of a radio electric vehicle 1) Radio wave, operating principle of aircraft model radio equipment

    2) On-board equipment of the electric aircraft, controls 3) Procurement and processing of materials for the construction of the radio electric aircraft 4) Manufacturing of wing parts, gluing

    5) Manufacturing of fuselage parts, gluing 6) Manufacturing of tail parts, gluing 7) Manufacturing of parts of ailerons, elevator, rudder 8) Processing of the wing 9) Processing of the fuselage 10) Processing of the tail

    11) Manufacturing and installation of motor mount

    12) Manufacturing and installation of reinforcements under the landing gear 13) Installation of ailerons, elevator, rudder 14) Manufacturing of aileron horns, elevator, rudder 15) Installation of horns16) Manufacturing of brackets for steering gears 17) Installation of steering gears 18) Manufacturing and installation of control rods 19) Assembling the model 20) Manufacturing of racks chassis, wheels

    21) Installing the landing gear on the model 22) Painting the model 23) Final finishing of the model 24) Installing the engine 25) Installing steering gears 26) Installing and testing the on-board equipment 27) Aligning the model 28) Aircraft model simulator - the principle of training 29) Training to pilot a radio-electric aircraft on a simulator 30 )Electroplane flights

    Competitions on electric aircraft models

    Radioelectric glider

    1) Phenomena in the atmosphere. Possibility of soaring flights 2) Preparation and processing of materials for the manufacture of a radio-electric glider 3) Manufacturing of wing templates 4) Manufacturing of wing ribs 5) Manufacturing of a longitudinal set of wings 6) Wing assembly 7) Wing assembly 8) Wing processing 9) Wing processing 10) Manufacturing and installation of winglets

    11) Manufacturing of ailerons 12) Manufacturing of ailerons 13) Installation of ailerons on the wing 14) Covering the wing 15) Manufacturing of the stabilizer 16) Covering the stabilizer 17) Manufacturing of the keel 18) Covering the keel 19) Manufacturing of the elevator and rudder 20) Manufacturing of rudder canopies 21) Installation rudders on the tail 22) Covering the tail 23)

    24) Manufacturing of a longitudinal set of the fuselage 25) Assembly of the fuselage 26) Processing of the fuselage 27) Upholstery of the fuselage 28) Installation of the electric motor on the fuselage 29) Installation of steering gears 30) Manufacturing and installation of steering rods

    31) Installation of on-board equipment

    32)Assembling and centering the model 33)Adjusting the model controls

    34) The principle of teaching flights on a simulator 35) Training in soaring flights on a simulator 36) Test runs of a radio-electric glider 37) Soaring flights

    Competitions on models of radio-electric gliders

    Final lesson


    3rd year of study


    Number of hours




    Introductory lesson. Familiarization with the work plan and internal regulations. Tour of SUT

    Safety precautions

    Personal tools and accessories

    Techniques for working with the tool

    "Sheriff" "Frog"

    Radio controlled models.

    Sports classes.

    Procurement and processing of materials for the manufacture of radio aircraft

    Making wing templates

    Making wing ribs

    Wing assembly

    Wing assembly

    Manufacturing and installation of endings

    Wing processing

    Aileron installation

    Wing cover

    Stabilizer production

    Stabilizer processing

    Making the keel

    Keel processing

    Manufacturing of elevators and steering wheels

    Manufacturing of fuselage frames

    Fuselage assembly

    Fuselage processing

    Manufacturing of landing gear struts and wheels

    Installing the chassis on the model

    Installation of engine, tank, on-board equipment

    Centering the model. Adjusting Controls

    Study of a simplified aerobatic complex

    Training flights

    Aerobatic radio aircraft with internal combustion engine

    Selection of a propeller-engine group for an aerobatic model

    Procurement and processing of materials for the manufacture of aerobatic models

    Making wing templates

    Making wing ribs

    Making a longitudinal wing kit

    Wing assembly

    Wing assembly

    Wing processing

    Manufacturing of ailerons and canopies

    Aileron installation

    Wing cover

    Stabilizer production

    Stabilizer cover

    Making the keel

    Keel cover

    Manufacturing of elevators and steering wheels

    Production of canopies, installation of rudders

    Manufacturing and installation of steering wheel hogs

    Manufacturing of fuselage frames

    Manufacturing of the longitudinal fuselage kit

    Fuselage assembly

    Fuselage processing

    Installation of the tail

    Fuselage and tail covering

    Production of control rods, installation

    Manufacturing of landing gear, installation of wheels

    Installation of chassis and on-board equipment on the model

    Installation on engine model, tank

    Model assembly, alignment. Setting up controls

    Studying the flight complex

    Practicing radio aerobatic flight on a simulator

    Training flights, practicing individual aerobatic maneuvers

    Elimination of identified deficiencies, adjustment of controls

    Training flights. Testing the pilot complex

    Final preparation of models for competitions

    Radio pilot competition

    Final lesson


    1st year of study (144 hours)

    1. Introductory lesson (2 hours). A brief overview of the history of aviation. The importance of aviation technology in our lives. The concept of aircraft models, their areas of application. Plan and order of work of the circle.
    2. Materials and tools (2 hours). Types of materials and tools. Techniques for processing materials with appropriate tools. Compliance with safety requirements.
    3. Parachutes (4 hours).History of invention, scope, development of the idea. Various modifications of parachutes. Stowing parachutes. Making a simple parachute model.
    4. Competitions based on a manufactured parachute model(2 hours). Flight duration in several (3) rounds.
    5. Kites (6 hours). Principles of kite flight. Variety of shapes and design solutions. Making a flat kite. Additional devices.
    6. Model kite competition (2 hours). Flight altitude and design quality.
    7. Glider “Flight” (8 hours).Non-motorized aircraft. What allows the glider to stay in the air. Introduction to aerodynamics. Making a model of the flying glider “Flight”.
    8. Model competition (2 hours)“Flight” in two exercises: for range and duration of flight.
    9. Airplane - glider with motor (20 hours). Methods of creating the motive force of an aircraft, types of power plants. A brief overview of aircraft technology from its origins to the present day. Rubber engine - operating features. Construction of a rubber-engine model of the Oktyabryonok aircraft.
    10. Airplane model competition (2 hours)"Oktyabryonok" for the duration of the flight in 3 rounds.
    11. Helicopter “Dragonfly” (18 hours).Vertical take-off and landing apparatus. An indispensable “worker”, the area of ​​application of helicopters. A number of design solutions in helicopter technology, starting from the model of M.V. Lomonosov. making a model of the Dragonfly helicopter.
    12. Airplane model competition (4 hours)“Dragonfly” for the duration of the flight in 3 rounds.
    13. Schematic model of the airframe (66 hours). Training card for a beginner aircraft modeller. Sports technique and tactics of participation in competitions. Phenomena in the atmosphere and their use for soaring flights of gliders. Making a schematic model of the airframe. Mechanization of the model to achieve high results that constitute success.
    14. Competition on schematic models (4 hours)gliders for a flight duration of 3 rounds with a timing limit of 1 minute.
    15. Summing up the work of the circle, analysis of the training activities of aircraft modellers, prospects for work in the new academic year.

    2nd year of study (216 hours)

    1. Introductory lesson (2 hours). The main stages in the development of aircraft modeling in our country. Models-champions and models-workers. The contribution of aircraft modelers to the life of Russia.
    2. Labor safety rules(4 hours) in an aircraft modeling circle when working with carpentry tools. Rules for handling electrical appliances.
    3. Radioelectric model(90 hours). Foam processing technology. The concept of a wing profile and the principle of its operation to create lift. ManufacturingRadioelectric models. ways to adjust the model.
    4. Model competitions electric flights (2 hours) “Volume-1” for a flight duration of 5 rounds.
    5. Radioelectric glider (112 hours). Strengthening skills in working with foam plastic. Propeller group - features of operation and maintenance. Construction of a radio-electric glider. Familiarization with issues of copyability and coloring of the model. Features of adjustment of motor models.
    6. Competition on models of radio-electric gliders (2 hours)for the duration of the flight in 5 rounds.
    7. Final lesson (2 hours). Summing up the work for the year. Assessment of the activities of aircraft modellers. Planning work for the next academic year.

    3rd year of study (216 hours)

    1. Introductory lesson (2 hours). Aircraft modeling in Kuban. Achievements of Kuban aircraft modelers. Model classes, their features, competition rules.
    2. Safety (8 hours). Organization of the workplace. Techniques for working with hand tools. Paint coatings and methods of their application.
    3. Radio training aircraft with internal combustion engine:"Sheriff" "Frog"(98 hours) . improving work with foam plastic. Development of skills to achieve a copyable model. Construction of a semi-copy of the Yak-50 aircraft. Work on a copy painting of the model.
    4. Model competitions"Sheriff" (2 hours). Assessment of the quality and copyability of execution and flight duration in 3 rounds.
    5. Aerobatic radio aircraft with internal combustion engine (102 hours).Differences when working with compression and glow engines. Production of a cord training aerobatic model of an aircraft. Features of the control system. Selection of flight propellers, balancing. Familiarization with the aerobatic complex and competition rules. Training flights, practical mastery of a complex of figures.
    6. Aerobatics competition (2 hours). Aerobatic model starts. Assessing the quality of aerobatic maneuvers.
    7. Final lesson (2 hours).Analysis of the work carried out during the academic year. Assessment of the achievements of young aircraft modelers. Review of prospects for future activities.

    As mentioned above, the main method of conducting classes in a circle is practical work, and the children always cope with it if they are familiarized with the order of its implementation. Theoretical information is presented to students in the form of educational conversations of short duration (15-20 minutes). In the process of such conversations, the children’s vocabulary is replenished with special terminology.

    Sometimes it is better to limit theoretical work with circle members to explanations during the process. In order for interest in theory to be stable and deep, it is necessary to develop it gradually, gradually, presenting theoretical material as it becomes necessary to apply it in practice.

    When working with beginning modelers, the emphasis should be on mastering and practicing basic technological techniques for making models and practical skills in adjusting and launching them.

    A special place in the program is given to aircraft modeling competitions. This is the result of the long work of each modeller. At competitions, not only the quality of the model is tested, but also the ability to use all your knowledge and strength to achieve success. And this is preceded by study and training.

    Before each launch, it is necessary to inspect the model, check the reliability and strength of fastening of the parts. Properly eliminate flight defects.

    Forms of control and summing up.

    During the academic year, the following types of control are expected to be carried out in the circle:

    1. Frontal and individual conversation in order to identify interest and level of knowledge in relation to the specifics of the circle’s work.
    2. Conversations and quizzes, including not only questions about the theory of modeling, but also an element of games and riddles.
    3. Conducting intra-circle competitions.
    4. Participation in city and regional exhibitions.
    5. Participation in regional competitions.

    Materials, special equipment, tools and machine tools necessary for the implementation of the aircraft modeling club program.


    1. Wood: slats, plates, bars of various sections from pine, linden, balsa, hornbeam; construction plywood thickness 3; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12 mm; aircraft wood, thickness 1; 1.5; 2 mm.
    2. Foam plastic: construction 50 mm, ceiling panels 3-4 mm.
    3. Colored cardboard, colored paper, tissue paper, mica paper.
    4. Films: lavsan film, thermal film of different colors.
    5. Metals: sheet metal 0.3 mm; duralumin 1; 1.5; 2 mm; lead; OBC wire diameter 0.3; 0.8; 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5; 3 mm.
    6. Adhesives: PVA, Monolit, BF, epoxy resin.
    7. Paints: DYOLUX different colors, solvent.
    8. Rubber for engines.

    Special equipment:

    1. Model aircraft engines with a displacement of 1.5; 2.5; 3.5 cubic cm.
    2. Model aircraft radio equipment FLASH – 4, FOCUS-4.
    3. Fuel for aircraft model engines.


    1. Aircraft model knives, chisels.
    2. Jigsaws with saws, wood saw, metal saw.
    3. A big plane, a small plane.
    4. Hammers: large, medium, small.
    5. Files: flat, square, semicircular, round, triangular; set of files.
    6. Drill (brace), hand vice, set of drills 0.8-10 mm.
    7. Rulers, pencils, erasers.
    8. Pliers, round nose pliers, long nose pliers, side cutters, vices, clothespins.
    9. Sandpaper of different grits.
    10. Screwdrivers: flat, Phillips.
    11. Vernier calipers, micrometer.
    12. Soldering iron with soldering accessories.
    13. Iron

    Machine equipment and accessories:

    1. Circular saw.
    2. Drilling machine.
    3. Sharpener.
    4. Lathe.
    5. Compressor with spray gun (airbrush).
    6. Thermal cutter.


    For the teacher:

    1. Volodko A.M., Helicopter - a worker and a warrior. – M., 1984
    2. Golubev Yu.A., To the young aircraft modeller. – M.: Education, 1979
    3. Ermakov A.M., The simplest aircraft models. – M.: Education, 1989
    4. Nikitin G.A., Bakanov E.A., Fundamentals of Aviation. – M., 1984
    5. Smirnov E.P., How to design and build a flying model. – M.: Education, 1973
    6. Shavrov V.B., History of aircraft designs. – M., 1985

    For children:

    1. Arlazorov M.S., Designers. – M.: Education, 1989
    2. Gaevsky O.K., Aircraft modeling. – M.: Education, 1964
    3. Magazines: “Model Designer”, “Young Technician”, “Wings of the Motherland”, “Modeler”.
    4. Pantyukhin S.P., Kites. – M., 1985
    5. Yakovlev A.S., Soviet aircraft. – M.: Education, 1975
